Test of design on Zedboard

HI , 
I want to test a designed filter on my zedboard . so kann i do that with vivado or  which programm should i use to test the design  on board and show the result of the filtering with it .  it 's so helpful , if someone send me a tutorial or tell me how i do that ?
this is the vhdl code of my filter : 
-- Company:
-- Engineer:
-- Create Date: 01.07.2015 17:36:00
-- Design Name:
-- Module Name: FIR-filter - Behavioral
-- Project Name:
-- Target Devices:
-- Tool Versions:
-- Description:
-- Dependencies:
-- Revision:
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Additional Comments:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_signed.ALL;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx leaf cells in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity FIRfilter is
Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;
x : in signed (13 downto 0);
y : out signed (13 downto 0));
end FIRfilter;
architecture a of FIRfilter is
signal a,b,c :signed(13 downto 0);
signal k1:signed(2 downto 0):="110";
signal k2:signed(2 downto 0):="010";
variable d:signed(16 downto 0 );
if (clk='1') and (clk'event)
d:=(k1*a + k2*c);
y<=d(15 downto 2 );
end if ;
end process ;
end a;

check this document

Similar Messages

  • Test of design with SDK.

    Hi ,
    I did a design in vivado for a Bandpass Filter in Vivado . Now i want to test it in the ZedBoard with SDK.
    i creat a customer block of this Filter . you can see the code in the attachments :
     the “fir.vhd” file has been integrated into the hierarchy because i have instantiated it from within the peripheral.
    this is the added lines in fir_v1_0_S00_AXI.vhd:
       signal ergebnis : std_logic_vector(18 downto 0);  
        component FIRfilter  
        port (  
          clk: in std_logic;  
          x: in std_logic_VECTOR(15 downto 0);   
          y: out std_logic_VECTOR(18 downto 0));  
        end component; 
    fir_0 : FIRfilter
        port map (  
          clk => S_AXI_ACLK,   
          x => slv_reg0(15 downto 0),  
          y => ergebnis);
        -- User logic ends
    now  i want to test it in sdk and i have always the problem that the c-code  which i read it give me always a false  output.  simple multplikation of the new given Inputvalue  x without shifting the  old value , which will be normally multiplied with the next coefficient by the adding of a the new x value .
    this is the c code :
        #include "platform.h"
        #include "xbasic_types.h"
        #include "xparameters.h"
    Xuint32 *baseaddr_p = (Xuint32 *)XPAR_FIR_0_S00_AXI_BASEADDR;
    double eingang[20] = {1,2,3,2,2,1,4,3,4,8,7,9,10,1,4,5,6,7,8,9};
        int main()
       int i;
       for(i=0;i<20;i++) {
       // write input in register 0
           *(baseaddr_p+0) = eingang[i];
        xil_printf("Wrote: 0x%08x \n\r", *(baseaddr_p+0));
        // Read  output from register 1
        xil_printf("Read : 0x%08x \n\r", *(baseaddr_p+1));
        xil_printf("End of test\n\n\r");
        return 0;
    the result !!!:
    please i need help.

    check this document

  • I Always end up at an error page when I test my design!

    Ladies and gentle men of the forum, does any one knows how I could fix this problem that I am having with the IIS server.
    When I enter http://localhost it will take me to the home page but when I open my web site, which I designed with Dreamweaver, and test the site to see how it will function I will end up at an error page showing message below the line.
    I also created site and testing server. Does any know how I could correct this problem so I could work safely? I am also using SQL server for database. If there any one have any idea on what I should do please contact me.
    The page cannot be found
    The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
    Please try the following:
    If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.
    Open the localhost home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
    Click the Back button to try another link.
    HTTP 404 - File not found
    Internet Information Services
    Technical Information (for support personnel)
    More information:
    Microsoft Support
    Message was edited by: joplateau

    Isn't http://localhost your on premises server?  I wonder if you've actually uploaded your site to the www.?  A local host would be your build database and where you upload from, no?  You should have a database on the internet at a secure server consisting of: Host; User ID; Password; Directory.  Then, you upload to that server and then it's just a matter of accessing and testing the site via your URL.  Otherwise, you can always test away by accessing the localhost database somewhere on your premises.  This is how I see it.  If you are getting that error message, it means the database has moved and Dream can't find it.  Bummer, because when you do find it you will have to re-establish your links ( I think ).

