Zen Microphoto batt

Does anyone know where I can purchase the ZMP battery?
Creative Europe have a deal on for two ZM batteries - but I wonder where i could purchase the ZMP battery?

The battery indicator is not in "bars" like the Micro ... it is solid green ... I haven't counted how many "steps" it has, though.
Firmware .20.0 is the latest firmware for the MicroPhoto ... there is no Version 2 of the firmware as of now. Perhaps you have it confused with the Zen Micro firmware? They're both different.
HTH some ...

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    I want to buy zen microphoto.
    I'd know if it's possible to use the mp3 player while the battery is under charge (using the USB charge adapter AC/DC).
    have a nice day ^_^

    No you can't, the only thing happens when you plug the player to a USB wire is that the screen changes and a lightning sign with a battery in background appears .. kind of a screen saver ..
    but no sounds goes out.
    Good point is that the battery can stands for really long, almost a 3 days without stopping player .. so no chance to miss any music, you just have to think of plugging it while you sleep !!!
    Cheer up man that would be a good choice !!

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    The next morning i turned it on and to my surprise, it cannot turn on! So i immediately went to my computer and plugged in the USB cable into the player and the batt is actually empty! So i left it charged and reloaded the firmware but this time the batt life only dropped to half even if it's turned off! Now the batt life it extremely short (around less than 6 hrs of playback) and somemore the player is new!
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    DOA wrote:
    Well my brother just bought a zen microphoto here 2 weeks ago. I've already taken the time to test the battery life of his player.. I run audio files from 28 to 92 no higher no less than 28.. My recorded battery life before the player shut off was 24 hours and 3 minutes, so give and take here I could go to 22 hours and be safe. On fm, part my battery life was a bit higher since no hdd was accessed i was getting 29 hours 22 minutes, so once again give and take 27 hours be safe to charge..
    TO fill in how I did this, I took a stop watch, digital. Had my brother press start at the same time as i hit play, to make it fair. So pertty much my battery life is as about accurate as my player can get...
    Holy crap DOA, how did you get such a long battery life? I recently tested my microphoto and i got just under 0 hours. I had it on 2 volume, bass boost was off, smart volume was on, and i never used the screen. Did you use usb or power adapter to charge yours?

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    Are you saying that iTunes downloads are only compatible with iPod's? That in order to play an iTunes download on anything but an iPod involves either illegal conversion or first burning it to a CD? I, too, just received a Zen Vision M and nowhere in the download, signup or anything else process did I see any mention of the fact that iTunes is not compatible with other software/hardward. Yes, the CD conversion trick works but for the aggrevation and lost time it's cheaper to drive to the store and buy the real thing.

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    Hi everyone, my friend was considering a Zen Vision M and an Ipod video. I kinda suggested the Zen so he got it and absolutely loves it.
    After seeing how nice the Zen Vision M is, I jumped on this MicroPhoto when I saw a sale and it is awesome!
    The Zen MicroPhoto is a really good device, but just simple firmware stuff could make it a great one.
    .) Ability to view pictures + listen to music
    2.) Ability to view movies and video (the Muvo has smaller capacity and a screen with less colors and it can? Yet we are buying a nicer mp3 player than the Muvo but can't do video? The Sansa is small as hell and it can. It has the screen, hardware wise it should be able to do it, and if this is added through a firmware update, it won't be on the packaging and thus will not hurt sales of your other products.
    I hate it when an awesome product is created and is capable of something and the manufacturer slashes that ability from it intentionally.
    Another good example is the Gen III Ford Taurus SHO, its 3.4 liter Yamaha V8 was capable of revving well over 7500RPM and producing more than 30hp. Ford however, even though they had this jewel of an engine, intentionally cut its ability down to 235hp or else they feared it would be faster than their Mustang GT. What a shame, I hate to see that Creative is doing the same with the MicroPhoto.
    3.) Ability to record FM with the latest firmware (If this is a RIAA issue, then please provide two firmwares and two download links, one that says "United States Users" and one that says "Non-US users"
    4.) Ability to control different aspects of the glowing blue LEDs. They are obviously firmware controlled and can have brightness adjusted since they glow in and out when you have it plugged into the USB cable.
    5.) Make it show up on your computer as a removable disk. On all my other MP3 players, it showed up just like a flash dri've and you could drag and drop whatever you wanted onto it, and it would just play whatever files on there it could play. Here, it won't let me drag and drop anything that is copy protected or is a different file type.
    I know you can set aside 4 gigs of that for this purpose, but with the size of the files and videos I transfer, it would be nice if I could use all 8 gigs. Perhaps an option to just let the whole thing show up as a removable flash dri've?
    *ok... I just tried it and that seems to be working on this computer that is Windows XP SP2 with WMP, but on the school computer that was XP SP2 with WMP0, it would not allow me to do this.

