Trying to pass string OUPATH in my javscript file during OSD MDT deployment. How to do I do this correctly?

I have an hta and javascript file that requests different pieces of AD info and passes them along to our server during deployment. I have been trying to get the string OU path to pass but am not able to. Each time I get an error that tells me its not a valid
The string is called OUPATH below, I call this webservice in my task sequence during deployment after applying networking settings and it should take the value from the users input during the drop down selection. 
How do I write my java code to pass this info once a user has selected the option from the drop down? I've been working on this all week and can't seem to figure this out.
function OUPath()
var myVal = document.getElementById("ADOU").value;
var outPut = "";
switch (myVal) {
case "1":
outPut = "OU=Administrative,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "2":
outPut = "OU=Development,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "3":
outPut = "OU=External,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "4":
outPut = "OU=IT,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "5":
outPut = "OU=Restricted,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "6":
outPut = "OU=Sales,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "7":
outPut = "OU=Service Computers,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
The whole code is here
var oTimer;
// This is the javascript backend for the The BitLocker FrontEnd HTA - CM12 ver 3.0, Jan, 2013.
// report bugs, suggestions, corrections, fixes etc to [email protected] or visit
// Below are the functions used in the HTA
function searchcomputer(searchstring ) {
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var oExec = WShell.Run ("cscript //NoLogo " + GetScriptRoot() + "\\wnb\\searchcomputerbyname.wsf", 0, true);
return oEnvironment("search_Computer");
function performeComputerSearch() {
var searchString = '';
var searchTextBox = document.getElementById('searchstring_association');
var searchReturnedResult = false;
Clear the drop down from previous searches and add the first default element to the drop down.
var el = document.getElementById("destinationComputerList");
/* Clear drop down list. */
while(el.options.length > 0)
/* Create first element, showing that the user has to select an element from the drop down list. */
var opt1 = document.createElement("option");
opt1.text = 'Select destination';
opt1.value = '';
Drop down blanked and first default value is added.
if( searchTextBox != null ) {
searchString = searchTextBox.value;
if( searchString != '' ) {
searchcomputer(searchString );
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var currentComputerResourceId = oEnvironment("GetResourceId");
/* When web service returns process the result. */
var html = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
/* Here extract the result from the oEnviroment , remeber to create the oEnviorment object if it's not created before. */
var result = oEnvironment("search_Computer");
// alert(result);
/* Retrive all the computers in the search result. */
var anodes = html.selectNodes("//Resource");
/* Create drop down elements base on the */
for (var i=0; i < anodes.length; i++){
var obsolete = anodes(i).selectSingleNode("Obsolete").text;
var resourceid = anodes(i).selectSingleNode("ResourceID").text;
if( obsolete == 'false' && currentComputerResourceId != resourceid ) {
/* Computer is not Obsolete, added it to the drop down. */
var name = anodes(i).selectSingleNode("Name").text;
// alert (name);
var SMSUniqueIdentifier= anodes(i).selectSingleNode("ResourceID").text;
var opt = document.createElement("option");
// Add an Option object to Drop Down/List Box
// Assign text and value to Option object
opt.text = 'ResourceID: ' + SMSUniqueIdentifier + ', Name: ' + name;
opt.value = resourceid;
searchReturnedResult = true;
if( searchReturnedResult == false ) {
alert( "Query for '" + searchString + "' didn't return any computer to make association with, please redefine your search string." );
function makeAssociation () {
/* Make sure that the user has selected a destination computer. */
var el = document.getElementById("destinationComputerList");
var selectedresourceId = el.value;
if( selectedresourceId == '' ) {
/* User havn't selected a computer to make association with. */
alert('No destination computer selected' );
} else {
/* Call the other web service to make the association. */
alert( 'The selected ResourceId is: ' + selectedresourceId);
var answer = makeAssosiationWebServiceCall(selectedresourceId);
