Z3 Tablet WiFi problems

Okay, I have seen this issue in the Z3 phone forum, and it has supposedly been resolved with an update 23.01.A.5.79
Does anyone have the same issue with the Z3 Tablet? I am streaming HD content from my local NAS, and after a while it lags badly. Speedtest shows that I was at 1-2mbit. Resetting the Wifi will put my speed back at 72mbit. and resolve the issue for a while till it happens again after a few minutes. My Z2 phone does not have the problem, nor any other devices. connecting to the same wifi. 
These are my settings....
Stamina Mode is OFF
Low batt mode is OFF
Location based WIFI is ON
WIFI Optimization is ON
Currently my Z3 Tablet is at 23.0.1.A.0.167, and Software update scanned for no new updates. 
Just wondering if anyone else experience the same and has found a workaround?
Does anyone knows if a newer firmware will be released soon that will resolve the WIFI issue for the Z3 Tablet?

I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues with WiFi performance.
Could you test if this also happens in flight mode? Hold the on/off button and select flight mode and then enable WiFi under Settings -> Wi-Fi.
 - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

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    Go to Solution.

    I was fighting this issue with the addition of the Tablet not being recognised and looping between PC Companion telling me that it did not see the tablet, and then that it needed to update PC Companion... despite me updating it twice now. I called Sony Support who sent me directions to getting it updated. Unfortunately, it wiped my tablet to default. Lost everything in it, but it was not a surprise and it tells you that at every juncture. I pasted the directions in this message. Good luck! ----------------------- --------- We have an extended guide that should help you fix the issue on your phone, please follow the instructions carefully: Visit this link: http://www.sonymobile.com/us/tools/pc-companion/ Click on Download PC Companion Run the software and install it Turn the phone off and disconnect it from the computer 1. No matter what the program says do not connect the phone until you complete step 9 2. In the welcome screen you will see the different modules available for you including the "Support Zone" option. Click on "Start" below it. 3. On the next page Click on "Start" under "Phone Software Update" At this point if you get an error stating that "Unable to install update components" or "Server is busy" , then please proceed to step 12 4. The program will say that there is no phone connected. Click on the option below that reads: "Repair my phone" the program will issue you a warning about the content that you will lose during the update 5. Choose the option to continue. 6. The program will issue a final message warning you of possible data lost during the update. Click on the checkmark and then on "Next". 7. After that, the program will download the necessary information (5 to 6 minutes) and it will present you with a list of phones. 8. Choose your phones model from the list then click on "Next" then you will see a new section telling you how to connect the phone. (don't connect it yet) At this point the phone must be off and disconnected from the PC. 9. Connect the cable to the PC not to the phone, then while pressing and holding the indicated button (in the steps on screen an specific button will be shown for you to press on the phone) connect the cable to the phone and keep holding the indicated button until the program says "the update of your phone has started..." (in some cases a message of "Installing drivers" will appear before the message of "the update of your phone has started..." is shown.) 10. If you failed to follow the steps correctly the phone will turn on and it will request that you "Proceed with the following steps, slide down the notification bar", If this happens disconnect the phone from the cable, turn it off and repeat from step 9). 11. If the phone is connected properly, PC Companion will proceed with the update ( It will tell you to let go of the back key) then wait for the update to finish and follow instructions on screen to disconnect the unit. Dear Customer, 12. If "Unable to install update components" 1. Close PC Companion 2. Install Java from: http://www.java.com 3. Start PC Companion again and try to do the software unlock process once more. Note: If you wish only to update the unit wait for the program to open and then select the quick link on the upper left corner that says "Update Phone/Tablet" and follow the instructions to perform the update. (the PC may request for the phone to be placed in Mass Storage mode. Do this by going into Settings>Xperia>Connectivity>USB connection mode) As part of Sony Mobile's commitment to excellent customer service, we offer a wide variety of mobile products to suit your lifestyle. If you require more information, or have any other questions, please visit www.sonymobile.com or call us at 1-866-766-9374

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    I am going to have to try this.  My problem with the Broadcom at this point after Windows 8.1 is that there is no longer a "Power Management" tab in the Broadcom properties, so everytime the tablet sleeps it turns off wifi, irritating.  You almost have to run the tablet with no sleep which really kills the battery.
    But it makes sense there would be a Broadcom driver for a Lenovo tablet on an HP site.  Jeesh.

