Xcode game question.

My teacher made a joke about an app that should be made for iPhone that is like bingo. I would like to make it so I can show it to him. It is like a bingo board, but has definitions of people (guy with a mohawk, Child on a leash, etc.) chose at random from a bank or something. When you click on the words, it goes to the camera, you take a picture of that described, and it puts it in the square. He said that this app would be fun for the NY State Fair. I was wondering what preset (if any) I should choose to make this app. I would also accept ideas on how to make other parts of this app. I have messed around with basic features of Mac and Mobile apps but nothing this intracite or games for that matter.

Ooops, the thread has moved to the right spot. Good luck with your iPhone masterpiece!

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    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
                                                                        Such as the food depleting and in turn lowering the health, and fluctuating market prices and so on.
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    You have to remove the proj_Prefix.pch and projPriv.h files from the project to delete them safely. In the project window, select the files you want to delete and press the Delete key. An alert opens asking you if you want to delete the references to the files or delete the files and references. Deleting the reference removes the file from the project but keeps it on your hard disk. Deleting the file and reference removes the file from the project and your hard disk. Deleting the reference, then moving the file to the Trash is safer than deleting the file and reference because you can recover the file if you find out you need it.
    You can get rid of the xcconfig files. Those are Xcode configuration files that contain build settings. Configuration files are useful if you make a lot of changes to Xcode's default build settings. By putting the changed settings in a configuration file, you don't have to change the settings in Xcode for every project.
    The point of a SVN repository is to track the changes you make to files. Put the files you need to track in the repository. At a minimum, you should put your source code files in the repository. What works for me is to put everything but the project's build folder in the repository. When I create a Xcode project I want to place under version control, I temporarily move the project's build folder. After importing the project into the repository and checking out the project's files, I move the build folder back with the project.

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    Hey all,
    I'm sure this is a question asked all the time, so
    please bear with me
    I'm really desiring to invest in a mac of some sort
    this summer, the only downside to mac at the moment,
    is that if you like to play games, the far majority
    are based for PC. Is there some way around through an
    emulator perhaps to be able to play such games on a
    Just install Windows on your Mac via Bootcamp and run the games in Windows.
    If yes, is it also possible to network a Mac into a
    LAN with PCs and play with/against those people on
    I did a few searches and I found a few devices out,
    or coming out that seem to suggest that a special
    network card is needed, but, if anyone knows the
    details - it would be greatly appreciated.
    Macs use the same ethernet cards that PCs do.

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    Hi djkhont,
    As someone who was recently trying to revive my old PC games, try the following utilities:
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    Hope this helps,
    iMac Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.16 GHz, 2 GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   iBook G3 366 MHz (graphite clamshell), 576 MB RAM, Mac OS X 10.3.9

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    Yes... you should be able to copy your purchased game files to another computer. Assuming I've read your message correctly you've restored your iPod and are now syncing with your iTunes library at home instead of work as previously. It should be possible to manually add the game while at work and then use Jeff's method from the previous post to recover the game to your home computer. If that is not possible there is another way...
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    Brian is correct that universal binary is the default for Xcode 3, but make sure you're using the Release build configuration. The Debug build configuration cannot build universal binaries.
    swingo wrote:
    Also, when I use the Interface Builder, I make my own classes, say "MAfoo." And write it out to xcode. But after I write down the class codes and modify them in xcode, whenever I make changes to Interface Builder, how can I change the previous version of codes without overriding the codes that I have written.
    You have to make the changes in Xcode. When you tell Interface Builder to write class files, it overwrites any existing class files.
    A common situation is adding outlets and actions to your classes. What you have to do is open the header file in Xcode (MAfoo.h in your example) and add the outlets and actions. If you have your Xcode project open, the outlets and actions you added in Xcode will appear in Interface Builder.

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    Hi Arcus
    I think you might have to change some of the Xcode settings to force it to use Java 1.5. Try this:
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    Best wishes

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    I would like to tell you definitively the most recent version of Xcode that will run on 10.3, but Apple's "All downloads" site for developers is down right now. I think it is 2.2 or maybe 2.5. Regardless, there are extensive changes between the older Xcodes and Xcode4. Plus, the older Xcodes are from before Xcode development really "took off", so you will have a difficult time finding books or documentation. The hardest part is building the user interface with Interface Builder. That has changed several times over the years and when it says "control-drag from X outlet to Y object" you may be lost if you don't have the exact version of Xcode that matches whatever tutorial you are using.
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    2. What would be the best way to start desinging my game? I haven't even started?
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    I found this method:
    - (void)drawInRect:(NSRect)dstRect fromRect:(NSRect)srcRect operation:(NSCompositingOperation)op fraction:(CGFloat)delta
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  • [Game]Question[Mutliplayer]

