How's this for service?

I am overwhelmed by this one.
I've been having the starting problems often talked about in these discussions with my 2.0 Core Duo MacBook. (i.e. Won't wake from sleep, random re-booting, abundant frustration...) and last night it plain stopped booting up. And, right before it seemed to commit suicide, I inserted my OSX install disc 1. Oh boy.
So, today I took it to the Apple Store under warranty at 12:00. They agreed it was D.O.A. (Boots to solid white light, no further) and I left it in their good hands for 5-10 working days.
They just called at 2:30 (2.5 hours after drop-off) and said that it lives and can be picked up. They replaced: Board, Logic, 2 GHz, with Heatsink. And to top it off, my information is all in tact.
I love those guys!!

Congratulations. That can be a very frightening situation and I'm really glad my Rev. A hasn't had any major problems like that. Still backing up though, just in case .

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  • How's this for a first attempt? Looking for feedback.

    I previously created a database in MS Excel for my Son's business.  It was "normalized" with lots of Application.Vlookup... commands building Listviews.  Everything was working fine until I upgraded my Office 2003 to Office 2010. 
    Since I got the 64-bit version of Office I can no longer use Treeview or Listview controls in Office forms.  Office will not allow both versions to be on the same computer.  So, I figured I'd convert the whole thing over to VB.NET.
    Anyway, I'm part of the way done with converting ONE of my userforms to VB.Net and I wanted to see if I was headed in the write direction or if I am moving toward a train wreck.
    I started with the Customers form because the table it connects too doesn't have any foreign keys.  The difficulties I ran into along the way were:
    trying to learn how to navigate through a dataset (used to be easy with the Recordset)
    Virtually all the references I found teach you to use the Wizard to connect to a database then drop it into a grid control.
    trying to populate the treeview control without being able to use "Keys".  This was an incredible nightmare.
    There were many other small hurdles along the way
    Oddly enough one of the most helpful books I found was for learning VB.NET 2005.  It was old enough so that the author made comparisons of .NET to VB6, highlighting the functionality lost with .NET.  Don't get me wrong, he wasn't bashing .NET but
    his book was where I discovered that the Treeview no longer uses "Keys".  I'm dreading the Listview struggle yet to come. </End Whining>
    Here is the form.  As it stands right now, the treeview on the left gets populated, when the user clicks on a node, the textboxes on the right are populated.
    Below is the Code I've written so far.
    Public Class frmCustomers
    Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
    Dim ds As New DataSet
    Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
    Dim inc As Integer
    Dim dbProvider As String
    Dim dbSource As String
    Dim sql As String
    Private Sub frmcustomers_load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    dbProvider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;"
    dbSource = "Data Source = E:\TW DB Development\TWDB.accdb"
    con.ConnectionString = dbProvider & dbSource
    sql = "SELECT * FROM Customers ORDER BY Customer_Name"
    da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, con)
    da.Fill(ds, "Customer_List")
    End Sub
    Private Sub PopulateTreeview()
    Dim objLetterNode As TreeNode
