Xcelsius 2008 & Windows 7

I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on when Windows 7 will be a supported operating system for Xcelsius 2008?  My understanding is that it will be supported at some point in time.  I have potential clients that won't purchase the software unless it is supported or there is a defined time frame.  I believe they are worried that a new edition will come out  right after they just spent the money on the old one.  Any insight would be appreciated.

Yes there is issue of exporting flash files into BOE. The File name textbox is not visible, seems there is some frame issues. But you can still overwrite the file contents. Else create the flash file from CMC and then overwrite them using xcelsius export. This worked fine for me.
Does anyone have a list of issues while working between Xcelsius 2008 and Windows 7. Please post if available.
Kishore BG

Similar Messages

  • Error to install Xcelsius 2008 on Windows vista. Error 1935.

    I have a big problem, I need install Xcelsius 2008 on Windows vista, but when I install the software apper the nex message:
    Error 1935 Error al instalar el ensamblado.
    "Microsoft.VC80.ATL,type ="Win32",version= "8.0.50727.762",pubicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",processorArchitecture="x86"". Consulte Ayude y soporte tecnico para obtener mas informacion.

    From a brief Google search, I determined this error message is from Vista. It is not being produced by Xcelsius. You will need to do your own search and determine what is causing Vista to report this error. You can also try installing using instructions for Xcelsius installation on Vista posted elsewhere in these forums.

  • Xcelsius 2008 Engage Won't Install in Windows 7

    The installation of Xcelsius 2008 Engage completes but the program cannot be used at all because the license key is stated to be missing or invalid.
    This is a common problem on other systems but it can be worked around in various ways. However the workarounds fail in Windows 7.
    The required registry entries that need to be edited are not present in Windows 7. Running as administrator does not solve the problem either.
    It seems Xcelsius 2008 can only be used on Windows 7 by running under an XP virtual machine.
    Does anyone have a way to get Xcelsius running natively on Windows 7?
    My Windows 7 system is the 64-bit release candidate. Xcelsius 4.5 runs on this but only when run as administrator and in XP SP3 compatibility mode with desktop composition and visual themes disabled.

    Download the offline installer from http://helpx.adobe.com/content/help/en/flash-player/kb/installation-problems-flash-player- windows.html#main-pars_header and save it to disk, then close all browser windows and run the downloaded installer.
    If you still have problems, please post the contents of the FlashInstall.log file in
    [topic moved to Flash Player forum]

  • Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.3 (FP3.3) is now available + supports Windows 7

    Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.3 (FP3.3) is the first version of Xcelsius 2008 that supports Windows 7 (see notes section below)
    It is now available from Service Marketplace and the support download site: SAP Crystal Solutions Downloads
    This Fix Pack must be applied to Xcelsius 2008 SP3 (version: or FP3.1 or FP3.2: Xcelsius 2008 SP3 is now available
    u2022 The Xcelsius Present 2008 Fix Pack 3.3 patch is for Xcelsius 2008 SP3 Present only.
    u2022 The Xcelsius Enterprise 2008 Fix Pack 3.3 patch is both for Xcelsius 2008 SP3 Engage and Enterprise.
    Make sure you download the self extracting file and run it from your hard drive.
    When you run the self extracting file it asks you where to extract the files to and then extracts all of the necessary files. There can be a few minutes delay between extracting the files and the installer window displaying so please be patient.
    After you have applied the Fix Pack the version number in the about box will be version:
    The documentation can be found on the SAP help portal. You can search for the Xcelsius guides here: http://help.sap.com/businessobject/product_guides/ including:
    u2022 What's Fixed in Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.3
    u2022 Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.3 Release Notes
    The Xcelsius Team
    Notes for installing and using Xcelsius 2008 on Windows 7 or Windows Vista
    Support for Windows 7
    Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.3 (FP3.3) is the first version of Xcelsius 2008 that supports Windows 7.
    Make sure you apply Fix Pack 3.3 if you are using Windows 7.
    Installation on Windows 7 or Vista
    When you install an Xcelsius 2008 Service Pack or an Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack run the installer as an administrator:
    To do that right-click on setup.exe and select Run as administrator.
    You will be asked if you want the setup program to make changes to your computer, select Yes.
    When the Fix Pack 3.3 installer finishes if you get the following warning This program may not have installed correctly then select Reinstall using recommended settings and the installer will run again.
    Turn off User Account Control on Windows Vista
    On Windows Vista only you must turn off User Account Control.
    If you do not then the Add-On Manager and Export to AIR menu items will be disabled:
    Go to START > Control Panel > User Accounts > Turn User Account Control on or off
    How to run Xcelsius 2008 as an administrator (see below for when to run as an administrator):
    Every time (recommended):
    Go to START > All Programs > Xcelsius and right-click on Xcelsius 2008 and select Properties. In the Compatibility tab under Privilege Level select Run this program as an administrator
    One time only:
    Go to START > All Programs > Xcelsius and right-click on Xcelsius 2008 and select Run as administrator.
    When to run Xcelsius 2008 as an administrator:
    Before you try to set or change the Xcelsius 2008 license key.
    If you do not the license key will not be updated or you may get a message saying that the license key is invalid.
    When you want to use the Add-on Manager to view add or remove add-ons (File > Manage Add-Ons).
    If you do not the Add-on Manager may crash or freeze.
    When you want to export to Adobe AIR
    If you do not then Export to AIR may crash or freeze.
    Please also see the Xcelsius Product Portal: https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/crystalreports-xcelsius
    Before posting on this forum please refer to the Xcelsius Forum Rules of Engagement: Welcome to the Xcelsius forum & Rules of Engagement