  • CS5.5 I can't get testing server, "design" and "Split" views operational

    I just upgraded from DWCS3 to DWCS5.5 and am trying to get php (dynamically related) files working. Very frustrating.
    I have set up everything according to the tutorial at http://www.adobe.com/devnet/dreamweaver/articles/setup_testing_server.html Nothing seems to work. And no one seems to currently be answering posts...so I apologize if this is a faux pas, but I'm starting a new thread in hopes that I and others can get some help.
    Here's what I have:
    WAMP server: : C:\TNG813onMowesII\www\ (Mowes Portable II is  software that enables you to quickly set up a WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP) system on any Windows system.))
    Site Name: localhost genealogy Local Site Folder: C:\TNG813onMowesII\www\ Server Name: localhost  Server Folder: C:\TNG813onMowesII\www\  Web URL: http://localhost/genealogy/ Server Model: PHP MySQL Connection: Local/Network
    Remote - unchecked
    Testing - checked
    I also have an idnetical image at D:/MyWebs/public_html/ for syncing with my remote website - http:larryvoyer.com
    My "Design", "Split", "Live View" and "Inspect" buttons are greyed out.
    Again, I apologize if I messed things up bu opening a thread on a prvious subject
    Larry Voyer
    Site Creator/Administrator
    Attempting to solve this on another thread, I was asked for the code that I was trying to see in design view...here it is if it's important:
    $flags['noicons'] = true;
    $flags['noheader'] = true;
    $flags['nobody'] = true;
    //Change the text in quotes below to reflect the title of your site
    tng_header( "{$tmp['t5_maintitle']}", $flags );
    <div align="center">
    <table width="90%" class="maintable">
        <td class="row" colspan="6"></td>
      <td class="imagesection"> </td>
      <td class="spacercol">  </td>
      <td class="content" colspan="4">
       <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="2%" class="innertable">
        <td class="leftimage"><img src="<?php echo $cms['tngpath'] . $templatepath; ?><?php echo $tmp['t5_leftimg']; ?>" alt="louis voyer" ></td>
        <td class="banner" colspan="2"><img src="<?php echo $cms['tngpath'] . $templatepath; ?><?php echo $tmp['t5_titleimg']; ?>" alt="title"/></td>
        <td class="rightimage"><img src="<?php echo $cms['tngpath'] . $templatepath; ?><?php echo $tmp['t5_rightimg']; ?>" alt="louis voyer" ></td>
            <td colspan="4" class="boxback">
       <a href="whatsnew.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnuwhatsnew']; ?></a>
                | <a href="browsemedia.php?mediatypeID=photos" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnuphotos']; ?></a>
                | <a href="browsemedia.php?mediatypeID=documents" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['documents']; ?></a>
                | <a href="browsemedia.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['allmedia']; ?></a><br />
                <a href="mostwanted.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mostwanted']; ?></a>
                | <a href="reports.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnureports']; ?></a>
                | <a href="cemeteries.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnucemeteries']; ?></a>
          | <a href="browsemedia.php?mediatypeID=headstones" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnutombstones']; ?></a>
          | <a href="anniversaries.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['anniversaries']; ?></a>
          | <a href="places.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['places']; ?></a><br />
          <a href="browsenotes.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['notes']; ?></a>
          | <a href="browsesources.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnusources']; ?></a>
             | <a href="browsetrees.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['mnustatistics']; ?></a>
             | <a href="bookmarks.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['bookmarks']; ?></a>
          | <a href="suggest.php" class="lightlink2"><?php echo $text['contactus']; ?></a>
    if( $allow_admin ) {
      echo "| <a href=\"showlog.php\" class=\"lightlink2\">{$text['mnushowlog']}</a>\n";
      echo "| <a href=\"admin.php\" class=\"lightlink2\">{$text['mnuadmin']}</a>\n";
