XML Specification

Where can I find Oracle's XML specifications for a 'customer', 'purchase order' or any other business object?

The document must satisfy these rules may considered as a Well-formed Document.
1) Every opening tag must have a corresponding closing tag.
2) A nested tag pair cannot overlap with another tag
3) Tag names are case sensitive
You can refer, http://www.xml101.com/xml/xml_syntax.asp for more information.
Hope that helps.
Best Luck!
Senthil Babu
Developer Technical Support
SUN Microsystems

Similar Messages

  • Bug in Excel's handling of metadata? Or at least a deviation from the Open Office XML specification?

    I've discovered some very strange behaviour in Excel which seems to be contrary to that documented in the Open Office XML specification (OOXML). I couldn't find a way to report bugs against Excel, so I thought I'd try to explain the issue here.
    In short it seems that Excel is removing, and incorrectly re-indexing the metadata I programatically associate with cells.
    First, a summary of the relevant parts of the specification:
    From OOXML 18.9: There are two types of metadata: "cell metadata" and "value metadata".
    Cell metadata follows the cell as it moves. Value metadata follows the value through formulae etc.
    From OOXML The c (cell) element has cm and vm attributes which are both documented as "The zero-based index of the [cell|value] metadata...in the Metadata Part"
    From OOXML 18.9.17: The valueMetadata is "a collection of block element that each define the value metadata for a particular cell". "Cells in the workbook index into this collection".
    The valueMetadata contains bk elements which in turn contain rc (metadata record) elements
    From OOXML 18.9.15: rc elements have t (type index) and v (value index) attributes. t is a 1-based index into metadataTypes and v is a 0-based index into the futureMetadata element which matches the name of the metadata type.
    Here's an example of what this might look like:
    <c vm="0"> <!-- vm points to the first bk inside valueMetadata below -->
    <x:rc t="1" v="0" /> <!-- t points to the first metadataType below. v points to the first bk in the futureMetadata below (whose name matches the metadataType to which t points) -->
    <x:metadataType name="MyMetaType" ... /> <!-- name dictates which futureMetadata valueMetadata's v attribute indexes into -->
    <x:futureMetadata name="MyMetaType" ...>
    <x:ext xmlns:x="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" uri="http://example.com/extension" p5:value="test value" xmlns:p5="http://example.com/extension" />
    The Problem
    From what I can tell, for values of n > 2, if you associate n cells with metadata, Excel will drop the last piece of metadata, and the one at index 1, and it will do so silently. The indices are then 0..n-3, and the association for all but the first (0
    index) will be wrong. This renders the future metadata totally useless.
    For n == 1, Excel just removes the last piece of metadata (index 1). If we try 1-based indexes for the vm attribute on the c element, we get different behaviour. This may not be relevant as it is contrary to the specification, but the slightly better behaviour
    might indicate an off-by-one error:
    Deleted Indices (0-based) when using 0-based indices
    Deleted Indices (0-based) when using 1-based indices
    Demonstrating the Problem
    I have some example code[1] that demonstrates the problem. You will need a file called test.xlsx with cells A1..C2 populated.
    Compile the source as AddMetadata.exe then run with the test file as the only parameter:
    > AddMetadata.exe test.xlsx
    You can look at test.xlsx in Excel, Visual Studio (with the Open XML Package Editor Power Tool for Visual Studio 2010) or the Open XML SDK 2.0 Productivity Tool for Microsoft Office. Looking at the file before and after running AddMetadata.exe you should
    be able to reproduce the behaviour documented above.
    It would be good to know if this is really an Excel bug or whether we're doing something wrong / unsupported. Any insight would be very much appreciated.
    [1] The Example code:
    namespace AddMetadata
    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
    using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet;
    public class Program
    // The cells to associate with metadata
    private readonly static CellSpec[] CellSpecs = new[]
    new CellSpec{ Sheet = "Sheet1", Column = "A", Row = 1 },
    new CellSpec{ Sheet = "Sheet1", Column = "B", Row = 1 },
    new CellSpec{ Sheet = "Sheet1", Column = "C", Row = 1 },
    new CellSpec{ Sheet = "Sheet1", Column = "A", Row = 2 },
    new CellSpec{ Sheet = "Sheet1", Column = "B", Row = 2 },
    new CellSpec{ Sheet = "Sheet1", Column = "C", Row = 2 },
    private static readonly uint NumCells = (uint)CellSpecs.Length;
    private const string SPREADSHEET_ML_NS = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main";
    private const string METADATA_TYPE_NAME = "MyMetaType";
    private const string EXTENSION_URI = "http://example.com/extension";
    public static void Main(string[] args)
    if (args.Length != 1)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("AddMetadata <doc.xslx>");
    Console.Out.WriteLine(" Adds metadata to the specified document to demonstate some strange Excel behaviour");
    var doc = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(args[0], true);
    catch(Exception e)
    /// <summary>
    /// Strip any existing metadata.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="doc">The document</param>
    private static void StripMetadata(SpreadsheetDocument doc)
    var wbPart = doc.WorkbookPart;
    var cellMetadataPart = wbPart.GetPartsOfType<CellMetadataPart>().FirstOrDefault();
    /// <summary>
