Search for records by Remote Key or Remote System in Data Manager

Hi all,
We have a requirement to search for records by Remote key and/or Remote System at the main table level. Is it possible to do this using the Data Manager? If so, how?
Thanks in advance!

I crosschecked with MDM 5.5 and Don't think it is possible through Data Manager. How ever using APIs you can search records using remote key/ remote system.

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  • Search for [Remote Key] and [Remote System] in Data Manager

    Hello all
    I would like to be able to search on the remote key and the remote system in the MDM Data Manager is that not possible? I thought I remembered seeing that possibility under the Free-Form Search but now I can't find it.
    I have, however, found this in the Data Manager reference guide:
    MDM uses the remote systems defined in the Remote Systems table
    within the MDM Console to store and maintain key mapping information
    for each record or text attribute. It does this using a virtual “key
    mapping” field that you never see in the MDM Client.
    This virtual key mapping field is very much like a qualified lookup field
    into a virtual key mapping qualified lookup table.
    Key Mapping information stored in virtual lookup field
    The Remote System and Remote Key fields are normally not visible;
    however, they do appear in several places in the MDM Client.
    Specifically, both fields: (1) appear in the File > Export dialogs in Record
    mode for exporting value pairs; (2) are recognized by the File > Import
    dialog in Record mode for importing value pairs; and (3) appear in the
    Edit Key Mappings dialogs in both Record mode and Taxonomy mode,
    for viewing and editing value pairs.
    Is there any way to search on the value in the remote key from the Data Manager?

    Not sure search i think not possible.
    But you can see keys as mentioned:
    Enable Key mapping in Console.
    MDM Client maens MDM Data Manager.
    They do appear in several places in the MDM Client or Data Manager. Three different methods to see in DM are given already below:
    Specifically, both fields: (1) appear in the File > Export dialogs in Record mode for exporting value pairs; (2) are recognized by the File > Import dialog in Record mode for importing value pairs; and (3) appear in the Edit Key Mappings dialogs in both Record mode and Taxonomy mode, for viewing and editing value pairs.

  • Search for records in the event viewer after the last run (not the entire event log), remove duplicate - Output Logon type for a specific OU users

    The following code works perfectly for me and give me a list of users for a specific OU and their respective logon types :-
    $logFile = 'c:\test\test.txt'
    $_myOU = "OU=ABC,dc=contosso,DC=com"
    # LogonType as per technet
    $_logontype = @{
        2 = "Interactive" 
        3 = "Network"
        4 = "Batch"
        5 = "Service"
        7 = "Unlock"
        8 = "NetworkCleartext"
        9 = "NewCredentials"
        10 = "RemoteInteractive"
        11 = "CachedInteractive"
    Get-WinEvent -FilterXml "<QueryList><Query Id=""0"" Path=""Security""><Select Path=""Security"">*[System[(EventID=4624)]]</Select><Suppress Path=""Security"">*[EventData[Data[@Name=""SubjectLogonId""]=""0x0""
    or Data[@Name=""TargetDomainName""]=""NT AUTHORITY"" or Data[@Name=""TargetDomainName""]=""Window Manager""]]</Suppress></Query></QueryList>" -ComputerName
    "XYZ" | ForEach-Object {
        $_cur_OU = ([ADSI]"LDAP://<SID=$(($_.Properties[4]).Value.Value)>").distinguishedName
        If ( $_cur_OU -like "*$_myOU" ) {
            $_logontype[ [int] $_.Properties[8].Value ]
    } >> $logFile
    I am able to pipe the results to a file however, I would like to convert it to CSV/HTML When i try "convertto-HTML"
    function it converts certain values . Also,
    a) I would like to remove duplicate entries when the script runs only for that execution. 
    b) When the script is run, we may be able to search for records after the last run and not search in the same
    records that we have looked into before.