         <td class="leftcontent" rowspan="3">
      <div class="header">
                  <p>Our Noble Background</p>
       <p>Recently, the <a href="Longueval" _mce_href="http://www.habitant.org/longueval/">Longueval">http://www.habitant.org/longuev al/">Longueval Research Project </a> has established the connection, through Anne Couvent, into the royalty database.
        This site includes that ancestry.
        Anne Couvent is in your ancestry, have fun loking at some of our famous and infamous ancestors. </p>
        <li><div align="left">
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I63070&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I63070amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI63070_tv7_28">Queen Cleopatra </a>  </li>
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I107713&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I107713&amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI185929_tv7_28">Alexander the Great</a>  </li>     
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I186817&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I186817&amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI186817_tv7_28">Attila the Hun</a>  </li>
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I83464&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I83464&amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI83464_tv7_28">Charlemagne</a>  </li>
          <li> <a href="pedigree.php?personID=I185929&amp;tree=v7_28"><img src="img/Chart.gif" class="chartimg" alt="" /></a>  <a href="getperson.php?personID=I185929&amp;tree=v7_28" class="pers" id="pI185929_tv7_28">King Louis XIV</a>  </li>
       <p> Here are some links showing noble ancestors as they are related to me </p>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_france.php">Rulers of France</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_germany.php">Rulers of Germany</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_hre.php">Rulers of theHoly Roman Empire</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_italy.php">Rulers of Italy</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_visigoths.php">Rulers of the Visigoths</a></div>
          <div align="left"><a href="rulers/rulers_franks.php">Rulers of the Franks</a></div>
         <p>  </p>
         <span class="style26o">Please note: this is not complete and is included for the user to see their potential relationship to past nobility
              The nobility database is far from the primary focus of the site and will not be supported other than the correction of errors.</span></div>
       <div class="header">
                  <?php echo $text['welcome']; ?>!
       <div class="normal">
          <img src="<?php echo $cms['tngpath'] . $templatepath; ?><?php echo $tmp['t5_mainimage']; ?>" alt="" style="float:right" class="indexphoto" width="300"  /><br /><br />
         <p>Welcome to the genealogy site devoted to Voyer and Bedard ancestry. Why Voyer and Bedard? My father was a Voyer. My mother a Bedard
         I believe that this is the largest compilation of Voyers with 4000+ and 24,000+ Bedards. I hope that it will be useful to those looking for their heritage.</p>
         </p>I am indebted to my cousin Jacqueline TIERNAN Poudrier for her tireless research and contributions to this site. </p>
         <p>If you have any questions or comments about the information on
         this site, <a href="suggest.php">please contact us</a>.
         We look forward to hearing from you.</p>
           if(!$currentuser) {
             echo "<li><a href=\"newacctform.php\">{$text['mnuregister']}</a></li>\n";
            echo "<li><a href=\"login.php\">{$text['mnulogon']}</a></li>\n";
           else {
            echo "<li><a href=\"logout.php\">{$text['mnulogout']}</a></li>\n";
            echo "<li><a href=\"changelanguage.php\">{$text['mnulanguage']}</a></li>\n";
         <div class="header">
                  <p>DNA Genealogy</p>
         <p>DNA technology allows us another way to investigate our ancestry, especially with regard to lines that have been difficult or even impossible to resolve as is our case with the lack of records in France.<p></p> 
    There are many ways to test and analyze DNA, but there are two particular kinds of DNA testing that are especially useful in genealogy:  Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) testing and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) testing.  The genealogical usefulness of these two DNA tests is based on two aspects of human inheritance:
       <li>  that the Y chromosome is passed on only by the father</li>
       <li>  that mitochondria are passed on only by the mother</li>
       <p>Both a VOYER and a BEDARD DNA project have been created and can reached through the links below. Please make sure that the person submitted for DNA tests is in our dtabase so that we can determine the earliest ancestor.
       If you are submitting for a mitochondrial DNA test, please contact us so that we can attempt to trace your maternal pedigree.
              <div class="subheader"><span class="style41"><a href="Voyer" _mce_href="http://www.worldfamilies.net/surnames/voyer">Voyer">http://www.worldfamilies.n et/surnames/voyer">Voyer DNA Project</a> <a href="Bedard" _mce_href="http://www.worldfamilies.net/surnames/bedard">Bedard">http://www.worldfamilies .net/surnames/bedard">Bedard DNA Project</a></span></div>
      <td> </td>
            <td class="rightcontent">
        <div class="language_box">
          if($chooselang) {
           $query = "SELECT languageID, display, folder FROM $languages_table ORDER BY display";
           $result = mysql_query($query) or die ($text['cannotexecutequery'] . ": $query");
           $numlangs = mysql_num_rows( $result );
           if($numlangs > 1) {
            echo getFORM( "savelanguage2", "get", "tngmenu3", "" );
            echo "<select name=\"newlanguage3\" id=\"newlanguage3\" style=\"font-size:11px;\" onchange=\"document.tngmenu3.submit();\">";
            while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
             echo "<option value=\"{$row['languageID']}\"";
             if( $languages_path . $row['folder'] == $mylanguage )
              echo " selected=\"selected\"";
             echo ">{$row['display']}</option>\n";
            echo "</select>\n";
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"instance\" value=\"3\" /></form>\n";
          echo "</p>\n";
       <form action="search.php" method="get">
        <table class="indexbox">
          <td class="padding"><span class="boxback"><?php echo $text['mnulastname']; ?>:<br />
           <input type="text" name="mylastname" class="searchbox" size="14" /></span></td></tr>
           <tr><td class="padding"><span class="boxback"><?php echo $text['mnufirstname']; ?>:<br />
           <input type="text" name="myfirstname" class="searchbox" size="14" /></span>
          <td class="padding"><span class="normal"><input type="hidden" name="mybool" value="AND" />
          <input type="submit" name="search" value="<?php echo $text['mnusearchfornames']; ?>" class="small" /><br /><br />
           echo "<a href=\"surnames.php\" class=\"lightlink2\">{$text['mnulastnames']}</a><br />\n";
           echo "<a href=\"searchform.php\" class=\"lightlink2\">{$text['mnuadvancedsearch']}</a>\n";
       <div class="help">
       <div class="subheader">Can You Help?</div>
        <p.request>Can you make yourself available to translate correspondence and site content into French?.</p>
        <p.request>Do you read the Obituaries? If you find BEDARD and VOYER obituaries (links or scans)? </p>
        <p.request>Are you a BEDARD or VOYER and not in our database? </p>
        <p.request>Are you interested in being part of the site research or development team?
        <p> </p><a href="suggest.php">please contact us</a>..</p>
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    This site powered by <a href="http://lythgoes.net/genealogy/software.php" class="footer">The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding</a> &copy;, v. 8.1.3, written by Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2012.
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    Voyer & Bedard Genealogy &copy; Larry Voyer 2008-2012.
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    I misundrstood you response
    I entered http://localhost in my browser and recieved the following page:
    Asd you can see everything is working. I thought that when you called local host, it went to the www/ directory where I have my sites
    I still don't see a problem with my settings
    Server Folder: C:\TNG813onMowesII\www\
    Web URL: http://localhost/genealogy/
    I hate it when the tool is more trouble than the work.
    Larry Voyer
    Site Creator/Administrator