    /// Add basic metadata part structure.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="doc">The document</param>
    private static void AddMetadata(SpreadsheetDocument doc)
    doc.WorkbookPart.CellMetadataPart.Metadata = new Metadata { MetadataTypes = new MetadataTypes() };
    /// <summary>
    /// Add the metadata type used by all the metadata we're adding
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="doc"></param>
    private static void AddMetadataType(SpreadsheetDocument doc)
    var metadata = doc.WorkbookPart.CellMetadataPart.Metadata;
    var metadataType = new MetadataType
    Assign = false,
    CellMeta = false,
    ClearContents = false,
    ClearAll = false,
    ClearComments = true,
    ClearFormats = true,
    Coerce = false,
    Copy = true,
    Delete = false,
    Edit = true,
    Merge = true,
    MinSupportedVersion = 0U,
    PasteAll = true,
    PasteBorders = false,
    PasteColWidths = false,
    PasteComments = false,
    PasteDataValidation = false,
    PasteFormats = false,
    PasteFormulas = false,
    PasteNumberFormats = false,
    PasteValues = true,
    RowColumnShift = true,
    SplitAll = false,
    SplitFirst = false
    /// <summary>
    /// Add future metadata blocks which contain the actual metadata for each cell.
    /// They are referenced by the metadata records.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="doc">The document</param>
    private static void AddFutureMetadata(SpreadsheetDocument doc)
    var metadata = doc.WorkbookPart.CellMetadataPart.Metadata;
    var futureMetadata = metadata.AppendChild(new FutureMetadata());
    futureMetadata.Name = METADATA_TYPE_NAME;
    futureMetadata.Count = NumCells;
    // Future metadata area
    for (var i = 0; i < NumCells; i++)
    // The metadata for each cell will be single FutureMetadataBlock containing an extension list with a single extension.
    FutureMetadataBlock futureMetadataBlock = futureMetadata.AppendChild(new FutureMetadataBlock());
    ExtensionList extLst = futureMetadataBlock.AppendChild(new ExtensionList());
    Extension ext = extLst.AppendChild(new Extension());
    ext.Uri = EXTENSION_URI;
    ext.AddNamespaceDeclaration("x", SPREADSHEET_ML_NS);
    ext.SetAttribute(new OpenXmlAttribute("value", ext.Uri, string.Format("test value {0}", i)));
    /// <summary>
    /// Add metadata records which point to each future metadata block.
    /// They are in turn referenced by the cells.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="doc">The document</param>
    private static void AddMetadataRecords(SpreadsheetDocument doc)
    var metadata = doc.WorkbookPart.CellMetadataPart.Metadata;
    // Value metadata area
    ValueMetadata valueMetadata = metadata.AppendChild(new ValueMetadata());
    for (uint i = 0; i < NumCells; i++)
    // Type is 1-indexed, index into future metadata is 0-indexed
    var metadataBlock = valueMetadata.AppendChild(new MetadataBlock());
    var metadataRecord = metadataBlock.AppendChild(new MetadataRecord());
    metadataRecord.Val = i;
    metadataRecord.TypeIndex = (uint)1;
    /// <summary>
    /// Associate existing cells with existing metadata.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="doc">The document</param>
    private static void AssociateCellsWithMetadata(SpreadsheetDocument doc)
    for (uint i = 0; i < CellSpecs.Length; i++)
    var cellSpec = CellSpecs[i];
    var cell = GetCell(doc, cellSpec.Sheet, cellSpec.Column, cellSpec.Row);
    if (cell == null)
    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cell {0} not found in row {1} of sheet {2}", cellSpec.Column, cellSpec.Row, cellSpec.Sheet));
    cell.ValueMetaIndex = i;
    /// <summary>
    /// Get a cell given the document, sheet name, column name and row index.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="doc">The document</param>
    /// <param name="sheetName">The sheet name</param>
    /// <param name="columnName">The column name</param>
    /// <param name="rowIndex">The row index</param>
    /// <returns>The cell</returns>
    private static Cell GetCell(SpreadsheetDocument doc, String sheetName, String columnName, uint rowIndex)
    var row = GetRow(doc, sheetName, rowIndex);
    if (row == null)
    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Row '{0}' not found", rowIndex));
    return row.Elements<Cell>().Where(c => c.CellReference.Value.StartsWith(columnName)).FirstOrDefault();
    /// <summary>
    /// Get a worksheet part by sheet name.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="document">The document</param>
    /// <param name="name">The sheet name</param>
    /// <returns>The worksheet part</returns>
    private static WorksheetPart GetWorksheetPartByName(SpreadsheetDocument document, string name)
    // Get Sheet by name from Sheets in Workbook
    var sheet = document.WorkbookPart.Workbook.GetFirstChild<Sheets>().Elements<Sheet>().Where(x => x.Name == name).FirstOrDefault();
    // Lookup WorksheetPart by Id
    return sheet == null ? null : (WorksheetPart)document.WorkbookPart.GetPartById(sheet.Id.Value);
    /// <summary>
    /// Get a row given the document, sheet name and row index.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="doc">The document</param>
    /// <param name="sheetName">The sheet name</param>
    /// <param name="rowIndex">The row index</param>
    /// <returns>The row</returns>
    private static Row GetRow(SpreadsheetDocument doc, String sheetName, uint rowIndex)
    var worksheetPart = GetWorksheetPartByName(doc, sheetName);
    if (worksheetPart == null)
    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Sheet '{0}' not found", sheetName));
    return worksheetPart.Worksheet.GetFirstChild<SheetData>().Elements<Row>().Where(r => r.RowIndex == rowIndex).First();
    struct CellSpec
    public string Sheet;
    public string Column;
    public uint Row;

