작성날짜 : 1997-10-15
ORA-907: missing right parenthesis error
이 error 는 export 한 table 을 create 시 comment 를 사용한 경우 발생하는 ORACLE error 이다.
이는 version 8.0.4 에서 fix 되었다.
이를 해결하기 위해서는 미리 table create script 를 돌려 temp_table 을
create 하십시오.
이 때 comment 를 모두 뺀 상태로 create 한다. 또는 /* */ 는 괜찮다.
이후 INSERT INTO temp_table select * from original_table ;
을 실행합니다.
즉 original_table 을 temp_table 로 copy 한 후
drop table original_table;
rename temp_table to original_table ;
을 한 후 table을 다시 export해서 다른 machine으로 import한다.
또 이 -- 를 없애는 방법으로 아래의 C program을 이용할 수 있다.
/* file name : cnvt_dmp.c
* This program is to covert double dash remark expression
* C language stype remark expression.
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXWORDS 4
char s_reserve[4][100]={ "NOT NULL", "CONSTRAINTS",")",","};
int dash2remark();
void main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
FILE f_in, f_out;
int i,j,lreserve;
int chr1,chr2;
char str1[100],str2[100],str3[100];
if( argc != 3 ) {
printf(" usage : cnvt_dmp infile.dmp outfile.dmp \n");
if( (f_in = fopen(argv[1],"r")) == NULL ) {
printf("could't open the source file.: %s\n",argv[1]);
if( (f_out = fopen(argv[2],"w")) == NULL ) {
printf("대상화일을 생성할 수가 없습니다.\n");
j = i = 0;
while( (chr1 = fgetc(f_in)) != EOF && !ferror(f_in)) {
if( chr1 == 'D' ) {
fputc(chr1, f_out) ;
for(i=1;i<7;i++) {
chr1 = fgetc(f_in);
str1[i] = chr1;
fputc(chr1, f_out) ;
str1[7] = 0;
strcpy( str2,"DEFAULT");
if ( strcmp( "DEFAULT",str1) == 0 ) {
lreserve = 0;
          i =0;
while( (chr2 = fgetc(f_in))!= ','){
if ( chr2 == ')') break;
str2[i] = chr2;
if ( chr2 == '-' )
lreserve = 1;
str2[i] = chr2;
str2[i+1] = 0;
printf(" lreserv => %d, str2=>%s\n",lreserve,str2);
if (lreserve) {
else {
for( i=0;i<strlen(str2);i++) fputc(str2,f_out);
else {
fputc(chr1, f_out );
int dash2remark( f_in,f_out,str)
FILE f_in,f_out;
char *str;
int i,j,start_pos=-1,end_pos=-1;
for( i=0; i < strlen(str); i++ ) {
if ( str[i] == '-') {
start_pos = i;
for( j =0 ; j < MAXWORDS; j++){
if (strncmp(s_reserve[j],str+i,strlen(s_reserve[j]))== 0){
end_pos = i;
if ( start_pos > 0 ) {
for(i=0;i< (start_pos-1); i++)
fputc( str[i],f_out);
fputc('/',f_out); fputc('*',f_out);
for(i =i+2;i<(end_pos-1);i++)
fputc('*',f_out); fputc('/',f_out);fputc(' ',f_out);
else {

Hi, i think that the problem is around the rollback segments.The solution is bring other rollback segments ONLINE state, if not exist others rollbackup,then you need create the other rollback segments and bring online state.
If you need more information, you will must see the next DOC-ID on Metalink site,
Have a good day.

