XFCE at Start Up

Hi All,
I am sorry if this question has been asked many times before how do you get XFCE to be the default gui to load on boot. I have done it before for KDE but I don't know how to do this for this GUI
Many thanks

kozaki, I am still new to arch and am trying to use slim.  Please, what is the line to edit and how do I need to edit it.  I have been doing some searching on the forums, and reading the slim docs, andthe wiki.  But dam in am getting confused.
I have xfce4 up and running.  I also have most every thing else figured out with the exception of a few errors that keep popping up and an xterm problem, but i am still working those.
Thanks for the help, Kelean.

Similar Messages

  • [solved] xfce not starting with x

    just trying to switch from gnome to xfce. and i've got most of it working great. but i cant actually get xfce to start automatically
    i've changed from gdm to slim and changed that in demons in /etc/rc.conf and i've changed .xinitrc and commented out 'exec gnome-session', and added in 'exec startxfce4'. slim starts great, and i can login from that, but for some reason, xfce wont start when x starts, i have to manually start it by typing startxfce4 at the terminal that comes up.
    i followed the setup guide in the wiki under xfce.
    does anyone know whats causing this?
    Last edited by redefine (2008-08-03 00:40:49)

    heres my .xinitrc.
    its exactly the same as i had working with gnome, except i commented out exec gnome-session and added exec xfce4-session
    # ~/.xinitrc
    # Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
    exec xterm
    exec xfce4-session
    # exec gnome-session
    # exec startkde
    # exec startxfce4
    # exec icewm
    # exec openbox
    # exec blackbox
    # exec fluxbox
    # exec ratpoison
    # exec dwm
    # ... or any other WM of your choosing ...
    EDIT...ok i fixed it, dont worry.
    i removed 'exec xterm' from .xinitrc, and i changed  'xfce' to 'xfce4-session' in /etc/slim.conf where you choose the wm. yay
    Last edited by redefine (2008-08-03 00:40:24)

  • [SOLVED] XFCE always starting with the US keyboard

    Hi guys.
    Recently I came back to XFCE and I have one problem: it always starts with the keymap set to US. I have to manually change it to PL (which I need) with setxkbmap. Also, when I'm using the panel plugin I cannot choose any keymaps other than the currently selected.
    What can I do about it?
    Last edited by JeremyTheWicked (2008-10-12 21:49:56)

    The way I deal with the multimedia keys is that
    1) figure out what keycodes they generate (run 'xev' and do some presses)
    2) assign the correct name to them via xmodmap
    maybe 3) use xbindkeys to let them do what they should do (but this is probably not necessary, DEs like xfce should be able to act just based on having a correct name assigned to the keypresses)
    the xmodmap stuff:
    ~/.xmodmaprc wrote:keycode 144 = XF86AudioPrev
    keycode 153 = XF86AudioNext
    keycode 162 = XF86AudioPlay
    keycode 164 = XF86AudioStop
    and then have 'xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc' executed at X start (again, some DEs do this automatically, some don't)
    But! maybe figuring out the correct option for your keyboard might render all of the above steps unnecessary. I don't know a good place to look for the options, except closely inspecting the contents of /usr/share/X11/xkb - there's a lot of stuff, but that's for instance where I found out the possible variants for the us keyboard.

  • Xfce auto start problem

    Hello, First time posting so don't punish me for any mistakes
    Here is the problem:
    After removing gnome and installing xfce Arch doesn't go into GUI mode automatically.
    I am stuck at the command line.
    From there I can type startxfce4 and it work but I want it do to start automatically.
    This is my .xinitrc file
    # ~/.xinitrc
    # Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
    if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
    for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
    [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
    unset f
    # exec gnome-session
    # exec startkde
    exec startxfce4
    # ...or the Window Manager of your choice
    and this is my .bash_profile
    # ~/.bash_profile
    [[ -z $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]] && exec startx
    Any inputs are highly appreciated!!
    Last edited by Ace (2014-01-21 18:55:13)

