Yosemite vs Exchange

Customer recently upgraded to Yostemite. Now his mail client doesn't work right. He is connecting to an exchange server. After rebooting the machine, the first time he opens Mail it will update and sync. Then after "a bit," which I'm unsure of how long because he didn't tell me, it will no longer update. Today when I got on the machine his last update was at 10am.
On top of that, when he first boots the machine up, his OWA site is inaccessible. It later becomes accessible, and then goes back to not existing to his machine.
He is one of two macs in his office, with the 2nd one having no issues. I was unable to get access to the 2nd machine to verify settings.
No one else is having any issues. I have full access to the OWA site, and even logged into it on my computer so I know it's not password related.
I've unchecked the automatic settings, but was not able to rebuild his profile as he was mad that I was working the mail app issue and not the OWA issue. He was certain it was a problem with the server.
I'm lost, and I can't find anyone have the exact same issue. I've given basically as much detail as I have, and the customer has gone home for the day and I no longer have access to the computer for this evening.

For a while it seemed like Internet Accounts pane of System Preferences was altering my exchange server public address.  I had to manually change it for several days and each day several times a day.
Ultimately I checked the box for 'Enable this account' and turned off my exchange account, and then turned it back on.  Now my settings have stuck. 
What you describe here sounds to me like connectivity issues due to login credentials.  You can also run Connection Doctor to see what that says.
Hope this helps.

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    That's not the point.    Before iCloud, Outlook synched with Apple Calendar and/or iCal.    With iCloud, Cal syncs with iPhone and other devices.     Outlook doesn't have to sync with iCloud (although that would certainly be nice).   It just has to continue to sync with Cal, which in turn syncs with devices via iCloud.
    But for some inane reason, it doesn't.    If this is Apple's way of forcing people to not use Office and only use Calendar and Apple Mail, they are going to stop the gains they've made in business environments.   Businesses, especially large businesses, use Outlook.   End of story.
    Furthermore, Apple's instructions for setting up or deleting iCal and iCloud accounts is complete gibberish.  And I'm a tech who has been working with computers for 32 years.   Apple used to be great at making things easy.  They now suck at it and are just as bad as Microsoft.

  • Yosemite, Mail, Exchange and X509 signed e-mails

    Dear all,
    after upgrading to Yosemite Mail is not showing the signing status of X509 signed mails retrevied form an exchange server.  Retrieving the same mail from an open source (dovecot) IMAP-server shows the signing status correctly (by displaying "Security: Signed" in the Header). (the e-mail was forwarded for the dovecot/postfix-system to an exchange server while retaining a copy in the system).
    From what I see, there seems to be a bug in header parsing since the difference ist that in the IMAP case the end of the header looks:
    Content-Type: multipart/signed;
      protocol="application/pkcs7-signature"; micalg=sha1
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    whereas in the exchange/MAPI-Case the header ends with:
    Content-Type: multipart/signed;
      protocol="application/pkcs7-signature"; micalg=sha1
    Return-Path: [email protected]
    X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthSource: EXCHANGE.DOMAIN.NN
    X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthAs: Anonymous
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    The additional header lines added by the Exchange server seem to break the header parsing (although from the RFCs it shouldn't).
    Maybe someone from Apple can comment on this.
    Best regards,

    Dear all,
    after upgrading to Yosemite Mail is not showing the signing status of X509 signed mails retrevied form an exchange server.  Retrieving the same mail from an open source (dovecot) IMAP-server shows the signing status correctly (by displaying "Security: Signed" in the Header). (the e-mail was forwarded for the dovecot/postfix-system to an exchange server while retaining a copy in the system).
    From what I see, there seems to be a bug in header parsing since the difference ist that in the IMAP case the end of the header looks:
    Content-Type: multipart/signed;
      protocol="application/pkcs7-signature"; micalg=sha1
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    whereas in the exchange/MAPI-Case the header ends with:
    Content-Type: multipart/signed;
      protocol="application/pkcs7-signature"; micalg=sha1
    Return-Path: [email protected]
    X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthSource: EXCHANGE.DOMAIN.NN
    X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthAs: Anonymous
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    The additional header lines added by the Exchange server seem to break the header parsing (although from the RFCs it shouldn't).
    Maybe someone from Apple can comment on this.
    Best regards,