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    The following procedure I'm getting an ORA-04052 error when I try to compile the following procedure.
    pin_referenced_name IN dba_dependencies.referenced_name%TYPE)
    cursor cur_get_dependancy
    SELECT distinct owner, name, type
      FROM [email protected]        -- prod.world
    WHERE lower(referenced_name) = lower(pin_referenced_name) --'ftbv_salesrep_all_1d'
       AND referenced_type <> 'SYNONYM'
       AND owner <> 'SYS'
    order by name;
    v_owner  varchar2(40);
    v_name   varchar2(50);
    v_type   varchar2(40);
           dbms_output.put_line(upper(pin_referenced_name)||' is found in the following objects.');
           dbms_output.put_line(' ');
           dbms_output.put_line(RPAD('OWNER', 30, ' ')||RPAD('NAME', 60, ' ')||RPAD('OBJECT TYPE', 30, ' '));
            FOR i IN cur_get_dependancy
                v_owner := RPAD(i.owner, 30, ' ');
                v_name  := RPAD(i.name, 45, ' ');
                v_type  := RPAD(i.type, 30, ' ');
                dbms_output.put_line(v_owner ||v_name|| v_type);
            END LOOP;
    END find_string;I'm using the link [email protected]. The procedure compiles for other database links used in the cursor including the one commented to the right of the code 'prod.world'.
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    SELECT distinct owner, name, type
      FROM [email protected]        -- prod.world
    WHERE lower(referenced_name) = lower(pin_referenced_name) --'ftbv_salesrep_all_1d'
       AND referenced_type <> 'SYNONYM'
       AND owner <> 'SYS'
    order by name;out of the procedure and ran it on the command line using the @pinp.world link, the SQL statement ran just fine. But when I tried to compile the above procedure with that exact same SQL statement with the exact same link I get the following string of errors.
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    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-02068: following severe error from PINP
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    OK Justin,
    Here's the query by itself run in another database using the @pinp.world link and querying the dba_dependencies table in the pinp.world database. As you can see the query using this link works just fine returning the requested rows. I can't figure out why the compiler is having an issue with essentially this same query when I try to compile it in a cursor in TOAD. Also this is the database (dev1.world) that I'm trying to compile this Procedure in.
    By the way I'm in an Oracle database and TOAD v9.2.
    SQL> conn apps/apps1@dev1
    SQL> SELECT distinct owner, name, type
      2    FROM [email protected]
      3   WHERE lower(referenced_name) = lower('ALL_USERS')
      4     AND referenced_type <> 'SYNONYM'
      5     AND owner <> 'SYS'
      6   order by name;
    OWNER                          NAME                           TYPE
    PUBLIC                         ALL_USERS                      SYNONYM
    XDB                            DBMS_XDBUTIL_INT               PACKAGE BODY
    XDB                            DBMS_XDBZ0                     PACKAGE BODY
    SYSTEM                         MVIEW_EVALUATIONS              VIEW
    SYSTEM                         MVIEW_EXCEPTIONS               VIEW
    SYSTEM                         MVIEW_FILTER                   VIEW
    SYSTEM                         MVIEW_LOG                      VIEW
    SYSTEM                         MVIEW_RECOMMENDATIONS          VIEW
    SYSTEM                         MVIEW_WORKLOAD                 VIEW
    ORASSO                         WWCTX_API                      PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWCTX_API                      PACKAGE BODY
    ORASSO                         WWEXP_UTL                      PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWEXP_UTL                      PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWPOB_API_PAGE                 PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWPOF                          PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWSBR_EDIT_ATTRIBUTE           PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWSBR_FOLDER_PORTLET           PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWSBR_USER_PAGES_PORTLET       PACKAGE BODY
    ORASSO                         WWUTL_API_PARSE                PACKAGE BODY
    OWNER                          NAME                           TYPE
    PORTAL                         WWUTL_API_PARSE                PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWUTL_EXPORT_IMPORT_LOV        PACKAGE BODY
    ORASSO                         WWUTL_LOV                      PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWUTL_LOV                      PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_CONTEXT                    PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_CONTEXT_UTIL               PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_DDL                        PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_GENERATE_UTL               PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_GLOBAL                     PACKAGE
    PORTAL                         WWV_MONITOR_DATABASE           PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_PARSE_AS_SPECIFIC_USER     PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_PARSE_AS_USER              PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_SYS_DML                    PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_SYS_RENDER_HIERARCHY       PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_THINGSAVE                  PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_UTIL                       PACKAGE BODY
    PORTAL                         WWV_UTLVALID                   PACKAGE BODY
    38 rows selected.
    SQL>Let me know what you think.
    Thanks again.

