Dynamic Form field name

I have a shopping cart that creates a dynamic field for the
quantity of each product in the cart. I need to be able to make
sure the user does not submit a blank value. I can not use cfinput
as per client instructions. The field is:
<input name="Quant_#GetCart.ShowID#" type="Text"
value="#GetCart.Quantity#" size="1" maxlength="2"
How would you go about validating Quant_#GetCart.ShowID#?
Thanks in advance for the help/suggestions.

Thanks for the compliments, and for analyzing my code. It's
cool to see you care. I agree that the find() should have been
findNoCase(), and the inclusion of a trim() could be a good one,
however, the evaluating is not better. In general, Evaluate() is
becoming less used, and is being certainly phased out where it's
not extremely necessary. There are a few arguments as to why,
performance being one of them, readability being another. I stand
by my code and I recommend you check out structure notation
(structure[key] when you would normally write structure.key except
you don't know what "key" really is) wherever possible.

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    <CFIF Len(Trim(Form.MeetYear_#k#)) NEQ 0 AND Len(Trim(Form.MeetTime_#k#)) NEQ 0>
    <cfquery name="CreateSchedule" datasource="#DSN#">
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    You can't nest hash marks. Do this instead:
    SET SchedDay = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#form["SchedDay_" & k]#">
    Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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    <cfset thisname = "form." & #a# & "_Clear">
    <!--- how do I use isDefined("") at this point to avoid
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    run a loop over your field names like: <cfloop index="x"
    list="#form.fieldnames#"> then you have all of your form field
    names that are defined.

  • Cfoutput query and form field names

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    <cfform action= "addsales.cfm" method="post">
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    <select name="sales"><option>$5</option><option>$10</option><option>$12</option></br></cfoutput>
    <input name="submit" type="submit" />

    I cannot imagine why you would want to show a list of pre-populated input fields. What makes sense to me is a select-box. If that is indeed what you want, then you could do something like this:
    <cfform action= "addsales.cfm" method="post">
    <cfselect name="tenant">
        <option value="">Tenant</option>
    <cfoutput query="tenantsales">
        <option value="#tenantsales.tenantID#">#tenantsales.tenantName#</option>
    <cfselect name="sales">
    <option value="">Sales</option>
    <option value="5">$5</option>
    <option value="10">$10</option>
    <option value="12">$12</option>
    <cfinput name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" />
    Like Dan, I have assumed your database table has a column for tenant ID.

  • How to make dynamic form fields update?

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    So, I do have a solution to this (in my head), but I'm stuck
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    generic for what the actual variables are).
    So here's how I am updating:
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    <cquery datasource="exdb" name="exname">
    SELECT columnName
    FROM table1
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    <cfquery datasource="exdb" name="exupdate">
    UPDATE table2
    SET #columnName# = #FORM.<columnName>#
    WHERE itemID = #FORM.itemID#
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    specify where the table should be updating, as you can see above.
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    item. However, since the variable is pretty much undefined and we
    use a query to populate it, we need to do #FORM.#variable## where
    #variable# needs to be resolved before #FORM._______#
    Are you with me on this? It's very complex in explanation,
    but if you need more info, I can provide it more clearly. Let me
    know what you guys think. Really, I have the solution, but getting
    #FORM.#columnName## to resolve is another problem. I think what i
    need is to figure out the order of operation for that statement, so
    #columnName# resolves first.

    You'll want to use the scope structure notation when dealing
    with your form variables. The variable Form.SomeVar can also be
    written as Form["SomeVar"]. Using this syntax, you can do something
    like this:
    UPDATE table2
    SET #columnName# = #FORM[columnName]#
    WHERE itemID = #FORM.itemID#
    You may also want to look into the following to help optimize
    your code:
    1) check out how to use <cfqueryparam> - it might speed
    your code up a bit.
    2) depending on the DB you are using, you may be able to
    combine all of your UPDATE SQL commands inside 1 <cfquery>
    </cfquery> block. This will allow you to do all your database
    actions with 1 DB connection, instead of a bunch (works in MSSQL,
    not sure about Oracle or MySQL)

  • Dynamic form input name

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    <cfquery name="get_form_name" datasource="#ds#">
         SELECT id, name
         FROM records
    <form action="form_process.cfm">
    <cfloop query="get_form_name">
    <p>name: <input type="radio" name="test_#get_form_name.id#" value="#get_form_name.name#" /></p>
    <input type="submit" value="submit">
    somehow get all the input name from the FORM to set cfparam and value.  Once I have this, i have the form values that are passing over.