    when will IE8 be supprted with Xcelsuis 2008? I am having the problem that no new Connections (e.g. QaaWS) can be created... Thanks for a quick answer.
    Best regards,

  • Crash Xcelsius 2008 SP3 on Windows 7

    when I press the buttons open, save, save as, export, download add-on, ... crashes xcelsius
    and then to restart it I have to kill the excel process...
    This problem does not happen if I use CTR + S to save.
    I use Windows 7 Professional 32bit,  Excel 2007 and Xcelsius Enterprise 2008 SP3 Build Number
    Fix pack 3.3 and 3.4 do not solve the problem.
    Have you any solution? Thanks

    Supported platforms are : Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit Editions) (Requires Xcelsius 2008 SP3 Fix Pack 3 or later)
    But still can jus check with the below pdf if all the platform you have is supported one.

  • Windows 7 support for Xcelsius 2008

    This is to inform that Windows 7 is currently not supported on Xcelsius 2008 SP3.
    There are however discussions to be available in the next release.
    Best regards,
    Jenni Jacob

    Hi Jenni,
    It's working fine for me on Win7.
    You may want to use the XP Compatibilty mode (standard in Win7) or "install/run as administrator".

  • Error while installing Xcelsius 2008

    We are getting error while installing Xcelsius 2008  version 5.3.....
    "The upgrade patch cannot be installed by windows installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch"
    Kindly suggest how to install the Xcelsius latest verion.
    With Regards,

    Hi Pearl,
    Sorry if you've already done this, but have you installed Xcelsius 2008 SP3 first?  It sounds like you are trying to install a fix pack without first installing Xcelsius 2008.
    The downloads are all available from the [downloads service market place|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/boc/] (as per the stickied thread)
    If you choose Service Pack as the software type it will allow for download of the SP3 full install.
    Could it be this issue [Xcelsius FP3.5 error installing Excel2010; with solution from F. Kooij if you are referring to the latest fix pack 3.5 with Office 2010?
    Edited by: zygorf on May 24, 2011 12:53 PM

  • Xcelsius 2008 SP4 won't work on Win 7 but does on XP ?

    Hi I posted this a few weeks ago but no one has replied thought I'd try again it is really anoying I have to type everything in word and cut and paste into Xcelsius
    Touching any key on keyboard locks up Xcelsius Mouse OK SP4  
    Posted: Feb 1, 2012 2:37 AM     Edit          Reply 
    Just wondering if anyone has had any issues with xcelsius and using the keyboard. I have now tried the Enterprise Edition Xcelsius 2008 SP4 on 3 x Windows 7 machines (and the Xcelsius SP3 with hot fix 3.3 on 2 windows 7 machines) and if I open a new project drag a pie chart onto the canvas (or anything) and try to replace the heading pie chart with "MyChart" as soon as I hit the M the software locks up and I get the following message.
    Xcelsius has stopped working
    Windows can check online for a solution to the problem
    Check online for a solution to the problem
    Close the program
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: Xcelsius.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 4db76bf5
    Fault Module Name: MSVCR80.dll
    Fault Module Version: 8.0.50727.6195
    Fault Module Timestamp: 4dcddbf3
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 0001568f
    OS Version: 6.1.7600.
    Locale ID: 3081
    Additional Information 1: 0a9e
    Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    Additional Information 3: 0a9e
    Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    Read our privacy statement online:
    If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:
    The strange thing is that if I write MyChart in a cell in the excel sheet and copy and paste it over Pie Chart it works fine as soon as I hit a key (even the backspace) I lock up the program. We tried on a clean image Windows 7 machine that IT hadnu2019t given out yet and same thing happened then we loaded it on an old XP machine and it worked!
    I Tried changing the compatibility to Run on XP SP3 but that didnu2019t help and turning on run as Administrator made no differance
    . Any ideas?
    This is the same for changing the timing for the xml maps thatu2019s where I first noticed the keyboard locking up the software, you can change the time with the 2 arrows via the mouse but if you highlight 5 and then hit the 6 key its the same error as above
    Extra weird just opened it up and went to the help thought Iu2019d type in u201Ckeyboard locks upu201D and guess what as soon as I hit the K, same error
    All our images have Office 2007, Dasault Draft site and a few other bits of software I was running 4.5 Xcelsius and that was OK
    Any ideas would be most helpful.