    If you create a metadatatype with a single metdata block, and you reference that in your vm/cm cell attribute using a *one* based index, Excel seems to see the link and it honors it when saving the spreadsheet.
    So, I ended up with something like:
    <c ... cm="1"/> (I'm dealing with cell metadata, but the concept is equivalente to value metadata)
    <metadataTypes count="1">
      <metadataType name="MyMetaType" .../>
    <futureMetadata count="1" name="MyMetaType">
    uri="http://example" xmlns:x="http://example"><x:val>87</x:val></ext></extLst>
    <cellMetadata count="1">
    t="1" v="0"/></bk> <!-- this is what gets referenced as cm=1 on the cell -->
    Hope this helps. 

  • Parse file without xml specification or document element

    I have a large (600mb) log file that is in xml format but it does not have an xml specification and has no document element.
    file looks like this:
    <!-- ... many many many more <message> elements -->
    I have written a class that overrides the SAX DefaultHandler but now want to be able to parse the document without having to add the xml spec and document element manually.
    I've thought about writing a subclass of FileReader that adds the xml specification and document element before reading physical file but would also need to add closing document element at end of file.
    Is there a simpler way?

    There is another way around the problem of adding a missing root node. This involves adding an extra DTD file and a xml file, like this one:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone="no"?>
    <!DOCTYPE messageSet SYSTEM "logfile.dtd"
    [<!ENTITY data SYSTEM "logfile.xml">]
    This file "includes" the logfie.xml, as an external entity, with your messages as child nodes of element messageSet.
    In your program you refer to this xml file when parsing the messages.

  • XML specification rules

    I need XML specification sytax rules which makes Well Formed Document.

    The document must satisfy these rules may considered as a Well-formed Document.
    1) Every opening tag must have a corresponding closing tag.
    2) A nested tag pair cannot overlap with another tag
    3) Tag names are case sensitive
    You can refer, http://www.xml101.com/xml/xml_syntax.asp for more information.
    Hope that helps.
    Best Luck!
    Senthil Babu
    Developer Technical Support
    SUN Microsystems

  • Idoc to idoc xml specification example

       I am a ABAP developer and have received a requirement for Writing Interface Specification. The requirement is as follows:
    There are 3 outbound master data idocs MATMAS,DEBMAS & BATMAS which need to be sent from SAP (client) to XI to Warehouse. These idocs will be received by the warehouse in xml format. I need to write a specification with mappings for the XI team to do the necessary conversion of idocs to xml format. I have managed to collect all idoc related data and fields required for warehouse.I have been provided with the template for writing the specification for XI team to proceed with conversion to xml.Please advise how should i proceed?
    If required, I can send the template to your email id.
    If any one can help me with writing the first spec, i would manage the rest.
    I simply need some sample spec to follow.
    If you have some sample spec, you can even provide it to me.Kindly help.
    Thanks & Best Regards,
    Tejas Savla

    Bhakti Haria wrote:
    > Hi,
    >    I am a ABAP developer and have received a requirement for Writing Interface Specification. The requirement is as follows:
    > There are 3 outbound master data idocs MATMAS,DEBMAS & BATMAS which need to be sent from SAP (client) to XI to Warehouse. These idocs will be received by the warehouse in xml format. I need to write a specification with mappings for the XI team to do the necessary conversion of idocs to xml format. I have managed to collect all idoc related data and fields required for warehouse.I have been provided with the template for writing the specification for XI team to proceed with conversion to xml.Please advise how should i proceed?
    > If required, I can send the template to your email id.
    > If any one can help me with writing the first spec, i would manage the rest.
    > I simply need some sample spec to follow.
    > If you have some sample spec, you can even provide it to me.Kindly help.
    > Thanks & Best Regards,
    > Tejas Savla
    Hi Tejas,
    IDocs are pulled from the SAP Back-end system onto the PI(XI) system in metadata form. You don't have to do the conversion explicitly, it is taken care! I guess your job will be done once you send the IDoc from SAP R/3 to PI (XI). It will be easy for you if you can pick up the metadata (nothing but IDoc in XML format) and try to map it with the XML that Warehouse is expecting just for the specification doc perspective.
    Let me know if you need more help.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Anand Patil

  • Customer Invoice Request XML Specification

    Hi All,
    I've been searching my butt off looking for the customer invoice request XML spec.
    Where is it?

