Stucked With Methods

hi guys, I have almost done everything, except one thing that gives me a grief all the time.. perhaps it's kinda stupid, but.. can someone please take a pick at this code (I know its huge) and help me with how to call those static methods. everytime I'm receiving messages like "cannot resolve symbols" but I cannot figure out what is it wrong and how am I suppose to invoke them:((
any kind of help is appreciated:)
// the program works its way through webpages and locates email addresses, collects them and prints them out
// limitations:
// - maximum of 100 web pages
// - maximum of 100 email addresses
// - maximum of 100 lines per web page
import java.util.*;
// This class uses an array to keep track of email addresses
class emailClass {
private int EMailArrayMax = 100;
private int EMailArrayCounter = 0;
private String[] EMailArray = new String [EMailArrayMax];
// AddElement method
// adds an address to the array
// if the array is not full
// - convert the address to lower case
// - add the address to the array
public void addElement(String Address, String Element)
if (EMailArrayCounter < EMailArrayMax)
EMailArray[EMailArrayCounter] = Element;
String sAddress = Address.toLowerCase();
// printAll method
// prints the entire array of email addresses
public static void printAll(String[] EMailArray, int EMailArrayMax)
for (int a=0; a<EMailArrayMax; a++)
System.out.println(a + " " + EMailArray[a]);
// contains method
// checks to see if an email address is already in the array
// see if the address is in the array
// return true if it is
// return false if it is not
public boolean contains(String Data)
boolean found = false;
for (int a=0; a<EMailArrayCounter; a++)
if (EMailArray[EMailArrayCounter].compareTo(Data)==0)
found = true;
return found;
// Links class
// it keeps track of what pages have been visited
// it is IDENTICAL to the email class
class LinksClass
private int LinksArrayMax = 100;
private int LinksArrayCounter = 0;
private String[] LinksArray = new String [LinksArrayMax];
public static void printAll(String[] LinksArray, int LinksArrayMax)
for (int a=0; a<LinksArrayMax; a++)
System.out.println(a + " " + LinksArray[a]);
public boolean contains(String Data)
boolean found = false;
for (int a=0; a<LinksArrayCounter; a++)
if (LinksArray[LinksArrayCounter].compareTo(Data)==0)
found = true;
return found;
// the main class
public class SpamMaster {
static boolean debug = true;
// the main recursive method that retrieves the webpages
public static void GetPage(String PageAddress, // the name of the webpage to retrieve
int Depth, // the depth
emailClass EMail, // the emailclass object that should add found email addresses to
LinksClass Links) { // the linksclass object that should add found links to
// print the address of the page that we are working on
// check to see if we have gone to deep
// Do nothing if the depth is < 0;
if (Depth < 0)
// hold the entire web page in single string.
// that will make it easy to tear apart using the StringTokenizer
String contents = "";
// now ... open the webpage, add it to the String one line at a time
// add a space between the lines as you add them together
try {
URL url = new URL(PageAddress);
BufferedReader inStream = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
String line = inStream.readLine();
while (line != null)
// add the line to the array
contents = contents + " " + line;
line = inStream.readLine();
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Sorry, page not found");
// check for email addresses
// print the address to the screen too so we can see what is going on
StringTokenizer stEmail = new StringTokenizer(contents); //break on whitespace
String sEmail;
while (stEmail.hasMoreTokens())
sEmail = stEmail.nextToken().toLowerCase();
// check for the "@" ... that means we have an email address
// look for the "@" in the token in sEmail
if (sEmail.indexOf("@") >= 0) {
// print the email address to the screen
// check to see if the email address is in the email object already
// if it is not, add it.
// okey dokey. Let's see if there are any links on the page
// assuming that a link is of the form <a href = "http://.......">
// use a StringTokenizer
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(contents, "\n \t\">"); //break on newline, blank, tab, ", and
String s;
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
s = st.nextToken().toLowerCase();
// check for the "<a" ... that means we have a link!
if (s.equals("<a")) { // check for the <a
s = st.nextToken().toLowerCase();
if (s.indexOf("href") == 0) { // then it must start with the word href
s = st.nextToken();
if (s.toLowerCase().indexOf("http://") == 0) { //an absolute link URL
// at this point, we have found a link!
// it is in the variable s
// check to see if the link is in the links object
// if it is ... do nothing
// if it is not in the links object ... do the following
// - add the link to the object
// - print a message that a link is being added ... print the link so you know what it is
// - call this method that we are in now ... GetPage (yes, that is recursion).
// calling the method, do the following:
// - pass the method call the link that you just found
// - pass it maximumdepth reduced by one
// - pass the email and links objects so they can be used
// the main method
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
BufferedReader kb = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;
// create a email address object
emailClass email = new emailClass();
// create a links object
LinksClass Links = new LinksClass();
// create a String variable for the start web page address
String StartPage;
// create an int variable for the maximum depth
int Depth = 5;
// ask the user for the start web page address
System.out.println("Enter the start web page:");
// use to test
things with
StartPage = kb.readLine();
// ask the user for the maximum depth
System.out.println("Enter the depth:");
String Depth1 = kb.readLine();
// call the GetPage method that traverses the website
// pass it:
// - web page address to visit
// - maximum page depth
// - email object
// - visitedpages object
GetPage(PageAddress, Depth, emailClass, LinksClass);----------------> what else to put if not this?
// print the results
System.out.println("Pages Visited:");
// call the printAll method of the links object
System.out.println("Email Addresses Found:");
// call the method to print the email addresses
printAll( );
// got to call the method to save the email addresses to file here

