Can anyone explain me the purpose of the "with object id"-clause in an xmltype view in detail? According to the documentation the oid should uniquely identify each row in the view. But there is no error message if I choose an elements that occurs in multiple rows of the view. It is possible to choose an unavailable path to an ele-ment without any error messages, too ....
Is it possible to choose a String as the OID too? I always get an "ORA-22973: size of object identifier exceeds maximum size allowed".

object-id should provide a unqiue identifier. It's needed if you want to generate a ref() to the rows in the view (for instance if you want to folder the rows as documents in the xml db repository). It can also be used during query optimization

Similar Messages

  • Why to use view WITH OBJECT

    Please explain
    why to use view WITH OBJECT

    Please have a look the below link:

  • Inserting into XMLType View

    I have created an XMLType view with an INSTEAD OF trigger to insert data into the underlying tables. I used your example on XMLType view of Relational Content
    It works great if I have no attributes defined in the root element of the XML document (i.e. xmlns, schemaLocation, etc.). However, if my document contains any of those attributes, it will not load. I have tried creating the view with and without the xml attributes, as well as making sure that the schemaLocation is identical to the one in the document (copied and pasted just to make sure).
    Is there anything that you can point to right away that I'm missing?
    If needed, I can post code for you.

    Here is the code I used to generate the tables, view, and triggers:
    drop table p_student_demographics;
    create table p_student_demographics -- a
    wiser_id varchar2(8),
    first_name varchar2(15),
    middle_name varchar2(15),
    last_name varchar2(25),
    birthdate date,
    school_id varchar2(7),
    special_ed_teacher varchar2(50)
    drop table p_scorer_info;
    create table p_scorer_info -- b
    test_record_id number,
    scorer_number number,
    name varchar2(80),
    email varchar2(50)
    drop table p_test_record;
    create table p_test_record -- c
    wiser_id varchar2(8),
    test_record_id number,
    grade_tested varchar2(2),
    first_scorer_completed varchar2(3),
    second_scorer_completed varchar2(3)
    drop table p_psw_test_results;
    create table p_psw_test_results -- d
    test_record_id number,
    subject varchar2(7),
    entry_number number,
    complexity varchar2(1),
    performance varchar2(1),
    independence varchar2(1),
    generalization varchar2(1),
    non_scorable varchar2(4)
    drop table p_spe_test_results;
    create table p_spe_test_results -- e
    test_record_id number,
    subject varchar2(7),
    entry_number number,
    item_number number,
    response varchar2(1)
    drop table p_total_scores;
    create table p_total_scores -- f
    test_record_id number,
    subject varchar2(7),
    psw_total_raw_score varchar2(2),
    spe_total_raw_score varchar2(2),
    tas_score varchar2(2),
    tas_portfolio_score varchar2(2),
    tas_spe_score varchar2(2),
    overall_total_raw_score varchar2(2),
    overall_performance_level varchar2(1)
    drop table p_school_info;
    create table p_school_info
    district_id varchar2(7),
    district_name varchar2(80),
    school_id varchar2(7),
    school_name varchar2(80)
    create or replace view paws_alt_test_results
    of xmltype
    xmlschema "http://www.k12.wy.us/public/paws-alt-results-v1.xsd" element "PawsAltResults"
    with object id
    select xmlelement
    xmlelement("WiserId", a.wiser_id),
    xmlelement("FirstName", a.first_name),
    xmlelement("MiddleName", a.middle_name),
    xmlelement("LastName", a.last_name),
    xmlelement("BirthDate", a.birthdate)
    xmlelement("SchoolId", a.school_id),
    xmlelement("SpecialEdTeacher", a.special_ed_teacher),
    xmlelement("FirstScorer", c.first_scorer_completed),
    xmlelement("SecondScorer", c.second_scorer_completed)
