Xcode key chain duplicate distribution pulling from portal

Xcode key chain duplicate distribution pulling from portal;
On portal I have one active certificate and other 3 inactive certs. which are revoked. When my organizer refresh(sync) using my ID it pulls both (active and revoked) distribution certificates. At the time of application compile in Xcode it throws an error about duplicate certificates exist and not able to compile the project.
How to stop portal not to show old certificates?

Xcode key chain duplicate distribution pulling from portal;
On portal I have one active certificate and other 3 inactive certs. which are revoked. When my organizer refresh(sync) using my ID it pulls both (active and revoked) distribution certificates. At the time of application compile in Xcode it throws an error about duplicate certificates exist and not able to compile the project.
How to stop portal not to show old certificates?

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    Regards JKG1135

    The password for use in the Mail application would be the same password you use when accessing Gmail by using an internet browser. The exception to that would be if you have 2-step verification enabled for Gmail. If that is the case then you would need to use an "application-specific password." If you are using 2-step, you can revoke the previous application-specific password and get a new one as described in https://support.google.com/mail/answer/1173270?hl=en

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    I think there is issue with your logon trigger :
    it should be :
    because user name stored in Upper case. Check and try.
    Girish Sharma

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    Don't know for sure but select File>Open Library
    On the right you will see all the available Libraries (whose names end in ".fcpbundle")
    Select the one you want and it should load into FCP X.

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    Hi René.
    It might be because the fields contains a string value. You could try to use the NODIM function to remove the UOM from the keyfigures. Then they might appear as numbers in Excel. Another approach could be to add the UOM char (in this case "Currency/Unit" technical "1CUDIM") in the columns or rows. This removes the UOM from the key figure values too.
    Hope it helps.
    Message was edited by:
            Stefan Stefansson

  • Hi kids, my first day using apple, anyway, is a Power Book 4.1 , bought from someone else,and i dont have the password for the key chain, and no chances of getting it, the screen, for the password keeps on coming up, any ideas?

    my  first day using apple, i love it, is a power 4.1, older, but is ok to learn it, however, i bought it from someone , and i was not
    given the password for key chain, so, this screen keeps on coming up, and i dont know the password, so i keep on canceling out
    of it, ..... any ideas on how to fix this problem, is the key chain, that you can access through utilities, but i dont have the old password, that is my first
    my second problem is that the key board, closer to the screen, is coming out, as it needs to be put in place, you would imagine you can
    put it back in place, but, not sure i should mess with it, any input would be greatly appreciated it
    thank you

    Hi, Lisa. Now I see what you're desperate about.
    Does it allow you to go ahead and use the iBook after you cancel the Keychain login? If so, it's not a big deal.
    Are you able to go to System Preferences > Accounts and create a new account for yourself? That should eliminate Keychain password problems.
    Check out these instructions on replacing the keyboard:
    Maybe they will help you get it seated better. It's considered a customer-installable part, so it should be easy enough for you to handle without worrying about goofing anything up.
    What CDs (if any) came with the iBook?
    Which version of the operating system is it running?
    How big is the hard drive and how much space remains available on it? If it's the original hard drive, it's getting very old and could fail at any time. The identifier "PowerBook 4,1" tells me that the iBook is ten years old, and is either a 500 or 600 MHz PowerPC G3 (Dual USB) iBook. As such, you can't expect a whole lot from it.
    The optical drive on this iBook could be a CD-ROM (reads CDs only), CD-RW (reads and writes CDs; no DVD capability), DVD (reads CDs and DVDs), or Combo (reads and writes CDs; reads DVDs) drive.
    Good luck with it.

