
I'm just trying to write a style sheet for the FOP to generate a PDF file.
Generating PDF works fine, but the layout is not exatly what I want.
I want that if the second column is equal to a specific value, then the background color should be changed.
Here the coding part:
<fo:table-cell padding="6pt" border="0.1px solid #000000">
          <xsl:when test="position()=2">
               <xsl:when test="Weekday='SUN'">
               <fo:block font-size="9pt" text-align="center" background-color="#ff00ff" >
                    <xsl:value-of select="."/>
               <fo:block font-size="9pt" text-align="center" wrap-option="wrap">
                    <xsl:value-of select="."/>
               <fo:block font-size="9pt" text-align="center" wrap-option="wrap">
                    <xsl:value-of select="."/>
Any help will be appreciate.
Many thanks.

Has anyone an idea ?

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    Thank you for your subscription.
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    Thank you.

  • Unable to generate XLS output for Quoting Module

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    Finally we found the solution for this problem.
    1. Open qotSCocPrint.jsp and add below line inside <SELECT id="qotOutFrmt" name="qotOutFrmt"> statement. This line should be added after "for" loop.
    <OPTION value="EXCEL">Excel Format</option>
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    Take a backup of the original file, compile the java in the same directory.
    3. Decompile oracle.apps.aso.print.server.PrintQuoteAMImpl.class and change this line
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    String outputFormat="OUTPUT_TYPE"+as[12].trim();
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  • ? Office 2013 to support Excel 2003 (XLS) spreadsheets containing VBA CommandBars references

    Thanks in advance for reading this and offering any wisdom you have! I am not an expert in any of the following, so apologies if off base.
    The basic problem is: I need to use Excel 2013 to support Excel 2003 (XLS) spreadsheets containing VBA 'CommandBars' references which don't seem to work in Excel 2013. Details below.
    Most of our users are still using older desktop windows PCs and Office 2003!  We are beginning to upgrade to laptops running Windows 8.1 with Office 2013.  Of course, we IT technical people are using the new laptops first. These new laptops are
    64 bit.
    Years ago, someone did a lot of development with spreadsheets here in Excel 2003 file formats that automates many activities and routines. Now we with the new laptops are having to support this development using new machines.
    There is a basic compatibility issue that appears when first opening these Excel 2003 files that have VBA code that I'll detail below; I seem able to get by that problem.
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    commands, but "...Starting from Office 2007 the Fluent UI is used instead."  In other words, because MS Office isn't menu-driven beginning with version 2007 (uses 'the ribbon'), it appears that these references to: "For Each bar In Application.CommandBars"
    create a basic incompatibility to opening these spreadsheets in Office 2013.
    For a spreadsheet, after I resolve the issue detailed below and save it, when I reopen it I encounter error "Compile error: can't find project or library." 
    For example, the following code snippet:
    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    For Each bar In Application.CommandBars
            bar.Enabled = False
    results in: "Compile error: can't find project or library." 
    (Sorry, can't include images yet, I am not a VERIFIED USER of this forum yet.)
    I went into VBE's menu: Tools>References and check for anything marked MISSING, which I deselected. But I am still receiving this error.
    I don't want to get into changing the code a lot to support both Excel 2003 and 2013 (I am no VBA expert, just a dabbler).
    And Microsoft officially says that Office 2003 is incompatible with Windows 8 although Application.CommandBars seem to be somewhat supported in Office 2013 .
    Are you aware of a quick VBA workaround to get by this?
    •I could comment out the validations, commands for: "For Each bar In Application.CommandBars" but then the spreadsheet code probably won't work for users using Office 2003.
    Alternatives would be:
    •Installing Office 2003 on my Win 8.1 64 bit laptop anyway, in spite of MS's saying incompatible, since this thread discusses at least one person has been able to use Office 2003
    •Keeping one older PC with Office 2003 on it for us to support the old Office 2003 code until everyone upgrades their systems
    Basic compatibility issue that seems solvable:
    Opening these spreadsheets displays this error:
    Compile error:
    The code in this project must be updated for use on 64-bit systems.
    Please review and update Declare statements and then mark them with the PtrSafe attribute.
    This seems resolvable by going into the VBA code and just adding element 'PtrSafe' where functions are declared; in other words, replacing VBA code "Declare Function" with "Declare PtrSafe Function" seems to get by this.

