Your favorite single released June 22 - 29

Hey folks,
Let us know what your favorite single release of the past week was. We'll then create a playlist with all your posts that we add to each week. 
Be sure to include:
1. A Spotify play button with the track
2. The date it was released
3. The genre
4. The record label
Also, know that this is one post per person so pick your favorite wisely. Thanks guys

Here is mine
Artist : Chet Faker
Country : Australia
Release date : June 26
Genre : Electro Soul
Label : Future Classic / Opulent

Similar Messages

  • ITunes U: Update to your site, new release June 29 2006

    Included in this update are the following items, please see the documentation for a full description of these features:
    Change the banner image on the Welcome page in the same way that you change the Course page image.
    Edit your site colors using the "Edit Appearance" link in the Links box.
    Use the "Track Preferences" link in the Links box to set rules for determining what happens when a user downloads a track.
    The debug suffix included in the example scripts is functional and provides useful information.
    In our next update we hope to provide you with the ability to add:
    Sections to Welcome pages
    Course and Welcome pages to the existing Welcome page
    Updated Example Code
    The Perl example script has been updated to fix a problem when using the debug suffix.
    Updated Example Credentials
    To further enhance your integration of iTunes U with your campus directory system, we created the following additional credentials and added them to the example course for your site:
    Learner@urn:mace:<your domain>:unique_identifier
    Instructor@urn:mace:<your domain>:unique_identifier
    As per our best practices, these credentials follow the eduCourseMember guidelines.
    You can use the "Learner" credential to provide students read-only and download access to their course page. You can use the "Instructor" credential to edit your existing course page. In contrast, you can use your existing "Administrator" credential to edit your entire site.
    These example credentials contain a generic unique identifier at the end of the credential. In a production configuration the "unique_identifier" portion is replaced with a string that uniquely identifies the page, tab, or track a user has access to. This is explained further in Chapter 2 of the documentation.
    Release Notes
    Issues fixed in this release
    When a user uploads a file to the Links box, iTunes U uses the file name as the link name instead of the full URL.
    iTunes U now handles ampersands and other special characters in Podcasts and tracks.
    Enhanced Podcasts with JPEG or PNG chapter markers are no longer treated as videos after uploading to iTunes U.
    Known issues:
    Some files do not correctly preview in iTunes U. In these cases, iTunes will not to jump to different locations in the track while it is being previewed. This issue can be resolved by opening the file in QuickTime Player and saving the file as "Self Contained" and uploading the track again.

    Duncan wrote:
    These example credentials contain a generic unique identifier at the end of the credential. In a production configuration the "unique_identifier" portion is replaced with a string that uniquely identifies the page, tab, or track a user has access to. This is explained further in Chapter 2 of the documentation.
    Looking at Chapter 2, Page 4 in the table for Token Data String Key, I see a credential example that looks like this:
    The MACE spec gives a similar example ( rse-ldap-200507.html)
    ... but I'm not sure how this maps to the example section/course/tab within iTunes U. Would it be something like this?
    (which would take them to the "Soapbox" tab within the "Course" of "Section" in Lafayette College's example iTunesU, if I understand this correctly).
    Ken Newquist
    Lafayette College

  • How do you read your favorite feeds?

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    I'm wondering about how do you read your favorite feeds? Which software do you use and why (what kind of features).
    I'm more interested in finding a little software that uses the system tray.
    Yet I'm also curious about just how does, those who utilize RSS, do it.
    Personally I've used YARSSR, which is exactly what I want, except for few problems..
    On Ubuntu it used to be as easy as make, make install (having build-essenial installed). On Debian 4.0 stable it is in the stable repos, so it was even easier. On Arch it's not in any of the repos nor AUR and make, make install didn't work:
    # yarssr
    bash: yarssr: command not found
    # /usr/local/bin/yarssr
    Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/yarssr /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i686-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/i686-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/i686-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i686-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4/i686-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/i686-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.2/i686-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.2 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/i686-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i686-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at /usr/local/lib/yarssr/ line 3.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/lib/yarssr/ line 3.
    Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/bin/yarssr line 13.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/yarssr line 13.
    I'd love to understand what's going on. How to install it right.
    Anyhow, it's far from perfect anyway. It's the single thing that is not working so perfectly on my Debian as it should. Uses way too much CPU, sometimes stays trying to update and never does update nor allow forced updates, no quitting, etc..
    I also use Google Reader, which is great to read many feeds and manage them, etc.
    All I want is a little applet (maybe GNOME applet?) that gives me quick glimpse of my top favorite feeds, without using my browser nor launching a full-functional aggregator.
    Last edited by UnbreakableMJ (2007-05-24 14:43:38)

    UnbreakableMJ wrote:
    iphitus wrote:
    have used newsgator, planet, own scripts, google reader, akregator, blam, raggle.
    currently using snownews.
    so far, none of them really suit how i want to read my news.
    Hi James.
    I'd like to know how you want to read your news
    i'd prefer a cli frontend, web front would be bonus (river of news style).
    snownews is good, just needs a few tweaks, some ui ones, and the main one being:
    often i dont get to read news for a few days straight, so i'd like something i can put in cron and it'll update, and log the news for a few days straight, so when i get back it's all there. this generally limits me to one of the web clients, i dont know any desktop apps that do this.
    i might write up an app to do this someday
    as for your yassr problem, pacman -S gnome-perl?
    Last edited by iphitus (2007-05-25 11:32:57)

  • What's your favorite FiOS channel?

