Object can't be send over to the server.

Hi to everyone,
I'm doing a connection between client and server. The client will send image from the platform to the server. The server will then create an folder in the server-side to store the images.
Thank you for reading. Hope to hear from you soon. Anytime you need clarifation, you could ask. I'll be more willingly to feel you in in more details.
IMclient.java -- file
import java.awt.geom.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.*;
// ========================== START OF IMAGECLIENT ===========================
public class IMclient extends JFrame implements ActionListener,ChangeListener
private JMenuBar mainMenu;
private JMenuItem open, save, exit, scale;
private JMenu fileMenu, editMenu;
private JPanel mainPane, butPane;
private JFileChooser imagesFile;
private JButton butSend;
private JLabel imageLabel; //A display area for a short text string or an image, or both
JPanel imagePanel;
JLabel imgPanel = new JLabel();
BufferedImage buffImage=null;
BufferedImage bimage;
ImageStorage dImage=null;
// JSlider variable
final int MIN = 0;
final int MAX = 255;
final int INIT = MAX/2;
JSlider redSlider, greenSlider, blueSlider;
// BufferedImage bimage;
int r,g,b;
int w,h;
int pixels[];
Image img;
String fname= "babymin05.gif";
// Declare all the Input/Output object variables.
Socket toHost = null;
//PrintWriter out = null;
ObjectInputStream in = null;
ObjectOutputStream objectOut = null;
Container cpane;
// ================================ Constructor ===============================
public IMclient(String host, int port){
initSocket(host, port);
dImage = new ImageStorage(fname);
public void updateImage()
buffImage = dImage.getImage(); //return buffered image
// img = (Image)bimage; //cast buffered image as images
displayImage(buffImage); //display the images
//added from rgbslider
//JSlider RedSlider,BlueSlider,GreenSlider;
public void displayImage(BufferedImage buffImage)
//to create and display an image
//BufferedImage bimage = rgb.getColor();
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(buffImage);
imgPanel.setIcon(icon);//to set image visible
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e)
//return buffered image from ImageStorage class.
bimage = getColor();
// displayImage(bimage);
public BufferedImage getColor()
//to get the array of pixels of the buffered image
pixels = new int[dImage.getWidth()*dImage.getHeight()];
//return the pixels value of bufferedImage
pixels = dImage.getPixelsArray();
int [] rgb = new int[3];
int pix=0;
for (int i=0 ; i<pixels.length ; i++)
//to get the r,g,b value from the array
rgb = dImage.getRGB(pixels);
r = redSlider.getValue();
g = greenSlider.getValue();
b = blueSlider.getValue();
//to set the pixels to the final value
pixels = dImage.setRGB(r,g,b);
//to set the pixels array value and the RGB value
bimage = dImage.getImage();
//to return the buffered image
return bimage;
public JPanel sliderGUI()
JPanel slidePanel = new JPanel();
slidePanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2));
JLabel redLabel = new JLabel("Red");
JLabel blueLabel = new JLabel("Blue");
JLabel greenLabel = new JLabel("Green");
return slidePanel;
// setSlider() consists of the three silders (r,g and b).
private void setSlider(){
blueSlider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, MIN, MAX, INIT);
redSlider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, MIN, MAX, INIT);
greenSlider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, MIN, MAX, INIT);
public BufferedImage getBufferedImage()
return bimage;
// ================================ initGUI() =================================
public void initGUI()
cpane = getContentPane();
//to set the close menu on the menubar
//Open the menu in order to img from any folder
imagesFile = new JFileChooser();
//create an intermedia panel to hold panel and button
mainMenu = new JMenuBar();
fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
editMenu = new JMenu("Features");
/* == JMenuItem(open, save, exit) to be added into the JMenu(fileMenu) == */
open = new JMenuItem("Open...");
save = new JMenuItem("Save...");
exit = new JMenuItem("Exit...");
scale = new JMenuItem("Scale");
/* =================== End of adding JMenuItem() ======================== */
//add events to the JMenuItem(open, save, exit)
/* =============== Create a button =======================*/
butSend = new JButton("Send");
JPanel butPane = new JPanel();
butPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
/* =============== End Create button =======================*/
/* =============== Create a Image Panel =======================*/
imgPanel = new JLabel();
imagePanel= new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
//imageLabel = new JLabel();
/* =============== End of Image Panel =======================*/
// creates a new Panel
JPanel rgb=sliderGUI();
Insets insets = cpane.getInsets();
imagePanel.setBounds(50 + insets.left, 20 + insets.top, 300, 236);
butPane.setBounds(400 + insets.left, 220 + insets.top, 90, 40);
rgb.setBounds(50 + insets.left, 300 + insets.top, 400, 250);
//to set the size of the frame
//to set the main pane visible to the user
// =========================== actionPerformed() ==============================
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
imagesFile.showOpenDialog(this); //to have the OPEN dialog box
if(e.getSource() == imagesFile)
//to get the file from the exact folder that the user clicks on
fname = imagesFile.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
if(e.getSource() == (exit))
System.exit(0); //exit the program
if(e.getSource() == butSend)
/* ========================== initSocket ================================
* Set up the socket connection to the server.
* 1: connect to the server at <host>, <port>.
* 2: getOutputStream() will return an output stream for our socket (ie
the stream is FROM the client TO the server. Since we want to send
Image objects to the server, we need to create a stream which can
send object, ie. an ObjectInputStream.
3: getInputStream will return an input stream for our socket (ie. stream
is FROM the server TO the client. We use this to create a stream that
can transmit formatted characters.