    I think you will find that the reason the MicroPhoto is on sale is that it is now a legacy player (it was released before anybody could play video). I doubt very much that any further improvements will be coming....
    EQ does have an effect... Maybe you earphones are not working well?

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    If you cannot even reach recovery mode any more you will need to contact customer support. If you are in the USA you get a 3month parts and labour warranty and a year parts warrantyMessage Edited by ts on -0-20060:36 PM

  • Zen microphoto help!! please i really need your h

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    one method i saw and tried worked well but you need to try it at your own risk!!! turn off your microphoto, grab your microphoto with the screen facing you, and either slap your hand against the SIDE of your microphoto, or slap the SIDE of your microphoto against your hand. This method works for me but try it at your own risk. it could damage your hard disk. (its probably already damaged anyways.)and if you really need to turn off your Zen but it wont turn off, i suggest removing the battery.
    Message Edited by gmail on -09-200605:34 PM

  • Creative Zen Microphoto 8GB hangs

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    I am sure the story sounds familiar... hangs at "Creative" logo, I go into recovery mode, and run scan disk or format etc... They don't work. I have even left the player on "formatting" overnight until the battery drains and it never finishes, same goes for "Scanning".
    I am on my 4th player now and am having the same issue again. This time the player is now out of warranty so I can't return it, and I am not paying money out of my own pocket to get this thing fixed. Please don't tell me this product is defecti've... I don't buy that excuse. And it isn't a corrupt file, because a reformat would fix that.
    Once it hangs, my computer won't recognize it, so I can't even try to update the firmware or anything.
    Any new updates or information on this issue? It is obviously a well documented problem...just google "Creative zen freezes" and see how any hits you get!
    I am pretty disappointed with this player. I should have followed my gut instinct in the first place, and just bought an iPod. I spent a lot of money on this paper weight. Any help,advice,prayers,or donation$ (for a new iPod) would ge greatly appreciated!

    LooKeng wrote:
    Hello,I got a Creative Zen MicroPhoto 8GB - It's a Mp3 Player as u probably know and it got reseted or somthing i think and i've lost my driver CD incase that should solve the problemToday at the morning I tried to hear some music on my MP3 player and suddenly a weird menu that i've never seen before with some 4 options and a title like This:Recovery ModeCreative Zen MicroPhotoV0.0.65(Then the options) Clean Up2 Format All3 Reload Firmware4 Reboot?What Should I do now ?Thanke You In Advance..Message Edited by LooKeng on 0-2-20080:07 AM
    Right you will need to download the latest firmware from this site.
    Here is a hyperlink to where you can download the firmware:
    You might have to put some details in.
    Once you have downloaded the latest firmware just start the program up.
    Plug in your Zen into the PC and then press the "Reload Firmware" button on your Zen.
    You should see your computer screen pick it up.
    Then you click on your PC to install firmware.
    That should be it.
    I hope this hel
    Got any questions you have just post on this space.
    I do apologise if this does not make much sence my grammer is not that brilliant.

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    same problem here, creative logo stays until all the juice is drained

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    Is there anyway of retrieving these?
    GaryMessage Edited by garymcginty on 02-08-200805: PM
    Message Edited by garymcginty on 02-2-200807:55 PM

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    yep I knew it.... I have the eq on accoustic,the bass is on the backlight timer is for like 20seconds. I navigate thru the menu alot... But still I should get at least some mored days than just one..One day I will need to get a new battery..

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  • My PC doesn't 'react' when I connect my Zen Microphoto

    I'm Michel van Gelder and I have a problem with my Zen Microphoto. I am going to try to explain my problem in proper english, but english isn't my main language, so please forgive me if i make terrible mistakes or something.
    My problem is:
    If I connect my Zen to my PC it says something like, what do you like to do, but when i click on an option it says: Media Device isn't connected. And also when I connect it, a symbol appears in the right corner, next to all the others, but when I try to do something with it's(with right mouse button or something) it disappears. The result is that, with everything i try, the PC says that my mp3 isn't connected. While 've installed all the software properly etc.
    I have this MP3 for 2 years now, and I've never had this problem. Until 2 weeks ago, when we had to reinstall our computer. So my question actually was: Is there something wrong with my Zen or with my PC. And, what can I do about it's
    I hope someone knows the answers to my questions. Thank you very much
    Michel van Gelder

    Hello Huevo Chico,
    The article linked below details some useful steps that can help get your iPhone and your Mac to work together.
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for OS X

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