Execute User decision task outside SAP

Is it possible to execute user decision task outside SAP using the extended notifications? I have tried out using the configuration documents provided in SAP as well as from other sources. But wasnt able to send the notification to outlook.
Please help me out.

You may want to consider using Inbound Distribution.
SO28 transaction - Inbound Distribution
Specify an object with method "RECEIVE" to receive the mail item. The method then needs to parse it and process it.  If a mail with subject = "Approve" is to approve a workitem then the appropriate terminating event must be raised in the RECEIVE method.
Hope this helps,

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    Hi All,
    In the user decision task, i have specified the value as +5 day in the "requested end" tab. When i executes the WF, and checks in the workflow log of work item, it shows that user decision step as logical deleted. I open that step on developement server, there value is fine as +5 day, then i tried to open that step on quality server where i am testing, when i clicks on that tab button it displays an error message at bottom of the screen "No Unit with the desired conversion factor is maintained", and with in 1 seconds it came out to initial screen of SAP.
    I checked the TR, it is imported correctly.
    where can be the issue then ? why i am not able to click on that tab in that user decision task, its very strange, i faced this kind of issue first time.
    if you have any idea about that why it is happening then please reply.

    Check SWU3 is properly maintained in your quality server.

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    Hi All,
    We're on ECC6 and portal version 7.01 SP4.
    My problem is that I have defined a link in the body of a user decision task like so..
    <A HREF="http://www.google.ie/" target=_blank> GOOGLE </A>
    and while in appears as a link in the task in the UWL, clicking it does nothing. When I check the properties of the link, I see that it's actually javascript:void(0);, so hence it doing nothing.
    Can anyone give me any guidance on how to get a link working in a user decision task in the UWL?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Patrick,
    Thanks for the respnse, I've since figured out that what I was trying to do was not possible.  I have impleneted a workaround myself, where I just added an extra button action in the UWL.
    Many thanks,

  • Regarding creation of generic user decision task in workfow

    Can any one please guide me how to create generic user decision task in workfow?

    Just go into the workflow builder and create a new step. Choose a Decision Step and it will make one with the generic decision task, TS00008267. Just fill in what the options are and who it should go to. The task text  starts with the very generic:
    Choose one of the decision options given. This completes the
    processing of this step.
    Rick Bakker
    Hanabi Technology

  • Remove optinos in user decision task dinamically

    Hi all,
    I have an user decision task wich have several options. I want to remove (or deactivate) some of these options dinamically or under some conditions...
    Do you know how can i do it?
    May be it's possible to do with a program exit but i don't find any method in the class for do that.
    Thanks in advance.

    Finally, I had to do it. I put the steps in case anyone is interested:
    - Create a Decision Task in workflow builder. Replace the Task used in Control tab by a custom one. You need to create a copy of the standard task 00008267. In my case I've created the task 99000001.
    - The FM to get the options and texts is SWU_GET_DECISION_TEXT_TITLE. We need to create an enhancement point at the end of this FM. I've created a method in a custom class to embed all my code:
      CALL METHOD zcl_im_wf_dec_task=>zz_mod_decision_task
          wiid             = wiid
          ct_decision_text = decision_text[].
    CATCH cx_root.
    - This method has the following parameters:
    WIID                     TYPE SWW_WIID
    With the following code you can change the description of the options you want or delete some options dinamically:
    DATA: l_wi_handle  TYPE REF TO if_swf_run_wim_internal,
          lo_wi_dialog TYPE REF TO cl_swf_run_wim_dialog,
          lo_container TYPE REF TO if_swf_cnt_container,
          ls_wi_head   TYPE sww_wihead,
          lv_key       TYPE sww_wi2obj-instid,
          lv_bstyp     TYPE ebstyp.
    * Obtain the header:
        CALL METHOD cl_swf_run_wim_factory=>find_by_wiid
            im_wiid     = wiid
            re_instance = l_wi_handle.
        lo_wi_dialog ?= l_wi_handle.
        ls_wi_head = lo_wi_dialog->if_swf_run_wim_internal~m_sww_wihead.
      CATCH cx_swf_run_wim .
      CATCH cx_root.
    * Read the container (if you want...):
        CALL METHOD lo_wi_dialog->if_swf_run_wim_wfm~get_wi_container
            re_container = lo_container.
      CATCH cx_swf_run_wim .
    * Read the Key:
    SELECT SINGLE instid INTO lv_key
    FROM sww_wi2obj
    WHERE top_wi_id EQ ls_wi_head-top_wi_id.
    * In this example is a workflow for PO;
    SELECT SINGLE bstyp INTO lv_bstyp
    FROM ekko WHERE ebeln EQ lv_key.
    * Depending on the Task;
    CASE ls_wi_head-wi_rh_task.
    *  Authorize  
      WHEN 'TS99000001'.
        LOOP AT ct_decision_text ASSIGNING <ls>.
    *       The first 4 characters are the number of the option.
    *       The following characters are the description.
    *       Delete an option;
          IF <ls>(4) EQ '0001' AND lv_bstyp EQ 'F'.
            DELETE ct_decision_text INDEX sy-tabix.
    *       Change the description:
          IF <ls>(4) EQ '0002'.
            IF lv_bstyp EQ 'K'.
              <ls>+4 = 'Authorize'.
              <ls>+4 = 'Continue with the process'.

