Adding full screen code into Captivate 5's basic Button Widget

Hi everyone!
I was able to create a full screen button in Flash that works with Captivate 5 projects, however, I want to be able to active the full screen feature for every button created using the basic 'button' widget that comes with the Captivate program.  I am not a AS3 programmer so I think my issue is that I am confused as  to where to place the full screen code into the existing 'button widget'  code. Below is the code ...
Thanks in advance!!
button_name.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fullScreen_action);
function fullScreen_action(event:MouseEvent):void {
//..........................Template for Static Widget(AS3)....................
//flash construct to use external interface : This is needed to use flash functionality for communication between two swfs
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import fl.controls.ComboBox;
var widgetMode:String = '';
var widgetParam:String = '';
var varHand:Object = null;
var movieHandle:Object = null;
XML.prettyIndent = 0;
XML.prettyPrinting = false;
XML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
var checkUpdatedXML = false;
var playedByButton = false;
var pauseFrame = 0;
var addednoskipframe = false
var myXML:XML;
var myData:String = '<element1><textProperties><font face="Trebuchet MS" style="" size="12"/><textDecoration bold="true" underline="false" italic="false"/><color textColor="0x000000" highlightRequired="false" highlightColor="0xffffff"/></textProperties><captions style="BUTTON_1" themeLabel="0" backColor="0xffffcc" eventAssign="" eventParam="" txtXPos="9" txtYPos="4" imgXPos="190" imgYPos="40" a="1" b="0" c="0" d="1" tx="0" ty="0" bgSelected="false" borderColor="0xff9933" borderSelected="false" containerXPos="" containerYPos=""><text visible="true" width="42" height="20" a="1" b="0" c="0" d="1" tx="18" ty="4">Button</text><image visible="false" width="22" height="18" a="1" b="0" c="0" d="1" tx="NaN" ty="NaN"></image></captions></element1>';
var xmlConfig:String = '<configs><styles label="Ivory" movieclip="BUTTON_1" backColor=""/><styles label="Frosted" movieclip="BUTTON_8" backColor=""/><styles label="Grey Space" movieclip="BUTTON_9" backColor=""/><styles label="Honey Comb" movieclip="BUTTON_10" backColor=""/><styles label="Mountain Blue" movieclip="BUTTON_11" backColor=""/><styles label="Aero" movieclip="BUTTON_12" backColor=""/><styles label="Gradient" movieclip="BUTTON_13" backColor=""/><styles label="Vivid 1" movieclip="BUTTON_14" backColor=""/><styles label="Vivid 2" movieclip="BUTTON_15" backColor=""/><styles label="Aqua" movieclip="BUTTON_16" backColor=""/><styles label="Glitter" movieclip="BUTTON_17" backColor=""/></configs>';
//var xmlConfig:String = '<configs><styles label="Button 1" movieclip="BUTTON_1" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 2" movieclip="BUTTON_2" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 1" movieclip="BUTTON_1" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 2" movieclip="BUTTON_2" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 3" movieclip="BUTTON_3" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 4" movieclip="BUTTON_4" backColor=""/></configs>';
var myConfig:XML = new XML(xmlConfig);
var myWM = "";
var mc:MovieClip;
CaptionMc.visible = false;
textFormatterMc.visible = false;
//update ();
var objName;
function fnHandleButtonEvent (evt:MouseEvent)
    if (varHand != null)
        switch (Number(myXML.captions.@eventAssign))
            case 1 :
                varHand.rdcmndResume = 1;
            case 2 :
                varHand.rdcmndPrevious = 1;
            case 3 :
                varHand.rdcmndNextSlide = 1;
            case 4 :
                varHand.cpCmndGotoSlide = varHand.cpInfoLastVisitedSlide;
                varHand.rdcmndResume = 1;
            case 5 :
                if(varHand.rdinfoCurrentSlide != (Number(myXML.captions.@eventParam) - 1)){
                    varHand.cpCmndGotoSlide = Number(myXML.captions.@eventParam) - 1;
                    varHand.rdcmndResume = 1;
            case 6 :
                navigateToURL (new URLRequest(myXML.captions.@eventParam), "_blank");
            case 7 :
                navigateToURL (new URLRequest("mailto:"+myXML.captions.@eventParam), "_blank");
        playedByButton = true;
function update ()
    myXML = new XML(myData);
    if (myWM == "Edit")
        textFormatterMc.setData (myXML.textProperties);//strCaptivateXML:String
        textFormatterMc.init ();
        CaptionMc.setData (myXML.captions, textFormatterMc);
        CaptionMc.setConfig (myConfig.styles);
        CaptionMc.init ();
        CaptionMc.visible = true;
        textFormatterMc.visible = true;
        var arr = [textFormatterMc.sizeSelectorMc];
        CaptionMc.visible = false;
        textFormatterMc.visible = false;