    Dim objFirstNameNode As TreeNode
    Dim objCustomerTable As DataTable
    Dim iLastRecord As Integer
    Dim iRecordCount As Integer
    Dim sCustomerFullName As String
    Dim sCurrentAlpha As String
    Dim sCurrentFirstName As String
    Dim sNewAlpha As String
    Dim sNewFirstName As String
    objCustomerTable = ds.Tables("Customer_List")
    iLastRecord = objCustomerTable.Rows.Count - 1
    iRecordCount = 0
    ' Get Fullname, Firstname, and First Letter for first row of table
    sCustomerFullName = objCustomerTable.Rows(iRecordCount).Item("Customer_Name")
    sCurrentAlpha = FirstLetter(sCustomerFullName)
    sCurrentFirstName = GetFirstName(sCustomerFullName)
    ' Create Nodes for first letter, first name
    With tv.Nodes
    objLetterNode = .Add(sCurrentAlpha)
    With objLetterNode.Nodes
    objFirstNameNode = .Add(sCurrentFirstName)
    With objFirstNameNode.Nodes
    End With
    End With
    End With
    ' Process remainder of table
    For iRecordCount = 1 To iLastRecord
    With tv.Nodes
    sCustomerFullName = objCustomerTable.Rows(iRecordCount).Item("Customer_Name")
    sNewAlpha = FirstLetter(sCustomerFullName)
    sNewFirstName = GetFirstName(sCustomerFullName)
    ' Is first letter the same
    If sNewAlpha = sCurrentAlpha Then
    ' Is first name the same
    With objLetterNode.Nodes
    If sNewFirstName = sCurrentFirstName Then
    With objFirstNameNode.Nodes
    End With
    ' first name changed
    With objLetterNode.Nodes
    objFirstNameNode = .Add(sNewFirstName)
    With objFirstNameNode.Nodes
    End With
    End With
    sCurrentFirstName = sNewFirstName
    End If
    End With
    ' first letter changed, therefore so did first name
    objLetterNode = .Add(sNewAlpha)
    sCurrentAlpha = sNewAlpha
    With objLetterNode.Nodes
    objFirstNameNode = .Add(sNewFirstName)
    sCurrentFirstName = sNewFirstName
    With objFirstNameNode.Nodes
    End With
    End With
    End If
    End With
    Next iRecordCount
    End Sub
    Private Function FirstLetter(str As String)
    ' Returns first letter of first name
    FirstLetter = Strings.Left(str, 1)
    End Function
    Private Function GetFirstName(str As String)
    ' Returns text before first space in fullname as First name
    GetFirstName = Strings.Left(str, Strings.InStr(str, " ") - 1)
    End Function
    Private Sub DisplayRow(r As DataRow)
    txtCustomerName.Text = r.Item("Customer_Name")
    txtAddressLine1.Text = r.Item("Address_Line_1")
    txtAddressLine2.Text = "" & r.Item("Address_Line_2")
    txtAddressLine3.Text = "" & r.Item("Address_Line_3")
    txtCountry.Text = "" & r.Item("Country")
    txtCity.Text = "" & r.Item("City")
    txtState.Text = "" & r.Item("Region")
    txtPostalCode.Text = "" & r.Item("Postal_Code")
    txtCustomerEmail.Text = "" & r.Item("email_Address")
    txtCustomerPhone.Text = "" & r.Item("Phone_Number")
    txtCustomerComments.Text = "" & r.Item("Comments")
    txtCustomerID.Text = r.Item("Customer_ID")
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button7_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub tv_AfterSelect(sender As Object, e As TreeViewEventArgs) Handles tv.AfterSelect
    Dim sNodeText As String
    Dim table As DataTable = ds.Tables("Customer_List")
    Dim dr As DataRow()
    sNodeText = tv.SelectedNode.Text
    dr = table.Select("Customer_Name = '" & sNodeText & "'")
    If dr.Length > 0 Then
    End If
    End Sub
    End Class
    Previously I could populate the treeview in whatever random order the records were in the table.  With the new treeview I had to devise a way to add, Letters, First Names, and Full Names all in sorted order.

