Zero Crossings Issue

After setting zero to on in the Audio sub-menu, I still get pops. In 7 this worked. What is wrong?

In a stereo file it never really works flawless, as zero crossings often differ on either side of the file. Here the right side misses the zero crossings at the start and the end of the selection.

Similar Messages

  • Hi,  I trimmed an audio regin in the audio track edior with "Snap Edits to Zero Crossings" on. But I zoom in.the waveform was not ended at Zero point. Why?  In the audio file editork, "Snap Edits to Zero Crossings" option works fine.

    I trimmed an audio regin in the audio track edior with "Snap Edits to Zero Crossings" on.
    But I zoom in、the waveform was not ended at Zero point.
    In the audio file editork, "Snap Edits to Zero Crossings" option works fine.

    correction needs to be made to step #14, I typed:
    14) Point to the start or end one of the clips, when you see the icon showing arrows going either way, right click and drag your clips to roughly match up with the timeline selection, then zoom in further and adjust the clip start and end points to match up exactly with the timeline selection start and endpoints.
    Here is the correction, THE CORRECTED PARTS ARE CAPITALIZED:
    14) Point to the start or end OF one of the clips, when you see the icon showing arrows going either way, LEFT-CLICK and drag your clips to roughly match up with the timeline selection, then zoom in further and adjust the clip start and end points to match up exactly with the timeline selection's start and end points.
    Another Correction:
    Originally read:
    Addendum: IF you have 2 files selected and click "Edit" to go to Edit view, it will give you the file of the clip you selected first, not 2nd. You must then go back to MT view, de-select the clip you selected first, then de-select the clip you want to edit, then RE-select the clip you want to edit.
    Here is the the correction, CORRECTED PARTS ARE CAPITALIZED:
    Addendum: IF you have 2 files selected and click "Edit" to go to Edit view, it will give you the file of the clip you selected first, not 2nd. IF YOU WANT TO EDIT THE 2ND FILE YOU SELECTED IN MULTI-TRACK VIEW, You must go back to Multi-track view, de-select the clip you selected first, then de-select the clip you want to edit, then RE-select the clip you want to edit, THEN CLICK "EDIT" TO GO TO EDIT VIEW.

  • Finding zero crossings

    I am looking for a VI to find zero crossings of a given vector.
    Thanks for your answer.

    On 24 May 2000 05:13:31 -0500, "michael leeb"
    >I am looking for a VI to find zero crossings of a given vector.
    >Thanks for your answer.
    There is a vi to give you +ive, zero, -ive values so you could run the
    values though a while loop and watch for sign changes.
    Or just watch the abs value until you come within an acceptable error
    range for the value of zero.
    These are the two most common methods for a zero crossing and both
    easily done in LabView.
    Steve Drake

  • X79A GD65 (8D) Sub Zero cooling issue getting 91c ??

    Hi All
    Been on phase for years just a fyi
    Issue is on this board using phase shows 91c and locks the settings to stock speeds?? on air or water no issues I can get 5.0 seems as soon as I go on my SS which goes -50c I cant OC as the cpu temps shoot right to 91 calling for it to go stock!!
    Any help would be
    PS I have the jumpers which I dont need as it boots fine this is just as soon as I go to OC in any form.

    I would get the cold bug but this accures even on water cooling for some, I ran across another guy with same issue except he is on just water.
    I can run easy on Air up to 5.0+ with good temps as well! Now they built these for LN2 as there are 2 jumpers on the board for cold booting but I dont have a boothing issue get into windows easy it is just when I go to OC anything above STOCK then the temps reverse to 91c from 0c very strange.
    Hope MSI has something I can try or no extreme cooling..................
    Also worked with the Gig UD7 big time issues with just booting but no chiller issues still had to rma the board for new one as it would go into these ramdom loops.
    Worked with the Asrock extreme 9 now this was a joke theres a saftey in the bio's hidden that wont allow extreme cooling, I'm in wait mode for them as well.
    Come on MSI send me something to make this work I have 2 threads up to show results on different cooling.

  • HYperion Studio/Report # missing/Zero formula issue

    Studio v set 1 and 0 same result Zero
    formula ( column[CV] + ( column[D] .ifNonnumber(1) )* ( 9536/100000 ) ) this is how the formula validates with the ifnonnumber... ??? want formula to equal column cv when column d = # missing or zero like it does in excel...