  • _wi_actual_agent and User Decision task

    I have a workflow which uses a User Decision task [ BO Process, Method Decision ] and thought I'd store the actual approver by mapping WIACTUAL_AGENT to a suitable workflow container variable.
    Problem is, when the workflow runs I can see that
    WIACTUAL_AGENT is set, but the workflow container variable remains empty.....    any ideas  ?

    Did you bind the standard container element WIACTUAL_AGENT to workflow container element?
    Do the following binding
    Workflow container element <---- WIACTUAL_AGENT

  • Problem in executing User Decision Step in Background

    Hi Gurus,
        I have written a method which is called in background activity step to execute a User decision step. I have used SAP_WAPI_DECISION_COMPLETE fm and have given the value for parameters like Workitem ID , Decision Key.
    So the problem is when it is being run in foreground its working fine.
    But when it is in background there is no change in the status of user decision step.
    Kindly give inputs.
    Thanks & Regards
    Narin Nandivada

    Sorry Narin,
    I didn`t get your solution. I`m having the same problem.
    I`m trying to call the FM SAP_WAPI_DECISION_COMPLETE in background and it doesn`t works, however, if I execute it as a foreground, the WI is executed fine.
    I don`t have any deadline(time limit) in my WI, even that it doesn`t execute my WI.
    Which FM are you calling before the MF SAP_WAPI_DECISION_COMPLETE to get the DESTINATION string?
    Do you do any commit in addition to the DO_COMMIT parameter?
    I am grateful.