in line:218 you have:
GetPage(PageAddress, Depth, emailClass, LinksClass);
This will result in a "cannot resolve symbol error" because
1) PageAddress is not defined in your main method nor is it defined in your main class. You have to declare and initialize it to something: eg: String PageAddress = "whatever you want";
2) emailClass is a class. You want to pass the instance of that class that you created. In line 185 you did emailClass email = new emailClass(); so you want to pass the object email.
3) same thing for LinksClass. Don't pass the class, pass the object that you created. Line 189:
LinksClass Links = new LinksClass();

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    Hello everyone.
    the reason of this post is that I am a bit stuck with this class where I need to implement two methods and it is not working so far.
    The class in question is:
    public class MyPuzzle
        public static final int GRIDSIZE = 5;
        private int[][] squares;
        private String[][] rowConstraints;
        private String[][] columnConstraints;
        public MyPuzzle()
            squares = new int[GRIDSIZE][GRIDSIZE];
            rowConstraints = new String[GRIDSIZE][GRIDSIZE - 1];
            columnConstraints = new String[GRIDSIZE][GRIDSIZE - 1];
            for (int row = 0; row < GRIDSIZE; row++) {
                for (int column = 0; column < GRIDSIZE - 1; column++) {
                    rowConstraints[row][column] = " ";
            for (int column = 0; column < GRIDSIZE; column++) {
                for (int row = 0; row < GRIDSIZE - 1; row++) {
                    columnConstraints[column][row] = " ";
        public void setSquare(int row, int column, int val)
            if ((1 <= val) && (val <= GRIDSIZE)) {
                squares[row][column] = val;
            else {
                System.out.println("Error - Illegal value " + val);
        public void setRowConstraint(int row, int col, String relation)
            if (relation.equals("<") || relation.equals(">")) {
                rowConstraints[row][col] = relation;
        public void setColumnConstraint(int col, int row, String relation)
            if (relation.equals("<") || relation.equals(">")) {
                columnConstraints[col][row] = relation;
        public void fillPuzzle()
           setColumnConstraint(0, 1, ">");
           setRowConstraint(4, 0, "<");
           setRowConstraint(4, 2, "<");
           setColumnConstraint(4, 3, "<");
           setColumnConstraint(4, 2, "<");
           setRowConstraint(3, 1, "<");
           setRowConstraint(1, 3, ">");
           setSquare(4, 0, 4);
        public void printPuzzle()
            for (int row = 0; row < GRIDSIZE - 1; row++) {
            drawRow(GRIDSIZE - 1);
        private void printTopBottom()
            for (int col = 0; col < GRIDSIZE; col++) {
                System.out.print("---   ");
        private void drawColumnConstraints(int row)
            for (int col = 0; col < GRIDSIZE; col++) {
                String symbol = " ";
                if (columnConstraints[col][row].equals("<")) {
                    symbol = "^";
                else if (columnConstraints[col][row].equals(">")) {
                    symbol = "V";
                System.out.print(" " + symbol + "    ");
        private void drawRow(int row)
            for (int col = 0; col < GRIDSIZE; col++) {
                String symbol;
                if (squares[row][col] > 0) {
                    System.out.print("|" + squares[row][col] + "|");
                else {
                    System.out.print("| |");
                if (col < GRIDSIZE - 1) {
                    System.out.print(" " + rowConstraints[row][col] + " ");
    The two methods I am trying to implement are:
    -isLegal should return a boolean value that tells us whether the puzzle configuration is legal or not. That is, if there is a repeated value in any row or column, or if there is an incorrect value (the number 1024 for instance) anywhere, or if any of the constraints is violated isLegal should return false; otherwise it should return true.
    -if the puzzle is not legal, getProblems should return a String describing all the things that are wrong with the configuration.
    If anyone may help, I will be eternally gratefull.