    xmlelement("Name", b1.name),
    xmlelement("Email", b1.email)
    xmlelement("Name", b2.name),
    xmlelement("Email", b2.email)
    xmlelement("TestRecordId", c.test_record_id),
    xmlelement("GradeTested", c.grade_tested),
    select xmlagg
    xmlelement("SubjectName", f.subject),
    select xmlagg
    xmlelement("EntryNumber", x.entry_number),
    xmlelement("Complexity", x.complexity),
    xmlelement("Performance", x.performance),
    xmlelement("Independence", x.independence),
    xmlelement("Generalization", x.generalization),
    xmlelement("NonScorable", x.non_scorable)
    from p_psw_test_results x
    where f.test_record_id = x.test_record_id
    and f.subject = x.subject
    xmlelement("TotalRawScore", f.psw_total_raw_score)
    select xmlagg
    xmlelement("EntryNumber", x.entry_number),
    select xmlagg
    xmlelement("ItemNumber", y.item_number),
    xmlelement("Response", y.response)
    from p_spe_test_results y
    where x.test_record_id = y.test_record_id
    and x.subject = y.subject
    and x.entry_number = y.entry_number
    from (select distinct
    from p_spe_test_results) x
    where f.test_record_id = x.test_record_id
    and f.subject = x.subject
    xmlelement("TotalRawScore", f.spe_total_raw_score)
    xmlelement("TasScore", f.tas_score),
    xmlelement("TasPortfolioScore", f.tas_portfolio_score),
    xmlelement("TasSpeScore", f.tas_spe_score),
    xmlelement("OverallTotalRawScore", f.overall_total_raw_score),
    xmlelement("OverallPerformanceLevel", f.overall_performance_level)
    from p_total_scores f
    where c.test_record_id = f.test_record_id
    select xmlagg
    xmlelement("DistrictId", district_id),
    xmlelement("DistrictName", district_name)
    from (select distinct
    from p_school_info)
    select xmlagg
    xmlelement("DistrictId", district_id),
    xmlelement("SchoolId", school_id),
    xmlelement("SchoolName", school_name)
    from p_school_info
    from p_student_demographics a,
    p_scorer_info b1,
    p_scorer_info b2,
    p_test_record c
    where a.wiser_id = c.wiser_id
    and b1.test_record_id = b2.test_record_id
    and b1.test_record_id = c.test_record_id
    and b1.scorer_number = 1
    and b2.scorer_number = 2;
    create or replace trigger io_ins_paws_alt_results
    instead of insert on paws_alt_test_results
    insert all
    into p_student_demographics
    (wiser_id, first_name, middle_name, last_name, birthdate, school_id,
    (wiser_id, first_name, middle_name, last_name, birthdate, school_id,
    into p_scorer_info
    (test_record_id, scorer_number, name, email)
    (test_record_id, 1, name1, email1)
    into p_scorer_info
    (test_record_id, scorer_number, name, email)
    (test_record_id, 2, name2, email2)
    into p_test_record
    (wiser_id, test_record_id, grade_tested, first_scorer_completed,
    (wiser_id, test_record_id, grade_tested, first_scorer_completed,
    select a.*
    from xmltable
    passing :new.object_value
    wiser_id varchar2(8) path 'Students/StudentInfo/StudentDemographics/WiserId',
    first_name varchar2(15) path 'Students/StudentInfo/StudentDemographics/FirstName',
    middle_name varchar2(15) path 'Students/StudentInfo/StudentDemographics/MiddleName',
    last_name varchar2(25) path 'Students/StudentInfo/StudentDemographics/LastName',
    birthdate date path 'Students/StudentInfo/StudentDemographics/Birthdate',
    school_id varchar2(7) path 'Students/StudentInfo/SchoolId',
    special_ed_teacher varchar2(50) path 'Students/StudentInfo/SpecialEdTeacher',
    test_record_id number path 'Students/StudentInfo/TestRecord/TestRecordId',
    name1 varchar2(80) path 'Students/StudentInfo/FirstScorerInfo/Name',
    email1 varchar2(50) path 'Students/StudentInfo/FirstScorerInfo/Email',
    name2 varchar2(80) path 'Students/StudentInfo/SecondScorerInfo/Name',
    email2 varchar2(50) path 'Students/StudentInfo/SecondScorerInfo/Email',
    grade_tested varchar2(2) path 'Students/StudentInfo/TestRecord/GradeTested',