    Minimal Request:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <CreationDateTime />
      <CustomerInvoiceRequest actionCode="04" reconciliationPeriodCounterValue="1">
        <name>Extreme Reach - DEV</name>
          <PricingProcedureCode listID="2">PPSTD1</PricingProcedureCode>
        <Item actionCode="04">
          <BaseItemCancelledIndicator>false</BaseItemCancelledIndicator>    <ReceivablesPropertyMovementDirectionCode>2</ReceivablesPropertyMovementDirectionCode>
          <Quantity unitCode="EA">1</Quantity>
              <TypeCode listID="2">7PR1</TypeCode>
                <Quantity unitCode="EA">1</Quantity>
                <Amount currencyCode="USD">0</Amount>
              <CalculatedAmount currencyCode="" />
              <RoundingDifferenceAmount currencyCode="" />
              <GroupedIndicator />
              <PriceSpecificationUUID />
          <AccountingCodingBlockAssignment>     <AccountingCodingBlock>A1520<GeneralLedgerAccountAliasCode>Z0003</GeneralLedgerAccountAliasCode></AccountingCodingBlock>

  • DatabaseTableResourceAdapter - XML Specification

    Since I have been unsuccessful creating a DatabaseTableResourceAdapter through the Wizard, I have begun trying to code the XML to manually import one. The problem I am having now is I don't know how to specify the RESATTR Resource Attributes, for the "Table Type", "Table Name", and "Key Column" attributes.
    Anyone know where I look to find these variable names? Here is my code so far:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE Resource PUBLIC 'waveset.dtd' 'waveset.dtd'>
    <!--  MemberObjectGroups="#ID#Top" accountTypesEnabled="false" hostname="" name="GMST5 DatabaseTable Resource" supportsContainerObjectTypes="false" supportsScanning="false" type="DatabaseTable" typeString="DatabaseTable"-->
    <Resource id='#ID#62625D9D70BB48B6:675E1247:10CB552FF93:-7EC5' name='GMST5 DatabaseTable Resource' lock='Configurator#1155132878474' class='com.waveset.adapter.DatabaseTableResourceAdapter' typeString='DatabaseTable' typeDisplayString='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESTYPE_ORACLE' hasId='true' timeLastExamined='0' reconcileTime='0'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='driver' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_DRIVER' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_369' value='oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='host' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HOST' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_239' value=''>
        <ResourceAttribute name='port' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PORT' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_269' value='1526'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='database' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_DATABASE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_80' value='gmst5'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='user' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_USER' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_286' value='entexro'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='password' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PASSWORD' type='encrypted' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_262' value='62625D9D70BB48B6:39583279:10C5E367E36:-7FFD|V7ftcoYzVBc='>
      <AccountAttributeTypes nextId='2'>
        <AccountAttributeType id='1' name='dbtempid' syntax='string' mapName='USERID' mapType='string' required='true'>
        <ObjectRef type='AttributeDefinition' id='#ID#AttributeDefinition:accountId' name='accountId'/>
      <Retries max='0' delay='300' emailThreshold='5'/>
        <LoginConfigEntry name='com.waveset.security.authn.WSResourceLoginModule' type='Oracle' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RES_LOGIN_MOD_ORACLE'>
            <AuthnProperty name='USERID' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:UI_USERID_LABEL' isId='true' formFieldType='text' dataSource='USERID'/>
            <SupportedApplication name='Administrator Interface'/>
            <SupportedApplication name='User Interface'/>
          <ObjectRef type='UserForm' id='#ID#Oracle User Form'/>
        <ObjectRef type='ObjectGroup' id='#ID#Top' name='Top'/>

