Delete records in itab1 where key fields does not exit in itab2 w/o Loop

I am trying to find the most efficient way to compare two internal tables and filter out (delete) the entries in Internal Table 1 (ITAB1) where the key fields does not exist in internal table 2 (ITAB2).
Here is the codes using the Loop.
Loop at itab1.
  read table itab2 where field1 = itab1-field1 and field2 = itab1-field2.
  if sy-subrc ne 0.
   delete itab1 where field1 = itab1-field1 and field2 = itab-field2.
Instead of looping thru each record of ITAB1, is there a way to use the "DELETE" or other efficient way? This is in ECC 6.0.
Thanks for any advice in advance.

Not sure if its possible without using even a single loop. Though you can avoid the read statement this way
loop at itab2.
delete itab1 where field1 NE itab2-field1 and field2 NE  itab2-field2.

Similar Messages

  • How to remove records in itab where its HKONT does not end in '0'...

    Hello Experts,
    I am getting records from BSIS and BSAS and I want to remove those records with
    their HKONT(GL account) does not end in '0'(zero). I do now want to do it via a loop.
    I tried using DELETE FROM ITAB statement but it seems it does not work.
    Here is what I did:
    IF NOT gt_bsis_bsas[] IS INITIAL.
       DELETE gt_bsis_bsas WHERE hkont+10(0) <> '0'.
    Hope you can help me guys. Thank you and take care!

    Hi Viray,
    '+' is a wildcard char which is used to represent one char
    where as '*' represents any number of char's.
    In this case  +++++++++0
    <b>means that the length of the field is 10 chars and first 9 can be anything</b>
    he didn't use '*0' since it could mean that the length of the data entered can be anything .
    Hope this clarifies

  • How to display subtotal in ALV, where the field is not a numeric.

    We are having a requirement to display the sub total for a field using ALV grid display, where the field is not numeric.
    The field is characte, Status field(consists of values Submit, Approve ,Reject), where the subtotal should be value of count of group by status .
    say status with submit are 10 records, so after all records with submit status are, displyed, we need to display its subtotal as 10.
    Thanks & Advance

