Help with multiple js on 1 page

Hi guys im tryin to run a slider js and a also a light box js on the same page but only one of them works- which ever is on top can someone please tell me hoew to overcome this? Its driving me nuts
Here is the code.
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/smart-gallery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/prototype.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/lightbox.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/lightbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <link href="/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">
    <link href="/css/print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/smart-gallery.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-0" />
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="cache" />
    <meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
    <meta name="keywords" content="enter keywords" />
    <meta name="description" content="Quality kitchens, joinery , furniture and much much more" />
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <title>Native Timber Joinery -</title>
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
       $('#smart-gallery').gallery({ imagedisplaytime: 8000,
   stickthumbnails: true, random: true

The problem with using multiple javascript frameworks on on page is that each framework modifies how javascript works and this leads to incompatibility problems between the scripts. The simplest way to fix this is only to use one framework, alternatively check the documentation for the frameworks as there is often a snippet of code that one can use to stop the framework from modifying the browsers native javascript interpreter.
You must include the snippet for each js framework.

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    I think what Grizzzzzzzzzz means is the following:
        <mx:HTTPService id="serviceOne"
            url="here goes url"
        <mx:HTTPService id="serviceTwo"
            url="here goes url"
        <mx:HTTPService id="serviceThree"
            url="here goes url"
         // Result handler 1
         private function resultHandler1(event:ResultEvent):void{
              //Here do something with the results
             xmlCollection = event.result as XML;
             //then call the next service
          // Result handler 2
          private function resultHandler2(event:ResultEvent):void{
              //Here do something with the results
             xmlCollection = event.result as XML;
             //then call the next service
    I hope this helps,

  • CSS problems in CS4 with multiple images on a page...

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    Here's my latest issue.(DW CS4)
    I created a blank html page and linked a CSS file to it. I dropped a bunch of images into the body and wrapped them in a div with an id of "thumbnails"
    I clicked on my img tag right below the Design window and clicked the "new css rule" button in the CSS Styles window and gave my images a margin of 40 px.  I clicked "OK" and my changes took effect in the Design window, but when I previewed it in the browser (Firefox and IE) none of the CSS was taking effect, all the images were still crammed together. Same thing for the "Live View" Button, I'm not sure what happened, or why the CSS won't take effect.
    Can somebody help me?
    Thanks all,

    My HTML follows-----
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <link href="../CssFiles/oneColLiqCtrHdr.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <div class="oneColLiqCtrHdr" id="Thumbnails"><img src="../images/Jewelry/Thumbnails/T_Bracelets/Bellarri_ColoredStone_Over10k_1.jpg" width="166" height="150" alt="Bellari" /><img src="../images/Jewelry/Thumbnails/T_Bracelets/CynthiaGregg_Gold_Over5k_1.jpg" width="178" height="150" alt="Cynthia Gregg" />
      <img src="../images/Jewelry/Thumbnails/T_Bracelets/FrankRuebel_BestBracelet_2501_5k_1.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="Frank Ruebel" />
      <img src="../images/Jewelry/Thumbnails/T_Bracelets/Gabriel_BestBracelet_2501_5k_1.jpg" width="156" height="150" alt="Gabriel" />
      <img src="../images/Jewelry/Thumbnails/T_Bracelets/ g" width="178" height="150" alt="Geralyn Sheridan" />
      <img src="../images/Jewelry/Thumbnails/T_Bracelets/Jyes_Legends_Over5k_1.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="Jyes Legends" />
      <img src="../images/Jewelry/Thumbnails/T_Bracelets/Maevona_BestBracelet_5001_10k_1.jpg" width="166" height="150" alt="Maevona" />
      <img src="../images/Jewelry/Thumbnails/T_Bracelets/SalPraschnik_Legends_Over5k_1.jpg" width="208" height="150" alt="Sal Praschnik" />
      <img src="../images/Jewelry/Thumbnails/T_Bracelets/Sara_BestBracelet_Over10k_1.jpg" width="156" height="150" alt="Sara" />
      <img src="../images/Jewelry/Thumbnails/T_Bracelets/Starhaven_Silver_501_1k_1.jpg" width="166" height="150" alt="Starhaven" />
      <img src="../images/Jewelry/Thumbnails/T_Bracelets/SylvaCie_BestBracelet_Over10k_1.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="Sylva Cie" /></div>
    *************CSS FOLLOWS********************
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    ************Thank you****************

