XSLT producing different results via debugger and xslt.Transform()

I'm producing the body of an email via an xsl. I've been having a problem with the html nested inside a <table> tag not displaying correctly. With a bit of help from the good folks over at the asp.net forums, I've tracked the problem down to getting
different results if I run the xsl via the debugger or via a compiled transform.
When I debug the xsl it produces
      <table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="..." id="tmsEmailTable">
          <th width="50%" align="center"><b>Issue</b></th>
          <th width="50%" align="center"><b>Resolution</b></th>
          <td>Missing Acknowledgement date</td>
          <td><p> Test test</p></td>
          <td>Missing Agent and/or Seller signature</td>
And that's absolutely correct and displays perfectly if I save the result as an html file. But when I use xslt.Transform(..), where xslt is a compiled transform, it produces
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="..." id="tmsEmailTable">
            <tr><th width="50%" align="center"><b>Issue</b></th><th width="50%" align="center"><b>Resolution</b></th></tr>
                    Missing Acknowledgement date
    </p><p> Test test</p></td></tr><tr>
        <td>Missing Agent and/or Seller signature</td>
And to make it even more interesting, that extra </table> tag and the misplaced table data only occur on the first table row, but the table rows are generated by an xsl:for-each.
The relevant bit of the xsl is:
          <table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="..." id="tmsEmailTable">
              <th width="50%" align="center">
              <th width="50%" align="center">
            <xsl:for-each select="emailbody/checklist/item">
              <xsl:if test="string-length(select='issue')>0">
                    <xsl:value-of select="issue" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
                    <xsl:value-of select="resolution" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
The code that generates the compiled transform and the (incorrect) output is:
            Dim xslt As XslCompiledTransform = New XslCompiledTransform(True)
            'Dim xslt As XslTransform = New XslTransform
            Dim objStream As Stream = New MemoryStream(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xmlData))
            Dim strbldrXML As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
            Dim objXmlReader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(objStream)
            Dim objXmlWriter As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(strbldrXML)
            xslt.Transform(objXmlReader, objXmlWriter)
I've checked that templatePath is pointing to the right file, and the source file I'm debugging the xsl against was copied from the xmlData parameter, so I know the same stuff is getting fed into it.
I've been chasing this for days, and I'm about ready to quit and go get a job at a fast food joint. I'm not wonderful with xsl in general, or xsl in .NET in particular. Somebody PLEASE tell me I'm doing something stupid....
Rebecca M. Riordan

Thanks for the replay, Fred, but that wasn't the problem.
I still don't know what the problem was, but in putting together a sample for review, I cleaned up the code a little (I inherited this), and while it
appears to be functionally identical, it's working now. Since we're scheduled to go live on Friday, I'm gonna just take the win ;)
In the unlikely event that anybody's curious, the original, non-functional code, looked like this:
Public Function createEmailBody(ByVal templateType As String, ByVal xmlData As String) As String
            Dim templatePath, emailBody As String
            templatePath = Me.templatePath & "\" & templateType & ".xsl"
            Dim xpd As New XPathDocument(New StringReader(xmlData))
            Dim xslt As XslCompiledTransform = New XslCompiledTransform(False)
            Dim objStream As Stream = New MemoryStream(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xmlData))
            Dim strbldrXML As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
            Dim objXmlReader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(objStream)
            Dim objXmlWriter As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(strbldrXML)
            xslt.Transform(objXmlReader, objXmlWriter)
            emailBody = strbldrXML.ToString()
            Return emailBody
End Function
In cleaning it up, I wrote this:
Public Function createEmailBody(ByVal templateType As String, ByVal xmlData As String) As String
            Dim xslt As XslCompiledTransform = New XslCompiledTransform(False)
            Dim templatePath As String = Me.templatePath & templateType & ".xsl"
            Dim reader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(New MemoryStream(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xmlData)))
            Dim outSB As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
            Dim writer As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(outSB)
            xslt.Transform(reader, writer)
            Dim emailBody As String = outSB.ToString()
            Return emailBody
End Function
As I said, they look functionally identical to me, but obviously they're not, because the second one works....
Rebecca M. Riordan