    Put a bit of debugging info in your script, to remove some uncertainty. E.g.:
    echo "Checking whether to run xorg"
    First run this, to be on safe side:
    chmod 700 ~/.bash_profile
    Here's how I do it, in my ~/.bash_profile
    # My ~/.bashrc does everything - convenient, but slightly un-optimized
    . $HOME/.bashrc
    hour=$(date +%k | sed "s:^ ::")
    if [[ $hour -ge 8 ]] && [[ $hour -le 9 ]] ; then
    if [[ `tty` == "/dev/tty1" ]] && [[ -z `pgrep ^X$` ]] ; then
    if lsmod | grep -qw ^nvidia ; then
    echo "Starting xorg"
    # https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=150539
    setsid /usr/bin/startx -- -nolisten tcp &> ~/.xorg.log & logout
    Edit: Oops, got a bit confused, ignore this last line
    Last edited by brebs (2014-01-22 20:07:52)

  • Why xfce would start kde related process

    hi all:
    I am installed kde and xfce in my laptop.and I start kde or xfce using xinit. but recently ,when  I start xfce ,it would start some kde processes  automaticly , they are : kdevtmpfs , kdeinit4 , kded4 . and these processes take a long time during the xfce start(if these processes not start automaticly, it would be fast). how it happen , any one could help me ?

    hi ernetas, this is my petree and I am not runing any kde program now:
            │                 └─3*[{at-spi-bus-laun}]
            ├─kded4   ********************************************************  (here is the kde process)
            ├─kdeinit4───klauncher ********************************************************(here is the kde process)
            │          ├─gnome-pty-helpe
            │          └─3*[{lilyterm}]
            │                      └─sh───xfce4-session─┬─Thunar───2*[{Thunar}]
            │                                           ├─xfce4-panel─┬─panel-2-mix+
            │                                           │             ├─panel-6-sys+
            │                                           │             └─2*[{xfce4-p+
            │                                           ├─xfdesktop───{xfdesktop}
            │                                           ├─xfwm4
            │                                           └─2*[{xfce4-session}]
            │       └─7*[{opera}]
    ps : when i start my pc before run 'xinit xfce' , there are no these kde processes. do you have any idea ?

  • In xfce terminals start in ~/temp

    So I add a launcher, say rxvt or aterm to the panel, and it starts in ~/temp (the name is not relevant) and not in ~. the vc logins go to ~
    any ideas as to why and how to remove it?

    I start X with slim as a daemon. Somewhere along the line I probably shut x off and went to ~/temp, so that was it. Thanks.
    I get an interesting 'bug' with my prompt when I exit X, I'll now go see about that.

  • [SOLVED] want to start either wifi or ether at boot for all users

    I've just installed arch x64 on my Acer Aspire 5720ZG laptop and need to get networking setup so that it starts automatically with a choice of either wired or wireless, for all users.
    Currently I have only managed to get wifi to start with NetworkManager once xfce has started and only for root.
    Last edited by Cheifchimp (2010-04-21 02:16:16)

    ngoonee wrote:Look at netcfg, with the net-auto-wired and net-auto-wireless daemons.
    You genius, netcfg was the answer

  • Xfce problems

    Yesterday i shut my computer down like usually, since then only my sister has been logged in who claims she has not been doing anything but browsing (and her user is not in the wheel group anyway). I also have not updated my system yesterday. When i logged in today, xfce was starting longer than usually, my user defined keyboard shortcuts are not working and the logout button now does not offer logout/shutdown/... but switching off the xfce-panel.
    Also firefox refuses to start with following error:
    (firefox:19792): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times
    ** ERROR **: Resource problem creating '/tmp/orbit-mjk'
    Neúspěšně ukončen (SIGABRT)
    and cpu is heavily used by mysql...
    I have no idea what these symptoms could be caused by nor whether they have anything in common...
    I would be grateful if someone could help me or give me any directions
    Thanks in advance

    Not something silly like a full disk partition where /tmp lives?