  • Help with Flash code in web page

    I have a Flash file in the masthead of my web site that shows
    a slideshow. I want to code the page so that if the viewer doesn't
    have Flashplayer, an alternative jpeg comes up in the masthead
    instead of the file with the flash slideshow. I'm afraid I'm new to
    most of this.... I'd very much appreciate help with the
    Thank you!
    Here's the file:
    (the slide show isn't working at the moment -- a server issue). The
    alternate file I want to put in is:

    I'm sorry to be so dull on this, but I'd appreciate if you
    could tell me specifically which is the embed code (the codes in
    the <head>? What to I change here? I really appreciate your
    Here is what I get when I publish the movie and the open the
    html file:
    <!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
    <html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    // Globals
    // Major version of Flash required
    var requiredMajorVersion = 7;
    // Minor version of Flash required
    var requiredMinorVersion = 0;
    // Revision of Flash required
    var requiredRevision = 0;
    // the version of javascript supported
    var jsVersion = 1.0;
    // -->
    <script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript">
    <!-- // Visual basic helper required to detect Flash
    Player ActiveX control version information
    Function VBGetSwfVer(i)
    on error resume next
    Dim swControl, swVersion
    swVersion = 0
    set swControl =
    CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + CStr(i))
    if (IsObject(swControl)) then
    swVersion = swControl.GetVariable("$version")
    end if
    VBGetSwfVer = swVersion
    End Function
    // -->
    <script language="JavaScript1.1"
    <!-- // Detect Client Browser type
    var isIE = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) ?
    true : false;
    var isWin =
    (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") != -1) ? true :
    var isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) ?
    true : false;
    jsVersion = 1.1;
    // JavaScript helper required to detect Flash Player PlugIn
    version information
    function JSGetSwfVer(i){
    // NS/Opera version >= 3 check for Flash plugin in plugin
    if (navigator.plugins != null &&
    navigator.plugins.length > 0) {
    if (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] ||
    navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]) {
    var swVer2 = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] ? "
    2.0" : "";
    var flashDescription = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash" +
    descArray = flashDescription.split(" ");
    tempArrayMajor = descArray[2].split(".");
    versionMajor = tempArrayMajor[0];
    versionMinor = tempArrayMajor[1];
    if ( descArray[3] != "" ) {
    tempArrayMinor = descArray[3].split("r");
    } else {
    tempArrayMinor = descArray[4].split("r");
    versionRevision = tempArrayMinor[1] > 0 ?
    tempArrayMinor[1] : 0;
    flashVer = versionMajor + "." + versionMinor + "." +
    } else {
    flashVer = -1;
    // MSN/WebTV 2.6 supports Flash 4
    else if
    (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv/2.6") != -1)
    flashVer = 4;
    // WebTV 2.5 supports Flash 3
    else if
    (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv/2.5") != -1)
    flashVer = 3;
    // older WebTV supports Flash 2
    else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv")
    != -1) flashVer = 2;
    // Can't detect in all other cases
    else {
    flashVer = -1;
    return flashVer;
    // If called with no parameters this function returns a
    floating point value
    // which should be the version of the Flash Player or 0.0
    // ex: Flash Player 7r14 returns 7.14
    // If called with reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision
    returns true if that version or greater is available
    function DetectFlashVer(reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer,
    reqVer = parseFloat(reqMajorVer + "." + reqRevision);
    // loop backwards through the versions until we find the
    newest version
    for (i=25;i>0;i--) {
    if (isIE && isWin && !isOpera) {
    versionStr = VBGetSwfVer(i);
    } else {
    versionStr = JSGetSwfVer(i);
    if (versionStr == -1 ) {
    return false;
    } else if (versionStr != 0) {
    if(isIE && isWin && !isOpera) {
    tempArray = versionStr.split(" ");
    tempString = tempArray[1];
    versionArray = tempString .split(",");
    } else {
    versionArray = versionStr.split(".");
    versionMajor = versionArray[0];
    versionMinor = versionArray[1];
    versionRevision = versionArray[2];
    versionString = versionMajor + "." + versionRevision; //
    7.0r24 == 7.24
    versionNum = parseFloat(versionString);
    // is the major.revision >= requested major.revision AND
    the minor version >= requested minor
    if ( (versionMajor > reqMajorVer) && (versionNum
    >= reqVer) ) {
    return true;
    } else {
    return ((versionNum >= reqVer && versionMinor
    >= reqMinorVer) ? true : false );
    return (reqVer ? false : 0.0);
    // -->
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <!--url's used in the movie-->
    <!--text used in the movie-->
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    var hasRightVersion = DetectFlashVer(requiredMajorVersion,
    requiredMinorVersion, requiredRevision);
    if(hasRightVersion) { // if we've detected an acceptable
    var oeTags = '<object
    + 'width="780" height="444"'
    + 'codebase="">'
    + '<param name="movie" value="main_slideshow_philly.swf"
    /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param
    name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />'
    + '<embed src="main_slideshow_philly.swf" quality="high"
    bgcolor="#ffffff" '
    + 'width="780" height="444" name="main_slideshow_philly"
    + 'play="true"'
    + 'loop="false"'
    + 'quality="high"'
    + 'allowScriptAccess="sameDomain"'
    + 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'
    + 'pluginspage="">'
    + '<\/embed>'
    + '<\/object>';
    document.write(oeTags); // embed the flash movie
    } else { // flash is too old or we can't detect the plugin
    var alternateContent = 'alternate.giv';
    document.write(alternateContent); // insert non-flash
    // -->
    // Provide alternate content for browsers that do not
    support scripting
    // or for those that have scripting disabled.
    Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This content
    requires the Macromedia Flash Player.
    <a href="">Get
    Here is my existing code in my home page:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <title>EWGA Greater Philadelphia Executive Women's Golf
    <style type="text/css">
    @import url("/ewgacss.css");
    <script src="Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js"
    <style type="text/css" media="screen">
    @import url("p7tbm/p7tbm_center_08.css");
    <script type="text/javascript"
    some other stuff goes in here!!
    <script type="text/javascript">
    AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,28,0','wid th','780','height','444','title','EWGA
    Philadelphia','src','/main_slideshow_philly','quality','high','pluginspage','','movi e','/main_slideshow_philly'
    ); //end AC code
    classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,28,0"
    width="780" height="444" title="EWGA Greater Philadelphia">
    <param name="movie" value="/main_slideshow_philly.swf"
    <param name="quality" value="high" />
    <embed src="/main_slideshow_philly.swf" quality="high"
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="780"