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    -------------- Physical SQL created by 10g report -------- results as expected --------------------------------------------
    SAWITH0 AS (select sum(case when T33142.OPPORTUNITY_STATUS = 'Won-closed' then T33231.USD_LINE_AMOUNT else 0 end ) as c1,
    T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME as c2,
    T28761.QUARTER_RANK as c3
    XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */ ,
    XXFI.XXFI_OSM_OPPTY_HEADER_ACCUM T33142 /* Fact_Opportunity_Headers(CloseDate) */ ,
    XXFI.XXFI_OSM_OPPTY_LINE_ACCUM T33231 /* Fact_Opportunity_Lines(CloseDate) */
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    SAWITH0.c3 as c5,
    SAWITH0.c1 as c7
    order by c1, c5
    -------------- Physical SQL created by the same report as above but in 11g ( -------- results much higher --------------------------------------------
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    T28761.QUARTER_YEAR_NAME as c2,
    T28761.QUARTER_RANK as c3
    XXFI.XXFI_GL_FISCAL_MONTHS_V T28761 /* Dim_Periods */ ,
    XXFI.XXFI_OSM_OPPTY_HEADER_ACCUM T33142 /* Fact_Opportunity_Headers(CloseDate) */ ,
    XXFI.XXFI_OSM_OPPTY_LINE_ACCUM T33231 /* Fact_Opportunity_Lines(CloseDate) */
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    D1.c2 as c2,
    'Bookings2' as c3,
    D1.c3 as c4,
    D1.c1 as c5
    SAWITH0 D1),
    SAWITH2 AS (select D1.c1 as c1,
    D1.c2 as c2,
    D1.c3 as c3,
    D1.c4 as c4,
    D1.c5 as c5,
    sum(D1.c5) as c6
    SAWITH1 D1
    group by D1.c1, D1.c2, D1.c3, D1.c4, D1.c5)
    select D1.c1 as c1, D1.c2 as c2, D1.c3 as c3, D1.c4 as c4, D1.c5 as c5, D1.c6 as c6 from ( select D1.c1 as c1,
    D1.c2 as c2,
    D1.c3 as c3,
    D1.c4 as c4,
    D1.c5 as c5,
    sum(D1.c6) over () as c6
    SAWITH2 D1
    order by c1, c4, c3 ) D1 where rownum <= 2000001
    Thank you,
    Edited by: Mike Jelen on Jun 7, 2013 2:05 PM

    Thank you for the info. They are definitely different values since ones on the header and the other is on the lines. As the "Won Opportunity" logical column is mapped to multiple LTS it appears the OBI 11 uses a different alogorthim to determine the most efficient table to use in the query generation vs 10g. I'll need to spend some time researching the impact to adding a 'sort' to the LTS. I'm hoping that there's a way to get OBI to use similar logic relative to 10g in how it generated the table priority.
    Thx again,

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    ,        NVL(MAX(DECODE(ap.party_sysid, mhldr.party_sysid,ap.empcat_code,NULL)),'UNKNWN') main_borrower_status
    ,        COUNT(1) num_apps
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    ,        actply.party_sysid
    ,        RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY actply.table_sysid, actply.loanac_latype_code ORDER BY start_date, SYSID) ranking
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    AND      actply.table_sysid (+) = TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(accsta.account_number,1,8))
    ) mhldr
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    INSERT /*+ APPEND */
    INTO     applicant_summary
    (  account_number
    ,  main_borrower_status
    ,  num_apps
    SELECT   mhldr.account_number
    ,        NVL(MAX(DECODE(ap.party_sysid, mhldr.party_sysid,ap.empcat_code,NULL)),'UNKNWN') main_borrower_status
    ,        COUNT(1) num_apps
    FROM     app_parties ap
    SELECT   accsta.account_number
    ,        actply.party_sysid
    ,        RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY actply.table_sysid, actply.loanac_latype_code ORDER BY start_date, SYSID) ranking
    FROM     activity_players actply
    ,        account_status accsta
    WHERE    1 = 1
    AND      actply.table_id (+) = 'ACCGRP'
    AND      actply.acttyp_code (+) = 'MHLDRM'
    AND      NVL(actply.loanac_latype_code (+),TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(accsta.account_number,9,2))) = TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(accsta.account_number,9,2))
    AND      actply.table_sysid (+) = TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(accsta.account_number,1,8))
    ) mhldr
    WHERE    1 = 1
    AND      ap.lenapp_account_number (+) = TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(mhldr.account_number,1,8))
    GROUP BY mhldr.account_number;      When run as a query, this code consistently returns 2 for the num_apps field (for a certain group of accounts), but when run as an INSERT INTO command, the num_apps field is logged as 1. I have secured the tables used within the query to ensure that nothing is changing the data in the underlying tables.
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    I would appreciate any suggestions for what could be causing this odd behaviour.
    Oracle database details:
    Oracle Database 10g Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Edited by: stevensutcliffe on Oct 10, 2008 5:26 AM
    Edited by: stevensutcliffe on Oct 10, 2008 5:27 AM