    Based on the math in your calculation ( column[CV] + ( column[D] .ifNonnumber(1) )* ( 9536/100000 ) ) The second portion will have a value of .09536 if Column[D] is #missing
    In a calculation multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction unless the () enclose the portion needing to be done togerther
    So the formula will do this first (1)*(9536/100000) = .09536 and then do Column[CV] +.09536
    If you want the the answer to be Column[CV] when Column[D] is missing try this (column[CV] + column[D] .ifNonnumber(0) ) Not sure what the purpose of the 9536/100000 is.

  • Avchd problem

    I am trying to merge 4 AVCHD files that were shot as a continuos shoot9church sermon), and I cannot get the little audio glitches between each segment to blend. Is there some reference to look at to solve this issue? thanks in advance

    Is the Audio "glitch" happening at the beginning of one scene/Clip?
    You state that your camera shoots in smaller, separate Clips, rather than one long file, and I wonder if the Audio, where those smaller segments are starting, is not "cutting" the Audio on a Zero-crossing?
    For more info on Zero-crossing Audio, this article might be helpful:
    If the Audio glitches are happening in the middle of the segmented Clips, then it should not be a Zero-crossings issue, unless you have made a Cut in the Clip.
    Good luck,

  • Zero crossing, "Triggering" and XY-Graphs

    I'm trying to measure the electrical hysteresis of a sample.  The way in which I do this is by measuring two voltages within a circuit, sending them to my DAQ, and then plotting them in an XY-Graph to view the shape of the curve.  I can somewhat see the hysteresis, but II need to measure the "zero-crossings"; that is to say, the value of one function, when the other is 0, and vice versa.  So when V1 = 0, I want to know what V2 is, and when V2 = 0, I want to know what V1 is.  Seems simple enough, and I have included my VI.
    First I tried the ZeroCrossingPtbyPt, along witha Relay, which never seemed to trigger properly.
    Second, I tried using Trigger and Gate, but that seems to give inflated values.
    This VI can be tested by removing the DAQ assitant and replacing it with two "Generate Signal"(s),  with the same frequency, different amplitudes, and a small phase difference, and this will produce a similar effect without the real signals.
    Next, I am sending the raw voltage signals into a Waveform Graph.  However, it is impossible to get the traces to stay "still" on the graph.  In other words, if this were a real oscilloscope, there would be a "triggering" problem, and if the trigger were set to the proper value, the oscilloscope would be able to track the waveform without it jittering left to right in time.  Any ideas on this?  I've tried to change just about everything in the Waveform Graph with no difference.  Do I need to send in some other signal to get the graph to follow the waveform properly?  This is really important because it will tell me if my sample rate is good enough to capture the signal (a sine wave at 1 kHz).
     Finally, the hysteresis curve on the XY Graph seems to cover many cycles (periods) of the waveform, but I want it to cover only 1 cycle at a time, so it isn't so sketchy-looking.  It's very boxy as well.  So in short, the number of points it is plotting is fine, but it is not plotting them quickly enough, since I'd like all of the points it plots to be over a single period of the waveform.
    Please help!  Thanks in advance.
    Attachments: ‏176 KB

    As it turns out, the issue was that I was not collecting enough samples at a high enough sample rate from the DAQ.  This is why it worked with "Generate Signals" and did not work with the DAQ Assistant.  Because there were not enough samples, the apparent zero crossing was occuring either too early or too late, leading to an incorrect value.  Therefore, the best solution when it comes to finding zero crossings is make sure your # of samples, and sample rate are high enough to get an accurate measurement.
    As a result, this is why my XY Graph was showing blocky hysteresis loops, rather than nice smooth curve hysteresis loops.  The data being sent to it was not quick enough, and therefore the XY- Graph connected the dots between the points that it was sent, yielding a truncated loop, which appeared blocky or sketchy.
    On the issue of triggering, this can apparently be set within the DAQ Assistant in the "Triggering" tab; the key is chosing the correct channel to trigger from, and a reasonable trigger level.  This was my problem, and this is why my Graph appeared to jitter.  It was not the graph itself, but the DAQ Assistant that did not tell it the proper triggering timing.
    So, in short, I solved my own problems, but I leave this as a record for those who encounter similar problems in the future.