  • User-Decision COMPLETED buti next step not executed

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a very strange problem when approving user-decision tasks in my workflow using FM SAP_WAPI_DECISION_COMPLETE.
    SOMETIMES, the user-decision step becomes COMPLETED but the result in the workflow logs (SWI1) is blank and does not continue to the next steps of my workflow. I've done my research and checked everything (commit = X, SWU3, Task is General, etc..) but i still have not found any solution yet.
    FYI: this does not happen all the time, most of the time the workflow works fine.
    Based on SWWWIHEAD, the user ADSUSER(from WebDynpro)  is the creator and the last one who updated the workflow instance.
    Here's part of my code for your reference: (RFC - called by WebDynpro)
          wf_id                       = wi_id
          with_techdetails            = space
          with_expansion              = space
          with_errors                 = space
          wfm_steplog                 = lt_wfm_steplog
          workflow_does_not_exist     = 1
          error_while_reading_wfm_log = 2
          OTHERS                      = 3.
      DELETE lt_wfm_steplog WHERE wi_type NE 'W'.
      CLEAR: wa_wfm_steplog, li_lines.
      DESCRIBE TABLE lt_wfm_steplog LINES li_lines.
      READ TABLE lt_wfm_steplog INTO wa_wfm_steplog INDEX li_lines.
        IF in_pdf_flag = 'Y'.      "Continue
          ly_decision_key = '0001'.
        ELSE. "Cancel
          ly_decision_key = '0002'.
        IF NOT ly_decision_key IS INITIAL .
              WORKITEM_ID          = wa_wfm_steplog-wi_id
              LANGUAGE             = SY-LANGU
              USER                 = SY-UNAME
              DECISION_KEY         = ly_decision_key
              DO_COMMIT            = 'X'
              RETURN_CODE          = l_subrc.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello Dexter,
    Thanks for the reply.
    I have tried running the BAPI through Automation Tools which we have. That is Process Runner.
    With the help of this I was Approving the WorkFlow. But as i found the issue, so for trouble schooting this i had manually checked in SAP though SE37 t-code.
    Below is the code of BAPI 'sap_wapi_decision_complete'
    FUNCTION sap_wapi_decision_complete.
    *"*"Lokale Schnittstelle:
    *"  TABLES
      DATA: lh_msg TYPE REF TO cl_swf_utl_wapi_message,
            lv_excp TYPE REF TO cx_swf_ifs_exception,
            funcname TYPE funcname VALUE 'SAP_WAPI_DECISION_COMPLETE',
            lv_wi_handle TYPE REF TO if_swf_run_wim_internal,
            ls_t100msg TYPE swf_t100ms,
            lv_handle TYPE sytabix,
            lh_wapi TYPE REF TO if_swf_utl_wapi_framework,
            ls_swwwihead TYPE swwwihead,
            l_nodetype TYPE swd_nodetp,
            lt_alternatives TYPE swr_decialts OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA: lt_cont TYPE swr_cont OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA: lh_params TYPE REF TO if_swf_ifs_parameter_container.
      DATA: lh_trc_data TYPE REF TO if_swf_cnt_container.
      DATA: lt_message_lines TYPE sapi_msg_lines.
      DATA: lt_message_struct TYPE sapi_msg_struc.
    *- startup framework
      lh_wapi = cl_swf_utl_wapi_framework=>create( im_language = language ).
      lh_msg = lh_wapi->get_message_object( ).
      lh_params = lh_wapi->get_parameter_container( ).
      CALL METHOD lh_wapi->set_commit_control( im_commit = do_commit ).
          CALL METHOD lh_params->set
              name  = lh_wapi->c_workitem_id
              value = workitem_id.
        CATCH cx_swf_cnt_container .
      lv_handle = lh_wapi->register_function( im_function = funcname
                                              im_parameters = lh_params ).
    *~~ begin of trace specific coding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
      IF lh_wapi->m_trace_handle IS BOUND.
            lh_trc_data = lh_wapi->get_initial_trace_data( ).
            CALL METHOD lh_trc_data->element_set
                name  = 'WORKITEM_ID'
                value = workitem_id.
            CALL METHOD lh_trc_data->element_set
                name  = 'LANGUAGE'
                value = language.
            CALL METHOD lh_trc_data->element_set
                name  = 'USER'
                value = user.
            CALL METHOD lh_trc_data->element_set
                name  = 'DECISION_KEY'
                value = decision_key.
            CALL METHOD lh_trc_data->element_set
                name  = 'DO_COMMIT'
                value = do_commit.
            CALL METHOD lh_wapi->write_trace
                im_evt  = swwtr_api_init
                im_data = lh_trc_data.
          CATCH cx_swf_ifs_exception.                       "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *~~ end of trace specific coding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
    *- function valid (allowed)
          IF lv_handle LE 0.
            lv_excp = lh_wapi->get_last_exception( ).
            return_code = 900.
            RAISE EXCEPTION lv_excp.
    *- get properties
          CALL METHOD cl_swf_run_wim_factory=>find_by_wiid
              im_wiid     = workitem_id
              re_instance = lv_wi_handle.
    * is it a decision at all?
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING lv_wi_handle->m_sww_wihead TO ls_swwwihead.
          CALL METHOD cl_swf_run_workitem_compatible=>get_def_guid_structure
              im_header   = ls_swwwihead
              ex_nodetype = l_nodetype.
          IF l_nodetype <> swfco_wd_decision.
            return_code = 2.
            ls_t100msg-msgid = 'SWR'.
            ls_t100msg-msgty = 'E'.
            ls_t100msg-msgno = 205.
            ls_t100msg-msgv1 = workitem_id.
            RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_swf_run_wim
              EXPORTING t100_msg = ls_t100msg
                        wi_id    = workitem_id.
    *- get texts
              language           = language
              wiid               = workitem_id
              decision_text      = lt_alternatives[]
              node_not_found     = 1
              text_not_found     = 2
              workflow_not_found = 3
              OTHERS             = 4.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            return_code = 2.
            ls_t100msg-msgid = 'SWR'.
            ls_t100msg-msgty = 'E'.
            ls_t100msg-msgno = 206.
            ls_t100msg-msgv1 = workitem_id.
            RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_swf_run_wim
              EXPORTING t100_msg = ls_t100msg
                        wi_id    = workitem_id.
    *- check alternative id
          READ TABLE lt_alternatives WITH KEY altkey = decision_key.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            return_code = 3.
            ls_t100msg-msgid = 'SWR'.
            ls_t100msg-msgty = 'E'.
            ls_t100msg-msgno = 207.
            ls_t100msg-msgv1 = workitem_id.
            ls_t100msg-msgv2 = decision_key.
            RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_swf_run_wim
              EXPORTING t100_msg = ls_t100msg
                        wi_id    = workitem_id.
        CATCH cx_swf_ifs_exception INTO lv_excp.
          IF return_code IS INITIAL.
            return_code = 1.
          CALL METHOD lh_msg->set_exception_object( im_excp = lv_excp ).
    *- set export
          message_lines[] = lh_msg->get_message_lines( ).
          message_struct[] = lh_msg->get_message_struct( ).
    *- unregister to framework
      CALL METHOD lh_wapi->unregister( lv_handle ).
    *- complete decision item
      lt_cont-element = swfco_wi_result_const.
      lt_cont-value   = decision_key.
      APPEND lt_cont.
      lt_cont-element = swfco_om_result_const.
      lt_cont-value   = decision_key.
      APPEND lt_cont.
          workitem_id      = workitem_id
          actual_agent     = user
          language         = language
          do_commit        = do_commit
          return_code      = return_code
          new_status       = new_status
          simple_container = lt_cont[]
          message_lines    = message_lines
          message_struct   = message_struct.
    *~~ begin of trace specific coding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
      IF lh_wapi->m_trace_handle IS BOUND.
            lh_trc_data = lh_wapi->get_initial_trace_data( ).
            CALL METHOD lh_trc_data->element_set
                name  = 'RETURN_CODE'
                value = return_code.
            CALL METHOD lh_trc_data->element_set
                name  = 'NEW_STATUS'
                value = new_status.
            lt_message_lines = message_lines[].
            CALL METHOD lh_trc_data->element_set
                name  = 'MESSAGE_LINES'
                value = lt_message_lines.
            lt_message_struct = message_struct[].
            CALL METHOD lh_trc_data->element_set
                name  = 'MESSAGE_STRUCT'
                value = lt_message_struct.
            CALL METHOD lh_wapi->write_trace
                im_evt  = swwtr_api_result
                im_data = lh_trc_data.
          CATCH cx_swf_ifs_exception.                       "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *~~ end of trace specific coding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
    When I pass all the data through Process Runner Program and check in SAP manually it look like below in SAP
    Kindly check the above screen shot and Help me in this regard.