  • [solved] LXDE does not start

    I have installed lxde accoriding to the wiki (I was using xfce, which starts fine using the follwing configuration files, without the lines, marked by #new) and I have adopted the configuration files, but lxde does not start. I'm not using a login manager, x starts automatically.
    # ~/.bash_profile
    [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc
    [[ -z $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]] && exec startx
    if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
    for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
    [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
    unset f
    #startxfce4 #old
    exec startlxde #new
    # ~/.bashrc
    # If not running interactively, don't do anything
    [[ $- != *i* ]] && return
    alias ls='ls --color=auto'
    alias ls='ls --color=auto'
    alias reboot="sudo reboot"
    alias poweroff="sudo poweroff"
    alias halt="sudo halt"
    alias skype='LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype'
    PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
    Last edited by mumpf (2013-06-05 20:06:42)

    So, when you login, startx is not executed? Or does X start and immediately exit/crash? Do other parts of .bash_profile get executed, i.e., if you echo $DESKTOP_SESSION, does it say LXDE, do you see the results of .bash_rc (prompt, aliases)? Then check if XDG_VTNR is set, and DISPLAY.
    (After your edit:) If you only changed the exec line, then I assume X still starts, but startlxde fails? So X immediately exits or something? Do you get any useful messages in the logs?
    Last edited by Raynman (2013-05-29 09:16:36)

  • Strange behaviour when I login to XFCE [SOLVED]

    I use XFCE as a DE and I have installed GNOME also. To select which DE I want every time I use gdm. But for a reason I cannot understand when I login to XFCE this is what happens: The XFCE desktop opens, then after 1.5 - 2 secs the GNOME desktop opens up! Then it closes an XFCE desktop opens up again. Note that when I say "the GNOME desktop opens up", I don't mean the panels too, I mean only the wallpaper an the desktop icons. I would ignore this problem but the thing is that I want conky to start when I login. And instead of starting in the XFCE desktop, it starts on the GNOME desktop and when the XFCE desktop starts again it's dissappeared...
    Hope I didn't confuse you.
    Any ideas/suggestions?
    Last edited by Aventinus (2010-09-23 13:37:22)

    Fruity wrote:
    Aventinus wrote:Nope, that didn't work. I lost all my settings but the problem still remains..
    Aww, but at least you can copy the old config file back
    Could try to see if gdm is part of the problem, at least will narrow things down.. Edit .xinitrc in your users home directory, so it looks like
    exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
    Then save anything thats open, and " /etc/rc.d/gdm stop " as root, which should dump you back to a x-free prompt, and log you out, then login as a user, not root, and " startx ".
    Very odd behaviour though, just throwing a few ideas out there.
    That didn't work either. Thanks for trying though..

  • Gnome loading over XFCE

    i was used to use gnome, but at every update it breaks everything, everything changes, the extensions stops to work... So i installed xfce4.
    I does not use any DM, i start my DE with "gnome-session", for gnome, and "startxfce4", for xfce.
    But suddenly, when i start xfce, it started to load gnome over the xfce desktop... I can see the xfce's wallpaper and icons, but i can see the gnome icons over it, and when i right click over the desktop it shows the gnome's menu. When i click over a folder it opens the gnome filemanager...
    Anyone has experienced something like it?
    I really appreciate some help toto isolate each DE, so i can use both (not simultaneously).

    Check your ~/.xinitrc
    You should only have exec startxfce4
    Comment out the line "exec gnome-session" so it should be "#exec gnome-session"
    You shouldn't be starting both DE's

  • Xfce & Compiz

    I am using Xfce 4.8 and I'm trying to use Compiz but I can't get it to work right I seem to get an error "can't find ccp module" but I think that could be the main issue on why it's not working. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?
    Last edited by brenden1096 (2011-05-07 12:57:49)

    Which compiz packages are installed on your system? In my case it looks like this:
    [photon-new@photon-desktop ~]$ yaourt compiz | grep installed
    1 community/ccsm 0.8.4-2 (compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-gtk compiz-fusion-kde) [installed]
    2 community/compiz-bcop 0.8.4-1 [installed]
    3 community/compizconfig-backend-gconf 0.8.4-1 (compiz-fusion-gtk compiz-fusion) [installed]
    5 community/compizconfig-python 0.8.4-2 [installed]
    6 community/compiz-core 0.8.6-2 (compiz compiz-kde compiz-gtk compiz-fusion) [installed]
    9 community/compiz-fusion-plugins-extra 0.8.6-2 (compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-gtk compiz-fusion-kde) [installed]
    10 community/compiz-fusion-plugins-main 0.8.6-1 (compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-kde compiz-fusion-gtk) [installed]
    12 community/emerald 0.8.4-2 (compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-kde compiz-fusion-gtk) [installed]
    13 community/emerald-themes 0.6.0-3 (compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-kde compiz-fusion-gtk) [installed]
    14 community/fusion-icon 20101021-1 (compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-kde compiz-fusion-gtk) [installed]
    15 community/libcompizconfig 0.8.4-2 [installed]
    I must admit though, that switching from XFWM to Compiz sometimes doesn't work for some reason... But I've configured XFCE to start Compiz as default WM (see wiki) and if I don't switch the WM during the session everything works.
    edit: Seems like you can start Compiz either via fusion-icon or on startup as default window manager, but starting it from the terminal gives this error. It might be related to the package version mix (0.84, 0.86) in the repo.
    edit2: I managed to make it start by passing the "--ignore-desktop-hints" option:
    compiz --ignore-desktop-hints ccp
    But now starting it via /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml doesn't work (seems like before it worked just because of lucky session saving)...
    Last edited by PhotonX (2011-05-07 20:41:09)

