Yahoo webmail does not login with safari. Will log in with other browsers.

I can not log in with on safari. It will not take PW. I installed dolphin and opera. I can access the site with no issues with them. I have tried "Clear cookies and data".
Any ideas? Can I reinstall safari somehow?

Hello MountP,
The best way to take care of that is to either start fresh on your library or import the files that are already on your computer. The following article will assist with that.
iTunes 11 for Mac: Import music and video already on your computer
Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
-Norm G.

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    You can consider the [ Reset Firefox] feature via '''Help''' ('''Alt''' + '''H''') > '''Troubleshooting Information'''.
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    Do a malware check with a few malware scan programs.<br />
    You need to use all programs because each detects different malware.<br />
    Make sure that you update each program to get the latest version of the database before doing a scan.
    * - Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
    * - SuperAntispyware
    * - Spybot Search & Destroy
    * - Ad-Aware Free
    * - Windows Defender: Home Page
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fpc3624462=v21Hu78u|UGxHY6uLaa|fses1000462=|r7Si5YuLaa|v21Hu78u|fvis1000462=ZT1odHRwJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRiZmPWh0dHAlM0ElMkYlMkZuZXdzLnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRmJsb2dzJTJGbG9va291dCUyRm1heWEtYW5nZWxvdS1zYXlzLW1lbW9yaWFsLW1ha2VzLW1say1sb29rLWFycm9nYW50LTE1MzkzMDc5OS5odG1sJmI9TWF5YSUyMEFuZ2Vsb3UlMjBzYXlzJTIwbWVtb3JpYWwlMjBtYWtlcyUyME1MSyUyMGxvb2slMjAlRTIlODAlOThhcnJvZ2FudCVFMiU4MCU5OSUyMCU3QyUyMFRoZSUyMExvb2tvdXQlMjAtJTIwWWFob28hJTIwTmV3cw==|8M8To70sH0|8M8To70sH0|8M8To70sH0|s|8M8To70sH0|8M8To70sH0; fpc10003624462=8_gl9_MH|rUwkZ8uLaa|fses10003624462=|rUwkZ8uLaa|8_gl9_MH|fvis10003624462=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|8|8|8|s|8M8T7MY7s8|8; fpc100026140356=NwWsMjca|s34jofELaa|fses100026140356=|EOOJejvLaa|NwWsMjca|fvis100026140356=ZT1odHRwJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRiZmPWh0dHAlM0ElMkYlMkZuZXdzLnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRmJsb2dzJTJGZW52b3klMkZsaWJ5YS1yZWJlbC1jb21tYW5kZXItY29udGVuZHMtdG9ydHVyZWQtcmVuZGVyZWQtY2lhLTE1MzAzNzg1MC5odG1sJmI9TGlieWElMjByZWJlbCUy.

    * [ Firefox (Tools) > Options] > Advanced > General : Accessibility : [ ] "Warn me when web sites try to redirect or reload the page"
    * [[Options window - Advanced panel#General_tab]]
    See also:

  • Since upgrading to FF6 and now through FF7 web pages need repeated refreshing to load this does not happen with other browsers. I have tried many solutions. None have worked. Any ideas?

    Problem began after a Firefox 6 update (i do not remember which one) and has continued through current use of Firefox 7.0.1. Almost all '''web pages load only through repeated refreshing'''. If I do not refresh the web page it will just continue to try to load (as seen by the green rotating ring continually revolving) in a new window with a new tab (as I have set it to do). Nothing stops, nothing crashes. Once the web page completes and opens (after the refreshings) I can close the window click on the bookmark icon or originating link and the web page will load and open quickly (as it should). I have searched for solutions on the Mozilla site and have done many of the possible solutions (deleting history and caches, etc.) Problem seems to be communication in origin (my FF browser talking to web page server). I do not use a proxy. My set up to the internet is: laptop thru Verizon USB modem to internet. Operates as a wireless dial-up with speeds averaging 55 kbs (fast enough for me). I have used this set up for years with no previous trouble. Anyone have similar trouble, ideas or solutions?

    Thanks for your reply cor-el. I had never heard of nor seen the pref network.http.max-connections until I read about it in some of the replies in this support forum. People were saying 256 was the old setting and a new setting of 48 would correct my problem. When I followed the instructions to get to - see - and change the setting I discovered that my network.http.max-connections was already set to 48. I never did this. The only way I can think of that this setting was changed is that it happened by an automatic update to my Firefox browser. So, the problem I have was probably happening while this setting was at 48 all along. It is still set at 48 and I am still having the same problem. I will try as you suggest and set it to 30 and see what happens. I'll let you know the results. That's again for your response.

