Memory leaks with Third party classes

Hello all,
This is fairly known problem. But I guess, my problem gives a new dimention to the problem.
I have an application which is developed by me. This application ideally needed to use third party classes ( obviously no source code is supplied ). These third party classes provide extra functionality required.
The problem is, when I don't use third party classes in my application, every thing is fine. When I include third party classes, I am having memory leaks.
Then I tried to investigate memory leaks with Optimizeit tool. It is new to me. As of now, I understood, we can identify where the memory leaks are occuring.
finally the problem is, in order to solve this, I need some patches in the code. But I don't have source code for those classes. How to solve this problem?
For example,
I use a third party classes in my code like this,
ThirdPartyMemoryLeakClass obj = new ThirdPartyMemoryLeakClass();
This 'obj' is made static, as it takes lot of time to create this object. Obviously this object contains several references to other objects, which I can't control.
In the process of reusing this object, I am getting memory leaks.
Any ideas regarding, how one has to deal this type of situations? What are the issues involved with this case? Are there any similar problems, which have been solved? are most welcome.
many thanks for your time.

Decompile it using jad. Find leak.Yes, I too got the idea and tried to decompile those classes and recompile. I had some problems while recompiling. Is this is the only way to get rid of this problem?
I was refering to powersoft.datawindow.DataStore class. Does any body here has worked on these?
Can you suggest me how to find the memory leak causes? if you were needed to find out memory leak causes, what would be your approach?

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    "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_01\bin\javaw.exe" -client -classpath D:\dev\TestAde\Project1\classes;D:\dev\TestAde\Project1\lib\ADEAde.jar;D:\dev\TestAde\Project1\lib\ADEConfig.jar;D:\dev\TestAde\Project1\lib\ADEJDom.jar;D:\dev\TestAde\Project1\lib\ADEMisc.jar;D:\dev\TestAde\Project1\lib\ADEStubs.jar project1.Test
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to connect to the server : java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling return; nested exception is: sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = -9213327104222131866, local class serialVersionUID = 8258372400816541186
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    at project1.Test.main(
    Process exited with exit code 1.

    The serialVersionUID of sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef in 1.5 is -9213327104222131866L. Strangely it isn't defined in the source code, just left to be calculated at runtime.
    I recommend you first search all your JAR files on both client and server, apart from the Java rt.jar of course, for classes in java.rmi.* and sun.rmi.*. If you find any class in these packages, or indeed in sun.* or java.*, complain loudly to the supplier, and try deleting them.
    If you don't find any such thing, I would then report this as a bug to Sun and I would also post it to the RMI-USERS mailing list where you will probably get a very rapid response.

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    and here:
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    Caused by: com.sun.istack.SAXException2: unable to marshal type "com.acme.Color"
    as an element because it is missing an @XmlRootElement annotation
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    ... 29 moreNote that my Color object represents a third-party class -- a class where I can't just annotate it with @XmlRootElement. Hence, why I am looking at @XmlJavaTypeAdapter.
    Can somebody please tell me why my adapter is not getting called, and what I can do about customizing the marshaling of a third-party class?
    Note that I am using JAXB 2.1.8.

    what kind of third party API are using ?