  • Gdesklets and xfce-4.2

    I wanted gDesklets to start with xfce, and I also wanted to get rid of the panel, so I went ahead and killed the panel, started gDesklets, and logged out, electing to save my session.  When I started xfce again, no panel, but no gDesklets either.  I'm starting xfce with a startx, so I thought I'd try adding 'gdesklets' to my .xinitrc, but that had no effect.  xfce-session keeps a file in .cache representing the most recently saved session, so I took a look at it, and saw this near the end:
    PS: As I was typing this, I realized that for every other app in that file, _Program is the same as the command used to start it, so I'm going to try a symlink from /path/to/gDesklets to /path/to/gdesklets.
    EDIT: The above didn't work, any help is appreciated.

    Xfce will start up any programs that appear in ~/Desktop/Autostart.
    Well, that seemed to work.  Thanks.
    However, I'm still using "startxfce4", not "startx".
    Why did you switch your xinit startup?
    I run 'startx', but that really just starts X and runs .xinitrc.  My .xinitrc looks like this:
    exec startxfce4

  • New to Arch(64), with a few questions about Xorg and more

    Hello and Happy New Year everyone,
    I'm a user that has just recently decided to try and switch to Linux as the main OS for all things that don't concern gaming. I've been using the "server side" of Linux at work for a couple years now, but when it comes to its desktop part I consider myself not fully competent yet. Under recommendation of a friend I decided to give Arch a shot, and I can say that it really suits my philosophy on how an OS should be like.
    I have a few issues I'm currently struggling with that I couldn't seem to solve by looking on my own: as they are mostly minor and shortly described, I thought about packing them up in one single thread to avoid making too many. I've used i686 as testing grounds and am now using x86_64, but most of my problems apply to both.
    Here's my hardware, for reference:
    - Intel E8400 CPU (3GHz, dual core)
    - Asus P5Q-E motherboard
    - 2 GB DDR2 800 RAM.
    - nVidia 8800GT video card with 512MB memory
    - Samsung SyncMaster 713BM flat panel, connected via DVI cable
    - Creative SBLive! 5.1 OEM card (dug up for the occasion since it has hardware mixing)
    I'm using the latest Xorg from the repos, nvidia proprietary drivers, ALSA, Xfce4 + compiz-fusion, and SLIM as my login manager.
    And here are my headaches:
    - (32/64) A similar issue to the one I just mentioned: compiz-fusion doesn't seem to stick around as my window manager, even though I manually set it as per Method 2 from this wiki page. Although it did work for a while, after some time (perhaps after installing some package? but I didn't really install anything X related) it simply stopped working. To get my windows, I have to manually run fusion-icon after login.
    - (32/64) I'm using MPlayer with libass to watch my favourite anime, but sometimes MPlayer freezes up, forcing me to xkill it. Disabling ASS embedded subs yields error message 11, something about unsufficient resources. Disabling subs entirely prevents MPlayer from crashing. Oh, the errors only happen on specific points of certain videos, and all the videos work just fine under WinXP with MPC or VLC.
    - (32/64) Why do anti-aliased fonts under Linux still look so bad, even though I installed the appropriate packages suggested in the wiki? I don't mind disabling anti-aliasing entirely and just using Verdana, but is there some trick to it besides setting sub-pixel hinting under rclick->settings->user interface?
    - (32/64) My SBLive might be 5.1, but I'm only using the front connector as I use either two stereo speakers or headphones all the time. But the volume setting in applications (such as MPlayer) seems to affect the PCM meter of ALSA's mixer, putting it over 0 dB gain and generating sound distortion.
    - (64/don't know if 32 too) Why does Compiz's framerate drop so badly when I push alt-tab? I'm using the default application shifter, hardware acceleration, and there should be no reason why the framerate should drop like that (expecially considering that wobbly windows or cube rotating don't affect my performance at all). I've read around the net about very similar occourances with the task switcher, but I've found no real solution.
    - [SOLVED] (32/64) The first obstacle I came across was that I couldn't set my screen refresh any higher than 60Hz when I actually wanted 75Hz: I solved this by setting the vertical refresh to 76.0-76.0 in xorg.conf. However, for some reason this setting doesn't stick on reboot: I have to log in and manually run rclick->System->NVIDIA X Server Settings for it to apply.
    - [SOLVED] (64 only) The 32 version of Xorg was fine, but for some reason I'm not getting the correct keyset (Italian) under X, while everything works in vc. I think I read something about disabling a module called "keydev", but is this really the way to go?
    - [SOLVED] (64 only) Although I can hear sound in just about every application, the 64 bit version of Pidgin doesn't "ring" on received messages even though the associated option is enabled.
    I kindly thank you in advance for your assistance: I will provide any configuration files that might be needed to help me out
    Last edited by Akaraxle (2009-01-03 21:25:43)

