2.In case of account assignment, please enter acc. assignment data for item .(ERROR MESSAGE - 06436)

My suggestion is simple :
Enter the data in the standard PO creation transaction and see if you get the same error.
If you do, debug the transaction to see what causes the issue.
I'm sorry this seems a little long winded but this is a surefire way of finding out what is causing the problem
Hope this helps.
Kind regards

Similar Messages

  • Problem when using BAPI_PO_CREATE1

    I am getting error message
    "Control indicators for controlling area UPS do not exist"
    when I use BAPI BAPI_PO_CREATE1 . 'UPS' is the new controlling area that in which I am creating the Purchase order.
    Please suggest me some solution.

    Check the below code:
    *& Report  YPRA_SAMPLE88                                               *
    REPORT  ypra_sample88.
    DATA: i_poitem        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitem,
          i_poitemx       TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitemx,
          i_poitem_sch    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimeposchedule,
          i_poitem_schx   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx,
          i_acct_***      TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaccount,
          i_acct_assx     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaccountx,
          i_services      TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiesllc ,
          i_srvacc        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiesklc,
          i_return        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2,
          wa_header       TYPE bapimepoheader,
          wa_headerx      TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
          wa_poitem       TYPE bapimepoitem,
          wa_poitemx      TYPE bapimepoitemx,
          wa_poitem_sch   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
          wa_poitem_schx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
          wa_acct_***     TYPE bapimepoaccount,
          wa_acct_assx    TYPE bapimepoaccountx,
          wa_services     TYPE bapiesllc,
          wa_srvacc       TYPE bapiesklc,
          wa_return       TYPE bapiret2,
          ws_po           TYPE bapimepoheader-po_number,
          ws_wait         TYPE bapita-wait.
    CONSTANTS: c_x        TYPE char01 VALUE 'X'.
    break gbpra8.
    wa_header-doc_type = 'ZDET'.
    wa_header-vendor = '0002000000'.
    PERFORM conversion_output USING wa_header-vendor
                              CHANGING wa_header-vendor.
    wa_header-comp_code = 'DE03'.
    wa_header-purch_org = 'DE03'.
    wa_header-pur_group = 'DE1'.
    wa_header-vper_start = '20060730'.
    wa_header-vper_end = '20070621'.
    wa_headerx-comp_code = c_x.
    wa_headerx-doc_type = c_x.
    wa_headerx-creat_date = c_x.
    wa_headerx-created_by = c_x.
    wa_headerx-vendor = c_x.
    wa_headerx-purch_org = c_x.
    wa_headerx-pur_group = c_x.
    wa_headerx-vper_start = c_x.
    wa_headerx-vper_end = c_x.
    wa_poitem-po_item = 100.
    wa_poitem-short_text = 'Sample'.
    wa_poitem-plant = 'DE03'.
    wa_poitem-quantity = 1.
    wa_poitem-tax_code = 'V1'.
    wa_poitem-item_cat = 'D'.
    wa_poitem-acctasscat = 'K'.
    wa_poitem-matl_group = 'ZDESS'.
    wa_poitem-pckg_no = 10.
    wa_poitem-gr_ind = space.
    wa_poitem-gr_basediv = space.
    APPEND wa_poitem TO i_poitem .
    wa_poitemx-po_item = 100.
    wa_poitemx-po_itemx = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-short_text = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-plant = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-quantity = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-tax_code = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-item_cat = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-acctasscat = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-matl_group = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-pckg_no = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-gr_ind = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-gr_basediv = space.
    APPEND wa_poitemx TO i_poitemx.
    wa_poitem-po_item = 200.
    wa_poitem-short_text = 'Sample'.
    wa_poitem-plant = 'DE03'.
    wa_poitem-quantity = 1.
    wa_poitem-tax_code = 'V1'.
    wa_poitem-item_cat = 'D'.
    wa_poitem-acctasscat = 'K'.
    wa_poitem-matl_group = 'ZDESS'.
    wa_poitem-pckg_no = 40.
    wa_poitem-gr_ind = space.
    wa_poitem-gr_basediv = space.
    APPEND wa_poitem TO i_poitem .
    wa_poitemx-po_item = 200.
    wa_poitemx-po_itemx = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-short_text = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-plant = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-quantity = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-tax_code = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-item_cat = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-acctasscat = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-matl_group = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-pckg_no = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-gr_ind = c_x.
    wa_poitemx-gr_basediv = space.
    APPEND wa_poitemx TO i_poitemx.
    wa_acct_***-po_item = 100.
    wa_acct_***-serial_no = 01.
    wa_acct_***-gl_account = '0006360100'.
    wa_acct_***-co_area  = '1000'.
    wa_acct_***-costcenter = 'KC010000'.
    APPEND wa_acct_*** TO i_acct_***.
    wa_acct_assx-po_item = 100.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_no = 01.
    wa_acct_assx-po_itemx = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_nox = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-gl_account = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-co_area  = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-costcenter = c_x.
    APPEND wa_acct_assx TO i_acct_assx.
    wa_acct_***-po_item = 100.
    wa_acct_***-serial_no = 02.
    wa_acct_***-gl_account = '0006360100'.
    wa_acct_***-co_area  = '1000'.
    wa_acct_***-costcenter = 'KC010000'.
    APPEND wa_acct_*** TO i_acct_***.
    wa_acct_assx-po_item = 100.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_no = 02.
    wa_acct_assx-po_itemx = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_nox = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-gl_account = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-co_area  = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-costcenter = c_x.
    APPEND wa_acct_assx TO i_acct_assx.
    wa_acct_***-po_item = 200.
    wa_acct_***-serial_no = 01.
    wa_acct_***-gl_account = '0006360100'.
    wa_acct_***-co_area  = '1000'.
    wa_acct_***-costcenter = 'KC010000'.
    APPEND wa_acct_*** TO i_acct_***.
    wa_acct_assx-po_item = 200.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_no = 01.
    wa_acct_assx-po_itemx = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_nox = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-gl_account = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-co_area  = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-costcenter = c_x.
    APPEND wa_acct_assx TO i_acct_assx.
    wa_acct_***-po_item = 200.
    wa_acct_***-serial_no = 02.
    wa_acct_***-gl_account = '0006360100'.
    wa_acct_***-co_area  = '1000'.
    wa_acct_***-costcenter = 'KC010000'.
    APPEND wa_acct_*** TO i_acct_***.
    wa_acct_assx-po_item = 200.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_no = 02.
    wa_acct_assx-po_itemx = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-serial_nox = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-gl_account = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-co_area  = c_x.
    wa_acct_assx-costcenter = c_x.
    APPEND wa_acct_assx TO i_acct_assx.
    wa_services-pckg_no = 10.
    wa_services-line_no = 1.
    wa_services-outl_no = '0'.
    wa_services-outl_ind = c_x.
    wa_services-subpckg_no = 20.
    wa_services-from_line = 1.
    wa_services-to_line = 2.
    APPEND wa_services TO i_services.
    wa_services-pckg_no = 20.
    wa_services-line_no = 2.
    wa_services-service = 'H007'.
    wa_services-quantity = '12'.
    wa_services-gr_price = '100'.
    wa_services-userf1_txt = 'Firm'.
    APPEND wa_services TO i_services.
    wa_services-pckg_no = 40.
    wa_services-line_no = 1.
    wa_services-outl_no = '0'.
    wa_services-outl_ind = c_x.
    wa_services-subpckg_no = 50.
    wa_services-from_line = 1.
    wa_services-to_line = 2.
    APPEND wa_services TO i_services.
    wa_services-pckg_no = 50.
    wa_services-line_no = 2.
    wa_services-service = 'H008'.
    wa_services-quantity = '12'.
    wa_services-gr_price = '100'.
    wa_services-userf1_txt = 'Firm'.
    APPEND wa_services TO i_services.
    wa_srvacc-pckg_no = 10.
    wa_srvacc-line_no = 1.
    wa_srvacc-serno_line = 01.
    wa_srvacc-serial_no = 01.
    wa_srvacc-percentage = 100.
    APPEND wa_srvacc TO i_srvacc.
    wa_srvacc-pckg_no = 20.
    wa_srvacc-line_no = 2.
    wa_srvacc-serno_line = 02.
    wa_srvacc-serial_no = 02.
    wa_srvacc-percentage = 100.
    APPEND wa_srvacc TO i_srvacc.
    wa_srvacc-pckg_no = 40.
    wa_srvacc-line_no = 1.
    wa_srvacc-serno_line = 01.
    wa_srvacc-serial_no = 01.
    wa_srvacc-percentage = 100.
    APPEND wa_srvacc TO i_srvacc.
    wa_srvacc-pckg_no = 50.
    wa_srvacc-line_no = 2.
    wa_srvacc-serno_line = 02.
    wa_srvacc-serial_no = 02.
    wa_srvacc-percentage = 100.
    APPEND wa_srvacc TO i_srvacc.
        poheader          = wa_header
        poheaderx         = wa_headerx
        exppurchaseorder  = ws_po
        return            = i_return
        poitem            = i_poitem
        poitemx           = i_poitemx
        poschedule        = i_poitem_sch
        poschedulex       = i_poitem_schx
        poaccount         = i_acct_***
        poaccountx        = i_acct_assx
        poservices        = i_services
        posrvaccessvalues = i_srvacc.
    break gbpra8.
    LOOP AT i_return INTO wa_return.
    ws_wait = 5.
        wait = ws_wait.
    *&      Form  conversion_output
          Conversion exit input
    FORM conversion_output  USING    p_ip
                            CHANGING p_op.
          input  = p_ip
          output = p_op.
    ENDFORM.                    " conversion_output