  • Memory Leak with JPopupMenu

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    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import java.awt.event.WindowListener;
    import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import java.util.Timer;
    import java.util.TimerTask;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
    import javax.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
    public class TriState extends JPanel {
         private static final long               K               = 1024;
         private static final long               M               = K * K;
         private static final long               G               = M * K;
         private static final long               T               = G * K;
         protected static int ctr = 1;
         private JButton                              btnShow          = new JButton("Show Form");
         private JLabel                              lblMem          = new JLabel();
         private static final DecimalFormat     df               = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.#");
         protected Timer                              updateTimer     = new Timer();
         public TriState() {
              this.setLayout(new GridLayout());
              updateTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new UpdateTimerTask(), 1000, 1000);
              btnShow.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                        FrmReferrals fr = new FrmReferrals();
         class UpdateTimerTask extends TimerTask {
              public void run() {
                   SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
         protected void dumpMemoryUsage() {
              Long t = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
              long f = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
              String st = convertToStringRepresentation(t);
              String sf = convertToStringRepresentation(f);
              String su = convertToStringRepresentation(t - f);
              System.out.println("Total:" + st + "(" + t + ") Free:" + sf + "(" + f + ") Used:" + su + "(" + (t - f) + ")");
              lblMem.setText(su + "/" + st);
         public static String convertToStringRepresentation(final long value) {
              final long[] dividers = new long[]{T, G, M, K, 1};
              final String[] units = new String[]{"TB", "GB", "MB", "KB", "B"};
              if (value < 1)
                   throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid file size: " + value);
              String result = null;
              for (int i = 0; i < dividers.length; i++) {
                   final long divider = dividers;
                   if (value >= divider) {
                        final double dr = divider > 1 ? (double) value / (double) divider : (double) value;
                        result = df.format(dr) + units[i];
              return result;
         private static void createAndShowGUI() {
              JFrame frame = new JFrame("SimpleTableDemo");
              // Create and set up the content pane.
              TriState newContentPane = new TriState();
              newContentPane.setOpaque(true); // content panes must be opaque
              // Display the window.
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
         protected class PopupMenu extends JPopupMenu {
              public PopupMenu() {
                   JRadioButtonMenuItem item1 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(new AbstractAction("Insert Item") {
                        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                   JRadioButtonMenuItem item2 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(new AbstractAction("Delete Item") {
                        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         public class FrmReferrals extends JFrame {
              public FrmReferrals() {
              protected void init() {
              protected void closeIt() {
              // variables here
              protected Dimension          dimPreferred     = new Dimension(1270, 995);
              protected JTabbedPane     tabbedPane          = new JTabbedPane();
              protected JTable          tblReferrals     = null;
              protected PopupMenu          popMenu           = new PopupMenu();
              protected void jbInit() {
                   JPanel pnl = new JPanel();
                   pnl.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                   pnl.add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                   // put it all in the frame
                   // init the table and model
                   ReferralsTableModel ctm = new ReferralsTableModel(buildDummyVector());
                   tblReferrals = new JTable(ctm);
                   tabbedPane.add(new JScrollPane(tblReferrals, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED));
                   addWindowListener(new WindowListener() {
                        public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {}
                        public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {}
                        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
                        public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {}
                        public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {}
                        public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {}
                        public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {}
              protected Vector<DBO_Referrals> buildDummyVector() {
                   Vector<DBO_Referrals> vr = new Vector<DBO_Referrals>();
                   for (int x = 0; x < 5000; x++) {
                        DBO_Referrals r = new DBO_Referrals(x+(5000*ctr));
                   return vr;
              protected void uninit() {
                   for (Component c : popMenu.getComponents()) {
                        PropertyChangeListener[] pl = c.getPropertyChangeListeners();
                        for (PropertyChangeListener l : pl)
                        if (c instanceof JMenuItem) {
                             ActionListener [] al = ((JMenuItem)c).getActionListeners();
                             for (ActionListener l : al) {
                   popMenu = null;
              protected class DBO_Referrals {
                   protected long          id;
                   protected String     Employee;
                   protected String     Rep;
                   protected String     Asst;
                   protected String     Client;
                   protected String     Dates;
                   protected String     Status;
                   protected String     Home;
                   public DBO_Referrals(long id) {
               = id;
                        Employee = "Employee" + id;
                        Rep = "Rep" + id;
                        Asst = "Asst" + id;
                        Client = "Client" + id;
                        Dates = "Dates" + id;
                        Status = "Status" + id;
                        Home = "Home" + id;
                   public long getId() {
                        return id;
                   public String getEmployee() {
                        return Employee;
                   public String getRep() {
                        return Rep;
                   public String getAsst() {
                        return Asst;
                   public String getClient() {
                        return Client;
                   public String getDates() {
                        return Dates;
                   public String getStatus() {
                        return Status;
                   public String getHome() {
                        return Home;
              public class ReferralsTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {
                   protected Vector<DBO_Referrals>          data          = new Vector<DBO_Referrals>();
                   protected String[]                         sColumns     = {"id", "Employee", "Rep", "Assistant", "Client", "Date", "Status", "Home", "R"};
                   public ReferralsTableModel() {
                   public ReferralsTableModel(Vector<DBO_Referrals> data) {
               = data;
                   public Class getColumnClass(int col) {
                        switch (col) {
                             case 0 :
                                  return Long.class;
                             default :
                                  return String.class;
                   public int getColumnCount() {
                        return sColumns.length;
                   public int getRowCount() {
                        return data.size();
                   public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
                        if (row > data.size())
                             return null;
                        DBO_Referrals a = data.get(row);
                        switch (col) {
                             case 0 :
                                  return a.getId();
                             case 1 :
                                  return a.getEmployee();
                             case 2 :
                                  return a.getRep();
                             case 3 :
                                  return a.getAsst();
                             case 4 :
                                  return a.getClient();
                             case 5 :
                                  return a.getDates();
                             case 6 :
                                  return a.getStatus();
                             case 7 :
                                  return a.getHome();
                             case 8 :
                                  return "+";
                             default :
                                  return null;