    first_scorer_completed varchar2(3) path 'Students/StudentInfo/DocumentCompletedBy/FirstScorer',
    second_scorer_completed varchar2(3) path 'Students/StudentInfo/DocumentCompletedBy/SecondScorer'
    ) a;
    insert all
    into p_psw_test_results
    (test_record_id, subject, entry_number, complexity, performance,
    independence, generalization, non_scorable)
    (test_record_id, subject, entry_number, complexity, performance,
    independence, generalization, non_scorable)
    into p_total_scores
    (test_record_id, subject, psw_total_raw_score, spe_total_raw_score,
    tas_score, tas_portfolio_score, tas_spe_score,
    overall_total_raw_score, overall_performance_level)
    (test_record_id, subject, psw_total_raw_score, spe_total_raw_score,
    tas_score, tas_portfolio_score, tas_spe_score,
    overall_total_raw_score, overall_performance_level)
    select a.test_record_id,
    from xmltable
    passing :new.object_value
    test_record_id number path 'TestRecordId',
    subjects xmltype path 'Subjects/Subject'
    ) a,
    passing a.subjects
    subject varchar2(7) path 'SubjectName',
    psw_total_raw_score varchar2(2) path 'Psw/Entries/TotalRawScore',
    spe_total_raw_score varchar2(2) path 'Spe/TotalRawScore',
    tas_score varchar2(2) path 'TasScore',
    tas_portfolio_score varchar2(2) path 'TasPortfolioScore',
    tas_spe_score varchar2(2) path 'TasSpeScore',
    overall_total_raw_score varchar2(2) path 'OverallTotalRawScore',
    overall_performance_level varchar2(1) path 'OverallPerformanceLevel',
    entries xmltype path 'Psw/Entries/Entry'
    ) b,
    passing b.entries
    entry_number number path 'EntryNumber',
    complexity varchar2(1) path 'Complexity',
    performance varchar2(1) path 'Performance',
    independence varchar2(1) path 'Independence',
    generalization varchar2(1) path 'Generalization',
    non_scorable varchar2(4) path 'NonScorable'
    ) c;
    into p_spe_test_results
    (test_record_id, subject, entry_number, item_number, response)
    select a.test_record_id,
    from xmltable
    passing :new.object_value
    test_record_id number path 'TestRecordId',
    subjects xmltype path 'Subjects/Subject'
    ) a,
    passing a.subjects
    subject varchar2(7) path 'SubjectName',
    entries xmltype path 'Spe/Entries/Entry'
    ) b,
    passing b.entries
    entry_number number path 'EntryNumber',
    items xmltype path 'Items/Item'
    ) c,
    passing c.items
    item_number number path 'ItemNumber',
    response varchar2(1) path 'Response'
    ) d;
    into p_school_info
    (district_id, district_name, school_id, school_name)
    select a.district_id,
    from xmltable
    passing :new.object_value
    district_id varchar2(7) path 'DistrictId',
    district_name varchar2(80) path 'DistrictName'
    ) a,
    passing :new.object_value
    district_id varchar2(7) path 'DistrictId',
    school_id varchar2(7) path 'SchoolId',
    school_name varchar2(80) path 'SchoolName'
    ) b
    where a.district_id = b.district_id;
    end io_ins_paws_alt_results;
    XML document:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <PawsAltResults xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema http://www.k12.wy.us/public/paws-alt-results-v1.xsd" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <SpecialEdTeacher>Test Special Ed Teacher</SpecialEdTeacher>
    <Name>Test First Scorer</Name>
    <Email>[email protected]</Email>
    <Name>Test Second Scorer</Name>
    <Email>[email protected]</Email>
    <DistrictName>Test District Name</DistrictName>
    <SchoolName>Test School Name</SchoolName>
    Insert statement:
    insert into paws_alt_test_results values (xmltype(bfilename('XMLDIR','test-paws-alt.xml'),nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')));
    There are no errors shown on the insert statement. It tells me that one row was inserted, but there is no data when looking at the tables (unless I remove the attributes from the root element of the XML file).
    I'm using version
    Thanks for your help!

