Loader para flv en realidad aumentada

tengo un problema, estoy creando un proyecto de realidad aumentada en internet; tengo un botón que llama a un html que a su vez abre mi webcam.
sucede que cuando pongo el marker frente a la webcam se reproduce mi video pero en streaming y lo que quiero es poner un loader para que cargue ese video flv, pues actualmente el video se corta mucho al reproducirse.

Similar Messages

  • Please help me load an .flv video that has been embeded onto a web page

    Hello there,
    I was hoping someone on this forum could please help me with one specific problem that I am having. I would like to embed the a flash player into an html page, and load the video from a service that has the streaming video provided.
    This is the context of the situation...
    We have created a site that was to be used on a showroom floor (no internet connection) and loaded the .flv videos at the local root level for the site.
    Now however, we would like it to be an online site. I have been able to use the flash "jw player"to load videos to play using the shadowbox javascript, but when I try to embed it onto a page and have it play, it isn't working and I am not sure why.
    Below is the code that is currently working to load the videos on the local root level.
    Might someone have any ideas on what I need to replace to have it load the videos from the streaming service?
    I would greatly appreciate any assistance that could be provided.  I can also provide a URL if it would help.
    I would GREATLY appreciate any assistance provided.
    <script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    <object id="player1" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" name="player" width="640" height="380">
    <param name="movie" value="player.swf" />
    <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />
    <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
    <param name="flashvars" value="file=assets/videos/Bob_Peebler.flv&image=images/videoStatic_Peebler.jpg" />
    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="player.swf" width="640" height="380">
    <param name="movie" value="player.swf" />
    <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />
    <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
    <param name="flashvars" value="file=assets/videos/Bob_Peebler.flv&image=images/videoStatic_Peebler.jpg" />
    <p><a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer">Get Flash</a> to see this player.</p>

    Thanks  a lot for the reply.  However, I am pretty confident that the jw player supports the streaming video option, but as I mentioned that I was able to use it as a popup using the shadowbox javascript before. After doing a bit of investigating on how the videos are hosted, I am using "progressive download" method for these videos.
    I think the problem is that the player.swf is hosted on my website server -  and the videos are then hosted on the media hosting service.  I think that the player needs to be located on the media hosting service, and then embedded onto the page along with where to point to the .flv video.  Does that sound right?
    If so, the paramater I am using to embed the player as I mentioned in my original post is simply:
    <param name="movie" value="player.swf" />
    does the "value" then have to change to the http:// address for the video player.swf that would then be hosted on my video hosting service?
    Little help?
    Please let me know if there is anything I can provide to clarify the issue.

  • Load random FLV with NetStream

    Dear Adobe members,
    I'm puzzeling for days on this one. I'm a bit of a noob so please help me
    I want to create a videowall in a grid of 7 x 7 flv's.
    In this grid, the flv's have to be loaded at random and when finished, a new
    random flv has to be loaded and played.
    I've come so far that I have a MovieClip that loads an flv at random and then
    loops it, but it loops the same video, not a random new one.
    Can anybody help me out please?!
    The code:
    var video:Video = new Video();
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    ns.client = {onMetaData:ns_onMetaData, NetStatusEvent:ns_onPlayStatus};
    var video_array = new Array("Scenes/001.flv", "Scenes/002.flv", "Scenes/003.flv", "Scenes/004.flv");
    // Function that gets a random video from the array
    function getRandomVideo():String {
    return video_array[Math.floor(Math.random() * video_array.length)];
    function ns_onMetaData(item:Object):void {
    // Resize video instance.
    video.width = item.width;
    video.height = item.height;
    // Center video instance on Stage.
    video.x = (stage.stageWidth - video.width) / 2;
    video.y = (stage.stageHeight - video.height) / 2;
    //loop the video
    function ns_onPlayStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
    if(event.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop"){
    ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, ns_onPlayStatus);

