Layout incorrect with Images? Using made template

My template(you can see I am trying to place 3 photos)
DWLive views (I created Draw Ap Div and inside I placed the images)
I have to add borders etc. Notice how its off.
Inside browser photos are off:
I tried not using the Draw ApDiv tool and it is better but how can I get them in the middle of each box perfectly? Thanks
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<link href="includes/CSSLayouts/CSSLayouts.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/CSSLayouts/debug_plus.js"></script>
<link href="includes/CSSLayouts/psnew.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="includes/CSSLayouts/psnew_user.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<style type="text/css">
#apDiv1 {
#apDiv2 {
#apDiv3 {
#apDiv4 {
<body class="psnew_body_design">
<div id="apDiv2"><img src="images/storesm.jpg" width="291" height="202" /></div>
<div id="apDiv3"><img src="images/chairsm.jpg" width="221" height="211" /></div>
<div id="apDiv4"><img src="images/firesm.jpg" width="195" height="226" /></div>
<div class="psnew">
  <!-- (CSSLayouts Begin)  #psnew #build_version=1.1.284;pack=;category=;layout=;layoutType=page;scheme=;cssSource=file;ass ets=;halign=center;minwidth=960px;maxwidth=960px;width=960px;bc=;bl=-->
  <div class='cssLO psnew_wrapper_layout'>
    <div class='wrapper cssLI psnew_wrapper_design'>
      <div class='cssLO psnew_header_layout'>
        <div class='header cssLI psnew_header_design'>
          <!-- header Content Starts Here -->
          <!-- header Content Ends Here -->
      <div class='cssLO psnew_content_layout'>
        <div class='content cssLI psnew_content_design'>
          <div class='cssLO psnew_row_1_layout'>
            <div class='row_1 cssLI psnew_row_1_design'>
              <!-- row_1 Content Starts Here -->
              <!-- row_1 Content Ends Here -->
          <div class='cssLO psnew_row_2_layout'>
            <div class='row_2 cssLI psnew_row_2_design'>
              <div class='cssLO psnew_chair_layout'>
                <div class='chair cssLI psnew_chair_design'>
                  <!-- chair Content Starts Here -->
                  <!-- chair Content Ends Here -->
              <div class='cssLO psnew_shop_layout'>
                <div class='shop cssLI psnew_shop_design'>
                  <!-- shop Content Starts Here -->
                  <!-- shop Content Ends Here -->
              <div class='cssLO psnew_firewater_layout'>
                <div class='firewater cssLI psnew_firewater_design'>
                  <!-- firewater Content Starts Here -->
                   <!-- firewater Content Ends Here -->
              <div class='cssLClearC'></div>
          <div class='cssLClearR'></div>
      <div class='cssLO psnew_footer_layout'>
        <div class='footer cssLI psnew_footer_design'>
          <!-- footer Content Starts Here -->
          <!-- footer Content Ends Here -->
      <div class='cssLClearR'></div>
  <div class="cssLClearL"></div>
  <!-- #psnew (CSSLayouts End) -->

You are making things very complicated than is necessary.  To insert the three pictures, I suggest use this code:
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="thumbnail">
    <img src="image01.gif" alt="image01" />
<div class="thumbnail">
    <img src="image02.gif" alt="image02" />
<div class="thumbnail">
    <img src="image03.gif" alt="image03" />
Then you need to use this CSS code:
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;
#wrapper {
    width: 800px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    text-align: center;
.thumbnail {
    width: 200px;
    float: left;
    margin: 0 10px 10px 0;
.thumbnail img {
    margin: 10px 0 0 10px;
    border: 1px #777 solid;
Do this on your page and then come back for more advice.  You need to change the code to suit your own circumstances.  Look at this link:
The three colors on the page should be treated as three different pictures!!!!.

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    Hi Colm,
    unfortunately the server is not available today (Friday). The upload template is much like the image gallery sample. From my memory:
    URI: upload
    Method: Post
    Type: pl/sql
    Parameters: just the two header params, status and location, as in image gallery
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    Setting :status or :location gives me a web page with just "Not found". I tried :location := ''.
    I have an exception handler in my block and it's not caught there. I don't know where to look for details.
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    Questions about third-party APIs should be asked in the forum/newsgroup specific to that API. These forums are for questions relating to the API as provided by Sun.
    Go find an iText forum.