    BTW instead of continually printing out the memory use a profiler (jvisualvm in the jdk/bin directory -> heapdump -> search on your class -> view in instances -> find nearest GC root).
    Looks like BasicPopupMenuUI doesn't remove a reference to the JRootPane immediately. As far as I can see it will be removed when another menu shows.
    As a hackish workaround you can try this in you FrmReferrals#uninit():
                for(ChangeListener listener : MenuSelectionManager.defaultManager().getChangeListeners()) {
                    if (listener.getClass().getName().contains("MenuKeyboardHelper")) {
                        try {
                            Field field = listener.getClass().getDeclaredField("menuInputMap");
                            field.set(listener, null);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            // ignored
                }Funnily enough though it isn't there when I reduce your code to a SSCCE:
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestBasicPopupMenuUILeak extends JFrame {
        public TestBasicPopupMenuUILeak() {
            super("Not collected right away");
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test");
                            new JButton(new AbstractAction("Show frame") {
                                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                                    EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                                        public void run() {
                                            JLabel label = new JLabel(
    "Right click to show popup, then close this frame."
    + "The frame with not be GCed until another (popup) menu is shown.");
                                            JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu(
                                            // named differently so you can find it
                                            // easily in your favorite profiler
                                            JFrame frame = new TestBasicPopupMenuUILeak();

  • Deploying Common-utilities and Third-party Classes

    In your documentation you state that several jar-libraries (containing
    utilities, third-party classes, jdbc-drivers and also I suppose classes for
    custom realms) needs to added to the Java system classpath.
    This probably also means that they will not be distributed from the
    administration server to the managed servers as applications does. Since
    most non-trivial applications include startups, custom realms and so forth
    it renders the distribution feature (ie. from admin server to managed
    server) virtually useless. Installs needs to be made on all nodes anyway.
    One example on a solution for this is to distribute these jar-libraries to
    the new node-manager which then starts up the server with these jar-files on
    the classpath?
    Also one could include the startup and shutdown-classes in a
    weblogic-specific enterprise application deployment-descriptor so that these
    are run in the same classloader as the enterprise application. Most
    non-trivial startups probably needs to run in this classloader anyway. (If
    they for example access ejbs etc.)
    An alternative implementation would be to specify a servlet with a
    load-on-startup, but I'm not sure at what time the servlet will be loaded.
    Is this a recommended strategy for startup-classes that needs to run in the
    application classloader?


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    MainStage gives me a message that it detects a possible conflict with third party audio or midi drivers. The only midi device I'm using is class compliant (doesn't need a driver). My audio interface is an Apogee Duet and I'm using the most recent driver. Logic registers no such complaint. MainStage freezes. Any ideas?

    I am seeing this whenever MIDI events are being sent into either Logic or MainStage (primarily MainStage), while they are launching. On my setup, this will either crash the application during launch, ( sent to Apple ) or trigger this "...3rd party conflict / driver..." dialog.
    In either instance, disabling incoming MIDI messages by turning them off on all connected MIDI devices, or as suggested, waiting to connect the device in question until, the application is fully launched, fixes my version of this issue.
    ** Please Note: In my experience, increasing the number incoming MIDI messages, exacerbates the issue and, makes a dialog or crash more likely to occur.
    Hope this is helpful.

  • Really Apple? OSX 10.8.5 disables built-in camera functionality with third party apps such as Skype and Gmail video chat. I do not have time machine on my 2013 MB Air. How can I get back to 10.8.4?