  • Yosemite iCal Exchange event replication

    I figured out a reproducible way to cause iCal to generate new invalid events that a annoying the rest of the company :-(.
    1. Have someone invite you to a meeting
    2. It shows in your iCal. Click on it which causes it to be displayed on the right (in the event editor)
    3. Ask the other person to move or cancel the meeting
    4. You can no never click on another event unless you tell iCal to send a replacement "update" to the event
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    The event will show up as identical and will confuse all the original invitees which are now assuming the event has been moved back to the original time.
    No matter if you quit and restart iCal or do anything else you cannot "deselect the event from editing" without sending the updated "clone event"
    This has been bugging me for a while and with Yosemite it's just gotten worse because quitting iCal will keep the event selected after restarting it.

    Apple doesn’t routinely monitor the discussions. These are mostly user to user discussions.
    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.
    Or you can use your Apple ID to register with this site and go the Apple BugReporter. Supposedly you will get an answer if you submit feedback.
    Feedback via Apple Developer

  • Yosemite Mail Exchange Account only syncing recent email

    It appears like the last few days and scattered email going back a month are the only items in the mailbox.
    I see no option to "Sync only a week, Month, ALL"
    All mail since the update are appearin
    Previously it would sync all my mail (and take forever to do so)
    other mail clients show all my mail,
    is there a hidden setting?

    Thanks Anton.
    Yes thats kind of what I figured - sometimes these sorts of issues right themselves within a day or two, it's just odd that I've never seen this issue before and a few people are noticing more problems with Yahoo accounts on iOS6.

  • Outlook 14.4.8 not synchronizing with Exchange 2007 anymore (shows "downloading" but no new messages shown in inbox"

    Outlook 14.4.8 on iMAC Retina and Yosemite 10.10.2 is not synchronizing with Exchange 2007 anymore (shows "downloading" but no new messages shown in inbox".
    Accessing Mails with Webbrowser and from Windows Outlook is working correctly.
    All Macs (also the ones with OS 10.6.8) do not anymore show any new messages in inbox.
    Restarted Server, tried to disable autodiscover on macs and deleting/adding account and repairing database does not fix the problem. Also restarted server several times.
    We have the same problem on 2 imacs retina with yosemite and on 2 mac pro with 10.6.8 and different office 2011 versions.
    i tried to configure the exchange account in apple mail on yosemite and it also states "connected" and does list some folders but no new mails are getting in.
    Windows clients and outlook on them works and syncs fine, and also when connecting via webbrowser at owa it must be a mac-specific/webdav issue.
    exchange 2007 Sp3 Version 8.3 (bild 83.6) and Update Rollup 15 for sp3 (automatic updates "HIGH" for server and clients)
    there is one update popping up again and again even after everytime successull installation: Windows Mlicious Software Removal Tool x64 - October 2010.
    i tried to configure a new user with empty mailbox and configured it with microsoft mail (mac - yosemite)  as exchange and was able to send a mail from there (even if quite delayed).
    but there are not coming in any mails.
    same exchange accounts triggered by imap do work and also via owa.
    Exchange Accounts in Outlook for MAC and also in Mail (Yosemite) do show the folder structures but there is no mails showing up. I can send mails from the exchange accounts created but they seem to be processed with a delay of like 15minutes and outlook
    is giving error "end of file reached" but messages are send after some time.
    Does seem like EWS is extremely slow, to slow perhaps to sync and therefore ending in timeout.
    Also i cannot reach the server from externally over ssl https 443. if testing port 443 of exchange from outside the port seems closed even firewall settings of sbs 2008 and sonicwall ports are correctly open.
    could it be there is something in regarding webdav which is very slow and leading to timeouts ?
    in application log i do have the following two information events every few minute:
    The Exchange Web Services started successfully. Event ID 1
    Process STORE.EXE (PID=3688). Exchange Active Directory Provider has discovered the following servers with the following characteristics: 
     (Server name | Roles | Enabled | Reachability | Synchronized | GC capable | PDC | SACL right | Critical Data | Netlogon | OS Version) 
    SERVER.org.local CDG 1 7 7 1 0 1 1 7 1
    Errors in Application log:
    The Open Procedure for service "BITS" in DLL "C:\Windows\system32\bitsperf.dll" failed. Performance data for this service will not be available. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section 
    The entry <C:\WSUS\WSUSCONTENT\CONTENTFOLDERACLSCHECK.TXT> in the hash map cannot be updated.
    An exception Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ConversionFailedException occurred while converting message Imap4Message 69447
    Also outlook 2011 clients are asked by time to time to reenter pwds and errors like "connection is closed. 13" 
    Faulting application taskeng.exe, version 6.0.6002.18342, time stamp 0x4cd34898, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 6.0.6002.18881, time stamp 0x51da3d16, exception code 0xc000071b, fault offset 0x0000000000082445, process id 0x3288
    Certificate Services Client Provider pautoenr.dll raised an exception. Exception code 3221225477.
    Backup Exec:
    FULL_BACKUP -- The job failed with the following error: A failure occurred querying the Writer status.
    Volume Shadow Copy Service error: A critical component required by the Volume Shadow Copy service is not registered.  This might happened if an error occurred during Windows setup or during installation of a Shadow Copy provider.  The
    error returned from CoCreateInstance 
    Exchange VSS Writer (instance 2d932ef8-6319-4ab8-a45f-1242480b44ad:15) failed with error code 1295 when processing the backup completion event. 