  • ORA-04062 error when running forms with different users

    ORA-04062 error when running forms with different users
    I have a form that has a block that should display some data from another users tables. (The other user's name is dynamic, it's selected from a list box)
    I wrote a stored procedure to get the data from other user's tables.
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    I tried setting REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE to SIGNATURE in init.ora but it didn't help.
    My Forms version is 6i with Patch 15.
    Database version is 9.
    Here is my stored procedure:
    PROCEDURE Get_Scenarios(User_Name IN VARCHAR2, Scen_Table OUT Scenario_Tab) IS
    Curs Open_Curs;
    i NUMBER;
    OPEN Curs FOR
    'SELECT Seq_No FROM '|| User_Name ||'.scenario';
    i := 1;
    FETCH Curs INTO Scen_Table(i);
    i := i + 1;
    END Get_Senarios;
    I would be happy to solve this problem. It's really important.
    Maybe somebody can tell me another way to do what I want to do. (getting a list of values from another users tables)

    I think it should be a better solution to create a package,
    and put your own TYPES and procedure into it.
    END ;
    Then in your Form :
    PKG_XXX.P_XX( 'user_name', var ) ;
    End ;

  • Ora 12154 error when trying to add a database to VS Server Explorer

    Hi Everyone,
    I get the Ora 12154 error when trying to add a database to VS Server Explorer.
    How do I get around this problem.
    The database service is running and I can connect to the database with pl/sql.
    I can also tnsping the database and that is also ok.
    Looks like a problem with the odp.net software.
    I am running the 32 bit Oracle 11g on a Windows7 Home Premium 64 bit PC.
    I am new to this stuff so please help me step by step.

    Hi J. B.
    I have a question related to this. After you told me about the //host:1521/database alias I tried it in a VB 2008 program and it worked and returned data. At least I know that it can be used in a VB program without issues. I just now need to be able to add a connection with the Server Explorer.
    Anyway here is the VB coding I used. I'm new to this and still learning:
    Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client ' Visual Basic ODP.NET Oracle managed provider
    Public Class Form1
    ' String to connect to the database.
    Dim strConnectionString As String = _
    "Data Source=//emad-pc:1521/emadeva;User ID=scott;Password=tiger;" '
    ' Associate the connection string with a connection object.
    Dim objOracleConnection As New OracleConnection(strConnectionString)
    ' SQL query for returning data rows.
    Dim strSqlQuery As String = _
    "Select dname, deptno " & _
    "From dept " & _
    "Where deptno = 10" '
    ' Command object to make this query work.
    Dim objOracleCommand As New OracleCommand(strSqlQuery, objOracleConnection)
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    ' Identify what type of command is being used.
    objOracleCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
    ' Set up a Data Reader and load it with data.
    Dim objOracleDataReader As OracleDataReader = _
    ' Convert the department number to a string.
    lblDepartmentNumberFromOracle.Text = _
    Catch ex As Exception
    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error")
    End Try
    End Sub
    End Class
    I still want to thank you for the help you are providing.

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    Any idea on how to resolve this issue ?
    your input is appreciated.

    Duplicate post ... please ignore.

  • ORA-0907 error when querying XMLDB Table using XMLExists

    Hi All,
    Get ORA-00907 error when trying to use XMLExists:
    SELECT *
    FROM tnmab_agreement_xml_binary A
    ( XMLExists('declare default element namespace "http://com.oocl.schema.tnm.agreementbuilder"; $XML/Agreement/ShippingPartyGroups/ShippingParties/CustomerHolder[SAP_ID="$ARG"]')
    passing agreements.AGREEMENT_XML as "XML", '5000003001' as "ARG")
    ( XMLExists('declare default element namespace "http://com.oocl.schema.tnm.agreementbuilder"; $XML/Agreement/NamedCustomerGroups/NamedCustomer/SAP_IDs/StringWrappers[Value="$ARG"]')
    passing agreements.AGREEMENT_XML as "XML", '5000003001' as "ARG")
    ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
    *00907. 00000 - "missing right parenthesis"*
    Error at Line: 6 Column: 176
    Any help is appreciated

    XMLExists('declare default element namespace "http://com.oocl.schema.tnm.agreementbuilder"; $XML/Agreement/ShippingPartyGroups/ShippingParties/CustomerHolder[SAP_ID="$ARG"]'
    passing agreements.AGREEMENT_XML as "XML", '5000003001' as "ARG")no ')' after the closing quote