  • Problem in posting Custom fields in Purchase Order using BAPI_PO_CREATE1

    Hi friends,
    Did any body tried populating custom fields using BAPI_PO_CREATE1?
    I am trying to populate custom fields in Header.
    I am populating EXTENSIONIN-STRUCTURE with 'BAPI_TE_MEPOHEADER' and EXTENSIONIN-VALUEPART1 with respective values of fields using the code below.
    But still it is not populating the custom fields.
    Can some body help me on this?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Ramesh Kodavati

    You require to implement the Badi ME_BAPI_PO_CUST
                                               Method MAP2I_EXTENSIONIN or INBOUND
    for changing the parameter CH_EXTENSIONIN in method INBOUND
                                       or  CH_STRUC in method MAP2I_EXTENSIONIN.
    in addition to passing the extensionin parameters in bapi.
    implement the above said bapi and put a break point in both of the methods (exactly i don't remember)
    and check values are populating in the CH_STRUC structure.

  • Problem in conditions pricing updation using BAPI_PO_CREATE1

        I am creating PO using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 however when i am passing the data to the bapi for conditions at item level the price value is not changing and throwing error as ( NET PRICE FOR ITEM 00010 adopted from last document ) so for all the items its throwing the same information and when i am chekin the PO the value is not the changing. and while creating the PO manually also the net price is coming automatically and we need to backspace the value and re enter the new value. So wht should i do in order to input the data into the PO.
    Thanks in advance


  • Problem in Conditions while using BAPI_PO_CREATE1

    Hi All
    I am using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 to create purchase Order. When I am changing calculation type for condition type's system not picking the correct amount through BAPI.
    For e.g. for condition type 'FRB1' (Freight Value) I have maintain the amount 10.00 in condition value for calculation type 'B' (fixed amount). But when I pass calculation type 'A' i.e. Percentage, BAPI overwrites the amount to 1.00%.
    I Want to pass the amount 10.00 as it is with calculation type '%'. Kindly suggest how to do it.

    Hi All
    I am using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 to create purchase Order. When I am changing calculation type for condition type's system not picking the correct amount through BAPI.
    For e.g. for condition type 'FRB1' (Freight Value) I have maintain the amount 10.00 in condition value for calculation type 'B' (fixed amount). But when I pass calculation type 'A' i.e. Percentage, BAPI overwrites the amount to 1.00%.
    I Want to pass the amount 10.00 as it is with calculation type '%'. Kindly suggest how to do it.

  • Using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 : Linking service, and account assignment

    I have trouble when using BAPI_PO_CREATE1. When creating PO using BAPI_PO_CREATE1, I need to input service for each po item and the service itself need to have account assignment. I simplify the code below.
    **PO item
    t_poitem-po_item        = '10'. "for item 10
    t_poitem-PCKG_NO        = '20'. "link with service
    t_poitemx-po_item        = 'X'.
    t_poitemx-PCKG_NO       = 'X'.
    **Account Assignment
    t_poaccount-po_item    = '10'. "link with PO Item
    t_poaccount-SERIAL_NO  = '01'.
    t_poaccount-DISTR_PERC = 1.
    t_poaccountx-po_item    = '10'.
    t_poaccountx-SERIAL_NO  =  '01'.
    t_poaccountx-po_itemx    = 'X'.
    t_poaccountx-SERIAL_NOx  = 'X'.
    t_poaccountx-DISTR_PERC = 'X'.
    **PO Services
    **1st row
    t_poservices-PCKG_NO = '20'.
    t_poservices-LINE_NO = '0000000001'.
    t_poservices-SUBPCKG_NO  = '21'.
    APPEND t_poservices.
    clear t_poservices.
    **2nd row
    t_poservices-PCKG_NO = '21'.
    t_poservices-LINE_NO = '0000000002'.
    t_poservices-EXT_LINE = '0000000010'.
    **fill account assignment for services
    t_POSRVACCESSVALUES-pckg_no = '21'.
    t_POSRVACCESSVALUES-LINE_NO = '0000000002'.
    t_POSRVACCESSVALUES-SERIAL_NO = '01'. "acct. assign. link
    Every time i execute BAPI_PO_CREATE1 using entry similar like above, i always found error message in t_return like this:
    No account assignment exists for service line 0000000010
    I feel sure that i have fill every field needed to link services and account assignment which is using serial_no, but somehow it does not link correctly. Can anyone advise me if there is some thing missing or incorrect with my ABAP code above? Thank you in advance for your help. For sure, first helpful answer will receive my rewards point.

    Thank you for the code. Actually i have fill the required field as you told but i did not put it in my code here to focus the problem on service and account assignment. After checking out your code, i found that the different between your code and mine is in services table.
    <u><b>your code :</b></u>
    PCKG_NO : 0000000001
    LINE_NO :0000000001
    SUBPCKG_NO : 0000000002
    SERVICE :3000000000017
    GR_PRICE :20000
    <b>POSRVACCESSVALUES: structure name</b>
    PCKG_NO :0000000002
    LINE_NO :0000000002
    <u><b>my code are:</b></u>
    PCKG_NO : 0000000001
    LINE_NO :0000000001
    SUBPCKG_NO : 0000000002
    PCKG_NO : 0000000002
    LINE_NO :0000000002
    SERVICE :3000000000017
    GR_PRICE :20000
    <b>POSRVACCESSVALUES: structure name</b>
    PCKG_NO :0000000002
    LINE_NO :0000000002
    SERIAL_NO :0000000001
    The other difference are in account assignment table, you didn't fill SERIAL_NO field.
    my code will be like below:
    <b>POACCOUNT: structure name</b>
    PO_ITEM :10
    SERIAL_NO : 0000000001
    If using your version, the error message will be:
    <i>In case of account assignment, please enter acc. assignment data for item</i>
    If using my version, the error message will be:
    <i>No account assignment exists for service line 0000000010</i>
    Please advise what was wrong with my code. Thank you.