if(answer == "True" ){
alert("Successfully Associated Computers");
} else {
alert(answer + 'UnSuccessfully Associated Computers');
function IdentifySCCMDrive()
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var drives = new Enumerator(fso.Drives);
var drive = drives.item();
if(drive.IsReady && fso.fileexists(drive.path + "\\SMS\\data\\TsmBootstrap.ini"))
var fileContents = fso.OpenTextFile(drive.Path + "\\SMS\\data\\TsmBootstrap.ini").ReadAll();
if("MediaType=FullMedia") > -1)
oEnvironment("SCCMDRIVE") = drive.Path;
return drive.Path;
function makeAssosiationWebServiceCall(dest){
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
oEnvironment("ReferenceComputerResourceId") = oEnvironment("GetResourceId");
oEnvironment("DestinationComputerResourceId") = dest;
var oExec = WShell.Run ("cscript //NoLogo " + GetScriptRoot() + "\\wnb\\AddComputerAssociationbyID.wsf", 0, true);
return oEnvironment("AddComputerAssociationByIDResult");
function OnLoad()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
document.getElementById('txtComputerNew').value = oEnvironment("OSDCOMPUTERNAME");
var oTSProgressUI = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSProgressUI");
if(oEnvironment("TPM_Available") == "True")
document.getElementsByName("RefreshckBoxEnableBitLocker").item(0).disabled = false;
document.getElementsByName("NewComputerckBoxEnableBitLocker").item(0).disabled = false;
document.title = "The CM12 BitLocker FrontEnd HTA";
function inpBoxUser_OnKeyUp(strCaller)
if(oTimer != undefined)
document.getElementById('txtUserRefresh').value = document.getElementById(strCaller).value;
document.getElementById('txtUserNew').value = document.getElementById(strCaller).value;
oTimer = window.setTimeout("doADCheck('" + strCaller + "')", 2000);
function inpBoxComputer_OnKeyUp(strCaller)
if(oTimer != undefined)
// document.getElementById('txtComputerRefresh').value = document.getElementById(strCaller).value;
document.getElementById('txtComputerNew').value = document.getElementById(strCaller).value;
oTimer = window.setTimeout("doADCheck('" + strCaller + "')", 2000);
function doADCheck(strCaller)
strFullName = GetRealName(document.getElementById(strCaller).value);
if (strFullName == "NOACCOUNT") {
document.getElementById('txtUserNew').style.background = "#EC736A";
document.getElementById('txtUserRefresh').style.background = "#EC736A";
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoNew').innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoRefresh').innerHTML = "";
else if(strFullName == "SERVFAIL") {
document.getElementById('txtUserNew').style.background = "#FFA61C";
document.getElementById('txtUserRefresh').style.background = "#FFA61C";
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoNew').innerHTML = "SERVER FAILURE";
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoRefresh').innerHTML = "SERVER FAILURE";
document.getElementById('txtUserNew').style.background = "#6EC6F0";
document.getElementById('txtUserRefresh').style.background = "#6EC6F0";
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoNew').innerHTML = strFullName;
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoRefresh').innerHTML = strFullName;
if (document.getElementById(strCaller).value.length == 0) {
document.getElementById('txtUserNew').style.background = "#FFFFFF";
document.getElementById('txtUserRefresh').style.background = "#FFFFFF";
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoNew').innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoRefresh').innerHTML = "";
function GetRealName (strUserName)
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var oExec = WShell.Run ("cscript //NoLogo " + GetScriptRoot() + "\\wnb\\UserNameHelper.wsf /USERNAME:" + strUserName, 0, true);
return oEnvironment("UserFullName");
function GetScriptRoot ()
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
return oEnvironment("SCRIPTROOT");
function Shutdown()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
if(window.confirm("Ok to shutdown?"))
WShell.Run ("wpeutil shutdown",0, true);
function Reboot()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
if(window.confirm("Ok to reboot?"))
WShell.Run ("wpeutil reboot",0, true);
function closeHTA()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
if(window.confirm("Ok to Exit?"))
WShell.Run ("wpeutil shutdown",0, true);
function commandPrompt()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
// if(window.confirm("Open Command Prompt?"))
WShell.Run ("cmd.exe /k",1, true);
function cmtrace()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
// if(window.confirm("Open Command Prompt?"))
