Interactive report & htmldb_Get

I have 3 pages in my application:
1. Main
2. Report
3. Interactive report
The source SQL code of Report is the same as Interactive report.
The HTML header&footer of Report is the same as Interactive report.
I use function load_report for calling the Report on the Main page:
function load_report () {
var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,null,2);
gReturn = get.get(null,'-div id="IREP"-', '-/div-');
get = null;
$x('AjaxReport').innerHTML = gReturn;
It's work fine, but when I try calling the Interactive report:
var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,null,3);
it's not work.
Is't possible the calling the Interactive report with htmldb_Get?
Edited by: Senleft on 04.03.2009 22:48
I changed "<" to "-" in string gReturn = get.get(null,'-div id="IREP"-', '-/div-'); because ">" is not displayed

Before calling Interactive report gReturn has the next value:
"---div id="apexir_WORKSHEET_REGION" class="apex_worksheet"--- ---div id="apexir_DETAIL" class="apex_detail"---"
I changed '<' ' to' '---' because '><' is not displayed
Before calling Report gReturn has the next value (I'm sorry but the header column is on Russian):
<div id="report_42336412725658679_catch"><table cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" summary="" id="report_R42336412725658679"><tr><td></td></tr>
<tr><td><table cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" summary="" class="t17Standard">
<tr ><th class="t17ReportHeader" id="Подвид фасада">Подвид фасада</th><th class="t17ReportHeader" id="Стандарт МДФ">Стандарт МДФ</th><th class="t17ReportHeader" id="Тип МДФ">Тип МДФ</th><th class="t17ReportHeader" id="Потребность">Потребность</th><th class="t17ReportHeader" id="Расход">Расход</th></tr>
<tr onmouseover="row_mouse_over42336412725658679(this, 1)" onmouseout="row_mouse_out42336412725658679(this, 1)"><td headers="Подвид фасада" class="t17data">Декоративные элементы 1</td><td headers="Стандарт МДФ" class="t17data">Стандарт</td><td headers="Тип МДФ" class="t17data">19 мм</td><td headers="Потребность" class="t17data">1,7</td><td headers="Расход" class="t17data">1,7</td></tr><tr onmouseover="row_mouse_over42336412725658679(this, 2)" onmouseout="row_mouse_out42336412725658679(this, 2)"><td headers="Подвид фасада" class="t17data">Декоративные элементы 1</td><td headers="Стандарт МДФ" class="t17data">Нестандарт</td><td headers="Тип МДФ" class="t17data">19 мм</td><td headers="Потребность" class="t17data">1,7</td><td headers="Расход" class="t17data">1,7</td></tr><tr onmouseover="row_mouse_over42336412725658679(this, 3)" onmouseout="row_mouse_out42336412725658679(this, 3)"><td headers="Подвид фасада" class="t17data">Декоративные элементы 1</td><td headers="Стандарт МДФ" class="t17data">Нестандарт</td><td headers="Тип МДФ" class="t17data">25 мм</td><td headers="Потребность" class="t17data">1,7</td><td headers="Расход" class="t17data">1,7</td></tr><tr onmouseover="row_mouse_over42336412725658679(this, 4)" onmouseout="row_mouse_out42336412725658679(this, 4)"><td headers="Подвид фасада" class="t17data">Декоративные элементы 1</td><td headers="Стандарт МДФ" class="t17data">Стандарт</td><td headers="Тип МДФ" class="t17data">25 мм</td><td headers="Потребность" class="t17data">1,7</td><td headers="Расход" class="t17data">1,7</td></tr><tr onmouseover="row_mouse_over42336412725658679(this, 5)" onmouseout="row_mouse_out42336412725658679(this, 5)"><td headers="Подвид фасада" class="t17data">Декоративные элементы 1</td><td headers="Стандарт МДФ" class="t17data">Нестандарт</td><td headers="Тип МДФ" class="t17data">4 мм</td><td headers="Потребность" class="t17data">1,7</td><td headers="Расход" class="t17data">1,7</td></tr><tr onmouseover="row_mouse_over42336412725658679(this, 6)" onmouseout="row_mouse_out42336412725658679(this, 6)"><td headers="Подвид фасада" class="t17data">Декоративные элементы 1</td><td headers="Стандарт МДФ" class="t17data">Стандарт</td><td headers="Тип МДФ" class="t17data">4 мм</td><td headers="Потребность" class="t17data">1,7</td><td headers="Расход" class="t17data">1,7</td></tr></table><div class="t17CVS">

