You wanted it called WHAT?  (change sys id)

Just when you think that your hard work and endless nights have paid off, you find out that you still can't win.
When I built this Portal I accepted the J2E default name.  I thought no big deal, they did not confirm the name last time in EP6SP2 and I was able to go into SAPUM.PROPERTIES and changed it, no big thing.
Another sleepiness night, and now I ask the question:
Is it possible to change the sysid (system name) in an EP6SP9 SR1 set up?  I have found the files that are centered around starting the system but, if I change the name there the J2EE, messaging service or both will not restart.  I know that this can be done in the prior version so, please don't tell me thing I know.
To make matters worse the temp license ran out at midnight this morning.
Can someone out there help me out?
Points, anyone, points?

I do not understand is how not taken into account this circumstance because, often we encounter the problem that some email accounts expire or disappear and... if so, what do we do? Buy new books we already have?
I hope someone can answer quickly because if we use this program to read the books we buy, we are entitled to demand a solution to this problem of authorization...
Please... Help!!!
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    may be you are trying to modify the database item or reassigning the database item value which is not actually needed.
    try to comment the reassigning database values
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    most probably u will not get the message again
    Rajdeep .A

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    n_button_selection INTEGER;
    if :System.Record_Status='INSERT' then
    fnd_message.set_string('Do you want to save the changes?');
    n_button_selection := fnd_message.question('Yes', 'No','Cancel', 1, 2,'question');
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    RAISE form_trigger_failure;
    END IF;
    end if;
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    Forms_ddl issues dynamic sql - you cannot call another builtin (like commit_form) within forms_ddl. Check form_status after the call and you will see that it failed.
    Moreover, forms is not able to execute the post and commit process if you issue "forms_ddl('commit');", so this will not be a solution either.
    You could use the When-New-Record-Instance - Trigger, which allows restricted built-ins to be executed, and issue do_key('commit_form');". However, you would have to check the :system.block_status or :system.form_status, because :system.record_status will already hold the new record number.

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    In Firefox 3.6 and later on Windows you can hide the "Menu Bar" via "View > Toolbars" or via the right-click context menu on a toolbar.
    Press F10 or press and hold the Alt key down to bring up the "Menu Bar" temporarily.
    Go to "View > Toolbars" or right-click the "Menu Bar" or press Alt+V T to select which toolbars to show or hide (click on an entry to toggle the state).
    See also:
    * [[Menu bar is missing]]

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    It sounds like you have a Post-Query (PQ) trigger that is populating items in your Form. This is the typical reason why you would see this message when you close your form and no User changes have been made. The best solution would be to move your non-base table items from your data blocks to a control block so the PQ trigger won't mark the block or record as "Changed".
    Hope this helps.

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    Thanks in advance.

    HI I found the solution to this Problem:
    when we queried the data block then few items values were assigned . this changes the block_status to CHANGED as well as the form_status variable to CHANGED.
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    Not a beautiful logic...... but works ...... :)

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    try in reverse

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    If you don't want commit changes on base table items you can use clear_block(NO_VALIDATE) built-in before execute_query

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    you have to write a trigger on key-clrfrm and key-next-record.
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    I hope it will help.

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    Remove all rules for Firefox from the permissions list in the firewall and let your firewall ask again for permission to get full unrestricted access to internet for Firefox and the plugin-container process and the updater process.

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