WShell.Run ("cmd.exe /k viewlog.cmd",1, true);
function showreport()
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
function GetSCCMAssignedSite()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var oExec = WShell.Run ("cscript //NoLogo " + GetScriptRoot() + "\\wnb\\sitecode.wsf", 0, true);
return oEnvironment("SiteCode");
function IsComputerKnown()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var oExec = WShell.Run ("cscript //NoLogo " + GetScriptRoot() + "\\wnb\\IsComputerKnown.wsf", 0, true);
return oEnvironment("IsComputerKnown");
function OUPath()
var myVal = document.getElementById("ADOU").value;
var outPut = "";
switch (myVal) {
case "1":
outPut = "OU=Administrative,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "2":
outPut = "OU=Development,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "3":
outPut = "OU=External,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "4":
outPut = "OU=IT,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "5":
outPut = "OU=Restricted,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "6":
outPut = "OU=Sales,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "7":
outPut = "OU=Service Computers,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
function GetComputerName()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var oExec = WShell.Run ("cscript //NoLogo " + GetScriptRoot() + "\\wnb\\GetComputerName.wsf", 0, true);
return oEnvironment("GetComputerName");
function GetResourceID()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var oExec = WShell.Run ("cscript //NoLogo " + GetScriptRoot() + "\\wnb\\GetResourceID.wsf", 0, true);
return oEnvironment("GetResourceID");
function getUserFriendlyBoolValue( value ) {
if ( value )
return "Yes";
return "No";
function GetTSVersion()
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
sversioninfo = oEnvironment("_SMSTSPackageName");
sHTML = "Task&nbsp;Sequence&nbsp;&nbsp;=&nbsp;&nbsp;" + sversioninfo ;
document.getElementsByName('DivTSVersion').item(0).innerHTML = sHTML;
function GetUSMTVersion()
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var drives = new Enumerator(fso.Drives);
var fileContents = "Unidentified Version"
var drive = drives.item();
if(drive.IsReady && fso.fileexists(drive.path + "\\_smstasksequence\\wdpackage\\usmt\\usmt_rulesets_version.txt"))
fileContents = fso.OpenTextFile(drive.Path + "\\_smstasksequence\\wdpackage\\usmt\\usmt_rulesets_version.txt").Read(25);
sHTML = "USMT&nbsp;RuleSet&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;=&nbsp;&nbsp;" + fileContents ;
document.getElementsByName('DivUSMTVersion').item(0).innerHTML = sHTML;
function ShowUSMTVersion()
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var drives = new Enumerator(fso.Drives);
var fileContents = ""
var drive = drives.item();
if(drive.IsReady && fso.fileexists(drive.path + "\\_smstasksequence\\wdpackage\\usmt\\usmt_rulesets_version.txt"))
fileContents = fso.OpenTextFile(drive.Path + "\\_smstasksequence\\wdpackage\\usmt\\usmt_rulesets_version.txt").Read(25);
sHTML = "USMT RuleSet&nbsp;&nbsp;=&nbsp;&nbsp;" + fileContents ;
document.getElementsByName('DivUSMTVersion').item(0).innerHTML = sHTML;
function ShowVersion()
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
alert('Task Sequence version=' +oEnvironment("_SMSTSPackageName"));
function populateUSMTDropList()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
sHTML = "<option value='NULL'>No Restore</option>\n";
sHTML = sHTML + "<option value='SMP'>SMP (Requires Computer Association)</option>\n";
// sUsmtStorePath = "c:\\USMTStores";
sUsmtStorePath = "\\\\sccm\\USMTStores";
var SubFolders = new Enumerator(fso.GetFolder(sUsmtStorePath).SubFolders);
var folder = SubFolders.item();
sLabel = ;
sValue =;
if ( != "X86" && != "X64")
sHTML = sHTML + "<option value='" + sValue + "'>" + sLabel + "</option>\n" ;
sHTML = "<select id='shareDropDown' name='shareDropDown'>\n" + sHTML + "</select>";
// You need to have a <div> in your HTML with the ID and NAME of divCboList
document.getElementsByName('divUSMTDropDown').item(0).innerHTML = sHTML;
function buildConfirmationMessage( deploymentType, targetUser, targetComputer, dochkdsk, doBackup, doBackupNetwork, doOffline, regionValue, languageValue, BitLockervalue, ADOU, PreProvBitLockervalue, usmtvalue, AUTOComputerName, SCEPvalueRefresh, SCEPvalueNew, EnableBitLockerRefresh, ADOU, EnableBitLockerNew) {
var arr = new Array();
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Deployment type variable: ";
switch(deploymentType) {
case 0:
arr[arr.length] = "BACKUPOLD";
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Do CHKDSK: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( dochkdsk);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Do backup: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( doBackup);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Do backupNetwork: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( doBackupNetwork);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Do Offline: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( doOffline);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
case 1:
arr[arr.length] = "REFRESH";