    Through some very painstaking debugging and manually crafting by hand an XML file with all required attributes I was successfully able to import an adapter.
    It appears that the Wizard has a bug where it is creating a Resource Attribute called 'password', which is the problem. If I manually change the attribute with an uppercase 'P', ie "Password", the adapter then shows up in the resource list. If I then update any parameters through the Wizard for that resource, the Wizard changes the XML to the invalid attribute name again and recreates the error.
    Sun has yet to confirm or deny this behavior
    So, for anyone else who may be as dense as I, here is my base DatabaseTable Adapter. I now need to figure out how to make the rest of it work . . .
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE Resource PUBLIC 'waveset.dtd' 'waveset.dtd'>
    <!--  MemberObjectGroups="#ID#Top" accountTypesEnabled="false" hostname="" id="#ID#62625D9D70BB48B6:675E1247:10CB552FF93:-7D95" name="Test Database Table" startupType="Disabled" supportsContainerObjectTypes="false" supportsScanning="false" syncEnabled="false" syncSource="true" type="Database Table" typeString="Database Table"-->
    <Resource id='#ID#62625D9D70BB48B6:675E1247:10CB552FF93:-7D95' name='Test Database Table' creator='Configurator' createDate='1155565523738' lastModifier='Configurator' lastModDate='1155570366411' lastMod='45' class='com.waveset.adapter.DatabaseTableResourceAdapter' typeString='Database Table' hasId='true' facets='provision' timeLastExamined='0' reconcileTime='0' syncSource='true' startupType='Disabled'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Quoting' displayName='RAMessages:RESATTR_DBTABLE_QUOTING' description='RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_DBTABLE_QUOTING' value='None'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Host' displayName='RESATTR_HOST' description='RESATTR_HELP_DBTABLE_HOST' value=''>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Port' displayName='RESATTR_PORT' description='RESATTR_HELP_DBTABLE_PORT' value='1526'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='User' displayName='RESATTR_USER' description='RESATTR_HELP_DBTABLE_USER' value='entexro'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Password' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PASSWORD' type='encrypted' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_262' value='62625D9D70BB48B6:39583279:10C5E367E36:-7FFD|V7ftcoYzVBc='>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Database' displayName='RESATTR_DATABASE' description='RESATTR_HELP_DBTABLE_DATABASE' value='gmst5'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Table' displayName='RESATTR_TABLE' description='RESATTR_HELP_DBTABLE_TABLE' value='USERID'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Key Column' displayName='RESATTR_KEY_COLUMN' description='RESATTR_HELP_DBTABLE_KEY_COLUMN' value='USERID'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Password Column' displayName='RESATTR_PASSWORD_COLUMN' description='RESATTR_HELP_DBTABLE_PASSWORD_COLUMN'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='JDBC Driver' displayName='RESATTR_JDBC_DRIVER' description='RESATTR_HELP_DBTABLE_DRIVER' value='oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='JDBC URL Template' displayName='RESATTR_URL_TEMPLATE' description='RESATTR_HELP_DBTABLE_URL_TEMPLATE' value='jdbc:oracle:thin:@%h:%p:%d'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='noPasswords' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_NOPASSWORDS' type='boolean' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:DBTABLE_NOPASSWORDS_HELP' value='true'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Static Search Predicate' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_STATIC_SEARCH_PREDICATE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:DBTABLE_HELP_STATIC_SEARCH_PREDICATE' facets='activesync'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Last Fetched Conjunction' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_LAST_FETCHED_CONJUNCTION' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:DBTABLE_LAST_FETCHED_CONJUNCTION_HELP' facets='activesync' value='AND'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Last Fetched Predicate' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_LAST_FETCHED_PREDICATE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:DBTABLE_LAST_FETCHED_PREDICATE_HELP' facets='activesync'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Order By Clause' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:DBTABLE_ORDER_BY' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:DBTABLE_ORDER_BY_HELP' facets='activesync'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='processRule' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PROCESS_RULE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PROCESS_RULE_HELP' facets='activesync'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='correlationRule' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_CORRELATION_RULE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_CORRELATION_RULE_HELP' facets='activesync'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='confirmationRule' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_CONFIRMATION_RULE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_CONFIRMATION_RULE_HELP' facets='activesync'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='deleteRule' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_DELETE_RULE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_DELETE_RULE_HELP' facets='activesync'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='createUnmatched' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_CREATE_UNMATCHED' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_CREATE_UNMATCHED_HELP' facets='activesync' value='true'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='resolveProcessRule' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_RESOLVE_PROCESS_RULE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_RESOLVE_PROCESS_RULE_HELP' facets='activesync'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='populateGlobal' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_POPULATE_GLOBAL' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_POPULATE_GLOBAL_HELP' facets='activesync' value='false'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Proxy Administrator' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PROXY_ADMINISTRATOR' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_30' value='Configurator'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Input Form' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_FORM' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_26'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Pre-Poll Workflow' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PREPOLL_WORKFLOW' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PREPOLL_WORKFLOW_HELP'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Post-Poll Workflow' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_POSTPOLL_WORKFLOW' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_POSTPOLL_WORKFLOW_HELP'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Maximum Archives' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_MAX_ARCHIVES' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_MAX_ARCHIVES' value='3'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Maximum Age Length' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_MAX_LOG_AGE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_MAX_LOG_AGE'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Maximum Age Unit' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_MAX_LOG_AGE_UNIT' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_MAX_LOG_AGE_UNIT'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Log Level' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_LOG_LEVEL' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_27' value='2'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Log File Path' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_LOG_PATH' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_28'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Maximum Log File Size' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_LOG_SIZE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_29'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Scheduling Interval' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SCHEDULE_INTERVAL' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_51'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Poll Every' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SCHEDULE_INTERVAL_COUNT' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_52'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Polling Start Time' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SCHEDULE_START_TIME' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_56'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='Polling Start Date' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SCHEDULE_START_DATE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_HELP_54'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='useInputForm' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_USE_INPUT_FORM' type='boolean' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_USE_INPUT_FORM_HELP' facets='activesync' value='true'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='parameterizedInputForm' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PARAMETERIZED_INPUT_FORM' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_PARAMETERIZED_INPUT_FORM_HELP' facets='activesync'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='activeSyncPostProcessForm' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SYNC_POST_PROCESS_FORM' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SYNC_POST_PROCESS_FORM_HELP' facets='activesync'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='activeSyncConfigMode' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SYNC_CONFIG_MODE' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_SYNC_CONFIG_MODE_HELP' facets='activesync' value='basic'>
        <ResourceAttribute name='assignSourceOnCreate' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_ASSIGN_SOURCE_ON_CREATE' type='boolean' description='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RESATTR_ASSIGN_SOURCE_ON_CREATE_HELP' facets='activesync' value='true'>
      <AccountAttributeTypes nextId='0'>
        <ObjectRef type='AttributeDefinition' id='#ID#AttributeDefinition:accountId' name='accountId'/>
      <Retries max='0' delay='300' emailThreshold='5'/>
        <LoginConfigEntry name='com.waveset.security.authn.WSResourceLoginModule' type='Database Table' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:RES_LOGIN_MOD_DBTABLE'>
            <AuthnProperty name='db_user' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:UI_USERID_LABEL' isId='true' formFieldType='text' dataSource='user'/>
            <AuthnProperty name='db_password' displayName='com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:UI_PWD_LABEL' formFieldType='password' dataSource='user'/>
            <SupportedApplication name='Administrator Interface'/>
            <SupportedApplication name='User Interface'/>
          <ObjectRef type='UserForm' id='#ID#Database Table User Form'/>
        <ObjectRef type='ObjectGroup' id='#ID#Top' name='Top'/>
        <Property name='dbType' value='Oracle'/>
        <Property name='tableType' value='TABLE'/>