    For those who want to know how I solved it:
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    ns.bufferTime = 0;
    ns.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, asyncErrorHandler);
    var video_array = new Array("Scenes/001.flv", "Scenes/002.flv", "Scenes/003.flv", "Scenes/004.flv");
    // Function that gets a random video from the array
    function getRandomVideo():String {
    return video_array[Math.floor(Math.random() * video_array.length)];
    var vid:Video = new Video(182,137);
    function asyncErrorHandler(event:AsyncErrorEvent):void{
    // ignore error
    // loop video
    ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, ns_onPlayStatus)
    function ns_onPlayStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void{
    if(event.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop"){

  • NaN with loading external flv

    Hi all
    I'm having some strange diffulties which I can't solve.
    I'm starting off with a website.swf which loads different
    external swf's depending on the button that has been pressed.
    One of those swf's is a file with different buttons to load
    different external flv's.
    While loading a flv a progressbar shows the percentage of the
    loaded part of the flv
    Now: If I play the first video file everything works fine
    While switching to another button to load another flv during
    the loading of the first flv, My percentage says NaN. and stops
    On each button I say:
    on (press) {
    on (release) {
    This is the part I use for loading a flv in f.ex
    delete _global.loaded_interval;
    delete _global.connection_nc;
    delete _global.stream_ns;
    delete _global.pctLoaded;
    // video URL
    video1_url = "movies/binnenkomer06_Floriane.flv";
    _global.connection_nc = new NetConnection();
    _global.stream_ns = new NetStream(connection_nc);
    // Zet de video op stop om te wachten tot hij volledig is
    _global.playstatus = "pauze";
    with (progressBar_mc.bar_mc) {
    moveTo(0, 0);
    lineTo(300, 0);
    lineTo(300, 23);
    lineTo(0, 23);
    lineTo(0, 0);
    _xscale = 0;
    with (progressBar_mc.stroke_mc) {
    lineStyle(0, 0xCCE6FF);
    moveTo(0, 0);
    lineTo(300, 0);
    lineTo(300, 23);
    lineTo(0, 23);
    lineTo(0, 0);
    progressBar_mc._x = 640;
    progressBar_mc._y = 400;
    this.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 200, 22);
    loaded_txt._x = 645;
    loaded_txt._y = 405;
    var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    my_fmt.color = 0x333333;
    my_fmt.font = "Verdana";
    my_fmt.size = 9;
    my_fmt.align = "left";
    _global.loaded_interval = setInterval(checkBytesLoaded, 500,
    function checkBytesLoaded(stream_ns) {
    trace("my_ns.bytesLoaded: "+stream_ns.bytesLoaded);
    trace("my_ns.bytesTotal: "+stream_ns.bytesTotal);
    _global.pctLoaded =
    trace("_global.pctLoaded: "+_global.pctLoaded);
    loaded_txt.text = "loading... "+pctLoaded+"%";
    progressBar_mc.bar_mc._xscale = pctLoaded;
    if (isNaN(pctLoaded)) {
    } else {
    if (pctLoaded>=100) {
    Hope you guys can help me....

    Maybe they have hotlink protection enabled
    "indierockmedia" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:f3c4mo$ddn$[email protected]..
    > Hi, I am having trouble with some loading issues. I
    design ecards for
    > bands and
    > their tour dates, bio, and video files all load external
    files (text files
    > for
    > bio/tour, flv files for the video, and an swf skin file
    for the video).
    > Its
    > only a problem when I have to embed those ecards into
    sites that don't
    > host the
    > ecard. I have used crossdomain.xml and every fix ive
    read about, and still
    > have
    > issues. Let me detail below:
    > For example, I have an ecard for a band at
    > The tour and bio and video files load simply "tour.txt,
    > video.flv,
    > skin.swf"). Works great because no external servers are
    being called.
    But when I want to embed the file elsewhere, or use different
    > I
    > have issues:
    > I want to embed the ecard on to
    so I can't
    > have
    > it simply call "tour.txt" for example, the ecard will
    think the tour file
    > comes
    > from www.otherwebsite.com/tour.txt. So I call the full
    > I go to the ecard and click the button to load the tour
    dates. The text
    > box
    > that worked before says "undefined". So I put a cross
    domain file at the
    > root
    > of
    http://bandwebsite.com that
    allows access to files from
    > www.otherwebsite.com. Still getting undefined. I go to
    the embed code for
    > flashobject and have allowscript access to "always".
    Still undefined. I go
    > and
    > add System.security.allowDomain to my timeline and
    > www.otherwebsite.com. Still undefined. Still won't load
    my video or video
    > skin
    > and text files.
    > Am I missing something?
    > mikey