  • RFC Call Error - from Portal End - For ESS Personal Information service

    I am getting "Syntax error in program SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC                       ., error key: RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE  " error Message on the portal (ESS--->Personal Information Screen).
    When I did RFC trace analysis (using ST 22) this is what i get.
    Can you let me know what could be the issue.
    We are running HR Backend(Support Pack 15,ecc 5.0).
    Portal (EP 6.0 SP19, ESS 100 (SP 10)).
    Could you please let me know what could be the issue ?
    Syntax error in program "SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC ".
         What happened?
              Error in ABAP application program.
              The current ABAP program "SAPMSSY1" had to be terminated because one of the
              statements could not be executed.
              This is probably due to an error in the ABAP program.
              In program "SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC ", the following syntax error occurred
              in the Include "IF_HRPA_PERNR_INFTY_XSS=======IU " in line 114:
              "The type "HRXSS_PER_SUPPLD_SUBTY_INFO_T" is unknown."
              Author and last person to change the Include are:
              Author "SAP "
              Last changed by "C5069405 "
         What can you do?
              Please eliminate the error by performing a syntax check
              (or an extended program check) on the program "SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC ".
              You can also perform the syntax check from the ABAP/4 Editor.
              If the problem persists, proceed as follows:
              Print out the error message (using the "Print" function)
              and make a note of the actions and input that caused the
              To resolve the problem, contact your SAP system administrator.
              You can use transaction ST22 (ABAP Dump Analysis) to view and administer
               termination messages, especially those beyond their normal deletion
              is especially useful if you want to keep a particular message.
         Error analysis
              In program "SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC ", the following syntax error occurred:
              "The type "HRXSS_PER_SUPPLD_SUBTY_INFO_T" is unknown."
         How to correct the error
              Probably the only way to eliminate the error is to correct the program.
              If you cannot solve the problem yourself and you wish to send
              an error message to SAP, include the following documents:
              1. A printout of the problem description (short dump)
                 To obtain this, select in the current display "System->List->
                 Save->Local File (unconverted)".
              2. A suitable printout of the system log
                 To obtain this, call the system log through transaction SM21.
                 Limit the time interval to 10 minutes before and 5 minutes
                 after the short dump. In the display, then select the function
                 "System->List->Save->Local File (unconverted)".
              3. If the programs are your own programs or modified SAP programs,
                 supply the source code.
                 To do this, select the Editor function "Further Utilities->
              4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred
                 or which actions and input led to the error.
         System environment
              SAP Release.............. "640"
              Application server....... "srv006"
              Network address.......... ""
              Operating system......... "HP-UX"
              Release.................. "B.11.11"
              Hardware type............ "9000/800"
              Character length......... 8 Bits
              Pointer length........... 64 Bits
              Work process number...... 1
              Short dump setting....... "full"
              Database server.......... "srv006"
              Database type............ "ORACLE"
              Database name............ "H81"
              Database owner........... "SAPR3"
              Character set............ "en_US.iso88591"
              SAP kernel............... "640"
              Created on............... "May 21 2006 20:29:01"
              Created in............... "HP-UX B.11.00 A 9000/800"
              Database version......... "OCI_920 "
              Patch level.............. "129"
              Patch text............... " "
              Supported environment....
              Database................. "ORACLE 9.2.0.., ORACLE 10.1.0.., ORACLE
              SAP database version..... "640"
              Operating system......... "HP-UX B.11"
              Memory usage.............
              Roll..................... 16128
              EM....................... 4189928
              Heap..................... 0
              Page..................... 0
              MM Used.................. 629192
              MM Free.................. 3558216
              SAP Release.............. "640"
         User and Transaction
         Information on where terminated
              The termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPMSSY1" in
              The main program was "SAPMSSY1 ".
              The termination occurred in line 68 of the source code of the (Include)
               program "SAPMSSY1"
              of the source code of program "SAPMSSY1" (when calling the editor 680).
         Source Code Extract
         Line     SourceCde
            39     module %_rfcdia_call output.
            40         "Do not display screen !
            41         call 'DY_INVISIBLE_SCREEN'.
            42         perform remote_function_diacall.
            43     endmodule.
            45     module %_cpic_start.
            46       if sy-xprog(4) = '%RFC'.
            47         perform remote_function_call using rfctype_external_cpic.
            48       else.
            49         call 'APPC_HD' id 'HEADER' field header id 'CONVID' field convid.
            50         perform cpic_call using convid.
            51       endif.
            52     endmodule.
            55     form cpic_call using convid type c.
            56       communication send id convid buffer header.
            57       if sy-subrc eq 0.
            58         perform (sy-xform) in program (sy-xprog).
            59       else.
            60         message a800.
            61       endif.
            62     endform.
            64     form remote_function_call using value(type).
            65       do.
            66     *   test if sy-xprog and sy-xform are set
            67     *   sy-xform = 'quatsch'. sy-xprog = 'quatsch'.
         >>>>>         call 'RfcImport' id 'Type' field type.
            69         perform (sy-xform) in program (sy-xprog).
            70         rsyn >scont sysc 00011111 0.
            71       enddo.
            72     endform.
            74     form remote_function_diastart.
            75       do.
            76         call 'RfcImport' id 'Type' field rfctype_rfcdia.