    Hello everyone.
    the reason of this post is that I am a bit stuck with this class where I need to implement two methods and it is not working so far.
    The class in question is:
    public class MyPuzzle
    public static final int GRIDSIZE = 5;
    private int[][] squares;
    private String[][] rowConstraints;
    private String[][] columnConstraints;
    public MyPuzzle()
    squares = new int[GRIDSIZE][GRIDSIZE];
    rowConstraints = new String[GRIDSIZE][GRIDSIZE - 1];
    columnConstraints = new String[GRIDSIZE][GRIDSIZE - 1];
    for (int row = 0; row < GRIDSIZE; row++) {
    for (int column = 0; column < GRIDSIZE - 1; column++) {
    rowConstraints[row][column] = " ";
    for (int column = 0; column < GRIDSIZE; column++) {
    for (int row = 0; row < GRIDSIZE - 1; row++) {
    columnConstraints[column][row] = " ";
    public void setSquare(int row, int column, int val)
    if ((1 <= val) && (val <= GRIDSIZE)) {
    squares[row][column] = val;
    else {
    System.out.println("Error - Illegal value " + val);
    public void setRowConstraint(int row, int col, String relation)
    if (relation.equals("<") || relation.equals(">")) {
    rowConstraints[row][col] = relation;
    public void setColumnConstraint(int col, int row, String relation)
    if (relation.equals("<") || relation.equals(">")) {
    columnConstraints[col][row] = relation;
    public void fillPuzzle()
    setColumnConstraint(0, 1, ">");
    setRowConstraint(4, 0, "<");
    setRowConstraint(4, 2, "<");
    setColumnConstraint(4, 3, "<");
    setColumnConstraint(4, 2, "<");
    setRowConstraint(3, 1, "<");
    setRowConstraint(1, 3, ">");
    setSquare(4, 0, 4);
    public void printPuzzle()
    for (int row = 0; row < GRIDSIZE - 1; row++) {
    drawRow(GRIDSIZE - 1);
    private void printTopBottom()
    for (int col = 0; col < GRIDSIZE; col++) {
    System.out.print("--- ");
    private void drawColumnConstraints(int row)
    for (int col = 0; col < GRIDSIZE; col++) {
    String symbol = " ";
    if (columnConstraints[col][row].equals("<")) {
    symbol = "^";
    else if (columnConstraints[col][row].equals(">")) {
    symbol = "V";
    System.out.print(" " + symbol + " ");
    private void drawRow(int row)
    for (int col = 0; col < GRIDSIZE; col++) {
    String symbol;
    if (squares[row][col] > 0) {
    System.out.print("|" + squares[row][col] + "|");
    else {
    System.out.print("| |");
    if (col < GRIDSIZE - 1) {
    System.out.print(" " + rowConstraints[row][col] + " ");
    }The two methods I am trying to implement are:
    -isLegal should return a boolean value that tells us whether the puzzle configuration is legal or not. That is, if there is a repeated value in any row or column, or if there is an incorrect value (the number 1024 for instance) anywhere, or if any of the constraints is violated isLegal should return false; otherwise it should return true.
    -if the puzzle is not legal, getProblems should return a String describing all the things that are wrong with the configuration.
    If anyone may help, I will be eternally gratefull.