    If you just want to look for the new events since the last run, I suggest to record the EventRecordID of the last event you parsed and use it as a reference in your filter. For example:
      <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
        <Select Path="Security">*[System[(EventID=4624 and
        <Suppress Path="Security">*[EventData[Data[@Name="SubjectLogonId"]="0x0" or Data[@Name="TargetDomainName"]="NT AUTHORITY" or Data[@Name="TargetDomainName"]="Window Manager"]]</Suppress>
    That's this logic that the Server Manager of Windows Serve 2012 is using to save time, CPU and bandwidth. The problem is how to get that number and provide it to your next run. You can store in a file and read it at the beginning. If not found, you
    can go through the all event list.
    Let's say you store it in a simple text file, ref.txt
    At the beginning just read it.
    Try {
    $_intMyRef = [int] (Get-Content .\ref.txt)
    Catch {
    Write-Host "The reference EventRecordID cannot be found." -ForegroundColor Red
    $_intMyRef = 0
    This is very lazy check. You can do a proper parsing etc... That's a quick dirty way. If I can read
    it and parse it as an integer, I use it. Else, I just set it to 0 meaning I'll collect all info.
    Then include it in your filter. You Get-WinEvent becomes:
    Get-WinEvent -FilterXml "<QueryList><Query Id=""0"" Path=""Security""><Select Path=""Security"">*[System[(EventID=4624 and EventRecordID&gt;$_intMyRef)]]</Select><Suppress Path=""Security"">*[EventData[Data[@Name=""SubjectLogonId""]=""0x0"" or Data[@Name=""TargetDomainName""]=""NT AUTHORITY"" or Data[@Name=""TargetDomainName""]=""Window Manager""]]</Suppress></Query></QueryList>"
    At the end of your script, store the last value you got into your ref.txt file. So you can for example get that info in the loop. Like:
    $Result += $LogonRecord
    $_intLastId = $Event.RecordId
    And at the end:
    Write-Output $_intLastId | Out-File .\ref.txt
    Then next time you run it, it is just scanning the delta. Note that I prefer this versus the date filter in case of the machine wasn't active for long or in case of time sync issue which can sometimes mess up with the date based filters.
    If you want to go for a date filtering, do it at the Get-WinEvent level, not in the Where-Object. If the query is local, it doesn't change much. But in remote system, it does the filter on the remote side therefore you're saving time and resources on your
    side. So for example for the last 30 days, and if you want to use the XMLFilter parameter, you can use:
    <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
    <Select Path="Security">*[System[TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) &lt;= 2592000000]]]</Select>
    Then you can combine it, etc...
    PS, I used the confusing underscores because I like it ;)
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

  • Search for records in a table on the basis of a function

    How is it possible to use a function as search criteria in a sql query ?
    For example, I have the following query :
    select a.job_name JOB_NAME, substr(a.job_name,instr(a.job_name,'.',-1)+1) as AUTNAME
    FROM autosys.job a
    where a.job_name like %PRD%' and a.command like '%dsjob%'
    and a.command not like 'substr(a.job_name,instr(a.job_name,'.',-1)+1)';
    This is now working because of the use of function "substr" on the right side of the query.
    How can I write the query so as to find the same result as using this function ?
    Can someone help me out on this ?

    Among other things, you have the quotes in the wrong place in the NOT LIKE predicate. As posted, you are searching for records where command does not contain the literal string substr(a.job_name,instr(a.job_name,'.',-1)+1). I don't think that is really what you are after. You need to concatenate the operators to the results of the SUBSTR function. Something more like:
    SELECT a.job_name job_name,
           SUBSTR(a.job_name, INSTR(a.job_name, '.', -1)+1) as autname
    FROM autosys.job a
    WHERE a.job_name LIKE 'HP.TM.%PRD.%' and
          a.command LIKE '' and
          a.command NOT LIKE '%'||SUBSTR(a.job_name, INSTR(a.job_name, '.', -1)+1)||'%'; John

  • Help-ColdFusion - enabling a user to search for records in a database by entering a startand end date - (CREATEODBCDATE)

    I want to enable a user to enter a start and end date to
    define the period they want to search for records of members who
    joined on certain dates. Funny thing is...I've got it to work half
    of the time. For e.g. I have 4 records between 26/10/2005 and
    1/08/2006. When I enter 01/01/2005 as startDate and 31/08/2006 as
    endDate, I get the 4 records. However, if I alter the endDate to
    01/09/2006 I get every record in the database!!!??? Why's this? I
    can't get my head around it!
    Here's my code:
    First the code for the form the user input the search
    criteria on:
    <FORM action="memberJDateSearch.cfm" method="post">
    <p>Start Date: <input type="text"
    <br>End Date: <input type="text" name="endDate">
    <input type="reset" value="Clear">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">
    Simple enough. Now the code for the process and display page:
    <cfquery name="memberJDateSearch"
    SELECT *
    From members
    WHERE ((joinDate BETWEEN #CreateODBCDate(startDate)# AND
    <table border=1 bgcolor="beige" cellpadding="3"
    <th>Member ID</th>
    <th>Date of Birth</th>
    <th>Date Joined</th>
    <CFOUTPUT Query="memberJDateSearch">
    <td width="15%">#forename# #initial#
    <td width="10%">#disp('#dob#')#</td>
    <td>#address#, #town#, #county#, #postCode#</td>
    <td width="10%">#disp('#joinDate#')#</td>
    <hr><p>End of members list.</p>
    any ideas? please help me.