            77         perform (sy-xform) in program (sy-xprog).
            78         "Parking position for next request
            79         rsyn >scont sysc 00011111 10.
            80         "ALternativ : Free mode
            81         "COMMIT WORK.
            82         "SYSTEM-CALL FREE MODE 0.
            83       enddo.
            84     endform.
            86     form remote_function_diacall.
            87         sy-xcode = '%_@no@'.
         Contents of system fields
         Name     Val.
         SY-SUBRC     0
         SY-INDEX     2
         SY-TABIX     0
         SY-DBCNT     0
         SY-FDPOS     0
         SY-LSIND     0
         SY-PAGNO     0
         SY-LINNO     1
         SY-COLNO     1
         SY-TITLE     CPIC and RFC Control
         SY-MSGNO     000
         Active Calls/Events
         No.   Ty.          Program                             Include                             Line
             2 FORM         SAPMSSY1                            SAPMSSY1                               68
             1 MODULE (PBO) SAPMSSY1                            SAPMSSY1                               30
         Chosen variables
         No.          2     Ty.      FORM
         Name      REMOTE_FUNCTION_CALL
         No.          1     Ty.      MODULE (PBO)
         Name      %_RFC_START
                  000                                                                                0 ##
         Internal notes
              The termination occurred in the function "ab_genprog" of the SAP
              Basis System, specifically in line 1374 of the module
              The internal operation just processed is "CALY".
              The internal session was started at 20070502223335.
              Program name.........: "SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC ".
              Error message........: "The type "HRXSS_PER_SUPPLD_SUBTY_INFO_T" is unknown.".
         Active Calls in SAP Kernel
         Lines of C Stack in Kernel (Structure Differs on Each Platform)
         ( 0)  0x40000000016d6a8c   CTrcStack2 + 0x2bc  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         ( 1)  0x40000000016d67c0   CTrcStack + 0x18  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         ( 2)  0x4000000001d41438   rabax_CStackSave__Fv + 0x100  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         ( 3)  0x4000000001d4dbf8   ab_rabax + 0x1f68  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         ( 4)  0x40000000018cc09c   ab_genprog__FPcPvUii + 0xdbc  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         ( 5)  0x4000000000d3b4cc   newload__FPcP13TmpSubpoolDirUi + 0x29c  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         ( 6)  0x40000000016a7324   ab_LoadProg__FPcUi + 0xec  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         ( 7)  0x40000000016831fc   ab_link + 0x334  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         ( 8)  0x40000000015694d4   ab_rfcimport + 0xccc  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         ( 9)  0x40000000018cff98   ab_jcaly__Fv + 0x598  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         (10)  0x4000000000f98df8   ab_extri__Fv + 0x17a0  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         (11)  0x40000000016ab2d8   ab_xevent__FPCc + 0x38  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         (12)  0x400000000189c9a8   ab_dstep + 0x120  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         (13)  0x4000000000ed4c00   dynpmcal + 0xd0  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         (14)  0x4000000000ed1554   dynppbo0 + 0x1e4  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         (15)  0x4000000000ed0af4   dynprctl + 0x43c  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         (16)  0x4000000000ecb7a0   dynpen00 + 0x2118  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         (17)  0x4000000000fa598c   Thdynpen00 + 0x6a4  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         (18)  0x4000000000fa49b8   TskhLoop + 0x50d8  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         (19)  0x4000000000f999f8   tskhstart + 0x1e0  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         (20)  0x4000000000d42194   DpMain + 0x484  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         (21)  0x400000000220d41c   nlsui_main + 0x14  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         (22)  0x4000000000992794   main + 0x14  [dw.sapH81_DVEBMGS33]
         (23)  0xc000000000020ab0   $START$ + 0xa0  [/usr/lib/pa20_64/dld.sl]
         List of ABAP programs affected
         Index     Ty.     Program     Group     Date     Time     Size     Lang.
              0     Prg     SAPMSSY1          0     06.11.2003     20:53:07         18432     E
              1     Prg     SAPLSYST          1     10.05.2006     09:57:38         30720     E
              2     Typ     SYST          0     04.12.2000     14:54:51         27648     
         Directory of Application Tables
         Name                                     Date       Time       Lngth
         Program      SAPMSSY1
         SYST            .  .            :  :          00002404
         ABAP Control Blocks (CONT)
         Index     Name     Fl     PAR0     PAR1     PAR2     PAR3     PAR4     PAR5     PAR6     SourceCde
           118     CLEA     00     0035                                   SAPMSSY1
           119     CLEA     00     0036                                   SAPMSSY1
           120     CLEA     00     0037                                   SAPMSSY1
           121     MESS     00     001C                                   SAPMSSY1
           122     ENDF     00     0000                                   SAPMSSY1
           123     -
         00     0000                                   SAPMSSY1
           124     PERP     00     0001                                   SAPMSSY1
           125     PERP     02     0000                                   SAPMSSY1
           126     WHIL     00     0002     0000     0000     0000     0000     0000     0000     SAPMSSY1
           130     WHIL     00     0003     0000     0000     0000     0000     0000     0000     SAPMSSY1
           134     BRAN     05     000E                                   SAPMSSY1
           135     CALY     00     0003     0038     002A     0005     002B     0000     0000     SAPMSSY1
         >>>>>     CALY     02     0000     0039     8000     0000     0000     0000     0000     SAPMSSY1
           143     xper     02     0000     0010     0011                         SAPMSSY1
           145     PERP     80     0000                                   SAPMSSY1
           146     SYSC     1F     0000                                   SAPMSSY1
           147     BRAX     00     FFEF                                   SAPMSSY1
           148     WHIL     00     0004     0000     0000     0000     0000     0000     0000     SAPMSSY1
           152     ENDF     00     0000                                   SAPMSSY1
           153     -
         00     0000                                   SAPMSSY1