        if(mc != null){
            mc = new MovieClip();
            addChild (mc);
        var xmlRef = myXML.captions;
        var textMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(xmlRef.text.@a, xmlRef.text.@b, xmlRef.text.@c, xmlRef.text.@d, xmlRef.text.@tx, xmlRef.text.@ty)
        var txt:TextField = new TextField();
        objName = txt; = "txt";
        txt.mouseEnabled = false;
        txt.selectable = false;
        txt.multiline = true;
        txt.wordWrap = true;
        mc.addChild (txt);
        txt.text = xmlRef.text;
        txt.mouseEnabled = false;
        txt.width = Number(xmlRef.text.@width);
        txt.height = Number(xmlRef.text.@height);
        //txt.x = Number(xmlRef.text.@tx);
        //txt.y = Number(xmlRef.text.@ty);
        txt.transform.matrix = textMatrix;
        var txtProp = myXML.textProperties;
        var tf = new TextFormat(txtProp.font. @ face,txtProp.font. @ size,txtProp.color. @ textColor,getBool(txtProp.textDecoration. @ bold),getBool(txtProp.textDecoration. @ italic),getBool(txtProp.textDecoration. @ underline));
        txt.setTextFormat (tf);
        if (txtProp.color. @ highlightRequired == "true")
            txt.background = true;
            txt.backgroundColor = uint(txtProp.color. @ highlightColor);
        txt.visible = getBool(xmlRef.text. @visible)
        var mcCaption = new MovieClip();
        var mcCaptionMatrix = new Matrix(xmlRef.@a, xmlRef.@b, xmlRef.@c, xmlRef.@d, xmlRef.@tx, xmlRef.@ty);
        var ClassName:Class = getDefinitionByName(xmlRef.@style) as Class;
        var objHolder = new ClassName();
        objHolder.buttonMode = true;
        objHolder.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fnHandleButtonEvent);
        mcCaption.addChild (objHolder);
        objHolder.transform.matrix = mcCaptionMatrix;
        if (SimpleButton(objHolder.getChildByName("btn")) != null && xmlRef.@bgSelected == "true")
            var tempColorStr = [email protected]();
            if (tempColorStr.length > 0)
                var objColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
                objColorTransform.color = uint(tempColorStr);
                SimpleButton(objHolder.getChildByName("btn")).transform.colorTransform = objColorTransform;
        if (MovieClip(objHolder.getChildByName("mcBorder")) != null && xmlRef.@borderSelected == "true")
            var borderColorStr = [email protected]();
            if (borderColorStr.length > 0)
                var borderColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
                borderColorTransform.color = uint(borderColorStr);
                MovieClip(objHolder.getChildByName("mcBorder")).transform.colorTransform = borderColorTransform;
        mcCaption.addChild (objHolder);
        mc.addChildAt (mcCaption, 0);
        var mcIconMatrix = new Matrix(xmlRef.image.@a, xmlRef.image.@b, xmlRef.image.@c, xmlRef.image.@d, xmlRef.image.@tx, xmlRef.image.@ty)
        var mcIcon = new Loader();//IconMovie();
        mcIcon.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);
        if (xmlRef.image != ""){
            mcIcon.load (new URLRequest(String(xmlRef.image))); = "mcIcon";
        mcIcon.transform.matrix = mcIconMatrix;
        mcIcon.visible = getBool(xmlRef.image. @visible)
        mc.addChild (mcIcon);
var cursor;
var otherCursor;
var downState = false;
function initCursor(arr:Array){
    cursor = new Cursor();
    cursor.mouseEnabled = false
    cursor.visible = false;
    otherCursor = new StretchCursor();
    otherCursor.mouseEnabled = false
    otherCursor.visible = false;
    for(var i=0 ; i< arr.length; i++){
        arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, showCursor)
        arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, hideCursor)
        arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, showOtherCursor)
        arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hideOtherCursor)
    this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hideOtherCursor);
    this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, hideOtherCursor);
function showCursor(e:MouseEvent){
    var txt = MovieClip(;
    if(!downState && txt.type == "dynamic"){
        cursor.visible = true;
function hideCursor(e:MouseEvent){
        cursor.visible = false;;
function showOtherCursor(e:MouseEvent){
    var txt = MovieClip(e.currentTarget).sizeTxt;
    if(txt.type == "dynamic"){
        downState = true
        otherCursor.visible = true;
function hideOtherCursor(e:MouseEvent){
    downState = false;
    otherCursor.visible = false;;
function removeAllChildren(mcRef:MovieClip){
    for(var i=(mcRef.numChildren-1); i>=0; i--){
function imageLoaded (e:Event)
    var mc =;
    mc.width = Number(myXML.captions.image. @ width);
    mc.height = Number(myXML.captions.image. @ height);