    Hi Allan_L,
    Please try the methods that provided above. And this is the forum to discuss questions and feedback for Microsoft Excel, your issue is related to Excel DEV, if you have further question, I recommend you post the question to the MSDN forum for Excel
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • APEX 4.0: error while opening a XLS file downloaded from interactive report

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    Yes No Help
    May be this one Apex 4.0 issue.
    please help me.

    is the next part of the code correct.
    What i mean is packing of the attachment, finding out the size of pdf file and doc type as PDF.
    You can also try below link..
    Link: [http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/Snippets/SENDALVGRIDASPDFATTACHMENTTOSAPINBOXUSINGCLASSES]
    Hope this helps.

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    Is it possible to use different type of attachment extension (e.g .xls,.txt) in the sender mail adapter?
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    PayloadSwapBean  will only convert the attachment as the main payload.
    Yeah for reading excel file I have a separate custom adapter module.This is not in the scope of my question..
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    The momment I am specifying  content-type , I am making it particular  that only say .xls attachment , it will identify.
    I hope I make you clear.Inputs required

  • "Cannot interpret data in file" error while using GUI_UPLOAD for .xls file

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    Here is my code. I had tried using different combination for HAS_FIELD_SEPARATOR but still its not working.
    In my emp1.xls file , the data in each column is present in the same order as in the internal table. Although the first column in my internal table is NUMC. I dont know if that is causing the problem.
    data: itab TYPE TABLE OF zempl_master WITH HEADER LINE.
        FILENAME                      = 'C:\empl1.xls'
        FILETYPE                      = 'ASC'
        HAS_FIELD_SEPARATOR           = 'X'
    *   HEADER_LENGTH                 = 0
    *   READ_BY_LINE                  = 'X'
    *   DAT_MODE                      = ' '
    *   CODEPAGE                      = ' '
    *   IGNORE_CERR                   = ABAP_TRUE
    *   REPLACEMENT                   = '#'
    *   CHECK_BOM                     = ' '
    *   VIRUS_SCAN_PROFILE            =
    *   NO_AUTH_CHECK                 = ' '
    *   FILELENGTH                    =
    *   HEADER                        =
        DATA_TAB                      = itab.
    *   FILE_OPEN_ERROR               = 1
    *   FILE_READ_ERROR               = 2
    *   NO_BATCH                      = 3
    *   INVALID_TYPE                  = 5
    *   NO_AUTHORITY                  = 6
    *   UNKNOWN_ERROR                 = 7
    *   BAD_DATA_FORMAT               = 8
    *   HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED            = 9
    *   SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED         = 10
    *   HEADER_TOO_LONG               = 11
    *   UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR              = 12
    *   ACCESS_DENIED                 = 13
    *   DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY              = 14
    *   DISK_FULL                     = 15
    *   DP_TIMEOUT                    = 16
    *   OTHERS                        = 17
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    LOOP at itab.
      write:/ itab-emp_no,itab-name.

    hi amber22 you need to use the below fm to upload an xls file
          FILENAME    = FILENAM
          I_BEGIN_COL = 1
          I_BEGIN_ROW = 1
          I_END_COL   = 6
          I_END_ROW   = 100
          INTERN      = xl_itab.
    * UPLOAD_OLE = 2
    * OTHERS = 3 .
      IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
    ENDFORM.                    " EXCEL_UPLOAD

  • Can we load data using .xls in user define format(without using default template)

    Hi All,
    I'm new bee to FDM. Part of HFM support i use FDM to load flatfile data. Just has a bit more knowledge than end user.
    Requirement is that i need to load data from MS excel to Planning application via FDM.
    Previously application is in Excel(Macro driven) and upstream(data) is also in Excel(multi tab).
    As of my knowledge data can be loaded from .csv file(Excel save as CSV) with single tab.
    Could you please let me know possibilities to load data from .xls(.xlsx) to FDM.
    Thanks in advance.

    If you want to load data using Excel, utilising FDM's out-of-the-box functionality you will have to use one of the templates supplied i.e. Excel Trial Balance or Excel Multi-load template.

