XI doesn't return an xml file

I've made a scenario using XI 3.0. I use a file adapter with an inbound synchronous interface to send a xml file to XI. XI consumes a function from CRM using a RFC adapter and an outbound synchronous interface. I've setted "Best Effort" as quality of service too.
The xml file arrives correctly to CRM and CRM returns the BAPI result to XI correctly too. The problem is XI doesn't return the xml file which it should, that's to say, the xml file sent by XI isn't in the specified target directory (using an inbound synchronous interface and a XI adapter).
Could someone explain me what happens?
Thanks in advance,

Hi Samantha,
bad news: File Adapter is always asynchronous, cant get any response. And if you use an interface to send data it is an outbound interface.
To realize your business logic you must use BPM like
file (outbound asynchronous) -> BP (abstract asynchronous)
BP (abstract synchronous) <-> CRM (inbound synchronous)
BP (abstract asynchronous) -> file (inbound asynchronous)

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    Strings don't "return files", and XML parsing is pretty much the same, regardless of source. So, what is it you're trying to do?

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    [Add carriage return in XML file|https://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/XI/HowtoappendCarriageReturnintheendofeachtagofxml+file]
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    Hi Frantzy,
    The link does not give enough explanation. What I am assuming is if you have xml string in one field then if you need to add new line after each tag then you can follow that.
    If you want a udf where you want to insert a new line use this udf:
    Create a Value UDF with one input argument 'a' and name the udf as addnewline. Then add this code:
    Imports: java.*;
    String lines;
    lines = "";
    lines = lines.concat(a + '\n' );
    return lines;
    Then where ever you want a new line just add this udf in your mapping. If you want a new line for 10 fields then you can put in all the 10 fields.
    Source field --> logic --> udf (addnewline) --> target.
    So after logic if you have the value as 123 then in the target you will see 123 followed by a carriage return.

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    coda, textwrangler, textedit should all be able to open and display xml files
    but there is no direct print or word proccessor route from xml it's a broad format it's
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    xml can be seen as a text version of .dat which is the binary counterpart

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    I think, if your talking about generating XML, that you should use XMLElement, XMLForest, etc. to create your XML.
    Lets assume that you base is relational data, then maybe the following great example will give you an idea how to do it : Re: Generate XML Schema from oracle tables
    As michaels pointed out (did you read the link/ URL given?), the general expectancy is that the packages will be less and less important. So also maintenance wise the XMLElement, etc way will be the best, also for the future, maintainable method.

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    Document d;
    return d;
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    If you want to deal directly with the Document and not want the SOAP engine to serialize/deserialize the XML into Java objects, then you can easliy implement this using Axis. Look at the Axis documentation (http://ws.apache.org/axis/java/user-guide.html#ServiceStylesRPCDocumentWrappedAndMessage) under the heading "Message Services". One of the provided API methods that Axis provides is in the form you want: public Document method(Document body). Hope that helps. As for how to implement the service using Axis, that is beyond the scope of this forum. Check the Axis docs for more help on that.

  • Load XML file from addon domain without cross-domain Policy file

    Assuming that there are two addon domains on the same server: /public_html/domain1.com       and      /public_html/domain2.com
    I try to load XML file from domain2.com into domain1.com without using cross-domain policy file (since it doesn’t work on xml files in my case).
    So the idea is to use php file in order to load XML and read it back to flash.
    I’ve found an interesting scripts that seems to do the job but unfortunately I can't get it to work. In my opinion there is somewhere problem with AS3 part. Please take a look.
    Here are the AS3/PHP scripts:
    AS3 (.swf in www.domain1.com):
    // location of the xml that you would like to load, full http address
    var xmlLoc:String = "http://www.domain2.com/MyFile.xml";
    // location of the php xml grabber file, in relation to the .swf
    var phpLoc:String = "loadXML.php";
    var xml:XML;
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(phpLoc+"?location="+escape(xmlLoc) );
    loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoaded);
    loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOErrorHandler);
    function onIOErrorHandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void {
        trace("There was an error with the xml file "+e);
    function onXMLLoaded(e:Event):void {
        trace("the rss feed has been loaded");
        xml = new XML(loader.data);
        // set to string, since it is passed back from php as an object
        xml = XML(xml.toString());
        xml_txt.text = xml;
    PHP (loadXML.php in www.domain1.com):
    header("Content-type: text/xml");
    $location = "";
    if(isset($_GET["location"])) {
        $location = $_GET["location"];
        $location = urldecode($location);
    $xml_string = getData($location);
    // pass the url encoded vars back to Flash
    echo $xml_string;
    //cURLs a URL and returns it
    function getData($query) {
        // create curl resource
        $ch = curl_init();
        // cURL url
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $query);
        //Set some necessary params for using CURL
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
       //Execute the curl function, and decode the returned JSON data
        $result = curl_exec($ch);
        return $result;
        // close curl resource to free up system resources