  • Can't open a object view with mapinfo

    i have created this object view (with toad 7.6 in a server oracle 9i ITA, i use mapinfo 7.5 ITA):
    SELECT a.Piano_storia_id, a.Anagr_id, a.Piano_id, a.tipomod_cod,
    a.ZTO, a.PRG, b.piano_stato, b.atto_data, b.atto_tipo, b.atto_num,
         b.piano_variante, b.piano_nome, b.piano_note,
         b.piano_pos_arch, b.piano_legge, c.anagr_cod_com,
         d.mi_style, d.mi_prinx, d.geoloc, d.st
    from (piano b inner join ((oggetti_storia a
    inner join aux_indice e on (a.piano_storia_id=e.piano_storia_id)
              and (a.anagr_id=e.anagr_id) and
    (a.piano_id=e.piano_id)) inner join anagrafica c on a.anagr_id = c.anagr_id)
         on b.piano_id = a.piano_storia_id) inner join oggetti_spazial d
              on a.anagr_id = d.anagr_id
    where ((a.tipomod_cod)<>'DEL')
    order by piano_storia_id;
    where oggetti_spazial is a object table (a mapinfo map imported in Oracle)
    if i don't add the order by clause the view is ok and i can open it in mapinfo,
    with the order by clause, when i try to open the view mapinfo give the error:
    "errore Oracle: ORA-00600: codice errore INT., argom.:[15819],[5582],[],[],[],[],[],[]. Impossibile recuperare i record nella tavola.
    can You Help me?

    Hi Gabriel,
    I think with enough patience one could get the ASCII DataPlugin Wizard to create a DataPlugin that would work for your file, but the resulting code generated by the wizard is not easily understandable, and it would not have correctly devined the sampling rate from your file format.  I've written a DataPlugin from scratch which correctly reads the data snippet you sent over.  I included an implicit time channel so that you could easily see the time values inferred from the "SampleRate" line.  The implicit time channel rerquires all the lines in the ASCII file to be parsed in order to figure out the correct channel length (line 58), so if you have large data files you should comment out the time channel lines (44, 45, 58) and use just the implict time information already encoded in the data channel waveform properties (for faster file indexing).  Unless your files are verry large, though, I think you'll like the DataPlugin as it is.
    Brad Turpin
    DIAdem Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments
    Fischerg_TXT.zip ‏2 KB

  • Problem with object view with primary-key based object identifier

    I met such problem.
    t1 is persinstent-capable class:
    class t1 : public PObject { .... };
    T1OV is object view, based on object table T1OT
    I1 is primary key of the table T1OT.
    Next code:
    t1* t = new (conn, "T1OV") t1(...);
    conn->commit(); // exception throws here
    Works fine if T1OV defined as:
    create view t1ov of t1 with object identifier default
    as select * from t1ot;
    And throws an exception
    "ORA-22883: object deletion failed"
    create view t1ov of t1 with object identifier (I1)
    as select * from t1ot;
    Such problem also occurs when object view is based on relational table/view (OID is primary-key based).
    Also it occurs when
    t->markModified() used insted of t->markDelete()
    I am using Oracle 9i second release for windows and
    MS VC++
    Thank You

    You can specify constraints on views and object views. You define the constraint at the view level using the out_of_line_constraint clause. You define the constraint as part of column or attribute specification using the inline_constraint clause after the appropriate alias.
    Oracle does not enforce view constraints. However, operations on views are subject to the integrity constraints defined on the underlying base tables. This means that you can enforce constraints on views through constraints on base tables.
    Restrictions on View Constraints
    View constraints are a subset of table constraints and are subject to the following restrictions:
    You can specify only unique, primary key, and foreign key constraints on views. However, you can define the view using the WITH CHECK OPTION clause, which is equivalent to specifying a check constraint for the view.
    Because view constraints are not enforced directly, you cannot specify INITIALLY DEFERRED or DEFERRABLE.
    View constraints are supported only in DISABLE NOVALIDATE mode. You must specify the keywords DISABLE NOVALIDATE when you declare the view constraint, and you cannot specify any other mode.
    You cannot specify the using_index_clause, the exceptions_clause clause, or the ON DELETE clause of the references_clause.
    You cannot define view constraints on attributes of an object column.

  • Problem Inserting into object view with OracleXmlSave

    I'm trying to insert into an object view with
    multiple collections of objects representing a master/detail relationship and a CLOB column, but I've this error:
    oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: Error Interno
    at oracle.xml.sql.dml.OracleXMLSave.saveXML(OracleXMLSave.java:1967)
    at oracle.xml.sql.dml.OracleXMLSave.insertXML(OracleXMLSave.java:1060)
    at onix.interface_isbn.OnixXmlLoader.doInsert(OnixXmlLoader.java:165)
    at onix.interface_isbn.OnixXmlLoader.setLoader(OnixXmlLoader.java, Compiled Code)
    at onix.interface_isbn.OnixXmlLoader.<init>(OnixXmlLoader.java:23)
    at onix.interface_isbn.correrLoader.main(correrLoader.java:77)
    I'm using OracleXmlSave with insertXML method to do this.
    Is There any limitations to do that? (example
    number of tables into the view, columns datatype).
    I'd appreciate any comments

    No known limitations. Please post the sample DDL to create your object types and object view, along with an example of the example XML document you're trying to insert.