    stevensutcliffe wrote:
    Yes, using COUNT(*) gives the same result as COUNT(1).
    I have found another example of this kind of behaviour:
    Running the following INSERT statements produce different values for the total_amount_invested and num_records fields. It appears that adding the additional aggregation (MAX(amount_invested)) is causing problems with the other aggregated values.
    Again, I have ensured that the source data and destination tables are not being accessed / changed by any other processes or users. Is this potentially a bug in Oracle?Just as a side note, these are not INSERT statements but CTAS statements.
    The only non-bug explanation for this behaviour would be a potential query rewrite happening only under particular circumstances (but not always) in the lower integrity modes "trusted" or "stale_tolerated". So if you're not aware of any corresponding materialized views, your QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY parameter is set to the default of "enforced" and your explain plan doesn't show any "MAT_VIEW REWRITE ACCESS" lines, I would consider this as a bug.
    Since you're running on it's not unlikely that you hit one of the various "wrong result" bugs that exist(ed) in Oracle. I'm aware of a particular one I've hit in when performing a parallel NESTED LOOP ANTI operation which returned wrong results, but only in parallel execution. Serial execution was showing the correct results.
    If you're performing parallel ddl/dml/query operations, try to do the same in serial execution to check if it is related to the parallel feature.
    You could also test if omitting the "APPEND" hint changes anything but still these are just workarounds for a buggy behaviour.
    I suggest to consider installing the latest patch set but this requires thorough testing because there were (more or less) subtle changes/bugs introduced with [|http://oracle-randolf.blogspot.com/2008/02/nasty-bug-introduced-with-patch-set.html] and [|http://oracle-randolf.blogspot.com/2008/04/overview-of-new-and-changed-features-in.html].
    You could also open a SR with Oracle and clarify if there is already a one-off patch available for your platform release. If not it's quite unlikely that you are going to get a backport for
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):

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    MSS = Ref / RefDiv;
    MDN = floor(RF / MSS);
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    In recap, what had bothered me was it *appeared* like the same subVI was giving correct results one time and incorrect results only randomly. While I understand binary fractional imprecision, I wasn't doing any looped calculations 100+ times or anything.
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    My boss wants to go back and look at his program to see if HPVee somehow bypassed the problem or if he did the calculations differently.
    Thanks again for the insight and help,

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    How do I fix this problem? Please help.
    I am using webapp/cabo/images/cabo_styles.css as my style sheet.

    I'm not an expert on Netscape, but I would guess that you're problems are simply caused by the differences between IE and NS.
    It is very difficult to write (functional) JS code that works perfectly between the two of them and I bet that JSTab isn't written in such a way.
    You may want to try using your own tab object, we do this by creating a page for each tab and making the actual tabs be links to each page. This avoids the use of JavaScript.
    Good Luck!!!

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    Go to:
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE lundi 6 octobre 2008 13:36:29)

  • Analytic function should produce different results

    Hi All
    My question is derived by a usage of the analytic functions with "sliding window". Let's say you have a table as
    1 1 1
    1 1 2
    2 2 3
    2 3 4
    Then the query
    select sum( value ) over ( partition by group_id order by group_id, seq ) from a_table
    should produce different values for different runs because rows 1,2 have the same value of SEQ. One run may produce 2 then 1 another one may produce 1 then 2.
    I need to prove it if the statement above is true. Oracle caches data so if run it several times you will see the same result.