    Thanks :).
    This is essentially a "local" database as only one person will access it at a time.  We are placing the file in an area where it can accessed from more than one computer, but never more than one at a time.
    To be honest I would use SQL Express (mainly to bring myself into the 21st century) if I wasn't already finding VB.NET so frustrating.
    I thought that I’d "give you a taste" of this alternate. It’s a long route, but you might want to consider it because
    everything you do is very much tailored to what you want it to do. As it stands right now, it’s very simple - too much so - but this might give you food for thought.
    If you want to pursue it, I’m happy to help.
    I set up the beginnings of a namespace that I’m calling “Ken”. The main class in that namespace is a class named “CustomerInfo”.
    It needs a LOT of embellishing, including the ability to disallow duplicate entries (we’d need to discuss just how it should detect a duplicate entry – it’s not as straightforward as you might think) and other things, but it’s a start and it’ll do ok for this
    Before I get started here, I have the project folder zipped up and uploaded for you. I hope you’ll download it and take a look
    at the code that it’s that namespace.
    I have that
    to my website here.
    You’ll see that it’s about 700 lines of code so far and I’d venture to say that by the time we finished, it would be many THOUSANDS
    of lines of code. I bring this up because I want to emphasize that it’s a lot of work - but - it would be all customized to do what you want and it would be reusable by simply adding the namespace into another program.
    All of this is based around your screenshot from a few days ago:
    I only have, so far, the ability to “Add” via a method in the main class named “AddNewCustomer” which is overloaded; that is,
    there are several implementations of it, varying in the parameters used. I’ll demonstrate some of them in the examples that follow shortly.
    When you open the project in Visual Studio you’ll be asked to convert it because I use a much older version than you have. Just
    follow the prompts and it should convert fine. Once that’s done, it should open to the code view of Form1:
    Option Strict On
    Option Explicit On
    Option Infer Off
    Public Class Form1
    Private customerList As New List(Of Ken.CustomerInfo)
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
    Handles MyBase.Load
    ' Example01()
    ' Example02()
    ' Example03()
    ' Example04()
    ' Example05a()
    ' Example05b()
    ' Example05c()
    End Sub
    End Class
    Hey, where are those subs??
    Actually I broke Form1 apart so that I could show you the start of it above, and I have the subs mentioned in a Partial Class
    Form1 (partial just means that it will compile as all one). I’ll step through each sub below and explain what it’s demonstrating:
    I have the “Address” set up somewhat special. I have it so that you can’t have a second address line unless there’s a first
    line and you can’t have a third address line unless there’s both a first AND a second line. I think you agree with that thinking?
    Example01 is a demonstration of just one single line for the address:
    Private Sub Example01()
    Ken.CustomerInfo.AddNewCustomer(customerList, _
    "ABC Hardware Company", _
    "123 Main Street", _
    Ken.CountryName.USA, _
    "Charleston", _
    "South Carolina", _
    "29412", _
    MessageBox.Show(customerList(0).ToString, _
    Catch ex As Exception
    MessageBox.Show("An exception was thrown:" & _
    vbCrLf & vbCrLf & ex.Message, _
    "Program Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _
    End Try
    End Sub
    Notice above that the parameters for the sub give you an idea about how it’s set up. This includes the use of an Enum (enumerator)
    for the country. This may or may not be a good idea, it really just depends on how many countries there could be. I have it currently set up with just three countries. I also have it set up for what I’m regarding “minimum required” – you’ll notice that there’s
    no place for the customer’s e-mail address or a comment. They are there though – set up as options (and I’ll demonstrate that in a bit also).
    Give thought about the countries to include, in particular questions about what the minimum required needs to be.
    For example, currently it REQUIRES a postal code. Do all of the countries you’ll be dealing with always have that? Further,
    the phone number MUST be ten (exactly ten) digits. For other countries maybe it should include the country code? Maybe some of them aren’t digits? I don’t know – but certainly you need to know this even if you stick with the database route.
    At any rate I had to start with some assumptions so that’s what I used.
    Example 2, below, shows using two lines for the address:
    Private Sub Example02()
    Ken.CustomerInfo.AddNewCustomer(customerList, _
    "ABC Hardware Company", _
    "123 Main Street", _