  • Help with multiple contacts with multiple phone numbers

    I'm fairly new to the iPhone so thanks in advance for any help with this issue.
    I have contact list with records for a lot of people (300+), each with several phone numbers each, home, mobile & work, etc, .I can't seem to find a way to have the iPhone announce the name & number or name & type (home,mobile,work) of the caller from the contact list, my old cell phone could do that easily.
    At the moment what I've been doing as a work around for a few (important) people is to create a custom ringtone for that caller & that phone number.  Since it also seems there's no way to attach a different ringtones to each number in a single contact record I've had to create multiple contact records for each person, each with a different name/number combination such as "John Doe Work", "John Doe Home" or John Doe Mobile" then assign to it the custom ringtone I created for that name/number. 
    I need to this so that if I receive a call while I'm driving (or whatever) that I can't answer right then for some reason (often happens),  the ringtone I created for that name & number helpfully lets me know  who & where their calling from.  It's very important to know where someone is calling from, if someone's calling from home then I know I've got some time,  but if their calling from work then I need to get back to them quickly.
    This is a real pain!, having to make multiple contacts & ringtones for a every person with multiple numbers is a extraordinary waste of time.  My old cell phone could do this with no problem but there doesn't seem to be any way to do this with my new iphone.  Am I missing something here?  I am new to the iPhone so if there’s a solution to this that I’ve missed I'd very much appreciate the assistance.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Help With Multiple Schemas In Multiple Environments