  • Load random flv

    This is my catch 22 ...
    Im trying to load random flv's into my mc. I cant seem to figure out how to loop random flv's.  Currently, it plays a random flv the 1st time, plays a random flv the 2nd time around, but the 3rd time (and so on) it loops the same 2nd flv.  I need it to constantly loop random flv's every time.  Any suggestions? 
    var randomNum:Number=Math.random();
    var connection:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var stream:NetStream;
    var video:Video=new Video(stage.stageWidth,stage.stageHeight);
    var metaObj:Object = new Object();
    var isPaused:Boolean=true;
    stream=new NetStream(connection);
    function onMetaData(data:Object):void {
    //load background video
    function videoInit():void {
         if (randomNum<=.333) {
         if (randomNum>.333&&randomNum<.666) {
         if (randomNum>=.666) {
    function videoLoop(stat:Object):void {
         if (stat.info.code=="NetStream.Play.Stop") {
              if (randomNum<=.333) {
              if (randomNum>.333&&randomNum<.666) {
              if (randomNum>=.666) {
         stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, videoLoop);
    Thanks in advance!

    First, you can shorten code and remove function videoLoop altogether. As for random issue, you need to reset random number to a new one - I don't see other issues with it. See code below:
    import flash.events.Event;
    var randomNum:Number;
    var connection:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var video:Video = new Video(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
    var metaObj:Object = new Object();
    var isPaused:Boolean = true;
    var stream:NetStream = new NetStream(connection);
    stream.client = metaObj;
    function onMetaData(data:Object):void {
    function videoLoop(stat:Event = null):void {
         if (!stat || stat.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop") {
              randomNum = Math.random();
              if (randomNum <= .333) {
              else if (randomNum > .333 && randomNum < .666) {
              else {
        stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, videoLoop);
    Also, you may want to reconsider how you reference videos and put the into an array and choose from it - this is more scalable:
    import flash.events.Event;
    var videoArray:Array = ["clipA.flv", "clipB.flv", "clipC.flv"];
    var connection:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var video:Video = new Video(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
    var metaObj:Object = new Object();
    var isPaused:Boolean = true;
    var stream:NetStream = new NetStream(connection);
    stream.client = metaObj;
    function onMetaData(data:Object):void {
    function videoLoop(stat:Event = null):void {
         if (!stat || stat.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop") {
              stream.play(videoArray[Math.random() * videoArray.length]);
         stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, videoLoop);

  • Existing 'load external .flv' code?

    Recently, I found a great little Flash  project that acts like a jukebox for external mp3 song files, and am using it on my website to play my song demos.
    I'm now trying to find if there is an existing solution like that for video.  I just need some way to progressively download video files from my webspace when the thumbnail is clicked... and am now looking into some sort of Flash jukebox.
    I've tried just embedding the video files into HTML, but they don't progressively download for some reason (even though they are saved as Progressive With Compressed Header).  I've even tried using prettyPhoto (...a script that mimics a Lightbox like feature, where the whole page dims, and a floating window appears over your site, displaying any media, and allowing you to move back/forth through your list of media)..... works great, but again, not a progressive download, so you stare at a blank screen for a while.
    Seems the only way it works is if I have the file on YouTube or some other site, then embed it or use the prettyPhoto app.
    So, can someone either tell me how to make the embedded file download (OT, but I figured I'd ask), or point at some existing Flash file that serves as a video jukebox, showing all media on a common window?

