XGL/Compiz on Xfce?

I think it could be nice to play a little witj XGL/Compiz on Xfce, but how do I do?
I have a Intel graphics card... The guide on the Wiki don't seems to work right

what options would you recommend for intel cards? cause i tried it on my intel laptop and it was slow, maybe that was the problem.  thanks for any help
pauldonnelly wrote:
karsten wrote:you don't have to, the script takes the 3rd choice automatically, being neither nvidia nor ati. just run it and it will work fine.
The only thing that command line option affects are the -accel options that are given to Xgl. Ati cards and Nvidia cards work best with different ones. Intel cards don't actually work at all with those options (which means slightly slow rendering), so putting your chipset there should have no effect at all.

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    I`m from germany ;-)

    Their is a bug with xgl and java applications. Most java applications donot draw correctly with xgl on from what I have read this is being fixed, but this is the reason I had to turn off Xgl on SLED and my SuSE10.1 box.

  • E17 and Xgl, compiz etc.

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    I think some clarification is helpfull here
    We have several distinct components on several levels that play together, and I woud like to write a short summary about them to answer some questions asked in this thread.
    Level 0: The X server with several optional "Extensions", like Xorg or XGL, Xnest (on top of Xorg)
    Level 1: The window manager      AND       the composite manager
    Level 2: The desktop environment
    On level 0 we have Xorg, which since some years or so provides the "Composite" extension. This enables the usage of a composite manager. There can only be one composite manager running at once.
    The window manager is not bound to a certain extension, but always available within X. There can also be only one window manager running at once.
    Window manager: A window manager manages all windows, like drawing borders around them, let the user move & resize them, implement virtual desktops, etc. Both KDE and Gnome come with window managers like kwin or Metacity. E17 also comes with a window manager. Compiz also acts as window manager, therefor it does not only change the "look" but also the "feel"!
    Composite manager: The composite manager is able to get all the window's contents, composite them into a single image and send this image to the video output. Therefor, if compositing is enabled, windows aren't drawn directly onto the screen by the X server anymore. Compositing is possible on _any_ Xorg server even without AIGLX or any 3D acceleration. I will talk about Compiz' requirements later.
    Composite managers which were talked about here: xcompmgr, compiz, bling.
    Desktop environment: The DE is not really an entity as-is, but rather a collection of interacting X clients which regularly comes with a distinct window manager. Gnome, KDE and E17 are called DEs. While it is possible to replace the window managers of Gnome and KDE easily by Compiz, this is not supported for E17 (yet). Compiz could also only act as a composite manager in cooperation with any window manager, but it was not designed that way.
    So the reason why you cannot use compiz with E17 is simply that E17 already has a window manager; to run it with compiz you would have to try to manually replace E17's window manager with compiz, which would also result in the loss of distinct E17 features.
    Now on Xgl: Xgl is layer 0, ie it is a replacement of Xorg. In fact, Xgl runs on top of another X-Server and uses that one's GLX extension to get itself a working GL content. After that, Xgl implements all the primitive drawing as GL commands. So it is possible to run E17 on top of Xgl, although the benefits are debatable (at least, Xgl could end up running faster because it uses the hardware's 3D acceleration to draw instead of its 2D acceleration -- while in an ideal world with perfect drivers, the 2D acceleration should be at least as fast, ...)
    The question is: What is the purpose of Xgl and why it is needed? Well, basically a composite manager like Compiz (and not xcompmgr) uses OpenGL to composite the output image, enabling all the bling bling 3D effects on windows. To do so, it has to be able to generate textures out of the windows' contents (and that is, the texture maps directly to the window's pixmap lying in the graphic card's memory).
    When XGL was invented, it wasn't possible to do this with a regular X server. AIGLX and the famous glx_texture_from_pixmap GL extension though provide a solution to this, whereas this GL extension was introduced into proprietary drivers a little bit late.
    Today, there should be no need to use XGL for anyone! As XGL is a bad hack, you should try to avoid it, it introduces problems on various fields.
    Have a good night,

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    guzz46 wrote:
    You could Try this
    amixer sset Master - 2+
    increase the number if you want
    worked like a charm, thanks!
    what would i do for mute?