    Dear Oracle Forum:
    We have a bit of controversy around the office and I was hoping we could get some expert input to get us on the right track.
    For the purposes of this discussion, we have two machines, development and production. Currently, on each machine, we have one database with multiple schemas, say, one for sales data and another for inventory. The sales data has maybe 200 tables and the inventory has another 50. About 12 times a year, once a month, we have a release and move code from dev to prod. The database is accessed by several hundred Pro*C and Pro*Cobol programs for online transaction processing.
    The problem comes up when we need to have multiple development environments. If I need to work on something for May that requires the customer address field to be 50 characters and somebody else is working on something for July that requires the customer address field to be 100 characters, we can’t both function in the same schema. We have a method of configuring running programs to attach to a given schema/database. Currently, everything connects to the same place. We were told that we should not have the programs running as the owners of the schemas for some reason so we set up additional users. The SALES schema is accessed with the connect string: SALES_USER/[email protected]. (I don’t know where we got dot world from but that is not the current discussion.)
    One of the guys said that we should have 12 copies of the database running, which is kind of painful to think about in my opinion. Oracle is not a lightweight product and there are any number of ancillary processes that would have to be duplicated 12 times.
    My recommendation is that we have 12 schemas each for sales and inventory with 12 users each to access them. We would have something like JAN_SALES_USER, FEB_SALES_USER, etc. Each user would have synonyms set up for each of the tables it is interested in. When my program connects as MAY_SALES_USER, I could select from the customer table and I would get my 50 character address field. When the other user connects as JUL_SALES_USER, he would get his 100 character address field. Both of us would not know anything different.
    Another idea that came up is to have a logon trigger that would set the current schema for that user to the appropriate base schema. When JUL_SALES_USER logs in, the current schema would be set to JUL_SALES, etc. This would simplify things by allowing us to avoid having something like 2400 synonyms to maintain (which could be automated without too much difficulty) but it would complicate things by requiring a trigger.
    There are probably other ways to go about this we have not considered as yet. Any input you can give will be appreciated.
    /Bob Bryan

    Hans Forbrich wrote:
    I'd rather see you with 12 schemas than with 12 databases. Unless you have lots of CPUs to spare ... and lots of cash to pay for those extra CPU licenses.
    Then again, I'd take it one step further and ask to investigate the base design. There should be little reason to change the schema based on time. Indeed, from what little I know of your app, I'd have to ask whether adding a 'date' column and appropriate views or properly coded SQL statements might simplify things. Interesting. If we were to have one big Customer table with views for each month, how would we handle the case where the May people have to see 50 character address and July have to see a 100 character address field. I guess we could have MAY_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50) and JULY_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(100) and take care to make sure that people connecting as May can only see the May columns, etc. This is simpler than multiple schemas?
    I may have overly simplified things in my effort to get something down that would not require too much explanation. The big thing is that multiple people are doing development and they have to be independent of each other. If we were to drop a column for July, the May people will have trouble compiling if we don’t keep things separate. It is not a case of making the data available. The data in development is something we cook up to allow us to test. The other part is the code we compile now will be released to production one of these times. In production, there is only a need for one database.
    We are moving from another database product where multiple databases are effectively different sets of files. We have lots of disk space so multiple databases were no problem. Oracle is such a powerful product; I can’t believe there is not some way to set up something similar.

  • Help with multiple case statements

    I am new to BO.  I am on XI 3.0.  SQL 2005.  In Designer, I am trying to create a measure in a financial universe that would end up being multiple case statements within one select.  This is what I tried to do, but it doesn't work with the two case statements.  Can I use an ELSE leading into the second CASE WHEN somehow?  How can I accomplish this?  Sorry for my ignorance!
    CASE WHEN dbo.ClientBudgetYear.DateStage1Approved > 01/01/1900 AND dbo.ClientBudgetMonth.Month = 12 THEN dbo.ClientBudgetMonth.Stage1Sales END
    CASE WHEN  dbo.ClientBudgetYear.DateStage1Approved > 01/01/1900 AND dbo.ClientBudgetMonth.Month = 11 THEN dbo.ClientBudgetMonth.Stage1Sales END
    Any Suggestions?

    I don't know enough about your data or requirement to provide a solution, however, the construct that you post will not work because it causes you to build an object with multiple case statements when only one case statement per object is permitted.  From what I see in your code I would be inclined to combine the two statements into one as such:
    CASE WHEN dbo.ClientBudgetYear.DateStage1Approved > 01/01/1900 AND dbo.ClientBudgetMonth.Month in (11,12) THEN dbo.ClientBudgetMonth.Stage1Sales else null END