    Hi Satya,
    REPORT z_alv_subtotal.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Table declaration
    *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*TABLES: ekko.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Type pool declaration
    TYPE-POOLS: slis. " Type pool for ALV*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Selection screen
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_ebeln FOR ekko-ebeln.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Type declaration
    *&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Type declaration for internal table to store EKPO data
    TYPES: BEGIN OF x_data,
           ebeln  TYPE char30,  " Document no.
           ebelp  TYPE ebelp,   " Item no
           matnr  TYPE matnr,   " Material no
           matnr1 TYPE matnr,   " Material no
           werks  TYPE werks_d, " Plant
           werks1 TYPE werks_d, " Plant
           ntgew  TYPE entge,   " Net weight
           gewe   TYPE egewe,   " Unit of weight                          
           END OF x_data.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Internal table declaration
    DATA:* Internal table to store EKPO data
    * Internal table for storing field catalog information
      i_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
    * Internal table for Top of Page info. in ALV Display
      i_alv_top_of_page TYPE slis_t_listheader,
    * Internal table for ALV Display events
      i_events TYPE slis_t_event,
    * Internal table for storing ALV sort information
      i_sort TYPE  slis_t_sortinfo_alv,
      i_event TYPE slis_t_event.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Work area declaration
      wa_ekko TYPE x_data,
      wa_layout     TYPE slis_layout_alv,
      wa_events         TYPE slis_alv_event,
      wa_sort TYPE slis_sortinfo_alv.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Constant declaration
       c_header   TYPE char1
                  VALUE 'H',                    "Header in ALV
       c_item     TYPE char1
                  VALUE 'S'.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Start-of-selection event
    *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*START-OF-SELECTION.* Select data from ekpo
      SELECT ebeln " Doc no
             ebelp " Item
             matnr " Material
             matnr " Material
             werks " Plant
             werks " Plant
             ntgew " Quantity
             gewei " Unit
             FROM ekpo
             INTO TABLE i_ekpo
             WHERE ebeln IN s_ebeln
             AND ntgew NE '0.00'.  IF sy-subrc = 0.
        SORT i_ekpo BY ebeln ebelp matnr .
      ENDIF.* To build the Page header
      PERFORM sub_build_header.* To prepare field catalog
      PERFORM sub_field_catalog.* Perform to populate the layout structure
      PERFORM sub_populate_layout.* Perform to populate the sort table.
      PERFORM sub_populate_sort.* Perform to populate ALV event
      PERFORM sub_get_event.END-OF-SELECTION.* Perform to display ALV report
      PERFORM sub_alv_report_display.
    *&      Form  sub_build_header
    *       To build the header
    *       No Parameter
    FORM sub_build_header .* Local data declaration
      DATA: l_system     TYPE char10 ,          "System id
            l_r_line     TYPE slis_listheader,  "Hold list header
            l_date       TYPE char10,           "Date
            l_time       TYPE char10,           "Time
            l_success_records TYPE i,           "No of success records
            l_title(300) TYPE c.                " Title
    * Title  Display
      l_r_line-typ = c_header.               " header
      l_title = 'Test report'(001).
      l_r_line-info = l_title.
      APPEND l_r_line TO i_alv_top_of_page.
      CLEAR l_r_line.* Run date Display
      CLEAR l_date.
      l_r_line-typ  = c_item.                " Item
      WRITE: sy-datum  TO l_date MM/DD/YYYY.
      l_r_line-key = 'Run Date :'(002).
      l_r_line-info = l_date.
      APPEND l_r_line TO i_alv_top_of_page.
      CLEAR: l_r_line,
             l_date.ENDFORM.                    " sub_build_header
    *&      Form  sub_field_catalog
    *       Build Field Catalog
    *       No Parameter
    FORM sub_field_catalog .*  Build Field Catalog
      PERFORM sub_fill_alv_field_catalog USING:     '01' '01' 'EBELN' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Doc No'(003) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ',     '01' '02' 'EBELP' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Item No'(004) 'X' 'X' ' ' ' ',     '01' '03' 'MATNR' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Material No'(005) 'X' 'X' ' ' ' ',     '01' '03' 'MATNR1' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Material No'(005) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ',
         '01' '04' 'WERKS' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Plant'(006) 'X' 'X' ' ' ' ',     '01' '04' 'WERKS1' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Plant'(006) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ',     '01' '05' 'NTGEW' 'I_EKPO' 'R'
         'Net Weight'(007) ' ' ' ' 'GEWE' 'I_EKPO'.ENDFORM.                    " sub_field_catalog*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *&     Form  sub_fill_alv_field_catalog
    *&     For building Field Catalog
    *&     p_rowpos   Row position
    *&     p_colpos   Col position
    *&     p_fldnam   Fldname
    *&     p_tabnam   Tabname
    *&     p_justif   Justification
    *&     p_seltext  Seltext
    *&     p_out      no out
    *&     p_tech     Technical field