    Try formatting your dates first (before the CreateODBCDate
    call). I just tried this on my test page and it worked properly. I
    removed the DateFormat calls, keeping the dates in your format and
    it didn't work. See if something like the following will help:
    <cfset startDate =
    <cfset endDate =
    <cfquery name="memberJDateSearch"
    SELECT *
    From members
    WHERE ((joinDate BETWEEN #CreateODBCDate(startDate)# AND

  • Search for record in txt and print to console

    QairNo: 21, PostCd: 12, Age: 21, Gender: 2, Q1Res: 1, Q2Res: 2, Q3Res: 3,
    QairNo: 23, PostCd: 21, Age: 12, Gender: 2, Q1Res: 1, Q2Res: 2, Q3Res: 3,
    QairNo: 32, PostCd: 32, Age: 12, Gender: 1, Q1Res: 2, Q2Res: 1, Q3Res: 2, Hi i manage to write the above entry into database.txt
    now i need to search and print the particular data i need. For example i enter *21* and it will print all the attribute that belong to it.
    Please forgive me i am new to this, i have google for example but i can`t apply them for some reason. Below are my code, thank you for helping out !
    public class PollSummary {
         public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException {
              //int inputQuestionNum= 0;
              String key = "QairNo: ";
              Scanner input = new Scanner(new FileReader("polldata.txt"));
              //System.out.println("Enter the Questionnaire Number to view records");
              //inputQuestionNum = Integer.parseInt(entry.nextLine());
               while (input.hasNext() && input.findInLine(key) != null)
                     String fileLine = input.nextLine();
         }//end main
    }//end class

    You should use a map, just use the QuairNo as a key (aside: what is a Quair?)

  • Adding new Remote System unavailable in Web Service Request

        I created a CRUD Web service from a table using web service generator.I added a new remote system to the repository.When I invoke the create operation (which has key mapping "Yes"),it says "Remote System not found in the repository"
    I am able to view the Remote System via Data Manage though.
    Any ideas?

    Hi Premjit,
    When did you added new remote system?
    Before generating web services.
    Or After generating web services.
    If you have added remote system after generating web services.
    Then try re-generating web services using web service generator.
    - Shailesh

  • Syndication Search Using Remote System

    Is there a way to use the Key Mapping's remote system as part of the search criteria for syndication?
    I am not referring to the map property that allows you to suppress records that do not have a remote key.
    For example, only send records when "remote system = DEV_100".

    When you create a map you have already defined the remote system for which is getting created and you have mapped key and name of that in the syndicator mapping.Suppose you craeted a map fro remote system DEV04
    Now when you only want to syndicate the records for this remote system then you should define only this as a output remote systems and then if you have supressed records without key,then only records pertaining to the DEV04 system which have key will get syndicated and not others

  • Can you clone Remote System key mappings?

    We have 2 Remote Systems set up for our MDM repository with key mappings for 60 tables. I now need to add an additional Remote System which is similar to one of the existing ones, but with a few different values. Is there any way I can clone the existing one or do I have to go through all 60 tables one by one, export the info, edit it to show the new Remote System name and re-import it? I have searched the sources but can't find anything on this precise topic.
    Thanks for any help you can give.
    Peter Croft

    No you cannot.
    Prepare a source having Just two columns ex., new Remote Keys of the system and an common identifier field in the table which you are planning to import with the data. Import it and get it to the data manager as records with just two fields(Remote Key and Common identifier). If you have the import maps already stored for the tables when you have done for the previous imports for the other two remote systems, use them and  automate the importing process for this particular remote system (via port configuration in console and Data manager) for the remaining fields of the table.

  • MDM 7.1 remote key generation on different Remote Systems

    I am checking onthe remote key gerneration.
    1. When I import data from a remotesystem lets say A AND the data have e.g.. a vendor number in Vendors from BusinessContent
        the remote keys are generated for this remote system.
    2. Whe I want to syndicate these date to another remote system e.g. SAP ERP, the objectid i.e. LIFNR is NOT shown in
       the syndicators Destination Preview.
       independent of the map properties setting "Remote Key Override"
    3. When I enter the key by hand inthe data manager the data are shown in the syndicator but only it "Remote key overrifde"is
       set to the target system.
    It looks like that the remote keys for a different remotesystem other than the one I omported from are NOT set.
    How to do a automatical assignment to the keys of this different Remote System

    I checked:
    SAP ERP Remote System range 100000 999999
    A range 100000 199999
    Key Mappings defined for SAP ERP Remote System (checked in Data Manager)
    key Mappings not defined for A (checked in Data Manager)
    Everything I do I do in the Syndicator
    With mapping property "Remote Key Override" marekd as "Reset" no LIFNR is written to SAP ERP
    With this property set to SAP ERP the LIFNR is sent.
    When I use System A it doesn't matter which settings I have there is no VendorNumber sent out.
    Looks like I miss the settings for a property?