  • Help with multiple nat translation on a Cisco Nexus 3548

    Hi All,
    I need a little help with a NAT configuration on a cisco Nexus 3548 version 6.0(2)A4(3).
    What currently have is as follows:
    internal network:
    nexus router (routerA):
      LAN Side: vlan104 interface
      WAN Side: Eth1/48 interface
      remote network:
      remote gateway:
    use ACL's to ensure that only specific traffic is allowed out and in.
    allow a specific connection from a different internal network ( to talk to port
    Clients on the internal network, need to be able to connect to services (port 14002, port 8101) running on, but they must be SNAT'ed through the WAN interface as coming from
    Currently we have this working but the internal lan clients need to know how to get to and therefore we need to route this network in our internal network.
    What we really want is to do is provide an address such as for internal clients to use for connectivity to the various services, and then this address would be SNAT'ed to over the WAN. We still want to secure the traffic in both directions.
    In the past i've been able to do this with inside and outside nat's and i haven't had to configure an interface on the router for the internal address, it has just been "stood up" by the nat rules. For example (this is how i've done it before):
    LAN interface
    ip nat outside
    WAN interface
    ip nat inside
    ip nat inside source static159.43.65.81
    ip nat outside source static
    but, trying to implement this sort of config on the Nexus isn't working.
    I am wondering if the Nexus behaves differently than ios based routers.
    I'd appreciate any help to get this config working.
    Thanks in advance,

    The issue with an "ip nat outside ..." static is that from the inside routing is done before NAT.
    So what happens is that the destination IP is and the Nexus will do a route lookup, see it is directly connected so it won't forward the packet to the outside interface so it doesn't get translated.
    If you enter "ip nat outside source static" then on IOS it adds a host specific route to the routing table for as directly connected.
    So you do a ping from a 192.168.3.x client  it looks like it is working but actually the L3 device is simply responding and the packet never gets to the server.
    Apologies for the long winded explanation but NXOS might behave differently and I wanted you to know what to look for.
    So with IOS there is the "add-route" option at the end of the NAT statement and if you use this it would add a host specific route into the routing table like this -
    this is a recursive route ie. the device must know how to get to but your Nexus should.
    What the above does is make sure any packets arriving at the Nexus for get routed to the outside interface and so are translated.
    So firstly see if that option is available with your NAT statement ie.
    "ip nat outside source static add-route"
    if it isn't then try adding just the static statement without it and then have a look at the routing table. If it hasn't put in a host specific route showing as directly connected which it may not, as it may behave differently, then you can manually add a route ie. <next hop IP>
    note that the next hop IP doesn't have to be the server here it could just be the next hop from the Nexus switch. All you are trying to do is get the packet routed to the outside interface.
    Hope that makes sense.
    Edit - one thing I haven't tried is to use a different IP subnet for NAT ie. one that is still part of your internal range but unused and then having a route on the Nexus, in your case, pointing to the outside interface and you redistribute this subnet into your IGP. Then you add the NAT statement.
    What may happen is it still adds a host specific route showing as directly connected but it may not because the Nexus wouldn't actually have a directly connected interface for that subnet.
    I suspect it would though.
    If it did work then it would still mean you didn't need to advertise the public IP internally.
    If I get the chance I'll test it later today.

  • Help With Multiple Class Objects With Methods

    I am dealing with multiple classes. I am wondering why I am getting an error on this line it's by the bottom
              obj1.array() = newArray[i];
    It gives the array out of bounds. On another note I believe I can change obj1 to just like incomingArray if I wanted correct since it's just a reference because I should be able to do this method sort on any array.
    method : selSort
    input - none
    output - void
    This is where we sort the arary
    Pseudocode Code:
    1 Initialize variable oldlocation to hold spot of smallest number in original array
    2 Initialize variable smallnumber to store smallest number in original array
    3 Initialize new integer array
    4 Set new array length to length of original array
    5 Initialize variable length to store lengh of new array
    6 For i = 0 and continue till i < new array length
    6.1 Find smallest number in original array
    6.2 Put the smallest number in new array
    6.3 Remove smallest number from original array
    7 Copy contents of new array that is sorted to original array
    Basic concept is to repetitively find the smallest
    (or largest) item in the original array. Once smallest
    is found, move it to the next spot in a new array and
    remove it from the old array.
    public void selSort ()
         int oldlocation = 0;
         int smallnumber = 0;
         int [] newArray = obj1.array();
         newArray = new int [obj1.length()];
         int length = newArray.length;
         for (int i = 0; i < newArray.length; i++)
    //          System.out.println("Test 1");
              newArray[i] = obj1.sortSmall();
    //          System.out.println("Test 2");
              smallnumber = obj1.sortSmall();
    //          System.out.println("This is the smallest number " + smallnumber);
              oldlocation = obj1.location(smallnumber);
    //          System.out.println("This is the old location " + oldlocation);
    //          System.out.println("Test 3");
    //          System.out.println("Test 4");
         System.out.println("The sorted array looks like");
         for (int k = 0; k < newArray.length; k++)
              System.out.print(newArray[k] + " ");
         for (int i = 0; i < newArray.length; i++)
              obj1.array()[i] = newArray[i];