  • Duration of a zero crossing

    Hi all,
    I m a newbie to LabVIEW and I really need some help with some zero
    crossing issues.
    I have a wave generated from the values output by a pressure sensor. I
    differentiated this wave to obtain a wave with peaks, valleys and zero-
    crossings. Then I used the sign generating vi to generate another
    square wave depending on if the value is positive negative or zero.
    What I need to do now is to find the time duration between each zero
    crossing.i.e. How much time elapses before the next zero crossing
    occurs. Any ideas how to do this ?
    Thanks and regards.

    Here's a small VI which does part of that
    Have a nice day!!!
    LabVIEW | LabWindows/CVI | TestStand
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Duration between ‏18 KB

  • Photoshop CS5, Performance Issues

    Just got a brand new PC at work, and i am experiencing some very strange lagging issues in photoshop.  I'll go more indepth in a minute.  My system setup is as follows:
    Windows 7, 64
    Intel i7-2600, Sandy Bridge
    16g of ram
    Quadro 2000, using 2 24in LED Samsung monitors at 1920x1200
    Two LITEONIT-LAT128M2S SSD Drives
    All memory resident programs arent even installed, like antivirus and whatnot.
    I am currently running the 4/26/11 Quadro performance drivers, as these are WHQL and Adobe/Nvidia certified.  I have also tried the latest Nvidia drivers and experienced the same issues.
    I see the issues with OpenGL on and off, and combination of all settings.  I see ZERO performance issues in any other applications i run - Adobe apps are all that I am having issues with atm.
    In the 32 and 64bit exe's (doesnt matter which, though the issue seems MUCH worse in the 64bit exe) i will experience consistent lag in the application with or without a file open.   The menus and cursor will slow to a crawl for about 5 seconds, and then pick back up again. This happens with and without files open.
    I have tried moving my page file between drives, i have tried shutting all windows aero enhancements off, all in combination with turning openGL support on and off.  I have also rebooted between each change.
    I also experience an IDENTICAL issue when i open up the CS3 exe.
    I also experience IDENTICAL issues with Illustrator, only when rendering bitmap effects to any SVG drawing.
    Does anyone have any ideas what could be wrong?  This PC should be an absolute monster with adobe software, however my current work experience is nothing short of frustrating.

    Yes, brand new installation.  I cut out all the extra startup processes once i started to see this issue.  There is no antivirus running because i disabled it.  I have only about 50 essential windows processes running currently, and stripped them out one by one hoping that one of them was the culprit.
    There are no newer bios/motherboard updates currently.
    There are no processes currently running that are taking up any significant resources.
    Any other ideas?

  • AutoSize not working properly in TextField when using non-zero line spacing

    When using non-zero line spacing, the autoSize property is not functioning as expected, causing text fields to scroll that shouldn't.  Also, when using device fonts, the sizes of the TextFields are wrong in the Flash IDE.
    I have a TextField whose height is supposed to be dynamic, depending the width of the TextField.  wordWrap is true, the text is left aligned, and the autoSize value is flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT.
    When the TextField's width is adjusted, the height increases or decreases as expected, but when I scroll the mouse wheel over the TextField, it allows a single line to scroll out of view.  This should not be happening.  The autoSize property should ensure the TextField is large enough to neither require nor allow scrolling.
    Has anyone else encountered this issue or know how to fix it?
    Update: Been a problem since at least 2006! >   Bug is caused by using a line height ("line spacing" in Flash) larger than zero, for example 1.0pt.  It looks like when I reduce the line spacing of the text field to zero, the issue goes away.  There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with how autoSize is calculating the required height of the text (i.e. it is exactly textHeight + 4 pixel gutter, and drawing the rectangle (2,2,textWidth,textHeight) aligns visually with the text), so it must have to do with how the TextField is deciding whether it needs to scroll or not, and that separate calculation is being thrown off by the non-zero line spacing.  The additional non-zero spacing at the end of the last line could be making the TextField think it needs to scroll, even though it's hight is sufficient at "textHeight + 4".  Apparently the problem manifests when using a non-zero leading value as well.
    In fact, it has to be related to the leading value exactly, since the following code stops the textfield from scrolling.
    //body is TextField
    var tlm:TextLineMetrics = body.getLineMetrics(body.numLines - 1);
    trace(tlm.leading); //traces "1" here.  traces zero when line spacing is zero, and traces larger values with larger line spacing values
    body.autoSize = flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize.NONE; //turn off autosize so the height can be set manually
    body.height += tlm.leading; //increase height of textfield by leading value of last line to cause scrolling to be turned off.
    Honestly, this is pretty unacceptable bug.  First of all, scrolling should not be sensitive to trailing line spacing, because autoSize and textHeight do not include it. It need to be consistent, and I think textHeight and autoSize setting height = textHeight + 4 is correct.  Vertical scrolling should use textHeight as it's guage for whether scrolling is necessary, but instead, it's obviously involving the leading values of the last line.  At the very least, vertical scrolling should simply be disabled when autoSize is turned on and wordWrap is true, because the TextField should be big enough to fit all the text.  The workaround of manually adjusting the height is also no good, since turning autoSize back on will immediately change the size back and trigger scrolling again.  I also shouldn't have to set line spacing to zero just to use the autoSize feature, since the scrolling calculations are wrong in this way.