  • Error when a try to update a xmltype view thru a trigger instead of update

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW personne_oracle OF XMLType
    XMLSCHEMA "personOracle.xsd" ELEMENT "PERSON"
    WITH OBJECT ID (EXTRACT(sys_nc_rowinfo$, '/PERSON/ID').getNumberVal())
              XMLFOREST( Id,
    ) AS Valeur     
    FROM Person;
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER u_personne_oracle_tr
    INSTEAD OF UPDATE on personne_oracle
    UPDATE Person SET
    Person.FirstName = extractvalue(:new.sys_nc_rowinfo$,'/PERSON/FIRSTNAME/text()'),
    Person.LastName = extractvalue(:new.sys_nc_rowinfo$,'/PERSON/LASTNAME/text()'),
    Person.Weight = extractvalue(:new.sys_nc_rowinfo$,'/PERSON/WEIGHT/text()'),
    Person.Height = extractvalue(:new.sys_nc_rowinfo$,'/PERSON/HEIGHT/text()')
    WHERE Person.Id = extractvalue(:new.sys_nc_rowinfo$,'/PERSON/ID');
    UPDATE personne_oracle x
    SET value(x) = updateXML(value(x), '/PERSON/FIRSTNAME/text()','Fred')
    WHERE extractValue(value(x), '/PERSON/ID') = 4;
    ORA-24358: OCIBindObject not invoked for a Object type or Reference
    please help me !

    What happens if you move the view to the remote db?
    and create a synonym for the view on the local?it doesn't work !
    what happens if you modify from person@oraclelink in
    the create or replace view personne_oracle?it doesn't work !
    The problem is the dblink ! Without it it's work !
    thx for your answer.

  • Extracting xml content in a XMLTYPE VIEW

    I need to create an xmltype view based on the following xml content.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
    <EMPLOYEES CREATED="2013-02-06T12:33:00" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://supporthtml.oracle.com/TEST_SCHEMA.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <EMPLOYEE_TRANS MODE="A" emp_id="1">
    <EMPLOYEE_TRANS MODE="A" emp_id="2">
    </EMPLOYEES>I want to run a select statement againt this view which can give me column data in this format.
    This xml is already stored in an Oracle XMLTYPE Object Relation table which conforms to a registered xsd schema document.
    select CREATED, MODE, EMP_ID, emp_nm, emp_dept, mgr, sal, updt_ts from employees_view.
    2013-02-06T12:33:00 A 1 SCOTT FN DON  4000 2013-02-06T12:28:00
    2013-02-06T12:33:00 A 2 KEVIN HR MIKE 3000 2013-02-06T12:29:00How can I achieve this? I tried by getting various errors. I would appreciate if someone can send me a sample
    Edited by: Kevin_K on Feb 6, 2013 9:54 AM
    Edited by: Kevin_K on Feb 6, 2013 9:55 AM

    I guess the above makes a regular relational view? correct?Yes.
    How can I extract the of CREATED attribute from the top most employees element and attributes "MODE" and "emp_id" from EMPLOYEE_TRANS element ? You have to use a two-level approach :
    SQL> select x1.created, x2.*
      2  from EMPLOYEES_OR_TABLE t
      3     , xmltable('/EMPLOYEES'
      4         passing t.object_value
      5         columns created timestamp path '@CREATED'
      6               , emps    xmltype   path 'EMPLOYEE_TRANS'
      7       ) x1
      8     , xmltable('/EMPLOYEE_TRANS'
      9         passing x1.emps
    10         columns emp_mode varchar2(1)  path '@MODE'
    11               , emp_id   number       path '@emp_id'
    12               , emp_nm   varchar2(30) path 'emp_nm'
    13               , updt_ts  timestamp    path 'updt_ts'
    14       ) x2 ;
    CREATED                     EMP_MODE     EMP_ID EMP_NM                         UPDT_TS
    06/02/13 12:33:00,000000    A                 1 SCOTT                          06/02/13 12:28:00,000000
    06/02/13 12:33:00,000000    A                 2 KEVIN                          06/02/13 12:29:00,000000
    The first XMLTable x1 extracts top-level information, then passes the collection of EMPLOYEE_TRANS elements to a second XMLTable that breaks each item in separate rows and columns.
    It's also possible to use a single XMLTable, but with a little more complex XQuery expression.