protected void initSocket(String host, int port)
toHost = new Socket(host, port); //1
//always do OUT then do IN
objectOut = new ObjectOutputStream(toHost.getOutputStream()); //2
in = new ObjectInputStream(toHost.getInputStream()); //3
sendObject(bimage);//here got problem ba
Object input = null;
while((input = in.readObject()) != null) //test whether object is null
Image img = (Image)input;
}catch (Exception e){}
catch (UnknownHostException e)
System.err.println("Unknown host in initSocket()");
catch (IOException e)
System.err.println("IO error in initSocket()");
/* =========================== sendObject() ==============================
* objectOut is the ObjectOutputStream. To send an object across the stream,
* use the writeObject() method of ObjectOutputStream. The flush() method
* ensures that data is sent.
protected void sendObject(Object obj)
}catch(IOException e){
System.out.println("Sending failed");
/* =========================== sendImage() ==============================
* sendImage() creates the requested Image Object, then calls sendObject() to
* send the image's width, height, and raw data to the server. The server uses
* these to reconstruct the image, we could use the ImageIO class to read the
* image file.
* The getImage() method return immediately, even if the image data has been
* fully loaded. Once the data is locked, the width and height, values using the
* getWIdth() and getHeight() methods.
protected void sendImage(Image img)
int w,h;
//get the image from the imagePanel and return the buffered image
img = dImage.getImage();
while ((w = img.getWidth(null)) == -1){}
//System.out.println("Width of image: "+ w);
while ((h = img.getHeight(null)) == -1){}
int[] buffer = new int[w * h];
/* The PixelGrabber class implements an ImageConsumer which can be
* attached to an Image or ImageProducer object to retrieve a subset
* of the pixels in that image.
PixelGrabber px = new PixelGrabber (img,0,0,w,h,buffer,0,w);
}catch (InterruptedException ie){
System.err.println("Pixels grab failed");
sendObject(new Integer(w));
sendObject(new Integer(h));
sendObject(buffer); //buffer contains all the bytes for the image
public static void main(String [] args)
if(args.length != 2)
System.err.println("Requirement Paramenters: <host>,<port number>");
String host = args[0];
int port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
IMclient is = new IMclient(host,port);
IMserver.java-- file
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class IMserver
Image images;
public IMserver()
}catch (IOException ioe){
System.err.println("Start Failed:"+ioe);
private void start() throws IOException
ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(22222);
new ImageServerConnection(ss.accept(), images).start();
public static void main(String[] args)
IMserver im = new IMserver();
class ImageServerConnection extends Thread
//Declare the Input/Output object variable
Socket clientSocket = null;
ObjectOutputStream objectOut = null;
ObjectInputStream inObject = null;
Image img;
/* ====================== ImageServerConnection ================================
*ImageSeverConnection is a subclass of Thread. ImageServerConnection handles a
* connection with a client. It has methods for initialzing a connection and for
* receieving objects to clients.
public ImageServerConnection(Socket client, Image img)
clientSocket = client;
this.img = img;
/* ========================= run() ===========================
* run() is overrriden from Thread. In this case, we call the
* newSocket method to initialize the socket and perform initial
* tasks.
public void run()
}catch(IOException ioe){
System.err.println("Socket failed: " + ioe);
/* ========================= newSocket() ===========================
* This is where we do all the client connection work
private void newSocket() throws IOException
inObject = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
//objectOut = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
/* =============================== getImage() =================================
* getImage() assumes that a connection already exists to the server.
* First, getImage transmits the image we want to get.
* Then, we wait to read the 3 objects sent by the server's ObjectOutputStream:
-- an Integer object, representing the width of the image
-- an Imteger object, representing the height of the image
-- an Image object
* The first two are Integer objects, NOT primitive int types. This
* is because the ObjectOutputStream can only transmit objects, not primitive
* types (to transmit primitive types, use a DataOutputStream).
* 1: Read the three objects sent by the server. Note each object must be cast to
its appropriate type, since readObject() returns an Object. To get the value
of an Integer object, we use its intValue() method, which returns the primitve
int value of the Integer.
* 2: The buffer object is an array of integers, which represents the image
data. In other words, buffer is an array of integers in memory which is
the source of the raw image data. Java has a special MemoryImageSource
class which is used to construct Images from raw data in memory. So, in
step 3, we create a MemoryImageSource object using the width, height, and
buffer objects.
* 3: We want to create an Image object using the MemoryImageSource object we
created in step 3. To do this, we use the createImage() method of the
Component class. Since this client class extends Frame, and Frame is a
subclass of Component, we can call createImage() directly.
* 4: Once the Image is created, it will be passed into the folder for storage
private void getImage()
Component c=null;
int w = ((Integer)inObject.readObject()).intValue();
int h = ((Integer)inObject.readObject()).intValue();//1
int [] buffer = (int[])inObject.readObject(); //2
Image img = c.createImage(new MemoryImageSource(w, h, buffer, 0, w)); //3
//create an new folder to store those sent images
File f = new File ("C:\\Sweet_Memory");
//you can also check whether such folder exists or not.
if (!f.exists ()){
f.mkdir ();
//how to store image into the file????
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Server-side: "+ img);
System.err.println("Receiving failed: "+ e);