  • Searching for the Recording Security Manager utility

    The WLS v6.1 docs on managing security (
    mentions a Recording Security Manager utility for detecting and resolving permission
    problems. Can someone point me to it?

    Hi Dan,
    Its available on the BEA developer center
    You will need to have a login and password to access this site .
    Just search for Recording Security Manager and you will get the tool
    Dan McHarness wrote:
    The WLS v6.1 docs on managing security (
    mentions a Recording Security Manager utility for detecting and resolving permission
    problems. Can someone point me to it?

  • Neen help with date range searches for Table Sources

    Hi all,
    I need help, please. I am trying to satisfy a Level 1 client requirement for the ability to search for records in crawled table sources by a date and/or date range. I have performed the following steps, and did not get accurate results from Advanced searching for date. Please help me understand what I am doing wrong, and/or if there is a way to define a date search attribute without creating a LOV for a date column. (My tables have 500,00 rows.)
    I am using SES on Windows 32.
    My Oracle 10g Spatial Table is called REPORTS and this table has the following columns:
    TRACKNUM Varchar2
    TITLE Varchar2
    SYMBOLCODE Varchar2
    Timestamp Date
    OBSDATE Date
    I set up the REPORTS table source in SES, using TRACKNUM as the Primary Key (unique and not null), and SUMMARY as the CONTENT Column. In the Table Column Mappings I defined TITLE as String and TITLE.
    Under Global Settings > Search Attributes I defined a new Search Attribute (type Date) called DATE OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY).
    Went back to REPORTS source previously defined and added a new Table Column Mapping - mapping OBSDATE to the newly defined DATE OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY) search attribute.
    I then modified the Schedule for the REPORTS source Crawler Policy to “Process All Documents”.
    Schedule crawls and indexes entire REPORTS table.
    In SES Advanced Search page, I enter my search keyword, select Specific Source Group as REPORTS, select All Match, and used the pick list to select the DATE OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY) Attribute Name, operator of Greater than equal, and entered the Value 01-JAN-07. Then the second attribute name of DATE_OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY), less than equals, 10-JAN-07.
    Search results gave me 38,000 documents, and the first 25 I looked at had dates NOT within the 01-JAN-07 / 10-JAN-07 range. (e.g. OBSDATE= 24-MAR-07, 22-SEP-), 02-FEB-08, etc.)
    And, none of the results I opened had ANY dates within the SUMMARY CLOB…in case that’s what was being found in the search.
    Can someone help me figure out how to allow my client to search for specific dated records in a db table using a single column for the date? This is a major requirement and they are anxiously awaiting my solution.
    Thanks, in advance….

    Thanks very much for your reply. However, from what I've read in the SES Admin Document is that (I think) the date format DD/MM/YYYY pertains only to searches on "file system" sources (e.g. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, PDF, etc.). We have 3 file system sources among our 25 total sources. The remaining 22 sources are all TABLE or DATABASE sources. The DBA here has done a great job getting the data standardized using the typical/default Oracle DATE type format in our TABLE sources (DD-MON-YY). Our tables have anywhere from 1500 rows to 2 million rows.
    I tested your theory that the dates we are entering are being changed to Strings behind the scenes and on the Advanced Page, searched for results using OBSDATE equals 01/02/2007 in an attempt to find data that I know for certain to be in the mapped OBSDATE table column as 01-FEB-07. My result set contained data that had an OBSDATE of 03-MAR-07 and none containing 01-FEB-07.
    Here is the big order for my client to fulfill his primary mission, one of the top 5 requirements is that he/she be able to find specific table rows that are contain a specific date or range of dates.
    thanks very much!