  • Use XMLTYPE views in BIP

    is it possible to use a xml view in BIP?
    suppose i have the following view:
    WITH OBJECT IDENTIFIER (extract(object_value, '/departments/department/@id').getnumberval())
    select sys_xmlagg (xmlelement ("department"
    , xmlattributes (department_id as "id")
    , xmlagg (xmlelement ("employee"
    , xmlforest (last_name as "last_name"
    , first_name as "first_name"
    , email as "email"
    , xmlformat ('departments')
    ) xml
    from (select d.department_id
    , d.department_name
    , e.last_name
    , e.first_name
    , e.email
    from departments d, employees e
    where d.department_id = e.department_id)
    group by department_id
    order by department_id
    when i make a query in BIP like
    select     DEPT_EMP_XML.SYS_NC_ROWINFO$ as emp
    then i get only this
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <ROWSET>
    - <ROW>
    <EMP />
    is there a way to use this kind of views in BIP?

    Hi Arnaud
    You just need to make a small addition to hte query:
    select DEPT_EMP_XML.SYS_NC_ROWINFO$.getClobVal() as emp

  • Trying to UNION two views with nested tables

    I am using Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod, and my objective is to generate some XML. What I have been doing in the past, is to create a view, and then pass that view to the DBMS_XMLQuery routine. This gives me a CLOB that I pass along to the application. A typical object would be something like:
    create or replace type XML_UGroup_Member_Type as object (
         username          varchar2(128),
         group_key          varchar2(128));
    create or replace type XML_UGroup_Member_List
        as table of XML_UGroup_Member_Type;
    show errors
    Create or replace type XML_UGroup_Type as object (
         Group_Space     varchar2(32),
         group_key     varchar2(128),
         group_name     varchar2(255),
         members          XML_UGroup_Member_List);
    /This particular application will be doing stuff with group information. Pretty simply types - a group with a name and a few other keys, and a list of members. A sample view would be like:
    create or replace view xml_department_ugroup_view of xml_ugroup_type
      with object identifier ( group_key ) as
      Select 'Department',
          'Department:' || orgn_code,
          'Department_' || orgn_name
          cast ( multiset (
               select  Username, person_id,
                        'Department:' ||  effective_orgn
                from directory_master dm, logins l
               where effective_orgn = dd.orgn_code
                 and dm.person_id = l.owner)
                as XML_UGroup_Member_List )
             as members
       from directory_departments dd
      where dept_include = 'Y';
    can select from this view, and I can pass it to the DBMS_XMLQUERY package and get a nice XML document. What I want to is essentially put several of these views together, like
    Select * from XML_Department_Ugroup_View
    Select * from XML_Portfolio_Ugroup_View;But UNION does not work with nested tables:
    ERROR at line 1: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got SIMON.XML_UGROUP_MEMBER_LIST
    What I was hoping to do, was to develop a set of sub views for each of the group "spaces", and then generate a view/object that includes all of the sub views, and be able to operate with that single object.
    Thoughts on how to make this work, or on alternate approaches? I have considered calling XMLQuery on each of the sub views and concatenating the XML documents and returning that to the application, but I was hoping to find a more "unified" approach.

    I modified my approach a bit - I changed the base views to return an XMLType object, like:
    create or replace view xml_portfolio_ugroup_xml
    Select XMLElement("group",
             'Portfolio:' || coas_code || ':' || orgn_Code,
          cast ( multiset (
               select  Username,
                from directory_master dm, logins l
               where ( effective_orgn, effective_coas ) in
               where effective_orgn = dd.orgn_code
                  and dm.person_id = l.owner
                as XML_UGroup_Member_List ))) as grp
       from directory_departments dd
      where dept_include = 'Y';and then I combined them with something like the following (I expect to adjust this as I learn more about the XML DB support)
    create or replace view xml_ugroup_xml as
      select xmlconcat(
         (select xmlagg(grp) from xml_department_ugroup_xml),
         (select xmlagg(grp) from xml_portfolio_ugroup_xml)
         ) as GROUPS
         from dualand as I define more group branches, I can add them into the XMLConCat stanzas. I am still open to suggestions as to ways of doing this better or cleaner, but this at least gets the project moving forward again.