    "Building 'E'", _
    Ken.CountryName.USA, _
    "Charleston", _
    "South Carolina", _
    "29412", _
    MessageBox.Show(customerList(0).ToString, _
    Catch ex As Exception
    MessageBox.Show("An exception was thrown:" & _
    vbCrLf & vbCrLf & ex.Message, _
    "Program Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _
    End Try
    End Sub
    Example 3, below, shows using three lines for the address:
    Private Sub Example03()
    Ken.CustomerInfo.AddNewCustomer(customerList, _
    "ABC Hardware Company", _
    "123 Main Street", _
    "Building 'E'", _
    "Suite 4", _
    Ken.CountryName.USA, _
    "Charleston", _
    "South Carolina", _
    "29412", _
    MessageBox.Show(customerList(0).ToString, _
    Catch ex As Exception
    MessageBox.Show("An exception was thrown:" & _
    vbCrLf & vbCrLf & ex.Message, _
    "Program Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _
    End Try
    End Sub
    If you’re wondering about how all of those textual outputs shown in the MessageBox got formatted like that, look through the
    code of the namespace. Any “work” like that which the class can do, the class
    do – that way it’s replicated when you reuse the class and it’s code that your form’s code doesn’t have to perform.
    Example 4, below, shows adding a comment BUT skipping the option for the e-mail:
    Private Sub Example04()
    Ken.CustomerInfo.AddNewCustomer(customerList, _
    "ABC Hardware Company", _
    "123 Main Street", _
    Ken.CountryName.USA, _
    "Charleston", _
    "South Carolina", _
    "29412", _
    "8138992347", _
    comments:="Customer pays slowly - be careful with credit!")
    MessageBox.Show(customerList(0).ToString, _
    Catch ex As Exception
    MessageBox.Show("An exception was thrown:" & _
    vbCrLf & vbCrLf & ex.Message, _
    "Program Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _
    End Try
    End Sub
    Note the use of “comments:=”
    in the code above. That’s a very handy way of selecting the options that you want and leaving the other options as they default to (all options have to have a default).
    Example 5a, below, shows what happens if the e-mail is used but it’s malformed:
    Private Sub Example05a()
    Ken.CustomerInfo.AddNewCustomer(customerList, _
    "ABC Hardware Company", _
    "123 Main Street", _
    Ken.CountryName.USA, _
    "Charleston", _
    "South Carolina", _
    "29412", _
    "8138992347", _
    MessageBox.Show(customerList(0).ToString, _
    Catch ex As Exception
    MessageBox.Show("An exception was thrown:" & _
    vbCrLf & vbCrLf & ex.Message, _
    "Program Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _
    End Try
    End Sub
    I am a strong advocate of data validation – on any and all levels that it can be done. Look at the code in the namespace to
    see how it was able to detect that what was entered wasn’t in correct format.
    Example 5b, below, shows entering the e-mail correctly:
    Private Sub Example05b()
    Ken.CustomerInfo.AddNewCustomer(customerList, _
    "ABC Hardware Company", _
    "123 Main Street", _
    Ken.CountryName.USA, _
    "Charleston", _
    "South Carolina", _
    "29412", _
    "8138992347", _
    "[email protected]")
    MessageBox.Show(customerList(0).ToString, _
    Catch ex As Exception
    MessageBox.Show("An exception was thrown:" & _
    vbCrLf & vbCrLf & ex.Message, _
    "Program Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _
    End Try
    End Sub
    Lastly, example 5c, below, shows entering both a comment and an e-mail address:
    Private Sub Example05c()
    Ken.CustomerInfo.AddNewCustomer(customerList, _
    "ABC Hardware Company", _
    "123 Main Street", _
    Ken.CountryName.USA, _
    "Charleston", _
    "South Carolina", _
    "29412", _
    "8138992347", _
    "[email protected]", _
    "Customer pays slowly - be careful with credit!")
    MessageBox.Show(customerList(0).ToString, _
    Catch ex As Exception
    MessageBox.Show("An exception was thrown:" & _
    vbCrLf & vbCrLf & ex.Message, _
    "Program Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _
    End Try
    End Sub
    Try it out. Download the project folder, let VS convert it and run it. Try entering something invalid in, for example, characters
    in the phone number, things like that. It needs a lot of improvement, but this might give you an idea of what I mean by “customized to what you want it to be”.
    For instance, your TreeView – have one or more methods in the class to build that and hand you (the consumer of the class) back
    the data to use to be able to quickly generate the TreeView showing anything you want it to show, any way you want it to show it.
    That’s the power of all of this.
    Also do know that “database or classes” isn’t accurate; they’re not mutually exclusive and in fact, most really involved programs
    which use a database back-end have many classes right along with it.
    Food for thought and I hope you found this helpful. :)
    Still lost in code, just at a little higher level.