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Do CHKDSK: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( dochkdsk);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Do backup: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( doBackup);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Do backupNetwork: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( doBackupNetwork);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Target user: " + targetUser;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "AUTO-ComputerName: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( AUTOComputerName);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Enable SCEP: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( SCEPvalueRefresh);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "EnableBitLockerRefresh: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( EnableBitLockerRefresh);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "ADOU: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( ADOU);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
case 2:
arr[arr.length] = "NEWCOMPUTER";
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "RegionValue: " + regionValue;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "LanguageValue: " + languageValue;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Target user: " + targetUser;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Target computer: " + targetComputer;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "AUTO-ComputerName: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( AUTOComputerName);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Enable SCEP: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( SCEPvalueNew);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "EnableBitLockerNew: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( EnableBitLockerNew);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "BitLockerdropdown: " + BitLockervalue;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Pre-Provision BitLocker: " + PreProvBitLockervalue;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "USMTdropdown: " + usmtvalue;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
return "Please make sure your selections are ok before proceeding.\nYour Choices:-\n" + arr.join('');
function Proceed(actionToPerform) {
var deploymentType = '';
var targetUser = '';
var targetComputer = '';
var dochkdsk = '';
var doBackup = '';
var doBackupNetwork = '';
var AUTOComputerName = '';
var EnableBitLockerRefresh = '';
var ADOU1 = '';
var EnableBitLockerNew = '';
var doOffline = '';
var regionValue = '';
var languageValue = '';
var BitLockerValue = '';
var PreProvBitLockerValue = '';
var SCEPvalueRefresh = '';
var SCEPvalueNew = '';
var SCEPvalue = '';
var usmtvalue = '';
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
// Extract the values.
switch (actionToPerform) {
case 'Backup':
// alert( 'You have chosen Backup.');
deploymentType = 0;
dochkdsk= document.getElementById('ckchkdsk').checked;
doBackup= document.getElementById('ckBoxFullBackup').checked;
doBackupNetwork= document.getElementById('ckBoxFullBackupNetwork').checked;
doOffline= document.getElementById('ckBoxDoOffline').checked;
case 'Reinstall':
// alert( 'You have chosen Reinstall.');
deploymentType = 1;
dochkdsk= document.getElementById('Refreshckchkdsk').checked;
doBackup= document.getElementById('RefreshckBoxFullBackup').checked;
doBackupNetwork= document.getElementById('RefreshckBoxFullBackupNetwork').checked;
doOffline= true;
targetUser = document.getElementById('txtUserRefresh').value;
targetUser = "EMPTY";
// targetUser = document.getElementById('txtUserRefresh').value;
AUTOComputerName= document.getElementById('RefreshckBoxAUTO-ComputerName').checked;
SCEPvalue= document.getElementById('SCEPckBoxRefresh').checked;
EnableBitLockerRefresh= document.getElementById('RefreshckBoxEnableBitLocker').checked;
ADOU= document.getElementById('ADOU').checked;
case 'Newcomputer':
// alert( 'You have chosen New computer.');
deploymentType = 2;
var regionDrop = document.getElementById('regionDropDown');
var languageDrop = document.getElementById('languageDropDown');
var BitLockerDrop = document.getElementById('BitLockerDropDown');
var usmtdrop = document.getElementById('shareDropDown');
// added code to give targetUser a value if none entered
targetUser = document.getElementById('txtUserNew').value;
targetUser = " ";
// added code to give targetComputer a value if none entered
targetComputer = document.getElementById('txtComputerNew').value;
targetComputer = oEnvironment("OSDCOMPUTERNAME");
//AUTOComputerName = document.getElementById('ComputerNewckBoxAUTO-ComputerName').checked;
SCEPvalue= document.getElementById('SCEPckBoxNew').checked;
EnableBitLockerNew = document.getElementById('NewComputerckBoxEnableBitlocker').checked;
BitLockerValue = BitLockerDrop.options[BitLockerDrop.selectedIndex].value;
ADOU1 = ADOU.options[ADOU.selectedIndex].value;
PreProvBitLockerValue = document.getElementById('ckBoxPreProvBitLocker').checked;
usmtvalue = usmtdrop.options[usmtdrop.selectedIndex].value;
// keep the values case sensitive !! If no type, Backup, Reinstall or New computer image is selected, the click on the Proceed
// image will excute this section (between default: and break;. Keep it clear but DON'T remove the break.
