Replacing many spaces with single space in a string

I have the following strings:
"Eric       B"
"John                 A"
"Mary Anne   C"But I want them to be like this:
"Eric B"
"John A"
"Mary Anne C"Do anyone have an idea how to do this?
Edited by: suladna on Aug 2, 2008 5:42 AM

Use this:
String s = "Mary    Anne   C";
System.out.println(s.replaceAll("\\s+", " "));Edited by: prigas on Aug 2, 2008 6:15 AM

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    is it possible to replace multiple spaces within a string with one space only. Number of spaces is different all the time.
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    Input                             Expected Result
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    ww                vv             ww vv
    ww ss      kk                    ww ss kk

    user11253970 wrote:
    I am in Oracle 9i :( I can not use reg exp
    Assuming strings do not contain CHR(0) (character with ascii code 0):
    SQL> SELECT  'aaa          bbb  aaa bbb' str,
      2          replace(replace(replace('aaa          bbb  aaa bbb',' ',' ' || CHR(0)),CHR(0) || ' '),CHR(0)) new_str
      3    FROM  dual
      4  /
    STR                                 NEW_STR
    aaa          bbb  aaa bbb           aaa bbb aaa bbb
    SQL> SY.

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    public static String replace(String line, String oldString, String newString) {
              if(line != null && oldString != null && newString != null) {
                   int index = 0;
                   while ((index = line.indexOf(oldString, index)) >= 0) {
                        line = line.substring(0, index) +
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              return line;

    Bad luck.. I am unable to get it still.
    This is the code I am using (implemetation is in a JSP. I am using this code to test it).
    public class Test{
    public static void main(String args[]){
         String s = args[0];
         Test t = new Test();
         String doubleQuote = "\"";
         System.out.println(" output :"+ t.replace(s,doubleQuote,"'"));
         //System.out.println(" output :"+ t.replace(s,"\"","'"));
         //System.out.println(" output :"+ t.replace('"', '\''));
    public static String replace(String line, String oldString, String newString) {
              if(line != null && oldString != null && newString != null) {
                   int index = 0;
                   while ((index = line.indexOf(oldString, index)) >= 0) {
                             System.out.println(" line count :");
                        line = line.substring(0, index) +
                             newString +
                             line.substring(index + oldString.length());
                        index += newString.length();
              return line;
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    You can try this :-
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                                  let $LineItme := $input/LINE_ITEM[$x]/LINE_ITEMNO
                             let $match:= for $y in $x to count($input/LINE_ITEM)
                                  where $input/LINE_ITEM[$y]/LINE_ITEMNO= $LineItme
                                  return $input/LINE_ITEM[$y]/MESSAGE
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    You many then have to remove duplicates with line items. use fn:distinct() and then loop through.

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    You can configure the default network device with the same settings ad your subnet, remove the subnet definition and re-add the hosts one by one. You can also use file import to reduce time.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support Android App

  • Replace characters between with single * in variable

    Hi Experts ,
    I want to replace all characters between <  > with *. Data is stored in variable type char255.
    Example ,
    Suppose variable contains : Wage Type <Wage Type> Not Valid For Interface ID <ID>
    I want output as Wage Type * Not Valid For Interface ID *.
    Thanks & Regards ,
    Jigar Thakkar

    Hi Jigar,
    Find the length of the string and use DO...ENDDO statement. Inside the loop, didnt consider the text between < and > and move to another string and add * when  > is encountered in the string.
      gv_len type i,
      gv_str type string value 'Wage Type <Wage Type> Not Valid For Interface ID <ID>',
      gv_rep_str type string,
      gv_flag type char1,
      gv_index type sy-index.
    gv_len = strlen( gv_str ).
    do gv_len times.
    gv_index = sy-index - 1.
    if gv_str+gv_index(1) = '<'.
    gv_flag = 'X'.
    elseif gv_str+gv_index(1) = '>'.
    clear gv_flag.
    concatenate gv_rep_str '*' into gv_rep_str.
    elseif gv_flag is initial.
    concatenate gv_rep_str gv_str+gv_index(1) into gv_rep_str.
    write:/ gv_rep_str.
    Edited by: Vinaykumar G on May 29, 2009 8:04 PM