    You can load external .flv files which is placed on your web server. You have to add a small amount of AS3 code into your flash document. Please click on the below link
    Please use the sample code which is provided in the bottom of the page. In the code, you will find a line
    private var videoURL:String = "Video.flv";
    In the above line, instead of "Video.flv", you have to give your webserver path like http://www.domainname.com/foldername/videofilename.flv
    (The above code does the progressive download of an video)
    You can play the video through progressive download, by click on an image. To achieve that, you need to place the above code inside the mouse click function of an image.

  • Load Movie, FLV not showing up

    I'm publishing to Flash Player 8 from CS3. I have a MC placed
    on main timeline that loads an external MC onto level 10 of the
    main timeline.
    The external mc, "video60.swf" is linked to an FLV file. The
    FLV, SWF and the "AC_RunActiveContent.js" are definitely uploaded
    to the web server. When I preview in Flash locally it all works
    fine. When I open the file locally in a browser (same result in
    three browsers), it works fine. When I go to the URL, "video60.swf"
    loads (I see type in the mc), but I do not see the video.
    Could this be a server issue? Any other possibilities?
    Need a solution quickly, of course.

    hmmm....nothing obvious jumping out for either of us then.
    Someone else might know something there... but I'm stumped.
    All I'm left with is what I'd try to do to track it down (I
    haven't tried googling, so that would be first...but I guess you
    already tried that.) Here's what I'd check.
    What happens if you (just for testing) load the video60.swf
    directly into the html page .... i.e. not into the other swf.
    Beyond that I would try some trace code and possibly a try
    catch block around the contentPath setting and play methods. Use
    FlashTracer plugin in firefox to see what comes gets traced.
    Another alternative is the xray component to see whats
    Because things load much quicker from local it may be some
    event related thing as well... but if it is then I can't think what
    it might be and presumably that would also work the second time
    once the flv was cached by your browser.

  • Load external FLV files?

    I would like my desktop AIR app (built in Flash CS3) to load
    and play external FLV files which are on the same computer/hard
    drive but are not packaged as part of the AIR app. Is there a way
    to do this with the sandbox restrictions AIR has? If so can you
    point me to a sample or documentation?
    Excuse me if this is an obvious subject but the information
    out there is incomplete and confusing.

    I'm still running into the following: As soon as I test the
    movie, I get the following in the area where the video should
    status (0 seconds)
    Level: status
    Code: NetStream.Play.Start
    status (0.434 seconds)
    Level: status
    Code: NetStream.Buffer.Flush
    status (4.898 seconds)
    Level: status
    Code: NetStream.Play.Stop
    It doesn't matter if I click the button or not. The video is
    on my network.

  • Flash video loaded into FLV Player choppy

    I just upgraded to Flash 8 tonight, so I'm a little bit of a
    newbie as to the new FLV Player that's included (so cool though!!!)
    I was supposed to add a Preloader to a client's file tonight
    and got nowhere :(
    The Flash video that's being loaded into the FLV Player is
    choppy and I can't figure out how to add a preloader. I tried the
    AS from the help file, but it didn't work out. I'm assuming this AS
    is not for use with the FLV Player?
    Any help is GREATLY appreciated. I'm at my wits end with this
    and confused as to why I can't preload the movie. The preloader
    just blinks for a second, then the movie plays but it's large so it
    gets choppy every now and then.

    Actually I did try setting the buffer to 10 and it didn't
    correct the problem. Tried adding the suggested FLV Preloader but
    it doesn't work with this instance (component loading external
    movie file) so I ended up having to use a different FLV Player
    altogether and it worked fine. Seems like there is something wrong
    with the built-in component -i f another FLV Player works perfectly
    without any additional programming or tweaking and was developed by
    an outside source (other than Adobe.)
    Thanks for your reply though.