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    check it out:
    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … dome&hl=en
    what is the slow mo effect? doesnt seem to work for me.. nothing happens when i run it..
    thanks. let me know.

    the tar.gz files doesnt exist. ran the pkgbuild got this:
    ==>     Downloading compiz_0.0.13.41.orig.tar.gz
    --10:33:33--  http://ubuntu.compiz.net/pool/main/c/co … rig.tar.gz
               => `compiz_0.0.13.41.orig.tar.gz'
    Resolving ubuntu.compiz.net...
    Connecting to ubuntu.compiz.net||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 502 Bad Gateway
    10:33:33 ERROR 502: Bad Gateway.
    ==> ERROR: Failed to download compiz_0.0.13.41.orig.tar.gz
    ==> Aborting...
    also your repository package is corrupted:
    10:40:57 (77.38 KB/s) - `compiz-' saved [223574/223574]
    --10:40:57--  http://aquila.deus.googlepages.com/comp … pkg.tar.gz
               => `compiz-plugins-0.7_0ubuntu1-1.pkg.tar.gz.part'
    Resolving aquila.deus.googlepages.com...,,
    Connecting to aquila.deus.googlepages.com||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 458,565 (448K) [application/octet-stream]
    100%[====================================>] 458,565       58.89K/s    ETA 00:00
    10:41:04 (68.26 KB/s) - `compiz-plugins-0.7_0ubuntu1-1.pkg.tar.gz.part' saved [458565/458565]
    checking package integrity...
    error: archive compiz-plugins-0.7_0ubuntu1-1.pkg.tar.gz is corrupted

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    What is the wisdom or idiocy of doing this?

    I recently installed xfce and set up compiz. I was able to get the wall, expo, and ring switcher to work with xfwm and xfce panels.
    To get compiz to load on startup, I had to add
    compiz --replace ccp to the startup programs.
    So far, xfce and compiz have been working out well.

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    Any ideas?

    Well then, carry on!   If they continue to work don't forget to mark your thread solved!   (To do that, edit your first post and pre-pend [Solved] to its title).

  • XFCE+compiz = no qt icons in tray

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    Is it a problem with the configuration? Is there a solution to the problem?

    Well then, carry on!   If they continue to work don't forget to mark your thread solved!   (To do that, edit your first post and pre-pend [Solved] to its title).

  • XFCE: Pager broken after using compiz-fusion[SOLVED]

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    Thanks in advance...this is my 1st time using compiz on xfce...
    I solved the issue, thanks anyway...:D
    On the compizconfig settings ---> General Options ---> Desktop Size
    I had set this values on the ff:
    Horizontal Virtual Size = 4
    Vertical Virtual Size = 2
    Number of Desktops = 4
    Thats it!
    Now I have a 2 column 4 workspace pager...
    Last edited by kaola_linux (2009-01-06 08:45:37)

    Wow this was really bugging me. Thanks so much!

  • [SOLVED] Compiz fusion-icon won't run

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    I've tried the third method, but when I followed the instructions and I rebooted my computer, I've got no window manager at all: I have to manually load Compiz.
    The only thing that works right now is following the third method and also do the first one at together.
    But I just want to do either the second or the third method. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
    Thank you in advance.
    (Sorry for bad English).
    Last edited by jonasty123dm (2013-02-27 18:46:56)

    ewaller wrote:It is your system, so do as you will.   I really do not recommend running compiz as root.  Enough said.
    Hi, I didn't mean running Compiz as root: I just edited this file: "/etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml" to make Compiz start for all users. I followed the method without the fusion icon this time (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Co … icon.22.29) and everything works now.
    Thank you very much for the help.
    (P.S.: I don't know how to mark this thread as SOLVED).
    Last edited by jonasty123dm (2013-02-27 13:06:12)