    Really Apple?
    With the release OSX 10.8.5 Apple has once again showed its true colors, and continued its efforts to create a closed Apple system, which eliminates third party vendors, unless, one can only assume... they pay.
    Included in this OSX update is the disabling of the built-in camera to work with third party applications such as Skype and Gmail video chat. No surprise the camera works just fine with Apple apps such as Facetime and Photobooth.
    The answer I got on my call to AppleCare to ask for assistance in reinstalling 10.8.4, so that I may Skype again, was we can not do that. You can not go back unless you have a time machine bkup.
    Can anyone help me get back to to 10.8.4 on my 2013 MB Air?
    I do not have a time machine bkup as this computer is not used to store important documents.
    Thank you.

    Read this post: 10.8.5 Broke Camera Usage For 3rd Party Apps Like Skype
    Another: isight not recognized in Skype after 10.8.5 upgrade
    Don't panic. Skype simply needs to update its app.

  • How to integrate single sign on with third party system

    we are in the process of implementing istore application. we already have home grown isupport application to contact support personnal for any issues. Now we are wondering how do we integrate oracle applications single sign on with our third pary system. Is there any recommendation provided by oracle to achieve the same.

    We too are in the process of implementing iStore with SSO features.
    And if you believe me it seems to me as nightmare.
    In our scenerio we are intgrating this SSO with Third party access control too (AD and Siteminder). I would request you to please respond me on the following mail id , so we can share our experince which will help us in our implementation
    [email protected]
    regards and thanks in advance
    Vikas Deep

  • SharePoint 2013 on-premises integration with third party email account

    the Email sending issue from SharePoint is causing too much time waste 
    First let me explain how our SharePoint is deployed
    Sharepoint version : 2013
    Deployment type : on-premise
    Authentication : from Domain controller also hosted locally 
    domain name ; say this is same as our website address hosted on godaddy
    SharePoint computer name on local DNS :
    OS and IIS : 2008 r2 , IIS 7.5 
    Network firewall : 25 26 ports  opened for sharepoint , both incoming and outgoing.
    Server firewall : turned off
    Email configuration Attempts by IIS 6.0 
    We tried following setting on IIS 6.0 SMTP local server properties
    In General tab
    qualified name was shown as :
    IP assigned : sharepoint server IP  , advanced putted two entries of IP with ports as 25,26
    In Access tab
    Authentication : selected as Anonymous 
    Connection : All except below list : empty list
    Relay : only the list below , one entry as and other is local static IP of SharePoint server
    in Delivery tab
    outbound security : Basic authentication : accessed user in AD and given the right password, also checked with annonymous -not working 
    outbound connection: all default values and port = 25
    Advance : fully qualified domain name = , DNS test showed success, rest every check box unchecked 
    On sharepoint central management settings
    Outbound email =
    from and reply to address = [email protected] 
    IIS 7.5 SMTP settings 
    In IIS 7.5 sharepoint application we added SMTP settings as smtp server = godaddy out going smtp , user name as [email protected] , password = godaddy password , port : godaddy outgoing port  .
    Godaddy account 
    Our website hosted on godaddy with same name as
    open relay not possible on emails.
    After setting alerts on SharePoint sites and assigning tasks with alerts we receive email in queue folder but they never get forwarded. We just wish to use any of our email * to send outgoing emails from SharePoint . Its been a while we have no
    Tech Learner

    As I understand, you are using SharePoint 2013 integrating with third party SMTP server which provides email function.
    From SharePoint side, I'd suggest you refer to the link below to configure email integration:
    If you have already confirm that message is sent from SharePoint, while stuck in queue on SMTP server, then the issue might be related to relay on SMTP server. Since the issue is related to third party product, we do not have enough resource here,
    I'd recommend you contact their support engineer for more assistance:
    Thanks for the understanding.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected] .
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Integration of ChaRM with third party tools

    Hi all,
    We are in the process of building the solution for Change Request Management implementation integrated with third party tool. 
    As the normal process for ChaRM is to work with the Service Desk functionality (to raise a ticket, then support message, change request, change document etc...), but what we need is create the change request, and change document directly with ChaRM without using the Service Desk functionality. 
    Did anybody come across this situation?
    Please share your experience. 
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Balaji,
    there is no problem, as I understand, you want to use ChaRM without Service Desk. OK, than you create directly a Change Request in CRMD_ORDER, the transaction type you have to select is SDCR (standard transaction type), you have to approve it and then you can create a change document, it is not necessary that you start with a Service Desk ticket like SLFN.
    You need configured TMS a SolMan Project with a Maintenance Cycle, thats it (but this is enough , don't forget the customizing).
    I hope I understood you correct

  • Conflict with Third Party Apps?