    *&     p_qfield   Quantity field
    *&     p_qtab     Quantity table
    FORM sub_fill_alv_field_catalog  USING  p_rowpos    TYPE sycurow
                                            p_colpos    TYPE sycucol
                                            p_fldnam    TYPE fieldname
                                            p_tabnam    TYPE tabname
                                            p_justif    TYPE char1
                                            p_seltext   TYPE dd03p-scrtext_l
                                            p_out       TYPE char1
                                            p_tech      TYPE char1
                                            p_qfield    TYPE slis_fieldname
                                            p_qtab      TYPE slis_tabname.* Local declaration for field catalog
      DATA: wa_lfl_fcat    TYPE  slis_fieldcat_alv.  wa_lfl_fcat-row_pos        =  p_rowpos.     "Row
      wa_lfl_fcat-col_pos        =  p_colpos.     "Column
      wa_lfl_fcat-fieldname      =  p_fldnam.     "Field Name
      wa_lfl_fcat-tabname        =  p_tabnam.     "Internal Table Name
      wa_lfl_fcat-just           =  p_justif.     "Screen Justified
      wa_lfl_fcat-seltext_l      =  p_seltext.    "Field Text
      wa_lfl_fcat-no_out         =  p_out.        "No output
      wa_lfl_fcat-tech           =  p_tech.       "Technical field
      wa_lfl_fcat-qfieldname     =  p_qfield.     "Quantity unit
      wa_lfl_fcat-qtabname       =  p_qtab .      "Quantity table  IF p_fldnam = 'NTGEW'.
        wa_lfl_fcat-do_sum  = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_lfl_fcat TO i_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_lfl_fcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " sub_fill_alv_field_catalog*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *&      Form  sub_populate_layout
    *       Populate ALV layout
    *       No Parameter
    FORM sub_populate_layout .  CLEAR wa_layout.
      wa_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'." Optimization of Col widthENDFORM.                    " sub_populate_layout*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *&      Form  sub_populate_sort
    *       Populate ALV sort table
    *       No Parameter
    FORM sub_populate_sort .* Sort on material
      wa_sort-spos = '01' .
      wa_sort-fieldname = 'MATNR'.
      wa_sort-tabname = 'I_EKPO'.
      wa_sort-up = 'X'.
      wa_sort-subtot = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_sort TO i_sort .
      CLEAR wa_sort.* Sort on plant
      wa_sort-spos = '02'.
      wa_sort-fieldname = 'WERKS'.
      wa_sort-tabname = 'I_EKPO'.
      wa_sort-up = 'X'.
      wa_sort-subtot = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_sort TO i_sort .
      CLEAR wa_sort.
    ENDFORM.                    " sub_populate_sort*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *&      Form  sub_get_event
    *       Get ALV grid event and pass the form name to subtotal_text
    *       event
    *       No Parameter
    FORM sub_get_event .
      CONSTANTS : c_formname_subtotal_text TYPE slis_formname VALUE
    'SUBTOTAL_TEXT'.  DATA: l_s_event TYPE slis_alv_event.
          i_list_type     = 4
          et_events       = i_event
          list_type_wrong = 0
          OTHERS          = 0.* Subtotal
      READ TABLE i_event  INTO l_s_event
                        WITH KEY name = slis_ev_subtotal_text.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        MOVE c_formname_subtotal_text TO l_s_event-form.
        MODIFY i_event FROM l_s_event INDEX sy-tabix.
      ENDIF.ENDFORM.                    " sub_get_event*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *&      Form  sub_alv_report_display
    *       For ALV Report Display
    *       No Parameter
    FORM sub_alv_report_display .
      DATA: l_repid TYPE syrepid .
      l_repid = sy-repid .* This function module for displaying the ALV report
          i_callback_program       = l_repid
          i_callback_top_of_page   = 'SUB_ALV_TOP_OF_PAGE'
          is_layout                = wa_layout
          it_fieldcat              = i_fieldcat
          it_sort = i_sort
          it_events                = i_event
          i_default                = 'X'
          i_save                   = 'A'
          t_outtab                 = i_ekpo
          program_error            = 1
          OTHERS                   = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *    MESSAGE i000 WITH 'Error in ALV report display'(055).
      ENDIF.ENDFORM.                    " sub_alv_report_display*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *       FORM sub_alv_top_of_page
    *       Call ALV top of page
    *       No parameter
    *---------------------------------------------------------------------*FORM sub_alv_top_of_page.                                   "#EC CALLED* To write header for the ALV
          it_list_commentary = i_alv_top_of_page.
    ENDFORM.                    "alv_top_of_page*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *&      Form  subtotal_text
    *       Build subtotal text
    *       P_total  Total
    *       p_subtot_text Subtotal text info
    FORM subtotal_text CHANGING
                   p_total TYPE any
                   p_subtot_text TYPE slis_subtot_text.
    * Material level sub total
      IF p_subtot_text-criteria = 'MATNR'.
        = 'Material level total'(009).
      ENDIF.* Plant level sub total
      IF p_subtot_text-criteria = 'WERKS'.
        p_subtot_text-display_text_for_subtotal = 'Plant level total'(010).
    ENDFORM.                    "subtotal_text