    Why are you using group_id twice, in partition and order by? And why would several "runs" on the same data provide different results?

  • Different results on PC and Mac

    I am a new user of iWeb 09 and I created my first blog.
    But when I publish my site, I got different results when viewing from a Mac or a PC.
    I don't understand why et would appreciate some help to fix that.
    My site is under the following address : www.isadezabo.com
    Thank you for your help.

    I looked at your site with Virtualbox, Win XP and MSIE 8.
    The *just try it* page does not display very well. Or rather, barely at all.
    From a design perspective I doubt that a blog is a good choice to present your merchandise.
    I'd rather create dedicated pages based on style, design, topic, etc.
    Or re-design your blog pages without putting to much content in each blog entry. And then check it on a PC.
    Note that browsers each have there way of displaying webpages. And MSIE is not very good at that.
    To promote my merchandise, I present you some iWeb pages made for the iPad, but which really look good on both Mac and PC Desktops.
    It attempts to show that even within (intentionally) limited space you can display whatever you want.
    I haven't much creative abilities, so I used iWork Pages templates. See if it serves as inspiration.

  • Select statement returns different results from 9i and 10g

    Hi all,
    Would appreciate if someone could help to solve this puzzle here:
    I have the exact the statements running on Oracle 9i and 10g, why do they return different results?
    Select unique(GroupDesc) , GroupSeq from Module where ModuleId in (Select ModuleId from User_Access where UserId='admin') and Status='A'
    In Oracle 9i:
    Both columns returned as follows...
    GroupDesc | GroupSeq
    In Oracle 10g:
    Only one column returned, the column with unique keyword was missing...
    Could anyone enlighten me?

    yes, the table structure... actually the CREATE TABLE statement...
    with some sample data (INSERT INTO)
    and the actual queries (both of them - copy-paste them from each separate environment)
    you can use tags around the statements this will format it to a fixed font - making it easier to read
    Edited by: Alex Nuijten on Feb 20, 2009 10:05 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Old outer join syntax produces different results from new syntax!

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    Here's the query with the old outer join syntax that is working correctly:
    Code Snippet
             UE = COUNT(DISTINCT T2.ID),
    WHERE    T1 *= T2
    In this query, much to my surprise, TE <> UE and PE <> 1. However, TE, UE, and PE seem to be accurate!
    Here's the query with the new outer join syntax that is working but not producing the results I need:
    Code Snippet
             UE = COUNT(DISTINCT T2.ID),
    Though not producing the results I need, it is producing what would be expected: TE = UE and PE = 1.
    My questions:
    1) Can someone who is familiar enough with the old syntax please help me understand why TE <> UE and PE <> 1 in the first query?
    2) Can someone please tell me how to properly translate the first query to the new syntax so that it continues to produce the results in the first query?
    Thank you very much.

    How can we reproduce the issue?
    Code Snippet
    USE [master]
    EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel Northwind, 80
    USE [Northwind]
    .Orders T1, dbo.Orders T2
    .OrderID *= T2.OrderID
    .Orders T1
    dbo.Orders T2
    ON T1.OrderID = T2.OrderID
    EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel Northwind, 90
    As you can see, I am getting same results.

  • Same C++ code gives different result in MacOSX and Ubuntu

    I have a C++ program which starts by reading an external file, but changing the name of the file give me different results.
    I selected just the important part and made a simple file with the reading part of my program and can be downloaded here
    It just reads the external file and does the output of some values.
    It has two external file examples. If one uses "x.txt" everything works fine, but if we use "dados.txt", which is a copy of "x.txt", the last value in the output is wrong.
    The stranger is that if i use these same files in ubuntu everything works just fine!
    I tried in a MacBook, a MacBook Pro and an iMac (all of them with macosx 10.6) and i always got the error, but not on ubuntu!
    Does anyone has a clue about what is happening here?

    marcelobarbosa wrote:
    Does anyone has a clue about what is happening here?
    Change OutFile from a 20 byte character array to a string. GCC isn't able to tell what type that is and is picking int or something, corrupting your memory.