  • Help installing compiz

    Well this is the only problem left I have with Arch.
    I'm using fglrx drivers, xgl and compiz from danimoth repository. The install process went fine but I just can't get compiz to run on XGL following the wiki http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xgl.
    I've tried both methods but in the first nothing happens and I just have a normal gnome session. With the second method I get a message that my session last less than 10 seconds and some errors:
    /opt/gnome/etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: Registering your session with wtmp and utmp
    /opt/gnome/etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: running: /usr/bin/sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u /var/run/utmp -x "/opt/gnome/var/gdm/:0.Xservers" -h "" -l ":0" "kp"
    /opt/gnome/etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...
    /opt/gnome/etc/gdm/Xsession: ssh-agent not found!
    /opt/gnome/etc/gdm/Xsession: Setup done, will execute: /opt/gnome/bin/gnome-session
    Maybe I'm missing something?
    BTW If I open gnome-terminal then su root and type startxgl then a nice little window appears in my desktop with another session and xgl+compiz running inside, the image:
    http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/1872 … hotxm4.png

    I installed it but still the error about my session and less than ten seconds but now I get a
    Fatal error:
    Could not create server lock file: /tmp/.X1-lock
    I deleted the file and restarted my computer and now xgl starts because I get the ugly grid background but then again an error appears:
    Xlib connection to localhost:1.0 refused by server
    Xlib no protocol specified
    Last edited by karmapolice (2007-02-01 01:12:24)

  • XGL and GDM/KDM

    I just installed the XGL packages from Shadowhand's repository, and xgl/compiz work perfectly using the "startxgl" script provided.
    How can I get xgl to start with either kdm or gdm?  I've tried the directions here and I seem to just get a regular X server (that is, compiz says "compiz: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing
    compiz: Failed to manage screen: 0
    compiz: No managable screens found on display :0.0" when I try to start it)
    Anyone know a better way to run Xgl/compiz at system start?

    If you read the Gentoo wiki, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH there is not the right one. (for Arch users).
    I used this on the /usr/bin/compizrc file instead:
    DISPLAY=:1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mesa-cvs/lib/ compiz --replace gconf &
    Just follow the instructions on the Gentoo wiki, and it should work

  • Compiz + xorg 1.5 problem

    hey, when i use compiz with xfce or standalone on xorg-server 1.4.2 (from extra) it starts up and works fine.
    but when i use the package from testing i can't switch desktops. all other things work but it looks like the keybindings for switching fail.
    when i activate/deactivate desktop-cube/wall they bind correctly, but not on startup.
    i tried the git-version of compiz as well, no luck.
    the only way i got it running was using gnome - but it starts up for like 30s and i don't like that very much.
    any ideas would be appreciated

    Same problem.
    3 - 4 edits are problem free. After that, the image either fails to update or renders in a scrambled fashion. Switching view doesn't help us. Quitting and reopening Aperture shows that the image is intact, so no data is actually lost (just time). Lately we've taken to saving the file and waiting 2 - 3 seconds before returning to Aperture, that seems to work.
    This is on a DP G5 2.0 and CS2 (also using a raptor boot). Haven't tried it on our MacBook Pro as CS2 is too slow, but I'll investigate.
    We were doing some troubleshooting for something else and tried all the same remedies (reinstalled Aperture etc.). Seems like the problem is in the program or maybe the raptor is too fast ; )

  • Comparison of 3D desktops

    The first post on this thread has three videos, which show, respectively, XGL/Compiz on Linux, MacOS X, and Vista's Aero Glass. For now I'll spare my opinions, and just say that they all look pretty good. I'll also say that there's one difference between the Vista one and the others that kind of leaps out at me - see if you can spot it.

    Huh, I hadn't thought of that one.
    Actually, what struck me was that the Vista one looked a lot slower and jerkier than the other two. Not sure of the reason, I guess it might be a poorer quality vid, or a lower-powered machine used to run it. On the other hand, I've been hearing much complaining about Vista betas being dog slow, and kind of wonder if that's what you see in the video.

  • Leopard

    Installed XGL+compiz (OpenSUSE Linux) and was amazed. A lot of the graphics effects were copied from OS X of course, like expose, true transparency, etc. But what really looked cool was the windows wobble and raining on the desktop. I wonder if Leopard will be able to top XGL+compiz.
    Vista's Aero didn't impress, but XGL sure did. I love Tiger but I want more eye candy!

    I wonder if Leopard will be able to top XGL+compiz.
    Good question that only Apple can answer which won't be answered here. Apple keeps such (and all information) about a new OS X version closely guarded until the official release.

Maybe you are looking for