  • Key value does not currently exist in the primary key table error

    Im testing out a form and creating a new insert once all the fields are filled in it wont allow me to move on and comes up with this error message;
    key value does not currently exist in the primary key table
    Is this becuase the form contains foriegn keys which reference different tables which fields are not dispalyed on this form?
    If so how to I link the other forms together so that when i create a new record in this form it will automaticaly create the primary key entry in the other form to allow the insert of the referenced foreign key in this form?
    does this make sense?

    It seems that it has the table in which you'r inserting is a foreign key table.
    Take the emp& dept table example in the schema scott/tiger.
    Say we have deptno 10, 20, 30, 40 in the dept table.
    We make a form for emp table and insert into this form.
    Now, we'r bound to insert deptno 10, 20, 30, 40 into this emp form. This form will not allow us to insert deptno 50 as it doesn't exist in the primary key column in dept table.
    Obviously if a department doesn't exist in the company, it doesn't make sense to assign the employees to that department.
    So for this purpose, we need to add a department in the dept table then we can insert values in the emp table for that department.
    For this purpose, I suggest to make a button on the mp form and invoke the dept form and add a new department to it and then insert into emp table.
    The same scenario can be applied in your case.

  • New template field does not compute

    I added a new template field in Address Book to hold custom data from another data base.
    When I go to import the new data, the new field does not appear in the import wizard where you assign targets for imported data.
    The 'stock' names offered in Card>Add Field do not match the wizard and even after I create a custom field in the Edit Template function, it doesn't show up as a target choice.
    I thought about just using one offered then changing its name but they have masks, like phone number layouts. Any help?

    Hi BW/BI Beginner:
    1. Delete the data on your InfoCube.
    2. Reactivate your Transfer Rules and InfoPackage.
    3. Reload the data to your InfoCube.
    Francisco Milán.
    Edited by: Francisco Milan on Jun 23, 2010 9:41 AM

  • REP-52005: The specified key userlogin does not exist in the key map file.