    Hello David
    Thanks for replying this is really bugging me. Sorry I've been a while replying I've been overseas on a course last week and didn't have work email access.
    Firstly the machines that I have tried it on are HP desktops about 1-2 years old with USB keyboards
    I tried the on screen keyboard and it locked up as soon as I clicked on a character whilst trying to rename a pie chart, this was the same for a remote net support session, and a remote RDP login to my machine by our IT department.
    Our IT guy said the keyboard drivers were current but I may just try and do an upgrade and reply a bit later on that as well.
    Does not happen on any other software on this machine.
    I'm checking for Flash upgrades but we currently have and the newest is so will load that and reply later also.
    Do you think it possible to download a corrupted version of Xcelsius the stupid thing about that idea is that I downloaded SP4 but if I load SP3 hotfix 3.3 that also locks up and I have that on an official DVD from Rockwell Automation as Xcelsius comes with their Factory Talk Vantage Point software as a dashboard builder.
    Thanks again Darren

  • Can't get Preview to work in Xcelsius 2008

    My system crashes everytime I try to reun Preview in Xcelsius 2008.  I am running Windows XP and Office 2007.  I have installed all critical updates.  I have uninstalled and reinstalled Adobe Flashpoint.  When I hit Preview the system starts to generate the SWF and then I get the very polite message - Xcelsius.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.  Meanwhile the SWF is still trying to generate.  When I "click here" to get more information I get:
    ModName: msvcr80.dll
    ModVer: 8.0.50727.1433
    If I hit debug my computer goes into never never land and I have to reboot.  If I hit close then Xcelsius closes but then  Excel connection does not.  I either get the message "Problem Assesing Excel:Exiting" or "Excel cannot complete this task with available resources".  If I go to the task manager and exit Excel manually then I can reopen Xcelsius but I still can't run it. 
    The technical details report for the above:
        <MATCHING_FILE NAME="AccordionExtDll.dll" SIZE="66288" CHECKSUM="0x77E64A2C" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="1, 0, 0, 1" FILE_DESCRIPTION="AccordionExtDll DLL" PRODUCT_NAME="AccordionExtDll Dynamic Link Library" FILE_VERSION="1, 0, 0, 1" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="AccordionExtDll.DLL" INTERNAL_NAME="AccordionExtDll" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright (C) 2006" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x4" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x107D5" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="03/02/2008 00:34:45" UPTO_LINK_DATE="03/02/2008 00:34:45" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) " />
        <MATCHING_FILE NAME="BCGCBPRO910u80.dll" SIZE="3470072" CHECKSUM="0xB581EEB7" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="9, 10, 0, 0" FILE_DESCRIPTION="BCGControlBar Professional DLL" COMPANY_NAME="BCGSoft Ltd" PRODUCT_NAME="BCGControlBar Professional Dynamic Link Library" FILE_VERSION="9, 10, 0, 0" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="BCGCBPro.DLL" INTERNAL_NAME="BCGCBPro" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright (c) 2000-2006 BCGSoft Ltd. All rights reserved" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x4" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x35561A" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="03/02/2008 00:11:12" UPTO_LINK_DATE="03/02/2008 00:11:12" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) " />
        <MATCHING_FILE NAME="icudt38.dll" SIZE="11195120" CHECKSUM="0xE71DAD4D" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="3, 8, 0, 0" FILE_DESCRIPTION="ICU Data DLL" COMPANY_NAME="IBM Corporation and others" PRODUCT_NAME="International Components for Unicode" FILE_VERSION="3, 8, 0, 0" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="icudt38.dll" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT=" Copyright (C) 2007, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. " VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x4" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0xABBCBD" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="03/02/2008 00:16:54" UPTO_LINK_DATE="03/02/2008 00:16:54" VER_LANGUAGE="Language Neutral " />