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    We are looking into this (see http://talk.sonymobile.com/t5/Xperia-Z-ZL-ZR/XPERIA-Z-LEAP-WIFI-problem-after-updated-to-4-2-2/m-p/3...) but at the moment i have no solution. This seems to be a general problem with Android 4.2.2 from what i've been able to find.
     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

  • Strange wifi problem on a brand-new MacBook Pro

    Hey there, I'm new here. Desperation has got the better of me, and I hope I can get some advice.
    So, last sunday I bought a brand new 13" MacBookPro with 2.8g i7 processor and 10.7.2 OS (I can't update to 10.7.4 because System Update tells me the download has been tampered with or corrupted after I waited 2 hours for it to finish, but I'm trying a direct download from the website). Here's the exact product: http://www.amazon.com/Apple-MacBook-MD314LL-13-3-Inch-VERSION/dp/B005CWIZ4O/ref= sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1340301247&sr=8-5&keywords=macbook+pro+13
    Everything is all perfect except for a strange wifi problem. Note that the wifi does not turn-on or off, it doesn't disconnect after 'sleep', it doesn't get less speed, it doesn't constantly leave a preferred connection (once I chose my home wifi it always connects to it no problem). The wifi bar is always full. What is wrong is that the internet is kinda 'glitchy'. The best metaphor I can think of is that it's like a car that has to be pushed down the road before the engine can start. Please, bear with me because this is kinda hard to explain and I'm not good at tech lingos.
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    So I tried to see how it does with downloading using iGetter. Fortunately I also have a Macbook (white-plastic casing one) and my brother has an old 2006 MacbookPro so I can compare. With those two older Apples iGetter starts receiving data in less than 8 seconds after I click Start, while my brand-new Macbook Pro can take up to 15-20 seconds, sometimes it doesn't even start at all and I have to re-click the start button. But once the download actually starts (on my new MacBook Pro), it downloads like normal, it doesn't stop and the speed is also as good as I can get. Strange huh? Hence, like a car that has to be pushed before the engine starts.
    I also tried 'speed testing' from a website with all 3 laptops. On my old MacBook and my brother's MacBook pro, once I click 'begin test' it takes only a couple of seconds of 'ping' before the download/upload speed measurements start, but with my new MacBook Pro (just like with iGetter) it takes up to almost a minute before the measurements start, sometimes it won't start at all and I have to re-start the test.
    Well, thanks for reading. And hope you can help me shed some light into this. Because it is really preventing me from really enjoying my new MacBook Pro. And if this is most likely a hardware problem, I'd better get back to the store and try to get it replace or something while it's only been 5 days. *cheers*

    Hey guys.. Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately, I bought the MacBook in Indonesia where there are no such thing as an AppleCare. The only option is to leave the Apple product to one of the 'Authorized Apple care centre' and have whoever do whatever to it without guarantee of success. As for returning it and getting a brand new one, I also don't know if there is such a deal here, but that's actually a good idea, will try to go to the store tomorrow. Although, I'm worried that the problem might be with OSX Lion or something and getting a new one won't help.
    mark75090, I've tried resetting the router when I first noticed te problem, didn't work though. I've checked my new MacBook's wi-fi (option+click wifi bar) and it says 'PHY Mode: 802.11g', so does my MacBook and the old MacBook Pro. I don't know what those mean though, and I don't know whether or not my router is an N., can you tell me more please.. I have tried with the other two turned off, and only the new MacBook using the wi-fi but the problem persists. I have also tried connecting directly to the router, but as I described, the problem is too subtle for me to notice the difference.
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  • Wifi problems still exists?

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    And trust me, i read the forums, i read the guides and im pretty decent with computers/software and etc, i uninstalled, reinstalled, updated it, changes adv. settings and even though it improves certain things the problem was still there. So does it still exist?
    Or should i just buy a USB wifi?