  • View with Bind Variable and ADF table

    Hi all,
    Please note what i have noticed. I created a view with a bind parameter, overriden the prepareSession of my Application Module to set the bind parameter and execute the query. I then created a simple jsf page and included the view as an adf read-only table. When i run the page, the prepareSession is called, sets the bind parameter, however the selected record of the table is always the second record (Not the first record).
    This behaviour can be reproduced with the HR schema. Please follow the below instructions for reproducing the problem.
    1. Create a Fusion Web Application (ADF).
    2. Create business components from tables.
    3. Create a new connection with the HR schema.
    4. Import the Departments table as an entity and then click finish.
    5. Create a view based on the Departments entity.
    6. Modify the Query to include a where clause (where DDepartmentsEO.DEPARTMENT_NAME LIKE :BindParam)
    7. Provide an order by clause (DepartmentsEO.DEPARTMENT_ID DESC)
    8. Creata a bind variable named "BindParam" of type string.
    9. Create an Application Module and include the view object.
    10. Open the Application Module Class and override the prepareSession method
    11. include the following code after super.prepareSession(session):
    ViewObject myView = this.getDepartments1();
    myView.setNamedWhereClauseParam("BindParam", "%");
    12. Create a jsf page
    13. Drag the view object on the page as an adf read-only table, selecting the Row Selection, Sorting and Filtering
    14. Run the page.
    You will see that instead of the first record being selected, the second record in the table is selected.
    Can anyone please help me?
    Thank you

    First of all i would like to thank you for replying to my thread.
    Secondly, i would like to inform you that the example that i have provided is just for REPRODUCTION purposes.
    The real scenario has to do with setting the where clause with the authenticated user so that the view will query for data only associated with the authenticated user.
    The only way to overcome this behaviour is to include a view action (namedWhereClause in the page definition)
    However, this is not how i want to implement this. This was working properly in 10g

  • Detail view with bind variable. TreeTable not showing all detail result.

    I’m having trouble with treeTable using detail view with bind variables and where clause defined in VO definition.
    Both, master and detail view objects, base on the same entity and have the same condition in where clause. The view objects also have bind variables, which are set in prepareRowSetForQuery() method.
    Again, these are two different views, that get different result, based on value of one of the bind variable.
    When I show results in two different tables on jsf page, where master table has "RowSelection" set on "single", all results are displayed in detail table.
    But when I use treeTable, only the first result of the detail is shown.

    I tested it in applicationModule and it works, but i think that's the same as two tables on a jsf page.
    This is the order in which overridden methods are called in ADF BC or two tables on jsf page
    when clicking on row in master table.
    executeQueryForCollection_Detail user param: 2
       Object 2: class [Ljava.lang.Object;  -> print of the object2[] parameter in executeQueryForCollection
         List 0: Bind_ChildId -> viewLink parameter
         List 1: 400035313 -> viewLink parameter value
    count: 2
    count: 2 And when i click on "expand node" in tree table:
    count: 2
    executeQueryForCollection_Detail user param: 2
       Object 2: class [Ljava.lang.Object;
         List 0: Bind_ChildId -> viewLink parameter
         List 1: 400035321
    executeQueryForCollection_Detail user param: 2
       Object 2: class [Ljava.lang.Object;
         List 0: Bind_ChildId -> viewLink parameter
         List 1: 400035313
    count: 2
    count: 2
    count: 2
    executeQueryForCollection_Detail user param: 2
       Object 2: class [Ljava.lang.Object;
         List 0: Bind_ChildId -> viewLink parameter
         List 1: 400035313
    executeQueryForCollection_Detail user param: 2
       Object 2: class [Ljava.lang.Object;
         List 0: Bind_ChildId -> viewLink parameter
         List 1: 400035321
    count: 2
    count: 2Values of user parameters are OK. Is there another method that i should override?
    I also noticed, that if detail view doesn't have user bind variables, the tree works fine and is shown even in ADF BC (aplication module).
    I guess we loose a tree, when using bind variables in detail view object.
    Is there a way around it?