        <MATCHING_FILE NAME="icuin38.dll" SIZE="914160" CHECKSUM="0x6C97590E" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="3, 8, 0, 0" FILE_DESCRIPTION="IBM ICU I18N DLL" COMPANY_NAME="IBM Corporation and others" PRODUCT_NAME="International Components for Unicode" FILE_VERSION="3, 8, 0, 0" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="icuin38.dll" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT=" Copyright (C) 2007, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. " VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x4" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0xEEF22" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="03/02/2008 00:14:13" UPTO_LINK_DATE="03/02/2008 00:14:13" VER_LANGUAGE="Language Neutral " />
        <MATCHING_FILE NAME="icuuc38.dll" SIZE="922352" CHECKSUM="0xBDD34113" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="3, 8, 0, 0" FILE_DESCRIPTION="IBM ICU Common DLL" COMPANY_NAME="IBM Corporation and others" PRODUCT_NAME="International Components for Unicode" FILE_VERSION="3, 8, 0, 0" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="icuuc38.dll" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT=" Copyright (C) 2007, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. " VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x4" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0xEE322" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="03/02/2008 00:12:48" UPTO_LINK_DATE="03/02/2008 00:12:48" VER_LANGUAGE="Language Neutral " />
        <MATCHING_FILE NAME="keydecoder.dll" SIZE="2499352" CHECKSUM="0x2D11A7B2" BIN_FILE_VERSION="" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" PRODUCT_VERSION="" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Business Objects keycode decoder" COMPANY_NAME="Business Objects" PRODUCT_NAME="Business Objects keycode decoder" FILE_VERSION="" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="keydecoder.dll" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="Copyright 1999-2008 Business Objects" VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x4" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x27205A" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="" LINK_DATE="02/26/2008 23:38:39" UPTO_LINK_DATE="02/26/2008 23:38:39" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) " />
        <MATCHING_FILE NAME="msvcr80.dll" SIZE="635904" CHECKSUM="0x47E3D63C" BIN_FILE_VERSION="8.0.50727.1433" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="8.0.50727.1433" PRODUCT_VERSION="8.00.50727.1433" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Microsoft® C Runtime Library" COMPANY_NAME="Microsoft Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005" FILE_VERSION="8.00.50727.1433" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="MSVCR80.DLL" INTERNAL_NAME="MSVCR80.DLL" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="© Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0x9DFC9" LINKER_VERSION="0x0" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="8.0.50727.1433" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="8.0.50727.1433" LINK_DATE="10/24/2007 03:02:06" UPTO_LINK_DATE="10/24/2007 03:02:06" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) " />
        <MATCHING_FILE NAME="kernel32.dll" SIZE="989696" CHECKSUM="0x7D737C09" BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.5512" BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.5512" PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.5512" FILE_DESCRIPTION="Windows NT BASE API Client DLL" COMPANY_NAME="Microsoft Corporation" PRODUCT_NAME="Microsoft® Windows® Operating System" FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111)" ORIGINAL_FILENAME="kernel32" INTERNAL_NAME="kernel32" LEGAL_COPYRIGHT="© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved." VERFILEDATEHI="0x0" VERFILEDATELO="0x0" VERFILEOS="0x40004" VERFILETYPE="0x2" MODULE_TYPE="WIN32" PE_CHECKSUM="0xF44A2" LINKER_VERSION="0x50001" UPTO_BIN_FILE_VERSION="5.1.2600.5512" UPTO_BIN_PRODUCT_VERSION="5.1.2600.5512" LINK_DATE="04/14/2008 00:11:24" UPTO_LINK_DATE="04/14/2008 00:11:24" VER_LANGUAGE="English (United States) " />

    Okay I've tried a couple of things since I posted this original question.  Starting with once again uninstalling and reinstalling Xcelsius and Flashpoint.  Based on your question I tried all the export options - it crashes everytime.  The problem must be in generating the SWF.  If I start with the blank page and blank excel it'll let me go to preview.  If I open one of your example files it'll work.  If I open any of the files I built in 4.5 it crashes.  If I just import in one of my excel files and leave the canvas blank it crashes.  Kind of suggests it's an excel problem or an interface problem.  I do notice it doesn't matter if I'm importing an 2003 .xls file, a 2007 compatible .xls file, or a 2007 .xlsx I get the same incompatibly box before it'll import.
    The spreadsheet I'm wokring off from works fine in 4.5 Professional
    Edited by: Maureen LaComb on Jul 24, 2008 10:56 PM