  • If condition in XML file

    We are facing an issue while loading data from Data Collection report to rowsource. Actually we are loading data through one loader file which is .XML file. This loader file has mapping of Data Collection Report columns with rowsource columns. The Data Collection Report has following kind of scenario…
    col1     col2     Measures     Jan     Feb     March
              Measure1     23     23     45
              Measure2     45     678     34
    So as per above chart we have two measures: Measure1 and Measure2 having different kinds of data. Now we have to load data of two measures to the same column of the rowsource depending on the value of the 1st row (Jan, Feb, Etc)
    Can we add if condition in loader file(.XML file) to check data of the 1st row as follows?
    The loader file has the following kind of structure in .XML format…
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <load-specification xmlns="http://schemas.interlacesystems.com/2.0/load-specification"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://schemas.interlacesystems.com/2.0/load-specification loadspec-2.0.xsd">
    <ms-excel-file sheet="Forecast Data Input" start-row="10" row-increment="6" skip-hidden- rows="false">
    <pivot column="G" name="Measure1" relative-row="0" columns="K:V" type="double"/>
    <pivot column="H" name="Measure2" relative-row="1" columns="K:V" type="double"/>
    <load-rowsource rowsource="SalesForecast">
    <simple-filter field="${revenue}:${panprevenue}" relop="NE" value=":" nolog="true"/>
         <map column="revenue" value="${Measure1}"/>
         <map column="PANPRevenue" value="${Measure2}"/>
    So could you please suggest us any solution on this or anyone has worked on similar issue?

    I would suggest change in the xml specification as follows -
    I am considering that there must be a column mapped to month (Jan, Feb,..)
    <load-rowsource rowsource="SalesForecast">
    <simple-filter field="${month}" relop="EQ" value="Jan" nolog="true"/>
    <map column="revenue" value="${Measure1}"/>
    <load-rowsource rowsource="SalesForecast">
    <simple-filter field="${month}" relop="NE" value="Jan" nolog="true"/>
    <map column="PANPRevenue" value="${Measure2}"/>
    Please confirm.