    The error is occuring in the program file SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC.
    In program "SAPLHRXSS_PER_MAC ", the following syntax error occurred 
    in the Include "IF_HRPA_PERNR_INFTY_XSS=======IU " in line 114:      
    "The type "HRXSS_PER_SUPPLD_SUBTY_INFO_T" is unknown."    
    Information on where terminated                                              
        The termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPMSSY1" in               
        The main program was "SAPMSSY1 ".
    This place  where it has terminated is highlighted in bold letters.                                       
    form remote_function_call using value(type).   
      test if sy-xprog and sy-xform are set      
      sy-xform = 'quatsch'. sy-xprog = 'quatsch'.
    <b>    call 'RfcImport' id 'Type' field type.     </b>
        perform (sy-xform) in program (sy-xprog).  
        rsyn >scont sysc 00011111 0.               

  • Defaulting the Service Provider for the receipts pulled from credit card

    When the Associate goes on a business trip , some of the expenses are processed through the AMEX corporate credit card. Using a custom PRCC , these credit card transactions are uploaded into the system and are available as buffer during the trip creation. Associates creates the trip using ESS Portal. When the Associate selects the expense from the credit card buffer , we want the Service Provider to be defaulted to AX (AMEX). The service provider code for AMEX is configured as AX.
    In the following configuration (Travel Expenses->Master Data->Credit Card Clearing->Define Assignment Table for Credit Card Clearing , we updated the Service Provider as AX for all the expense types related to AMEX.
    Now we notice that AX is not defaulted in the Service Provider when the Associates pulls the expense from the AMEX credit card buffer.
    Is there a way to default the service provider for all the expenses pulled from the credit card buffer?

    Hi Nandagopal,
    You are right that the origin column has Amex logo when selected from the Buffer. We are using Service provider in determining who the payment should go to. If the expense is from the credit card buffer , the payment should go to AMEX directly. If the expense is non-AMEX (i.e manual entry and not from buffer) , then the payment will go to the employee themselves. Different wage types are determined based on the Service Provider for the same expense type. For example for expense type ACAR (Rental) , if the Service Provider is AX , then wage type say WJ67 is selected by the system . For expense type ACAR and no Service provider , then wage type WJ17 is derived. The accounting is determined based on the wage type.
    So Service Provider is one of the key field that determines the accounting. When the associate selects from credit card buffer , the associate should also select the service provider as AX so that payment goes to AMEX. If the Associate forgets to select the service provider , then the payment goes to the Employee. Then the employee has to pay AMEX separately. In order to avoid this, we want to default the service provider as AX when the associate pulls from the credit card buffer.
    We maintained the default service provider as AX for AMEX credit card clearing in img node Travel Expenses->Master Data->Credit Card Clearing->Define Assignment Table for Credit Card clearing. In this node we link the credit card company transaction keys to SAP expense type and you have the option to select the Service Provider. But his default is not working in Portal.
    Please let me know if this default setting should work.

