Zen Xtra continually rebo

My 40 gig Zen Xtra continually shuts down and reboots. It used to only do it when it was on battery power, but now it does it no matter what. I've tried to reformat it, and I've run clean up, but it hasn't changed anything.

It occurs no matter the charge on the battery. I haven't tried it with the AC adapter that came with it, but it recently happened with my car charger. Before that (a couple weeks or so), it would only happen on battery power.

Similar Messages

  • No driver found - Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra - WinXP

    I have used my Zen Xtra for over 2 years now, with the same PC I am currently having problems with. I recently had to do a complete reinstall of Windows (note that I have done at least 2 other complete reinstalls during the life of my Zen Xtra, with no problems). Windows Device Managers sees the NOMAD Jukebox Zen Xtra, but with the yellow question mark and exclamation point. Each attempt at driver installation results in the same problem. The driver ("JB3MV2_PCWDRV_US__30_03.EXE") installs completely, I'm told to reconnect my device so the driver can take effect. When I do, the device is still marked in Device Manager with exclamation point and yellow question mark, and Windows continues to ask if it can find and install the driver. I have told it not to (knowing that I just installed Creative's own driver), with no success, and other times let Windows try to install the driver (hoping it would find the Creative driver that was just installed). No luck. I have even done another complete reinstall of Windows, and tried to install the driver before any other program or hardware installations into my system. No luck. Note that there are no hardware changes between now and when I have done other complete Windows reinstallations. It just no longer accepts the Creative driver. I have also tried to install the driver in safe mode, with the same results. I have also completely removed the Zen Xtra (showing hidden devices in the Device Manager), and tried to reinstall. Firmware version of Zen Xtra was upgraded over a year ago to 2.0.03.
    Windows XP Pro SP2
    38GB free hard dri've space
    Zen Xtra firmware version: 2.0.03

    I have the same problem. But when i try to installl it it says he is missing an .nfo file.
    I removed WMP and reinstalled WM0 because is crap.
    I have Windows XP SP2
    I have the newst firmware on it.
    Can somebody help me with this because it's annoying not to put any new music on your mp3 player.
    I never experienced this before even after formatting my HD.
    Almost the same problem as fritzm but not completely because het gets an different error.
    I have installed the CD but that doesnt work either.
    I have installed the software from the website but that didnt help because he doesnt recognize my player.
    Please help!!