  • An error while deploying from xml

    Hello, all!
    I've generated xml specification within GUI
    When I'm trying to deploy it in OMB+ console the error occures
    OMB05623: Cannot deploy Specification from file. Exception follows. Start of root element expected.
    My steps in OMB+
    Content of 123.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <DeploymentSpecification DeploymentName="Deployment Wed Oct 25 17:43:30 MSD 2006">
    <Header RuntimeVersion="" ClientVersion="" ClientRepository="clientRepositoryNotFound" ClientRepositoryUser="clientRepositoryUserNotFound" ClientRepositoryVersion="clientRepositoryVersionNotFound" GenerationTime="25-10-2006 17:43:43" />
    <DeploymentUnit DeploymentUnitName="Unit0" StoreUoid="181DCBE30EA74A339712A4AA1E200BF2" DeploymentAdapterName="DDLDeployment">
    <ObjectDefinition ObjectName="MAP_1" ObjectUoid="EEFA2122844344AA8DBE40854A66B888" ObjectType="PLSQLMap" VersionTag="2006-10-25 17:43:28.966">
    <Task TaskName="MAP_1" ExecutionStoreUoid="{0}" ExecutionAdapterName="NativeExecution" ExecutionOperatorName="PLSQL">
    <ExecutionObject StoreUoid="181DCBE30EA74A339712A4AA1E200BF2" DeploymentAdapterName="DDLDeployment" ObjectType="PLSQLMap" ObjectUoid="EEFA2122844344AA8DBE40854A66B888" />
    <SystemParameter ParameterName="OPERATING_MODE">3</SystemParameter>
    <SystemParameter ParameterName="AUDIT_LEVEL">2</SystemParameter>
    <SystemParameter ParameterName="MAX_NO_OF_ERRORS">50</SystemParameter>
    <SystemParameter ParameterName="COMMIT_FREQUENCY">1000</SystemParameter>
    <SystemParameter ParameterName="BULK_SIZE">50</SystemParameter>
    <SystemParameter ParameterName="PURGE_GROUP">wb</SystemParameter>
    <CustomParameters />
    <Script Action="CREATE" GenerationTime="25/10/2006 17:43:43">
    --  Oracle Warehouse Builder
    --  Generator Version           :
    --  Minimum Runtime Repository
    --   Version Required           :
    --  Created Date                : Wed Oct 25 17:43:28 MSD 2006
    --  Modified Date               : Wed Oct 25 17:43:28 MSD 2006
    --  Created By                  : OWB_REP
    --  Modified By                 : OWB_REP
    --  Generated Object Type       : PL/SQL Package
    --  Generated Object Name       : MAP_1
    --  © 2003 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
    END MAP_1;
    END MAP_1;
    <ObjectDefinitions />
    What the solution of this problem???
    Thanks in advance!

    Problem was solved.
    It was some of illegial symbols at the beginning of xml.

  • XML versions supported in XML Publisher 5.6.2

    Hi everyone,
    can someone tell me, which versions of the XML specification
    - XSLT 1.0 or XSLT 2.0
    - XPath 1.0 or XPath 2.0
    are supported in the rtf templates of XML Publisher 5.6.2?
    Thanks in advance

    XML Publisher 5.6.2 API may be used in JDeveloper 11g by importing the Oracle JDBC library definition from JDeveloper 10.1.3. Instead of the Oracle JDBC library in JDeveloper 11g create a Oracle JDBC library from the JDeveloper 10.1.3 Oracle JDBC library JAR files.

  • Extension.xml and catching compile event in sql developer

    recently I've been trying to make a few plug-in/extensions for sql developer. One allows you to search through entire schema to find and procedures or functions that utilize any given procedure or function, this one works fine. The second one and the one that is giving me trouble is an extension that allows you to see if any items (procedures, functions,...) are broken, the goal with this one is for it to do this task automatically when a procedure or function is compiled to show if the compilation of the function or procedure broke anything else. I have this one working as a button in the toolbar and choice in the main menu, but I can not for the life of me figure out how to hook it on to a compile or run event. Please help!!!!
    here is my extension file so far:
    <extension id="brokenSearch" version="1.0" esdk-version="1.0" rsbundle-class="infinTech.brokensearch.Res"
    <name>Broken Search</name>
    <trigger-hooks xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/ide/extension">
    <!-- TODO Declare triggering functionality provided by extension: infinTech.schemasearch -->
    <!-- TODO Declare functionality provided by the yourcompany.showmepassword extension. -->
    <jdeveloper-hook xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/jdeveloper/1013/extension">
    <action id="infinTech.brokenitems.BrokenItems">
    <property name="Name">Broken Items</property>
    <property name="SmallIcon">${OracleIcons.PLACEHOLDER}</property>
    <property name="LongDescription">Broken Items</property>
    <site idref="navigator">
    <site idref="editor">
    <site idref="explorer">
    <!-- Hook into menus and toolbars -->
    Add the action in its own separator group at the top of the File
    <menubar id="javax.ide.view.MAIN_WINDOW_MENUBAR_ID">
    <menu id="javax.ide.VIEW_MENU_ID">
    <section id="schema.search"
    <item action-ref="infinTech.brokenitems.BrokenItems"/>
    <toolbar id="javax.ide.view.MAIN_WINDOW_TOOLBAR_ID">
    <section id="SCHEMA_SEARCH_SEACTION" weight="2.0">
    <item action-ref="infinTech.brokenitems.BrokenItems"/>
    <description>Simple utility that finds any/all broken items.</description>

    That's not an XML-specific issue, please see the dedicated forum for SQL Developer : {forum:id=260}

  • Structure inDesign document and export as XML for use in the web

    Hello everyone,
    I just recently started using inDesign and I am fascinated by its possibilities! I use it for a project where a finished inDesign layout that is used for a printed publication is now supposed to be transformed for implementing it on a web site. My job is to export the inDesign document as an XML file. After massive reading the last weeks I'm quite familiar with the structuring and tagging in inDesign. Though there's some issues I do not understand. Your precious advice would be of highest meaning to me
    The programmer who will later use my XML output for the web-transformation needs the document structured in different levels like "Root > Chapter > Subchapter > Text passage / table". I already structured the document with tags like title, text passage, table, infobox,... but the structure is just linear, putting one item following to another.
    How can I structure the document with reoccuring tags that enable me to identify the exact position of an item in the document's structure? So that I can say for example "text passage X" is located in chapter 4, subchapter 1. This has to be done because the document is supposed to be updated later on. So maybe a chapter gets modified and has to be replaced, but this replacement is supposed to be displayed.
    I hope my problem becomes clear! That's my biggest issue for now. So for any help I'd be very thankful!

