(Z10)How to disable synchroniz​ation of e-mails?

I currently have a Blackberry Z10, and I wonder if it is possible to disable the synchronization of e-mails, without interrupting the data connection.
I already tried to sync manually e-mails, but this solution doesn't suit me... e-mails continue to download automatically .
Can anyone suggest a fix for this problem? Any help will be appreciated.
Go to Solution.

The method will depend upon the type of email account you're using.  If you're using Outlook.com (or Hotmail, Live.com) ActiveSync email, you can go to settings > Accounts > select the email account.  Scroll down and toggle "Sync Email" to off.
IMAP email (such as Gmail, is a little different.  There isn't an on/off switch.  If you don't want to switch to manual, you could change the accont password - which would "unsync" your email from the device.
For both of these, you would be essentially re-syncing all the email when you re-connected, and incur data charges.  If you are going to do so, I'd suggest being on WiFi when re-connecting.

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    You're welcome.
    Could you please make a totally run down (step by step) of
    how to synchronize one mail account between to machines.
    There is nothing else to say, really. Locally stored mailboxes cannot be synchronized, period. Mailboxes stored on the server are synchronized automatically without you having to do anything else. If there is something you don't understand, you'll have to ask specific questions.
    The only way to have an exact copy of all your mail in both computers for locally stored mailboxes is to copy the entire ~/Library/Mail folder between them every time. Mail shouldn't be running on either computer while you do this, and it would be a good idea to copy ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mail.plist as well.
    right now the inbox of my Imap account is showed
    together with my other e-mail accounts inboxex
    As it should be. Mail organizes the standard mailboxes by type instead of by account, so that you can look at them both individually and combined as if you had just one of each type.
    ut it is also showed futher down in my "menu" wtihin
    the mail program, with a logo as a black ball,
    together with two folders that I have made (Prut
    mappe) and (choir OF young believers).
    This is also normal. I assume the "menu" you're talking about is the mailboxes list. Since Mail organizes standard mailboxes by type, the rest of mailboxes must be shown separately. In Mail 2.x, local custom "On My Mac" mailboxes are shown ungrouped at the root level of the mailboxes list, and an account group is displayed for each IMAP account to organize custom mailboxes stored on the server.

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    Creative Cloud Help / Sign out, Sign in | Creative Cloud desktop app

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