    Since Outlook running on Windows works well, it seems an issue on the Mac side. I suggest ask Mac for help so that you can get more professional suggestions.
    More information for your reference:
    Please try to verify whether there is any expired certificate from the computer personal store.
    If it is the case, please remove them.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Fehlermeldung: Das Programm „Kalender" kann das Ereignis nicht auf dem Exchange-Server sichern.

    This error keeps popping up. you've got three alternatives to choose from ("use server version", "try again" and "ignore") but none of them stops the error popping up.

    Bei mir hat folgendes geholfen.
    Datei com.apple.AutoTimeZone.plist löschen (Time Zone Cache) Details unter:
    Unable to Save Calendar to Exchange Office 365 in iCal on Yosemite
    Exchange Account nochmal löschen, neu starten und neu anlegen.

  • Exchange mail works on iOS 8.1 Mail but not Yosemite Mail?

    I have a new email address from a new job, and I have it working fine on my iPhone and iPad both on 8.1
    But the exact same settings won't work in Mail on Yosemite on my Macbook Air
    Anyone have any ideas why?
    This is the error I get on my Air:
    The server returned the error: Connections to host webmail.lawtoncommsgroup.com on the default ports failed.
    Could not connect to this Exchange Server. Check your network connection and that you entered the correct information in the Account Preferences. Also verify that the server supports SSL. If it does not, deselect the 'Use SSL' checkbox in the Advanced tab of the Account preferences.
    My network connection is fine, and all of my other email accounts in Mail are working perfectly - including another one to a different Exchange account for a different job.
    Many thanks

    I have the exact same issue! Works smooth as butter on iOS 8.1 but not Yosemite... I'm running the pre-seed beta Yosemite update which supposedly fixes some Exchange issues but it hasn't fixed this one!
    Exchange remains unusable for me in Apple Mail in Yosemite...

  • How do I setup shared Exchange mailbox with Mail (Yosemite)?