  • [Zen Xtra] Stuck in Recovery Mode after updating Hard Dr

    This is a long post, but I thank you in advance if you read it and think you have any ideas for me. Parts of this post were originally posted on the Nomadness.net forums and parts of it come from my personal email correspondence with one of the experienced users on that site.
    Here goes:
    I just installed a new HD on my Jukebox, and now I am unable to get it to download the Firmware (current or otherwise) and it remains in a state of rescue mode.
    Here is how I posted my dilemma on the nomadness.net forums:
    My computer is running Windows XP. I have a Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 40GB that I have had for about 2 years, and have had no problems with it, using it at least 8 hours/day 5 days/week (I run it at my desk while I work). I mention that just to give you an idea of how much regular continuous use it has been getting, if that matters. I have regularly downloaded all the latest appropriate firmware, etc. from the Creative website, using the auto updater service. I have one other Creative product connected to this computer, a SoundBlaster Audigy. This will come up again in a minute.
    Over time I have accumulated so much new music that I knew I had to either get a new Jukebox or upgrade the HD. Since the Xtra is no longer available new, and upgraded ones are SO expensi've on eBay, I thought I would install a new HD myself. I read the instructions posted here on nomadness.net, and purchased an 80 GB 5400 RPM Momentus 5400.3 Ultra ATA/00 Internal Hard Dri've (that's Seagate).
    Ok, now. The installation went easily enough, but now I cannot get the Firmware to reload. My computer recognizes that the unit is connected - it makes the appropriate sound when I connect or disconnect the JB, and under My Computer, there is the icon for the Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra, under the "Other" category.
    When I installed the HD and powered up, I got the rescue menu as expected and started with the "FORMAT ALL". I got the confirmation that it was reformatted and the expected GB of memory showed as available. SO...then I went to "RELOAD OS" and selected the "yes" option to verify that I wanted to reload via USB --BUT-- it only showed the "Start Firmware Update Now" for a second and then went right back to the menu. I have tried using the reset, and every combination of unplugging, replugging, removing the battery, putting it back in, reformatting, etc. and nothing changes. It just goes right back to the rescue menu every time.
    I have the Firmware files (old and new) saved on my computer's HD, but when I try to launch any one of them, I get the same annoying message: "Your player is not connected, please connect your player". Well, if the computer thinks it's connected, then why doesn't the firmware file? I don't get it.
    If I go back to the Creative auto updater on the website, it still recognizes the SB Audigy being connected, but no longer recognizes the JB.
    How can I get the Firmware into the JB if I can't get it to recognize the player being connected? And why is that my computer shows it, if the Firmware file itself doesn't see it's
    I received only one response that suggested I check the instructions on the Nomadness FAQs and also the great upgrade guide by Mr. Cheow, also on Nomadness.net.
    This was my follow-up post:
    Since I posted this earlier today, I have tried everything, and I mean everything, suggested by all of these "guides" to upgrading a hard dri've.
    The problem remains that my computer recognizes the Jukebox as a portable device that is connected, but I am unable to get the Firmware file to load because it always says that my device is not connected. It should also be noted that the Nomad Explorer and other applications also will not recognize it (Notmad, JBHTTP, etc.)
    Furthermore, I will add that we have two of the exact same model Jukeboxes and two of the same Dell computers running XP, etc. and in every possible combination we have tried, my Jukebox, with the new HD is the one that can not be accessed. So, I know that the connections, drivers, ports, etc. are not defecti've. The only thing that has changed since this morning is that I installed the new HD in my Jukebox.
    I would love for any of you who have done this kind of upgrade to offer suggestions, as I am willing to try anything at this point.
    After my last post, as a last ditch effort, my boyfriend suggested swapping the hard dri'ves in my Jukebox and his, thinking that perhaps we could get the firmware to download into his, and then switch the hard dri'ves back. Well, it looked as though it was going to work, and then the firmware update stopped almost as soon as it started and so, we are back to the same impasse. It?s the strangest thing, considering that both of us have been using our respecti've JBs daily, and have had no other problems? until I tried this.
    We both racked our brains trying to think of a way we could get the firmware from the computer into the jukebox since it won?t load as long as it doesn?t recognize the player. Is there any workaround for this? By that I mean, is there any way at all to get the firmware into the Jukebox with out just launching it as a self-executing file? I know you can't just ?put? the file into the Jukebox, but is there any other means to extract it into the Jukebox so that I can use it's?
    Any help you can offer would be most appreciated. I am worried that I have ruined my Jukebox and wasted $75 on a HD that I can never use?.
    ***Note on the Hard Dri've I chose:
    I specifically chose this HD based on information posted by others on Nomadness
    In particular, the newer instructions for upgrading a Zen Xtra hard dri've that were posted by an individual who used a 5400 for his own upgrade. I even emailed him with questions before I went ahead with this HD. As someone who has done this before, he felt that since this HD fits the specs of size and type being used by others doing this type of upgrade, including his own, that it would be fine. I honestly don?t think that it is the HD itself.
    Since trying the swapping of HDs and Jukeboxes last night, we now have not one, but two, that are stuck in recovery mode and flash ?Firmware Problem? when rebooted. I don?t see how the HD itself could have done this. In fact, I am certain that the HD did not ?cause? the problem.
    I have been reading forums about Jukeboxes (including here), anything I can find, looking for possible solutions. I have discovered that there are many people out there with the same dilemma, even those who simply updated their Firmware and nothing else, but now are stuck in the same frustrating place that I am.
    ***Note on the versions of the Firmware Update files I have tried:
    I was going to use the newest one, but then after reading comments on Nomadness, I decided to try the older version that everyone was saying was less problematic. (see below) One of the posters had provided a link to it, and I copied it from there. I also had two other newer versions of the Firmware Update, including the newest one that has supposedly caused all the problems for others, but none of them would launch anyway ? I just kept getting that same message saying that the ?player is not connected?. Actually, to be more accurate, as I think I described in my original post on Nomadness, when I first tried to upload the firmware, it seemed as though it was going to go through with it, but never got further than one segment on the file progress display. On the screen of the player, it said it was upgrading, but after a few hours, it had gone nowhere.
    Oldest - ZenXtra_PCFW__03_02_L6
    New-ish - ZenXtra_PCFW_LA__20_08
    Newest - ZenXtraP4SAudible_PCFW_LB_2_0_03
    If you have read this far, then please know that I appreciate it very much. If you have any further ideas or suggestions, please reply.