  • Replace text with image using Applescript in InDesign CS5

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    I've to replace some strings with jpeg images stored on my pc
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    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
              set myDocument to active document
              set myPage to page 1 of myDocument
              set stringsToReplace to {"111", "222"}
      repeat with iterator from 1 to (count stringsToReplace)
           set find text preferences to nothing
           set change text preferences to nothing
           set myFoundItems to nothing
           set element to item iterator of stringsToReplace
          if element is "111" then
               set find what of find text preferences to "111"
               set change to of change text preferences to "ONE"
               set myFoundItems to change text
               display dialog ("Found : " & (count myFoundItems) & " occurences of " & element)
          else if element is "222" then
               set find what of find text preferences to "222"
               set change to of change text preferences to "TWO"
               set myFoundItems to change text
               display dialog ("Found : " & (count myFoundItems) & " occurences of " & element)
          end if
              end repeat
      set find text preferences to nothing
      set change text preferences to nothing
    end tell
    Can you hel me?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello, I have a couple of questions for you… How come you have strings in text frames… Would you not be better off using labels for this…? ( thats how I would do this ). Off the top of my head I think you will need to remove any text content from the frame to be able to change it's content type… only then will you be able to place a graphic… How are you associating your strings with the required image files… Do you have this in some extenal file Excel or FMP.

  • Send html page (with images) using sockets

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    Also, is the status and header lines supposed to be shown in the browser? I didnt think so but it keeps showing up when I query a webpage.
    Please help!
    import* ;
    import* ;
    import java.util.* ;
    public final class WebServer
         public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception
              // Set the port number.
              int port = 8888;
              // Establish the listen socket.
              ServerSocket ssocket = new ServerSocket(port);
              // Establish client socket
              Socket csocket = null;
              // Process HTTP service requests in an infinite loop.
              while (true)
                   // Listen for a TCP connection request.
                   // (note: this blocks until connection is made)
                   csocket = ssocket.accept();     
                   // Construct an object to process the HTTP request message.
                   HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(csocket);
                   // Create a new thread to process the request.
                   Thread thread = new Thread(request);
                   // Start the thread.
    final class HttpRequest implements Runnable
         final static String CRLF = "\r\n";
         Socket socket;
         // Constructor
         public HttpRequest(Socket socket) throws Exception
              this.socket = socket;
         // Implement the run() method of the Runnable interface.
         public void run()
              catch (Exception e)
         private static void sendBytes(FileInputStream fis, OutputStream os)
         throws Exception
            // Construct a 1K buffer to hold bytes on their way to the socket.
            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
            int bytes = 0;
           // Copy requested file into the socket's output stream.
           while((bytes = != -1 ) {
              os.write(buffer, 0, bytes);
         private static String contentType(String fileName)
              fileName = fileName.toLowerCase();
              if(fileName.endsWith(".htm") || fileName.endsWith(".html")) {
                   return "text/html";
              if(fileName.endsWith(".jpg") || fileName.endsWith(".jpeg") ) {
                   return "image/jpeg";
              if(fileName.endsWith(".gif")) {
                   return "image/gif";
              return "application/octet-stream";
         private void processRequest() throws Exception
              // Get a reference to the socket's input and output streams.
              InputStream is = socket.getInputStream();
              DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
              // Set up input stream filters.
              InputStreamReader ir = new InputStreamReader(is);
              BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(ir);
              // Get the request line of the HTTP request message.
              String requestLine = br.readLine();
              // Display the request line.
              // Get and display the header lines.
              String headerLine = null;
              while ((headerLine = br.readLine()).length() != 0)
              // Extract the filename from the request line.
              StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(requestLine);
              tokens.nextToken();  // skip over the method, which should be "GET"
              String fileName = tokens.nextToken();
              // Prepend a "." so that file request is within the current directory.
              fileName = "C:\\CSM\\Networking\\Project1" + fileName;
              // Open the requested file.
              FileInputStream fis = null;
              boolean fileExists = true;
              try {
                   fis = new FileInputStream(fileName);
              } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
              fileExists = false;
              // Construct the response message.
              String statusLine = null;
              String contentTypeLine = null;
              String entityBody = null;
              if (fileExists) {
              statusLine = "200 OK" + CRLF;
              contentTypeLine = "Content-type: " +
                   contentType( fileName ) + CRLF
                   + "Content-length: " + fis.available() + CRLF;
              else {
              statusLine = "404 Not Found" + CRLF;
              contentTypeLine = "Content-type: text/html" + CRLF;
              entityBody = "<HTML>" +
                   "<HEAD><TITLE>Not Found</TITLE></HEAD>" +
                   "<BODY>Not Found</BODY></HTML>";
              // Send the status line.
              // Send the content type line.
              // Send a blank line to indicate the end of the header lines.
              // Send the entity body.
              if (fileExists)     
                   sendBytes(fis, os);
              // file does not exist
              // Close streams and socket.

    ok. i figured it out. STUPID mistake. i forgot to include "HTTP/1.1" in my status line!!!

