How to convert epoch time to datetime in sql*loader Oracle

I wan't to question how to convert epoch time to datetime in sql*loader Oracle. I try this script for convert epoch time to datetime in sql*loader, but error:
Record 1: Rejected - Error on table TEMP_TEST_LANGY, column DATADATA.
ORA-01722: invalid number
Record 2: Rejected - Error on table TEMP_TEST_LANGY, column DATADATA.
ORA-01722: invalid number
Record 3: Rejected - Error on table TEMP_TEST_LANGY, column DATADATA.
ORA-01722: invalid number
This is my loader:
LOAD DATA INFILE 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\XL_EXTRACT_211\load.csv'
into table TEMP_TEST_LANGY append
DATADATA CHAR "TO_DATE('01-JAN-1970','DD-MON-YYYY')+:datadata/86400"
This is my csv file:
This is my table:
Edited by: xoops on Sep 21, 2011 8:56 AM
Edited by: xoops on Sep 21, 2011 8:58 AM

thanks for your answer, but I asked to use sql loader instead of the external table, which so my question is why can not the epochtime converted to datetime, if there is no way to convert a datetime epochtime using sql loader, so I'm required to use the external table. thank you.
This is my error log:
Column Name Position Len Term Encl Datatype
SQL string for column : "TO_DATE('1-Jan-1970 00:00:00','dd-MM-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') + (:DATADATA/60/60/24)"
Record 1: Rejected - Error on table TEMP_TEST_LANGY, column DATADATA.
ORA-01722: invalid number
Record 2: Rejected - Error on table TEMP_TEST_LANGY, column DATADATA.
ORA-01722: invalid number
Record 3: Rejected - Error on table TEMP_TEST_LANGY, column DATADATA.
ORA-01722: invalid number
Edited by: xoops on Sep 21, 2011 12:33 PM

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    Ok, there is clearly a disconnect here.
    Oracle stores dates in a DATE datatype. This means that, internally, it will store enough information for a 4 digit year, a month, date, hour in 24 hour time, minute, and second. All that information is stored in the DATE datatype inside the database, but, it's stored in an internal format, that has nothing to do with what it will look like when you print it. When you want to retrieve it, Oracle must have a date format string, so that it knows how to display that information. If you do not provide a date format string via the TO_CHAR() function, Oracle has a parameter called NLS_DATE_FORMAT that provides the default format to use. If you have not set the NLS_DATE_FORMAT, it defaults to DD-MON-YY.
    So, having said all that, what are you actually trying to do?
    You started with this expression:
    TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('19700101000000', 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')+((DATE_FIELDS-18000) /(60*60*24)),'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')How is that expression used? In a SELECT statement? Then you probably want it the way it's written above. In an INSERT statement? If so, then if the datatype of the column you're inserting into is DATE, then you probably need to eliminate that outer TO_CHAR conversion, so that the expression returns a date that can be inserted into DATE column.
    Tell us more about what you want to do, and perhaps we can offer further help.

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    for example,
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    10g sql

    thanks for your answer, but I asked to use sql loader instead of the external table, which so my question is why can not the epochtime converted to datetime, if there is no way to convert a datetime epochtime using sql loader, so I'm required to use the external table. thank you.
    This is my error log:
    Column Name Position Len Term Encl Datatype
    SQL string for column : "TO_DATE('1-Jan-1970 00:00:00','dd-MM-YYYY hh24:mi:ss') + (:DATADATA/60/60/24)"
    Record 1: Rejected - Error on table TEMP_TEST_LANGY, column DATADATA.
    ORA-01722: invalid number
    Record 2: Rejected - Error on table TEMP_TEST_LANGY, column DATADATA.
    ORA-01722: invalid number
    Record 3: Rejected - Error on table TEMP_TEST_LANGY, column DATADATA.
    ORA-01722: invalid number
    Edited by: xoops on Sep 21, 2011 12:33 PM

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    No, you cannot convert to INT and get 1,2,3 BUT you can get
    Is it ok?
    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitString]
             @str VARCHAR(MAX)
        RETURNS @ret TABLE (token VARCHAR(MAX))
        DECLARE @x XML 
        SET @x = '<t>' + REPLACE(@str, ',', '</t><t>') + '</t>'
        INSERT INTO @ret
            SELECT x.i.value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') AS token
            FROM @x.nodes('//t') x(i)
    SELECT * FROM SplitString ('1,2,3')
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
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    Business Intelligence