    This problem only occurs in earlier patches of Intel WiFi card of GS60 2Px (8xx series of NVIDIA graphic cards) and not every unit was affected.
    If you don't want to take this risk, I'll suggest you buy GS60 2Qx (9xx series of NVIDIA graphic cards).
    USB WiFi is a good idea. It certainly has a better signal comparing to the WiFi embedded in the body of the laptop.

  • Macbook pro 15 inch wifi problem (late 2011)

    Here I write a little desperate with this problem that I have on the MacBook Pro (late 2011) with WIFI .
    For several months ago, when I power on the MBP is all apparently normal , spend a few minutes and I lose the WIFI , the icon still comes out as "connected " but no WIRELESS signal , I turned off the WIFI, but, when I try to change back to turn ON, the icon of WIFI still OFF ( the inverted triangle ) . Restarting the MBP and still the problem no signal and appears as disabled , delete PRAM several times until finally everything works again , spend some time and again the same thing sometimes is fine for several hours, go out to eat and return and again the same thing, the worst was when I saw the message "Hardware not found" and "X " where the icon goes WIFI . I rebooted several times and not managed , this was the "hardware not found" message. Some time ago I went something like , when Lion had and read that resetting the PRAM and managed , never came out , but now even that it manages , and it is becoming more common , I thought it was the OS ( MacOSX Mavericks ) so I reinstalled (I'm not used Time Machine, I install all again ), this work the lasted several days without fail, until she passed again, I'm out of WiFi, when I see no WIFI signal in the list , restart me WIFI goes off and I can not change , restart it goes back to " hardware not found" and so on.
    Now desperate for this, I opened the MBP , disconnected the cables from the Airport card and reconnected with care and making sure you are all well , turned on the MBP again and works!!, I lasted two weeks , then I thought it was that. But again the whole problem again.
    Already investigating more online and I found some details from other users
    1 / Both WIFI and Bluetooth are on the same card ( the q disconnected and reconnected )
    2 / If the card was wrong , losing the WIFI Bluetooth should lose , but I tried Bluetooth and has no problems
    3 / Reported that resetting PRAM or SMC but still, in my case, does not work.
    Now all I have left to rule is the WIFI antenna that is located ( if I remember correctly ) for the bottom of the screen, and according to several users this tends to fail from constant use to close or open the MBP (or either to cover or uncover ) , and sometimes it just heats and heats close to this area .
    Has anyone had a similar problem? My MBP turns 2 only on March 7, 2014 , I can not believe all that cost me and now is about to fail , I have a Sony VAIO Core 2 Duo for about 5 years (or more) ago and is still running and has been dropped many times and nothing has ever happened : (
    Additional data on my MBP ,
    Several months ago ( long before the problem with the WIFI) I changed the hard drive for an SSD ( 250GB Corsair Neutron X ) .
    There is a problem that often makes me too, is that when you close the MBP ( to open ) , and open it back again ( out of sleep) the following happens :
    1 / It instantly freezes when waking from sleep and I have a long wait to enter the password.
    2 / When you leave idle normal let me put the password, but just when giving ENTER freezes
    3 / Out of sleep, let me put the key, ENTER and when I load the desktop freezes
    Another problem :
    This only happened to me a few times , as I mentioned , my MBP is formatted ( have Mavericks ) before formatted (clean install without time machine) , I closed the MBP ( I sent to sleep) and the open the screen was black , but as with bright, and not leave the state, turned off force ( pressing the button) , start the MBP again (power on) charged normal gray screen with apple but with a fairly low brightness, spent a few seconds and turned the brightness to normal and started normally .
    I hope some can help me with these problems.
    PD : I'm from Peru , if anyone knows a trusted service that please let me know .
    Thank you very much .

    Your wifi problem sounds very much like the problem I had. The wifi would drop out, the icon showed it was still connected. If I turned it off, I couldn't turn it back on. Another user here pointed me to the problem, which was the wifi cable (the flat cable goint from the card to the motherboard). I found it on ebay for $13 and it's been running fine since I replaced it. This is the repair guide for your machine. The part number will be on there if you click the link.
    http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/MacBook+Pro+15-Inch+Unibody+Late+2011+AirPort-Blueto oth+Cable+Replacement/7510

  • How come they still haven't fixed the ios 6 wifi problem on ios 6.0.1 making me mad -.-

    I know apple or the tech support doesn't read this but come on tell them to fix the wifi problem that started from ios 6 and still continuing to ios 6.0.1. I already gave them another feedback like 5 days ago. I really don't want to reconnect to my wifi everytime. I already did everything possibly to fix my wifi problem. I know its IOS 6.0.1 because it started with ios 6 and still not fixed by apple update to 6.0.1.
    I have a very limit data plan of 300 MB on at&t and I don't want to go over so I rely on my wifi most of the time.