    we use Office 365 hosting for our mails. Setting up my default Exchange account is no problem at all, just provide e-Mail address, password and let auto discover finish the rest through System Preferences -> Internet accounts.
    But I also need to setup two shared Exchange mailboxes. If I setup the e-mail address of the shared mailbox. I tried to set it up as follows:
    System Preferences -> Internet Accounts -> Add Exchange Account
    Name: Shared Mailbox
    Email Address: [email protected]
    Password <own AD password>
    As expected: Internet Accounts couldn't log in to the Exchange server "autodiscover-s.outlook.com". Make sure the email address and password you entered are correct. Then, enter your user name and click Continue.
    Account Settings
    Account Type: Exchange
    Description: Shared Mailbox
    User Name: <own smtp mail address>
    Password: <own AD password>
    Server Address: outlook.office365.com
    Account Summary
    Account type: Exchange
    Full name: Shared Mailbox
    Email address: [email protected]
    Server address: outlook.office365.com
    Select the apps to use with "[email protected]": Mail
    => There was a problem setting up the Mail account: an unknown error occurred.
    05/01/15 13:02:10,706 com.apple.internetaccounts[313]: Already have account E2E3FF00-2B0E-4F75-ADD9-FB********** configured for user: <[email protected]> host: outlook.office365.com
    So to add an additional account to access a different mailbox on the Exchange sever with the same credentials as the personal mailbox is apparently no option any more. On the other hand I haven't found any option to add according folders from other mail address inboxes to my personal account in any of the Preferences from Mail (Yosemite, 8.1) or any menu item, that would allow me to add the inboxes of other shared Exchange server mail boxes I have access to.
    The same is true for Mail (iOS 8.1.2), thus I have not found a solution to configure the shared mailboxes on my iOS devices either.
    Trying to setup an "Add Other Account" using IMAP did not succeed either. It always uses my personal mailbox, because I only have my personal user to access the shared mailbox and downloads my personal inbox instead of the one of the shared mailbox.
    Do I really have to fall back to Outlook 2011 Mac to be able to use this feature and miss out on all the hands off features from Yosemite?

    i too use office 365 shared mailboxes  and it took me a long time to work out to add them to my ios mail app , this worked for me :
    start setting up a normal exchange account , put your shared email address in the username and you main email account password.
    it will fail to do the auto-discover thing , but when you click on continue it eil allow you to manually enter the details :
    Name : < whatever>
    email : <your shared email a/c address  i.e [email protected] >
    description : <whatever>
    incoming mail
    Host name : outlook.office365.com
    username : <your main email address / shared i.e  [email protected]/myshared >
    password : < your main account password >
    outgoing mail server:
    SMTP : smtp.office365.com
    username : <your mail email i.e. [email protected] >
    password < your main account password >
    use ssl  <YES>
    authentication : Password
    server port 587
    this worked fine on every IOS device i own, but somehow it doesn't work with my Yosemite mail   , so if anybody can help with Yosemite mail it would be much appreciated.

  • Yosemite upgrade breaks exchange calendar sync

    Since my Yosemite upgrade on my mbp my calendar entries are not syncing to my corporate exchange server.  Mail is working fine. 
    I have noticed that when I receive a calendar invite and accept it in mail it remains in my inbox for a much longer time than it did under prior os/x versions.  Eventually the invite does move to trash.  However, the invite never shows up on my calendar.  Additionally, if I create a calendar event others do get it.  If I modify an existing calendar event it does not move on my calendar but others get the updated information. 
    I have tried various solutions offered in several forums but none has worked.  Removing and adding the account back does nothing.  There were notes about a time zone cache but I've not found that.  I've asked our crack IT department what they changed and they claim no changes were made. 
    Anyone have any good ideas otherwise I'll have to revert to the dreaded outlook app.

    I've seen this issue a bunch of times where I work. It basically it works like this:
    If one of your folders in Exchange has a or more corrupted item(s) in it the whole folder will not sync. So, it's an all or nothing thing. with the iPhone.
    Easiest way to test this would be to move all items out of the Calendar (for example) and create a new appointment. If you see the new appointment in your calendar after refreshing then you know you have a corrupted item somewhere in your real data.
    The tedious way I found around it is to move everything out of the folder Calendar, in-box, contacts, etc. and slowly move them back in a little at a time while refreshing the connection on the iPhone by turning the option on or off for either the calendar, contact, etc. until you find the corrupted item(s).
    It is a serious pain but that seems to do the trick. Apple needs to create a tolerance of corrupted items in their code for the iPhone for this issue to go away.

  • Problems with Yosemite and Microsoft Exchange?