  • Adobe form as attachment to user decision step

    i need to add adobe form as attachement to user decision step in workflow.
    1. i created activity step which call business object method with parameters workitem id
         i am using FM  SAP_WAPI_ATTACHMENT_ADD’  which will return attribute id
         i am passing that attribute with document id to 'ZSOFM'
            ZSOFM <-----------------------------------ZSOFM (Method to task)
          Bindings 'Attach_objects'  <------------- ZSOFM(Task to Workflow).
    2. i created user decision step
        Bindings  'Attach_objects' --------------------> 'Attach_Objects'( Workflow to user decision task).
    but when we execute first activity step in background i am not getting any PDF output .but when we  execute same method from class i can see pdf data is coming is it due to user name WF-Batch.
    when i execute activity step in back ground which will have sy-uname as WF-Batch i am not getting any PDF output data.
    please help how to solve .

    In transaction SWO1 create a z-object lets say zmyobjpdf (you might want to use it as a sub object of your standard object without delegation since they will probably have the same key).
    create a method in that object calling the adobe form.
    set it as the default method in the object header.
    now create an instance of the zmyobjpdf in the workflow for example as an attribute of the original object) and transfer it to the decision task.
    It will be displayed as an attached object pressing it will call the default method - your adobe form.
    If your question was about how to create a function module to display the form see SAP Library - PDF-Based Forms

  • Container Operation step in User Decision

    I have used one set container operation step in one of the user decision task. But it seems it is not working inside the user decision step.
    I have checked the SWI1 log as well, but it is bypassing it.(screen shot attached from Workflow and SWI1).
    Please sugegst that can we use container operation step inside the user decision task.
    SWI1 log as well ( Not setting the variabl)e

    check if in the workflow definition you mention if this step should be shown in the log or not. Also make sure using the technical details option in the workflow log that indeed the container operation was executed or not.
    If everything seems correct, but still in execution it skips something, then your workflow definition might be corrupt, either fix it by deleting the step in development, saving it and then recreating it. Or if it was corrupted after transport you could try your luck with function module SWD_REPLICATE_FROM_9999.
    Kind regards, Rob Dielemans