  • Need help with date range searches for Table Sources in SES

    Hi all,
    I need help, please. I am trying to satisfy a Level 1 client requirement for the ability to search for records in crawled table sources by a date and/or date range. I have performed the following steps, and did not get accurate results from Advanced searching for date. Please help me understand what I am doing wrong, and/or if there is a way to define a date search attribute without creating a LOV for a date column. (My tables have 500,00 rows.)
    I am using SES on Windows 32.
    My Oracle 10g Spatial Table is called REPORTS and this table has the following columns:
    TRACKNUM Varchar2
    TITLE Varchar2
    SYMBOLCODE Varchar2
    Timestamp Date
    OBSDATE Date
    I set up the REPORTS table source in SES, using TRACKNUM as the Primary Key (unique and not null), and SUMMARY as the CONTENT Column. In the Table Column Mappings I defined TITLE as String and TITLE.
    Under Global Settings > Search Attributes I defined a new Search Attribute (type Date) called DATE OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY).
    Went back to REPORTS source previously defined and added a new Table Column Mapping - mapping OBSDATE to the newly defined DATE OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY) search attribute.
    I then modified the Schedule for the REPORTS source Crawler Policy to “Process All Documents”.
    Schedule crawls and indexes entire REPORTS table.
    In SES Advanced Search page, I enter my search keyword, select Specific Source Group as REPORTS, select All Match, and used the pick list to select the DATE OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY) Attribute Name, operator of Greater than equal, and entered the Value 01-JAN-07. Then the second attribute name of DATE_OCCURRED (DD-MON-YY), less than equals, 10-JAN-07.
    Search results gave me 38,000 documents, and the first 25 I looked at had dates NOT within the 01-JAN-07 / 10-JAN-07 range. (e.g. OBSDATE= 10-MAR-07, 22-SEP-07, 02-FEB-08, etc.)
    And, none of the results I opened had ANY dates within the SUMMARY CLOB…in case that’s what was being found in the search.
    Can someone help me figure out how to allow my client to search for specific dated records in a db table using a single column for the date? This is a major requirement and they are anxiously awaiting my solution.
    Thanks very much, in advance….

    Thanks very much for your reply. However, from what I've read in the SES Admin Document is that (I think) the date format DD/MM/YYYY pertains only to searches on "file system" sources (e.g. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, PDF, etc.). We have 3 file system sources among our 25 total sources. The remaining 22 sources are all TABLE or DATABASE sources. The DBA here has done a great job getting the data standardized using the typical/default Oracle DATE type format in our TABLE sources (DD-MON-YY). Our tables have anywhere from 1500 rows to 2 million rows.
    I tested your theory that the dates we are entering are being changed to Strings behind the scenes and on the Advanced Page, searched for results using OBSDATE equals 01/02/2007 in an attempt to find data that I know for certain to be in the mapped OBSDATE table column as 01-FEB-07. My result set contained data that had an OBSDATE of 03-MAR-07 and none containing 01-FEB-07.
    Here is the big order for my client to fulfill his primary mission, one of the top 5 requirements is that he/she be able to find specific table rows that are contain a specific date or range of dates.
    thanks very much!

  • What is the shortcut for record in ibook

    hi guys i am a beginner and i knw this is a stupid question but what is the shortcut for record on a ibook .

    Well, the problem is that the default shortcut key is the 'asterisk' on the Number Pad. Your iBook doesn't doesn't have a number pad like most full sized keyboards so you are in effect looking for a shortcut that doesn't exist!
    The easiest thing to do is to go to the Key Commands window and program your own key for Record.
    Here's how to access the Key Commands window. With Logic running go up to:
    Logic Pro > Preferences > Key Commands
    From here you can do a search for 'Record'. There will be many entries in the list for different Record functions, you just want plain old 'Record'. There is a 'Learn Key By Label' button off to the right in the Key Commands window. Press this and then press a key or combination of keys (ie.Option + R, Command + J) to program a shortcut to that function.

  • Max crash under "Remote systems"

    Most of the time when MAX will crash when the mouse is clicked over the cRIO-9014 icon under remote systems.
    Is there a fix for this? MAX 4.5 and VISA 4.4 are the software installed in the targets. See jpg file for items under remote systems.
    Max Crash.JPG ‏136 KB

    The mouse can be clicked to open all of the remote system objects but when the mouse is clicked over Ni-cRIO9014-013DBB8D, the Ni-cRIO9014-013DBB48 or the "Devices and Interfaces" icons MAX freezes (mouse icon becomes an hour glass). There are no warnings and after waiting for about 10 minutes I click the close button on the top right hand corner. See jpg message for the response.
    I've made a project with the cRIO 9014 and Ni9211 modules and it does work (can record tempeature). It seems to occur more often because I was able to get the URL for the project by clicking on the Ni-cRIO9014013DBB8D but now I'm not able to anymore.
    Hope this helps to better define the problem.
    Max Message aft crash.JPG ‏125 KB

Maybe you are looking for