    Your requirement is that you want the application to remember the name of a query variable across multiple page requests. That is a typical case where you would use the session scope.
    Following your example,
    <cfquery name="get_form_name" datasource="#ds#">
         SELECT id, name
         FROM records
    <cfset session.formRecords = structNew()>
    <form action="form_process.cfm" method="post">
    <cfoutput query="get_form_name">
    <p>name: <input type="radio" name="test_#id#" value="#name#" /></p>
    <cfset session.formRecords["test_#id#"] = name>
    <input type="submit" name="sbmt" value="submit">
    <!--- The names and values of the form fields are stored, respectively, as key-value pairs in the structure session.formRecords--->
    <cfdump var="#session.formRecords#">
    1) I simplified the code somewhat. I also added post method to the form, as I assume that is what you are aiming for. Otherwise the form fields will be submitted via the URL.
    2) It seems to me the database table holds rows having distinct values of ID . Therefore, my guess is that the functionality you should be going for is <input type="checkbox"> instead of <input type="radio">.

  • Is there a way to rename multiple form field names with a "b" at the end?

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    It's not possible with JavaScript. The name property of a field is read-only.
    I would suggest making a template from the first page and then spawn a new page from it.
    If you do it from a script make sure you set the bRename property to true and the form fields will be automatically renamed, but you can't specify the name, it will be in following pattern:
    P<Page Number>.<Template Name>.<Original Field Name>

  • Passing form field name to the subject line of the task assign email

    Hello Everyone,
    I am trying to create a process that need to pass one of the field data from a form to the task email assign but could not make it work right as expected. I think I miss something but could not figure it out myself. If any one has done this before, please share your knowledge.
    Thanks in advance,
    Han Dao

    Hi Jasmin,
    I thought it simple thing to do by passing the xPath to the subject line but for some reasons, it does not work instead it show the whole xpath on the subject line. Here is my xpath:
    {$/process_data/FormData/object/data/xdp/datasets/data/FSFIELDS_/Form1936/EmpInfoSub/UserM gr$}
    where Form1936 is the pageName, EmpInfoSub is sub-form, and UserMgr is field name on the form.
    Han Dao

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    Please let me know how to get the field names and values in the program for dynamic selections .

    You have to read the itab <i>pnpdynse</i> in your Program to obtain the Dynamic Selection values. This itab has a deep structure.. you can set a break point in one of the events before <b>get pernr</b> & in the debug mode, you will able to display the itab <i>pnpdynse</i>.. you can then identify how to get the values into your code..

  • How to dynamically list field names

    I have a DB Link to a SQL 2000 Server and can connect and retrieve using Heterogenous Servives.
    Let say I issued a Select (eg., Select * from tab@remote1), how do I dynamically list each field name from the result?
    Thank you.

    The best way to deal with dynamic column names from a SQL result is to use a cursor describe interface.
    A SQL SELECT may not select all the columns from a table. It may join tables. It may add derived and calculated columns to the result.
    None of these will be seen when using the data dictionary. Also, using a remote heterogeneous data dictionary? That does not sound like a sensible approach to me.
    In PL/SQL, one can create DBMS_SQL cursors. These cursors can be "described" - i.e. the describe interface for a cursor tells you what the contents are, the column names, the data types, the precision, etc.
    Using DBMS_SQL allows you to describe any result set from any SELECT statememt. A far superior and accurate method than to go data dictionary hunting to determine just which column could be in a result set.

  • How to make Form Field names appear for User??

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    Is is possible to make the field names visable for the user so they know what details are need in the fields?
    Please if anybody can help!!

    Sorry I forgot to mention I need it to visible on Text boxes, doesnt seem to be working

  • Dynamic form fields collection order?