    Amazing that someone noticed this post and took a stab at it after over a year... Actually, I found my answer long ago, and have tried to go back and post?it'son several boards where I had been looking for the answer. It seems to be such a common problem that I figure someone else can surely use this solution as I did. I would suggest that anyone?who is experiencing the frustration of not?getting their computer to recognize their device?read the very enlightening and helpful page that I am linking to here:
    http://www.misticri'ver.net/forums/showthread.php?t=30939? (this is from a forum for iRi'ver, but the info and fix are uni'versal)
    This simple solution involves correcting the ENUM keys in the Registry (not as scary as you might think) and deleting all instances of your player from the Device Manager and then reinstalling so that Windows and other applications will all recognize your player again. It's so simple, and once I tried it, I was amazed that's all it took to fix the problem.
    ?I?suggest you read the whole page and follow the instructions as they are given. I deleted and re-installed my player several times and then rebooted a couple of times before it took effect, but then it did, and I was able to download the Firmware and have had continued success with my original player that I posted about as well as others I have acquired since I first posted that message in 2006. For reasons I have not yet identified, this problem still happens every now and again, sometimes when I switch between players to synchronize. It may well be that when I use my registry cleaner or some other utility that "fixes" my registry, that it resets this particular key - but as long as it's easy to fix, it's not a problem. Hope this helps others who may stumble upon this odd little problem with the Zen Xtra.Message Edited by TrixieInDixie on -05-200709:28 PM

  • Zen Xtra 60 GB: battery goes down too quickly, even when inact

    Hello, folks, this is my problem with Zen Xtra 60 GB, which I own for more than a year. A week ago I suddenly noticed that the battery is completely down the other morning, after I played music last night for a few hours on AC. So I plugged it to AC again and - differently from the other people's experiences - it started operating and charging. And I could play the music while charging, and manage the tracks with Nomad Explorer as well. After it charged completely, I unplugged it from AC, played a few more tracks and then shut it down. Next morning battery was down again. So I kept experimenting a few days in a row: charged it completely, played a few tracks, shut it down... and next morning all from the beginning again. I also tried continuous playing on battery, after it was fully charged - the playing time is also decreased.
    I guess, my battery is damaged (or some settings on my player are wrong? - which seems unlikely to me). So how can I get the battery replacement? Or can I use some other type of battery? If so, what should I know when choosing the other battery?
    Many thanks,

    SSR, your advice was helpful - I was able to access rescue mode. Before that, I thought of this operation as of "press C while holding Ctrl..." - I always released play/stop button after sticking the reset button, but still too quickly, and then player started in normal mode. It appears, that one should not release play/stop still for a few seconds - until the rescue menu appears. Maybe it would be good to emphasize this moment (not releasing too quickly play/stop after sticking reset) in Catherina's instructions about accessing rescue mode?
    But this did not solve my problem!
    I charged the battery fully, upgraded the firmware to the latest, and did cleanup. The player rebuilt my library. I played two tracks and turned the player off. After 2 hours, turned it on - battery was drained off again.
    Then I charged the battery again, removed the battery and put aside. After 24 hours reseated battery, turned the player on - the battery proudly showed all three bars! Then played one track and turned the player off, and after 3 hours turned on. The battery remained with one bar only. And after 8 hours, it was, of course, empty...
    So oh, what can I do? My player is more than one year, so out of warranty. And have no idea, who could repair it here in Lithuania, anyway.
    Should I buy Xtra with 30 Gb (cheapest option), and then do harddisc transplantation, to save my 35 Gb of music? (Don't tell me about backups - almost all my music is also on CDs, or on my PC - it just was too long and tedious process, to upload all that to the player, and then rename and organize tracks there...)