  • Net Price showing zero while using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 for me21n

    Dear All,
    I am using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 for ME21N. The problem is, after execution of the program the error msg it shows-
    No instance of object type PurchaseOrder has been created. External reference:
    Purchase order still contains faulty items
    Net price must be greater than 0
    The values are coming from excel file.
    Please tell me where I am doing wrong.
    With regards,

    You create a purchase order with BAPI_PO_CREATE1 or you add an item to an existing purchase order with BAPI_PO_CHANGE. You assign a value in field POITEM-NET_PRICE. However, this value is not transferred. If it was not possible for you to determine any conditions, the system generated the error message 06218 'Net price must be greater than 0'.
    Other terms
    BAPI_PO_CREATE1, BAPI_PO_CHANGE, price, net price, gross price, conditions, price determination, condition type, 06218, EKPO-NETPR, NETPR, POITEM-NET_PRICE, NET_PRICE, PO_PRICE, BAPI_PO_PRICE, BUS2012, PurchaseOrder.CreateFromData1, CreateFromData1, PurchaeOrder.Change
    Reason and Prerequisites
    This function has not been available up to now. You could also assign conditions via the condition tables.
    Read also Notes 399791, 428621, 529287, 578253 and 539950 for this.
    The present note adds field PO_PRICE to table POITEM. PO_PRICE can have the values ' ', '1' or '2' with the following meaning:
        PO_PRICE = ' ': The price determination is carried out as before.
        PO_PRICE = '1': The value assigned in field NET_PRICE is transferred as a gross price, that is it is set in the condition type that is defined as a base price in the calculation schema. All other condition types remain unchanged. No conditions are copied from the last document.
        PO_PRICE = '2': The value assigned in field NET_PRICE is transferred as a net price, that is it is set in the condition type that is defined as base price in the calculation scheme. All other condition types are deleted.
    Note the following
    The following restrictions apply to field PO_PRICE:
        If you assign conditions via the BAPI interface, these are always transferred. This is carried out independently of the value that you assign in field PO_PRICE.
        If you add a new item to a purchase order with BAPI_PO_CHANGE, it does not suffice to fill field POITEM-NET_PRICE on item level. The corresponding currency must be specified explicitly on header level.
        You can only use field PO_PRICE during the creation of a purchase order item. If you want to change the price of an already existing item, you can only do this via the conditions.
        If you fill field POITEM-PO_PRICE, you must enter an 'X' in POITEMX-PO_PRICE so that the value is transferred.
    The correction is made available via R/3 support package. If you want to implement the note manually, proceed as follows:
        1. Make sure that your system contains Notes 494759, 552189 and 578253.
        2. Create data type BAPI_PO_PRICE with the following attributes:
                        Short text:
                           Price transfer indicator: 1  = gross, 2 = net
                        Package: ME
                        Domain: BPUEB
        3. Extend structure BAPIMEPOITEM (directly after NO_ROUNDING):
                        Component: PO_PRICE
                        Component type: BAPI_PO_PRICE
        4. Extend structure BAPIMEPOITEMX (directly after NO_ROUNDING):
                        Component: PO_PRICE
                        Component type: BAPIUPDATE
        5. Extend structure MEPOITEM_DATA (directly after NO_ROUNDING):
                        Component: PO_PRICE
                        Component type: BAPI_PO_PRICE
        6. Extend structure MEPOITEM_DATAX (directly after NO_ROUNDING):
                        Component: PO_PRICE
                        Component type: BAPIUPDATE
        7. Implement the correction instructions in your system.
    Edited by: Parupelly on Dec 14, 2011 1:30 PM

  • Del Date not populating using bapi_po_create1

    I am using Bapi_po_create1 and am having a problem with delivery dates. The Po creates fine but the delivery date will not populate.
    here is the code i use to populate the Bapi
    wa_po_item_schedules1-po_item = line_c.
        wa_po_item_schedules1-delivery_date = del_date.
        wa_po_item_schedules1-quantity = scr100-qty.
        wa_po_item_schedules1-del_datcat_ext = 'D'.
        APPEND wa_po_item_schedules1 TO it_po_item_schedules1.
        wa_po_item_schedulesx-po_item = 'X'.
        wa_po_item_schedulesx-delivery_date = 'X'.
        wa_po_item_schedulesx-quantity = 'X'.
        wa_po_item_schedulesx-del_datcat_ext = 'X'.
        APPEND wa_po_item_schedulesx TO it_po_item_schedulesx.
    Any ideas?

    You are passing 'Category of delivery date' as 'D'. Could you check Category of delivery date in TPRG table ? Also check in which format you are passing the schedule date.

  • Printing Purchase Orders after they have been created using BAPI_PO_CREATE1

    We have a requirement to develop a Z program to to alloow certain users to create and print "special" dummy Purchase Orders (PO).
    Using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 I have been able to create the PO no problem.  But how on earth do you get them to physically print out ?
    BAPI_PO_CREATE1 is meant to be an alternative to ME21N. In ME21N you can create a "PO message" which is actually a print output of the PO) and have it sent to the spool, depending on config. However, you can't use BDC with ME21N.
    I expected the BAPI to have some sort of table/structure to pass print parameters that emulated ME21N's  PO message, but there is none.
    Anybody done this ?
    cheers Hugh

    Well, if you had your PO output configured to print immediately when the PO is created, then the BAPI call would result in a printout.
    But if you don't want to always print a PO when a new document is created, you could set up a new output type for 'print immediately' and then attach a condition in the output configuration that checks if a certain criterion is met (so for instance if the PO was created via the BAPI), and only if this condition is met would the processing continue.
    That way, you could keep the current PO output process (on request only), and have a conditional output that'd only be processed for POs created by the BAPI.

  • How to bypass material rounding rules when using 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1'?

    How to bypass rounding rules when create a PO using 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1'?
    I faced a problem when using the BAPI to create PO. As the material has rounding rule, thus, when I create the PO using this BAPI, the quantity will be rounded according to the rule.
    How can I bypass the rounding rule so that I can upload the quantity according to the quantity that specify in my upload file?
    Edited by: Irene Sam on Jun 17, 2008 1:08 PM

    I've solved the problem with passing the parameter no_rounding into the BAPI.
    poitem-no_rounding = 'X'.
    poitemx-no_rounding = 'X'.
              poheader         = poheader
              poheaderx        = poheaderx
              exppurchaseorder = w_ebeln
              return           = poreturn
              poitem           = poitem
              poitemx          = poitemx
              poschedule       = poschedule
              poschedulex      = poschedulex
              potextheader     = pohdrtext
              poaccount        = poaccount
              poaccountx       = poaccountx.