    So I'm working on a multiplayer networked game. So basically you log in with a username and password from the client's log-in GUI. The server checks it against a MySQL DB, and if the credentials are valid, you are logged into the game. The game is mostly that you control this white box with the arrow keys, and you click to shoot. And when two people are logged in, they can move around, dodging the other's bullets, while shooting in return.
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    user13543633 wrote:
    So I'm working on a multiplayer networked game. So basically you log in with a username and password from the client's log-in GUI. The server checks it against a MySQL DB, and if the credentials are valid, you are logged into the game. The game is mostly that you control this white box with the arrow keys, and you click to shoot. And when two people are logged in, they can move around, dodging the other's bullets, while shooting in return.
    How would I update the locations of the players on the screen? Should I just send a data string with the new coordinates of the player to the server, and the server updates it? There are a couple potential questions there, and I'm not sure which one you're asking.
    "What should the format of my messages be? That is, what should my message protocol look like?"Sending the new coordinates is a reasonable option, and probably the simplest. I would start with that. As for "data string," presumably you'll want to sent the coordinates in their native primitive format, which I suspect is int, rather than as Strings.
    "Should I send the data to the server, and let pass it on to the other client? Or should I send it directly to the other client?"Unless your game will always be played on a LAN, you'll probably have no choice but to have the clients communicate through the server.
    Will there be lag in doing this method? Of course there will. There's a lag in every single operation we do. Quantum action at a distance computers do not yet exist. There is nothing we can do in zero time.
    Are there more efficient ways? That question is meaningless at this stage.

  • Firmware + Games Question

    I was wondering if there was a way to get around the firmware update (1.2) so I can put my games I've bought on my iPod. My iPod gets disconnected when iTunes tries to update my iPod firmware.

    Hi Xb0x3r!
    The 1.2 Firmware update is required for games to be compatible with your Fifth Generation iPod. (no way around it if you want to play games).
    My iPod gets disconnected when iTunes tries to update my iPod firmware.
    Okay, now let's start the troubleshooting.
    First of all, check this possibility:
    1 - Connect your iPod.
    2 - In iTunes, click on your iPod in the left-panel.
    3 - Now, click on the "Music" tab in the upper panel of the right-area of iTunes.
    4 - See if "Enable Disk Use" is check-marked (if you're on "automatic sync" option). If Disk Use isn't enabled, then be sure to check-mark it now, eject your iPod, disconnect it, then reconnect it.
    5 - Now, try updating your iPod again with 1.2 firmware.
    Now here's some questions:
    1. Does your iPod seem to automtically disconnect from your computer just after having a little bit of time of being connected to your computer, or does this "automatic-ejecting" happen only when you start the firmware updating?
    2. Are you getting any error messages when connecting your iPod, or when trying to update your iPod with the latest version?
    3. By any chance do you run the McAffe Disk Scanner, or McAffe firewall/security program? If so, then go to the program, and turn off your internet security and firewall.
    If any post helps or solves your issue, please mark it that way accordingly. Thank you for helping the boards!

  • Xcode debugger question

    How do i setup the debugger in xcode?

    The debugger is already setup in Xcode, do you have a specific question?

  • ApplicationStorageDirectory - Best Practice for Games Question

    So I've been working on a game which uses AIR. My problem is that I have been storing my game assets in the application directory. That would be fine except that the game has a built-in editor which requires the ability to write files. Adobe has since locked the ApplicationDirectory to write access, so now I'm not sure of where I'm expected to store all of my user editable game files - which is potentially ALL game assets.
    The seemingly obvious choice is to use ApplicationStorageDirectory. While not ideal, in that it seems I would need to duplicate all assets from inside the application to the storage directory on startup, it would provide a standard and easy to find place to store editable game assets.
    However, this article (on this site) clearly tells me that I should not do that. It makes a good point. Backing up all of the games assets is messy proposition. And while I can see users who take advantage of the editting capabilities as appreciating the backup, for the average player, that would be a pretty big annoyance.
    So what am I expected to do in this scenario? I need a writable location where the user and the application can easily access all game assets ( XML, Image, MP3 ). I don't want to pick an arbitrary location, and I'm turned off by the application needing to redundantly house the data just to copy to the destination directory since there's no way for me to delete it once it's copied since I can't write to the application folder.
    Thanks for the thoughts.

    A couple things come to mind. It's actually not Adobe that locks the application directory on Windows, that's a MS permissions thing with folders under Program Files.  But either way, it's still a problem. 
    As you mentioned, you could copy files on first launch but depending on the size, this could be annoying after a user just sat through the install.  It's also not very friendly when you want to uninstall.  You might want to consider sub launching the AIR installer from a separate installer which also takes care of installing the game resources to another writable location.  Maybe this is user selectable, but at least it's monitored by the installer which should allow you to uninstall properly.
    Would it be possible to keep the resources with your app, but architect the editor such that only user created content would go in a user writable directory (such as a subdirectory off of their documents folder?)

Maybe you are looking for