Similar Messages

  • Interactive report URL syntax

    I'm using Apex 3.1.2, and am fairly new to using Interactive reports. I've found the URL syntax to apply a filter on an IR, and was just wondering if it is possible to apply a sort, or even open a saved report from a URL link? I am well aware that I can work around it (using different pages with a sort pre-applied etc) but was hoping that I could do everything on one page.

    Hi Marc,
    I just read over the document and it doesn't appear that we can do it via the URL, however you may be able to do this using JS.
    Try this (I did this as a test on the emp table)
    //Send filter request
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$v('pFlowId'),'APXWGT',$v('pFlowStepId'));
    var gReturn = get.get();
    //Refresh report request
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$v('pFlowId'),'APXWGT',$v('pFlowStepId'));
    var gReturn = get.get();
    //Refresh HTML report
    I'll try to put a post on my blog about the full solution to this shortly ([])

  • Interactive report conditional display of link column - apex 4

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    select object_id,
            when mod(rownum, 2) = 0
            then 'block'
            else 'none'
           end  display_link
    from user_objects
    where rownum <= 10in the Link Column for the report I selected one of the edit icons and put the following in the link attributes
    style="display:#DISPLAY_LINK#"I also edited the object_id and set the Column Link and selected an edit icon and put the same style in the link attributes.
    The link under the column displays correctly but the link for the report does not seem to substitute the #DISPLAY_LINK# from the report. Any Ideas?

    Here's how I've done this:
           CASE MARGIN_IND
            WHEN 'Y' THEN '&nbsp'
            ELSE '<a href="#" title="Ignore This Alert"><img src="/i/ice/images/hide.png" alt="Ignore"></a>'
           END AS IGNORE_LINK,
           ....This takes care of either showing (or not showing) the link.
    IN order to process when it is present, not that the address is "#" This will cause your cursor to change to a hand (or whatever your pointer is) when the mouse floats over the link. The actual transfer to the next page, I handle with jQuery/JavaScript.
    Create a Dynamic Action.
    Event: Click
    Selector Type: jQuery Selector
    jQuery Selector: 'aalt'
    Event Scope: Live
    (note that the jQuery Selector is finding the alt attribute that I set on my link in the SELECT above . Tweak as needed.
    This "Action" for this DA will be to "execute JavaScript code"
    Normally, I would set some values into Page Items and then create a branch to pass this values to the next page. I am doing the same thing in the following code. I am getting the values off of the row wherein the user clicked on the link. I am setting these values from the row into the page item values. Then, I am submitting the page. All the "htmldb_Get" business is just stuff that I have to do to get the page item values into the session (so that I can pass them to the next page).
    var clickedRow = this.triggeringElement.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
    var ruleGroupDescr = $(clickedRow).children('td[headers="RULE_GROUP_DESCR"]').html();
    var ajaxRequest = new htmldb_Get(null, $x('pFlowId').value, null, 0); 
    gReturn = ajaxRequest.get();
    $s('P31_RULE_GROUP_DESCR', ruleGroupDescr );
    ajaxRequest = null; 
    var clearerName = $(clickedRow).children('td[headers="CLEARER_NAME"]').html();
    var ajaxRequest = new htmldb_Get(null, $x('pFlowId').value, null, 0); 
    gReturn = ajaxRequest.get();
    $s('P31_CLEARER_NAME', clearerName );
    ajaxRequest = null; 
    apex.submit("IGNORE");Finally, just create a branch to the next page and set the items on the next page to the ones on this page that are being set in the above script. Note that in my example, I have set the request to "Ignore" when I submitted; so, I set the condition of my branch to be Request = IGNORE.
    Hope this helps,