    I think you might be right about permissions/settings on the server for php. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to adjust them.
    So I wrote my own script - this time I used file path instead of http address of the XML file.  It works fine in my case.
    Here it is:
    XML file on domain2.com:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <image imagePath="galleries/gallery_1/images/1.jpg" thumbPath="galleries/gallery_1/thumbs/1.jpg" file_name= "1"> </image>
        <image imagePath="galleries/gallery_1/images/2.jpg" thumbPath="galleries/gallery_1/thumbs/2.jpg" file_name= "2"> </image>
        <image imagePath="galleries/gallery_1/images/3.jpg" thumbPath="galleries/gallery_1/thumbs/3.jpg" file_name= "3"> </image>
    swf  on domain1.com:
    var imagesXML:XML;
    var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
    var varURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("MyPHPfile.php");
    varURL.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
    varURL.data = variables;
    var MyLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
    MyLoader.dataFormat =URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
    MyLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, XMLDone);
    function XMLDone(event:Event):void {
        var imported_XML:Object = event.target.data.imported_XML;
        imagesXML = new XML(imported_XML);
       MyTextfield_1.text = imagesXML;
       MyTextfield_2.text = imagesXML.image[0].attribute("thumbPath");  // sample reference to attribute "thumbPath" of the first element
    php file on domain1.com:
    $xml_file = simplexml_load_file('../../domain2.com/galleries/gallery_1/MyXMLfile.xml');  // directory to XML file on the same server
    $imported_XML = $xml_file->asXML();
    print "imported_XML=" . $imported_XML;
    PS: for those who read the above discussion: the first and the second script work but you must test which one is better in your situation. The first script will also work between two domains on different servers. No cross domain policy file needed.

  • Mimic BufferedReader with XML File

    I have a class (extends BufferedReader) that reads "records" 1 by 1 -
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class FileRecordReader extends BufferedReader {
      public FileRecordReader(Reader reader) throws FileNotFoundException {
      public String[] readRecord() throws IOException {
        Vector fields = new Vector();
        char[] buffer  = new char[1];
        int bytesRead;
        StringBuffer newField = new StringBuffer();
        bytesRead = read(buffer);
        while (bytesRead != -1) {
          // ignore linefeed and carridge returns
          if (buffer[0] == '\n' || buffer[0] == '\r') {
            bytesRead = read(buffer);
          if (buffer[0] == '|') {
         newField = new StringBuffer();
         bytesRead = read(buffer);
          if (buffer[0] == '~') {
          bytesRead = read(buffer);
        if (fields.size() == 0) return null;
        String[] returnFields = new String[fields.size()];
        return returnFields;
    }As you can see the fields are seperated by the '|' character and the '~' character signals the end of a record.
    I now have to extend this class to handle xml files as well. In the readRecord method I check a property which tells me what file type I'm dealing with (txt file or xml) and then I call either readDelimitedRecord or readXMLRecord.
    readDelimitedRecord does exactly what readRecord currently does, and readXMLRecord should do the equivalent for an xml file. I know how to read a record from the xml file, but how do I keep track of what records I've read so far?

    Your solution for delimited files doesn't scale to XML files. Besides, XML files don't have "records". I would recommend that for XML files you do something completely different. Feed them to a SAX parser and get the stream of startDocument(), startElement(), characters(), endElement(), and endDocument() events. Otherwise you would find yourself writing a whole XML parser, which is more complicated than it looks.

  • Problem in downloading a xml file

    i have a requirement that, in a page for example test.html a button is provided. on clicking that button one a request is send to an application which is running at a remote location, which i dont know. just i have the url of that perticular application which is running at one server. Depending on the requirement i have to pass different arguments, based on this arguments, remote application returns a XML file as a response.
    In my application one servlet has to catch that response, process the xml and i have to store the elements present in the xml file into a suitable datastructure object and keep that object in the context of the application for further manipulation, finally i have to dispaly all the data present in that in to another page like a display.jsp.
    i dont know how the remote application is working, i know only that if any request goes to that application with a valid arguments, it returns a xml to the application who makes that request. and that response should be handled by my application.
    To solve this, i used socket communication in java.net package. by clicking the button, i called a servlet and that servlet calls the remote application by passing the valid parameter, catch the xml file as responce, and do whatever required.
    i need ur suggesions about this that i did in a right way or not. if any body have another idea about how to solve this, please give me a reply.

    there's usually more than one way to do something, and right or wrong isn't always the best way to look at it. if your solution works, then you're good! if you are having problems in a specific area, post the code/error and we can help.

  • Sending xml file from client to servlet

    I am writing the server component of an applcation, such that it will receive xml files from the clients(standalone application similar to javaSwing stuff but it's coded in C#), and the servlet will have to extract the data from the xml file and update the mySql database. it will also fulfill the client's request for xmlFiles (and extract data from DB, format to xml file and send back to client)
    I'm new to implementing the servlet receiving files from clients so would need some help.
    I've got 3 questions to ask:
    1) How does the servlet receive/returns the xml file from the client as a series of httpPost request/response. Do i send a File or the file's contents as a String to/from the client?
    2) Is it also a must to use socket for the file transfers? I have read in other posts about sockets as well as HttpURLConnection but i don't quite understand.
    3) When I send a file back to the client(client is standalone application written in C# whereas server is coded in java), what do i specify for the HttpResponse.setContentType() in my servlet? (i'm returning the xml file to client)
    Would really appreciate for any help rendered. If you have any useful links, would appreciate them too. Thanks a lot.