    I am using oracle 11g report server. I am getting the error of REP-52005: The specified key userlogin does not exist in the key map file.
    I updated the user_string in cgicmd.dat file. My cgicmd.dat file content is below
    ; OracleAS Reports Services                       ;
    ; CGICMD.DAT                                      ;
    ; Example CGICMD.DAT Mapping file                 ;
    ; Syntax: 
    ;      KEY : VALUE
    ; Where:
    ; KEY - the first argument of the rwservlet URL request (case sensitive).
    ; VALUE - command line parameters and/or special parameters.
    ; Keys can be referenced in the following ways:
    ;    1. Parameter on command line to the reports servlet
    ;          e.g. http://machine/servlet/rwservlet?KEY
    ;    2. Parameter on command line to a reports jsp
    ;          e.g. http://machine/mydir/myreport.jsp?KEY
    ;    3. Within a reports jsp - in the rw:report custom tag
    ;          e.g. <rw:report parameters="KEY">
    ; In addition to the Reports Server command line parameters, VALUE can include special parameters
    ; represented as "%X", where X identifies the parameter. Currently recognized special
    ; parameters:
    ;  %0 - %9 - 0..9 arguments from original rwservlet URL request. Note that %0 refers to the key itself.
    ;  %* - entire contents (all arguments) of original rwservlet URL request.
    ;  %D - request users to input database userid everytime they run the report.
    ;  %P - request for report parameter form in HTML format. It generates the PARAMFORM=HTML
    ;       construction on the first submission of the URL and PARAMFORM=NO upon parameter form submission.
    ; CGICMD.DAT Usage Notes
    ;   1. Multiple keys in this file MUST be separated by an EXTRA empty line.
    ;   2. Extra spaces are ignored. Multi-line entries allowed.
    ;   3. Lines starting with ";" character are treated as a comments.
    ;   4. Comments within a key or key value are NOT allowed.
    ;   5. NLS language support is provided and can be used (encoding should match the one
    ;      used in HTML request - no language conversion of any kind is attempted.
    ;   6. For %P special parameter, HTML format is by default mapped to the HTMLTABLE format in this release.
    ;      The HTML format in the future may be mapped to the HTMLCSS format.
    ;;;;;;;;;;;; Example Key Entries
    ;  Example 1:  Run a simple breakb report and output to HTML
    orqa: report=breakb.rdf destype=cache desformat=html server=repserver
    ; Example 2: prompt for userid the first time, then use database userid stored in the cookie subsequently.
    report_defaultid: report=breakb.rdf destype=cache desformat=html server=repserver
    ; Example 3: use %D to require user authentication every time
    report_secure: report=breakb.rdf destype=cache desformat=html server=repserver1 %D
    ; Example 4:  Take all arguments from URL and send it to the reports server
    run: %*
    ; Example 5:  Run breakb report with HTML parameter form.
    breakbparam : report=breakb.rdf destype=cache desformat=html server=repserver userid=scott/tiger@mydb %P
    ; Example 6: take all URL arguments, and also generate a HTML parameter form  
    runp: %* %P
    ; Example 7: Run an Express Report. Replace <MYHOST> with the name of the machine running the Express server. The
    ; builder on-line help explains the rest of the parameters (the /sl, st etc. etc.)
    express: report=my_expr_rep express_server="server=ncacn_ip_tcp:<MYHOST>/sl=1/st=1/ct=0/sv=1/" desformat=htmlcss userid=scott/tiger@mydb destype=cache server=repserver
    ;;;;;;;;;;;; Keys for Reports Demos
    ; Using default/in-process server.
    ; JSPs
    ;charthyperlink_ias: userid="scott/tiger@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=%DBHOSTNAME%)(PORT=%DBPORT%))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=%DBSID%)))" %*
    ;charthyperlink_ids: userid=scott/tiger@ %*
    ;barcodeweb:         userid=oe
    ;parmformjsp:        userid=oe
    ;tutorial:           userid=oe
    ; Paper Reports
    ;xmldata:            userid=oe report=inventory_report.rdf destype=cache p_filelocation="http://%HOSTNAME%:%OC4JPORT%/reports/examples/xml_pds/scripts/" desformat=pdf
    ;barcodepaper:       userid=oe report=shippingmanifest.rdf destype=cache desformat=pdf
    ;distributionpaper:  userid=oe report=inventory_report_dist.rdf distribute=yes destination=exampledistribution.xml
    ;pdfenhancements:    userid=oe report=utf8test.rdf destype=cache desformat=pdf
    userlogin : userid=SYMFINBTOTEST@fin10r21 %*
    As in the above file i have added a key as userlogin at the end of the file. But the reports server does not take the key that i have given. I followed the same steps provided in oracle docs. I used "showmap" to check the cgicmd file that is used by the reports…
    It shows me the content of the cgicmd.dat file and it also shows my updations. But in the "Parsed Map File Entries" it does not show my key value pair
    Parsed Map File Entries
    Return to Top
    Key Name
    %* %P
    report=breakb.rdf destype=cache desformat=html server=repserver userid=scott@mydb %P
    report=breakb.rdf destype=cache desformat=html server=repserver
    report=breakb.rdf destype=cache desformat=html server=repserver %D
    report=my_expr_rep express_server="server=ncacn_ip_tcp:<MYHOST>/sl=1/st=1/ct=0/sv=1/" desformat=htmlcss userid=scott@mydb destype=cache server=repserver
    report=breakb.rdf destype=cache desformat=html server=repserver
    Please help me to to make the key being populated here and being used by the reports server.

    uncomment #KEYPMAPFILE=CGICMD.DAT. remove the #
    then for development set
    reloadkeymap=yes (same file -
    Now it should reload everytime. (otherwise for every change u need to restart oc4j_bi_forms)
    (For * production* may be you want to set reloadkeymap=no once all testing is done)
    see cgicmd.dat for many examples of using keymap file
    [ All Docs for all versions ]
    [ Publishing reports to web - 10G ] (html) (pdf)
    [ Building reports - 10G ] (pdf) (html)
    [ Forms Reports Integration whitepaper 9i/10g ]
    9i -
    10g -

  • Getting Process instance with key '0' does not exist.