  • HTTPS connection from portal to external webserver

    I am looking for a way to open a HTTPS connection from portal server to an external webserver. According to <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/e2/71c83edf72e16be10000000a114084/content.htm">SAP</a> the code should look like
    KeyStore keystoreCAs = ...
    SecureConnectionFactory factory = new SecureConnectionFactory(keystoreCAs, null);
    HttpURLConnection con = factory.createURLConnection("https://www.mycompany.com");
    Does not look difficult, <b>but how do I create the keystore object</b>? The keystore object should somehow be connected to the portal server's keystore which manages the certificates of trusted Certificate Authorities.
    Any ideas?

    meanwhile I solved the problem by my own. The solution slightly simplified is given below.
    javax.naming.InitialContext ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
    java.lang.Object o = ctx.lookup("keystore");          
    com.sap.engine.services.keystore.interfaces.KeystoreManagerWrapper_Stub manager = (com.sap.engine.services.keystore.interfaces.KeystoreManagerWrapper_Stub) o;
    java.security.KeyStore keystoreCAs = manager.getKeystore("TrustedCAs");     
    com.sap.security.core.server.https.SecureConnectionFactory factory = new SecureConnectionFactory(keystoreCAs, null);
    java.net.HttpURLConnection con = factory.createURLConnection("https://www.mycompany.com");
    For connecting via a proxy the host name and port number of the proxy have to be set as System properties using "https.proxyHost" and "https.proxyPort".
    java.util.Properties systemSettings = System.getProperties();
              systemSettings.put("proxySet", "true");
              systemSettings.put("https.proxyHost","") ;
              systemSettings.put("https.proxyPort", "80") ;
    Additionally you have to make sure that the server's certificate is issued by a trusted Certification Authority (Must have an entry in your Keystore "TrustedCAs"). To verify this use the Visual Administrator and view service "Key Storage".

  • Upload Excel File from Portal (R/3 working fine)

    Hi Experts!!
    We have a report in which we are uploading an excel file from presentation server into an itab. When F4 clicked for file path, browser will open for choosing the path. Now, we have created an iView in Portal for this t-code. However, F4 is not working from Portal, rather giving an error 'Please wait. You will be forwarded automatically. This page had to be included for technical reasons.'.
    We need to upload excel file even from Portal too. Can somebody please give me some inputs or suggestions?

    Hi Jigar,
    Now I am able to get into SAP screen. However it's not opening the t-code that I mentioned. I gave some Z t-code ZTEST. Once I check the iView, it is showing SAP screen with the below things:
    Service Type:
    Service ID:
    TCode: ZTEST
    Object Type:
    Field 1:
    Val. 1:
    Field 2:
    Field 3:
    Val 3:
    And at the bottom it's giivng a warning message:
    Object type or object does not exist
    Message no. 1W001
    In iView properties I can see Object Type as com.sapportals.portal.iview. Is this the same Object Type that the message is talkign about? Can you please help me out?

  • How to catch URL parameter from Portal URL in Web Dynpro iView

    Hi All,
    I have a web dynpro application running as a portal iView successfully. Now the client wants to make it internationalized with 7 languages. Currently they access the portal - and via role assignment they get to the portal tab with the wd iView. Now they want to send a parameter for the language key with the portal URL. So when they are typing in http://myportal.mydomain.com now they want to type in http://myportal.mydomain.com?sap-locale=de or so. My question is how can I catch this parameter in the WD application when it is running inside a portal iView? Is it at all possible?
    I have written a very small application which is trying to catch a URL parameter named PARAM. The code I have written is the default one as below:
    String paramValue = WDWebContextAdapter.getWebContextAdapter().getRequestParameter("PARAM");
    When I run the application standalone and add the PARAM=something in last of the URL I can catch it. But when I create an iView and while previewing it I add the same PARAM value it is coming as null all the time. Same when I add this iView to a role and show it via role assignment in protal. Please help to let me know how to achieve this. I think if I can read the parameter value from Portal URL in the WD iView - then I can set it as the default locale of the application and then show language specific file to achieve internationalization.
    Your urgent help will be highly appreciated.
    Warm Regards,

    Hi Shubhadip
    Even if you get the parameters, how do you internationalize your application? Are you not following the standard way as described in the following link. In this case you never need to capture any such parameter. This is done by the WD runtime automatically .
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_erp2005/helpdata/en/f4/d95664da179b4db731e21c2e470b72/frameset.htm">Internationalization of WD projects</a>
    You can retrieve application parameters specified at the creation of iview by "adding parameters(with the same name as in iview application parameters) to the default plug of the Component Interface View of the WD application". "onDefaultPlug" method of the interface view controller you get these values as parameters, which you can save in the context node of component controller for later use.This is guaranteed to work.
    But again this is not what you want exactly. You want the user to specify the value at runtime. If you have just 7 languages, you can create 7 set of iviews with different application parameter value indicating language key, and assign to 7 different set of roles, each representing one set of users with common language.
    I hope you find a solution.

