Yosemite green button behaviour?

Hi Everyone, I hope you're doing great.
Just Installed the brand new OS X: Yosemite and I'd like to know if someone knows:
How to invert the behaviour of the green button?
I do know about the option key trick, but I'd like to option+click to Full Screen and single click to Zoom.
Thank you.

Hello again.
Thank you to those who kindly took their time in trying to give an answer to this question.
Judging by the answers I received, I came to the conclusion that perhaps I didn't formulated the question correctly, so here again it goes with images.
Image 01: This is what I have when I open some application, or folder, lets for example use Safari.
Image 02: When I place the cursor over the green button it shows the Full Screen icon.
Image 03: Once I click on the green button, it goes to Full Screen, taking the whole screen.
Image 04: Here's the state where I come back coming out of Full Screen (or the original state when I opened Safari).
Image 05: When I option+click the green button changes to a plus sign.
Image 06: Once I option+click the window expands only to it's natural borders, leaving space to actually 'see' the rest of the screen.
Image 07: Conclusion, my question is: Is there a way to by default have this functions inverted?
Just for fun, imagine that my left hand is always occupied (unavailable) 
I wouldn't like to have an external App to do this though. Thank you in advance.

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    Hello I just wanted to share this wonderful tool with every one.  I love OSX but sometimes its a pain.  I have a workstation Mac Pro, full screen slows me down so I used this tool to remap the green button to maximize like it sorta did in older OS or like our beloved windows OS. I have to admit, the got maximize right.  LOL 
    First download - BetterTouchTool - http://www.bettertouchtool.net/
    Move to app folder and open. Follow the fist pop up if you wish to use the snap window Feature. I have not tried it.
    Select Global icon on the left
    Click Triggers at the bottom left middle side of BetterTouchTool window
    Select Left click green window button, 3rd one down
    Click Predefined Action at the bottom right side of BetterTouchTool window
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    Thats it your done !!
    I would recommend you click settings at the top and set to start the app at start up.
    If this thread already exist, apologizes; could not find this info for 10.10
    Don't forget to Share your BetterTouchTool mods here with every one !!!!

    Firefox. Safari glitches time to time.  Besides I vary much dislike full screen on my Workstation. Slows me down. Expose' is pretty qiuck with middle mouse button( using a Logitech mouse )This is a great tool as I mentioned, it has many features. I consider myself a Mac engineer, I have the Cert for it. I know all the in and outs and tweaks you can do to this system to make you go from a user to a power user; to make you machine operate like a 2030 Computer. I know your being helpful, thanks. 
    I would like people to find this and make use of it if it helps them. It did for me.

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    Are you talking about the green '+' button in the top left corner? That technically doesn't enlarge it. It switches the window from the default window size to the custom size you made. You can enlarge the window by moving your mouse to the bottom right corner of the window, and dragging until you get the size you want.

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    Welcome to the forums Chiliad. It's rare that a question like yours is answered "you can't do that" but I've never heard of someone wanting to do this. OS X is robustly customizable right out of the box with its many different ways of accomplishing identical tasks, but I suspect the locations of these buttons is somewhat of an Apple trademark and rooted deep in OS X code. I would avoid trying to hack the system to change their location lest such a change cause a future OS X update to break.
    There are many third party tools available to customize OS X to your liking, but I can recommend without reservation just a few. Products like Tinker Tool and the utilities written by Unsanity seem to be generally useful and trouble-free.
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    Mail window may be in the Full Screen mode.
    Move the mouse pointer to the top right corner of the Mail window and hold it there.
    Menu bar should drop down and click the blue double arrow icon.
    Full Screen toggle shortcut:  control + command + F

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    Please refer to the attached 2 pictures, they are the similar, just the size is defferent. (pass.PNG, 5478 pass.PNG).
    But now i try to use IMAQ Detect Circles to catch the GREEN button. For pass.PNG, it works fine, but for another sample, it is always fail to detect this button. 
    I also try to change the Curve Parameters and score as input, but still failed. Another way, i also try to use IMAQ find circles function, but the result is worse than IMAQ Detect Circles, so give up. 
    The code is detect the circles.png, copy it to block diagram enough.
    So, what is the root cause? Thanks for help.
    LV7.1/8.2/8.2.1/8.5/8.6/9.0/2010/2013; testing system development
    Please Mark the solution as accepted if your problem is solved and donate kudoes
    Go to Solution.
    pass.PNG ‏38 KB
    5478 pass.PNG ‏35 KB
    detect the circles.png ‏112 KB