    xisal wrote:
    Take a look into /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-keymap.fdi. This works with portuguese layout:
    The file did not exist, so I created it and changed "pt" to "it". Thanks a bunch, that fixed it!
    Try SMPlayer.
    Ah, I'd rather not involve Qt. Besides, isn't SMPlayer simply a frontend to Mplayer (who already has GMplayer integrated into it, IIRC)?
    Mikko777 wrote:
    Why would you want to use 75Hz with lcd display?
    Does it make a difference?
    On my monitor, from my point of view, it appears to make a difference. It's that simple
    azleifel wrote:In gmplayer Preferences -> Audio -> (assuming alsa selected) -> Configure driver and change the mixer channel to something other than PCM, e.g. Master.
    For all the three combos, I have "driver default" selected. The other option is "default"; I tried to manually type "Master" into the mixer channel field, but then gmplayer's windows and my Xfce taskbar started blinking, so I knew I had just "crossed streams".
    Regarding NVIDIA X Server Settings, running "usr/bin/nvidia-settings --load-config-only" at login is the only way to apply the settings "automatically".
    I've slapped that on my ~/.xinitrc before "exec startxfce4". Thanks in advance, going to test it now!
    About the refresh and non-decorated windows issues (which *appears* to be solved after I've wiped the xfce-session cache), I've been thinking: could they somehow be related the login manager I've chosen, SLIM?
    P.S. New question: is there any way to enable the ALT+num126 for ~ keyboard behaviour I'm used to under M$ environments?
    Last edited by Akaraxle (2009-01-03 09:43:02)

  • Issues with Arch 2009.02 in VMware Workstation [SOLVED]