  • Problem in downlaod the certificate from portal

    I am new to iphone Please help me it's very urgent.
    I have create a new developer certificate and download it
    it works fine after that i have applied for distribution.
    when I have download this certificate but this certificate is invalid.
    I have revoked this certificate from portal and development also.
    when I have created the developer certificate again.
    downloaded it it is giving that it is not valid.
    when i have revoked the certificate from portal then in team section it is showing that it is revoked.but in certificate section it is showing issued
    and when i click on download or revoke it gives an error
    failed to download or revoked

    I'm having the same problem... A google search turned up another thread about it, but it appears too late to call anyone today, as support goes home at 5PM PST on Friday and doesn't come back until Monday.

  • ESS: Error while creating Family/Dependents record from portal

    Hi All,
    I'm getting a critical error while creating family members and dependents record from portal.
    "Type conflict in the ASSIGN statement in the program CL_HRPA_CONVERT_0021_US=======CP        ., error key: RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE"
    I checked the short dump in R/3 Side and searched for OSS note and didnt find any. I raised an OSS message.
    If any had've already comeacross this, pls let me know.
    System Details
    EP 6.0 SP15
    ESS Business Package BPERP4ESS0_0
    ESS Support Package  ESS10P_2-10002965, PCUIGP010P_1-20000568

    Hello Karthik:
    I'm getting the same error:
    "critical error while creating family members and dependents record from portal.
    Type conflict in the ASSIGN statement in the program CL_HRPA_CONVERT_0021_US=======CP ., error key: RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE"
    Maybe you can help me solving this problem.
    I appreciate your help.
    Thanks in advance.

  • PDF Reports from Portal

    My goal: PDF report for print-out, launched from Portal, that displays text and image (.jpeg, .gif, .bmp, etc.) data pulled from the database. Currently, users retrieve this data right from the portal via JSP portlets. This works great. We'd like to get a good-looking report containing this data for inclusion in electronic documents and hard copy files and PDF seems a good way to go. Right now, my idea is to create the report from SQL query in Report Builder creading a .rdf file and somehow launch this from the Portal allowing users to pass selection parameters.
    1. What's best way to launch a .rdf report (PDF output) from Portal?
    2. What are the tricks of pulling in and displaying blob data (from Portal30 schema) in a .rdf report with PDF output?

    Take a look at the Portal - Reports integration documentation. It will tell you how to deploy Oracle Reports on the Portal.
    As far as displaying images, Report Builder Online Help -> search on word image ->selecting image from the database.
    My goal: PDF report for print-out, launched from Portal, that displays text and image (.jpeg, .gif, .bmp, etc.) data pulled from the database. Currently, users retrieve this data right from the portal via JSP portlets. This works great. We'd like to get a good-looking report containing this data for inclusion in electronic documents and hard copy files and PDF seems a good way to go. Right now, my idea is to create the report from SQL query in Report Builder creading a .rdf file and somehow launch this from the Portal allowing users to pass selection parameters.
    1. What's best way to launch a .rdf report (PDF output) from Portal?
    2. What are the tricks of pulling in and displaying blob data (from Portal30 schema) in a .rdf report with PDF output?

  • Key Chain will not open any info on items

    Hello all. I would be greatful to know how I can fix my Key Chain Items, Passwords, Secure Passwords etc. I can open my Key Chain but when I double click or try to open the Item info nothing happens? I have tried the First Aid but nothing?  Why will the items not open in a window so you can put your password in and get the info contained in the Item???Any Help would be well recieved.  DH

    Try deleting com.apple.keychainaccess.plist.
    Quit the application.
    You need to look in your user Library/Preferences for the .plist. Either hold down the option key while using the Finder “Go To Folder” command and select your user Library in your home folder or use the Finder “Go To Folder” command and enter ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.keychainaccess.plist.  Move the .plist to your desktop.
    Open the application and test. If it works okay, delete the plist(s) from the desktop.
    If the application is the same, return the .plist(s) to where you got them from, overwriting the newer ones.
    If you prefer to make your user library permanently visible, use the Terminal command found below.
    Show User Library
    You might want to bookmark the command. I had to use it again after I installed 10.8.4. I have also been informed that if you drag the user library to Finder it will remain visible.

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