    I am doing a request based provisioning task.When I request for a resource the approvers are able to approve the request but the user is not created.
    I am getting the below exception at the backend:-
    [XELLERATE.APIS],Class/Method: tcProvisioningOperationsBean/getProcessDetailData encounter some problems: Process instance with key '0' does not exist.
    [11/2/12 0:30:13:640 EDT] 00000097 SystemOut O ERROR,02 Nov 2012 00:30:13,639,[XELLERATE.WEBAPP],Class/Method: RequestApprovalDetailAction/requestDetail encounter some problems: Process instance with key '0' does not exist.
    Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPIException: Process instance with key '0' does not exist.
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcProvisioningOperationsBean.getProcessDetailData(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcProvisioningOperationsBean.getProcessDetail(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beans.tcProvisioningOperationsSession.getProcessDetail(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.interfaces.EJSRemoteStatelesstcProvisioningOperations_6b2f800a.getProcessDetail(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.interfaces._tcProvisioningOperations_Stub.getProcessDetail(Unknown Source)
         at Thor.API.Operations.tcProvisioningOperationsClient.getProcessDetail(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor309.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at Thor.API.Base.SecurityInvocationHandler$ Source)
         at Method)
         at Thor.API.Security.LoginHandler.websphereLoginSession.runAs(Unknown Source)
         at Thor.API.Base.SecurityInvocationHandler.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at $Proxy6.getProcessDetail(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.RequestApprovalDetailAction.setStandardApprovalDetail(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.RequestApprovalDetailAction.requestDetail(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor665.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction.dispatchMethod(
         at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.tcLookupDispatchAction.execute(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.tcActionBase.execute(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.webclient.actions.tcAction.execute(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Source)
         at Source)

    Process instance with key '0' does not exist
    Such issue typically appears when the Provisioning is initiated without "Auto Save" i.e. before ORC_KEY entry goes in the OIU table...
    Second possibility can be that the mandatory attributes in the process form are not populated..
    Third possibility can be that the Status is Waiting... And Resource is dependent on another Resource...
    Are you able to Direct Provision the account? I mean without raising Request Based provisioning?
    Please give us following details:
    (1) Resource Profile:-status of Auto Save
    (2) Approval Process:- status of Auto Save and Auto Pre-Pop
    (3) Prov Process:-status of Auto Save and Auto Pre-Pop.
    (4) Is the object form properly populated?
    (5) Is the Process form properly populated?
    (6) Any Exception occurred during Approval process?
    (6) In the OIM Database, fire the following query:-
    This will show whether any proper ORC_KEY was generated for this resource instance..

  • Field does not exist -- in STDOUT file

    have written a simple query to error out based on a condition in the MAIN->PEOPLECODE section of app engine.
    But i get an error in my report manager
    Local number &count;
    Local date &accdt;
    If &count < FZAM_VEND_REC.COUNTER Then
      Error ("The value is less than the input value " | FZAM_VEND_REC.COUNTER | ".");
    Here FZAM_VEND_REC.COUNTER is a field in the page.
    PSAESRV started service request at 10.58.22 2013-12-18
    Field does not exist -- FZAM_VEND_REC.COUNTER. (180,104) FZAM_VENDOR.MAIN.GBL.default.1900-01-01.Step01.OnExecute PCPC:329 Statement:2
    Process 30108041 ABENDED at Step FZAM_VENDOR.MAIN.Step01 (PeopleCode) -- RC = 8 (108,524)
    Process %s ABENDED at Step %s.%s.%s (Action %s) -- RC = %s
    PSAESRV completed service request at 10.58.22 2013-12-18

    Hi Jim,
    I changed my query like below , but still need your help.
    Step01 -SQL
    %Select(COUNTER1 , RUN_CNTL_ID)
      FROM %Table(FZAM_VEND_RUN) A
    WHERE A.OPRID = %OperatorId
       AND A.RUN_CNTL_ID = %RunControl
    , COUNT(*)
      FROM %Table(FZAM_VND_GL_STG)
       Error ("The value is less than the input value " | FZAM_VEND_AET.COUNTER | ".");
    PSAESRV started service request at 14.26.31 2013-12-18 Application Engine program FZAM_VENDOR ended normally PSAESRV completed service request at 14.26.31 2013-12-18 .
    But I want the above error message in my stdout file.