  • How is this for a PC spec for home video editing?

    OK - we've decided to get the new PC now, focused around decent performance for video editing at home when we do it.   Any feedback on the below would be greatly appreciated.  I've tried to put in my "principles", but as you note I've highlighted some questions around these. 
    * Decent computer for Home Video Editing - so when we do it want it to be reasonable from a performance point of view (not annoying).  Also want assurance for the video data that a single HDD crash won't mean lost data.
    * Hard Drive Configuration - Assume RAID 1 for data
    C: 500GB - Operating System (1 x 500GB)
    D: 500GB - Swap Area for O/S (1 x 500GB)
    E: RAID 1 Redundancy for Data ( 2 x 1TB )
    * 64 bit Windows 7 Pro
    * Questions re Principles
    Is it really worth having a separate drive (D: drive) for Swap?
    Is there any real need to have a drive F: (another one) for exports?  This is non-real time so it shouldn't be an issue should it?
    Any major improvement re moving say the C: drive to SSD? (or not worth the $$)
    SATA II versus SATA III drives? (I've assumed both are ok when picking)
    The Spec
    CPU - Intel Core i7 960 Processor LGA1366 3.2GHz 8MB Cache CPU 
    Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R X58+ICH10R QPI 6.4GT/s DDR3 2000 PCI-Ex16 SATAII SATA3 USB3.0 RAID GLAN ATX
    RAM - Kingston 12GB(3X4G) KIT 1333MHz(PC3-10600)
    Video Card - NVIDIA GTX560 - Gigabyte GTX560 OC 1G GDDR5 PCIE DualLink DVI  [?? matches motherboard / is this overkill ??]
    RAID Card - Adaptec AAR1220SA-SGL SATAII RAID0 1 JBOD/2 PORT/Low Profile/PCIEx1/OEM/No Cables [?? is this ok - seems cheap ??]
    HDD (non-RAID) - 2 x Western Digital 500G RE4 SATAII 7200rpm HDD 64MB Enterprise [?? only SATAII this is ok no??]
    Case - CoolerMaster RC-942-KKN1 HAF X 942 Black No PSU [?? is this overkill - just took someone recommendation here ??]
    Power Supply - Corsair HX-850 ATX Power Supply w 140mm Modular Cables [?? power ok?  again just took a recommendation ??]
    O/S - 64bit - Microsoft Windows 7 Pro 64bit OEM(Microsoft OEM Terms&condition apply)
    Note - I'm looking at the following local site re where to source if this assists:

    Greg (correct me if that's not correct!),
    You're spec. looks like a great start for what you are trying to do. I have a few comments, and also two questions!
    - Spec. generally looks fine
    - I particularly like your case and p/s choices!
    - For a home PC, you may consider bumping up your OS choice to Ultimate, which adds some nice multimedia capabilities
    - Regarding the D drive for swap (and I assume you mean Premiere Pro media cache and media cache database too) will definitely speed up aspects of Premiere Pro, but likely be unnoticeable for other home PC day to day use. Why not build out the system and decide then if you need the extra speed for Premiere Pro - it is so easy to add something like that later.
    - I'd vote no regarding a need for a F output drive for this system
    - Regarding your OS drive... Speed and responsiveness versus cost - what do you choose? This really is a personal choice. I will say that a 2x1TB RAID 0 OS boot array would probably be a bigger step up in performance than a similar priced SSD option and a 2xSSD (60 to 80GB) array will perform better than a single larger SSD.
    - Sata II vs Sata III - I have some of each now, and I would agree with other posters and articles on the Internet that say the often larger cache size on the Sata III models is more important than the Sata III interface. Keep going like you are going, with the assumption that both are OK.
    - finally, your CPU; personnaly, with the new lower cost pricing on the i7-970, I'd suggest you downgrade to a i7-950 and same some money or upgrade to the 32nm 6-core i7-970 CPU and jump to a significantly new level of performance and power per watt
    - what version of Premier Pro will you be running?
    - what will be your workflow (i.e. DV, Sony consumer AVCHD, Canon DSLR, etc.)?