    GTR_Lover wrote:
    Maybe you just lucked out but both my devices running ios 6.0.1 have wifi problems shutting of at random times during sleep. I know you guys will say when its plugged in it doesn't lose wifi true but I never remember having this problem in the previous ios verison from ios 4 to 5(On my Iphone 4, and from my Iphone 4s from IOS 5) until I updated both devices to ios 6  or even when I had a iTouch 3rd gen long time ago I never remember it shutting of my wifi. I am telling you this never happened before IOS 6 where I need to leave it plugged in just to have my wifi during wake up.
    I thought I believed my iPhone 4 with iOS5.0 would not disconnect during sleep mode. However, I was wrong. What I did was to ping the IP addresses on my iPhone 4 (iOS5) and iPhone 5 (iOS 6 then, and iOS6.0.1 now) when they were in sleep mode. Very true that there were timed-out on both devices. Once I woke them up, ping went thru. I did a scan on my home network using my iPad while the other 2 phones were in sleep mode, I was not able to see them.
    I thought my iPhone4 did not disconnect too. But again, I think the reconnecting to wifi on iOS 5 is SO MUCH quicker than on iOS6 so user would think there was never a disconnect.

  • Wifi problem after.4.3 update on xperia z

    Hi all,
    After updating my Xperia Z (C6603) to build number 10.4.1.B.0.101 I've been having connection issues with every Wi-Fi network.
    I've checked the forum but I only found problems about people having Wi-Fi issues with their smartwatch, I do not own a smart watch this is just a general networking issues.
    Here's the problem in detail:
    When having no Wi-Fi switched on while booting the phone the phone will start without any issues, I will receive my 3G/4G signal and I can browse, e-mail, everything.
    Once I switch on Wi-Fi it will start connecting to previously stored Wi-Fi access points but will not connect. Eventually it says that there was a problem with connecting, even though this will take several minutes.
    I can go into the Wi-Fi settings, select a different Wi-Fi network (if it is in range) and press connect, however the settings app will freeze at that point and eventually I'll get a notification that the settings app has stopped working.
    I have found a "work-around": I switch the Wi-Fi to on, power off the phone and power on again. Now the Wi-Fi connection immediately powers on without an issue once the phone has completely booted, it also will connect to the default Wi-Fi connection that is in range. A different issue appears however once I move out of Wi-Fi range, it will no longer pick up my 3G/4G signal. It is also impossible to switch off Wi-Fi or switch Wi-Fi network connections without rebooting the phone.
    As I said before this happened to me after updating to version 10.4.1.B.0.101 after having it received through OTA update. I do not have root access on my phone either so this can't be it.
    Is there anyone experiencing the same issues? Is this somehow related to the issues people are experiencing with their smart watch connections (as seen in this topic: http://talk.sonymobile.com/t5/Software-Updates/wifi-problem-after-4-3-update-on-xperia-z/td-p/490591...
    If there's anyone who is experiencing the same issues, or has found a fix for this I'd gladly hear from you.
    Sony Xperia Z
    Modelnumber: C6603
    Android version: 4.3
    Kernal version: 3.4.0-ge09aff8
    Build number: 10.4.1.B.0.101

    I faced the same problem. So what u did now to connect your 3g or 4g. Did u tried kitkat update? Its works or not?

  • Wifi problems ipad 3rd and Time capsule 4th generation since iOS 8 upgrade

    Does anyone have the same issue?... I have wifi problems betwen ipad 3rd generation and Time capsule 4th generation since iOS 8 upgrade. Solution: I must switch on/off airplane mode in order to start using Wifi...
    I have the latest updates for all equipment and I don't have similar problems with my iphone, macbook or mini-ipad.

    It works ... removing and reestablish the wifi connection works. Thanks ...