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    ESPN for me  
    Palladia is a close 2nd.
    And you...???

    ocean25 wrote:
    film11 wrote:
    Easily, it's HDNet Movies...the only movie channel that ALWAYS shows movies as they were meant to be seen...without cropping and in dtrong 5.1 audio tracks when applicable.  Best picture quality of any movie channel as well. It's a crown jewel for movie fans.
       I haven't noticed too many new movies there, but some good classic programming.
    They do add new movies regularly including one each month,  that is shown before it is released in the US. 

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    No flaming, thanks   8)

    magnum_opus wrote:
    rox is more than just a file manager. its Riscos On linuX, or something like that
    it also does
    desktop icons
    manages desktop background
    shows iconized (minimized) windows on the desktop
    draw a panel
    run AppDirs
    the required rox lib also has some classes for drag and drop loading and saving
    there's a window manager called oroborox thats sort of part of the official rox family its not too terrible, looks decent, decent keybinding support but lacks a root menu and a lot of the cool features of the *boxen, also lacks intelligent window placement, but comes with full gui config tools.
    also thunar is just a file manager but nautilus also manages desktop icons and backgrounds.
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    Eh? How?
    Edit: never mind, I figured out how, and how to make ROX stop using single-click navigation. Anyone know how to make it stop flashing a black frame around directories I've just left, though? :?

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    I really like the maps as well... with the qualification that what is best is having a phone attached to it. I've only had the phone a week and used this feature 5 or more times to find a place and then immediately just call it. That's something the touch won't be able to do even within a wi-fi spot (g).
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    For python, I like the cherrypy code. Clean and down to earth. For c, I have a number of favorite projects: evince, zlib, dwm, openbox, lua, libpeas, cogl, and clutter. Look on Browse github by language, look at the top projects and see how they are put together, but don't get discouraged! Some of the projects are daunting, absolutely massive, or have weird programming style. Just stick to your guns and look for the simple ones, when you are ready, go back and look at the really complex projects (V8 anyone?) and try to figure out the entry point and work you way from there. I would also highly recommend ack to help you find stuff in a source tree.

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    1. See my User Tip for some help: Some Solutions for Resetting Forgotten Security Questions: Apple Support Communities.
    2. Here are two different but direct methods:
        a. Send Apple an email request at: Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us.
        b. Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support
            and service.
    3. For other queries about Apple ID see Frequently asked questions about Apple ID.
    4. Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions

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    Go to Solution.

    I am new to BB too! I have the curve and like you, I like the quick emails - but mine is all personal use. I dont use it for work!  So I look forward to hearing what others say their favorite feature is too!! thanks and welcome!
    Follow NurseBerry08 on Twitter

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    Thursday, January 6 is the last day to vote for your favorite authoring tool!
    WritersUA is inviting help authors to participate in it's annual tool survey.
    It's not long, just a page. I'd encourage everyone to participate.
    The results of this annual survey will be available before or during the annual WritersUA conference slated for March 13-16, 2011 in Long Beach, California.
    Hope to see everyone there!
    John Daigle
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp and Captivate Instructor
    Evergreen, Colorado

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    The subject says it all. Asking for personal opinions, and (preferably) reasons why you like your favorite book.

    The subject says it all. Asking for personal
    opinions, and (preferably) reasons why you like your
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    � {�                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Your favorite Flash based apps ?

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    There used to be this list:
    But it refers to the new Packager, now.
    So, who can help me out ?
    What's your favorite Flash app for iOS ?
    Are there any lists or spots where they all flock together ?
    UPDATE: Oops, I didn't scroll deep enough in the topic list to find out there's already another thread that touts examples of Flash based apps. However, your suggestions are welcome, of course !
    Message was edited by: Petertje

    I like the one I made
    try a promo code:
    and post which one you used if you want to try my app. thanks.

  • What's your favorite of styling hyperlinks?

    what's your favorite way of styling hyperlinks?
    Right now I've colored mine C=100 M=100 Y=0 Y=0 and made them underlined. I feel the underlining is a bit too harsh on my overall design. Then again if I don't underline them, how are people suppose to know they're links?
    Spelling out URLs is just not an option. Unless I use TinyURL? They say their links will last forever but who knows for sure?