  • Copying of price for Service PO

    Hi Friends,
                        While creating po, price is triggering from last PO. But I don't want to copy from any previous data. I want to copy from PR for Services only for rest of PO's , price has to be fetched from last PO. So how to control for service PO's. What customization I have to do? Please reply...

    Hi you can try this solution
    Purchasing> purchase Order> Define Screen layout at Document Level
    Copy NBF as ZNBF > Details >Under  Administrative data, item  Make Info Update as Display
    Copy NBF as ZNBS>  Details >Under  Administrative data, item  Make Info Update unchecked
         Purchase Order> define Document Type> Create a Separate Doc Type ZSER for Service PO. Suppose ZNB is u r PO doc type of all other purchase
         Assign field selection ZNBF with ZNB. Delete Item Category D from Allowed item category of ZNBF for finer control
         For ZSER (Service Doc type keep only D as allowed item Category. Assign field selection ZNBS with it.
    So You will be able to create all other purchasing except Service by using ZNB doc type and PO price will be updated from previous PO by means of Info Update option. For ZSER doc type you will be able to create only service PO and it will not take the reference of previous PO
    For making PR mandatory for service PO there is no standard option. If ypu have some specific user for making Service PO then you can follow the following route:
    TCODE OMET> Create function auth 15 , Check Ref to  PR
    SU3>PARAMETER> Maintain Parameter ID EFB & Parameter value 15

  • Error message saying this device cannot be used because Apple mobile device service is not started.  What does this mean and how do I start service....had these devices for over a year now??

    When I tried to sync my iphone 4 and ipad in iturnes, an error message popped up saying this device cannot be used because Apple Mobile Device service is not started!  What does that mean and how do I start service?  I've had these devices for over a year and update and sync regularly and have never seen this message before!

    I got that message yesterday. I'm new at this so don't know if this is the correct solution but it worked for me. I reset my iPod by holding the 2 buttons down until the apple appears AND I restarted my computer. After that everything worked.

  • I have sent my iPod back for servicing because it is cracked, with some dispute with Apple I have managed to get a brand new iPod Touch. Just wondering if anyone has had this problem how long did it take from "Replacement Product Pending" to get bck to UK

    I have sent my iPod back for servicing because it is cracked, with some dispute with Apple I have managed to get a brand new iPod Touch. Just wondering if anyone has had this problem how long did it take from "Replacement Product Pending" to get back to the UK

    Not really. Is say "pending"
    Awaiting decision or settlement.
    Until (something) happens or takes place: "they were released on bail pending an appeal".
    pendent - undecided - unsettled - outstanding - pendant
    during - until - till - to

  • My MacBook Pro 17" was stolen. How do I communicate to you that this particular computer was stolen incase someone brings it in for service or updates?  Thanks, Morris

    My MacBook Pro 17" was stolen on Feb. 22, 2012:  Model # A***9; Serial #W8*******94
    How do I flag this computer with you in case someone tries to bring it in for service?
    Thanks, Morris
    <Serial Edited by Host>

    EMDAVIS, I just went through this.  Report it stolen through the proper police.  Then have the police call them call Apple with the Police report and request that the Serial number is taged.  The local detective here said it took 3 phone calls. It also helped that I used iCloud to wipe the computer so the person who has it now may need service.  Good luck EMDAVIS.  Sorry for your loss!

  • I have my @gmail account for iTunes purchases, and my @me account for contacts/calendar, how do I approach iCloud and how will this affect me?