  • REP-52005: The specified key rep_drill does not exist in the key map file.

    I am using Forms and reports version
    Weblogic 10.3
    I wanted to create a drilldown report
    I have modified the cgicmd.dat file in the below location
    by adding the below line to the end
    rep_drill: userid=JOE/JOE123@JOEDB server=rep_wls_reports_dsv-002_2inst desformat=pdf destype=cache paramform=no %*
    restarted the reports server
    In CUSTOMERS.RDF I have placed a link on the customer field using the below code
    There are so many parameters passing to the report JOBS.RDF
    When I run the report and click on the link it gives me an error
    "REP-52005: The specified key rep_drill does not exist in the key map file."
    When I replace the rep_drill in the link with
    the report work perfect
    Can somebody help me please

    I said
    REPORTS_URL value:
    It looks like you did the following:
    REPORTS_URL value:
    Try removing the test.rdf.
    p.s. If you want some detailed help with integrating Apex and Reports, you can contact me offline here:

  • FBV0 Error --   Message 00349 - Field does not exist on Screen

    I am receiving the following error in FBV0 when I highlight a parked document and click POST.  Please advise!  
    Field BSEG-FKBER_LONG. does not exist in the screen SAPMF05A 0332
    Message no. 00349
    The specified field does not exist on the screen.
    Check your batch input data.

    I too getting the same error message. Did you get any clue of why this error message comes. Mine long text shows as below
    No batch input data for screen SAPMF05A 0332
    Message no. 00344
    The transaction sent a screen that was not expected in the batch input session and which therefore could not be supplied with data.
    Possible reasons:
    1. The batch input session was created incorrectly. The sequence of screens was recordly incorrectly.
    2. The transaction behaves differently in background processing in a batch work process than when running in dialog (SY-BATCH is queried and changes the screen sequence).
    3. The transaction has undergone user-specific Customizing and therefore certain screens may be skipped or processed differently, according to the current user. If the person who created a batch input session is not the same as the person now processing it, this problem may occur frequently.
    System Response
    For 1: Either re-create the session or process it in expert mode. Correct the batch input program.
    For 2. It is very difficult to analyze this problem, particularly in the case that the screen sequence or the display-only options of fields differ according to whether the transaction is being processed in the background or as an online dialog. It could also be that this kind of transaction cannot run with batch input.
    For 3: Have the creator of the session process it. If no error occurs now, then this is a program with user-specific Customizing.
    I have parked document of arround 500 t0 600 documents. Already processed around 50+ documents. I am getting error in only one document. I have verified all the inputs in this document but no problem with the datas. This seems to be bit strange.

  • Encountering error: "field does not exist, please re-enter" when setting up basic calculation

    I created a form in InDesign with many form fields. I would like to be able to have specific form fields generate a sum total in another form field. In acrobat, when I select the form field I wish to have the calcualtion appear in, I select the fields I want to calculate and when I click OK, I am greeted with a pop-up error that the "... field does not exist, please re-enter". I can see that there is a field present when I select "Highlight Existing Fields", I can select it and even fill it in manually. What am I doing wrong?
    I attempted to contact Adobe Help chat and they threw up their hands and directed me here. Does it have something to do with the naming convention? I am stumped but I really need to figure this out. Do I need specific script to drop into the field notation box?
    In Over My Head

    Thank you George.
    Keeping the file names simple seems to be helping.
    I am now encountering an issue where some field calculations (rouhgly 20 out of 58 different basic calculations) do not compute.They create no sum and remain "zero" despite being created the exact same way as all the other calculations that appear to be working flawlwessly.
    I don't understand and it is giving me kittens.