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    Try resetting PRAM and SMC.
    Reset PRAM.   x
    Reset SMC.
    Choose the appropriate method.
    "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".

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    Has anybody encountered the same issue ?
    Best Regards,

    Are you checking for errors after the BDC Call Transaction? What I normally do is to use the Messages into option of the BDC call and return the messages to the Task Container in case of errors.
    Reasons why the method does not work in background is possibly due to authorizations or the WF-BATCH user being not known to the PM system. For instance when I create PM notifications in WF in background, I have to translate the WF initiator's user id to their Personnel Number for the Resp. Person field. If in your workflow the prior step to creating order is a dialog step, you can also try the Advance with dialog option on the background step.
    Ramki Maley.

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    4. I have made a jsp appl based on bc4j. now, i need to put a check on any entity in such a manner that if the check fails, my jsp should ask the user that an exception is occuring and does he want to save even with the exceptional data. if he says yes, i want that the same entity should now save the data without giving an exception. How do i achieve this interaction between my entity and my jsp.
    Thanks a lot for any help,

    I will answer Question #3:
    I'm not sure if I understand exactly what is
    happening. At first I thought you meant that you couldn't even add the second part of the association clause. But, later it sounds like you were able to add the second part of the clause (namely "address.bptype =
    'c'") and that you are experiencing some runtime error.
    Assuming the latter (that it is a RT problem), I take it this
    "...cannot be resolved" error is the error with code 27020.
    Under normal error conditions, you shouldn't get this error. Something "unusual" (or unforeseen by us) is happening if you are getting this error. Anyway, if you wrote your own client code, you should wrap a try/catch block around it, pick out the detail exception, and see what's going
    on. See the example code below:
    ... make call that causes the exception ...
    catch(oracle.jbo.AttrSetValException ex)
    // Print stack trace for the outer ex
    // Get the inner exception
    Object[] details = ex.getDetails();
    if (details.length > 0)
    Exception innerEx = (Exception) details[0];
    // Now, print the inner exception's
    // stack.
    This will help shed some light on the exception and the cause of it.
    John - JDeveloper Team

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    i would be thankful if someone can briefly explain me these things..

    There are 2 functions on a processor, setMediaTime (start time) and setStopTime(end time) that you can use to make a processor play only a portion of a file and then stop. So, if you use those to make a processor only play part of a file, you can make the datasink attached to the processor only save a portion of the file. No special implementations needed.
    Take a look at the API, and play around with it.
    That should be enough to get you going...