    I know accounts cannot be merged. The @gmail account has existed for years before the @me account.
    I haven't been able to set up my phone yet because I have absolutely no idea how this will affect me, when it was quite clear before.
    How will this affect me in the future? What about when my @me service expires (I had just under a free year left)? What email should I link? What should I be worried about if kept separate or the same as they are now?
    I still don't even understand what exactly iCloud does yet. If I set up my phone with whatever my iCloud account is, is it locked in? Since no credit card info or applications or purchases are associated with it, it will be of no use in that area.
    I am absolutely confused on what I should do, and after spending 4 hours attempting to update my phone, am still stuck on having a useable device.

    This point I don't quite understand. It is clear that:
       1) your additional 20gb are available only up to next summer
        2) the migrated account will be downgraded to a free account then.
        3) the purchased music and apps do NOT count in the 5 gb.
    So, I don't know what you need the 20 gb in the "unused AppStore account" for. Your documents and emails are all on the 25 gb account.
    I think, you can log into your AppleID and change your e-mail address there without loosing what you purchased. So, I wonder what would happen if I put the address there...
    Not sure, I would try...
    Regarding the AppleID, you should make sure you have a secondary email account added there, otherwise it might be difficult to recover that account in case you cannot read the email anymore. Interestingly, when I tried to put my address there, it complained about that email already used by a different account. So, I guess if you try to put your gmail account there it will complain. So, you probably need a third independant email account....

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    i would like to know how to get this request in OSB proxy service and send it to the business service and get the response back.

    I would suggest you refer to the below links:
    Hope this helps.

  • HT201318 I upgraded my iCloud storage capacity for a higher tier and the device does not actually reflects said upgrade. How can this be resolved since my credit card was charged

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    It seems to take up to a couple of days for the upgrade to take hold, at least that's the experience of some users.  Give it 24 hours before contacting apple.
    For customer service issues, go here...

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    Hello hurleygirl63,
    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing with iTunes.  I recommend following the steps in the article below:
    How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    Serivce: Windows Management Instrumentation
    Service: Netlogon
    Service: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
    Service: Server Service
    Service: Terminal Services
    Service: Windows Time
    Service: Workstation
    Service : WWW Publishing Service
    Could some one please assist or share me the details, how to configure these services for windows agent servers.
    Regards, Rajeev Parambil

    A certain set of services are monitored by default on all agents:
    DNS Client
    DHCP Client
    For all the other services you could create a service monitor.
    A nice blog series outlining this process can be found here:
    It's doing common things uncommonly well that brings succes. Check out my SCOM link blog:
    SCOM link blog

  • How do I "run" an ldt file for Service Contracts?

    Ref. BugNo. 4450150
    How do I “run” an .ldt file for Service Contracts?
    Do I use FNDLOAD and if so is this the way to do it
    FNDLOAD apps/apps_password 0 Y UPLOAD @FND:OKS_TOP/patch/115/import/US/okskfinv.ldt

    See Note:142483.1
    Subject: How to Define the ORACLE_SERVICE_ITEM_FLEXFIELD

  • While loading ITunes Igot this messege, Service "Apple Mobile Device" failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services. My question is, How do I verify if I have sufficient privileges?

    While loading ITunes I got this messege, Service "Apple Mobile Device" failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services. My question is, How do I verify if I have sufficient privileges?

    Hello hurleygirl63,
    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing with iTunes.  I recommend following the steps in the article below:
    How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • I am trying to convert PDF to word. With my PC  I get a message  "Error occurred while trying to access the service.   It worked fine for a long time.  Has been doing this for days now with all files i try to convert.

    I am trying to convert PDF to Word with Adobe Export PDF on my PC.  I get the message " error occurred while trying to access service".  Has worked fine in past.  Has been doing this for a few days now on all files i try to convert.    Any ideas?? Thanks

    Hi bert090909,
    Are you trying to convert your files from within Adobe Reader? If so, please make sure that you have the most current version by choosing Help > Check for Updates. Earlier versions of Reader could cause the specific error that you're reporting.
    Please let us know how it goes.

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