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    declare @callcentre table (comments varchar(max),lbiref varchar(200))
    insert into @callcentre
    select '(28/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call  logged   (28/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated   (28/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated','Vi2910201'
    insert into @callcentre
    select '(29/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call  logged   (29/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated   (29/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated','Vi2910202'
    insert into @callcentre
    select '(30/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call  logged   (30/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated  
    1) 28/10/2014 14:56:14, (28/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call  logged ,'Vi2910201'
     2) 28/10/2014 14:56:58 ,(28/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated ,'Vi2910201'
    3) 28/10/2014 14:57:41,  (28/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated,'Vi2910201'
    4) 28/10/2014 14:56:14, (28/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call  logged ,'Vi2910202'
     5) 28/10/2014 14:56:58 ,(28/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated ,'Vi2910202'
    6) 28/10/2014 14:57:41,  (28/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated,'Vi2910202'
    7) 28/10/2014 14:56:14, (28/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call  logged ,'Vi2910203'
     8) 28/10/2014 14:56:58 ,(28/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated ,'Vi2910203'
    See this illustration
    declare @callcentre table (comments varchar(max),lbiref varchar(200))
    insert into @callcentre
    select '(28/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call logged (28/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated (28/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated','Vi2910201'
    insert into @callcentre
    select '(29/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call logged (29/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated (29/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated','Vi2910202'
    insert into @callcentre
    select '(30/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call logged (30/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated','Vi2910203'
    SELECT LEFT(p.u.value('.[1]','varchar(max)'),CHARINDEX(')',p.u.value('.[1]','varchar(max)'))-1) AS [Date],
    '(' + p.u.value('.[1]','varchar(max)') AS comments,
    SELECT lbiref,CAST('<Root>' + STUFF(REPLACE(comments,'(','</Data><Data>'),1,7,'') + '</Data></Root>' AS XML) AS x
    FROM @callcentre c
    CROSS APPLY x.nodes('/Root/Data')p(u)
    and the output
    Date comments lbiref
    28/10/2014 14:56:14 (28/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call logged Vi2910201
    28/10/2014 14:56:58 (28/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated Vi2910201
    28/10/2014 14:57:41 (28/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated Vi2910201
    29/10/2014 14:56:14 (29/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call logged Vi2910202
    29/10/2014 14:56:58 (29/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated Vi2910202
    29/10/2014 14:57:41 (29/10/2014 14:57:41)xyz ..... call updated Vi2910202
    30/10/2014 14:56:14 (30/10/2014 14:56:14) xyz ..... call logged Vi2910203
    30/10/2014 14:56:58 (30/10/2014 14:56:58) xyz ..... call updated Vi2910203
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
    Please Mark This As Helpful if it helps to solve your issue
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  • How to display list process, when i run sql*loader in c#

    How to display list process, when i run sql*loader in c#. I mean when i run sql*loader from cmd windows, i get list process how many row has been inserted. But when i run SQL*Loader from C#, i can't get process SQL*Loader.
    This is my code:
    string strCmd, strSQLLoader;
    string strLoaderFile = "XLLOAD.CTL";
    string strLogFile = "XLLOAD_LOG.LOG";
    string strCSVPath = @"E:\APT\WorkingFolder\WorkingFolder\sqlloader\sqlloader\bin\Debug\8testskrip_HTTP.csv";
    string options = "OPTIONS (SKIP=1, DIRECT=TRUE, ROWS=1000000,BINDSIZE=512000)";
    string table = "OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\"' TRAILING NULLCOLS (xdr_id,xdr_type,session_start_time,session_end_time,session_last_update_time,session_flag,version,connection_row_count,error_code,method,host_len,host,url_len,url,connection_start_time,connection_last_update_time,connection_flag,connection_id,total_event_count,tunnel_pair_id,responsiveness_type,client_port,payload_type,virtual_type,vid_client,vid_server,client_addr,server_addr,client_tunnel_addr,server_tunnel_addr,error_code_2,ipid,c2s_pkts,c2s_octets,s2c_pkts,s2c_octets,num_succ_trans,connect_time,total_resp,timeouts,retries,rai,tcp_syns,tcp_syn_acks,tcp_syn_resets,tcp_syn_fins,event_type,flags,time_stamp,event_id,event_code)";
    strCmd = "sqlldr xl/secreat@o11g control=" + strLoaderFile + " LOG=" + strLogFile;
    System.IO.DirectoryInfo di;
    System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo cmdProcessInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe");
    di = new DirectoryInfo(strCSVPath);
    strSQLLoader = "";
    strSQLLoader += "LOAD DATA INFILE '" + strCSVPath.ToString().Trim() + "' " + append + " " + table;
    StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(strLoaderFile);
    // Redirect both streams so we can write/read them.
    cmdProcessInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
    cmdProcessInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
    cmdProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
    cmdProcessInfo.LoadUserProfile = true;
    //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("CMD.exe", strCmdLine);
    // Start the procses.
    System.Diagnostics.Process pro = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(cmdProcessInfo);
    // Issue the dir command.
    // Exit the application.
    //Process[] processlist = Process.GetProcesses();
    //foreach(Process pro in processlist){
    Console.WriteLine("Process: {0} ID: {1}", pro.ProcessName, pro.Id);
    // Read all the output generated from it.
    string strOutput;
    strOutput = pro.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
    catch (Exception ex)