The codes below have error message showing "IO error in initSocket() " which is in the initSocket method and "Sending failed" which is in sendObject method. HOwever i can't figure out why this error message is shown. Can anyone kindly help me out? Did i declare the wrong thing?
Please clarify with me if i'm not clear, thank a lot. Any help will be appreaciated.
public class IMclient extends JFrame implements ActionListener,ChangeListener
     // Declare all the Input/Output object variables.
    Socket toHost = null;
    ObjectInputStream in = null;
    ObjectOutputStream objectOut = null;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
      if(e.getSource() == butSend)
    protected void initSocket(String host, int port)
     toHost = new Socket(host, port); //1
     //always do OUT then do IN
     objectOut = new ObjectOutputStream(toHost.getOutputStream()); //2
     in = new ObjectInputStream(toHost.getInputStream()); //3
      Object input = null;
      while((input = in.readObject()) != null) //test whether object is null
                Image img = (Image)input;
              }catch (Exception e){}
              catch (UnknownHostException e)
     System.err.println("Unknown host in initSocket()");
              catch (IOException e)
     System.err.println("IO error in initSocket()");
protected void sendObject(Object obj)
         }catch(IOException e){
     System.out.println("Sending failed");
protected void sendImage(Image img)
         int w,h;
         //get the image from the imagePanel and return the buffered image
         img = dImage.getImage();
          while ((w = img.getWidth(null)) == -1){}
          while ((h = img.getHeight(null)) == -1){}
          int[] buffer = new int[w * h];
           PixelGrabber px = new PixelGrabber (img,0,0,w,h,buffer,0,w);
            }catch (InterruptedException ie){
                  System.err.println("Pixels grab failed");
            sendObject(new Integer(w));
            sendObject(new Integer(h));
            sendObject(buffer); //buffer contains all the bytes for the image
public static void main(String [] args)
            if(args.length != 2)
               System.err.println("Requirement Paramenters: <host>,<port number>");
            String host = args[0];
            int port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            IMclient is = new IMclient(host,port);
public class IMserver
     Image images;
     public IMserver()
           }catch (IOException ioe){
     System.err.println("Start Failed:"+ioe);
      private void start() throws IOException
              ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(22222);
     new ImageServerConnection(ss.accept(), images).start();
       public static void main(String[] args)
     IMserver im = new IMserver();
class ImageServerConnection extends Thread
         //Declare the Input/Output object variable
        Socket clientSocket = null;
        ObjectOutputStream objectOut = null;
        ObjectInputStream inObject = null;
         Image img;
         public ImageServerConnection(Socket client, Image img)
     clientSocket = client;
     this.img = img;
         public void run()
     }catch(IOException ioe){
         System.err.println("Socket failed: " + ioe);
          private void newSocket() throws IOException
                 inObject = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
           private void getImage()
                    Component c=null;
                 int w = ((Integer)inObject.readObject()).intValue();
                 int h = ((Integer)inObject.readObject()).intValue();//1
                 int [] buffer = (int[])inObject.readObject(); //2
                 Image img = c.createImage(new MemoryImageSource(w, h, buffer, 0, w)); //3
     }catch(Exception e){
                            System.err.println("Receiving failed: "+ e);