    I am getting an occasional error saying there is a possible conflict with third party apps and that I need to check the drivers of my MIDI devices to see if they are up to date? Sorry but I did not record the exact wording. Does anyone know what this might mean, and how I need to go about checking drivers? I have a lot of interfaces and not sure how to see what's what. Thanks.

    Hi Midlake,
    Well, because they are known troublemakers. Search for 'takes' or 'take folder(s)' or 'comp' here on the forum and you'll find many a troubled soul crying out for help - including seasoned pro's, who thought they were beyond tears...
    O, they are fine for recording many takes - but thats' all. I'll select the best takes/phrases.
    regards, Erik.

  • How to integrate DRM with third party tool for loading metadata in SQL table

    I am new to DRM and I have a requirement in which we want to integrate DRM with third party tool(lets say SQL table) as target and load metadata from DRM (Parent node, name , alias etc) to SQL table (same column name)
    Is there any way we can integrate DRM to export the same to table directly instead to files. If yes what are the steps we have to follow.
    Is there anyway we can customize DRM to execute queries or run batch
    Can I have a basic example please.
    Thanks in advance,

    1. Use DRM Export to Table option, for that create an External Connection first for the Target Database and select the respective Tables to which you wish to Export the Hierarchy information.
    2. You can perform most of the DRM Actions via the DRM_BATCH_CLIENT.exe.
        Please refer to Using the Data Relationship Management Batch Client of DRM User guide.
    let me know if you have any issues.

  • How to integrate iReceivables with third party payment system?

    My requirement is to integrate iReceivables with third party payment system.
    Can anyone guide me to achieve this.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hello Prasad,
    <b>Connection with an External Payroll System</b>
    Payroll Outsourcing functionality allows you to compile master data or payroll data in the SAP system to submit to a third-party service provider in an electronic format. The Outsourcing solution available in the United States and Canada provides a generic interface which writes data into an IDoc (Intermediate Document) for transport to a third-party system. In order to transport data into and out of the SAP system, you must set up a logical system, partner definition, and outsourcing ports.
    If you have built your own payroll interface, using the Interface Toolbox, for example, you can use the Import section of this scenario. The Export section applies only to the transport of IDocs.
    For more information regarding outsourcing, refer to the SAP Library, Human Resources  -> PY Payroll  -> PY-US United States Payroll or PY-CA Canada Payroll  -> Outsourcing.
    Import Payroll Results from a Third-Party System
    Message was edited by:
            prasad chintala

  • Can you connect the Lightning to 30-pin adapter and Lightning to 30-pin Adapter (0.2 m) to iPod nano (7th generation) with third-party accessories?

    Can you connect the Lightning to 30-pin adapter and Lightning to 30-pin Adapter (0.2 m) to iPod nano (7th generation) with third-party accessories?

    Lightning to 30-pin adapter and Lightning to 30-pin adapter (0.2m) do not work if connected together by other third-party accessories.

  • Memory leak with 1.6.0_07 in applet using Swing

    Java Plug-in 1.6.0_07
    Using JRE version 1.6.0_07 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    Windows XP - SP2
    I have a commercial application that has developed a memory leak with the introduction of the latest plugin. The applets chew up memory and eventually freeze. They did not before. Using jvisualm I see a build up of native arrays, primarily int[][] and char[]. I'm still investigating. Anyone have a similar experience?
    The Applet uses a swing interface, uses buffered images and swing timers, and regularly performs http connections to the server which result in actions via the SwingUtil.invokeLater() method.

    I am Using Internet Explorer Browser Version 6.0.Huge security hole.
    Its not throwing Error / Exception Wrap a try/catch at the highest level possible.
    Catch 'Throwable'. And log/display it somewhere.

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