  • Email and big wifi problems.

    Email and big wifi problems.
    Why does it take 6 minutes to send a photo attachment when my iphone 4 will do it in 30 to 40 seconds ?
    Why will my email account be recognised and log on only half the time?
    Why does the wifi keep dropping out?
    Why does the speed and signal vary when I'm sitting two feet away from by wifi router?
    All settings in my phone have been reset twice as per advice from vodapone

    Thanks very much, jjgraphics. I will grit my teeth and try India once more, as you suggest, and then get in touch with the moderators.

  • If I install Yosemite and find that the wifi problems are too bad, can I go back to Mountain Lion?

    Almost everything I do on my MacBookPro requires a steady wifi connection. I have been reading all the horror stories about the wifi problems with Yosemite. I would like to install Yosemite, but would like to be able to go back to Mountain Lion if the problems are as extreme as I have been hearing.
    Details: My Mac is 3 years old (Apple Care ran out 2 days ago!). I recently upgraded from 4GB of ram to 16GB.
    Router is a Linksys E4200.
    I have an Iphone-4s
    My husband has an older MacBook running Lion.
    I connect to an Epson Artisan 835 with wifi via my router
    We have no need to have the Apple devices communicate with each other.
    I am currently running an appliance in Virtual Box. One reason I want to move to Yosemite is to be able to run it in VMware Fusion instead.

    Hi there CarylLynne,
    If you upgrade to Yosemite, you should be able to use the following article to revert to the previously installed OS using Time Machine, named:
    OS X Yosemite: Revert to a previous OS X version
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Take care,

  • Wifi problems with new ipad

    I'm trying to learn how to correct wifi problems with new iPad.  It is the wifi only, 64GB model.  I want to be able to use it at work, where we have a great wifi network.  I can usually connect to our network with no problem, but after an hour or so my iPad loses the network.  When I try to reconnect, I see that the network is showing full strength reception, but I get the error message from the iPad that I am "Unable to join" the network.  My iPhone connects to the same network seamlessly, as do all of the other iPhones of my co-workers and the older generation iPads that some of our staff has.
    At other locations, I typically have no problems (home, apple store, etc.) but I have had the same situation pop up at a coffee shop where I could see that there was a wifi network available, but I could not join it even though it was the shop's free wifi. 
    I have tried turning the iPad off, turning off wifi and turning it back on again, and forgetting the wifi network in question.  I can't think of any other methods that are available to an end user to correct the problem. 
    I have already gone to the Apple store to swap out the unit, and the newer one is having the same symptoms. 
    Can anyone offer any advice here?  This is quite frustrating.

    No problem! Have a read at this most interesting article which has special significance as regards your models!
    http://edition.cnn.com/2012/04/05/tech/gaming-gadgets/ipad-wi-fi-issues/index.ht ml
    However, I attach an extract from another thread for your perusal. You can disregard any suggestions/links you have already explored -
    created by Texas Mac Man in Using iPad - View the full discussion
    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections  http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1398
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Change the channel on your wireless router. Instructions at http://macintoshhowto.com/advanced/how-to-get-a-good-range-on-your-wireless-netw ork.html
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
     Cheers, Tom ;)

  • IPad mini retina. After upgrade to iOS 8 and after to 8.0.2 I can't use my iPad because of wifi problem!

    After upgrade to iOS 8 and after to 8.0.2 I can't use my iPad because of wifi problem

    I am having a similar experience.  Since upgrading my Ipad 2 to iOS 8 and then iOS 8.0.2 I have not been able to use wifi consistently and it is very frustrating.  I can no longer watch any video because the wifi shuts down and won't come back without a complete reboot of the iPad. And forget about consistent bluetooth!  My ipad worked perfect before the "upgrade" to iOS 8 and beyond but now it is really worthless.  I have spent a lot of time and have tried every fix that I have read about online and NOTHING has corrected the problems created by the upgrade.  After spending a lot of time trying to resolve this I am certain the problem is the buggy "upgrade" but I feel like no one at Apple is listening.  I have always loved Apple products but this rotten Apple experience is making me think about exploring what else is out there.  Apple folks, I recommend getting this fixed quick or your stockholders won't be smiling!

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