  • Error  while creating a Service PO using BAPI_PO_CREATE1

    Im facing Error as "In case of account assignment, please enter acc. assignment data for item" while creating Service PO using BAPI_PO_CREATE1.
    Header Data
          w_poheader-comp_code = w_src-bukrs.  "Company Code
          w_poheader-doc_type = w_src-bsart.   "Document type
         w_poheader-delete_ind = w_src-vrtkz. "Deletion Indicator
          CLEAR: lv_date.
              date_external            = w_src-aedat
              date_internal            = lv_date
              date_external_is_invalid = 1
              OTHERS                   = 2.
          w_poheader-creat_date = lv_date.    "Creation Date
          w_poheader-created_by = sy-uname.    "Creator Name
          w_poheader-vendor = w_src-lifnr.     "Vendor
          w_poheader-pmnttrms = w_src-zterm.   "Payment Terms
          w_poheader-purch_org = w_src-ekorg.  "Purchase Organization
          w_poheader-pur_group = w_src-ekgrp.  "Purchase Group
          w_poheader-ref_1    = w_src-ihrez.   "OLD PO
          w_poheaderx-comp_code = 'X'.  "Company Code
          w_poheaderx-doc_type = 'X'.   "Document type
         w_poheaderx-delete_ind = 'X'.      "Deletion Indicator
          w_poheaderx-creat_date = 'X'.    "Creation Date
          w_poheaderx-created_by = 'X'.
          w_poheaderx-vendor = 'X'.
          w_poheaderx-pmnttrms = 'X'.   "Payment Terms
          w_poheaderx-purch_org = 'X'.  "Purchase Organization
          w_poheaderx-pur_group = 'X'.  "Purchase Group
          w_poheaderx-ref_1 = 'X'.
    Item Data
          w_poitem-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
          IF NOT w_src-elikz IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-delete_ind = w_src-elikz.
          IF NOT w_src-txz01 IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-short_text = w_src-txz01.
          IF NOT w_src-werks IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-plant = w_src-werks.
    Material group
          IF NOT w_src-matkl IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-matl_group = w_src-matkl.
    Open or Partial Qty
          IF w_src-opqty IS  NOT INITIAL.
            w_poitem-quantity = w_src-opqty.
          ELSEIF NOT w_src-paqty IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-quantity = w_src-paqty.
          IF NOT w_src-meins IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-po_unit = w_src-meins. "Base Unit of Measure
          IF NOT w_src-netpr IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-net_price = w_src-netpr.  "Net Price
          IF NOT w_src-mwskz IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-tax_code = w_src-mwskz.
          IF NOT w_src-pstyp IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-item_cat = w_src-pstyp.
          IF NOT w_src-knttp IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-acctasscat = w_src-knttp.
          IF NOT w_src-vrtkz IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-distrib = w_src-vrtkz.
    Package No
          IF NOT w_src-packno IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-pckg_no = w_src-packno.  "Package no
          IF w_poitem-delete_ind IS INITIAL AND
             w_poitem-short_text IS INITIAL AND
             w_poitem-plant IS INITIAL AND
             w_poitem-matl_group IS INITIAL AND
             w_poitem-quantity IS INITIAL AND
             w_poitem-po_unit IS INITIAL AND
             w_poitem-net_price IS INITIAL AND
             w_poitem-tax_code IS INITIAL.
            CLEAR lv_item.
            APPEND w_poitem TO i_poitem.
            CLEAR: w_poitem.
            lv_item = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
          w_poitemx-delete_ind = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-short_text = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-plant = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-matl_group = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-quantity = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-po_unit = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-net_price = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-tax_code = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-item_cat = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-acctasscat = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-distrib = 'X'.
          IF NOT w_src-packno IS INITIAL.
            w_poitemx-pckg_no = 'X'.
          IF lv_item = 'X'.
            APPEND w_poitemx TO i_poitemx.
            CLEAR: w_poitemx,
    PO Deliery Address
          w_poaddrdelivery-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
          IF NOT w_src-adrn2 IS INITIAL.
            w_poaddrdelivery-addr_no = w_src-adrn2.
            APPEND w_poaddrdelivery TO i_poaddrdelivery.
            CLEAR w_poaddrdelivery.
          w_poschedule-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
          CLEAR: lv_date.
              date_external            = w_src-eindt
              date_internal            = lv_date
              date_external_is_invalid = 1
              OTHERS                   = 2.
          IF NOT lv_date IS INITIAL.
            w_poschedule-del_datcat_ext = 'D'. "Delivery Date in Day Format
            w_poschedule-delivery_date = lv_date.
            w_poschedule-quantity = w_src-menge.
            APPEND w_poschedule TO i_poschedule.
            CLEAR w_poschedule.
            lv_schd = 'X'.
          w_poschedulex-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
          w_poschedulex-del_datcat_ext = 'X'.
          w_poschedulex-delivery_date = 'X'.
          w_poschedulex-quantity = 'X'.
          IF lv_schd = 'X'.
            APPEND w_poschedulex TO i_poschedulex.
            CLEAR : w_poschedulex,
    PO Account Assignment
          w_poaccount-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
          w_poaccount-serial_no = w_src-zekkn.
    Distribution Indicator is 1
          IF w_src-vrtkz EQ '1'.
            w_poaccount-distr_perc = w_src-vproz.
            IF NOT w_src-menge IS INITIAL.
              CLEAR lv_menge.
              lv_menge = w_src-menge.
            lv_acct_qty = lv_menge * w_src-vproz / 100.
    Get Round value of Quanity
            frac = FRAC( lv_acct_qty ).
            IF frac EQ 0.
              lv_acct_qty = FLOOR( lv_acct_qty ).
              lv_acct_qty = CEIL( lv_acct_qty ).
            w_poaccount-quantity = lv_acct_qty.
          ELSEIF w_src-vrtkz IS INITIAL.
            w_poaccount-quantity = w_src-menge.
          w_poaccount-gl_account = w_src-saknr.
          w_poaccount-costcenter = w_src-kostl.
          w_poaccount-asset_no = w_src-anln1.
          w_poaccount-wbs_element = w_src-wbs.
          w_poaccount-network = w_src-nplnr.
          w_poaccount-tax_code = w_src-mwskz.
          w_poaccount-activity = w_src-vornr.
          APPEND w_poaccount TO i_poaccount.
          CLEAR w_poaccount.
          w_poaccountx-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
          w_poaccountx-serial_no = w_src-zekkn.
          IF w_src-vrtkz EQ '1'.
            w_poaccountx-distr_perc =  'X'.
          w_poaccountx-quantity = 'X'.
          w_poaccountx-gl_account = 'X'.
          w_poaccountx-costcenter = 'X'.
          w_poaccountx-wbs_element = 'X'.
          w_poaccountx-network = 'X'.
          w_poaccountx-tax_code = 'X'.
          w_poaccountx-activity = 'X'.
          APPEND w_poaccountx TO i_poaccountx.
          CLEAR w_poaccountx.
    PO Services
          w_poservices-pckg_no = w_src-packno.  "Package no
          w_poservices-line_no = w_src-srv_line_no.    "Line item
          w_poservices-ext_line = w_src-extrow.    "External line
         w_poservices-outl_level = 0.
         w_poservices-outl_ind = 'X'.
          w_poservices-subpckg_no = w_src-sub_packno.  "Sub package no
          w_poservices-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
          w_poservices-base_uom = w_src-srmeins.  "Service Basic unit of Measure
          w_poservices-price_unit = '1'.
         w_poservices-from_line = '1'.
          w_poservices-gr_price  = w_src-brtwr.  "GR Price
          w_poservices-short_text = w_src-sh_text1.    "Service Short Text
         w_poservices-matl_group = w_src-matkl.  "Material Group
          APPEND w_poservices TO i_poservices.
          CLEAR w_poservices.
    PO Service Access values
          w_posrvacc-pckg_no = w_src-packno.  "Package no
          w_posrvacc-line_no = w_src-srv_line_no. "Line item
          w_posrvacc-serno_line = w_src-zekkn.                  "'01'..
          IF w_src-vproz IS INITIAL.
            w_posrvacc-percentage = '100.0'.
          w_posrvacc-serial_no = w_src-zekkn.                   "'01'.
          w_posrvacc-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
          w_posrvacc-net_value = w_src-srqty.  "Net value
          APPEND w_posrvacc TO i_posrvacc.
          CLEAR w_posrvacc.
    ***Create a NEW PO
        AT END OF ihrez.
    Call BAPI
              poheader          = w_poheader
              poheaderx         = w_poheaderx
              exppurchaseorder  = gv_ebeln
              return            = i_return
              poitem            = i_poitem[]
              poitemx           = i_poitemx[]
              poaddrdelivery    = i_poaddrdelivery[]
              poschedule        = i_poschedule[]
              poschedulex       = i_poschedulex[]
              poaccount         = i_poaccount[]
              poaccountx        = i_poaccountx[]
              poservices        = i_poservices[]
              posrvaccessvalues = i_posrvacc[]
              extensionin       = i_extensionin[].
    Commit the Transaction
             WAIT          = 'X'.