  • Replace multiple space characters with a single space

    Oracle 11g R2.
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    select replace(column1, chr(32)||chr(32), chr(32)) from tablea

    If you had to do this without regular expressions, you could use:
    SELECT  REPLACE ( REPLACE ( REPLACE (str, ' ', '~ ')
                     , ' ~'
              , '~ '
              )     AS new_str
    FROM    table_x;assuming there is some sub-string (I used '~' above) that never occurs right next to a space.
    However, unless you're uisng Oracle 9 (or earlier, which you're not doing) you don't have to do this without regular expressions. As you can see, the way Solomon showed is much simpler.

  • Replacing multiple spaces with another character

    i need to replace multiple spaces with another char in a string
    my code is
    Dim text as String="a bit much             a little much" Dim arr As String() = text.Split({" "c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)Dim newtext As String = String.Join(" ", arr)            MsgBox(newtext)           
     it returns to "a bit much  a little much "
    But i want to replace only long spaces with "="  as  "a bit much =a little much"
    How can i do that?

    This version uses two spaces to split the string and then trims any additional single spaces. It returns "a bit much = a little much".
    Dim text As String = "a bit much a little much "
    Dim parts() As String = text.Split({" "}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
    Dim newText As String
    If parts.Length = 2 Then
    newText = parts(0).Trim & " = " & parts(1).Trim
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  • Powershell (Replacing White Spaces with a comma)

    The object property values output tends to be tabular with varying white spaces between each column. I’m looking for a script that will allow me to:
    Output the object property values to a file
    Remove all white spaces encountered (regardless of the number of spaces)
    Replace the spaces with one (1) comma
    Replace isn’t the answer unless I literally define each instance of spaces and I can’t find any discernable documentation on using Regex…
    -- formattting the output doesn't help either...
    Any guidance / help would be appreciated

    Let's say I ran the PowerShell command below:
    Get-ClusterResource  -Cluster ClusterName | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "SQL Server (*"}
    The output would be something along lines of what you see below.
    I typically output the result set to a csv file, strip the header, replace the spaces with a single comma, and bulk import the data into a SQL Server table for reporting.
    Basically, I'd like a "dynamic way" (not replace with the literal space count between double quotes) of getting rid of the spaces between the columns and replace the spaces with a single comma.
    Name                                        State          
    Group             ResourceType                            
    SQL Server (SRV101O)            Online           SRV101o            SQL Server                              
    SQL Server (SRV301O)            Online           SRV301o            SQL Server                              
    SQL Server (SRV201O)            Online           SRV201o            SQL Server                              
    SQL Server (REMSRV101O)      Offline           REMSRV101o     SQL Server                              
    SQL Server (REMSRV301O)      Offline           REMSRV301o     SQL Server                              
    SQL Server (REMSRV201O)      Offline           REMSRV201o     SQL Server                              
    SQL Server (REMSRV401O)      Offline           REMSRV401O     SQL Server                              
    SQL Server (REMSRV501O)      Offline           REMSRV501O     SQL Server                              
    SQL Server (SRV401O)             Online          SRV401O            SQL Server                              
    SQL Server (SRV501O)             Online          SRV501O            SQL Server                              

  • Search and replace all spaces between quotes with uderscore

    I'm new on Powershell and I'm trying to make the script that:
    searches over file and replaces all the spaces which have been found between quotes;
    removes all quotes (except these which has not value eg "").
    For example:
    Source file:
    string3=string4 string="string1 string2 string23" string8="" string5="string7 string8"
    Destination file:
    string3=string4 string=string1_string2_string23 string8="" string5=string7_string8
    I have been created script that searches the data correctly
    $data=Get-Content $file
    $regex = [regex]@'
    (?x) # ignore pattern whitespace option
    $data |% {
    if ($_ -match $regex){
    new-object psobject -property @{
    test = $matches['test']
    }#when adding "|select-object test" I'm getting the correct data
    I have stopped here on search / replace operation (from space to underscore, and by removing the quotes leaving the empty quotes non touched). Can you help me to finish the script?