  • Creating PDF with IMAGE using CFDOCUMENT TAG

    Hi Guys,
    I m facing problem while creating the PDF using CFDOCUMENT
    Actually my clients want the IMAGEs in PDF document.
    Problem is most of the images in JPG format and while I am
    going to attach images in PDF document it takes lots of time for
    creating PDF. In most of time it cause timeout.
    I have try to convert images JPG to PNG, yes I some what
    better performance than JPG format but still it is work for 20 - 25
    images. In my case I want to attach normally 50-100 images in PDF
    (sometimes it is more 200).
    PLZ, Help me.. F1...F1...F1
    thanks in advance
    Coldfusion Programmer

    I am having a similar and more serious problem. It takes a
    long time to execute, but even attaching a small image balloons the
    pdf to 6MB plus. After a few images it gets up to 20MB. These are
    100k jpeg files being attached. The resulting PDF is too large to
    email or process effectively. Does anyone know how to reduce

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    I've recorded messages into some of the pictures I took at the time I took them.  The camera an Olympus E-PL1 creates a wav file.  How do I get PSE8 to download these wav files into the computer folder along with the pictures pSE8 downloads?  Right now I have to go back and copy the wav files through WIndows and paste into the computer folder that PSE8 created for the image files.
    Also, is there a way to "see" and play the wav files through PSE8 once they are in the computer folder?

    When you import photos from Camera to your computer, select these videos as well to import through File->Get Photos and Videos->From Camera or Card Reader option. It will also download the audio file. Also, if your .wav files are copied to the computer select File->Get Photos and Videos->From Files and Folders option and browse to the .wav file. Select the file to import and it will be imported into organizer.Organizer can also play these audio files.
    If you have already tried this then where exactly you are getting the error?

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    Thanks for any help.

    it's all grouped according to the dropzone...hit f5 and in your layers tab, right before the name of the group is a little arrow, click it to reveal 3 other groups, repeat the process till you see the text layer.... New to motion? Read the manual and do the tutorials.

  • Roller Images using templates

    I am having trouble getting rollover images to work using
    For example, on the following 2 page templates:
    I put in several rollover images for the menus navigation up
    top. This navigation will be apparent throughout the whole entire
    site... so I figured it would be good to use a template.
    Same thing with the second link. But the buttons to the left
    will only be needed in that category. So I made a sub-template,
    based on the first one.
    When I created the templates and tested online, the links
    will work, but the rollovers do not.
    Any help is greatly appreciated - Thank you.

    Here's a snip of code from your page -
    <a href="../catalog.html"><img
    src="../main_images/b1.gif" alt="" name="b1"
    width="101" height="24" border="0" id="b1"
    Note that you have applied the behavior for the rollover to
    the <img> tag -
    it should be applied to the <a> tag that surrounds the
    image. Try changing
    your code from that shown above to this -
    <a href="../catalog.html"
    src="../main_images/b1.gif" alt=""
    name="b1" width="101" height="24" border="0" id="b1">
    and see if that helps.
    Also, you have what I think is a killer in your js -
    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
    See that slash? I think that is causing things to not work so
    well. Please
    remove it.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "jamo1616" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f5p97j$kes$[email protected]..
    >I have taken over this site from someone who made it
    previously - so the
    > decision to use images as rollovers for buttons was not
    mine to begin
    > with.
    > However, it needs to stay that way for now, until I
    redesign the whole
    > site.
    > I have updated my code - but still no rollovers.
    > It should work like the man page:
    > Any thoughts?