    Our print publications are created in InDesign CS5 for Mac then the text is exported to RTF files then sent to an outside company to be converted to our XML specifications for use by our website developers.  I would like to create a workflow in which our XML tags are included in the InDesign layouts and then export the XML from the layouts.
    Some more detail about what kind of formatting is necessary might be helpful.
    I know that IDML files contain the entire layout in XML format.  Is it a good idea to extract what we need from IDML, using the already-assigned tags?
    Well, if you want to export the whole document, it's the only reasonable approach.
    We use a workflow system such that each story is a seperate InCopy document, stored in ICML format (Basically a subset of IDML). Our web automation uses XSLT to convert each story into HTML for use on our web site; it also matches it up with external metadata so it knows what is a headline and what is not, etc.. It is not exactly hassle free, and every once in a while someone uses a new InDesign feature that breaks things (e.g., our XSLT has no support for paragraph numbering, so numbered paragraphs show up without their numbers).
    You could do the same thing with with IDML, you'd just have to pick out each story, but that's small potatoes compared to all the XSL work you're going to have to do.
    On the other hand, there may be better approaches if you're not going to export the whole document. For instance,  you could use scripting to export each story as an RTF file, and then you could convert the RTF files into HTML using other tools.

  • Replace special characters in xml to its HTML equivalent

    Hello All,
    I did a small xml processor which will parse the given xml document and retrieves the necessary values. I used XPath with DocumentBuilder to implement the same.
    The problem which had faced initially was, i could not able parse the document when the value comes with the '&' special character. For example,
    <description>a & b</description>I did some analysis and found that the '&' should be replaced with its corresponding HTML equivalent
    &amp; So the problem had solved and i was able to process the xml document as expected. I used the replaceAll() method to the entire document.
    Then i thought, there would be some other special character which may cause the same error in future. I found '<' is also will cause the same kind of error. For example,
    <description>a < b</description>Here i couldn't able to use the replaceAll(), because even the '<' in the xml element tags was replaced. So i was not able to parse the xml document.
    Did anyone face this kind of issue? Can anyone help me to get rid of this issue.

    Thats the thing about XML. It has to be correct, or it doesn't pass the gate. This is nothing really, seen it many times before. It becomes funny when you start to run into character set mismatches.
    In this case the XML data should have either been escaped already, or the data should have been wrapped in cdata blocks, as described here:
    Manually "fixing" files is not what you want to be doing. The file has to be correct according to the very simple yet strict XML specifications, or it isn't accepted.

  • Maximum size of an XML attribute?

    What is the maximum size of an XML attribute?
    I can't find this define in the OMG XML specification. Does the Oracle XML parser have a maximum size of an XML attribute? Do other XML parsers on the market have any limitation? ... we need to exchange XML documents with other vendors. Thanks.

    While I can't speak for other parsers, the Oracle ones do not have an attribute size limit.
    Oracle XML Team

  • About this XML database

    Today I have found these definitions:
    1.Native XML Database (NXD):
    a) Defines a (logical) model for an XML document -- as opposed to the data in that document -- and stores and retrieves documents according to that model. At a minimum, the model must include elements, attributes, PCDATA, and document order. Examples of such models are the XPath data model, the XML Infoset, and the models implied by the DOM and the events in SAX 1.0.
    b) Has an XML document as its fundamental unit of (logical) storage, just as a relational database has a row in a table as its fundamental unit of (logical) storage.
    c) Is not required to have any particular underlying physical storage model. For example, it can be built on a relational, hierarchical, or object-oriented database, or use a proprietary storage format such as indexed, compressed files.
    2.XML Enabled Database (XEDB) - A database that has an added XML mapping layer provided either by the database vendor or a third party. This mapping layer manages the storage and retrieval of XML data. Data that is mapped into the database is mapped into application specific formats and the original XML meta-data and structure may be lost. Data retrieved as XML is NOT guaranteed to have originated in XML form. Data manipulation may occur via either XML specific technologies(e.g. XPath, XSL-T, DOM or SAX) or other database technologies(e.g. SQL). The fundamental unit of storage in an XEDB is implementation dependent. The XML solutions from Oracle and Microsoft as well as many third party tools fall into this category.
    3.Hybrid XML Database (HXD) - A database that can be treated as either a Native XML Database or as an XML Enabled Database depending on the requirements of the application. An example of this would be Ozone.
    Which of them would you put XML DB in?

    If we consider the duality of the XMLType (store XML documents in CLOB's and structured storage with XML Schemas), could we say that it is an hybrid XML database?
    Enabled->structured storage
    I suppose this cuestion is a bit subjective, but I would like to know your opinions.
    Thanks in advance!

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