  • ORA-00054 error when loading Oracle table using Data Services

    we are facing ORA-00054 error when loading Oracle table using BO Data services
    (Oracle 10g database, BODS Xi 3.2 SP3)
    Test Job performs
    1- truncate table
    2- load table (tested in standard and bulk load modes)
    Scenario when issue happens is:
    1- Run loading Job
    2- Job end in error for any Oracle data base error
    3- When re-running the same Job, Job fails with following error
         ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
    It seems after first failure, Oracle session for loading the table stays active and locks the table.
    To be able to rerun the Job, we are forced need to kill Oracle session manually to be able to run the Job again.
    Expected behaviour would be : on error rollback modifications made on table and BODS stops Oracle session in a clean way.
    Can somebody tell me / or point me to any BODS best practice about Oracle error handling to prevent such case?
    Thanks in advance

    the ora-0054 can occure depending how the job failed before. If this occures you will need the DBA to release the lock on the table in question
           AL_Engine.exe on The server it creates the Lock. Need to Kill Them. Or stop it..
    This Problem Occurs when we select The Bulkloading Option in orclae  We also faced the same issue,Our admin has Killed the session. Then everything alright.

  • ORA-03115 error when calling a Stored Procedure

    Hi All,
    I'm in the process of porting a Pro/C app from NT to Linux. I've installed 8.1.5 on our Linux box and patched it up to
    It all kind of works ok, except that I'm sometimes getting ORA-03115 errors when the app calls a stored procedure. The call in question looks like this:
    VARCHAR resprows[50][3998];
    int numret = 0;
    int numrows= 50;
    int done= 0;
    unsigned long resp_id = 0;
    BEGIN pkg_something.getdata(
    :resp_id, /* IN */
    :numrows, /* IN */
    :done, /* OUT */
    :resprows, /* OUT */
    :numret /* OUT */
    The stored procedure basically uses the resp_id value to select rows from a table;
    in each row there is a VARCHAR2(4000) column which it copies into the hostarray resprows.
    There may be anything from 1 to numrows returned from the SP.
    Initially, the resprows rows were defined to be size [4000]. Unfortunately, this caused ORA-02005 errors - I then changed the size to [3998], which seemed to fix the 02005's (although I'm unclear as to the reasons why).
    Now I'm getting the 03115 errors when calling the SP. The oracle manual is not very helpful on what this error means.
    This all works chipper on NT.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance,
    PS: The database the app is talking to is still hosted on NT.

    Histon FTM wrote:
    ORA-04063: package body "LAZARUS.LAZARUS" has errors Above, obviously conflicts with the statement that follows:
    The procedure and package have both compiled without errors and the statement on its own works fine in SQL*Plus.I suggest you take a look in the USER_ERRORS view to see, what the errors are.
    And just checking:
    You have schema called LAZARUS, which holds a package named LAZARUS, which holds a procedure called POPULATEGRIDPOSITIONS?
    Edited by: Toon Koppelaars on Oct 1, 2009 5:55 PM

  • Transport Error when Importing appset in target system

    We are receiving the below error when importing the appset TEST in Quality system.
    We have include all the objects in the transport by setting UJT_TRANS_CHG to D for all TLOGO objects.
    Any clues to what the problem could be?
    Post-import method RS_AFTER_IMPORT started for APPS L, date and time: 20110519104427
    Post-processing taking place in client 100
    Start of the after-import method RS_APPS_AFTER_IMPORT for object type(s) APPS (Activation Mode)
    Start After Import for AppSet TEST in Client 100 for RFC BI system
    Import Step UPDPTAB completed without errors
    Import Step ADMIN_DEF_UPD completed without errors
    Import Step FILE_SERV_UPD completed without errors
    Import Step DATA_TABLE_UPD completed without errors
    After Import method for AppSet TEST finished successfully
    Start of data checker messages
    Missing File/Dir:
    Missing File/Dir:
    Dimension COSTCENTER's master is empty!
    Dimension DATASRC's master is empty!
    Dimension PROFITCENTER's master is empty!
    BPF: Error reading master data
    Invalid attribute name (ACCTYPE) in dimension (CO_ENTITY)
    BPF: Validation error; Previous step has no matched step region "BR02"
    BPF: Validation error; Previous step has no matched step region "BR05"
    Start of the after-import method RS_APPS_AFTER_IMPORT for object type(s) APPS (Delete Mode)
    Nothing to delete.
    End of after import methode RS_APPS_AFTER_IMPORT (Delete Mode) - runtime: 00:00:00
    Errors occurred during post-handling RS_AFTER_IMPORT for APPS L
    RS_AFTER_IMPORT belongs to package RS
    The errors affect the following components:
        BW-WHM (Warehouse Management)
    Post-import method RS_AFTER_IMPORT completed for APPS L, date and time: 20110519104506
    Post-import methods of change/transport request BPDK900158 completed
          Start of subsequent processing ... 20110519104427
          End of subsequent processing... 20110519104506
    Execute reports for change/transport request: BPDK900158
    Reports for change/transport request BPDK900158 have been executed
          Start of................ 20110519104506
          End of.................. 20110519104506
    Execution of programs after import (XPRA)
    End date and time : 20110519104506
    Ended with return code:  ===> 8 <===