    I installed Arch Linux 2009.02 i686 as a guest in VMware Workstation 6.5.1, my host is Vista x64. The installation of Arch itself and Xorg wasn't a problem although from this point I've had several issues.
    I was unable to 'startx' or 'xinit' without getting crashes, however adding hal to the daemons fixed that problem - some wiki entries state to add dbus, but dbus is already started. A lot of content on the wiki is outdated, telling users to use hwd; I did install hwd separately (from sourceforge) although it gave me hundreds? of errors related to PCI and eventually failure to parse some x configuration binary in /usr/bin.
    Multimedia Issues
    I then installed xfce4 and gstreamer-plugins. All video and audio play back too quickly, i.e. it seems to play the streams as fast as they can decode. This also happens with flash content such as youtube after I'd installed the appropriate programs. Thinking this may be a timing issue, I editted the vmware config file on my Windows host although it did not help; the timing in the VM seemed to be correct anyway.
    Display Issues
    When I run 'startxfce4' from a terminal, Xfce will start as 800x600 - if I go to change this resolution all options show 0Hz as the refresh rate and many options my monitor cannot display are shown even though I have VMware set to allow a maximum size of 1680x1050. I was unable to generate a 'good' xorg.conf file using 'X -configure' and as mentioned earlier, hwd would not work for me. I installed xf86-video-vmware and xf86-video-vesa as well as both open-vm-tools and normal vmware-tools (not at the same time or together) but can't seem to sort this issue. vmware-tools was able to generate a valid xorg.conf file but it only included a handful of 4:3 resolutions and some of these still showed 0hz. For some strange reason 'startx' and 'xinit' now do not work having failed to find /dev/fb0.
    VMware Tools
    When I did try to install vmware-tools, it had many difficulties trying to build the modules - mostly regarding to not recognising __FREEBSD__, I cannot remember the complete error. I also tried to build open-vm-tools but that gave an error about not being able to find libproc even though I had procps installed. Stopping open-vm-tools on shutdown also always fails and occurs twice.
    I'm going to try reinstalling now that I know a little more about what I did to get things working but if anyone could give me a hand it'd be much appreciated.
    Last edited by andyxl987 (2009-08-04 00:17:29)

    After a lot of experimentation I've got a satisfactory installation although a few minor problems remain:
    Adjustments required to correctly run Alsa+Xorg in Arch Linux 2009.02 using VMware Workstation
    The current kernel does not play nicely with alsa, downgrade to kernel26-
    wget http://www.schlunix.org/archlinux/core/ … pkg.tar.gz
    pacman -U kernel26-
    Install/Upgrade dbus:
    pacman -Sy dbus
    Add hal (if it's not installed then make sure to do so) to your daemons located in /etc/rc.conf, e.g.
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng network netfs crond hal)
    The current open-vm-tools-modules is not compatible with the older kernel, instead use open-vm-tools-modules-2009.04.23-1:
    wget http://www.schlunix.org/archlinux/commu … pkg.tar.gz
    pacman -U open-vm-tools-modules-2009.04.23-1
    The installation will prompt you with an error that /etc/modprobe.conf could not be found (as does the current version), add the following to /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf:
    install pcnet32 /sbin/modprobe -q --ignore-install vmxnet; /sbin/modprobe -q --ignore-install pcnet 32 ; /bin/true;
    You can now install open-vm-tools:
    pacman -S open-vm-tools
    To autoload open-vm-tools on start up you need to add it to your daemons located in /etc/rc.conf, e.g.
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng network netfs crond hal open-vm-tools)
    Add vmware-user to your /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc file if you desire (for seamless mouse and display switching), e.g. my xinitrc with xfce4 ends with:
    vmware-user &
    exec startxfce4
    Install the following components: xf86-video-vmware xf86-video-vesa xf86-input-vmmouse xf86-input-mouse:
    (You will not be able to start x if you have installed xf86-video-fbdev and do not have a valid xorg.conf file, this is addressed later)
    pacman -S xf86-video-vmware xf86-video-vesa xf86-input-vmmouse xf86-input-mouse
    Lastly we need to edit/create the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to use our vmware drivers, this will enable automatic resolution switching and seamless mouse functionality:
    (All of the following is necessary otherwise X will ignore our vmware drivers)
    Section "ServerFlags"
        Option "AllowEmptyInput" "false"
    Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "VMware Mouse"
        Driver      "vmmouse"
        Option "Protocol"         "ps/2"
        Option "Device"           "/dev/input/mice"
        Option "ZAxisMapping"     "4 5"
        Option "Emulate3Buttons"  "true"
    Section "Device"
        Identifier  "VMware SVGA"
        Driver      "vmware"
    Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier  "VMware Config"
        InputDevice "VMware Mouse" "CorePointer"
    * open-vm-tools fails to stop during a shutdown or /etc/rc.d/open-vm-tools stop/restart
    * most screen resolutions show 0Hz (although everything works correctly) and adding VertRefresh to xorg.conf produces a major error
    * playback of flash video produces a sound artefact when starting - although I think this may be to do with the decoder rather than system
    I've marked this as solved although I welcome any suggestions regarding these minor issues. The open-vm-tools one I can probably sort out but it's too late now to look into tonight
    Last edited by andyxl987 (2009-08-04 00:21:03)

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