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    iChat uses a connection Process called SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) which is also used by other VoIP devices.
    Jabber/XMPP invited the Jingle Protocol for Jabber Applications.
    Google have included this in their Standalone app and the Plug-in for Web Browsers on both PCs and Mac (you can get this as a Standalone Plug-in or as part of Chrome)
    More on this here  This article has been changed several time in the recent months.  It now claims a greater involvement by Google in writing the Jingle Library (Although now Google's version does not work with the others)
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    10:27 PM      Saturday; January 21, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.2)
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    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    OS X Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages - Apple Support
    Google Mail recently implemented additional security measures "for your protection" of course. The manifestation of that may be the requirement to create a unique, "application-specific" password for each one of the various Google services you may use. That requirement probably includes Google Mail. So if the above Apple Support document doesn't resolve the problem, research Google's application-specific password requirements, and how to configure Mail to use it.
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    What OS are you using?
    Double-checking all settings is good. Along the way, one thing to try:
    Have a look at your SMTP server settings to see if the port is set to "default" or "custom".  If it is "default" try switching to custom using one of the numbers listed under "default". That fixed it for me on one of my accounts.
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    What OS are you using?
    Double-checking all settings is good. Along the way, one thing to try:
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    Cannot send message using the server mail.ourserver.org
    The server response was: 1060208403
    We are using Port 26 to send email.
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    Any ideas?

    It would appear somebody needs to connect into your network and/or your client system(s), and to dig around.
    So there are presently eight separate systems have eight separate cases of the same problem, and your email vendor says it is a client issue?
    Ok; that would not be my first guess here.
    An initial suspicion would involve hardware common to all of the client systems. At your network, wireless, router(s) or switch(es) and/or at your firewall. At the connection with your network and the rest of the Internet.
    And a look at the email vendor and the vendor's server(s), since the vendor is also common to all eight clients here.
    Has anyone been working with your DNS, firewall or other such? (I'm going to assume not, but it is worth a mention.)
    Use of port 26 is odd. I'd expect port 25 or port 587. Can you confirm that port? Port 25 is comparatively unusual for sending email of late; many entities now use 587.
    Are you running a local email server? If so, that could be having an issue. I'd expect to see a local SMTP email server connect to the next SMTP server via port 25 or potentially via 587.
    Can the clients make connections to other networks and servers; are other web servers and sites accessible? If so, that tends to rule out the common pieces of hardware; hunks such as the firewall and the Internet connection.
    There's no obvious translation of that specified error code; that's not an SMTP error, nor is it visible anywhere on the 'net. It may well be something from the client, or something from the network somewhere.
    Here is Thunderbird troubleshooting information, which might give you some ideas of where to look here (even though you're probably using Mail.app):
    If you have an email server running locally, the spectrum of potential problems becomes rather larger.

  • OSX Mail - Cannot send message using the server ....

    Hi there,
    Mac Pro with OSX 10.6.
    *Can receive mail, but can no longer send email* using the program Mail.
    Been getting the popup "Cannot send message using the server [shawmail.vc.shawcable.net] for the past 3 days. I hadn't changed anything about my computer, and have had the Mac for 2+ years. So this just started doing it on it's own.
    I had a technical support guy from my service provider even interface with my computer, where he could see my desktop right over the internet, and he couldn't get it fixed either.
    I googled this problem, and found solutions like:
    1. Uncheck "Use SSL" (Done that, and it was never checked "on" to begin with)
    2. Make sure Authentication is set to none, with no password (done that, and it wasn't set with a password to begin with)
    3. Delete [user]/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mail.plist (done that, didn't do anything)
    4. We even totally deleted my account, and started a new fresh one. Didn't work
    The tech support guy did show me a way to email online, using the same email account. That worked, but it's a hassle to go onto a web-based email program -- it's not my preference. So, with great certainty, it's not my service provider, because I was able to send emails on this web-based email program using my email account.
    So there, I'm stumped.
    Hopefully someone can help. What's bizarre is that googling this problem, I have found many other people that say it happens arbitrarily, out of nowhere.