  • I have a new 64bit computer to which I have transferred all my files and re-installed all my programsWhen I try to print a page using Adobe Acrobat 9, Firefox crashes. This has never happened before, and does not happen with other browsers.

    I have a new computer. I transferred all my data files and installed my programs. Now, when I try to print a page ti pdf using Adobe Acrobat 9, Firefox crashes, and Adobe hangs up.

    Thanks for your reply cor-el. I had never heard of nor seen the pref network.http.max-connections until I read about it in some of the replies in this support forum. People were saying 256 was the old setting and a new setting of 48 would correct my problem. When I followed the instructions to get to - see - and change the setting I discovered that my network.http.max-connections was already set to 48. I never did this. The only way I can think of that this setting was changed is that it happened by an automatic update to my Firefox browser. So, the problem I have was probably happening while this setting was at 48 all along. It is still set at 48 and I am still having the same problem. I will try as you suggest and set it to 30 and see what happens. I'll let you know the results. That's again for your response.

  • Verizon Webmail does not login

    Verizon Webmail does not login
    It keeps redirecting to an error page like:
    Our records indicate that the User ID you entered is not available. Please check the User ID and try again.
    If you continue to experience problems, please contact us.
    Any assistance would be appreciated.

    That would be Verizon 2.0 (if you look at the URL, you should see that it's, not which seems a bit... broken, at the moment.
    The advice that I've been given that seems to work is to ignore error, and click on the "My Verizon Services" button at the top, then there should be an inbox button.
    Hopefully this gets fixed soon.
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.
    "All knowledge is worth having."

  • Dante font used in manuscript - when I try to save as a pdf document in Microsoft Word whole pages change their look, with wide gaps forming between certain paragraphs or sections. This does not happen with other fonts.

    Dante font used in manuscript … when I try to save as a pdf document in Microsoft Word whole pages change their look, with wide gaps forming between certain paragraphs or sections. This does not happen with other fonts.

    OK, we've got it!
    What is happening is that when you use Microsoft's save as PDF in Word, the font isn't embedded even though the font is tagged to allow embedding. Furthermore, Microsoft doesn't properly put the font name into the PDF file such that Acrobat or Reader can readily find the font installed on your system such that the text can be properly displayed and/or printed. Acrobat and Reader attempt to display and/or print the text using a “substitution font” and of course, as they say, YMMV (“your mileage may vary”)!
    I personally submitted the report of this problem (both the embedding and the font name problem) to Microsoft. They acknowledge the bug, tried a fix and provided me a build with it, but it wasn't right. Maybe they will ultimately fix it, maybe they won't. We don't know yet. We do know that if it is fixed, it will be fixed only for Office 2013 (problem occurs with all Office applications since they use the same PDF generation code) and thus such a fix won't help you.
    Adobe Acrobat Standard and Acrobat Pro  both provide an Adobe PDFMaker plug-in to Office applications (including full support for Office 2010) that adds an Acrobat Toolbar as well as a Save as Adobe PDF menu item. The resultant PDF file fully supports embedding of OpenType CFF, TrueType, and Type 1 fonts and in many other ways produces much superior PDF with a full range of PDF generation options not available with the Microsoft PDF. (Note that beginning with Office 2013, Microsoft does not support Type 1 fonts in Office documents at all, even for existing documents!) The Acrobat Office functions are widely used and respected in the end user community and whatever “issues” there are (all software has “issues” of some type - it is a matter of how many and how severe), you should be in much better shape for PDF production that with what you currently are using.
    Good luck and let us know if this resolves your problems. (Note that you can download and install a free fully-functional 30 trial of Acrobat Pro to assure that it meets your needs! You can then buy a license and activate what you already have installed.)
              - Dov

  • When I watch tv shows in Front Row that I've bought off iTunes the audio gradually falls out of sync with the video. It does not happen with other files that I have converted into mp4s. Any ideas for fixing this? It's a huge bummer...

    When I watch tv shows in Front Row that I've bought off iTunes the audio gradually falls out of sync with the video. It does not happen with other files that I have converted into mp4s. Any ideas for fixing this? It's a huge bummer...