  • Xcelsius 2008 SP3 and SAP Netweaver 7.01 Connection

    Hello everyone,
    Im getting the next spanish error "El sistema al que está conectado en estos momentos no es BW 7.02 ni posterior. Desconéctese y elija otro sistema.". Just when im trying to connect xcelsius 2008 and sap netweaver 7.01. I get this error when i try to set a SAP Netweaver BW Connection.
    My configuration is like this:
    Server Side:
    Windows Server Enterprise 2008 SP1 64 bits
    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 SP2 FixPack 4
    Java Connector (Jco): 2.1.8 32 bits
    Integration Kit for SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.1 SP2 FixPack 4
    SAP GUI 710 Patch Level 14
    Client Side:
    OS: Windows 7
    Xcelsius Designer 2008
    Thanks a lot to everyone

    Ashish thanks for your reply,
    im not using a live office connection, my problem is from xcelsius directly.
    I try to connect using the sap native client (SAP LOGON APPLICATION) and i have no problem, it works fine.
    in the client side i also have installed SAP GUI 710 patch level 11 but also i tested with level patch 14

  • Xcelsius 2008 - Known Issues (Installation)

    AA: Area Affected
    PD: Problem Description
    WA: WorkAround
    AA: Installing QAAWS from BOE Client
    PD: The Query As A Web Service (QAAWS) application has been combined with the BOE XI 3 BusinessObjects Client application. It was previously a separate application.
    This means that to use BOE XI 3 QAAWS with Xcelsius 2008, you must download the BOE XI 3 BusinessObject Client from the Business Objects Support site and install it on your client machine.
    WA: To install QAAWS download the BOE XI 3 BusinessObjects Client. You may or may not have access to this download based on the type of licensing agreement you have with Business Objects. Note that the BOE XI 3 BusinessObject client is about 600MB in size.
    AA: Installing Xcelsius 2008 when a higher version of the Adobe Flash Player exists
    PD: The Xcelsius 2008 installer will install a version of the Adobe Flash Player. If you have previously installed a higher version of the Flash player, you will get a warning message from the Xcelsius 2008 installer.
    WA: You can ignore this warning message. Your newer version of the Flash Player will not be changed.
    AA: Installing Xcelsius 2008 with other older BOE products.
    PD: After installing Xcelsius 2008 on a machine, some other older BOE products on the same machine stop working (eg. WebI Report Server, BOE XIR2)
    WA: Many BOE products share the same installer, as a result installing Xcelsius 2008 on the same machine other older products changes the default install folder to the newer BOE folder. For example with BOE XIR2 it changes the default BOE install directory to change to BOE XI 3 folder.
    C:\program files\business objects\businessobjects enterprise 11.5\" is changed to
    C:\program files\business objects\businessobjects enterprise 12\"
    The workaround is to manually edit the registry and change the key folder name back to its previous name.
    Use regedit to view the folder name in the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Business Objects/Enterprise/InstallRoot/Path".
    Double-click on path and change the Value data. In most cases the folder name is C:\program files\business objects\businessobjects enterprise 11.5\
    Note: please back up your registry before making any changes.
    AA: Uninstalling Live Office XI 3 from a machine with Xcelsius 2008
    PD: If you uninstall Live Office XI3 on a machine with Xcelsius 2008 also installed, the Xcelsius Keycode Expiry dialog box (License manager) pops up asking for the Xcelsius Keycode.
    WA: The Xcelsius keycode must be entered again to re-enable Xcelsius.
    AA: Installing Xcelsius with Office XP
    PD: Currently installing Xcelsius 2008 with Office XP is not supported due to a bug. Use Office 2003 or Office 2007 instead. If Office XP must be used see the workaround.
    WA: As a workaround to the issue of Xcelsius 2008 not installing with Office XP, users can manually add a registry key to enable installation. Please make a backup copy of the registry before making any changes.
    1. Go to Start > Run. Start the registry editor by entering 'regedit'.
    2. Select the folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and navigate to \Software\Microsoft\Office\
    3. Create an 11.0 folder, if it doesn't exist, by selecting Edit > New > Key from the menu.
    4. Create a subfolder called PowerPoint
    5. Create a subfolder under PowerPoint called InstallRoot
    You should now have the folder structure listed below:
    6. From the InstallRoot folder create a string value called "Path" by selecting Edit > New > String Value
    7. Select the newly created Path value and select Edit > Modify.
    8. Under the Value Data field enter "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\"
    9. Click OK.
    10. Exit the registry editor.
    11. Reboot your machine.
    You should now be able to install Xcelsius 2008.
    AA: Creating a Web Part for SharePoint Portal Server 2007
    PD: The current Xcelsius Web Part installer Setup.exe does not work with SharePoint Portal Server 2007.
    Note: Sharepoint Portal 2003 is supported.
    WA: You can manually install the web part to use with Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2007. Microsoft does not provide a mechanism to build a Web Part installer for SharePoint 2007. For instruction on manual installation see the Xcelsius Support website. (see follow up post below)