    1. If we get error as  "In case of account assignment, please enter acc. assignment data for item" than First cehck whetaher u have authorization to Tcode ME23n or not. In my case, I din't had authorization to Me23n tcode.
    2. If we get Error as "Please Mainatain Services or Limits". Please create a Service PO in the following Order.
    *& Internal Table Declaration
    DATA : i_intern         TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF alsmex_tabline WITH HEADER LINE,
           i_poitem         TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitem,
           i_poitemx        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitemx,
           i_poaddrdelivery TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaddrdelivery,
           i_poschedule     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimeposchedule,
           i_poschedulex    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx,
           i_poaccount      TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaccount,
           i_poaccountx     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaccountx,
           i_poservices     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiesllc,
           i_posrvacc       TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiesklc,
           i_extensionin    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiparex,
           i_return         TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2.
    *& Work Area Declaration
          w_poheader       TYPE bapimepoheader,
          w_poheaderx      TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
          w_poitem         TYPE bapimepoitem,
          w_poitemx        TYPE bapimepoitemx,
          w_poaddrdelivery TYPE bapimepoaddrdelivery,
          w_poschedule     TYPE bapimeposchedule,
          w_poschedulex    TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
          w_poaccount      TYPE bapimepoaccount,
          w_poaccountx     TYPE bapimepoaccountx,
          w_poservices     TYPE bapiesllc,
          w_posrvacc       TYPE bapiesklc,
          w_extensionin    TYPE bapiparex,
          w_return         TYPE bapiret2.
    Header Data
      w_poheader-comp_code = '5791'.  "Company Code
      w_poheader-doc_type = 'Z0CM'.   "Document type
      w_poheader-creat_date = sy-datum.  "lv_date.    "Creation Date
      w_poheader-created_by = sy-uname.    "Creator Name
      w_poheader-vendor = '0005012343'.     "Vendor
      w_poheader-pmnttrms = 'Z004'.   "Payment Terms
      w_poheader-purch_org = 'P000'.  "Purchase Organization
      w_poheader-pur_group = '001'.  "Purchase Group
      w_poheader-ref_1    = '004500007671'.   "OLD PO
      w_poheaderx-comp_code = 'X'.  "Company Code
      w_poheaderx-doc_type = 'X'.   "Document type
      w_poheaderx-creat_date = 'X'.    "Creation Date
      w_poheaderx-created_by = 'X'.
      w_poheaderx-vendor = 'X'.
      w_poheaderx-pmnttrms = 'X'.   "Payment Terms
      w_poheaderx-purch_org = 'X'.  "Purchase Organization
      w_poheaderx-pur_group = 'X'.  "Purchase Group
      w_poheaderx-ref_1 = 'X'.
    Item Data
      w_poitem-po_item = '000010'.
      w_poitem-short_text = 'Z0CM - Default Appr. Test  '.
      w_poitem-plant = '5368'.
      Trackign no
      w_poitem-trackingno = ''.
    Material group
      w_poitem-matl_group = '119'.
      w_poitem-po_unit = 'EA'. "Base Unit of Measure
      w_poitem-net_price = '17500.00'.  "Net Price
      w_poitem-tax_code = 'I0'.
      w_poitem-item_cat = '9'.
      w_poitem-acctasscat = 'K'.
      w_poitem-distrib = space.
    Package must be given in item to create Service PO
      w_poitem-pckg_no = 0000000001.
      APPEND w_poitem TO i_poitem.
      CLEAR: w_poitem.
      w_poitemx-po_item = '000010'.
      w_poitemx-delete_ind = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-short_text = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-plant = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-trackingno = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-matl_group = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-quantity = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-po_unit = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-net_price = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-tax_code = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-item_cat = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-acctasscat = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-distrib = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-pckg_no = 'X'.
      APPEND w_poitemx TO i_poitemx.
      CLEAR: w_poitemx.
    PO Deliery Address
          w_poaddrdelivery-po_item = '000010'.
            w_poaddrdelivery-addr_no = '0000061208'.
            APPEND w_poaddrdelivery TO i_poaddrdelivery.
            CLEAR w_poaddrdelivery.
          w_poschedule-po_item = '000010'..
          CLEAR: lv_date.
              date_external            = '12/2/2009'
              date_internal            = lv_date
              date_external_is_invalid = 1
              OTHERS                   = 2.
          IF NOT lv_date IS INITIAL.
            w_poschedule-del_datcat_ext = 'D'. "Delivery Date in Day Format
            w_poschedule-delivery_date = lv_date.
            w_poschedule-quantity = '1.000'.
            APPEND w_poschedule TO i_poschedule.
            CLEAR w_poschedule.
            lv_schd = 'X'.
          w_poschedulex-po_item = '000010'.
          w_poschedulex-del_datcat_ext = 'X'.
          w_poschedulex-delivery_date = 'X'.
          w_poschedulex-quantity = 'X'.
          IF lv_schd = 'X'.
            APPEND w_poschedulex TO i_poschedulex.
            CLEAR : w_poschedulex,
    PO Account Assignment
      w_poaccount-po_item = '000010'.
      w_poaccount-serial_no = '01'.
      w_poaccount-distr_perc = ''.
      w_poaccount-quantity = '1.000'.
      w_poaccount-gl_account = '0000603064'.
      w_poaccount-costcenter = '0053680100'.
      w_poaccount-asset_no = ''.
      w_poaccount-wbs_element = ''.
      w_poaccount-network = ''.
      w_poaccount-tax_code = 'I0'.
      w_poaccount-activity = ''.
      APPEND w_poaccount TO i_poaccount.
      CLEAR w_poaccount.
      w_poaccountx-po_item = '000010'.
      w_poaccountx-serial_no = '01'.
      w_poaccountx-distr_perc =  'X'.
      w_poaccountx-quantity = 'X'.
      w_poaccountx-gl_account = 'X'.
      w_poaccountx-costcenter = 'X'.
      w_poaccountx-wbs_element = 'X'.
      w_poaccountx-network = 'X'.
      w_poaccountx-tax_code = 'X'.
      w_poaccountx-activity = 'X'.
      w_poaccountx-cmmt_item = 'X'.
      APPEND w_poaccountx TO i_poaccountx.
      CLEAR w_poaccountx.
    Extension for ZZSub
      w_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOACCOUNTING'.
      w_extensionin-valuepart1+0(5) = '00010'..
      w_extensionin-valuepart1+5(2) = '01'.
      w_extensionin-valuepart1+28(5) = ''.
      APPEND w_extensionin TO i_extensionin.
      CLEAR w_extensionin.
      w_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOACCOUNTINGX'.
      w_extensionin-valuepart1+0(5) = '00010'.
      w_extensionin-valuepart1+5(2) = '01'.
      w_extensionin-valuepart1+11(1) = 'X'.
      APPEND w_extensionin TO i_extensionin.
      CLEAR w_extensionin.
    Extension to add Expense Type only
      w_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOHEADER'.
      w_extensionin-valuepart1+10(4) = '0131'.
      APPEND w_extensionin TO i_extensionin.
      CLEAR w_extensionin.
      w_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOHEADERX'.
      w_extensionin-valuepart1+10(4) = 'X'.
      APPEND w_extensionin TO i_extensionin.
      CLEAR w_extensionin.
      EXPORT i_extensionin[] TO MEMORY ID 'SUB'.
    PO Services
    PO Services( One Line Iem)
    Assign the dummy no as Pacakage no
      w_poservices-pckg_no = 0000000001.  "(assign package no as a dummy number)
      w_poservices-line_no = 0000000001.      "Line item
      w_poservices-outl_ind = 'X'.
    Assign Dummy no as sub package no
      w_poservices-subpckg_no = 0000000003.   "(Dummy No.) "Sub package no
      w_poservices-from_line = '1'.
      APPEND w_poservices TO i_poservices.
      CLEAR w_poservices.
    PO Services(Second Line Item )
    Assign the same sub package dummy no which is mentioned above
      w_poservices-pckg_no = 0000000003.   "(Dummy No.) "Sub package no
      w_poservices-line_no = 0000000002.
      w_poservices-ext_line = '0000000010'.     "External line
      w_poservices-quantity = '17500.0'.    "Service Quantity
      w_poservices-base_uom = 'EA'.    "Service Basic unit of Measure
      w_poservices-price_unit = '1'.
      w_poservices-gr_price  = '1'.    "GR Price
      w_poservices-short_text = 'Z0CM - Default Appr. T'.      "Service Short Text
    w_poservices-matl_group = '119'.  "w_src-matkl.  "Material Group
      APPEND w_poservices TO i_poservices.
      CLEAR w_poservices.
    PO Service Access values
      w_posrvacc-pckg_no = 0000000003.  "w_src-sub_packno.  "Sub package no
      w_posrvacc-line_no = 0000000002.  "w_src-srv_line_no. "Line item
      w_posrvacc-serno_line = '01'.
      w_posrvacc-percentage = '100.0'.
      w_posrvacc-serial_no = '01'.
      w_posrvacc-quantity = '17500.0'.  "w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
      APPEND w_posrvacc TO i_posrvacc.
      CLEAR w_posrvacc.
      DATA : gv_ebeln TYPE ebeln.
    Call BAPI
          poheader          = w_poheader
          poheaderx         = w_poheaderx
          exppurchaseorder  = gv_ebeln
          return            = i_return
          poitem            = i_poitem[]
          poitemx           = i_poitemx[]
          poaddrdelivery    = i_poaddrdelivery[]
          poschedule        = i_poschedule[]
          poschedulex       = i_poschedulex[]
          poaccount         = i_poaccount[]
          poaccountx        = i_poaccountx[]
          poservices        = i_poservices[]
          posrvaccessvalues = i_posrvacc[]
          extensionin       = i_extensionin[].
    Commit the Transaction
          wait = 'X'.
      WRITE:/5 gv_ebeln COLOR 5.
      SKIP 2.
      DATA : lv_msg TYPE string.
      LOOP AT i_return INTO w_return WHERE type = 'E'.
            id        = w_return-id
            lang      = 'EN'
            no        = w_return-number
            v1        = w_return-message_v1
            v2        = w_return-message_v2
            v3        = w_return-message_v3
            v4        = w_return-message_v4
            msg       = lv_msg
            not_found = 1
            OTHERS    = 2.
        WRITE:/10 lv_msg.