    I have a basic dynamic form feild with Instances that allow a user to enter data in a Table Row then, if neededed, ADD another row/instance to enter more.
    The form worls well and is processed via Adobe.com Tracker.
    Tracker and the exports to .csv of the data adds all the instances of new rows to the END of the spreadsheet and tracker form responses dispaly..  In other words it seems to process the entire form and all its fields in order, ignoring any new instances, THEN goes back and begins collecting the instances adding them to the end columns of the response spreadsheet.  Would be much easier to parse/read/collect responses if any new instances were collected and recorded next to the same location where the first instance occurred.
    Hope that makes sense.  For example if I had:
    dynamic field (with otpion to add additional items/entries)
    The data collection would appear as:
    dynamic field (with otpion to add additional items/entries)
    dynamic field extra entry 1
    dynamic field extra entry 2
    dynamic field extra entry 3
    But I would prefer is to appear as:
    dynamic field (with otpion to add additional items/entries)
    dynamic field extra entry 1
    dynamic field extra entry 2
    dynamic field extra entry 3
    ... with the dynamic new isntances collected and recorded adjacent to each other.  Doesnt seem like much until you have a long form with multiple new instance form options and all new instances seem to be arbitrarily thrown onto end of collection spreadsheet.
    Many thnaks!

    I have a basic dynamic form feild with Instances that allow a user to enter data in a Table Row then, if neededed, ADD another row/instance to enter more.
    The form worls well and is processed via Adobe.com Tracker.
    Tracker and the exports to .csv of the data adds all the instances of new rows to the END of the spreadsheet and tracker form responses dispaly..  In other words it seems to process the entire form and all its fields in order, ignoring any new instances, THEN goes back and begins collecting the instances adding them to the end columns of the response spreadsheet.  Would be much easier to parse/read/collect responses if any new instances were collected and recorded next to the same location where the first instance occurred.
    Hope that makes sense.  For example if I had:
    dynamic field (with otpion to add additional items/entries)
    The data collection would appear as:
    dynamic field (with otpion to add additional items/entries)
    dynamic field extra entry 1
    dynamic field extra entry 2
    dynamic field extra entry 3
    But I would prefer is to appear as:
    dynamic field (with otpion to add additional items/entries)
    dynamic field extra entry 1
    dynamic field extra entry 2
    dynamic field extra entry 3
    ... with the dynamic new isntances collected and recorded adjacent to each other.  Doesnt seem like much until you have a long form with multiple new instance form options and all new instances seem to be arbitrarily thrown onto end of collection spreadsheet.
    Many thnaks!

  • XSLT for dynamic target field names

    I got a requiremt where I need to create target field names from input values.
    Input XML -
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Field Name="A">
    <Field Name="B">
    Expected OutPut XML -
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <A> 1 </A>
    <B> 2 </B>
    The value of the attribute 'Name' of field 'Field' should be the name of target field.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:output method="xml"/>
    <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
    <xsl:template match="Createelement_MT">
    <xsl:element name="statement">
    <xsl:element name="TableName">
    <xsl:element name="table">ABC</xsl:element>
    <xsl:element name="access">
    <xsl:for-each select="Field">
    <xsl:element name="{@Name}">
    <xsl:value-of select="Value"></xsl:value-of></xsl:element></xsl:for-each>
    Error: at xsl:element on line 15 of file:///......: XTDE0820: Invalid element name. Invalid QName {}
    Please help me with the xslt code for this requirement.

                Please try this code
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
         <xsl:output method="xml"/>
         <xsl:template match="/">
                             <xsl:for-each select="Createelement_MT/Field">
                                  <xsl:variable name="field" select="@Name"></xsl:variable>
                                  <xsl:element name="{$field}">
                                  <xsl:value-of select="Value"></xsl:value-of>
    input xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <Createelement_MT>
    - <Field Name="A">
    - <Field Name="B">
    output xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <Createelement_MT>
    - <Statement>
    - <TableName>
    - <access>
    One small request, if you think your question has been answered,could you please kindly, if possible, close this thread.

  • How to dynamically add field name in where clause of select query in web dynpro?

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    i have a requirement like there are multiple input fields  and i want to select data from two database
    and condition may vary .

    In the where clause you need to write like

  • Creating dynamic form fields

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    I tried the following code in a .cfm page and everytime i run it i just get the following error:
    Server Error
    The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
    Application server is busy.  Either there are too many concurrent requests or the server still is starting up.
    But any other page that run works fine, this is the only that gives me this error.
    <script language="javascript">
    fields = 0;
    function addInput() {
    if (fields != 10) {
    document.getElementById('text').innerHTML += "<input type='file' value='' /><br />";
    fields += 1;
    } else {
    document.getElementById('text').innerHTML += "<br />Only 10 upload fields allowed.";
    <cfform name="form">
    <input type="button" onclick="addInput()" name="add" value="Add input field" />
    <div id="text">

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