    I've got 3 questions to ask:
    1) How does the servlet receive/returns the xml file
    from the client as a series of httpPost
    request/response. Do i send a File or the file's
    contents as a String to/from the client?The server will listen on some port for requests. The client has to open a socket to this server to send the file as string to the server.
    see http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/networking/index.html
    2) Is it also a must to use socket for the file
    transfers? I have read in other posts about sockets as
    well as HttpURLConnection but i don't quite
    understand.You use HttpURLConnection to make a request using the http protocol, instead of opening a socket and then writing the html headers yourself.
    3) When I send a file back to the client(client is
    standalone application written in C# whereas server is
    coded in java), what do i specify for the
    HttpResponse.setContentType() in my servlet? (i'm
    returning the xml file to client)Its up to your receiving program how to interpret this though, so you probably dont need this.

  • Using XML files created with PDF form in Excel

    I have returned survey XML files created by a survey form using Lifecycle Designer. Have been unsuccessful in the importing of multiple XML files into Excel as a 2nd file just overlays the 1st file's data.
    I have been reading a number of posts that most likely tells me that sending the PDF survey form out via e-mail and getting the returned XML file back via e-mail was not the best way to do it. Unfortunately it is what I have to deal with now, so two questions I have:
    1. Is there a known method for importing all of these XML files into any Office program more easily than what I have been dealing with, and
    2. What method would be best used if I have surveys to send out but have no web server or any other tool other than my local software on my PC for collecting and compiling the returned data?

    Are you clicking the Send Email button while previewing the pdf form?
         -> If yes, have you specified preview data on Form Properties panel?
                    -> If yes, does your form contain Table or repeatable subforms?
    If all the above point are true, you will get multiple data in your xml.

  • XML File Mapping Syntax

    Xcelsius 2008
    I have an XML file sitting in the same dir as the .xlf file.  Path to the XML is:
    Entry in Data Manager as  both a hard-coded path above and pointing to a cell containing the path.
    Preview SWF functions as expected, editing the XML will refresh with the refresh button.
    Exporting to a standalone SWF file sitting in the same dir fails with Error # 2032 meaning it doesn't see the XML file.
    Tried several combinations of  forward vs back-slash.
    Preceding with file://, file:
    , file:
    without success.
    Using only filename PatSat4.xml doesn't work.
    Thing is: works in preview mode, not as export.
    Anybody know either the proper syntax or the trick?

    This is an ADOBE issue based on their security methodology/policy.  Similar to the issue when xml files are coming from a server/across domains.
    You may find more info on error messages at
    To resolve the issue, go to
    and flag the folders (or parent folders) holding the xml files as "trusted".  You will need to do this for every (physical) machine you or your customers are working with. The xml files need not be in the same folder as the xlf or swf file.
    Hope this helps

  • How to send the dynamically generated XML file to other site for further processing?

    I have a question regarding exchanging data between two systems
    using XSQL servlet. The situation is descrbed as the follows:
    Assume that we have a simple XSQL page named "emp.xsql"
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?-- XSQL page file "emp.xsql" -->
    <xsql:query xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql" connection="demo" >
    and we can access it through the HTTP request likes
    Usually we will the returned dynamic XML file and show it on the
    screen. Now the problem is that we don't want to show the
    generated XML file on the calling screen. Instead, we want to
    send the generated XML file to other website for further
    processing, say, using JSP or ASP likes
    How can it be implemented using XSQL servlet?
    Any hint and outline of the solution is appreciated.

    Do you have a sample. I am searched so much in this forum for samples. I looked on SAX Parser. I did not find any samples.
    Please help me.
    Thank you for your posting.

  • Go to import XML file but can't select it

    Hi wonder if anyone can help, I've exported an XML from Final Cut Pro but when I go to File - Import, it doesn't recognise the XML file and doesn't let me select it, I've tried exporting in different XML versions and with and without extension name. Worth pointing out that my CS4 master collection was downloaded from adobe whilst waiting for the box to arrive, so not installed from a disk, don't know if that makes any difference. Happy to be humiliated if this turns out to be a school-boy error.
    Premiere Pro CS4 4.0

    Yep that's done it, I thought it was up-to-date as "updates.." was dulled out.
    Thank you

  • Problem reload xml files

    I'm using the photo galleries example.
    But in my program, I modify the xml files
    My problem is when I modify the xml files and refresh the
    page. It's not modified.
    Every time, I need to delete the internet cache files.
    I try to put this function dsGalleries.loadData() but it
    doesn't work.
    Do you have an idea?

    Actually, my problem is simple. Firefox refresh very well my
    page but internet explorer doesn't reload the xml files.
    I know that the problem is really famous. I found a lot of
    topics in your forum and on the internet but anyone couldn't solve
    I put this in my page:
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=ISO-8859-1" />
    <meta http-equiv="Last-Modified"
    <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
    <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="date(DATE_RFC822,
    mktime() - 3600)">
    <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control"
    But it's the same problem.
    Do you have a solution?

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