    sqlldr is an application residing in the OS. procedure runs in the dbms engine.
    you cannot run an os command directly from a procedure or a function or a package .
    If you want to do so you need to use either a daemon process created by a PRO*C program
    or a JAVA stored procedure to do so.
    just refer to previous question forums, you can find the solution. Somebody has already given a solution using
    java to run an OS command . check it out
    [email protected]

  • Converting EPOCH time stamp to time stamp in Oracle

    I need a help regarding how to convert the epoch Time stamp, to oracle date and time format.
    for example,
    for epoch time stamp:1204104116656
    the time stamp should be :2008-02-13 12:43:00.351
    Thanks in Advance
    Basil Abraham

    Are you sure you've got the right timestamp? Assuming this is a standard unix epoch time stamp with the epoch date starting at 1970-01-01 UTC the interval between 1970-01-01 UTC and 2008-02-13 is 13922 days, but your epoch timestamp divided by the number of miliseconds in a day 1204104116656/(1000*60*60*24) comes out to 13936.390... days a difference of 14 days 9 hours 21 minutes 56 seconds and 656 miliseconds.
    Anyway to convert you need to convert your epoch date into an interval and add it to the starting epoch date (as a timestamp):
    select to_timestamp_tz('1970-01-01 utc', 'yyyy-mm-dd tzr')+
           numtodsinterval(1204104116656/1000,'second') dstamp
    from dual;Message was edited by:

  • How to convert milliseconds to date format in sql query

    Hi All,
    The following code is in java.     
    String yourmilliseconds = "1316673707162";**
    Date resultdate = new Date(Long.parseLong(yourmilliseconds));
    could you plese tell me how to convert milliseconds into date format in query and comparing with another date like(sysdate-3)


  • How to get the time for executing an SQL statement?

    hi all...
    How can I get the total execution time for a given SQL statement to a ViewObject which is created dynamically for this SQL so that the end user knows it before hand and try to stop it or go further..?
    Please post any ideas if you have got..!!!
    thanx in advance..

    This is not really a question for the JDeveloper forum, but rather for the DB forum.
    Since Oracle9i there is a way to estimate how long a query will take, before executing it.
    Check it out in the Oracle DB documentation or ask on the DB forum.
    There is no built-in functionality for this in JDeveloper, but you should be able to call out to the DB from your Java code to get the estimate.

  • SQL Loader Oracle 10g problem in upload date with time data -- Very urgent.

    I am trying to upload data using SQL loader. There are three columns in the table
    defined as DATE. When I tried upload a data like this '2007-02-15 15:10:20', it is not loading time part. The date stored as 02/15/2008' only. There is not time on that. I tried with many different format nothing work. Can please help me ?
    I have also tried with to_date --> to_timestamp it did not work.
    The application is going to be in production, I cannot change DATE to TIME STAMP. This is very urgent.
    LASTWRITTEN "decode(:LASTWRITTEN,'null',Null, to_date(:LASTWRITTEN,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:Mi:SS'))",
    CREATEDON "decode(:CREATEDON,'null',Null, to_date(:CREATEDON,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:Mi:SS'))",
    LASTUPDATEDON(21) "decode(:LASTUPDATEDON,'null',Null, to_date(:LASTUPDATEDON(21),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'))"