  • Interactive report jquery not executed on pagination

    recently i fell into another problem when using jquery in an interactive report.
    in the page header i do this
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready( function() {
       var pageID = $('#pFlowId').val();
       $('.Artikelinfo').each( function(i) {
                var $item = $(this);
                var get = new htmldb_Get(null,pageID ,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=GET_ARTIKEL_INFO',0);
                get.addParam('x01', $item.attr('artnr'));
                $item.attr('rel', get.url());
                $item.attr('relTitle', $item.html());
                return true;
             arrows: true,
             tracking: true,
             titleAttribute: 'relTitle'
    });in the link attributes of a column i put this:
    target="_blank" class="Artikelinfo" artnr="#NUMMER#" rel="" reltitle=""it works like charm... but only on the first page.
    as soon as a change page the jquery is not executed, the attributes are not set.
    i think this is because while pagination of the IR the actual page is not reloaded.
    how can i achieve that that the jqury part is executed after pagination?
    u can find an example here [] username "user1" password "abc123"
    hover over the first column u will see a cluetip.
    afer the first pagination, the hoverhelp is lost

    below is from
    "Register a handler to be called when Ajax requests complete. This is an Ajax Event."
    "Whenever an Ajax request completes, jQuery triggers the ajaxComplete event. Any and all handlers that have been registered with the .ajaxComplete() method are executed at this time."
    I'm looking into this now...
    Also need to know how to AJAX refresh the IR report to get the changes I did through an AJAX call... ??????

  • Is it Possible to "Interrupt" an Interactive Report Refresh

    We have a particular Interactive Report for which we want to enforce two column filters as mandatory. We've already figured out how to examine the current filters and determine if they are set.
    What we need now is some mechanism by which if the user changes the filter criteria (for example deleting one of these mandatory filters), we can stop the APEX refresh and produce an error message. For example, could some such logic be placed in the Before Refresh event?
    Does anyone have any ideas how this might be done?

    I've looked at this for a bit but I don't think there is any even remotely fair way to deal with this. The ajax calls for IRs do not use jQuery.ajax calls (unfortunate) but use a call to htmldb_Get.getAsync. An XmlHttpRequest object is created there but is of course never exposed, thus not allowing interaction on it, and is probably too deeprooted in the apex javascript to change. If it was using jQuery you could've tried to use the ajaxSetup, such as described in javascript - Abort Ajax requests using jQuery - Stack Overflow or Stop all active ajax requests in jQuery - Stack Overflow (and all variations when looking for ajax aborting).
    There is nothing you can do from say the before refresh event since canceling that is only canceling the before refresh event, not the actual refresh.
    I believe that simply overriding some function on the gReport object might serve you best. Keeping in mind it is best not fiddled with and is unsupported etc etc - I suppose you know the drill by now.
    There are a couple of candidates for this. "gReport.action" for example: you could simply block of any ajax action on the report before it happens: remove filters, add filters, search, pull - without having to worry about xmlhttprequests. I explored some other routes but honestly they became too complex for what it was.
    //first store the original _Get function. We can't lose this because we still need it.
    var old_Get = gReport._Get;
    //now override the existing function with our own implementation. Preserve the signature so that the params can
    //be passed on
    gReport._Get = function(p_widget_mod,p_widget_action,p_widget_action_mod,p_id,p_value,p_x05,p_x06,p_x07,p_x08,p_x09,p_x10){
      //lets do some arbitrary check in here
      if(p_widget_mod == "PULL"){
         //now nothing will happen when you want to pull the report
         return false;
      //and dont forget to at least execute the original function !
    Now when executing
    nothing will happen.
    You'll need to modify this to suit your needs though. If this is taking it too far for you then you may have hit a brick wall though, I can't see any other option personally and so far.