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    Luca224 & Ingo2711. Thanks for bringing this topic. on 29th Nov. I faced the same problem on my iPhone 3GS 32GB Firmware 3.1.2, iPhone stuck with apple symbol and wont start up. I have tried with 10 Seconds Sleep/wake-up button + home button to reset. But didn't work. Did google about an hour with many blogs. Finally I made a call to 3 iPhone care and spent 30 minutes and explained whatever I have done; iPhone customer care asked me to go to nearby iPhone service center in Sydney. BUT BY LUCK CLICKED ON iTUNE AND GOT THE OPTION FOR ONLINE FORUM FOR APPLE iPHONE. Many many thanks to Ingo2711 who has given the solution link and also thanks to Luca224 , who raised the issue. I feel, this is a common problem with iPhones those who using iPhone 3GS 3.1.2...... but try the link and thanks to Luca224 & Ingo2711. PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION CAREFULY:
    1. Verify you have iTunes 7.5 or later. Apple recommends using the latest version of iTunes.
    2. Disconnect the USB cable from the iPhone or iPod touch, but leave the other end of the cable connected to your computer's USB port.
    3. Power off the device (Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the red slider appears, then slide the slider. Wait for the the iPhone or iPod touch to turn off. _+(in my case - red slider didn't appear, but i pressed the Sleep/Wake button until the iPhone went off, finally it was just off... i was frustrated... tried 3 times with more patience )+_
    4. Press and hold the Home button while reconnecting the USB cable to iPhone. When you reconnect the USB to iPhone, the device should then power on. +_( Do exactly as it says)_+
    Note: If you see the message "Charging... Please Wait" or you see the screen pictured below, let the device charge for at least 10 minutes to ensure the battery has some charge and then start with step 2 again. +_(True ... for me it happened 3 times)_+
    5. Continue holding the Home button while iPhone starts up. While starting up, you will see the Apple logo. +_( I was nearly frustrated at my 3rd attempet; my thumb was hurting as I was holding the home button for few minutes..... but finally it worked yahooooooooooooooooo...... suddenly changed my decision.... about going to 3/Apple service center)_+
    6. When you see "Connect to iTunes" on the screen, you can release the Home button and iTunes will display the recovery mode message:
    If you don't see the "Connect to iTunes" screen, then disconnect the USB cable from iPhone and repeat steps 3-6.
    Because you must restore iPhone or iPod touch, iTunes will not recover data from the device, but if it was previously synced on the same computer and the same user account, it should restore a backup (if available). See document HT1414, "Updating and Restoring iPhone Software."
    If you are still unable to restore the iPhone using this method, check Apple support for further troubleshooting and/or service options.
    Note: If you sync both an iPhone and an iPod touch to the same computer, make sure you select the correct backup to restore your settings from (don't select an iPhone backup if you have an iPod touch and don't select an iPod touch backup if you have an iPhone).

  • Got myself stuck with css

    I've gotten myself really stuck with my css layout. I've
    basically followed a couple of different tutorials to get where I
    am. if you'll visit
    you can see the effort so far. Where i'm stuck is the main content
    block. I read different things on nesting div tags and can't figure
    out how to do this with or without nested tags. I basically want a
    white background for everything under the purple menu bar (I'd also
    like that bar to extend to the edge of the top rounded white
    graphic.). I ca't seem to make it work. what am I screwing
    up/missing? is there a tutorial somewhere that can help? This is
    the last thing I've got to figure out before I can finally move
    forward. thanks so much for any help.

    eliteportraits wrote:
    > If you look to the logo on top of the page (above the
    purple bar), there's
    > text immediately to the right of the logo that says
    "some menu links here, like
    > shopping cart and such" - I would like that line of text
    to sit on top of the
    > purple bar (about 10px above the purple bar) and be
    aligned to the right edge
    > of the page. right now the text is aligned with the top
    of the image.
    Then you need to put that line of text in its own container,
    a <div> <p>
    <h> whatever. Lets just use another <div> for
    now. Insert the new <div>
    in your pages code, right after your logo image (see below)
    <div id="top">
    <img src="tutorial_files/logo.jpg">
    <div id="topRight">some menu links here, like shopping
    cart and
    such</div><!-- end topRight -->
    </div><!-- end top -->
    Then use some css to style/position the new <div>
    #topRight {
    float: right;
    width: 350px;
    text-align: right;
    padding-top: 65px;
    Back-tracking on what I said yesterday about
    positioning you could also make the 'top' <div> have a
    position of
    relative and then the 'topRight' <div> a position of
    absolute to place
    it in the position required.
    #top {
    position: relative;
    #topRight {
    position: absolute;
    top: 85px;
    right: 0;
    width: 350px;
    text-align: right;
    This is one of the only times you should need to use relative
    positioning on a container i.e., when you require an
    positioned element to sit within it. However if there is an
    way of achieving the same results then personally I would
    always use
    that method in preference. Many beginners just use relative
    all over the place without really understanding what they are
    doing. Not
    all, but in the majority of cases, it is not required.
    Don't be afraid to experiment with css to see what results
    can be
    achieved using various combinations. Once you grasp the
    basics then the
    rest will fall into place quite quickly.
    The key is to think boxes being positioned by using
    Where people go wrong is they tend to use too many boxes
    which results
    in too many elements to keep track of or just plain don't do
    the maths
    needed to make css work.
    Always comment the end of a container </div><!-- end
    header --> or you
    can put the comment inside the closing tag <!-- end header
    This will make it easier to identify them when the page gets
    more complex.