  • Creative Zen Xtra USB Driv

    I need USB drivers for this player. Can somebody help me?

    He is probably having the same problem I am.
    All the drivers for the are installed before the player is connected. The Zen Xtra is connected afterwards.
    The player connects with Windows XP, is recognized as the Creative Zen Xtra, but when after telling the system to install the drivers, it wants to connect with Windows Update to continue. After the attempt, it says that the drivers for the device were not found.
    Looking in the Device Manager reveals that the Zen Xtra has a Code error - The Device is not Configured Properly. All the driver details are Not Available/Unknown.
    I have attempted to install this player on 2 different systems with the same result. The Zen Xtra plays and otherwise functions normally. My Firmware Version is 2.0.03. One computer is an AMD64 with Windows XP SP2, the other is an AMD Sempron with Windows XP SPa.
    I hope this hel

  • Strategies to keep the Zen Xtra cover from popping o

    OK - I had heard that the Zen Xtra cover pops off easy before I bought it and thought it couldn't be all that bad
    But it seems like all I have to do is touch my player sometimes and the cover pops off
    I put a piece of tape on the latch on the bottom so I couldn't jostle it just as soon as I got it and saw what a hair trigger it was - but it seems like sometimes I just pick it up (maybe squeezing the sides a bit) and the cover pops off?
    My refurbished Zen Xtra didn't come with a case - maybe that helps prevent the cover from popping?
    Any other strategies or fixes from folks who have dealt with this irritating feature? (Sound quality wise I'm VERY happy with it... but I can see where this might continue to be a major annoyance over time)


  • Zen Xtra Bookmarking question

    I was listening to an audio book, which consists of a number of mp3 files, on the Zen Xtra. I was into the 4th file, and decided to quit for the day. So I used the bookmark feature to set a bookmark at the place I stopped.. about 5 minutes into the track.
    When I returned to the player later, I chose 'go to bookmark' and was surprised to find it went to the 5 minute mark in the FIRST mp3 file of the book, instead of the 4th file where I left off.
    Is this working as designed, or a bug, or did I not use the bookmark correctly?

    SSR wrote:
    Nope it's not pointless. The excellent thing about the Xtra and other players is you can set a bookmark for every track on the player. So it's a trade-off between one feature or another.
    The alternati've is that when you've finished listening to the book you shutdown the player while it is playing. When it starts up next time it should continue from where you were.
    Well.. yes and no... again, what is the point of having a bookmark in numerous tracks? For the most part, I would imagine, people use DAPs for listening to audio tracks.. ie, music tracks. So, quite frankly, it really is not too important if or where you place a bookmark in a music track. In fact, I would venture to guess the 99% of people using a DAP to listen to music, do not ever use the bookmark feature.
    Where the bookmark is really needed is for long speech tracks (or audio books), so that if the user has to stop part way in, he can place a bookmark and resume at that place at a later time. As many audio books are made up of numerous mp3 tracks, it would be beneficial to place a bookmark that actually kept track of both the track and location within that track.
    Think of a bookmark in a real book you are reading.. the book has many chapters, but the reader only places one bookmark where he stopped reading.
    Your alternati've solution does have merit.. only if I do not listen to some other music tracks and then try to return to my audio book.

  • Nomad Zen XTRA hardware/physical p

    For some reason i guess after continuous use it started to have probs....some times when i press the Back button it seldomly takes a few pushes to get it to work, also when i press down on the scroll knob/wheel it also presses the Play/Pause button instead of the scroll only so it gets annoying pausing it when im trying to do something and annoying that it takes a few tries to select the option i want,another thing is the top side of the back plate wasnt fully connected and doesnt stay on all the way...so i decided to unscrew the bottom 2 screws on the plate just to LOOK if anything was out in the open taht i could see was wrong and the warranty copper strip/sticker was some how loose and it looks like dirt got in and caused the sticker to come off and not stick soo not sure what exactly to do if the warranty was voided by just using it and never opening it
    Message Edited by Milhouse on 04-2-2005 :28 PM