    No, lol.  Luckly, I replace most of my TextFields on the display list with my subclass TextFieldEx.  I just call a clone method that accepts a TextField and returns a TextFieldEx with identical properties.
    I corrected the problem via modifying the subclass to behave differently when autoSize is not NONE and wordWrap is true.  Under those conditions, the maxScrollV and scrollV property values are fixed at 1, and the class listens for its own SCROLL event and sets scrollV to 1 when it occurs.  That allows me to leave everything else alone, including text selection, and use whatever line spacing I want.
    The modification seems to work fine so far.
    For anyone interested in doing something similar, here is a clone method that will copy a TextField.
    public static function clone( t:TextField ):TextFieldEx
                                  var te:TextFieldEx = create( "", t.width, t.type, t.multiline, t.wordWrap, t.selectable, t.embedFonts, t.defaultTextFormat );
                                  te.alpha = t.alpha;
                                  te.alwaysShowSelection = t.alwaysShowSelection;
                                  te.antiAliasType = t.antiAliasType;
                                  te.autoSize = t.autoSize;
                                  te.background = t.background;
                                  te.backgroundColor = t.backgroundColor;
                                  te.blendMode = t.blendMode;
                                  //te.blendShader = t.blendShader;
                                  te.border = t.border;
                                  te.borderColor = t.borderColor;
                                  te.cacheAsBitmap = t.cacheAsBitmap;
                                  te.condenseWhite = t.condenseWhite;
                                  te.displayAsPassword = t.displayAsPassword;
                                  //te.embedFonts = t.embedFonts;
                                  te.filters = t.filters;
                                  te.gridFitType = t.gridFitType;
                                  te.height = t.height;
                                  te.opaqueBackground = t.opaqueBackground;
                                  te.restrict = t.restrict;
                                  //te.selectable = t.selectable;
                                  te.sharpness = t.sharpness;
                                  te.thickness = t.thickness;
                                  te.transform = t.transform;
                                  //te.type = t.type;
                                  te.useRichTextClipboard = t.useRichTextClipboard;
                                  //te.wordWrap = t.wordWrap;
                                  //Assign text last
                                  te.htmlText = t.htmlText;
                                  return te;
    //And the create method it uses
    public static function create( text:String = "", width:Number = NaN, type:String = null, multiline:Boolean = false, wordWrap:Boolean = false, selectable:Boolean = true, embedFonts:Boolean = false, font_or_textformat:*=null, size:Object=null, color:Object=null, bold:Object=null, italic:Object=null, underline:Object=null, url:String=null, target:String=null, align:String=null, leftMargin:Object=null, rightMargin:Object=null, indent:Object=null, leading:Object=null ):TextFieldEx
                                  var tf:TextFieldEx = new TextFieldEx();
                                  tf.width = isNaN(width) ? 100 : width;
                                  tf.defaultTextFormat = (font_or_textformat is TextFormat) ? (font_or_textformat as TextFormat) : new TextFormat( font_or_textformat as String, size, color, bold, italic, underline, url, target, align, leftMargin, rightMargin, indent, leading );
                                  tf.embedFonts = embedFonts;
                                  tf.multiline = multiline;
                                  tf.wordWrap = wordWrap;
                                  tf.selectable = selectable;
                                  tf.type = type;
                                  tf.text = text; //setting text last ensures the text line metrics returns correct values
                                  //Initialize the TextField's size to fit the text.
                                  if (!multiline)
                                            //When in single-line mode and no specific width is given,
                                            //expand width to entire line.
                                            if (isNaN(width))
                                                      tf.width = tf.textWidth + 4; //match width of text
                                  //Height is always automatically adjusted to fit the text by default.
                                  //It's better than the arbitrary 100px default height.
                                  var minimum_height = tf.getLineMetrics( 0 ).height;
                                  var h:Number = tf.textHeight;
                                  tf.height = (h < minimum_height) ? (minimum_height + 4) : (h + 4); //match height of text, ensuring height is at least enough to display one line, even if there is no text
                                  return tf;