  • CIF Error: Setup group/key 10000427 does not exist

    Dear CIF-Specialists,
    We observed a problem on the integration between APO and R/3.
    If we want to send PPM's from R/3 to APO we have the following error-message: "Setup group/key 10000427 does not exist".
    Transaction CFM1 (Create Integration Modell) ==> No problem
    Transaction CFM2 (Activate Integration Modell) ==> Error!
    We don't use setup groups or keys in our operations but we have created the setup keys in APO and R/3 (Transaction: /SAPAPO/CDPSC6 and OP43).
    As we don't have keys in the PPM's it is normal that they don't exists.
    Do you have an idea where we have to set theses Setup keys?
    Can you give us an indication how we could resolve this problem?
    Thank you.
    Best regards,

    Dear Sharath,
    Thank you for your reply.
    We dont't have setup key or group maintained in this receipt. This is the strange part on this problem.
    Why does it search for a setup key if we don't want to transfer it?
    I checked also the setup-keys in APO and R/3 and they are the same.
    We did a copy of the test-system (where the problem occurs) some days ago. Is there a table in APO where it could have some old entries about this?
    Thank you for your help.
    Edited by: Ricci Olivier on May 12, 2008 11:39 AM

  • Can not delete emails and tool bar at top does not change over

    Can not delete emails and tool bar at top does not  change over from safari. HELP

    If you hold the command key down (the one with the ⌘ on it) and hit the + key you can make the fonts larger. Might help out, I know as I've gotten up there in years I've had to use it more and more
    In the mean time while twtwtw mulls this over, can you supply any further information? Did the system crash or didi anything change before you started having the problem? Are you really running 10.5.8 as your profile says?
    We'll start with those for now,
    Message was edited by: Frank Caggiano BTW ⌘- - (command minus) will make the fonts smaller

  • "The key 'LocalizedPerfCounter' does not exist in the appSettings" when creating Socket

    Hi all,
    Some time ago, I've installed the nuGet package for self-hosted signalR applications on a project. Today, I went to start a completely unrelated project, one that does not have that package (or any package at all), and has absolutely nothing to do with owin,, signalR or anything else related to that package.
    Now in this project, when I try to create a Socket, I get an InvalidOperationException: "The key 'LocalizedPerfCounter' does not exist in the appSettings".
    The exception seems to be handled and the program proceeds, but it's annoying.
    Also, I'm seriously concerned. Here I'm not trying to create some arcane ASP.NET thing that calls down into a dozen layers and six different configuration frameworks before actually getting to the TCP stack. I'm doing a plain straight new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
    SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp).
    How is it possible for a nuGet package that installs unrelated DLLs to another solution entirely to affect something that resides in the basic System.dll? What business does it have interfering with very low-level network calls?

    Hello Zappo,
    For this InvalidOperationException, please check this hotfix to see if you are under those scenario:
    >> How is it possible for a nuGet package that installs unrelated DLLs to another solution entirely to…
    For this, since it is related with the NuGet, I suggest that you could post it to the NuGet forum,
    The current forum is specifical for .NET Framework Class Libraries.
    Discuss and ask questions about .NET Framework Base Classes (BCL) such as Collections, I/O, Regigistry, Globalization, Reflection. Discuss and ask questions
    about .NET Framework Base Classes (BCL) such as Collections, I/O, Regigistry, Globalization, Reflection.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Very Very Urgent Issue: Restricted Key Figure does not return any data

    Hi all,
    Please help me solving this urgent issue.
    created customer exit variable on characterstics version and also
    other customer exit variable on Value type.
    I coded that in variable exit. Problem is when I include these in
    restrickted keyfigure My query does not return me any data.
    But if I remove from restrickted key firgure and put it as normal
    charaterstics I see the variable is getting populated.
    Also in RSRT the SQl generated when these are included in RKF is not
    I debugged and know they are getting populated. As when included in RKF
    I can also see the values of customer exit variables from information
    I also know that there is data in cube for those restrictions.
    I posted one OSS Notes regarding this urgent issue. But got no reply from SAP.
    FYI: We are using BEx 3.5 Browser SAP GUI 6.4 Patch 20 BW Patch 11
    SAP BW
    **Please do not post the same question twice: Very Urgent Issue: Restricted Key Figure does not return any data

    Everyone out there this is very urgent. If someone can help me solving this problem.
    We are using BEx 3.5 Browser SAP GUI 6.4 Patch 20 BW Patch 11.
    I posted one oss notes also regarding this issue. But got no reply from SAP.
    So, Please help me solving this issue.
    SAP BW

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