    Hi, everyone, I upgraded all of my computers I work on to Yosemite (home and work); my iPhone and iPad both run IOS 8.1.  I have 2 Gmail accounts that I use regularly; my job (university) is using Microsoft Exchange for the mail server.  I use MacMail; don't really like Outlook for mail things.
    I have periodically had some problems with pulling my job e-mail up on MacMail; since I converted to Yosemite, it has gone on steroids.  I can see all of my Gmail just fine (contrary to some others who have reported problems); anything that is Exchange-based mail on my job's e-mail account will show the sender and the subject—the message itself is blank, sometimes for minutes sometimes forever.  I have quit and restarted Mail, quit and restarted the computer to varying success, but it is still highly unpredictable other than not showing the message for a very long time.
    When I use the web-based version of Outlook, it instantly shows everything.  An A-B comparison of Outlook and Mail sometimes even has some messages not having even been downloaded into Mail, even though I have clicked on Get Mail.
    And—in the iPhone and iPad, everything is fine 100% of the time.  Works wonderfully.
    Any ideas?

    Try rebuilding the mailbox. This can take awhile if you have a lot of mail.
    Rebuild mailbox

  • Yosemite Mac Mail & Exchange Hanging

    Hi All,
    I have a client experiencing the following problem:
    His mail continuously hangs while working normally in mail. He is using an Office 365 Exchange account. (This used to work flawlessly in Mavericks)
    I notice that it often happens when mail activity says "writing changes to disk"
    I have tried:
    Repair Disk and Permissions on Recovery Partition
    Uncheck "automatically detect and maintain my account settings"
    Remove and setup Account
    Reload fresh copy of Yosemite and setup account (Not restored from a time machine backup)
    It takes a really long time to download all his mail again, and I have also noticed that when new mails come in, the body of the email does not show up in the list view for a long time (or until you quit and reopen mail)
    He has :
    MacBook Pro 17" 2011
    8GB RAM
    OSX 10.10.2
    I don't know where to go from here, so any thoughts will be appreciated......

    This issue is still ongoing on 10.10.3 and happens on all 3 of his MacBooks - Air, Pro and Pro Retina (which he bought about a week ago)

  • Hello.....after updating to Yosemite, i can't get my exchange mail to work.  It keeps saying can't connect to exchange server and asks for my password.  My mail is still working fine on android phone and ipad2.  Can someone help?

    Hello....after updating to Yosemite my mail isn't working .  Keeps saying can't connect to exchange server and asking for password

    I am having this exact same problem with my gmail account. Hopefully someone will have a remedy.

  • Exchange calander wont sync to yosemite ical

    Running Yosemite build 10.10 on a 2014 MacBook Pro 13'. I have been syncing ical to my corporate exchange calendar for years and it has stopped working. Strangely enough my iPhone 6 still syncs perfectly and I am able to access my exchange corporate mail on my mac book. I assume this is a Yosemite issue however I can not find a fix anywhere. I have disabled my Calendar account on my MacBook and enabled it again and it makes no difference. Anyone have any suggestions?

    I have the exact same problem.  Basically iCal on Yosemite has become useless in creating or modifying any exchange calendar entries. I basically have to use Outlook to create entries or Mail to accept or decline to get me over thr hump but that's not an acceptable to folks that don't have Outlook of course.
    I'be not only removed the account but I've cleared all the iCal caches and database files. The latter will clear up anything "pending" that it can never apply but nothing seems to fix the problem long term.
    As a long time Apple user I hate to say it but Apple really is fumbling as of late. I hope someone can come up with a better solution here.

  • Yosemite Mail crashing with Exchange account

    I'm running OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 on a 2014 Macbook Pro.
    On startup Mail crashes immediately with the following error:
    *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'An EWS folder ID string didn't have a corresponding mailbox name'
    I have three email accounts (Exchange, iCloud, Gmail) and have disabled each one in turn and Mail opens and works fine with the iCloud and Gmail accounts. So it's definitely a problem with Exchange. In the Mail accounts pane the 'Advanced' tab has a listing for Internal Server Path with 'EWS/Exchange.asmx' listed in the box, so I'm guessing it has something to do with that (given the EWS bit in the error message)?
    I've moved the com.apple.mail folder to the desktop and re-opened Mail but that didn't help (I've moved the folder back to where it was).
    I can access my Exchange mail from both iPhone and iPad, so the problem seems to be restricted to OS X Mail rather than a problem with a specific email (seems logical?).
    Any help appreciated.

    Thanks. I had tried that already but it seems that the account was only 'deactivated' rather than deleted. Anyway, I tried again and chose the option to delete the account from all devices. I've now added a new Exchange account and all seems to be working.
    Thanks again.

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