    The current Xcelsius Web Part installer Setup.exe does not work with SharePoint 2007 (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0). Here is the workaround to install Web Part in SharePoint 2007 manually.
    The easiest way to install a web part in SharePoint is to add the web part assemblies to Global Assembly Cache. To do so:
    1. Download and unzip the attached Xwp.zip. Drag Xwp.dll and ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll into C:\WINDOWS\assembly folder on the machine running SharePoint 2007.
    2. Open web.config file located in the root of a Windows SharePoint Service 3.0 Web Application directory with Notepad. Normally, the physical location of the default WSS 3.0 Web Application root is C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80.
    [Click here for more information on how to Find the Web Application Root|http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms474356.aspx].
    3. Insert the following <SafeControl> tag between <SafeControls> and </SafeControls>.
    <SafeControl Assembly="Xwp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7e58495f1a9ea430"
    Namespace="CrystalXcelsius.SharePoint.WebParts" TypeName="*" Safe="True" />
    4. In SharePoint Portal Site Home page, from Site Actions drop-down menu, go to Site Settings->Modify All Site Settings. Click Web Parts under Galleries to open Web Part Gallery Page. Click New to open New Web Parts page. Check CrystalXcelsius.SharePoint.WebParts.Container checkbox and click Populate Gallery. Once it is populated, you will be able to add Container web part to your web part page in SharePoint 2007.

  • BO 3.1 after Xcelsius 2008 installation

    Hello everyone,
    I have a problem with BO 3.1 environment after Xcelsius 2008 installation. When i try to open Webi reports in InfoView (which worked fine before the installation), "Cannot execute this operation: a valid license was not found (Error: INF)" message appears.
    I have applied licence codes from partner's temporary license files (Xcelsius 2008 Enterprise license and BO 3.1 Enterprise license).
    I tried to unistall Xcelsius to prevent Webi reports from crashing but after that CMS is not able to start. Actually Configuration Manager shows that it works just fine but there is not a possibility to log on to it.
    Anyone have some suggestions regarding this issue
    PS. my system is Windows 2008 Server.
    Best regards
    Wojtek Materna

    Thanks for the quick response Wojtek!
    However, reinstallation of Xcelsius didn't work for me and removing it only made things worse so now I have redone the whole BOXI 3.1 installation and things seems to work so far. It was only a demo server so it wont be to much hassle getting content back.

  • Xcelsius 2008 - Known Issues (Application)