function getBool (str:String):Boolean
    var ret:Boolean;
    if (str == "true")
        ret = true;
        ret = false;
    return ret;
function getModifiedXML ():String
    return myXML.toString();
//to register enter frame function
this.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
//Captivate App will not recognize a Static Widget unless this function is implemented and returns true
function isStatic ():Boolean
    return true;//denotes that this is indeed a Captivate Interactive Learning Object
//a object needs to be created and values filled in . This is taken by captivate and stored as //xml string. This is the mean to pass values between captivate and widget swf.
function getInspectorParameters ():Object
    //set the data in _parameters fields. This is called by captivate to get the values of widget swf
    var _parameters: Object = new Object();
    _parameters.dataXML = getModifiedXML();
    return _parameters;
// whenever widget is inserted the widget swf is passed on the parameters stored inside captivate so that it is drawn in updated stage.
function setInspectorParameters (inParam:Object):void
    //Dev//on Double click //edit window
    myData = inParam.dataXML;
    myWM = widgetMode;
    update ();
//is called whenever widget needs to be drawn as per the changed
//parameters like OK to widget dialog and stage swf is updated with the current values.
function setParameters (inParam:Object):void
    if (inParam.dataXML != null)
        //redraw the widget as parameters has changed
        //dev//OK button
        myData = inParam.dataXML;
        myWM = widgetMode;
        update ();
//this function is called to set the variable on player
function cpSetValue (variable:String, val):void
    if (variable == 'movieHandle')
        movieHandle = val;
        varHand = movieHandle.getMovieProps().variablesHandle;
        //using varHand the variables can be accessed for eg. varHand.rdcmndPause = 1;
    if (variable == 'widgetMode')
        widgetMode = val;
        //dev//set mode
function getEditModeWidth ( ):int
    return 411;// return required width of widget properties dialog here
function getEditModeHeight ( ):int
    return 480;// return required height of widget properties dialog here
//Register all the functions with ExternalInterface
if (ExternalInterface.available == true)
    ExternalInterface.addCallback ("isStatic",isStatic);
    ExternalInterface.addCallback ("getInspectorParameters",getInspectorParameters);
    ExternalInterface.addCallback ("setInspectorParameters",setInspectorParameters);
    ExternalInterface.addCallback ("setParameters",setParameters);
    ExternalInterface.addCallback ("cpSetValue", cpSetValue);
    ExternalInterface.addCallback ( "getEditModeWidth", getEditModeWidth);
    ExternalInterface.addCallback ( "getEditModeHeight", getEditModeHeight);
//take care of optimised drawing inside this function. Check the widgetMode , widgetParams  and draw accordingly
function onEnterEveryFrame (aevent:Event):void
    var wm:String = widgetMode;//this variable will be provided by Captivate App or Captivate Movie
    if (wm == null)
        wm = widgetMode;
    if (wm == null)
        wm = 'Stage';
        this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
    else if (wm == 'Edit')
        //Property inspection inside Captivate app
        myWM = wm;
        update ();
        this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
    else if (wm == 'Preview')
        //The code here is used for previewing the widget in the preview window of widget panel
        myWM = wm;
        update ();
        this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
        //On stage scrubbing/live preview inside Captivate app (OR) at runtime inside Captivate movie.
            if (movieHandle != null)
                widgetParam = movieHandle.widgetParams();
            if (widgetParam != "")
                var myXml:XML = new XML(widgetParam);
                myData = == "dataXML").string;
                wm = "Runtime";
                myWM = wm;
                update ();
                checkUpdatedXML = true
        if (movieHandle != null)
            if (movieHandle.isWidgetEnabled() == true)
                if(addednoskipframe == false)
                    var slidestart = movieHandle.getSlideProps().startFrame;
                    var slideend = movieHandle.getSlideProps().endFrame;
                    pauseFrame = Math.ceil((slidestart  + slideend)/2);
                    var SlidePauseFrame = pauseFrame - slidestart + 1;
                    addednoskipframe = true;
                if(movieHandle.isWidgetEnabled()  && varHand.rdinfoCurrentFrame == pauseFrame && playedByButton == false)
                    varHand.rdcmndPause = 1;
                    this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