    Your problem is most likely in decode - the return type in your expression will be character based on first search value ('null'), so it will be implicitly converted to character and then again implicitly converted to date by loading into date column. At some of this conversions you probably are loosing your time part. You can try instead use cast:
    SQL> desc t
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    LASTWRITTEN                                        DATE
    CREATEDON                                          DATE
    LASTUPDATEDON                                      DATE
    SQL> select * from t;
    no rows selected
    SQL> !cat t.ctl
    INFILE *
    "decode(:LASTWRITTEN,'null',cast(Null as date),
      to_date(:LASTWRITTEN,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))",
    "decode(:CREATEDON,'null',cast(Null as date),
      to_date(:CREATEDON,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))",
    "decode(:LASTUPDATEDON,'null',cast(Null as date),
      to_date(:LASTUPDATEDON,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'))"
    2007-02-15 15:10:20,null,null
    null,2007-02-15 15:10:20,null
    null,null,15/02/2007 15:10:20
    SQL> !sqlldr userid=scott/tiger control=t.ctl log=t.log
    SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Fri Feb 29 00:20:07 2008
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Commit point reached - logical record count 3
    SQL> select * from t;
    15.02.2007 15:10:20
                        15.02.2007 15:10:20
                                            15.02.2007 15:10:20Best regards

  • How to change Bulk Insert statement from MS SQL to Oracle

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    Good day, I would like to bulk insert the content of a file into Oracle db. May I know how to change the below MS SQL syntax to Oracle syntax?
    Statement statement = objConnection.createStatement();
    Thanks in advance.

    Oracle SQL Loader utility allows you to insert data from flat file to database tables.
    Go to SQL Loader links on following url to learn more on this utility

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    Hi all,
    I'm using OWB 10gR2 to load data in tables with Sql*Loader mappings.
    In my project I have a datafile module and an Oracle module.
    When creating an sql*loader mapping in the oracle module, there is two properties for this mappings that I want to modify. The first is Control File Location and the second is Log File Location. Values for those properties are equal to the data file module location. When trying to change those values I can only chose "Use module configuration location".
    Somebody knows how to configure those properties with different locations as the one of the flat file module?
    What I want to do is to store the data file in one directory, and control file and log file in other directories.
    Thank you for your help.

    You're right, my problem is that the dropdown only show the location associated with the flat file location even if I have other file locations created in the design repository.
    The good news is that I have found the solution to solve the problem :
    1) Edit the file module and in tab "Data locations", add the locations you want to use for control file and log file.
    2) Open configuration window of the mapping and then the dropdown for properties Control File Location and Log File Location show new locations
    I have tested my mapping after changing those properties and it's working.

  • How to Convert a 'Time Stamp' field to Date......?

    Hello Gurus:
    I am using a Generic Extractor to pull some stats data.  One of the field is a Time Stamp field, which tells me the date and time of Transaction run.  I only need "Date".  I tried mapping the stamp field to Date info-object hoping for a automatic determination of the Date.... (like the Week, Month happens).   Well, I was wrong! 
    I only need the Date part.  How can I do this in BI?  is teher a specific SAP info-object for this that could be used..?  If not, what would be the routine.  The Date field that comes in is a SAP format... "u201C20,070,505.0000000u201D meaning the Transaction was run
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    Also, we are trying to use "Time Stamp" based DELTA from a generic extraction.  The field used is a System date with time stamp.  Value looks like u201C20100,505,170,113.2918470u201D, u201C20100,505,170,113.4748820u201D  Every record pulled has a different value... probably giving me the time at which the record was created or generated.  Now, with DELTA specifid on this type of field, what will be the 'Current Status" value in Delta queue?  Is it based on the last record created and will that be the highest value?  For next Delta extraction, does it compare the extraction time stamp to this value and bring in those records that are greater than the 'Current Status" value?  I guess with that we can have as many deltas as we want..... right??  is there any particular setting I should be doing or worried/ careful about setting etc....?
    Thanks for the response in advance....
    Best..... SMaa

    Thanks Akshay,
    Your suggestion worked right away and was probably the easiest of all.  I tried the Function Module that Pravender suggested,
    but it did not return me the date back.... may be because it does not need the Micro Seconds in it....?  Routine as suggested by
    Satyam might work too, but did not go there....! 
    Thanks to all of you.
    Best..... SMaa

  • Converting epoch time to a date

    Anyone know of a function to do this. I cant find any in the api and my searches bring up nothing.

    You can create your class that extends GregorianCalendar.Then you can access the protected class in super class. Following codes are what I write to handle this problem. Hope it help.
    import java.util.*;
    public class Test10{
         public Test10(){
         public void init(){
              MyCalendar calendar1 = new MyCalendar();
              calendar1.set(2002, 07, 12);
              System.out.println("time in epoch: " + calendar1.getTimeInMillis());
         public static void main(String[] str)
              new Test10();
         private class MyCalendar extends GregorianCalendar
              public MyCalendar(){
              public long getTimeInMillis()
                   return super.getTimeInMillis();

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