// alert("'" + actionToPerform + "' isn't a valid selection.");
// Ask user if the values are ok to proceed with.
if(window.confirm( buildConfirmationMessage(deploymentType, targetUser, targetComputer, dochkdsk, doBackup, doBackupNetwork, doOffline, regionValue, languageValue, BitLockerValue,PreProvBitLockerValue, usmtvalue, AUTOComputerName, SCEPvalue, SCEPvalue, ADOU, EnableBitLockerRefresh, EnableBitLockerNew) ) ) {
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
switch(deploymentType) {
case 0 :
oEnvironment("DOCHKDSK") = dochkdsk;
oEnvironment("DOBACKUP") = doBackup;
oEnvironment("DOBACKUPNETWORK") = doBackupNetwork;
oEnvironment("DOOFFLINE") = doOffline;
case 1:
oEnvironment("DOCHKDSK") = dochkdsk;
oEnvironment("DOBACKUP") = doBackup;
oEnvironment("DOBACKUPNETWORK") = doBackupNetwork;
oEnvironment("TARGETUSER") = targetUser;
oEnvironment("DOOFFLINE") = doOffline;
oEnvironment("AUTOComputerName") = AUTOComputerName;
oEnvironment("SCEPvalue") = SCEPvalue;
oEnvironment("EnableBitLockerRefresh") = EnableBitLockerRefresh;
oEnvironment("ADOU1") = ADOU;
case 2 :
oEnvironment("RegionValue") = regionValue;
oEnvironment("LanguageValue") = languageValue;
oEnvironment("TARGETUSER") = targetUser;
oEnvironment("OSDCOMPUTERNAME") = targetComputer;
oEnvironment("AUTOComputerName") = AUTOComputerName;
oEnvironment("SCEPvalue") = SCEPvalue;
oEnvironment("EnableBitLockerNew") = EnableBitLockerNew;
oEnvironment("BitLockerValue") = BitLockerValue;
oEnvironment("PreProvBitLockerValue") = PreProvBitLockerValue;
oEnvironment("uddir") = usmtvalue;
if(oEnvironment("_SMSTSMEDIATYPE") && oEnvironment("_SMSTSMEDIATYPE") == "FullMedia") {
oEnvironment("OSDStateStorePath") = oEnvironment("SCCMDRIVE") + "\\DiskBackups";
window.setTimeout('window.close()', 2000);

FYI,  here is my INI that I'm referencing via a Gather step.
;OUPath must be specified prior to calling webservice.
I think including all of your code is throwing people off.  If you verified that your HTA is populating the desired variable like it should, then the above code is irrelevant.  Its probably something your doing in that INI.  I'd suggest adding
a pause and just trial and erroring changes to the INI til you get the desired results.  Thats what I did.
-BrianG (

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  • Can someone tell what I have done wrong here trying to pass strings to a

    I have just started programming in java I can't see what I have done wrong here in my code can someone please help me?
    // Thomas Klooz
    // October 10, 2008
    /** A class that enters
    * DVD Info pass the arrays
    * DvdInventory Class and then manipulates the data from there*/
    import java.util.Scanner;// imports a scanner for use by the class
    public class DVDInfo
    public static void main(String args[])
    String theTitle[] = new String[10];// array of titles
    int inventory [] = new int[10];// array of ten for inventory
    int quantity []= new int[10];// array of ten for quantity
    double price []= new double[10];// array for the price of each double
    int count = 0;// variable to track what information is suppose to be passed to class
    System.out.println(" Welcome to DVD Inventory Program!");//Welcome message for the user
    System.out.println();//returns a blank line
    boolean stop = false;// boolean charcter to make program stop
    while(! stop)
    Scanner input = new Scanner( );// creates scanner to use
    System.out.println(" Enter an item name or stop to Quit: ");// prompt user for input
    theTitle[count] = input.nextLine();// assigns the value to Title
    if (theTitle[count].equals("stop"))
    System.out.println();//returns a blank line
    System.out.println(" The DVD Inventory has been entered!");// diplay exit message to
    stop = true;
    } // end if
    else // continue to get data
    System.out.println();//returns a blank line
    System.out.println(" Enter the item number must be greater equal or greater than zero: ");// prompt user for input
    inventory[count] = input.nextInt();// assigns value to inventory
    if (inventory[count] < 0)// continue until proper value has been entered
    System.out.println( " Error no numbers can be below zero!");
    System.out.println(" Enter the item number must be greater equal or greater than zero: ");// prompt user for input
    inventory[count] = input.nextInt();// assigns value to inventory
    }// end if
    System.out.println();//returns a blank line
    System.out.println(" Enter the amount of DVDs you have must be greater than zero: ");// prompt user for input
    quantity[count]= input.nextInt();// assigns value to inventory