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    I have stored my all official and personal contacts list in the Excel (XLSX/XLS) spreadsheet and CSV file from long time. But now, I want to move my all contacts in an MS outlook 2013 and also Samsung S4 Contacts directory. But for this process, I require to import all Excel and CSV file contacts into VCF file format. So that, I could export vCard (VCF) file in the outlook and Samsung S4 contacts book. But I don't know about this process that how to import Excel and CSV file contacts into vCard format. If anyone has best solution to import and export excel or CSV file contacts into VCF file, so please share with me that information.
    Thanks & Best Regards
    Jackson T.
    <Edited By Host>


  • Error reading xls file

      Why the simulation is not accepting the data iam trying to give.
     Why Does the "Read Waveform From File.vi" Behave Differently in the Run-time Engine?
     what is the solution for this.Can you explain please.Iam also adding the vi file and the excel file I'm using.
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    distorted ip.xls ‏737 KB

    Hi Dennis,
                     I tried the simualtion you are given.It is giving the waveform but a portion of it  only showing. Any time only 1023 samples of data is coming. That too it is coming from 17111 to 18134.I tried to change all the axis and scaling even then it is not changing. I am attaching the text files with tabs inside the elements. Can you please explain me the reason or can you send me the spread sheet file you've given for the simulation.
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    plot.docx ‏29 KB

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    I created a HSODBC Data link to my DB, and used Excel 2003 to edit the XLS file to upload, and WEBUTIL_FILE_TRANSFER.CLIENT_TO_AS(client_dir_file,'\\server\dir\myfile.xls') to upload.
    My DBLink works and Im able to upload the file. But it seems oracle is unable to upload some fields containing numeric (float) values.
    running DESCRIBE Sheet1$@hsodbc; I got this table structure
    UPLOAD_DATE          DATE
    DESCR          VARCHAR2(32512 CHAR)
    HIGH      VARCHAR2(32512 CHAR)
    ITEMS      FLOAT(49)
    fields SIMILARS, WIDTH, HEIGHT, HIGH, ITEMS contain numeric values in float format (ex: 1,00000). When I run
    I get that WIDTH, HEIGHT, HIGH columns are EMPTY (contain NULL values), while SIMILARS and ITEMS contains not null values.
    I am sure that the \\server\dir\myfile.xls contains not null values for WIDTH, HEIGHT, HIGH fields! I tried to change cells format before upload, setting them to FLOAT, but I got no results!
    Please help me, how can I do to change cell format in order to obtain a correct upload?

    there is a mistake in the subject. As I said in my thread, the upload works and the uploaded file contains all values. My problem is that I am "unable to READ" the numeric values stored in VARCHAR2 fields.

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    You can filter messages to file them to a certain folder, but I don't think you can have Thunderbird to automatically print them.

  • Upload data from excel( XLS/xs format) in SAP CRM

    Upload data from excel( XLS/xs format) in SAP CRM  7.0 as there is no *ALSM*EXCEL*ITAB* like FM there unlike ECC 6.0...?

    hello Buddy,
    plz go through below links
    Hope This will Help You...

  • Hyperlinks to XLS, DOC, and PDF files that are included in a .chm file work intermittently.