    Hi Naresh,
    Thanks for reply.
    We have checked driver dim and region dim(s) members. Its looks fine. Even though we are facing import error.
    As per basis guidance we have executed program  SE38--> UJA_DATA_CHECKER  on source system appset. And observed there are several errors showing up related to BPFs & Invalid attribute name ACCTYPE for CO_ENTITY dimension.
    If any of you faced similar issue. Please share your input in this regard.

  • Error when import BI content 3.5.3

    Hi All
    I have error when import BI content 3.5.3 step at Tcode 'SAINT' (file SAPKIBIFIH.car) for mySAP ERP 2004 (ECC 5.0 IDES).
    The error occur in step 3/5 after enter SAINT:Passw request.
    System shown information "<b>Queue SAPKLTHQ10 has not yet been confirmed</b>".
    In step 4/5 sytem shown statue/remarks "<b>The Add-on installation terminated during phase PROLOGUE</b>".
    I think about installation THAI font package at Tcode "SMLT" uncompleted.
    I run report <b>"RSCPINST"</b> at Tcode "SE38" for editing codepage after that the system shown error message "<b>MDMP is not supported foe SAP Business Information Warehouse. Message no.RIN010"</b> Please see sap note 563975.
    <b>Note:</b> When  i import Thai font package "SAPKLTHQ10" using Tcode "SMLT" the system shown error message "TL1277" in define schedule job step.
    Message no. TL137
    You want to start the post-import methods for special texts (calendar texts, terminology, and glossary) for language Thai.
    Before this can happen, the system checks whether this server is prepared for this language. The system also checks whether the language environment can be switched dynamically on this server (see ABAP command SET LOCAL LANGUAGE).
    System response
    The system established that the language environment cannot be switched to language Thai.
    The language transport is stopped at this point.
    The switch of the language environment may fail for the following reasons:
    1. The database codepage is not up-to-date.
    2. The codepage information for language Thai is not up-to-date.
    3. Locales for language Thai do not exist, or are invalid, at the operating system level.
    4. The profile parameter zcsa/installed_languages has to be adjusted.
    If an error occurs, proceed as follows:
    1. Find out the name of the server on which the language import job ran. Log on to this server.
    2. Check the language configuration using report RSCPINST. Solve the reported problem there.
    If your system consists of multiple application servers and not all of them have authorization for language Thai, continue the language import on a server that has authorization for language Thai.
    plaese help me to solve this problem.
    thank a lot for all solutions.

    This is a long story that you write, but your problem seems just that you must "Confirm the queue". Is that correct?
    Without this step no further Support Packages can be inserted into the system. Confirming the queue is done by one of the buttons in the SPAM transaction. Just put the mouse on the buttons and read the quick help to differentiate between the buttons.
    I have never had a problem like this but I think it can happen if, together with the new BI version you also include one or more support packs. This happens automatically if these packages are available, so you may not even have noticed it.