  • Testing rules designed using Oracle Business Rules in Oracle 11g SOA

    I want to test the rules designed in ORB from a java class or a JSP.
    I am looking for a way to provide input from a form/UI , then execute the rules and display the result back on form/UI.
    Any sample showing how to achieve this would be helpful.

    Hi Chinmay,
    Oracle's SOA testing framework allows any or all ofthe invoked services to be emulated. Simply click on the invocation in the process diagramand supply a response document to use instead of actually invoking the service. Tests can also make assertions about document content at any step in the business process. You can use a SOAP client to test you WS, such as Fiddler, generic SOAP UI, SOAP UI utility. You can also do your unit testing from the OBR Designer itself.
    Hope that helps!
    Anirudh Pucha

  • Test stand design for high speed brushless dc servo motor efficiency testing

    We are in the process of designing two test stands around the brushless dc servo motor in the attached specifications.  The first we would like to operate using Labview and a PXI-7352 controller.  The second will be a real time configuration.  The motor will need to run in the 25-50,000 RPM range.  We want to bring the hall sensors back to the controller and do PID and other control there.  The sinusoidal commutation from the controller would then go to an as yet unselected servo amplifier.  When the motor is under test we want to be able to measure accurately the power that is being used by the motor - not the motor and controller / amplifier.
    Can the PXI-7353 handle this motor speed range?
    Will Labview and the PID toolkit be sufficient software to program the first test stand?
    Any example VI's available for this approach (I could not locate any)?
    What is the appropriate controller for a real time system?
    What is the best way to instrument the motor to determine power required at a given test point?
    Any suggestion on a servo amplifier?
    Thanks in advance,
    B0912-050 Brushless Motor.pdf ‏91 KB

    Mr. Zaatari,
    As you will note, there are six questions posted above.  As you also know, I have been waiting for your response for 5 days and decided to use this alternate method in hope of getting my questions answered.  As you further know you have not answered these questions.   It is a shame that you will  not post your "answers" here so that the rest of this wonderful NI community might have the benefit of your knowledge as well.
    I will respond further to you by email.

  • UndefinedException when working with RL-facts and testing at design time

    I'm performing some tests with JDeveloper Rules Designer on a very basic level. I'm defining rl facts (fact types), define a rule and write a test function to test this rule at design time. When executing my test function with the "Test Function" function an error occurs:
    UndefinedException: symbol 'Person' is undefined in main...
    Person is a fact type (RL Fact) that is the output parameter type of the decision function. If I don't use an output parameter everything works fine.
    If I use XML Facts instead of RL Facts and define an output parameter for the decision function everything works fine, too.
    Are there any restrictions for rl facts?

    Sure you can read and write at the same time. But normally you would be reading from one place and writing to another place.
    I rather regret avoiding the OP's earlier post asking how to combine two classes. I looked at the two classes posted and realized the best thing to do was actually to break them into more classes. But I also realized it was going to be a big job explaining why and how, and I just don't have the patience for that sort of thing.
    So now we have a Big Ball Of Tar&trade; and I feel partly responsible.

  • Test equipment design & Development

    Dear Candidates,
    We are having an excellent opening for Design and Development of "Test Equipment" for hardware with one of the Leading MNC company in Bangalore. Experience of 2-4 years experience. If interested please send us your updated profile of call us on 9880957399

               Glad to see the relevant opening here. Unfortunately, the provided number is not working for me. Could you provide me your Email address, so that I could send my CV.
    Thank you .

  • Test Design

    How can I test the design within Forms Central prior to distribution?

    I guess I need more information to be able to replicate your issue. When you say "custom form", do you mean you created a new form from a blank template (aka "from scratch")?
    I just setup a custom form and I have Design, Options, Test, Distribute, View Responses, and Summary Report. These are the options whether I start with a custom form (equivalent to the quick template "blank template") or just a blank template from the quick select menu.
    My only thought would be if you are a free account, but I remember having the option to test when I had a free account as well.
    To answer your inquiry, on the form, the size of the text box you create in the design is the size it remains on the form when in use. If the filler types more text than what can fit in the box size you created on the form, then the scroll bar on the right side of the box will "activate" (become dark grey rather than "greyed out") and the box will become scrollable.