  • How to make a FLVplayback stop loading an FLV

    Hi guys,
    I am a newbie in As3, so please if you know the answer to my problem, explain it to me with a lot of details (how to write, where, what are the var to change...). I have a flash file, coded in AS3, that needs to have 4 FLVplayback movie in it. So right now, they way I did it, I have a mc on the stage with all my buttons (4) that are connected to a mc with all my vids (4 flvs). The vids in the mc are on the frame 1 - 5- 10 - 15. So when I click on the button 2 it plays frame 5 of the vids_mc. My problem is that when someone click on a button and the first movie didn't have time to finish loading, it will keep loading while the new one is loading too. At the end if someone clicks the 4 buttons, they will have 4 movies loading and after that playing at the same time. So what can I do to stop the other flvs from loading and playing every time I click to play a specific flv. Here's what I have now, it stops the sound and the movie if it's already playing, but don't stop the loading and will start to play when it's loaded even if I am watching a new movie;
    btn_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,btn2); //this code is in the buttons mc//
    function btn2(event){
    if ((root as MovieClip).vids.vid1) {
    (root as MovieClip).vids.vid1.stop();
    if ((root as MovieClip).vids.vid3) {
    (root as MovieClip).vids.vid3.stop();
    if ((root as MovieClip).vids.vid4) {
    (root as MovieClip).vids.vid4.stop();
    (root as MovieClip).vids.gotoAndPlay(5);
    Thanks in advance !!!!

    http://manuals.info.apple.com/en_US/iphone_user_guide.pdf user manual

  • Load external flv as background video and loop

    Hi, I want to have a subtle background video playing behind a slideshow. What's the code to attach a video and have it loop endlessly? Actionscript 3/AS3 only.

    Updated Help
    My friend is using VB.net to code a koisk. We would like if
    possible to be able to set the background color using the VB.net
    program. to be able to change background to a RGB color using the
    external program. I do not know Flash coding, I only know how to do
    buttons. I am guessing i will need some sort of global varible to
    set this up. Any help would be great

  • Swf does not load flv on server

    This has been asked before but it doesn't appear to
    have been answered... On my local workstations the swf loads and
    runs the flv fine. They are both in the same directory. When I
    upload the pair to a server (windows 2003) the swf no longer loads
    the flv file. I've tried multiple workstations and two servers with
    the same result. No matter where I put the swf/flv pair and no
    matter how I try to load the swf (direct URL, in an HTML page by
    itself or in the web page) the result is the same....
    When I imbed the video in the swf it runs fine, so, the swf
    runs okay it is specifically the loading and running of the flv
    file by the swf file on the server. I don't think it's a network
    issue because I've tested my workstations across the network and it
    works fine. It is specifically when the swf tries to load a flv on
    a server. I don't get an error message, just a blank swf holder.
    It's not the flash code because I've tried multiple playback
    components and they all give me the same resutl. Again, it appears
    to be specifically related to the swf loading the flv on the
    It appears to be something that has happened in the last few
    months (maybe I missed an update/) because I know it worked when I
    first uploaded the site. It appears to have stopped working in the
    last six weeks. I don't check my site on a daily basis but I last
    updated my site about the end of January and it was working then...
    I'm using studio 8...

    Originally posted by:
    Is the path
    Are you referring to the url in the object on the html page?
    Is that supposed to be the swf?
    <param name="movie" value="
    If you have found a solution, please post it! I have been
    working on this all day with no luck. Runs fine on localhost, but
    on my WIN2003 server, it just shows the blank swf. I did read that
    you also need to upload the skin swf file to the same directory if
    you are using one.
    I will post too when I fugure this one out

  • How to load and display the external flv video files in dynamicly and the how to control the flv fil