Hi again,
I just added a virtual keyboard widget, so that you can enter text even in Fullscreen Mode

Similar Messages

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    Revision: 9850
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-08-31 13:01:06 -0700 (Mon, 31 Aug 2009)
    Log Message:
    Removed full screen code since it isn't working properly.
    Modified Paths:

    You have a tool, that doesn't work in a new version of java.
    The tool vendor would be the one to determine whether the tool and/or the new VM has a problem.

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    I copied the wrong part. Here it is again.
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    Key Point: I do not want to use iTunes as they did with the Batman trailer.
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    2. Is it possible to do Full Screen without leaving the browser? I understand that you could create an XML file to do this but it calls the users local QuickTime player, which I do not want to do.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?quicktime type="application/x-quicktime-media-link"?>
    src="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://...../video/">"http://...../video/"
    <object classid="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B">"clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC8 0-D3488ABDDC6B" width="320" height="240" codebase="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="">"">
    <param name="src" value="/mysites/"/>
    <param name="autoplay" value="true" />
    <param name="controller" value="false" />
    <param name="cache" value="true" />
    <param name="href" value="&lt;/mysites/play-fs_v1.qtl&gt; T&lt;quicktimeplayer&gt; E&lt;CONTROLLER=True AUTOPLAY=True&gt;" />
    <embed src="" width="320" height="240" href="" autoplay="true" controller="false" cache="true" pluginspage="">
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    You have to put buttons inside each state of the MSO.
    It's not really a workable design in the long run, you should probably rethink it It's also not good from an app performance standpoint as it requires loading full-screen images for each state into memory.

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    Z:\Orgs\ogslp\Courses\2012DfltPrvnt\Test 6 Flash with controller2.mp4
    I did find the following note on Adobe’s site:
    Note: If your Adobe Captivate project contains FLV/F4V files, ensure that the files contain metadata for the video player to function correctly. FLV/F4V files created with Flash Communication Server 1.5.2, FLV Exporter version 1.2, and Sorenson Squeeze® 4.0 automatically contain metadata. Sorenson Squeeze 4.0 is included with the Flash Video Kit. If you import an FLV file that does not have any metadata, the file will not play correctly in your project.
    and am waiting for the IT department to get a copy of Adobe Media Encoder so I can embed javascript into my mp4/Flash Movies.
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    So… is my issue a path issue or do I simply need to embed javascript into my video(s), or perhaps both?
    These Adobe forum links have been the most helpful
    And PS, why are no videos showing up in the video manager? I can see them in the author slides, but not in the manager.
    Thnx - wjf

    This is a reply to my own message. A work around that will allow our team to move forward is to make a screen capture of a screen capture. We have content experts who are equipped with Camtasia. These folks will make their narrated movies. I'll then capture their movies with Captivate's screen capture by following: Insert > Recording Slide. Google Chrome of course has the Flash player installed by default so I open the mp4 (M4V) or FLV movie via Chrome and use Captivate's Recording Slide, choose Video Demo option. This gets me a Camtasia screen capture into Captivate. Import audio on its own and it matches up with my test of a movie 1 minute long (longer videos might slip out of sync - will test this).
    However, the movie does not have the convenient playbar attached, so video navigation/control can be gained via a Captivate playbar for the slide itself. This offers a double set of navigation options b/c I also created my own set of navigation controls with Flash, but with a simple set of instructions users will know to use bottom playbar for video control and my flash buttons for slide navigation. Its a bit clunky, but this is what I have for now until the engineers have time to target the following:
    PS I'm sure a simple javascript code could fix this, but for me javascript isn't so easy;)
    Happy Veterans Day!!