  • ORA-22813 error when deleting spatial objects in LIVE

    We are getting an ORA-22813 error when attempting to delete a spatial object from a version-enabled table in workspace LIVE. The spatial object to be removed has a SDO type of multipolygon. The geometry information consists of 4 rings with a combined ordinate count of 4120. The statement used to delete the row is:
    delete from tableA where tableA.id in (select tableA.id from tableA where tableA.id = 3);
    The error occurs only on a 10g R1 Oracle instance ( with Workspace Manager version The delete operation succeeds without problems on a 10g R2 ( instance with Workspace Manager version The statement is also executed successfully on the 10g R1 instance if the table is not version-enabled.
    Any help on this would be appreciated.

    I would recommend filing a TAR in this one. The only ora-22813 error involving workspace manager and geometry columns that I know about involves queries that need to sort data for which the size of the geometry column was >30k. Does the execution plan for the delete statement involve any kind of sort? However, this is an old 9.2 bug, that I believe was fixed for all 10.1 and newer releases.
    Does the same error happen if you do not use the subquery?

  • Error when importing CO Hierarchies from R/3 DEV to R/3 QAS

    Dear SDN,
    I am getting the following error when importing Cost center and cost element hierarchies from R/3 DEV to R/3 QAS...
    Object OSOA  0COSTCENTER_0101_HIER has not yet been imported successfully
    Object OSOA  0COSTELMNT_0102_HIER has not yet been imported successfully
    Ended with Return code ===8...
    But The two hierarchies were available in R/3 QAS and also i am able to utilise..
    My doubt is if i transport these hierarchies from R/3 QAS to R/3 Production any major issues...
    Now i want to test a data in BW DEV from R/3 Production data...
    So, I am planning to transport These hierarchies from R/3 QAS to R/3 PROD...
    Here we do not have BW QAS...So, getting data from R/3Production to BW DEV and testing...
    After testing Directly use in BW Production...
    So, Please suggest me why when importing these hierarchies errors occuring???
    Help will be greatly appreciated with points...
    Thanks in advance...

    Hi Venkat,
    Please go through the following threads...
    Hierarchy  Transports
    Transporting cost center and profit center standard hierarchies
    /community [original link is broken]://Transporting a hierarchy
    Transport Hierarchy

  • ORA-01031 Error When starting Database

    I have installed Oracle 11gr2 on my laptop having OS ubuntu 10.04, after installation i am receiving ORA-01031 error when try to log in with the command
    sqlplus / as sysdba what should i do to resolve it...

    there are a lot of possibilities why this can be wrong. Look at Oracle Support for note 233223.1, "Checklist for Resolving CONNECT AS SYSDBA (INTERNAL) Issues". This gives links to notes which leads you to maybe the solution.
    Possibilities are:
    - you are root, which is not allowed. You should connect with the oracle user
    - your user is not part of the dba group
    - permissions on files
    - and many more
    Herald ten Dam

  • Error when importing ST_PI 2005_1_620

    I am getting error when importing ST-PI 2005_1_620 in of our system.
    Here is the details on the log:
      Follow-up action PRGN_AFTER_IMP_ACTGROUP_ACGR for ACGR L started at 20081027152321
      Invalid object D_MD_DATA in role SAP_SDCCN_ALL deleted
      Invalid object D_MD_DATA in role SAP_SDCCN_ALL deleted
      Invalid object D_MD_DATA in role SAP_SDCCN_ALL deleted
      Invalid object D_MD_DATA in role SAP_SDCCN_ALL deleted
      Errors occurred during post-handling PRGN_AFTER_IMP_ACTGROUP_ACGR for ACGR L
      The errors affect the following components:
         BC-SEC-USR-PFC (Authorization and Role Management)
      Follow-up action PRGN_AFTER_IMP_ACTGROUP_ACGR for ACGR L ended at 20081027152325
    Looking for your expert advise.

    Invalid object D_MD_DATA in role SAP_SDCCN_ALL deleted
    Have you reviewed the role?

  • ORA -12569 error when querying dba_change_notification_regs table

    I am getting ORA-12569 error when i am trying to execute Select * from dba_change_notification_regs from sys user .we are working on oracle 10.2 version.
    Please help in resoving the issue.
    Thanks In advance.

    ORA-12569:     TNS:packet checksum failure
    Cause:      The data received is not the same as the data sent.
    Action:      Attempt the transaction again. If the error is persistent, turn on tracing and reexecute the operation.
    If this doesn't resolve your issue, please see metalink 4933023.8 (problem fixed there)

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