Xcode: PBXCp error

Hello There,
I am recieving this error when trying to archieve, I was not able to submit app to the appstore because of 2 executive files, but before i found that the problem was a minor, I messed up my xcode derived data and this error comes now:
'/Users/*******/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ZachyJump-gvdhjbldszzbfmbsbg afcvdrwtdr/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/ZachyJump/InstallationBuildP roductsLocation/Applications/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app /********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/* *******.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/*** *****.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/***** ***.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/******* *.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********. app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.ap p/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/ ********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/** ******.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/********.app/Back ground.png' is longer than filepath buffer size (1025).
The ******* are just censors and not actual names. Thank you please help soon

You may need to change how the files are referenced. Open the file inspector by choosing View > Utilities > Show File Inspector. Select the files and make a choice from the Location menu. I recently had a problem where one of my source code files was red. Using the Location menu to change the location from Relative to Group to Relative to Project fixed the problem for me. I can't say if it will work for you, but it's something to try.

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    You may need to change how the files are referenced. Open the file inspector by choosing View > Utilities > Show File Inspector. Select the files and make a choice from the Location menu. I recently had a problem where one of my source code files was red. Using the Location menu to change the location from Relative to Group to Relative to Project fixed the problem for me. I can't say if it will work for you, but it's something to try.

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    Here you go:

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    Message was edited by: giantreign

    giantreign wrote:
    how do i add myself to my home folder with read & write permissions and get rid of _unknown?
    In the Finder, do Get Info on your home folder. At the bottom of the Get Info window, click the + button.
    The actual ownership may be incorrect so you might not be able to remove _unknown.
    Another alternative would be to use the Terminal:
    sudo chown $USER:staff ~

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    False alarm, I got it working.
    Message was edited by: c0ld_

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    Xcode use to be installed in /Developer see if that folder is still there.
    Also Xcode now has changed, it is installed in /Applications and is no longer bundled with all the other developer bits. In your current xcode look in Preferences->Download  for inks to get some o the tools back. I would think that you specifically need the command line tools for hat you are trying to do.
    You'll get better response to questions like this one if you post to  the Developer Forums

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    Hello fordfor,
    Welcome to the Discussions Boards.
    This portion of the Discussions Boards is primarily an iPhone end-user forum.
    You may have better luck getting information regarding APP development/testing in the Developers resources:
    Good luck with that APP,
    Charles H.

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    Do other dmg files mount? If not, then move the com.apple.frameworks.diskimages.uiagent.plist file out of /Users/username/Library/Preferences/ on to the Desktop, log out and back in, and try mounting it again. If so, then I suspect a hosed download and you'll have to try it again (I know that it exceeds 1 GB, but that's the price one pays for updating the Xcode Tools. Alternatively, create a new admin user account, log into it, and try mounting it there.

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    That sounds like you have distributed builds turned on but not setup properly. Turn off that setting and see if that fixes it.

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    That sounds like you have distributed builds turned on but not setup properly. Turn off that setting and see if that fixes it.

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    Thanks for your help. Mark

    This is an all volunteer community, not Apple employees.
    I just checked in the Developer forum and there have been no posts in the last week regarding the Xcode installation failure you report.
    Though your new 2012 MacBook Pro has a custom hardware build of OS X 10.8.2 (10.8.1 outside US), it would seem that any Xcode 4.5.2 incompatibility with this version would see rampant posts. I had no problem downloading and installing Xcode 4.5.2 or its optional installs from preferences.
    What applications did you install before your Xcode 4.5.2 install attempt?
    Here is the approach I would take to your problem.
    Contact the App Store and determine if there is a temporary issue and awareness/solution to your problem.App Store Support
    Cleanup your Mac
    Remove prior Xcode 4.5.2 if anything remains in /Applications
    Clear out $HOME/Library/Caches contents to Trash and empty Trash.
    Reboot into Safe Mode
    Hold shift until progress bar, then again before pressing login arrow after password.
    This cleans out system caches, rebuilds certain databases, and verifies/fixes permissions.
    Have nothing else running on your MacBookPro.
    Perform Xcode 4.5.2 download again.If successful, run Disk Utility and verify/repair permissions
    Stay plugged into the Apple Support Community Developer forum

  • XCode return error

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    error: syntax error before '{' token
    error: syntax error before '}' token
    fatal error: method definition not in @implementation context
    Even when i made the EXACT application as in the tutorial, it still returned me a error. What is the matter? Different XCode version? For some reason instead of .nib's i get .xib's, might this be the problem?
    This is the mail controller class:
    #import "CalculatorController.h"
    #import "Calculate.h"
    @implementation CalculatorController
    - (IBAction)calculate:(id)sender {
    float result;
    calculate = [[Calculate alloc]init];
    [calculate setA:[val1 floatValue]];
    [calculate setB:[val2 floatValue]];
    result = [calculate calculatesum];
    [sum setFloatValue:result];
    The error is right after the first line.

    Controller's Header:
    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
    #import "Calculate.h"
    @interface CalculatorController : /* Specify a superclass (eg: NSObject or NSView) */ {
    IBOutlet id sum;
    IBOutlet id val1;
    IBOutlet id val2;
    Calculate *calculate; //Pointer spre clasa;
    - (IBAction)calculate:(id)sender;
    Calculator class:
    #import "Calculate.h"
    @implementation Calculate
    @synthesize a,b;
    return self.a+self.b;
    Calculator Header:
    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
    @interface Calculate : NSObject {
    float a;
    float b;
    @property(readwrite) float a,b;
    The UI is just a window with 3 textboxes and a button. 2 textboxes to take the 2 numbers and 1 to return the result.

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