  • Issue in oracle 10g thin XA driver with weblogic 7 SP5

    Hi there,
    We are using oracle 10g thin,thin XA drivers( with oracle 10g as back end database and weblogic 7 SP 5. We are getting maximum open cursors exceeded exception after some time.
    The issue seems to be with "XAPrepared Statement Cache Size" property. Initially it was set to 5. When transactions are performed the database shows the count of open cursor to 300 which is the limit of open cursors set as database init params.
    When we set cache size to zero, the issue disappears and the cursor count is around 45. Even if the statement cahe size is set to 1, after some transactions max open cursor exceeded exception arises.
    Can som one elaborate the behavior of this property or the issue which underlies this.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Hi there,
    We are using oracle 10g thin,thin XA drivers( with oracle 10g as back end database and weblogic 7 SP 5. We are getting maximum open cursors exceeded exception after some time.
    The issue seems to be with "XAPrepared Statement Cache Size" property. Initially it was set to 5. When transactions are performed the database shows the count of open cursor to 300 which is the limit of open cursors set as database init params.
    When we set cache size to zero, the issue disappears and the cursor count is around 45. Even if the statement cahe size is set to 1, after some transactions max open cursor exceeded exception arises.
    Can som one elaborate the behavior of this property or the issue which underlies this.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated

  • BEx Query- Making into Zero value in the blank row/column

    Hi All,
    I am running a query on multiprovider, say I have three characteristics (sales org, distribution, customer) & key figure (amount) in the layout. I am lookling the actual & plan data in the report.  If there is no plan data for the above combination of characteristics, in the report i am getting blank, instead of blank i want $0.00, how to do this?

    Hi ,
    Could you please let me know how can we fix this issue.  I tried to create a new formula as KF+0 but it did not work.
    Hi ,
    This issue is in a Bex Query . We are looking for options on how to display blanks as zeros for keyfigures.In the below screen shot highlighted in red there is no data for march 2015 so it needs to display as zero and the overall result should be Zero.
    Issue : Overall Result for Cumulative Quantity FTE should pick up the last value which is Mar 2015 instead its displaying 2 as there is no data for Mar 2015.

  • Windows samba share shows "zero KB" for file size....

    Upgraded, clean install, to leopard and now I see "Zero KB" for file size on my Windows Home Server samba shares. Before the upgrade all that info was displayed but afterwards that info is gone. The only changed on my network was upgrading to Leopard. My linux samba server still works perfectly with 10.5 but the windows samba shares are not. I can browse, mount and copy files to and from the windows samba shares but the file size info isn't displayed. The file size isn't even displayed when I "Get Info" on a file. Previously using 10.4 all was working perfectly and all info was displayed and or was available if I wanted it. Not sure if it is something to do with how Windows Home Server handles samba or if it is how Leopard handles windows samba shares. No settings were changed on my network from when I was running 10.4. The only change on my home network/hardware has been upgrading to Leopard! No other changes were made to any servers or computers that were previously working perfectly with 10.4. Other than this "Zero KB" issue all has gone quite smoothly.