    That is a question about cultural expectations -- I can't answer that confidently.  The check mark that so often is used in US software to signal 'OK' (as in the spelling checking function where I edit this message) signals 'Error' to me -- and when it is shown in green (as Borland Software did at one point, and as Adobe does here) it signals both 'Error' and 'OK', and produces a kind of 'pulling-both-ways' effect that isn't too pleasant -- to me. I'm not sure I can come up with something that works for you.
    The dialog bubbles may work -- though to me the carry overtones of a footnote or an endnote. But they pretty clearly seem to signal 'more info elsewhere', and that's definitely a step in the right direction.
    I would be looking for something like a bent arrow -- perhaps Unicode U+21AA (↪), or perhaps something similar with a double arrow (Unicode U+21D2, ⇒), except I'd like it to have a similar curve at the left, half suggesting a 'click here to go elsewhere'. (Wingdings 3, character code 0xCA, is close.) But I could probably go for 0x58 in WIngdings 3, rotate it 90 degrees to the right, and perhaps tweak the small box into two smaller boxes of unequal size, suggesting movement.
    Or perhaps just something that suggest a 'click here' -- some of the simpler designs in Altemus Bursts, or Altemus Pinwheel or Altemus Stars might work.
    I would like something that tempted the reader into testing, and so encourage learning-by-doing. That would be helped by a similar symbol going the other way to indicate the 'back' of a web browser.  Arrows help here -- they show a direction. Other designs -- bursts -- won't be a easily understood: what would be a reverse burst?.And what symbol would be used at the target end of the dialog bubbles to suggest 'go back'? (Added: perhaps a quad or square signalling 'end'?)
    Arrows seem safer. Even guillemets might work, as long they won't be misread as quotes of some kind. Guillemets in a circle? There are some such glyphs like that in Wingdings. The standard 'fast forward' and 'fast backward'  glyphs (in Webdings, say) may also work.
    Actually ... this is the kind of problem I'd might want to suggest for a small project for a class for typeface designers.

  • What's your Favorite Movie?

    What's your favorite movie? I always enjoyed when Harrison Ford reminded us all to wear our seat belts when flying an unlicensed refridgerator through an atomic explosion. Great line huh? Something that came to mind during my viewing of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I have silly quotes like this for most of my favorite movies I hope you enjoy them...
    The Anime Birdie

    Time for me to weigh in, and like GeraldRose, I have way too many to list, so I will explain why I like them so much!
    Superbad - I also find this to be one of the funniest movies I have ever encountered.  To top it off, I know a dude irl (well from online) who looks totally like McLovin.  Classic.  
    The Changeling  (1980) - Good, older creepy movie.  George C. Scott delivers a sharp performance as a man entangled in a mystery that truly affects his life.  One of the few movies as a kid that scared the dickens out of me, without showing anything really.
    Say Anything - I am a hard core John Cusack fan, and I loved him as Lloyd Dobler in this movie.  It also was my introduction to Lili Taylor, who I came to adore in later roles.  This might seem like a teenage love movie, but it is so much more.  I highly recommend!
    Dogfight - The late River Phoenix and Lili Taylor are a delight in this film.  Set in the 60's Phoenix plays a marine on weekend leave, who is on a mission to find the ugliest date for a contest with his fellow servicemen - a "Dogfight".  He stumbles upon Rose, (Taylor) who is not exactly how he first assesses her.  A bittersweet love story.  
    The Princess Bride - Robin Wright Penn, Mandy Patinkin, Carey Elwes, and Billy Crystal are just a few of the stars in this crowd pleaser.   It follows the story of Buttercup and her love for Westley.  This is not your traditional love story, but full of laughs and action!
    Empire Records - A genuinely guilty pleasure, full of great music and laughs.  Rory Cochranes turn as Lucas is brilliant.  Maxwell Caulfield of Grease 2 makes a delightful turn as a washed up songbird "Rex Manning". It's REX MANNING DAY!!!!  Also, one of my other faves Ethan Embry (then Ethan Randall) makes the role of Mark his own. First thing that I ever saw Seth Green in...he cracks me up. 
    All of the Austin Powers movies, All of the LOTR movies, Every Kevin Smith movie ever made, ESPECIALLY his newest Zach and Miri...well you know the rest. 
    I could go on and on. LOL!
    Community Connector
    Lover of Movies
    Best Buy® Corporate
    Dorothy|Social Media Supervisor | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • What's your favorite?

    What's your favorite Screen Capture program and why? I'm looking around and need some opinions.

    I use the Grab application in the Applications/Utilities folder.
    The keyboard commands in the Finder work as well:
    Shift-Command-3 - Save picture of screen as a file;
    Control-Shift-Command-3 - Copy picture of screen to the clipboard;
    Shift-Command-4 - Save picture of selected area as a file;
    Control-Shift-Command-4 - Copy picture of selected area to the clipboard;
    but I can never remember those keyboard shortcuts and have assigned a keyboard shortcut to call up the Grab application, that does all those and more (e.g., Capture Window; Capture Timed screen).

Maybe you are looking for

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