  • Different results from MAX and Labview

    Hi all,
    We did an impact testing a couple of days ago, and I got very big acceleration (the peak is about 300g, which is much larger than the estimated value).
    And then I tried a small imact test in the lab using a steel plate which is less than 1 lb to impact a steel ruler, I still got big peak number (more than 200g, which is impossible). And then I tried the small impact test again by using MAX, the peak number is about 12g, and the curve seems like pretty reasonable. I was wondering why I got different results by using MAX and Labview?
    Also, sometimes when I connect the SCXI-1001 to the computer, it says the USB is malfuntion and cannot be recgonized by the computer, and turns out the driver file does not exists. But most of the time, it works very well and the driver file does exists. Why this happened?

    jyuan wrote:  but I want to clike one "run button" and get data from strain gage, LVDT, accelerometer at the same time and our tesing duration is just about a few seconds. And also I didn't find a place where I can record the data in MAX
    You can do that.  A task can only have the same types of inputs, meaning Analog Input, Analog Output, Digital Input, Digital Output, etc.  Different sensors are just read with Analog Inputs.  So they all can be in the same task.  In MAX, just set up a task a configure each channel as it should be.  Then use that single task in your LabVIEW code.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • RRI Jumps from Different Characteristics Produce Different Results

    Hi experts,
    I am having the problem that when I jump from different characteristics in the same row in sender query, I got different result sets. E.g. when I choose "Go to" from the "Name" char I got one record, but from "Transaction Description" char multiple records.
    Could anyone please clarify this problem?

    check the info object mapping in RSBBS.   some time same kind of charactorstics is available in the destination report it show such kind of error.  
    Eg.   0customer to 0ship_to_party , or sold to party ect.
    Just go to RSBBS
    select the type as infoobject ...
    Field name   =  target field 
    for more clarification please refer below link

  • ITunes 8 MP3 encoder produces different bitstreams under XP and Vista

    While organizing a new listening test for MP3 encoders at ~128 kbps VBR, I came across a significant problem in iTunes 8 and maybe older versions as well.
    I have a 30 seconds sample file of Fatboy Slim's "Kalifornia" from the album "You've Come a Long Way Baby". The sample (as FLAC - you have to decode it to PCM WAV yourself) can be downloaded from the Hydrogenaudio Forums: http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=19682
    If you encode this sample to MP3 using 112 kbps, VBR, highest quality, joint stereo under Windows Vista, the resulting file will have an average of 122 kbps. The same file encoded with the same settings and the same iTunes version under Windows XP will have an average of 191 kbps. I was able to reproduce this on three different machines with "clean" XP SP 3 and Vista SP 1 installations ("clean" means only the hardware drivers and all Windows updates are installed, no third-party software). It would be nice if other people could try to reproduce this if possible. Another interesting thing would be to see what the Mac version of iTunes produces.
    Sebastian Mares
    PS: Can anyone tell me where I can file bug reports to Apple?

    Sebastian Mares wrote:
    PS: Can anyone tell me where I can file bug reports to Apple?
    At the iTunes feedback page.
    By the way, iTunes is famous for having one of the worst MP3 encoders.

  • Calc producing different results

    I have the following calc. I run the calc through EAS and via a batch file. Wierd thing is that when I run the calc through EAS not all of the accounts aggregate . Thoughts? The time it runs in EAS is 4 sec vs. 40 secs in the batch file.
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    FIX("Amount", @RELATIVE(Department,0))
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    Edited by: kdigman93 on Mar 25, 2009 2:26 PM

    If the same calculation script is run from EAS and from batch file. It will produce the same results without doubt. Request to re check where and which combinatino you are looking at .
    Secondly, when you say the time difference between 4 sec and 40 sec, do also pay attention to other application/load which are consuming the resources of the system at the time,when it had taken 44. This way you can have apples to apples camparision.
    Sandeep Reddy Enti

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