    AA: Area Affected
    PD: Problem Description
    WA: WorkAround
    AA: How to recover from an Xcelsius crash
    PD: If Xcelsius crashes during use, it may leave an orphan Excel process running in the Windows Task Manager. This is most often seen when you can't restart Xcelsius or Excel.
    WA: You must go to the task manager and kill the Excel process before restarting Xcelsius, otherwise an Error message will occur. Press the CTRL-ALT-DEL keys simultaneously. Click on Task Manager. Click Process tab. Find and highlight any Excel.exe process. Click End Process. Exit Task Manager. Restart Xcelsius.
    AA: Importing an Xcelsius 2008 SWF as a Canvas Image
    PD: The Xcelsius 2008 canvas property sheet allows you import various file formats as background images, including SWF files. However Xcelsius 2008 SWF files cannot be imported; non-Xcelsius SWF files and CX4.5 SWF files can be imported.
    WA: Do not import Xcelsius 2008 SWF files as a background image into the canvas or any image component or slideshow. This may cause a crash.
    AA: Object browser Delete Key does not work
    PD: Object browser: "Del" shortcut key is not working to delete the component thru object browser - This is by design - to prevent deletion of grouped components by mistake.
    WA: Use Edit Delete on menu or right-click Del to delete components from the Object Browser.
    AA: Starting Xcelsius causes Server Busy Error
    PD: Starting Xcelsius may occasionally cause a server is busy error.
    This is usually caused by a currently running Excel process. When Xcelsius starts it attempts to launch an instance of Excel or reuse a current instance. If that instance is busy, a warning message is displayed.
    WA: Please click 'retry' until the error disappears and Xcelsius starts normally.
    AA: Excel Interaction with Compatibility Mode turned ON
    PD: When you turn Xcelsius compatibility mode ON, you can only use Excel from within Xcelsius 2008. It will block other spreadsheets that are open or that you try to open using this instance of Excel.
    WA: Compatibility mode will be turned OFF by default. If you turn it on and then you need to use Excel outside of Xcelsius 2008, turn off compatibility mode. Or launch another instance of Excel from Start - Programs menu.
    If you attempt to open an external Excel spreadsheet (by double-clicking a file or opening an attachment in Outlook) all interaction with the spreadsheet is disabled.
    If you launch a new instance of Excel and then try to open your spreadsheet or XLS attachment in Outlook it will open fine.
    Compatibility Mode is found under the File - Preferences - Excel Options menu. For further information read the information in the Release Notes supplied with the Xcelsius 2008 installer documentation.
    AA: Crystal Xcelsius 4.5 XLF files won't open by clicking
    PD: Trying to open an Crystal Xcelsius 4.5 XLF by clicking on the filename results in an Xcelsius 2008 error message: "Crystal Xcelsius is unable to load this file. This file may be corrupt or have features that cannot be supported by this version of Cyrstal Xcelsius."
    WA: There is a known issue with Xcelsius 2008 opening Crystal Xcelsius 4.5 models by clicking on the filename. The workaround is to open the models in Xcelsius 2008 from the File-Open menu instead.

    1) arrow keys don't re-position selected elements on the stage
    2) fonts are ~2 units smaller after an import from 4.5 into 2008.
    Edited by: Amy Snapp on Jul 28, 2008 4:18 PM
    The above are not "official" Known Issues documented by the developement team prior to release of Xcelsius 2008.

  • Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.5 (FP3.5) is now available

    Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.5 (FP3.5) supports Windows 7, see notes section below
    (Fix Pack 3.3 was the first version for Windows 7)
    It is now available from Service Marketplace and the support download site: SAP Crystal Solutions Downloads
    This Fix Pack must be applied to Xcelsius 2008 SP3 (version: or FP3.1, FP3.2, FP3.3 or FP3.4: See: Xcelsius 2008 SP3 is now available
    u2022 The Xcelsius Present 2008 Fix Pack 3.5 patch is for Xcelsius 2008 SP3 Present only.
    u2022 The Xcelsius Enterprise 2008 Fix Pack 3.5 patch is both for Xcelsius 2008 SP3 Engage and Enterprise.
    Make sure you download the self extracting file and run it from your hard drive.
    When you run the self extracting file it asks you where to extract the files to and then extracts all of the necessary files. There can be a few minutes delay between extracting the files and the installer window displaying so please be patient.
    After you have applied the Fix Pack the version number in the about box will be version:
    The documentation can be found on the SAP help portal. You can search for the Xcelsius guides here: http://help.sap.com/businessobject/product_guides/ including:
    u2022 What's Fixed in Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.5
    u2022 Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.5 Release Notes
    There is a post on this forum for the supported platforms, see: Xcelsius 2008 Supported Platforms
    The Xcelsius Team
    Notes for installing and using Xcelsius 2008 on Windows 7 or Windows Vista
    Support for Windows 7
    Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.5 (FP3.5) supports Windows 7 (Fix Pack 3.3 was the first version for Windows 7).
    Installation on Windows 7 or Vista
    When you install an Xcelsius 2008 Service Pack or an Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack run the installer as an administrator:
    To do that right-click on setup.exe and select Run as administrator.
    You will be asked if you want the setup program to make changes to your computer, select Yes.
    When the installer finishes if you get the following warning This program may not have installed correctly then select Reinstall using recommended settings and the installer will run again.
    Turn off User Account Control on Windows Vista
    On Windows Vista only you must turn off User Account Control.
    If you do not then the Add-On Manager and Export to AIR menu items will be disabled:
    Go to START > Control Panel > User Accounts > Turn User Account Control on or off
    How to run Xcelsius 2008 as an administrator (see below for when to run as an administrator):
    Every time (recommended):
    Go to START > All Programs > Xcelsius and right-click on Xcelsius 2008 and select Properties. In the Compatibility tab under Privilege Level select Run this program as an administrator
    One time only:
    Go to START > All Programs > Xcelsius and right-click on Xcelsius 2008 and select Run as administrator.
    When to run Xcelsius 2008 as an administrator:
    Before you try to set or change the Xcelsius 2008 license key.
    If you do not the license key will not be updated or you may get a message saying that the license key is invalid.
    When you want to use the Add-on Manager to view add or remove add-ons (File > Manage Add-Ons).
    If you do not the Add-on Manager may crash or freeze.
    When you want to export to Adobe AIR
    If you do not then Export to AIR may crash or freeze.
    Please also see the SAP Crystal Solutions Support Portal: http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/crystal-xcelsius-support
    Before posting on this forum please refer to the Xcelsius Forum Rules of Engagement: Welcome to the Xcelsius forum & Rules of Engagement