  • Get row number of record in Interactive Report

    I am using an interactive report and want to be able to modify a field and if the value already exists in the database change it back to what it was originally. I am selecting data using the select statement below and I'm calling the javascript CheckExists function when the value changes. All this is working but I need to figure out how to get the row number so I can change the value back to what is in f03 in the same row. Does anyone know how to access the row number or know how I can do this?
    select apex_item.checkbox(1, RESOURCE_TYPE_ID, 'onchange="CheckUsed(this, this.value);"', ':') "Delete",
    apex_item.text(2, RESOURCE_TYPE, 20, 100, 'onchange="CheckExists(this, this.value);"' ) "RESOURCE_TYPE",
    apex_item.text(3, RESOURCE_TYPE, 20, 100) "orig_resource_type"
    from resource_types
    order by RESOURCE_TYPE

    I was not able to find anything like using #ROWNUM# that would give me the current row number but I was able to get it if I looped through all the records until I found the record I was currently on. It is not really what I wanted to do but it works. I have included the code below.
    Thanks a lot for your help I appreciate it.
    *** Interactive Report Select statement ***
    select apex_item.checkbox(1, RESOURCE_TYPE_ID, 'onchange="CheckUsed(this);"', ':') "Delete",
    apex_item.text(2, RESOURCE_TYPE, 20, 100, 'onchange="CheckExists(this);"' ) RESOURCE_TYPE,
    apex_item.text(3, RESOURCE_TYPE, 20, 100) ORIG_RESOURCE_TYPE
    from resource_types
    order by RESOURCE_TYPE
    *** Javascript ***
    function CheckUsed (pResourceType)
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=ResourcesResourceTypeExists',0);
    get.add('TEMPORARY_ITEM', pResourceType.value);
    gReturn = get.get();
    if (gReturn > 0)
    alert('Resource records exist using the Resource Type; Unable to delete.');
    function CheckExists (pResourceType)
    // Get the current row number.
    var lResourceTypeId = document.getElementsByName("f01");
    var lResourceType = document.getElementsByName("f02");
    var lOrigResourceType = document.getElementsByName("f03");
    var j;
    for (j = 0; j < lResourceType.length; j++)
    if (lResourceType[j].value == pResourceType.value)
    if (lResourceType[j].value != lOrigResourceType[j].value)
    } // if (lResourceType[j].value != lOrigResourceType[j].value)
    } // if (lResourceType[j].value == pResourceType.value)
    } // for (j = 0; j < lResourceType.length; j++)
    // Check if the Resource Type already exists.
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=ResourceTypeExists',0);
    get.add('TEMPORARY_ITEM', pResourceType.value);
    gReturn = get.get();
    if (gReturn > 0)
    // Reset the Resource Type to the original Resource Type.
    get.add('lResourceType[j]', lOrigResourceType[j].value);
    var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$x('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=UpdateResourceType',0);
    get.add('TEMPORARY_ITEM', pResourceType.value);
    get.add('TEMPORARY_ITEM_2', lResourceTypeId[j].value);
    gReturn = get.get();
    alert(gReturn );

  • Automatically delete row data on interactive report

    Hi All,
    I would like to know it's possible to automatically delete row data on interactive report when the check box is checked.
    I'm appreciating if you all can share your opinion or solution.
    Thanks a lot in advance!
    Best regards,

    Why you like have checkbox ?
    Is it more clear for user have image/button like my example ?
    This is just example you need modify according your needs. Example do not have confirmation dialog.
    Page HTML header
    function delIRRow(p_pk_val){
    var a = new htmldb_Get(null,null,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=DELETE_ROW');
    var r=a.get();
    if(!r=='1'){alert('Delete operation failed!');}else{'SEARCH');}
    </script>On Demand process DELETE_ROW
    delete from your_table where pk_col = APEX_APPLICATION.G_x01;
    END;Change your_table and pk_col according your table name and pk column name.
    Call javascript from image/button (IR column link) or checkbox, and send primary key value as parametter
    Edited by: jarola on Jul 5, 2010 11:58 AM