  • Error in : Purchase order Creation using BAPI_PO_CREATE1

    Hell  guys,
    I am trying to create a PO using a BAPI - BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    I want the new PO to have all the characteristics of an existing PO. whose PO # is  stored in wa_order_split_create-docnr and for the new PO, i want the quantity from wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd and the delivery data to be wa_order_split_create-dly_date. But this process and code below gives a short dump in the std FM - MEPO_DOC_ITEM_GET . It raises an exception of failure. I am trying to create many new PO's in the loop below. If there is just one row, sometimes, it creates the PO even with the exception failure ( which is pretty weird).
    Am i making any mistake while filling the header or item or schedule lines for the BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ? Any tips or clues why I am getting a dump ?
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    * Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    * Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    * Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    * Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    * Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    * Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa[].
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                        poitem           = i_bpoi[]
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix[]
                        poschedule       = i_bpos[]
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx[].
              i_order = i_new_ebeln .
              SHIFT i_order LEFT DELETING LEADING '0' .
              i_return-errortype = c_char_i .
              i_return-workarea  = c_zsw .
              i_return-message   = '064' .
              i_return-variable1 = i_order .
            loop at i_bapiret2 into i_bapiretn where type ca 'EAX' .
            append i_bapiretn to t_bapi_return .
          endloop .
          if t_bapi_return[] is initial .
             i_create_order = c_char_x .
                        act_return = i_return. "Popup with new PO no.
          ENDCASE .                                     " Docind
        ENDIF .

    Hi Shareen,
    I think in the following parts of the code,
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa[].
    Error in : Purchase order Creation using BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    Posted: Mar 20, 2006 7:39 PM      Reply      E-mail this post 
    Hell guys,
    I am trying to create a PO using a BAPI - BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    I want the new PO to have all the characteristics of an existing PO. whose PO # is stored in wa_order_split_create-docnr and for the new PO, i want the quantity from wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd and the delivery data to be wa_order_split_create-dly_date. But this process and code below gives a short dump in the std FM - MEPO_DOC_ITEM_GET . It raises an exception of failure. I am trying to create many new PO's in the loop below. If there is just one row, sometimes, it creates the PO even with the exception failure ( which is pretty weird).
    Am i making any mistake while filling the header or item or schedule lines for the BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ? Any tips or clues why I am getting a dump ?
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = <b>i_ekpa[].</b>
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                    <b>    poitem           = i_bpoi[]
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix[]
                        poschedule       = i_bpos[]
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx[].</b>
    it should be only i_bpoi, i_bpoix, i_bpos, i_bposx but not  i_bpoi[], i_bpoix[], i_bpos[], i_bposx[].
    CHange the code as follows:
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa.
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                        poitem           = i_bpoi
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix
                        poschedule       = i_bpos
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx.
              i_order = i_new_ebeln .
              SHIFT i_order LEFT DELETING LEADING '0' .
              i_return-errortype = c_char_i .
              i_return-workarea  = c_zsw .
              i_return-message   = '064' .
              i_return-variable1 = i_order .
            loop at i_bapiret2 into i_bapiretn where type ca 'EAX' .
            append i_bapiretn to t_bapi_return .
          endloop .
          if t_bapi_return[] is initial .
             i_create_order = c_char_x .
                        act_return = i_return. "Popup with new PO no.
          ENDCASE .                                     " Docind
        ENDIF .