    I decided to void my warranty and look at what the problem was with the buttons (in my case, the Menu button.) It turns out that the button switch/receiver had broken its ceramic covering. So now it seems, I cannot access my music at all. This is unfortunate, because I've come to really like this player, and I'd hate to see it go to waste as just an external hard dri've. My last course of action is to remove one of the switches from another button position (Back) and resolder it to the Menu portion of the board. I've searched online for a replacement part, but to no avail.
    If you're having problems with a physical deformation in your player's button capability, just hope that your warranty is still valid. Like I've said, I voided that warranty even though my 3 month warranty was already over. This is not an easy fix, I'm not even sure that it is possible to fix a button without assistance from Creative.
    If it is at all possible to send my Zen Xtra to Creative and pay a minimal fee to have my product fixed, please inform me. I love the Zen Xtra, but I just can't see myself paying another $300 for another one with the experience I've had with my current player.


    I was hoping someone can please help me out here in Forum Land ?I just bought a new computer with WINDOWS VISTA and my Installation disk is not compatible. I have tried d/l from this site with no luck. It will go to the WIZARD part but won't finish the installation. I need to get the Software on my new puter for my NOMAD ZEN XTRA 30GB MP3 Player.Namely I guess the Creative MediaSource and it's amazing Organizer.Any links or steps in how too would be most appreciated I have emailed the Creative team but I keep get stuck at what to do next. They said something about installing and completing the firmware update, your player will be using the PlaysForSure software, but on the same sentence he/she says "However you will need to do this on an XP system".. and I have Vista so I am totally confused. I also checked out the site he/she suggested about installing this FirmWare and that site says "Back up all audio, video, image or data files stored in the player to a secure location before changing the firmware. All contents in the player will be lost when you install a new firmware"? -- How can I back up when I can't access it's And surely, I don't want to lose my over 2,500 songs ! Yikes... This was under <span class="majorheader">Solution ID # 4789?I am hoping I can get your help out there as I dearly love my MP3 player and want to continue importing songs ?thank you in advance for any advice you can offer me ?cheers Lisa

    Hey Lissa,Did you find any solution in your problem because i have the same problem and i dont know what to do.Plz let me know if u downloaded any thing in your Vista Computer. Thanks alotSuzy

  • Nomad Zen Xtra using Windows 98 (Not 98

    Good day,
    I thought I'd share this information since I couldn't find anything about it during the past few weeks when I was looking.
    I decided to leap into the MP3 world and after much research concluded the Jukebox 3 was the player for me, only to find out it was no longer manufactured! So I continued my hunt and decided on a Nomad Zen Xtra 30GB unit.
    The only problem is it says it needs Windows 98SE and I unfortunately am still running 98 (laugh if you must). So when I got the unit I thought I might as well try and see if it works before going through all the hassle of upgrading an operating system.
    It works! I was able to install the CD and update the new drivers, firmware and Nomad Explorer files off of Creative Downloads. The only thing that does not work is Creative MediaSource/Organizer software. This isn't too big a deal from what I can see as it is the MP3 ripper. I downloaded a freeware program called CDex (which is great by the way) and I rip all my CD's using this then use NOMAD Explorer to load it on the dri've. FYI, I also had to download the latest Adaptec APSI driver as well so CDex would work.
    Nomad Explorer can also set-up the playlists although I understand it is somewhat easier using the Creative software. I am not sure if I am missing any other big features but it seems to be doing everything I want of it and I love it.
    Anyhow, I'm about 8GB into it and all is working very well and I am happy that I didn't have to spend hours on a operating system upgrade.
    Hope this helps someone!Paul

    I have a Zen Xtra 40GB and I'm using Windows 98SE and I have not been able to get things to work. I tried using the installation disk and it could not complete the install....it would hang up at the point where the drivers were being loaded. After some playing around I got the drivers installed, but Nomad Explorer did not see that the MP3 player was connected. I also tried MediaSource (it loaded on just fine) and it recognized the player, but would crash when the program tried to "read" from the player. I plan to return the player and get my money back.