  • Open document from interactive report

    Application Express version
    In apex I am trying to accomplish the following:
    1. create a link to a pdf or Word document stored on local network using the file browse button.
    2. store the link to that file in my table but not store the actual document in the oracle table.
    3. open the document from link in interactive report.
    My dba does not want to store anymore documents into oracle because of performance issues we are experiencing with current applications that do this. Does anyone know the where to find sample code that will accomplish this task or will load the linked document into the oracle table but delete the document from the blob when the document is closed.

    You're probably looking to use the BFILE functionality - a pointer to a LOB on the filesystem.
    Try looking at some of the following sources for guidance

  • Questions on Interactive Report Icons

    When I created an Interactive Report, rectangular icons have been automatically created on the left side of the report on every line.
    When clicked one of the icons, it displays the details of the line in vertical order.
    Here are my questions:
    1. When I've hidden some columns in the interactive report and clicked the icon, it does not display hidden column details. But I want to hide those columns only in the report but displays all details when the icon is clicked. How can I do this?
    2. How can I hide the icons?
    3. How can I use the icons not to display line details but to direct to an editable page to edit the same details?

    1. When I've hidden some columns in the interactive report and clicked the icon, it does not display hidden column details. But I want to hide those columns only in the report but displays all details when the icon is clicked. How can I do this?You can create another region, or page that will show your row description by identifier or rowid. You can do this by changing Link Column type to "Link to Custom Target"
    2. How can I hide the icons?Go to Interactive Report -> Link Column -> Link Column change to (Exclude Link Column)
    3. How can I use the icons not to display line details but to direct to an editable page to edit the same details?The same as answer 1.
    Best Regards, Kostya Proskudin!

  • Interactive Report view is empty

    I'm on CRM 7.0 EHP3. I'm encountering empty report criteria and display when open the Campaign effectiveness and all other interactive report page. Please see the screen shot below. There is no error message on the screen, as well as ST22.
    I've configured the interactive report and ran the configuration wizard /CRMBW/CONFIG_WIZARD successfully and no error found.
    Also the roles SAP_CRM_OR_ADMIN, SAP_CRM_OR_CONFIG and SAP_CRM_OR_USER and SAP_ALL are given to the user in both clients.
    Please let me know what could be the causes.
    Thanks in advance.

    Okay, problem seems solved. I don't know if it is a bug or a feature... (: Anyway, this view selects data from threads that had been created from a portal application. And if you create threads from WC_Collaboration server admin console, there's no data will be selected with FORUMCRAWLER_VW view. Sorry, have no time to check SQL query for those DB view, may be this behaviour is reasonable.
    Edited by: Insomnium on 17.01.2013 2:33

  • Interactive report column filters to display differently than column values

    We use images a lot in our interactive reports to provide a visual representation to a status, or something locked for update, or what-have-you. By default, when a user clicks the column heading of a column which contains images, the drop-down list that shows up displays the actual images, which is nice for the user to identify exactly which thing they want to filter on. The problem is when the user selects on of the options in the filtering drop-down, the resulting condition that is displayed under the interactive report search bar is the HTML code of the image. I'd like something else to display there because showing the user the HTML code is atrocious.
    I didn't think what I want is possible, but then I came across the Page Locks page within ApEx (page 4000:291 in ApEx 4.0.1) which displays a list of all the pages of an application and whether they are locked or not. It also allows you to bulk lock or bulk unlock a bunch of pages. That page uses an interactive report with a column called "Status" which contains images that represent whether the page is locked or not. When you click the "Status" column heading to filter, instead of seeing the images of an open and closed lock, you see the words "Page Locked" and "Page Unlocked." And even better... when you select on of them, the condition that is displayed to the user is very user-friendly.
    Can someone tell me how this is done so I can replicate it in my own apps?