  • Service PO for Multiple Acct Assig is not created using BAPI_PO_CREATE1

    Im unable to create the Service po with multiple acct assiignment using BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    Header Data
          w_poheader-comp_code = w_src-bukrs.  "Company Code
          w_poheader-doc_type = w_src-bsart.   "Document type
         w_poheader-delete_ind = w_src-vrtkz. "Deletion Indicator
          CLEAR: lv_date.
              date_external            = w_src-aedat
              date_internal            = lv_date
              date_external_is_invalid = 1
              OTHERS                   = 2.
          w_poheader-creat_date = lv_date.    "Creation Date
          w_poheader-created_by = sy-uname.    "Creator Name
          w_poheader-vendor = w_src-lifnr.     "Vendor
          w_poheader-pmnttrms = w_src-zterm.   "Payment Terms
          w_poheader-purch_org = w_src-ekorg.  "Purchase Organization
          w_poheader-pur_group = w_src-ekgrp.  "Purchase Group
          w_poheader-ref_1    = w_src-ihrez.   "OLD PO
          w_poheaderx-comp_code = 'X'.  "Company Code
          w_poheaderx-doc_type = 'X'.   "Document type
         w_poheaderx-delete_ind = 'X'.      "Deletion Indicator
          w_poheaderx-creat_date = 'X'.    "Creation Date
          w_poheaderx-created_by = 'X'.
          w_poheaderx-vendor = 'X'.
          w_poheaderx-pmnttrms = 'X'.   "Payment Terms
          w_poheaderx-purch_org = 'X'.  "Purchase Organization
          w_poheaderx-pur_group = 'X'.  "Purchase Group
          w_poheaderx-ref_1 = 'X'.
    Item Data
          w_poitem-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
          IF NOT w_src-elikz IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-delete_ind = w_src-elikz.
          IF NOT w_src-txz01 IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-short_text = w_src-txz01.
          IF NOT w_src-werks IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-plant = w_src-werks.
    Material group
          IF NOT w_src-matkl IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-matl_group = w_src-matkl.
    Open or Partial Qty
          IF w_src-opqty IS  NOT INITIAL.
            w_poitem-quantity = w_src-opqty.
          ELSEIF NOT w_src-paqty IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-quantity = w_src-paqty.
          IF NOT w_src-meins IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-po_unit = w_src-meins. "Base Unit of Measure
          IF NOT w_src-netpr IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-net_price = w_src-netpr.  "Net Price
          IF NOT w_src-mwskz IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-tax_code = w_src-mwskz.
          IF NOT w_src-pstyp IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-item_cat = w_src-pstyp.
          IF NOT w_src-knttp IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-acctasscat = w_src-knttp.
          w_src-vrtkz = '2'.    "Added
          IF NOT w_src-vrtkz IS INITIAL.
            w_poitem-distrib = w_src-vrtkz.
    Package No
          IF w_src-srv_line_no EQ '2'.
            w_poitem-pckg_no = 0000000001. "Assign dummy package no "w_src-packno.  "Package no
          ELSEIF w_src-srv_line_no EQ '3'.
            w_poitem-pckg_no = 0000000004. "Assign dummy package no "w_src-packno.  "Package no
          IF w_poitem-delete_ind IS INITIAL AND
             w_poitem-short_text IS INITIAL AND
             w_poitem-plant IS INITIAL AND
             w_poitem-matl_group IS INITIAL AND
             w_poitem-quantity IS INITIAL AND
             w_poitem-po_unit IS INITIAL AND
             w_poitem-net_price IS INITIAL AND
             w_poitem-tax_code IS INITIAL.
            CLEAR lv_item.
            APPEND w_poitem TO i_poitem.
            CLEAR: w_poitem.
            lv_item = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
          w_poitemx-delete_ind = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-short_text = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-plant = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-matl_group = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-quantity = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-po_unit = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-net_price = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-tax_code = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-item_cat = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-acctasscat = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-distrib = 'X'.
          w_poitemx-pckg_no = 'X'.
          IF lv_item = 'X'.
            APPEND w_poitemx TO i_poitemx.
            CLEAR: w_poitemx,
    PO Deliery Address
          w_poaddrdelivery-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
          IF NOT w_src-adrn2 IS INITIAL.
            w_poaddrdelivery-addr_no = w_src-adrn2.
            APPEND w_poaddrdelivery TO i_poaddrdelivery.
            CLEAR w_poaddrdelivery.
          w_poschedule-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
       w_poschedule-SCHED_LINE = w_src-
          CLEAR: lv_date.
              date_external            = w_src-eindt
              date_internal            = lv_date
              date_external_is_invalid = 1
              OTHERS                   = 2.
          IF NOT lv_date IS INITIAL.
            w_poschedule-del_datcat_ext = 'D'. "Delivery Date in Day Format
            w_poschedule-delivery_date = lv_date.
            w_poschedule-quantity = w_src-menge.
            APPEND w_poschedule TO i_poschedule.
            CLEAR w_poschedule.
            lv_schd = 'X'.
          w_poschedulex-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
       w_poschedule-SCHED_LINE = 'X'.
          w_poschedulex-del_datcat_ext = 'X'.
          w_poschedulex-delivery_date = 'X'.
          w_poschedulex-quantity = 'X'.
          IF lv_schd = 'X'.
            APPEND w_poschedulex TO i_poschedulex.
            CLEAR : w_poschedulex,
    PO Account Assignment
          w_poaccount-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
          w_poaccount-serial_no = w_src-zekkn.
    Distribution Indicator is 1
          IF w_src-vrtkz EQ '1'.
            w_poaccount-distr_perc = w_src-vproz.
            IF NOT w_src-menge IS INITIAL.
              CLEAR lv_menge.
              lv_menge = w_src-menge.
            lv_acct_qty = lv_menge * w_src-vproz / 100.
    Get Round value of Quanity
            frac = FRAC( lv_acct_qty ).
            IF frac EQ 0.
              lv_acct_qty = FLOOR( lv_acct_qty ).
              lv_acct_qty = CEIL( lv_acct_qty ).
            w_poaccount-quantity = lv_acct_qty.
          ELSEIF w_src-vrtkz IS INITIAL.
            w_poaccount-quantity = w_src-menge.
      w_poaccount-quantity = w_src-menge.    "added
          w_poaccount-gl_account = w_src-saknr.
          w_poaccount-costcenter = w_src-kostl.
          w_poaccount-asset_no = w_src-anln1.
          w_poaccount-wbs_element = w_src-wbs.
          w_poaccount-network = w_src-nplnr.
          w_poaccount-tax_code = w_src-mwskz.
          w_poaccount-activity = w_src-vornr.
          APPEND w_poaccount TO i_poaccount.
          CLEAR w_poaccount.
          w_poaccountx-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
          w_poaccountx-serial_no = w_src-zekkn.
          IF w_src-vrtkz EQ '1'.
            w_poaccountx-distr_perc =  'X'.
          w_poaccountx-quantity = 'X'.
          w_poaccountx-gl_account = 'X'.
          w_poaccountx-costcenter = 'X'.
          w_poaccountx-wbs_element = 'X'.
          w_poaccountx-network = 'X'.
          w_poaccountx-tax_code = 'X'.
          w_poaccountx-activity = 'X'.
          w_poaccountx-cmmt_item = 'X'.
          APPEND w_poaccountx TO i_poaccountx.
          CLEAR w_poaccountx.
    Extension for ZZSub
          IF NOT w_src-zzsub IS INITIAL.
            w_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOACCOUNTING'.
            w_extensionin-valuepart1+0(5) = w_src-ebelp.
            w_extensionin-valuepart1+5(2) = '01'.
            w_extensionin-valuepart1+28(5) = w_src-zzsub.
            APPEND w_extensionin TO i_extensionin.
            CLEAR w_extensionin.
            w_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOACCOUNTINGX'.
            w_extensionin-valuepart1+0(5) = w_src-ebelp.
            w_extensionin-valuepart1+5(2) = '01'.
            w_extensionin-valuepart1+11(1) = 'X'.
            APPEND w_extensionin TO i_extensionin.
            CLEAR w_extensionin.
    Extension to add Expense Type only
          IF NOT  w_src-zzexptype IS INITIAL.
            w_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOHEADER'.
            w_extensionin-valuepart1+10(4) = w_src-zzexptype.
            APPEND w_extensionin TO i_extensionin.
            CLEAR w_extensionin.
            w_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOHEADERX'.
            w_extensionin-valuepart1+10(4) = 'X'.
            APPEND w_extensionin TO i_extensionin.
            CLEAR w_extensionin.
          EXPORT i_extensionin[] TO MEMORY ID 'SUB'.
    PO Services( One Line Iem)
          IF w_src-srv_line_no EQ '2'.
            w_poservices-pckg_no = 0000000001.  "w_src-packno. "(assign package no as a dummy number)
            w_poservices-line_no = 0000000001.  "w_src-srv_line_no.    "Line item
            w_poservices-outl_ind = 'X'.
            w_poservices-subpckg_no = 0000000003.  "w_src-sub_packno. "(Dummy No.) "Sub package no
         w_poservices-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
         w_poservices-base_uom = w_src-srmeins.  "Service Basic unit of Measure
         w_poservices-price_unit = '1'.
            w_poservices-from_line = '1'.
         w_poservices-gr_price  = w_src-brtwr.  "GR Price
         w_poservices-short_text = w_src-sh_text1.    "Service Short Text
            APPEND w_poservices TO i_poservices.
            CLEAR w_poservices.
    PO Services(Second Line Item )
            w_poservices-pckg_no = 0000000003.  "w_src-sub_packno. "(Dummy No.) "Sub package no
            w_poservices-line_no = 0000000002.
            w_poservices-ext_line = w_src-extrow.    "External line
            w_poservices-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
            w_poservices-base_uom = w_src-srmeins.  "Service Basic unit of Measure
            w_poservices-price_unit = '1'.
            w_poservices-gr_price  = w_src-brtwr.  "GR Price
            w_poservices-short_text = w_src-sh_text1.    "Service Short Text
            APPEND w_poservices TO i_poservices.
            CLEAR w_poservices.
    PO Service Access values
            w_posrvacc-pckg_no = 0000000003.  "w_src-sub_packno.  "Sub package no
            w_posrvacc-line_no = 0000000002.  "w_src-srv_line_no. "Line item
            w_posrvacc-serno_line = w_src-zekkn.                "'01'.
            IF w_src-vproz IS INITIAL.
              w_posrvacc-percentage = '100.0'.
            w_posrvacc-serial_no = '01'.
            w_posrvacc-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
            APPEND w_posrvacc TO i_posrvacc.
            CLEAR w_posrvacc.
          ELSEIF w_src-srv_line_no EQ '3'.
    PO Services
            if w_src-srv_line_no EQ '2'.
            w_poservices-pckg_no = 0000000004.  "(assign package no as a dummy number)
            w_poservices-line_no = 0000000001.  "Line item
            w_poservices-outl_ind = 'X'.
            w_poservices-subpckg_no = 0000000005.  "(Dummy No.) "Sub package no
            w_poservices-from_line = '1'.
            APPEND w_poservices TO i_poservices.
            CLEAR w_poservices.
            w_poservices-pckg_no = 0000000005.  "w_src-sub_packno. "(Dummy No.) "Sub package no
            w_poservices-line_no = 0000000002.
            w_poservices-ext_line = w_src-extrow.    "External line
            w_poservices-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
            w_poservices-base_uom = w_src-srmeins.  "Service Basic unit of Measure
            w_poservices-price_unit = '1'.
            w_poservices-gr_price  = w_src-brtwr.  "GR Price
            w_poservices-short_text = w_src-sh_text1.    "Service Short Text
            APPEND w_poservices TO i_poservices.
            CLEAR w_poservices.
            if  w_src-srv_line_no EQ '3'.
            w_poservices-pckg_no = 0000000005.  "w_src-sub_packno. "(Dummy No.) "Sub package no
            w_poservices-line_no = 0000000003.
            w_poservices-ext_line = w_src-extrow.    "External line
            w_poservices-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
            w_poservices-base_uom = w_src-srmeins.  "Service Basic unit of Measure
            w_poservices-price_unit = '1'.
            w_poservices-gr_price  = w_src-brtwr.  "GR Price
            w_poservices-short_text = w_src-sh_text1.    "Service Short Text
            APPEND w_poservices TO i_poservices.
            CLEAR w_poservices.
    PO Service Access values
           if  w_src-srv_line_no EQ '2'.
            w_posrvacc-pckg_no = 0000000005.  "w_src-sub_packno.  "Sub package no
            w_posrvacc-line_no = 0000000002.  "w_src-srv_line_no. "Line item
            w_posrvacc-serno_line = '01'.
            w_posrvacc-percentage = '100.0'.
            w_posrvacc-serial_no = '01'.    "w_src-zekkn.
            w_posrvacc-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
            APPEND w_posrvacc TO i_posrvacc.
            CLEAR w_posrvacc.
            if  w_src-srv_line_no EQ '3'.
            w_posrvacc-pckg_no = 0000000005.  "w_src-sub_packno.  "Sub package no
            w_posrvacc-line_no = 0000000003.  "w_src-srv_line_no. "Line item
            w_posrvacc-serno_line = '01'.
            w_posrvacc-percentage = '100.0'.
            w_posrvacc-serial_no = '02'.  "w_src-zekkn.  "'01'.
            w_posrvacc-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
            APPEND w_posrvacc TO i_posrvacc.
            CLEAR w_posrvacc.
    ***Create a NEW PO
    Call BAPI
              poheader          = w_poheader
              poheaderx         = w_poheaderx
              TESTRUN           = ' '
              exppurchaseorder  = gv_ebeln
              return            = i_return
              poitem            = i_poitem[]
              poitemx           = i_poitemx[]
              poaddrdelivery    = i_poaddrdelivery[]
              poschedule        = i_poschedule[]
              poschedulex       = i_poschedulex[]
              poaccount         = i_poaccount[]
              poaccountx        = i_poaccountx[]
              poservices        = i_poservices[]
              posrvaccessvalues = i_posrvacc[]
              extensionin       = i_extensionin[].
    Commit the Transaction
              wait = 'X'.