    when will IE8 be supprted with Xcelsuis 2008? I am having the problem that no new Connections (e.g. QaaWS) can be created... Thanks for a quick answer.
    Best regards,

  • Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.4 (FP3.4) is now available

    Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.4 (FP3.4) supports Windows 7, see notes section below
    (Fix Pack 3.3 was the first version for Windows 7)
    It is now available from Service Marketplace and the support download site: SAP Crystal Solutions Downloads
    This Fix Pack must be applied to Xcelsius 2008 SP3 (version: or FP3.1, FP3.2 or FP3.3: See: Xcelsius 2008 SP3 is now available
    u2022 The Xcelsius Present 2008 Fix Pack 3.4 patch is for Xcelsius 2008 SP3 Present only.
    u2022 The Xcelsius Enterprise 2008 Fix Pack 3.4 patch is both for Xcelsius 2008 SP3 Engage and Enterprise.
    Make sure you download the self extracting file and run it from your hard drive.
    When you run the self extracting file it asks you where to extract the files to and then extracts all of the necessary files. There can be a few minutes delay between extracting the files and the installer window displaying so please be patient.
    After you have applied the Fix Pack the version number in the about box will be version:
    The documentation can be found on the SAP help portal. You can search for the Xcelsius guides here: http://help.sap.com/businessobject/product_guides/ including:
    u2022 What's Fixed in Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.4
    u2022 Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.4 Release Notes
    There is a post on this forum for the supported platforms, see: Xcelsius 2008 Supported Platforms
    The Xcelsius Team
    Notes for installing and using Xcelsius 2008 on Windows 7 or Windows Vista
    Support for Windows 7
    Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack 3.4 (FP3.4) supports Windows 7 (Fix Pack 3.3 was the first version for Windows 7).
    Installation on Windows 7 or Vista
    When you install an Xcelsius 2008 Service Pack or an Xcelsius 2008 Fix Pack run the installer as an administrator:
    To do that right-click on setup.exe and select Run as administrator.
    You will be asked if you want the setup program to make changes to your computer, select Yes.
    When the installer finishes if you get the following warning This program may not have installed correctly then select Reinstall using recommended settings and the installer will run again.
    Turn off User Account Control on Windows Vista
    On Windows Vista only you must turn off User Account Control.
    If you do not then the Add-On Manager and Export to AIR menu items will be disabled:
    Go to START > Control Panel > User Accounts > Turn User Account Control on or off
    How to run Xcelsius 2008 as an administrator (see below for when to run as an administrator):
    Every time (recommended):
    Go to START > All Programs > Xcelsius and right-click on Xcelsius 2008 and select Properties. In the Compatibility tab under Privilege Level select Run this program as an administrator
    One time only:
    Go to START > All Programs > Xcelsius and right-click on Xcelsius 2008 and select Run as administrator.
    When to run Xcelsius 2008 as an administrator:
    Before you try to set or change the Xcelsius 2008 license key.
    If you do not the license key will not be updated or you may get a message saying that the license key is invalid.
    When you want to use the Add-on Manager to view add or remove add-ons (File > Manage Add-Ons).
    If you do not the Add-on Manager may crash or freeze.
    When you want to export to Adobe AIR
    If you do not then Export to AIR may crash or freeze.
    Please also see the Xcelsius Product Portal: https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/crystalreports-xcelsius
    Before posting on this forum please refer to the Xcelsius Forum Rules of Engagement: Welcome to the Xcelsius forum & Rules of Engagement

    when will IE8 be supprted with Xcelsuis 2008? I am having the problem that no new Connections (e.g. QaaWS) can be created... Thanks for a quick answer.
    Best regards,

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