  • Zen xtra- problems with the wh

    I have a 40gb zen xtra. The wheel has always given me a bit of a problem but moreso recently. Often when I click it to select an artist (or anything, it happens randomly, but frequently) it doesnt perform that function but instead pauses the song thats currently playing. If I press it enough times, eventually it will work, sometimes it changes the song if i press it too many times. This has happened for a long time but now is happening more frequently.
    Also, and this just started happening, never has before, when i try to scroll up or down by holding it, it will stop and I'll have to release it and push it back up or down in order to continue.
    Anyone else have these problems and is there a solution?Message Edited by Wolfe on 02-07-200706:2 PM


  • Zen Xtra Library Rebuild Prob

    When ever my Zen Xtra is connected to a power source, regardless of whether or not I've turned it on, it goes into the Rebuilding Library screen. I've attempted to put the player into the Rescue mode and it doesn't do so, I hold down Reset and Play for quite some time and nothing happens except that the screen goes blank as soon as I hit Reset. This is greatly irritating. Also, it seems that whenever I upload a significant portion of music onto the player a day or two later it will have serious difficulty of some kind. If anyone has dealt with the same problem or has a solution please help.

    You enter rescue mode by keeping play held down then pressing reset just once, continue to keep play held down. If it won't enter rescue mode then the player is faulty and you need to contact Creative Support, links for which are in the FAQ post.

  • Zen Xtra Headphone J

    This problem is kind of similar to Osiris' problem but I will continue anyway. My Zen Xtra will now not play sound out of either headphone when I plug it in. If I press really hard and wiggle it, some sound might come out of the headphones. This is not a problem with my headphones. The headphone jack seems very loose and this concerns me. Is there anything I can do, or has my mp3 players life come to an end?

    OK, so Creative now has a MAJOR fan. I took everyone's advice. Called the number, avoided the warranty question and got through to someone in the service centre. He was so helpful and straightaway told me that Creative would replace the unit, despite being six months past its warranty. Although I think that's the right thing for Creative to do given the widespread occurance of this problem, I really was expecting the worst. Most companies these days seem to see goodwill and warranty obligations as albatrosses around their neck. For Creative to offer me a replacement without any stress or fuss is really remarkable in this day and age. True to their word, they emailed me my RMA details within 24 hours (as promised) so I was able to send off my faulty unit this morning.
    Thanks to SSR and Catherina for all your help with this. I'm very grateful, and couldn't be happier with the service I've received from Creative. Needless to say, I'll be spreading the word about what a great company Creative is.

  • Scrolling problem Zen Xtra...is it magnetiz

    I went on vacation last week and put my Zen Xtra in our little hotel safe (which turned out to be an electronic safe). Let me start by saying that it has worked great for the past 8 months since I got it. We went away for the afternoon, and when I came back my player turned on fine, but when I scrolled down on my black scroller, it scrolled continuously. And one week later it still does that. Has anyone had this problem? Do you think it's been "magnetized" by the electronic safe it was in? I had one in an electronic safe on a different trip -year previously and there wasn't any problem.
    The thing is that all the buttons work fine...i can press "play" and it'll play the 40-song mix I had on there last, the "volume", "track", "back" and "power" buttons work fine, AND I can press the black scroller "in" without problem, it's just when I move the scroller down or up that it scrolls continuously and can only be stopped by either taking out the battery, or pressing-in the "reset" hole.
    I decided to try and just erase the whole thing because I thought I might be able to solve it by re-installing the firmware, but when I open it in safety mode, I have to scroll down to "re-load" and as soon as I scroll down, it again scrolls continuously to a point where I can't do anything else.
    If anyone has had this problem and fixed it, i'd love to hear about how. Or if anyone knows someplace I can go to get it fixed, i'd definitely do that. Help!

    I'm thinking that it has nothing to do with putting it in the safe. I think it might just be a coincidence and it just happened to go bad just then. I'd be more concerned about magnets near a hard dri've. As those two things don't mix very well. I think you might be able to get it fixed through Creative, but you'll probably have to pay for it since it'll be out of warranty.

  • Dropped my Zen Xtra twice

    Just wanted to share that twice I dropped my Zen Xtra (two separate occasions)... it landed on a NYC sidewalk... both times nothing happened, it still worked fine! (It continues to do so.)
    When I use it I always keep it in the carrying case... am I correct to presume that had something to do with its survival?
    (Hopefully, there <EM>won't</EM> be a third time...)

    The case may have helped, but there's only really one suggestion here... DON'T DROP IT AGAIN!!!

Maybe you are looking for