  • How can i create a view with jdevlopper 10132

    i want to know how to create a view with JDeveloper 10132.

    Sorry, but I had to jump in here.
    7rouz - you've certainly violated the 10 commandments for posting here...
    Do you want to:
    1). Create a database view directly in the database
    2). Model a database view using the database modeller
    3). Create an ADF BC View Object
    4). Create some type of visual object (web page, Swing panel)
    5). something else.
    Your question is too ambiguous to yield an answer, unless by luck.

  • ADF BC: Creating updatable VO based upon DB View with "instead of" trigger

    Hello all,
    I have got an interesting issue. I have an Oracle DB view that is used to hide some complexity in the underlying DB design (it does some unions). This view is updatable because we have created an "instead of" update trigger to update the correct table when a row is updated. This is working fine in SQL.
    Next, we have created an ADF Entity object based upon the view, specifying an appropriate PK for the DB View. Then, we have created an updatable VO based upon the EO. All well and good so far. The issue we have is in trying to commit changes to the DB - because the ADF BC framework is trying to lock the row to update (using SELECT ... FOR UPDATE), it's not working because of ORA-02014 - cannot select FOR UPDATE from view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.
    This leads me to thinking about overridding doSelect() on the EO as hinted here http://radio.weblogs.com/0118231/stories/2005/07/28/differenceBetweenViewObjectSelectAndEntityDoselectMethod.html
    As a temporary test, we have over-ridden the EO's doSelect to call super.doSelect(false) and it does work, although we will have lost update issues as detailed in Steve's article.
    My questions:
    1). Is overriding doSelect() the correct thing here? Perhaps there is a better way of handling this problem? I do have a base EO class from which all of the EO's extend, so adding this behavior should be straightforward.
    2). Does anyone have example doSelect implementation? I am thinking of overriding doSelect for my EO and calling super.doSelect (lock=false), but then I need to deal with some possible exceptions, no?
    Kind regards,

    Hi John,
    I have exactly the same issue as you experienced back in January. I have a complex data modelling requirement which requires the need to pivot rows into columns using ROW_NUMBER() and PARTITION clauses. To hide the complexity from the middle tier, I have created a database view and appropriate INSTEAD OF triggers and mapped my EO to the view. I have overriden the lock() method on the EO implementation class (to avoid ORA-02014) and would like to try the same solution you used with the pl/sql call to lock the record.
    My question is, how did you manage the release of the lock if the transaction was not rolled back or committed by your application i.e. if the user closed the browser for instance.
    In my naivity, I would like to think that the BC4J framework would release any locks for the database session when it found the servlet session to be terminated however my concern is that the lock would persist and cause complications.
    Any assistance greatly appreciated (if you would be willing to supply your lock() method and pl/sql procedure logic I would be even more grateful!).
    Many thanks,

  • Need help in creating a view with Encryption for hiding the code used by the multiple users

    Can anyone help me out in creating view with encryption data to hide the stored procedure logic with other users.
    I have create a stored procedure with encryted view but while running this manually temporary views are getting created, therefore the problem is if there are 500 entries then 500 temp views will get created.
    Any solution to aviod creating temporary views, please refer my code below
    USE [etl_validation]
    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[Pr_DBAccess_mod]    Script Date: 05/23/2014 12:53:22 ******/
    DECLARE @openquery NVARCHAR(MAX),
     SET @TABLENAME='Department';
     SET @DATABASENAME='AdventureWorks2008R2';
     SET @HIERNAME = 'HumanResources';
    /*SET @openquery= 'SELECT * INTO ##TestTable
                     FROM OPENROWSET(''SQLNCLI'',''server=;Trusted_Connection=yes;'','''+@query+''')'
    SELECT @openquery
    EXECUTE sp_executesql @openquery

    Hi aa_rif,
    According to your description and code message, you execute the sp_executesql statement in your stored procedure, it indeed create many views with a tablename and ETL_CONFIG_ID named. If you need not to use these temporary views, you can delete them when
    it contains the tablename in one view name.  
    In addition, if you want to create view with encryption in SQL Server, you can use directly the ENCRYPTION option to encrypt the T-SQL of a view in create view commands, for more information, see:
    http://learnsqlserver.in/4/Create-View-With-Encryption.aspx. if not, you can descript more detail about requriements, so that more forum members can involve into the thread and help you
    Sofiya Li
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

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