    I removed the . (and moved the directory to match) but I still have the same issue.
    Here's the smbd.log after a rebooting and then restarting samba:
    [2010/05/04 07:25:41.262266, 0] smbd/server.c:500(smbd_open_one_socket)
    smbd_open_once_socket: open_socket_in: Address already in use
    [2010/05/04 07:25:41.266578, 0] smbd/server.c:500(smbd_open_one_socket)
    smbd_open_once_socket: open_socket_in: Address already in use
    [2010/05/04 07:26:01.041577, 1] smbd/server.c:267(remove_child_pid)
    Scheduled cleanup of brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
    [2010/05/04 07:26:21.051370, 1] smbd/server.c:240(cleanup_timeout_fn)
    Cleaning up brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
    [2010/05/04 07:26:45.716653, 1] smbd/server.c:267(remove_child_pid)
    Scheduled cleanup of brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
    [2010/05/04 07:36:46.016675, 0] smbd/server.c:500(smbd_open_one_socket)
    smbd_open_once_socket: open_socket_in: Address already in use
    [2010/05/04 07:36:46.017386, 0] smbd/server.c:500(smbd_open_one_socket)
    smbd_open_once_socket: open_socket_in: Address already in use
    And log.nmbd:
    [2010/05/04 07:25:41, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:857(main)
    nmbd version 3.5.2 started.
    Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2010
    [2010/05/04 07:26:48.718046, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:71(terminate)
    Got SIGTERM: going down...
    [2010/05/04 07:27:26, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:857(main)
    nmbd version 3.5.2 started.
    Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2010
    [2010/05/04 07:27:26.544934, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:696(open_sockets)
    [2010/05/04 07:36:46, 0] nmbd/nmbd.c:857(main)
    nmbd version 3.5.2 started.
    Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2010

  • PPDS Horizon  is set 'Zero' ,Still PP heuristic is generating PP/DS Planned

    Dear All,
    We have a semifinished material for which SNP optimizer has generated SNP Planned orders for this component.
    User has deleted SNP planned orders from Planning book,and execute PP Heuristic inorder to generate PP/DS planned orders.
    PP/DS Horizon & SNP Horizon is defined as 'zero',the issue is why PP heuristic generating PP/DS Planned Orders up to 33 weeks.
    I have checked PPDS Horizon is mainatined as 'zero' in Product master (/n/sapapo/mat1) & in version management.
    My question is apart from this, Is there any other field from where 'PP/DS horizon' can be picked by PP heuristic.
    Thhanks with regards,

    Answer is no.
    Other then product master and version management no other place we can maintain the ppds Horizon.
    if you do not maintain any value any where then system will consider infinite PPDS Horizon.

  • An issue (bug?) with Config File VIs?!

    Hello to all!
    When using Config File VIs I encountered a very interesting
    and killing (me) issue.
    I spent an hour before I knew where's a bug.
    (Maybe because I'm a novice to LabView).
    From one side, the bug was mine: I used a "for loop" to write string values to keys in section and provided to the loop an array that could be empty sometimes. And I absolutely forgot that "for loop" executes at least one time anyway even if array is empty.
    Ok, no problem, then the function "Write Key" should say "ERROR" and I would find my bug at once on the output of my "for loop".
    BUT IT DOESN'T DO IT. It says "OK".
    And only the next function "write key (string value in my case)"
    fails saying "Error: Config Data [get data]: invalid object 0". I certainly think that something wrong with this "write key", but what means this message?!
    Ok, I found who responds for this (the previous "write key" in for loop).
    But the most interesting thing is that if you set after this bad "for loop" one more such "for loop" you don't get error on the output of the 2nd "for loop" too. It appears only after "write key" that goes after 2nd "for loop".
    Well, forget it. Just look at attached files.
    Something wrong in this "Write Key" function if error goes far beyond its real source of arrising.
    Are you agreed? Or maybe I'm wrong?
    Thanks to all for attention.
    Any comments appreciated.
    Using LV 8.0.1 Pro on WinXP.
    Writing bad value to ‏22 KB
    Writing bad value to key ‏24 KB

    Hi Ben, this was a good hint, last time I had problems with that zero iteration issue, I worked with LV 6.1 and kept in mind, that the shift register output was the last value stored in the Shift register output node, it reminded to the use of an uninitialized SR. If somebody still has 6.1 on the machine, it would be nice to test this. But the test with 7.1 showed you are right, the SR- input is reached through. Great!
    Thanks, dave
    Message Edited by daveTW on 06-16-2006 07:05 PM
    Greets, Dave
    Shift register.png ‏5 KB

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