    How to load and display the external flv video files in dynamicly using AS 3.0
    and  How to control the flv file  add the play paus button and add seekbar.
    I have using to load the flv file following code
    var flvPlaceHolder1:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    var vid1:Video = new Video(734, 408);
    flvPlaceHolder1.x = 1059;
    flvPlaceHolder1.y = 152;
    var nc1:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns1:NetStream = new NetStream(nc1);
    var listener1:Object = new Object();
    listener1.onMetaData = function(evt:Object):void {};
    ns1.client = listener1;
    ns1.play("GV-1600 TURNING.flv");
    ns1.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, statusChanged1);
    function statusChanged1(ns1:NetStatusEvent):void
            if (ns1.info.code == 'NetStream.Buffer.Empty')
                 trace('the video has ended');
    then how to add the play,paus ,full screen button    and   seekbar,volumebar.

    I have to Create the flash presentation for our company product
    In this presentation the left  side the text animation are displayed then right side the our product video is displayed.
    In this presentation i need the following option :
    1, The first product video and animation is finished then the next product is played
    2, then the video displayed  (size width and height 400x300) , I click this video to increase the size(ex:1000x700)
    3, then the playing video i control  it play, stop, paus button and volume bar, seek bar.
    4, then this presentation is displayed on 42 inches LCD TV so this full presentation is run full screen.
    I have finished first two steps 1 and 2
    the following are the screen short and code:-
    code :-
    var count=0;
    var flvPlaceHolder2:MovieClip = new MovieClip();   
    var vid2:Video = new Video(734, 408);
    flvPlaceHolder2.x = 1059;
    flvPlaceHolder2.y = 152;
    var nc2:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns2:NetStream = new NetStream(nc2);
    var listener2:Object = new Object();
    listener2.onMetaData = function(evt:Object):void {};
    ns2.client = listener2;
    this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, BtnFadeIn2);
    function BtnFadeIn2(event:Event):void
        if (this.currentFrame == 387)
            /*flvPlaceHolder2.x = 30;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 140;
            trace('Screen size is changed');*/
            flvPlaceHolder2.x = 30;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 140;
    ns2.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, statusChanged2);
    function statusChanged2(ns2:NetStatusEvent):void
        if (ns2.info.code == 'NetStream.Buffer.Empty')
                trace('the video has ended');
    function home2(e:MouseEvent):void
        if(vid2.width==734 && vid2.height==408)
            flvPlaceHolder2.x = 30;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 140;
            flvPlaceHolder2.x = 1059;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 152;

  • Loading .FLVs dynamically into a single .SWF

    Hey guys, so here's my issue. I've got a site that I'm
    working on with a friend of mine who is a software developer. His
    comfort is with .net and asp.net. The site we're doing has a media
    section where the clients want to be able to upload videos in .flv
    format and have these uploaded movies populate a dropdown list.
    Instead of having them upload a .swf of an flv player and the
    actual .flv movie, we would like to have a single .swf that loads
    these .flvs dynamically. So, basically the problem there is that
    the location of the .flv file is usually hardcoded, either through
    actionscript or through the component parameters window inside
    flash itself. So I figure the solution is to have the flv player
    inside the swf call to a variable in the database, and when each
    video is selected in the dropdown, it is set as that variable. Do
    you guys have any tips on that code or any other solutions to my

    Yes, you must embed them rather than load them from a url at runtime:

  • Load .flv dinamically

    I stucked in a problem when i was trying to load Approptiate
    .flv file dinamically when I click on HTML hyperlinks.
    Actually I called a .flv file inside Flash Video using Action
    Script and as a result i got the approprite flash file played using
    Flash Player 8 but i wanna do the same thing using HTML tag i want
    to call the indivudual file using Html hyperlinks at the same
    position. i.e.
    var my_video:Video;
    var connection_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var stream_ns:NetStream = new NetStream(connection_nc);

    Actually i called .flv file using the above mentioned script
    but i wanna do the same using HTML hyperlinks ...........
    Now my problem is if we will pass the variables then We have
    to assign the value inside Html Page but how?

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