  • How do I make a window expand to full screen?

    I am using Dreamweaver MX 2004 with Windows XP.
    My question is a page from my homepage
    > Portfolio > Business Portraits then click on the Gallery
    button. When my web designer built my site there was only two
    business portraits and when you clicked on the Gallery button the
    window was smaller and did not expand to a full screen display.
    Tonight I added a third portrait and the window is still smaller
    than the full screen display so you have to use the horizontal
    scroll bar to view all three images or you can click on the Expand
    button in the upper right corner of the screen to make the window
    display full screen. I thought that when I added the third portrait
    the and it was displayed on my website that the window would expand
    to show all three portraits but it didn't.
    Is there a way that I can change something to make the window
    with the three business portraits open to full screen when you
    click on the Gallery button?
    Thanks very much for your help!

    > Is there a way that I can change something to make the
    window with the
    > three
    > business portraits open to full screen when you click on
    the Gallery
    > button?
    No. Modern browsers are designed to protect users from that
    kind of
    manipulation. Typically, web users don't want their browsers
    "Bill Artman" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gihqrl$gnq$[email protected]..
    > I am using Dreamweaver MX 2004 with Windows XP.
    > My question is a page from my homepage > Portfolio >
    > Business Portraits then click on the Gallery button.
    When my web designer
    > built my site there was only two business portraits and
    when you clicked
    > on the
    > Gallery button the window was smaller and did not expand
    to a full screen
    > display. Tonight I added a third portrait and the window
    is still smaller
    > than
    > the full screen display so you have to use the
    horizontal scroll bar to
    > view
    > all three images or you can click on the Expand button
    in the upper right
    > corner of the screen to make the window display full
    screen. I thought
    > that
    > when I added the third portrait the and it was displayed
    on my website
    > that the
    > window would expand to show all three portraits but it
    > Is there a way that I can change something to make the
    window with the
    > three
    > business portraits open to full screen when you click on
    the Gallery
    > button?
    > Thanks very much for your help!

  • Yosemite: How do I get back from full-screen to original window size?

    Okay, so today I used iPhoto for the first time since I reluctantly upgraded to Yosemite on Friday.
    iPhoto is one of the few apps I often take into full-screen mode, and so obviously I noticed today that they've kindly taken away the full-screen arrows in the top right-hand corner of the window in Yosemite.
    Posting a question about that in Support revealed the 'new improved' way to go full-screen, which is to click on the green traffic light in the top left-hand corner of the window.
    Fair enough, but how do I get my iPhoto window back to the size it was before I went full-screen? I tried clicking the green-button again, but that insists on the window being what I call 'maximised', ie. spread across the entire width of my desktop. I want to snap from full-screen back to the window size I had before going full screen.
    The arrows in the top right-hand corner used to do that perfectly well, but they're not there any more so I'm having to resort to laboriously re-sizing my window each time, which is far from ideal.
    Anyone able to advise me please?

    Do we know if it is iPhoto-specific, or do all app windows behave in this way?
    Actually, I suppose I could find that out for myself...

  • Videos take all the screen in Full Screen mode!!!!!

    I mean, if you have a flash, and a video on it, which is smaller than the size of the flash, AND if the project is set to be in Full Screen, then, when you publish it and test the .exe, the video will TAKE all the screen area!
    I have included some pictures so you can see what I mean.
    This is how it SHOULD be in full scree, and how it IS if it's not in full screen:
    And this is how it actually IS if I play it on Full Screen:
    I know, this is really weird. Try it by your self. Create a flash, insert a video that doesn't take all the screen, add the Full Screen CODE, publish it and execute the .EXE file. The video will fill all the Screen.
    HOW CAN I SOLVE IT??????????

    videoplayer.fullscreenTakeover = false;

  • How do we make Facebook games (Cityville) show full screen on ipad?

    How do we make Facebook games (CItyville) show full screen on ipad? 