    method : selSort
    input - none
    output - void
    This is where we sort the arary
    Pseudocode Code:
    1 Initialize variable oldlocation to hold spot of smallest number in original array
    2 Initialize variable smallnumber to store smallest number in original array
    3 Initialize new integer array
    4 Set new array length to length of original array
    5 Initialize variable length to store lengh of new array
    6 For i = 0 and continue till i < new array length
    6.1 Find smallest number in original array
    6.2 Put the smallest number in new array
    6.3 Remove smallest number from original array
    7 Copy contents of new array that is sorted to original array
    Basic concept is to repetitively find the smallest
    (or largest) item in the original array. Once smallest
    is found, move it to the next spot in a new array and
    remove it from the old array.
    public void selSort ()
         int oldlocation = 0;
         int smallnumber = 0;
         int [] newArray = obj1.array();
         newArray = new int [obj1.length()];
         int length = newArray.length;
         for (int i = 0; i < newArray.length; i++)
    //          System.out.println("Test 1");
              newArray[i] = obj1.sortSmall();
    //          System.out.println("Test 2");
              smallnumber = obj1.sortSmall();
    //          System.out.println("This is the smallest number " + smallnumber);
              oldlocation = obj1.location(smallnumber);
    //          System.out.println("This is the old location " + oldlocation);
    //          System.out.println("Test 3");
    //          System.out.println("Test 4");
         System.out.println("The sorted array looks like");
         for (int k = 0; k < newArray.length; k++)
              System.out.print(newArray[k] + " ");
         for (int i = 0; i < newArray.length; i++)
              obj1.array() = newArray[i];

  • Need help with multiple accounts

    I forgot my original password for my itunes account.  Stupidly, i set up another one.  Now I can't play my songs from my original account because I hace to put in that password.  Tried reseting the password, but the email address from that account has been deactivated, so when it says" will sennd to email address on file, I can't retrive the email to rest the password.  Is there a way to merge both accounts?

    No.  You cannot merge the accounts.  Sorry.
    You can try contacting itunes support for help with your password.


    please please... it wont let me transfer songs from this 2nd computer to the ipod... PLEASE... i already set it to manual and it still wont work!

    See this.
    Using iPod with multiple computers.
    If you don't understand how manual transfer works, see this also.
    Manual transfer.

  • Help with multiple page report

    I am trying to build a report to generate a certain way, but I can't seem to get it to work. What I am trying to do is build a report that generates over several pages and it deals with boards and associated schools. So the first page of the report will be the board details, this might be more then one page but it must be separated from the school details, so when the board details end there will be a page break. Then the school details will begin with each school being separated be a page break as well. The problem I am having is that all of the board details are printing in a row and then the school details begin, but I want it to behave in such a way that one board's detail will print followed by all of the associated school details, then the next board's details will print followed by its school details, and so on. So it would be like the full report printing, then starting again with a change in board, and having a page break after every school.
    There is also one other issue, the report has many details so I am having some trouble fitting in onto one page, so I am trying to do board details on one page in the design and school on the other, but I keep getting the error 'object not enclosed in its enclosing object body'.
    Does this make sense, any ideas?

    The queries can be separate, but what happens now is that all of the boards will list in a row from the header and then all of the school will list, what I was hoping to do is list one board then all of the associated schools below that, the list the next board and all of its schools, and so on.

  • Help with multiple iphones on 1 itunes!

    Hello. I just backed up my iphone onto my itunes and I was going to back up my moms as well, but it was trying to sync her phone, and all my info as well. How can we have 2 or three different iphones on the same itunes?! HELP!