    Hyperlinks to XLS, DOC, and PDF files that are included in a
    .chm file (and the Baggage Files) only work intermittently. The
    only solution appears to be deleting the Temporary Internet Files.
    1. I place the XLS, DOC, or PDF file in the Windows
    sub-directory that corresponds to the RoboHelp project sub-folder
    where the topic in which I’ll place the hyperlink exists.
    2. I open the help project in RoboHelp HTML.
    3. I right-click on the project’s Baggage Files
    sub-folder that corresponds to the Windows sub-directory in which I
    placed the XLS, DOC, or PDF file (in step 1).
    4. I import the XLS, DOC, or PDF file.
    5. I open the topic in which I’m going to place the
    hyperlink in the WYSIWYG editor.
    6. I “drag and drop” the Baggage File into the
    topic (in the WYSIWYG editor) to create a link to it.
    7. I save the changes and then generate HTML (.chm) help.
    8. I open the .chm file and click the hyperlink. The XLS,
    DOC, or PDF file may or may not open.
    9. When the hyperlink works correctly, for DOC and XLS files,
    a “File Download – Security Warning” dialog box
    appears asking, “Do you want to open or save this
    file?”. The buttons that are available are
    “Open”, “Save”, and “Cancel”.
    These buttons work then as one would expect. (When the hyperlink
    works correctly for a PDF file, it simply opens the PDF file in a
    new window; there’s no prompt to save, open, or cancel.)
    10. When a hyperlink does NOT work, for DOC, XLS, and PDF
    files, no dialog box or other visual message is displayed. Instead,
    the sound that is associated with the “Exclamation”
    program event is played (the “Windows XP
    Exclamation.wav” file is the WinXP default).
    Other Notes:
    - The hyperlinks ALWAYS work when I view a topic using the
    “View Selected Item” function (Ctrl+W) in the RoboHelp
    HTML project.
    - Once a hyperlink stops working, it will not start working
    again until I delete all the Temporary Internet Files.
    - A hyperlink will stop working even if Internet Explorer
    (iexplore.exe) is closed the entire time.
    Through trial and error, I have discovered that if a
    hyperlink stops working, I can get it to work again using the
    following steps:
    1. Leave the .chm file open.
    2. Open Internet Explorer.
    3. Click Tools>Internet Options….
    4. From the “Internet Options” dialog box, select
    the “General” tab.
    5. Under the “Temporary Internet Files” section,
    click the “Delete Files…” button.
    6. From the “Delete Files” dialog box, select
    “Delete all offline content” and then click
    “OK”. The files are deleted and the “Delete
    Files” dialog box closes.
    7. Click “OK” to close the “Internet
    Options” dialog box.
    8. Without closing Internet Explorer and without re-starting
    the .chm file, all the hyperlinks that didn’t work before
    will now work.
    - Windows XP Pro, SP2
    - Internet Explorer 6.0.2900.2180
    - RoboHelp X5, 5.0.2 Build 801
    - HTML (.chm) help project files exist on my local machine
    - HTML (.chm) help file is run from my local machine
    - Project is under RoboSource version control
    - “Check for newer versions of stored pages” is
    set to “Automatically”
    - “Current location” for the Temporary Internet
    files folder is set to “C:\Documents and Settings\My
    Username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\”
    - “Amount of disk space to use” is set to
    “594” MB
    “View Files…”
    - An XLS or DOC file will be listed here if I click its
    hyperlink and then click either “Open” or
    “Save” from the “File Download – Security
    Warning” dialog box.
    - A file will appear here even if I click “Save”
    and then click “Cancel” from the subsequent “Save
    As” dialog box.
    - If I click “Cancel” from the “File
    Download – Security Warning” dialog box, the file does
    not appear in the Temporary Internet Files folder.
    - When a file does appear in the Temporary Internet Files
    folder, its Internet Address is displayed similar to the following:
    “View Objects…”
    Here’s a list of all the program files that appear:
    - “Microsoft Office Template and Media Control”
    (Last Accessed 12/13/06) (Version 12,0,6024,0)
    - “Shockwave ActiveX Control” (Last Accessed
    12/14/06) (Version 10,1,4,20)
    - “Shockwave Flash Object” (Last Accessed
    12/18/06) (Version 9,0,28,0)
    - “Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool”
    (Last Accessed 12/14/06) (Version 1,5,722,0)
    - “WUWebControl Class” (Last Accessed 12/13/06)
    (Version 5,8,0,2469)
    Today is 12/18/06 so the only program file that is listed as
    having been “Last Accessed” today is the
    “Shockwave Flash Object”.
    I really want to include certain PDF, DOC, and XLS files in
    their native format in a .chm file. However, I need a better
    solution to my problem than the one I discovered. What I really
    want is to avoid the entire problem altogether.
    Have anyone seen this before or have any suggestions?

    You wont be able to do that. The embedded objects would appear as images only.

  • Payroll.xls file for Mid Year Go Live

    Hi All,
    I want to use the program the program HINUULK0 for uploading data into
    tables t558b and t558c. The SAP help documentation says that it provides a
    template payroll.xls for entering the data. I've not been able to spot this
    file yet.
    From where I can get the PAYROLL.XLS file?
    Please help.

    Dear Atin,
    For table T558B use format :-
    Personnel Number
    Sequential number for payroll period
    Payroll type
    Payroll Identifier
    Pay date for payroll result
    Period Parameters
    Payroll Year
    Payroll Period
    Start date of payroll period (FOR period)
    End of payroll period (for-period)
    Reason for Off-Cycle Payroll
    Sequence Number
    For Table T558C use format :
    Personnel Number
    Sequence Number
    Country grouping
    Wage type
    Key date
    Hope this helps.
    Kindly reward if useful.
    Regards & Thanks,
    Darshan Mulmule

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    How do I copy my old xl files from my XP machine to operate on xl for Mac on my new iMac.  When I copy them onto a stick and transfer them it automatically makes them xls files which are then corrupted when I try to open them in xl for mac

    Sorry, yes this is Microsoft Excel.  The Microsoft XP has Excel files denoted as xl, the later versions of Microsoft Excel are denoted as xls files.  The later verions of Microsoft Excel open the xl files OK, does Excel for Mac not able to do this?

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