  • Oracle 10g RAC design with ASM and OCFS

    Hi all,
    I have a question about a proposed Oracle 10g Release 2 RAC design for a 2 node cluster.
    ASM can store database files but not Oracle binaries nor OCR and voting disk. As such, OCFS version 1 does not support a shared Oracle Home. We plan to use OCFS version 2 with ASM version 2 on Red Hat Linux Enteprrise Server 4 with Oracle 10g Release 2 (
    For OCFS v2, a shared Oracle home and shared OCR and voting disk are supported. My question is does the following proposed architecture make sense for OCFS v2 with ASM v2 on Red Hat Linux 4?
    Oracle 10g Release 2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 4:
    OCFS V2:
    - shared Oracle home and binaries
    - shared OCR and vdisk files
    - CRS software shared OCFS v2 filesystem
    - spfile
    - controlfiles
    - tnsnames.ora
    ASM v2 with ASMLib v2:
    Proposed ASM disk groups:
    - data_dg for application data
    - backupdg for flashback and archivelogs
    - undo_rac1dg ASM diskgroup for undo tablespace for racnode1
    - undo_rac2dg ASM diskgroup for undo tablespace for racnode2
    - redo_rac1dg ASM diskgroup to hold redo logs for racnode1
    - redo_rac2dg ASM diskgroup to hold redo logs for racnode2
    - temp1dg temp tablespace for racnode1
    - temp2dg temp tablespace for racnode2
    Does this sound like a good initial design?
    Ben Prusinski, Senior DBA

    OK Tim, thanks for advices.
    I think Netbackup can be integrated with RMAN but I don't want to loose time on this (political).
    To summarize:
    ORACLE_HOME and CRS_HOME on each node (RAID1 and NTFS)
    Shared storage:
    Disk1 and disk 2: RAID1: - Raw partition 1 for OCR
    - Raw partition 2 for VotingDisk
    Disk3, disk4 and disk5: RAID 0 - Raw with ASM redundancy normal 1 diskgroup for database files.
    This is a running project here, will start testing the design on VMware and then go for production setup.

  • In Dreamweaver CS3, can I save to Test AND Production FTP Servers when I press save the document?

    Hi, and thank you for reading this.
    I've setup a production and test FTP servers in Dreamweaver CS3. It is either saves to production or test server when I click COMMAND+S (CONTROL on PC), but I'd like teh file to be saved on both simultaneously. Persssing Sync the Servers won't work since the servers are not mine and they a bit different, teh files are not the same. I just would like to be able to save 1 file at a time in both production and server with one click.
    I've been searching the Interenet but could not find anything other than basic FTP setup. Any help would be appreaciated. Thanks!

    Hi John, first of all thank you for replying!
    The reason why I would like to have Dreamweaver to save to both servers Test and the Production at the same time is because it would save me a lot of time keeping both servers more or less in sync. I have to keep both Test and Production servers syncronized, but only wihtin a specific content. While I test my design I do use Test server, but then the hassle begins when I am asked to make changes to the content.
    For example, I have a content page called books.html. I first built it on a Test server. Then switched to the tab called Remote, connect to the Remote Server, and save it. Very simple.
    However, then I need to create 10 more pages, lets call them books1.html, books2.html, and so on. Again sync them with the Remote server.
    All is great, but then my boss comes and say, hey there is a mistake on these files: books3, books4, books7, and books8. Please change the text content on those. So, I know the pages are working fine, I just need to update the text on both Test and Remote servers.
    So at this point I have to open these 4 files, change the text, then SAVE ALL to Test server. Then, I switch to Remote tab, go back to files press any key and 'Delete' keys so that Dreamweaver would see the change in file so that it would be able to save it. Then again 'SAVE ALL' to the Remote server.
    This is happening very OFTEN. It would save me so much time and brain power remembering which files I should sync if I am in a hurry and jump from one project to another, losing track of small changes in files when there are a lot of .html files.
    CMS is only in development now so I have to work with what I got. As to regard to backups, I use Time Machine so I am set with that. Plus I use MAMP. So basically I first use MAMP for testing, then upload changes to the Test server with all the BIG databases, and only then to Remote (production) with real Database. However, this is only when I develop new pages, very often I just need to modify what's already has been created. So that's why a feature like Save to BOTH servers (Test and Remote) would make a big difference to me.
    - Nookeen