    The problem with using multiple javascript frameworks on on page is that each framework modifies how javascript works and this leads to incompatibility problems between the scripts. The simplest way to fix this is only to use one framework, alternatively check the documentation for the frameworks as there is often a snippet of code that one can use to stop the framework from modifying the browsers native javascript interpreter.
    You must include the snippet for each js framework.

  • Help with multiple table joins

    I'm trying to limit the results of a query joining multiple tables. I have a main table, tbl_webrequests, and multiple tables with supporting information. The unique column for tbl_webrequests is reqID. There is another table, tbl_instructions, that holds all the instructions tied to each request. I join the tables using reqID.
    I'm trying to construct a page that has all of the records in tbl_webrequests. The problem I'm having is that with each request that has multiple instructions, I have multiple results because of the multiple instructions for one reqID. For now, all I want is the original instruction to display. Below is the original query, and below that is what I'm trying to get the query to do for each record in tbl_webrequest. Note that 319 is a random uniqueID in tbl_webrequests.
    DISTINCT W.reqID, W.dt_close, W.dt_due, W.subject, W.statusid, W.empID, W.priorityid, W.assigneeid, W.categoryid, W.url, W.hrs,
    W.closingNotes, W.mins, W.requestTypeID, I.instructions, I.instID
    from tbl_webrequests W left join
    (select reqID, instID, instructions from tbl_instructions) I on W.reqID = I.reqID
    ORDER BY I.instID asc;
    distinct I.instructions, I.instID, W.reqID, W.dt_close, W.dt_due, W.subject, W.statusid, W.empID, W.priorityid, W.assigneeid, W.categoryid, W.url, W.hrs,
    W.closingNotes, W.mins, W.requestTypeID
    from tbl_webrequests W left join
    (select reqID, instID, instructions from tbl_instructions where rowNum = 1 and reqid = 319 order by instID asc) I on W.reqID = I.reqID
    where W.reqID = 319
    ORDER BY I.instID asc;
    My question is, how do I pass the reqID as a variable into the join subquery so that the query returns only returns the first joined item in tbl_instructions for each record in tbl_webrequests?
    Any help is appreciated

    Scrap the "DISTINCT" and try something like this:
           I.Instructions, I.Instid
         , W.Reqid, W.Dt_Close, W.Dt_Due, W.Subject, W.Statusid, W.Empid, W.Priorityid
         , W.Assigneeid, W.Categoryid, W.Url, W.Hrs, W.Closingnotes, W.Mins, W.Requesttypeid
      From Tbl_Webrequests W Left Join
         ( Select Reqid, Instid, Instructions
             From Tbl_Instructions I0
            Where Instid = (Select Min(Instid) From Tbl_Instructions I1
                             Where I1.Reqid = I0.Reqid)
         ) I On W.Reqid = I.Reqid
    Where W.Reqid = 319
    Order By I.Instid Asc;;)

  • Help with multiple parameter search recordset

    I have a mysql table being searched by two fields City and
    using dreamweaver, I have set up a form with a text field as
    city and a list as state and I have them being passed with the get
    The problem is on the results page, I have a recordset SELECT
    * FROM table name. What do I do with the WHERE, I have tried
    multiple configurations, and I can't get anything to work. I only
    want to search by two fields, city and state. The state has to
    match, but if the city is left blank, I still want to filter by
    Can somebody help me or point me in the right direction,

    SaigonJeff wrote:
    > Oops... sorry!
    > I'm using PHP / MySQL
    > PHP 4.3.4
    > MySQL 4.1
    > Thanks for the help...
    I was going to suggest a Stored Procedure approach, as that
    is how I
    always approach filtering, but I use MS SQL, and I don't know
    if/how to
    do it in MySQL.
    The first part is fairly easy:
    SELECT *
    FROM yourTable
    WHERE Column1 = MMColParam OR Column2 = MMColParam OR Column3
    = MMColParam
    Obviously this will match the entire value of MMColParam to
    the entire
    value of any 3 of the columns. If you want to latch the value
    MMColParam to any part of the columns contents, you need to
    do this:
    SELECT *
    FROM yourTable
    WHERE Column1 LIKE '%' + MMColParam + '%' OR Column2 LIKE '%'
    MMColParam + '%' OR Column3 LIKE '%' + MMColParam + '%'
    This doesn't include the filter. How do you want to the
    filter to work?

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