    I can't believe how ridiculous this issue is. i have been searching for days for a solution to this. i have tried EVERY recommendation on these forums and nothing works. It appears that this issue dates back to TIGER. I had this problem back in January and just bagged figuring it had something to do with iweb. I bought a new html program and was able to send out my newsletter last month no problem. Suddenly, one month later- here i am again, unable to send out my newsletter with no help from Apple or verizon, or these forims, or anyone else. To think that a company that I have stood behind and loved so much can't be be bothered fixing such a simple issue that has been going on now through  5 OS's (I am using Lion but I had the issue using leopard as well)  is a disgrace.

  • "Cannot send message using the server....."

    Hi all,
    Considering the nature of the problem I am about to relate I would have to say at the outset that I would be very very surprised if other people have not come across this problem, so here goes...
    We have around 60 users of Apple Mail from both 10.4 and 10.5, so varying degrees of versions of Apple Mail however most if not all are updated to 10.4.11 and 10.5.2.
    We have been plagued with people being frustrated about emails bouncing back with an immediate error which is basically the following...
    "Cannot send message using the server smtp.xxx.com:user
    Sending the message content to the server failed.
    Select a different outgoing mail server from the list below etc etc"
    I am sure a lot of you have seen this error.
    However, it is totally random but I am at the end of my tether with it. It generally revolves around emails with attachments and can be totally random. I was trying to send a screenshot today, very small screenshot, using the Apple-Shift-4 technique, sent the .png file, then saved it out as a .jpg, nothing. Tiny file, around 5k. Got the error above, took it out, sent no problem. Other similar files on the desktop refused to send but a .pdf did. I then thought it might be our server, so sent teh same attachments using my .mac account. Same result and failed to send. Reports from other users in our group show that they too get random results, maybe moving the attachment in the email makes it go, sometimes putting it before your signature, sometimes putting your signature copied and pasted in so many times makes it work, all sorts of methods but all resulting in the same conclusion, Apple Mail can be very unreliable.
    We have even migrated some users to Entourage and the problem disappears. Even to Thunderbird, but those users miss the search capability as it is quicker and more reliable. So they want to go back.
    Considering I have been struggling with this issue back in the day when we were on the Apple Mail related version in 10.4 I was hoping that the version released in 10.5 would remedy the problems. Sometimes I feel it has just got worse.
    Is anyone else experiencing this sort of difficulty in Apple Mail, I really feel isolated and at a loss with how to remedy this for so many users.
    If anyone can share their experiences and how they have got around similar issues in Mail I am all ears and open to any suggestions.
    Thanks everyone for taking the time to read through this. There is more but the experiences are so random it is not worth trying to put it all down.
    Thanks again.
    Gerry McCoy

    I went in to Connection Doctor and. oddly enough, for this Mac account it said I was on Port 25. Si I changed it to Port 587 and saved the changes.
    Still, I have the same problem with the same error messages.
    I go back to the mail preferences > Accounts > Advanced and it shows Port 143 still there grayed out.
    What about SSL - it's not checked.
    Odd that this problem only seems to be from one .mac account emailing to another .mac account. Could the server be down?

  • Cannot Send Messages Using  the Server

    I am dependent (during the day) on a wireless connection to the Minneapolis Wi-Fi system (U.S. Wireless).
    I've got an e-mail account with comcast and I have successfully interfaced this with the Apple Mail application that came with OS X 10.5.4 and for many weeks have been happily sending and receiving e-mails. But....
    I've been on the road and had to connect with Hotel internet services and I was picking up free WiFi in NYC when I was there.
    I first noticed the problem when I was staying at a hotel in Vermont.
    I would try to send e-mails and I would get the message:
    Select a different outgoing mail server....
    Now, I am back home and using my U.S. Wireless connection (which has been really bad lately).
    I keep getting these blasted messages and my mail sometimes goes through but more than often, I get these "cannot send message.." notices and my e-mail just sits there going nowhere in the outbox.
    How can I solve this problem?