  • HT2204 I have recently immigrated to the US but my apple ID is still stuck with my previous country. How do I change the country? Preferably without using a credit card

    I have recently immigrated to the US but my apple ID is still stuck with my previous country. How do I change the country? Preferably without using a credit cardI've only been here in the US 2 months and still have no US credit card.

    Your credit or debit card credentials must be associated with the same country where you reside.
    "Although you can browse the iTunes Store in any country without being signed in, you can only purchase content from the iTunes Store for your own country. This is enforced via the billing address associated with your credit card or other payment method that you use with the iTunes Store, rather than your actual geographic location."
    From here >  The Complete Guide to Using the iTunes Store | iLounge Article

  • I followed all the directions to get Norton 360 to work with Firefox 8, but nothing works. I love Firefox, but if my Norton 360 won't work with it I'll be stuck with IE, which I do not like. Please Help Me!

    I followed all the directions to get Firefox 8 to work with my Norton 360, but nothing has worked. Is there anything else I can do? I didn't know there was an issue when I first upgraded to Firefox 8 so didn't choose the Norton plug ins immediately so I uninstalled Firefox hoping to be able to do it correctly when I Downloaded it again. Unfortunately it didn't ask me any thing regarding Norton so I went to Plug ins as directed to Enable Norton 360's plug ins, but none were listed.
    What can I do now? I LOVE Firefox! If we can't make it work I'll be stuck with Internet Explorer which I do not care for at all!
    I need to have Norton Security to protect my computer. Please help me find a solution to this problem ASAP.
    Thank you,
    Susan L Woods
    [email protected]

    Hi Susie, I use Norton 360 and have the latest Firefox 8 installed is working fine for me. Firefox 8 support for [ Norton Toolbar] was released on Nov 8th. Install the appropriate add-ons based on the version of Norton 360 you're using (see official Norton link above). Hope this helps.

  • My iphone5s was accidentally disconnected while updating OS8.2 in my MacBook Pro and now it's stuck with an apple logo on its screen and won't turn on or off. What should I do?

    My iphone5 was accidentally disconnected while updating OS8.2 in my MacBook Pro and now it's stuck with an apple logo on its screen and won't turn on or off. What should I do?

    Connect to iTunes and restore. If you have difficulty, you may have to put the device into Recovery Mode. See the instructions in this support document. If you can't update or restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support

  • HT1212 My ipad mini has been crashing a lot recently so I started a system reset. However, it's now stuck with the progress bar less than a quarter gone: this has been the case for several days now. I have tried resetting from itunes but it needs the pass

    Now it's stuck with the progress bar less than a quarter full. I have also tried resetting through itunes which works right up to the point where itunes states that it needs the passcode to be inputted into the ipad to connect to it. At which point it then sticks at the same progress bar point. HELP!! please, this ipad is really important to my work.

    Well the term "hotlined" I have never heard before. In any case many states (like NY) just passed regulatory powers to the State Public Service Commission of which it may be called something different in your state. You could file a complaint with them. Or file a complaint with your state attorney generals office, they also take on wireless providers.
    The problem here is the staff you speak to are poorly trained, in days gone by it took one call to them and they pulled up your account and see the error and had the authority to remove any errors. They did not remove legitimate account actions, but used their heads instead of putting a customer off or worse lying to the customer.
    Its a shame you have to go through what you going through.
    Good Luck

  • HT204120 My iPhone 5s is stuck with 3948 photos (shown on the iTunes storage bar) on and I can not find a way to delete them all! It's very annoying as it takes up 6.54 GB of space and leaves me no room to add films, music...etc on to it. Please help me!!