  • Use Powershell to replace text with image in Word document

    I have a powershell script that uses a Word document as a template to create signatures that I am pushing out to my organization.
    The document is populated with text formatted the way I want the signature to look, that I then do a FindText and ReplaceText on.  This works fine for replacing text with text, but I can't figure out how to properly replace some of the holder text with
    an image and a link.  I found a few posts about adding images to word documents, but none that seem to work properly in this scenario.
    Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    Dear BOFH,
    You are correct that method I outlined is not for inserting an image into a signature block (which would be in Outlook, not Word).  The links you post do certainly deal with outlook signatures, well done... Except that the question was about how to
    use a Powershell script to replace text in a Word document with an image.  Sure it was framed in the context of creating signatures, but the poster expressed that they already had a method of generating and replacing text, and just needed to know, as
    I did, how to do the thing they actually asked.
    Please BOFH... Please forgive my audacity in hoping to find a reference (any reference) to how to replace Word text with images via Powershell in a thread titled "Use Powershell to replace text with image in Word document".
    This is certainly a scripting question, and even something as simple as "You will need to call the .NET methods for the Word find/replace functionality.  Please ask in the Word forums for the correct method to use. 
    If you need help on calling .NET methods look HTTP ://here"support you offered combined with the contempt you offer in response to my actual substantive help to the actual question asked.
    BOFH, you are not better than us, just more arrogant.
    Can you please start your own question as this one has been closed.  Please see scripting guidelines.
    We cannot guarantee you satisfaction as this is a user supported forum.  The is no SLA for community support.  Perhaps if you posted a better worded question as a new topic someone might be able to help you resolve your issue.
    The topic you are posting on is closed and answered.

  • Trouble with using MX Templates in DW8

    I had a question that I just cannot seem to figure out. My
    company recently bought Macromedia's Studio 8 Upgrade for the
    Design department. We used to use Dreamweaver MX. We did not have
    any problems with MX, with images showing in the Design window.
    However, in DW8 the images do not show up. There are place
    holders, but I need to see the images so I can actually design the
    page. When I program the sites into DW8 and then open a page it
    seems like the website management is not right. I found out that I
    had to re-attach the CSS sytle sheet using DW8's CSS window, once I
    did that the page looked a lot better but the images still do not
    show up (in the design screen).
    This problem only seems to occur in Dreamweaver 8. When
    viewed in a browser it seems to be fine. Does anyone know a setting
    that I may be getting messed up? I copied all of our websites
    directly from MX, so that cannot be the issue.
    Thanks again!

    Show me such a page, please.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Fadet0blak" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e5i6b8$91q$[email protected]..
    >I had a question that I just cannot seem to figure out.
    My company recently
    > bought Macromedia's Studio 8 Upgrade for the Design
    department. We used to
    > use
    > Dreamweaver MX. We did not have any problems with MX,
    with images showing
    > in
    > the Design window.
    > However, in DW8 the images do not show up. There are
    place holders, but I
    > need
    > to see the images so I can actually design the page.
    When I program the
    > sites
    > into DW8 and then open a page it seems like the website
    management is not
    > right. I found out that I had to re-attach the CSS sytle
    sheet using DW8's
    > CSS
    > window, once I did that the page looked a lot better but
    the images still
    > do
    > not show up (in the design screen).
    > This problem only seems to occur in Dreamweaver 8. When
    viewed in a
    > browser it
    > seems to be fine. Does anyone know a setting that I may
    be getting messed
    > up? I
    > copied all of our websites directly from MX, so that
    cannot be the issue.
    > Thanks again!

  • Images for tabs are not getting displayed in the page if Iam using a template

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    Please check if the images are in the server and in the /images alias path.

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    Hey RJ, I was able to create it no problem using either Rectangle Tool with 10px roundness (left), or the the Rounded Rectangle Tool (right).
    See live example here with drop shadow.
    Download original sample file here.
    Couple of tips to remember.
    - Use .jpg (100 quality) or png for each of the slices for them to show 'smoothly'. (I notice your screen example uses .gif, and it's not recommended when drop shadows are used)
    - For the top/bottom make sure the slice extends just a tab bit beyond where the 'corner' on the shape occurs. Thats why your seeing a little 'extra' graphic on your edges.
    hope this helps

  • I want to make a slideshow to view on my television with image's duration ranging from seconds to an hour or more and I want to use my iPhone or iPad mini to control the television through my Apple tv.  I've been unable to locate an app that will do this.

    I want to make a slideshow to view on my television with image's duration ranging from seconds to an hour or more and I want to use my iPhone or iPad mini to control the television through my Apple tv.
    I've been unable to locate an app that will do this.  The Photos app that comes with the phone or iPad has extremely limited duration controls.  PhotoStream seems to load everything from my phone or iPad not allowing me to just load up a set group of images.
    iPhoto for iPad is getting some terrible recent reviews.  I tried a couple other free apps but they don't use Airplay.
    I can do something like this with iPhoto and my MB Air, but it's kind of ugly to have the computer open in order to connect by Airplay to my Apple TV.  I've thought the iPad or iPhone would be a lower profile controller.
    Am I out of luck?

    Thanks for your help.  Since I'm uninterested in loading all my photos (the only option) into photostream, I won't be able to use the settings in ATV.  I guess I'm just stuck with using iPhoto on my MB Air.  Thanks again.

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