    > Is there a way that I can change something to make the
    window with the
    > three
    > business portraits open to full screen when you click on
    the Gallery
    > button?
    No. Modern browsers are designed to protect users from that
    kind of
    manipulation. Typically, web users don't want their browsers
    "Bill Artman" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gihqrl$gnq$[email protected]..
    > I am using Dreamweaver MX 2004 with Windows XP.
    > My question is a page from my homepage > Portfolio >
    > Business Portraits then click on the Gallery button.
    When my web designer
    > built my site there was only two business portraits and
    when you clicked
    > on the
    > Gallery button the window was smaller and did not expand
    to a full screen
    > display. Tonight I added a third portrait and the window
    is still smaller
    > than
    > the full screen display so you have to use the
    horizontal scroll bar to
    > view
    > all three images or you can click on the Expand button
    in the upper right
    > corner of the screen to make the window display full
    screen. I thought
    > that
    > when I added the third portrait the and it was displayed
    on my website
    > that the
    > window would expand to show all three portraits but it
    > Is there a way that I can change something to make the
    window with the
    > three
    > business portraits open to full screen when you click on
    the Gallery
    > button?
    > Thanks very much for your help!

  • Listen for Full Screen mode

    I have a FLVPlayer with a skin on stage and I want to listen for the player going into full screen mode when the skin's fullscreen button is clicked. And I want to listen for it going back to normal but I think that is easy enough, I just listen for the escape key, I think. How do I do that?

    not the browser
    im using a stand alone swf player
    Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 09:05:51 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Listen for Full Screen mode
        Re: Listen for Full Screen mode
        created by kglad in Action Script 3 - View the full discussion
    you should not try and control a user's browser window.  but, if you insist, you'll need to use javascript.
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
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         Start a new discussion in Action Script 3 by email or at Adobe Forums
      For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

  • How to get back to Full Screen View?

    I have been opening images of one of my iPhoto albums in Full Screen View adding four or five more images from the thumbnails row to see them simultaneously. So they appeared in a smaller size to fit the screen. But now whenever I want to open one of the images of this album in Full Screen View they only show in the smaller size in the Full Screen View window. I cannot get them back to real Full Screen size. Is there a simpel button that I have overlooked or what else could be the problem? Thanks for any help.

    Yes I have, the slider can go to the max, the image becomes bigger but does not go to the full Full Screen View. When I try an other image from this same album the same thing happens again, in a flash it opens big (full screen) but instantly goes to a smaller size. Even though I open only one image it takes on the size as though it had to share the full screen with five other images. However if I open an image from a different album everything works oke, I press the Full Screen View button and I get the full screen as it should be. Only this particular album where I opened several images in one Full Screen View before gives this problem.

  • Full screen button?

    When my lessons are launched within our LMS, it opens in a a small IE window where you cannot adjust the size. In speaking with our internal LMS people they said they are unable to tweak files on their end as I could when I was using Moodle.
    Is there a way to add a button to a Captivate project that would allow user's to get a full-screen view? Or any other option? From what I understand enabling the Full-screen option when publishing doesn't work when published in SCORM or AICC. I'm using Cp4 but upgrading to Cp5 next week.

    Hi there
    Captivate and full screen are troublesome. This is because Captivate renders things in a bitmapped fashion. As a result, any deviation in presentation size from what the Captivate author used when developing will inevitably result in a loss of clarity. The degree to which things suffer depends on how much scaling is occurring. It may not be too bad and it may be awful.
    The full screen option in Captivate really doesn't stretch the presentation to occupy the entire screen. What it does is create a second HTML page that contains a link and JavaScript to open the first HTML page in a manner where as much "chrome" (toolbars and such) is removed from the browser in order to allow maximum space to be available to the presentation.
    This is true for all versions of Captivate. 5 included.
    Cheers... Rick
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  • Is it possible to play a slideshow in less than full screen mode

    running 10.9.4, latest version of iPhoto. Is there any way I can play a slideshow at less than full screen mode? Like maybe half or quarter screen instead of having the app take over the entire screen? Very irritating. If I could run a slideshow as just one of several apps open on the desktop. Any way to do that?

    The slideshow will play inside the iPhoto viewer pane and not in full screen mode, if you use the "Preview" button and not the "Play" button.

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