    Try this.  It uses the [Regex] Replace static method, with a script block delegate:
    $data=Get-Content $file
    $regex = '(\S+=[^"\s]+)|(\S+="[^"]+")'
    $delegate = { $args[0].value.replace(' ','_') -replace '"(.+)"','$1' }
    $data |% { [regex]::Replace($_,$regex,$delegate) }
    [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

  • How to replace multiple occurences of space in a string to a single space?

    How to replace multiple occurences of space in a string to a single space?

    try this code.
    data : string1(50) type c,
              flag(1) type c,
              dummy(50) type c,
              i type i,
              len type i.
    string1 = 'HI  READ    THIS'.
    len = strlen( string1 ).
    do len times.
    if string1+i(1) = ' '.
    flag = 'X'.
    if flag = 'X'.
    concatenate dummy string1+i(1) into dummy separated by space.
    clear flag.
    concatenate dummy string1+i(1) into dummy.
    i = i + 1.
    write : / string1.
    write : / dummy.

  • I am using OSX 10.9.5 and Outlook Web App for emails. When I download an attachment it replaces the space in the file name with   - how can I change this?

    I am using OSX 10.9.5 and Outlook Web App for emails. When I download an attachment it replaces the space in the file name with %20  - how can I change this?

    Click on the below link :
    Step 1: select Mac OS  X 10.6-`0.`0
    Step 2 : Safari and FIrefox
    Then click on " Download Now"  button.

  • Replacing Home Space with a specific Group Space.

    We have a Webcenter Spaces 11.8 environment.
    We are trying to completely bypass the home space and take the user to a specific space.
    While this is possible to do it through the initial redirection based on application/enterprise role, some re-directions are causing the user to land in the home space.
    Also, the user can get to the home space pages by typing in the url. We want to restrict the user from viewing the home space altogether and replace it completely with our group space.
    Approach1 : Page Links -
    We tried to bring in pages from the group space into the home space navigation model as page links. Even if the group space is public, we cannot link to its pages as we cannot see the pages in the page link popup. Only home space pages are shown. Is this expected? How do we bring in pages from a specific group space into the home page navigation?
    Approach 2: Group Space Pages Query -
    We can bring all the pages from the "Default Navigation Model" of the group space into the home space navigation model. However, the landing page upon login needs to be a visible page in the home space. How do we get the user redirected to a specific page in a group space and make that node as selected once the user logs in.
    Thanks in advance.

    Check this code.
    data : role(10) type c value 'crick ter',
           role1(10) type c,
           role2(10) type c.
    write: / role.
    SPLIT role AT space INTO role1 role2.
    concatenate role1 role2 into role separated by '_'.
    write: / role.
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Mar 10, 2008 7:25 PM

  • How to replace blank spaces with zero's in the report

    hai sdn guys,
                         we have a requirement where we cannot have any blank fields in the report and i need to replace the blanks with a zero. What is the best way to do it.

    Hi Sunitha,
    It is not proper that you are posting the same question multiple times:
    Re: report o/p should not have blank spaces in - in case of no value
    should get 0's in place of blank value in  the output of the report
    That too inspite of my requesting you not to do so.
    I am not sure if you have ever gone through the Rules Of Engagement which are prominently posted in each forum, but I think it is SDN courtesy to provide proper feedback when posting a question and assign points as deemed fit. This helps (and motivates) everyone to work on your problem and try to give you a solution. I hope you will be more careful in the future. Thanks!

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