    I too have the same problem.  The audio drop out of sync in about 5 sec in not uncommon for the audio to be 30+ sec behind video.  Apple needs to fix this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   its a joke,  my iphone is all messed up after the last update as well.  at one time not to long ago apple products and software were top rated, not so much any more, more and more problems are showing up and apple is unwilling or unalbe to fix the many issues.  Apple needs to fix the audio sync problem, it not the computer hardware or other software it ITUNES!!!!,  there is no workaround other then hitting pause and hitting pause and hitting pause to temp fix the problem. 

  • My iphone 4 bluetooth does not discover any other devices or phones having bluetooth and ofcourse does not pair with other bluetooth devices or phones? How can i transfer files to other devices through bluetooth? Thanx

    My iphone 4 bluetooth does not discover any other devices or phones having bluetooth and ofcourse does not pair with other bluetooth devices or phones? How can i transfer files to other devices through bluetooth? Thanx

    you can't tranfer files with the built in program that apple gives you, you may (i belevie) download an app that allows you

  • BT Yahoo Calender does not synchronise with my iphone or ipad

    My BT yahoo calendar has stopped synchronising with my ipad and iphone5
    Have tried all the usual solutions i.e. going to settings and deleting my yahoo account and then reinstalling but it is not working
    On the ipad the calendar has completely disappeared from my calendar app
    Can anyone help or is this a problem at the Yahoo end?

    See section 5 of TS1538: iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows.

  • At work with the text at allocation by the cursor of the big fragment of page it is necessary to shift all time it downwards, "against the stop", but the page automatically does not start to rise upwards as occurs in other browsers. I ask the help!

    After transition on Windows 7 there was a problem with Firefox. At work with the text at allocation by the cursor of the big fragment of page it is necessary to shift all time it downwards, "against the stop", but the page automatically does not start to rise upwards as it was earlier and as occurs in other browsers. It is necessary to press other hand a key "downwards" that is the extremely inconvenient. Reinstallation on earlier version (8.0) earlier irreproachably working, has given nothing. I ask the help

    You need to enable the Add-ons bar (Firefox > Options or View > Toolbars; Ctrl+/) or the Find bar (Ctrl+F) to make Firefox scroll the page while selecting text.

  • ICal on iPad does not sync with other idevices

    I am using iCal on my iPad2, iPhone 4S, MacBook Air and iMac. The two computers are running Lion 10.7.2. All iCals sync perfectly, except the iPad. If I make a calendar entry on the iPad2 it does not go out to any of the other devices. An iCal entry on the other devices go out to the iPad with no problem. For some reason, under Settings/General/Mail, Contacts and Calendars, I have four calendars: MobileMe Calendar and Inbox, and [email protected] Calendar and Inbox. The default I have set is MobileMe Calendar but it doesn't seem to make any difference as far as being able to sync with this iPad. Any ideas appreciated.

    I have solved my problem - don't know if yours is the same. I noticed on iPhone, when I listed the calendars there are two sections: the top line showed "All Calendars ->"; when I click on that I get duplicate entries for everything.
    Below that is:
    "From My Mac.
    "All from My Mac ->", followed by a list of individual calendars. When I clicked on that I got single entries.
    This led me to realize that in my Settings ->Accounts I had the old "" a/c and new "" a/c. I had thought it didn't matter.
    Once I eliminated the "" A/c, I had only one set of calendars.
    Hope this helps you.
    Val J

  • My IPhone 4 blue tooth does not connect with other other mobile phones. Other devices find me. Mine just keeps searching.

    Tried sending a friend a photo via blue tooth from my IPhone 4 to his black berry.
    His device finds me, but mine does't find his. It just keeps searching.
    Am I doing something wrong, pr does IPhone not support this?

    blue tooth in iphone is only for headset support means you can only connect a blue tooth head set with your phone thats about it for blue tooth functionality,
    You cannot transfer files with other phones or your PC, thats the standard behaviour your phone is fie

  • Apple tv 2 problem: I can not login with my ID account!!!!!

    apple tv does not login with my ID! Do you have a solution? Since a few weeks I can not login in with my password...
    I tried everything:
    - re-starting apple tv.
    - login on macbook with my apple ID with new password

    Signal Strengh on WiFi was great (its a new Apple Time Capsule and has to be reset often).  Checked the internet connectivity on other machines too (incase that was inop).   I checked the network first as that is typically a impediment to all other things working prior to my previous comment.  I logged in to iTunes and MobleMe to see that my password was correct and working.  hmmm.
    I reset the Apple TV next and again changed my iTunes password on my laptop, then ran a network test (which needs a itunes password to work).  Network check was successful and I am logged back in.
    Now it says...."Netflix is currently unavailable. Try again later".

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