  • Solutions for User Decision step- Upon reject, auto-popup text for reason

    Execute user Decision workitem, when user click reject button, open text for rejection reason within the workitem.
    Ideally, for the auto-pop text , we need a descriptive header and user can enter reject reason. Text must be added before the workitem can be saved.
    Any thoughts.
    Thanks a lot.

    yes, on the SOFM.Create-Task use a dataflow from the WIOBJECT_ID => (append table) ADHOCOBJECTS
    This will popuplate this rejection to the hyperlink-section of the workflow.
    You may also activate the outcome-even "user-cancelled" in the workflow definition (or by copying the coding to your own method that could do it) and loop around back to the user decision if he cancels the document create (which I found out is sometimes a problem for the users).
    I also have made the experience that it is quite the same effort and more convenient if you design a complete user-driven screen. Then you have full control of that issue. I always use a small dialog box with a textEdit-Control where the users have to enter their rejection reason.
    I then create my own ZWFNOTE-Object and append this to the ADHOCOBJECT. This usually works very fine.
    with kind regards,

  • Use Multiline Container Element in User Decision

    Hi Gurus,
        I have a Multiline Container in my User Decision Task. I am able to pull the data in a Standard Text to the Multi Line Container Element if type RSTXT-TXLINE. But how do I display the total data in all the lines in that element to the User Decision Workitem Text.
    Thanx & regards,

    You cannot insert all the table entries in the Decision step workitem Text. it wont allow you to display, one of the possible ways to fix it is please check this [blog|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/weblogs;jsessionid=(J2EE3417500)ID1574174750DB11406479040085832269End?blog=/pub/wlg/15666]

  • User decision step prob

    In my workflow user decision step have 2 approvers.
    if one of the approver opening the work item ,remaining approvers relevent work item(User decision) deleted from sap inbox.
    i want to keep all approvers work items  alive upto getting decision from any one.
    Please suggest me in  this
    Thanks and Regards,
    Ragavendran K.

    It is  possible by doing the following
    create a multiline element for the approvers.
    you use this element in a simple subflow where you pass on the mutliine element in the Miscellaneous  tab.
    Now for every record in the container 1 workflow is started.
    Your workflow should have a fork 1:2
    in one branche the user decision and after the user decision a create event step.
    And in the other branch a wait for event step.
    Now only when a UD is executed an event gets triggered,m which should terminate all of the workflows.
    Kind regards, Rob Dielemans

  • EP7 - decision tasks and comments

    I've to implement a user decision task, but where it schould be possible to enter a comment regarding the decision.
    The standard-decision task doesn't support this functionality - isn't it?
    Does anybody solved such a problem?
    Thank you for any hints!
    Kind regards!

    Hi Paramita,
    Ok well you are on the right release but please do check your support pack for portal and your ECC system as well.  You need to be on at least SP8 for both
    Because then the answer is simple - just use the User Decision Handler option - User Decision with Note in the UWL config.
    You'll find the description in the NW04s UWL configuration guide
    Look in Universal Worklist Configuration > Advanced Configuration > Task Launch Customization > Action Handlers > User Decision Handler
    for samples and explanations of how to do this.
    Also do search the forum for posts on user decisions as this topic has come up before.

  • Container variables in User decision Step in BPM

    I am using User decision Step in BPM.
    When i use only text in "Title for Display" the BPM is activated successfully and Status in SXI_CACHE also shows 0.
    If I use container variables in "Title for Display" the BPM is activated successfully but status in SXI_CACHE shows 99.
    It shows the below error
    "Problem updating an integration process with object ID 073AF2C620F43E839B2903344DEE29BB. Symbol 'CE/KO' expected at position 1 in expression ''
    Please suggest.

    Hi Shabari, did you follow the steps for declaration of variables as in [SAP help for user decisions|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nwpi71/helpdata/en/42/c2a19fb4511d65e10000000a1553f6/content.htm]? How did you define your variable?
    Maybe discussion [in this thread|BPM activation Error in SXI_cache; can help, it is unanswered though.
    Regards, Martin

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