    Hi colinzhang,
    The curve extraction mode if change it to Uniform mode, u can get the result.
    -Suggestion, if you want to use the entire image region as ROI no need to get the image size, getting rectangle and converting it to ROI descriptor. (I think this is unnecessary)
    -Be careful with color plane extraction, u're using by default which is Red plane. In this example it's fine. but make sure u know which plane u're extracting.
    -please find vi saved in 2010 version.
    Please Mark the solution as accepted if your problem is solved and help author by clicking on kudoes
    Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) Using LV13
    Detect_Circles.vi ‏53 KB

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    It sounds to me like the iTunes toolbar is up under the Mac OS X menu bar. Try selecting the "Close Window" command from the File menu in ITunes, then open a new window by choosing "iTunes" under the Windows menu. If that doesn't fix the problem, try changing the resolution of your Mac's screen (Displays system preference) to a lower resolution, then back. That may get the iTunes window to reappear.
    If not, open the Script Editor application, paste in the following text and click the "Run" button:
    tell application "Finder"
    set {d1, d2, d3, d4} to (get bounds of window of desktop)
    end tell
    tell application "iTunes"
    set margins to {d1 + 10, d2 + 54, d3 - 10, d4 - 148}
    set bounds of window 1 to margins
    end tell
    That should restore the window properly, though I haven't tried that script with recent versions of Mac OS X.  
    Hope this helps.

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    front page opens works shortly freezes.
    only yellow green buttons work. I click yellow to minimize normal top bar menu appears I choose new page, opens works normally.
    The restart saved tabs does not work on that first page.

    Hi @prdstudio3 ,
    Thank you for visiting the HP Support Forums. The Serial Number needed to be removed from your Post. This is From our Rules of Participation:
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    Thank you
    I work for HP

  • I'd like a kbd shortcut that mimics the green button in Mac OSX windows.

    I'm aware that I can assign a custom shortcut to this very function in OSX's System Preferences, but such a shortcut won't work in Firefox, even after restarting it.
    So is there a Firefox keyboard shortcut that maximizes/minimizes a window the way the green button does it for all OSX windows?
    I'm on OSX 10.7.5 with Firefox 23.0 just installed (MacBook Pro 17" from 2012, pre-retina.)

    Hello fedtho, sorry but that kind of shortcut is not exist yet, not even as an add-on !
    see the [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/keyboard-shortcuts-perform-firefox-tasks-quickly#os=mac&browser=fx23 Keyboard shortcuts]
    see also the [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-make-firefox-and-websites-go-full-screen#os=mac&browser=fx23 full screen mode], but i think you already know that (command + Shift + F) and it is not what are you looking for.
    thank you

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    also the javascript of several webpages i used to visit that automatically goes full screen also doesn't do it anymore...
    what can i do...??? sniff

    no one?

  • Green button not working

    Apart from the obvious battery issues my green button has stopped working. i cant make calls or answer calls with it.
    the other day whilst taking a picture the red light on the camera came on and wouldn't go off either, so i had to remove the battery to turn it off, once i turned it back on the camera was ok, but the green button failed to work.

    13-Oct-200703:16 AM
    crompo4 wrote:
    Apart from the obvious battery issues my green button has stopped working. i cant make calls or answer calls with it.
    the other day whilst taking a picture the red light on the camera came on and wouldn't go off either, so i had to remove the battery to turn it off, once i turned it back on the camera was ok, but the green button failed to work.
    Try a soft reset by*#7780#.
    If it fails a hard reset by *#7370#.
    If all of them fails then do what scooby said.
    If that also fails, take it to nokia care.
    Care points:
    http://www.nokia.com and select your country.

  • How to restore the red/yellow/green buttons in safari

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    I have no idea how to get them back. I have tried to customise the toolbar but thats not the solution.
    when safari is in full screen i now have just the address bar and bookmarks bar.
    I'd really like to restore these buttons and get the title bar (with file, view etc) back. To access those currently i have to hover the cursor at the top of the screen. Its very annoying not to be able to see the time, remaining battery etc.
    If anyone has any suggestions i'd really appreciete it!

    I Have exactely the same problem at you, ...
    Have you got the solution now ?
    Please, to restore red yellow and green buttons ?

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