    it is solved

  • I am going to buy unlocked iphone 5.. i will be going to india nxt months and will stay there for a while... so my question is will i get warrenty in india.. and will there be any problem with using indian sims..?? thnx for the help..

    i am going to buy unlocked iphone 5.. i will be going to india nxt months and will stay there for a while... so my question is will i get warrenty in india.. and will there be any problem with using indian sims..?? thnx for the help..

    The warranty for the iPhone is not and has never been International.
    Warranty and support are ONLY valid in the country of origin.  The only exception is the EU where the entire EU is treated as one country.
    If the device will be used in India, buy it in India.
    An unlocked iPhone will work on any supported GSM carrier world wide.  The LTE portion of a US purchased, unlocked iPhone is unlikely to work outside North America as it does not support the appropriate bands used in other countries.

  • Problem on using Crystal Report Viewer on windows application ("specified type is not valid ")

    I am having problem on using Crystal Report Viewer on one of my windows application.
    I am not sure how to put the Crystal Report Viewer 11 Control onto the tool box.
    I could found a Crystal Report Viewer control on my computer, but it is version 8.5.
    I have also found another one which is Called Crytal ActiveX Report Viewer, i don't think it is the one I can use. As when I try to load a dummy report on to the Crytal ActiveX Report Viewer, It return an error. "specified type is not valid"
    Please see the Code sample below.
    private sub loadReport()
         Dim r as New ReportDocument
         'v is the name of the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Control
         v.ReportSource(r) <---It throw error on this line.
    End Sub
    Could you give me some advice about what have I done wrong, How to check if I have set up the Crystal Report Component correctly in my Visual Studio 2005 Standard edition.
    Thanks in advances.
    Many thanks

    VS 2005 Standard and Express editions do not come with Crystal Reports; only the Professional and higher editions will have CR bundled. However, I believe you can purchase CR XI R2 Developer and it will give you the components you need to create a VS .NET 2005 application using the Standard edition.

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