  • Error while testing the Webservice

    When I Tried the Same It is showing an Error"Error in Sending the Soap Data"
    When i teted the configuration it is showing an error in message interface,but is there and running fine when tested
    When I am Testing the same in the Altova,I am Getting an error as Below
    "<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <faultstring>System Error</faultstring>
    <s:SystemError xmlns:s="http://sap.com/xi/WebService/xi2.0">
    <text>Message is incomplete. No Sender found</text>
    I Configured all the Required in Id and Tested the Design in the IR.

    Hi Srinivas,
    Check these threads..
    BPM Message is incomplete. No Sender found
    P.S Please mark helpful answers

  • How to get LiveCycle Designer forms to ignore default text in fields when validating

    I'm testing out Designer ES4 to build a simple form that's submitted via email. 
    Everything is working except for my text boxes...  They are set up as required fields but because I've included default text with instructions, if you press submit without editing the fields they're not validating as empty and not throwing an error message. 
    I’ve been searching the forums all day for a fix, but I’m too new to understand where to put code etc.  I’ve tried adding
    'text{!=placeholder}' in the validation pattern box but that doesn’t work… 
    All I have is LiveCycle Designer and I’m on windows 7.  Thanks for your help!

    Thanks Bruce - this looks like exactly what I'm after!
    I have a really noob question though - where do I go to enter code?!  Below is a screenshot of what I'm looking at - can you please talk me through how to make your suggested changes?
    Do I do it on the 'xml code' tab or somewhere else?

  • Dynamic in Designer but not in Workspace

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. I have a form with a few expanding tables and digital signatures that I created in Designer that works perfectly when i preview it. But when i use it in my process and render the form in worspace (or download it from workspace and open it on your desktop), the form no longer is dynamic. The buttons no longer add rows to my table or anything, and no javascript errors are showing up in my debugger. Is there anything that might cause this?
    I'm thinking it might be my custom render process (which is just the default renderer with a policy and extensions added) might be causing the issue but i can't see why. Can anyone help me with this?

    Sry, just to clarify, do you mean dynamic that the forms layout changes (eg hiding fields, adding rows, etc)? I'm asking only because you mentioned about data. So is the problem that rows are not being added and fields are not being hidden? Or that the data is not being imported into the form?
    If its the second option, are you importing an xml data file? or is the data coming from a webservice? The things i would check are whether the form is properly bound, and the structure of the xml file you're importing while testing in designer (if you are importing a file) has the same structure of the data you're importing when in workspace.

  • How to test the SAP modules like SD and MM By using Quality Center and QTP

    Hi Experts,
    How to test the SAP modules like SD and MM By using Quality Center and QTP. Can you please provide the documentation regarding this.

    Hi Sampath,
    First install QTP and SAP Addin with in QTP.
    2nd use QC to develop the test plan and then convert that test plan design to Test Scripts (QTP vesrion using settings)
    3rd record the R/3 GUI screen of SAP for SD, MM like Create order or Create PR.
    Once recording is done QTP will create a script in VB
    SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("SAP Easy Access  -  User").SAPGuiOKCode("OKCode").Set "/nVA01"
    SAPGuiSession("Session").SAPGuiWindow("SAP Easy Access  -  User").SendKey ENTER
    you can always add a parameter and other customization according to your requirement.
    Let me know if you need more information regarding this.
    Good Luck!

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