    Beside the SMTP name -- smtp.comcast.net -- there is a pair of arrows, with one pointing up and one pointing down. If you click on those arrows you will be presented with a list of all SMTP ever enter (you may only have one), and also the command to Edit Server List. If you choose Edit Server List, you will be presented with a completely new setup window, dealing only with SMTP servers, and that window will have two tabs, one of which is also Advanced.
    From the name, smtp.comcast.net, without your Username appended, would indicate that an Authentication of None is currently in effect. With changes that Comcast has made recently, whether you use Port 25 or Port 587, I believe you would have to use Password Authentication, most certainly if the latter Port 587 is chosen.
    If you click on the link below, although not for Comcast, you will nevertheless see in section 12 through 15, screenshots that cover the SMTP setup that I am describing above.

  • "Could Not Send Message Using The Server...:

    I never have any trouble sending from Apple Mail, except now I am trying to do a mass-mailing for our business. Is there a limit on how many people you can BCC?
    For the 1st message I put 200 people in the BCC field, and the message sends fine. Then I setup the another message with the next 200 people, and the send fails. Get a notice that Apple "Could Not Send Message Using The Server SMTPOUT.secureserver.net". And gives me the option of selecting other servers, neither of which work either.
    I am curious, are there limits on how many people you can copy on one message?

    Most, if not all ISPs and email account providers have similar limits per the following for personal/non-business email accounts as part of an overall effort to eliminate or reduce bulk spam emanating from the ISP's or email account provider's domain.
    Any ISP or email account provider that doesn't impose similar limits is helping to contribute to the amount of spam that gets circulated.
    .Mac has several safeguards in place to ensure that only .Mac members send messages with the Mac.com outgoing mail server.
    Among them are reasonable limitations on:
    The number of messages that can be sent each day (200 messages)
    The number of recipients that can be sent to each day (400 recipients)
    The number of recipients a message can be addressed to at one time (100 recipients)
    There is also a 10 MB maximum size for messages sent or received using the .Mac mail system.

  • Cannot send message using the server (null)

    i use mail 2.1.
    i have a .mac account and have three other email accounts attached to my mail account.
    lately, i cannot send any email.
    the switchiing ports fix hasn't helped either.
    this is the error message:
    The server response was: 5.1.0 <email [email protected]>...
    From address does not match authentication.
    Use the pop-up menu below to try a different outgoing mail server. All messages will use this server until you quit Mail or change your network settings.
    Message from: email <[email protected]>
    Send message using: [there is a combo box here with all the four accounts servers listed]
    no matter which one i pick it doesn't work and no email is sent.
    anyone have this error before? or now how to fix it?
    i'd be appreciative.
    1.67 GHz Power PC PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Sony HDR HC3 HD HandyCam MiniDV

    I was having a similar problem (don't feel like typing all the details)
    I was about to to delete my com.apple.mail.plist, when finally it hit me.
    I ran ethereal (again, I'm sorry, but learning how to use ethereal is a topic unto itself). Following the TCP stream (ie. looking at the smtp messages being sent back and forth) I came across two problems. For some reason my port number was set to 567 or something like that, when it's supposed to be 25, as I had originally set it to.
    Once I corrected the port number I started receiving an error message from the smtp server. It said the return email address could not be authenticated. (using xyz.com as an example) The correct return email address was supposed to be [email protected], but for some reason it was changed to john@xyz in the account settings.
    Anyway, to get to the point, another thing to check is that your return address has been set correctly, and if all else fails, make sure you have X11 installed and use fink to install and run ethereal. This will let you know if you are actually connecting to the server, and will show you any error messages.
    PS. I think this problem started occurring with the last update made to mail. I believe it somehow corrupted my settings. This would explain how my port number could have been changed to the default port number of .mac mail.

  • I have suddenly got the following message An (SMTP) error occurred while sending mail. The server responded: Requested action aborted: This mail account has se

    Having been on Thunderbird for some years I have suddenly got the following message when trying to send mail.
    An (SMTP) error occurred while sending mail. The server responded: Requested action aborted: This mail account has sent too many messages in a short amount of time. Please try later..
    I have checked the SMTP server settings in tools, account settings and they are as they have always been. Is there something I have missed?

    Sending through web mail is totally irrelevant to using an SMTP server. The message even says it is from the server. Why do you think this is a Thunderbird problem.
    The provider has put in place measures to keep people from spamming other email recipients using thier SMTP server. You have seen the result of those measures.

Maybe you are looking for