    Why not create the IR using the text you require e.g. 'Lock', 'Unlock' and then use JQuery to replace the text in the report with the image you want. All the filters should then show the plain text and the report will display the image. e.g.
    Here's what I did:
    Firstly make sure the IR has a region template.
    Then create a Dynamic Action with the following attributes:
    1. Advanced
    2. Event: After Refresh
    3. Selection Type: Region
    4. Region: [select the IR Region]
    5. Action: Execute JS Code
    6. Fire on page load: [checked]
    7. Code:
    $('td [headers="TEST"]').each(function(index) {
      if ($(this).text() == 'Lock') {
        $(this).empty().html('<img src="/i/htmldb/icons/locked_small.gif" alt="Lock" />');
      else {
        $(this).empty().html('<img src="/i/htmldb/icons/unlocked_small.gif" alt="Unlock" />');
    });Where TEST is the column name.
    That's it, this may also be of interest:
    I hope it helps

  • Error while scheduling a Hyperion Interactive Report

    I'm trying to run a scheduled Hyperion Interactive Report (version 9.3.1). The report is scheduled to run for 1st of every month. After the report is scheduled. When a user tries to run the report on demand.
    The error log states as follows:
    $ view server_messages_IRJobService.log
    "server_messages_IRJobService.log" [Read only] 38 lines, 2688 characters
    <event logger="" method="ThrID(7) Logger(ZDbgPrint)" timestamp="1247269603142" level="ERROR" thread="[ORB=_it_orb_id_1,Pool=1]::id-6" sequence_no="74">^M
    <time>10 Jul 2009 16:46:43,142</time>^M
    <context subject="TIPAdmin" session_id="zRMz99t6-00000122670ef701-0000-8197-0a3f0708" originator_type="IRJobService" originator_name="InteractiveReportingService" host="tsbrit02">^M
    <info type="RESOURCE">IBQServiceImpl::runJob Job Identifier: TIPPFSMRPT Service Name: JF1_tsbrit02 Cycle Name: Cycle_0</info>^M
    <info type="RESOURCE_ID">000001225ef102a5-0000-8197-0a3f0708</info>^M
    <message><![CDATA[TCApp::ExecuteJavaScript failed: ]]></message>^M
    But when the report is uploaded and when the user tries running it. It runs without any problem.
    The report has 3 filters(drop downs) on runtime.
    Could anyone please help me in this regard.

    check your discoverer user role using:
    select granted_role from dba_role_privs where grantee=upper('<username>');
    from your database. the database to which the desktop is connecting.
    check for connect, resouce, multiorg roles.

  • APEX 4.0: error while opening a XLS file downloaded from interactive report

    I'm getting below error while opening a XLS file downloaded from an interactive report (APEX 4.0).
    "The file you trying to open, 'customer_2.xls', is in a different format than specified by the file extension.
    Verify that the is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening file. Do you want to open file."
    Yes No Help
    May be this one Apex 4.0 issue.
    please help me.

    is the next part of the code correct.
    What i mean is packing of the attachment, finding out the size of pdf file and doc type as PDF.
    You can also try below link..
    Link: []
    Hope this helps.

  • Interactive reports in abap objects

           plz send me the code of  interactive report using ABAP Objects .

    It will be similar to what you do in normal report.
    Here you may create an object instance and then call some method on the object.
    create object obj.
    CALL METHOD obj->method1
      text = im_text.
    write: im_text.

  • Can we merge data from multiple sources in Hyperion Interactive Reporting ?

    Hi Experts,
    Can we merge data from multiple sources in Hyperion Interactive Reporting ?Example can we have a report based on DB2
    Informix and Multidiemnsional Databases like DB2,MSOLAP,ESSBASE?

    Yes, Each have their own Query and have some common dimension for the Results Sections to be joined together in a final query.
    look in help for Creating Local Joins

Maybe you are looking for