    My iPhone 5s (16GB) is stuck with 3948 photos (shown on the iTunes storage bar) on and I can not find a way to delete them all! It's very annoying as it takes up 6.54 GB of space and leaves me no room to add films, music...etc on to it. Please help me!!! I have already tried the numerous articles Apple have sent my way and I am still having no luck.I'd be eternally grateful if anyone could find a solution for me as this has been a problem for almost a year. Thank you.

    If they were put there via iTunes sync process, then simply untick the Music box before syncing again.

  • App will not download to iPad when purchased from App Store - stuck with Cloud icon

    Device : iPad Air 32gb wi-fi model (not cellular data)
    OS version : 7.1.1 (up to date)
    Location : UK
    Problem : App will not download to iPad when purchased from App Store - stuck with Cloud icon
    Last night I tried to download an app over wi-fi onto my iPad Air, but the app did not install.
    I have plenty of space (the app is 24.1mb, I have 3.4gb free space) and there are no restrictions whatsoever on my iPad - no blocks on App store purchases, no age-related restrictions, no country restrictions etc.
    Normally from the App Store page you would tap the price (in this case the app was free), enter your iTunes password, and the app would download.
    Also a new icon appears on the home screen and a circle shows the progress of the download.
    However this did not happen.
    Instead I have the Cloud icon (the one that shows when you have bought an app but it is not currently installed on your device) and a message that says "You've already purchased this, so it will be downloaded now at no additional cost".
    If I press OK I am then prompted to enter my iTunes password, the Cloud symbol briefly changes to a circle (and I mean for a split-second, like the blink of an eye) and then the Cloud symbol appears again.
    The app does not download - in fact it does not even *attempt* to download.
    I have tried this >20 times now and it always occurs excatly like this.
    After Googling this problem (which seems common) and reading over a dozen threads on this forum plus Apple's own official support pages, this is what I've tried:
    I can re-download other apps that I have previously purchased on this iPad, with no problems.
    I purchased another app on my iPhone 5 and was then able to download onto my iPad with no problems.
    I have reset my iPad >5 times - both by pressing/holding the home/power buttons, and also a full switch off and restart.
    I have logged out of my iTunes account on the iPad, and logged back in.
    The wi-fi is Virgin Media fibre optic broadband with a verified speed of 20 meg (confirmed by Speedtest) plus an 802.11-n Belkin router and my iPad will happily load web pages, stream videos on YouTube, download other apps etc.
    I have reset/rebooted my internet connection
    In an attempt to eliminate by broadband connection from the possible causes, I have switched off my router, linked my iPad to the hotspot feature on my iPhone and tried to download the app over cellular data, but still cannot download the app.
    I have tried on 2 other wi-fi networks but still cannot download this one app.
    My iTunes account has a cerdit balance from an iTunes card, but the app was free anyway
    Nothing I try will download the app in question.
    The app is iPad only, so I cannot install on my iPhone to try and kick-start the process.
    I guess I could install the app on my computer and then sync the iPad, but that's *working around* the problem - it's not *fixing* the problem.
    (Since getting the iPad I use almost never use my computer. And anyway what if I did not have a computer? Didn't iOS go "PC-free" with version 5?)
    I would like to call Apple but my 90-day telephone support has expired (the iPad is around 6 months old) and I don't want to buy Apple Care for this one problem.
    I can't make it to an Apple Store to speak to a Genius.
    Bearing in mind the list of things I've already tried, what do I do next?
    Thanks in advance for any support.

    Hi there.
    Thank you very much for your quick reply, it's really appreciated.
    No need to apologize, I actually found the phrase "If your iPad ever craps the bed" amusing under the circumstances
    I checked the list of installed apps like you suggested (Settings>General>Usage>Storage>Show all apps) but this problem app is not in the list. I have also swiped down on the home screen to search for it, but again it does not show.
    While it has not let me download the app (and I just tried it again) it has helped me to eliminate a few things from the list of what to try, and I can definitely conclude that it has not downloaded.
    I guess I need to fire up my PC and download it / sync my iPad.
    Thanks again for your help

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