    if( quantity[count] <= 0)// continue to proper data is entered
    System.out.println( " Error: you have no inventory for this item ");// error message sent to user
    System.out.println(" Enter the amount of DVDs you have must be greater than zero: ");// prompt user for input
    quantity[count]= input.nextInt();// assigns value to inventory
    }//end if
    System.out.println();//returns a blank line
    System.out.println( " Enter the cost per DVD: ");// prompt user for input
    price[count] = input.nextDouble();// assigns the value to price
    count++;//increaments count 1
    }// end else
    }// end while
    DVDInventory myDVDInventory = new DVDInventory(theTitle,inventory,quantity,price,count); the problem seems to be here because this is where I get error message when I'm trying to pass to class named DVD
    }// end main
    }// end class

    this is the code that is important
    import java.util.Scanner;// imports a scanner for use by the class
    public class DVDInfo
    public static void main(String args[])
    String theTitle[] = new String[10];// array of titles
    int inventory [] = new int[10];// array of ten for inventory
    int quantity []= new int[10];// array of ten for quantity
    double price []= new double[10];// array for the price of each double
    int count = 0;// variable to track what information is suppose to be passed to class
    System.out.println(" Welcome to DVD Inventory Program!");//Welcome message for the user
    System.out.println();//returns a blank line
    boolean stop = false;// boolean charcter to make program stop
    while(! stop)
    Scanner input = new Scanner( );// creates scanner to use
    System.out.println(" Enter an item name or stop to Quit: ");// prompt user for input
    theTitle[count] = input.nextLine();// assigns the value to Title
    if (theTitle[count].equals("stop"))
    System.out.println();//returns a blank line
    System.out.println(" The DVD Inventory has been entered!");// diplay exit message to
    stop = true;
    } // end if
    else // continue to get data
    System.out.println();//returns a blank line
    System.out.println(" Enter the item number must be greater equal or greater than zero: ");// prompt user for input
    inventory[count] = input.nextInt();// assigns value to inventory
    if (inventory[count] < 0)// continue until proper value has been entered
    System.out.println( " Error no numbers can be below zero!");
    System.out.println(" Enter the item number must be greater equal or greater than zero: ");// prompt user for input
    inventory[count] = input.nextInt();// assigns value to inventory
    }// end if
    System.out.println();//returns a blank line
    System.out.println(" Enter the amount of DVDs you have must be greater than zero: ");// prompt user for input
    quantity[count]= input.nextInt();// assigns value to inventory
    if( quantity[count] <= 0)// continue to proper data is entered
    System.out.println( " Error: you have no inventory for this item ");// error message sent to user
    System.out.println(" Enter the amount of DVDs you have must be greater than zero: ");// prompt user for input
    quantity[count]= input.nextInt();// assigns value to inventory
    }//end if
    System.out.println();//returns a blank line
    System.out.println( " Enter the cost per DVD: ");// prompt user for input
    price[count] = input.nextDouble();// assigns the value to price
    count++;//increaments count 1
    }// end else
    }// end while
    DVDInventory myDVDInventory = new DVDInventory(theTitle,inventory,quantity,price,count);
    }// end main
    }// end class The problem seems to be when I try to pass all the variables to the class DVDInventory the first statement after all. I get message that say can't find java. String
    Edited by: beatlefla on Oct 10, 2008 8:20 PM

  • Passing blackberry contacts to iphone or excel or other compatible format - how can it be done

    I am trying to pass my address book from blackberry to iphone, does anyone know how it can be done. Or how can i convert my blackberry address book into excel format?
    any advice welcome... am pulling my hair out here!

    Do you sync your BlackBerry with an email client like Outlook? If so then iTunes can sync with Outook to transfer the information
    If someone has been helpful please consider giving them kudos by clicking the star to the left of their post.
    Remember to resolve your thread by clicking Accepted Solution.

  • Trying to write an Automator program to find files with same time created and change file names to matching source folder names

    I am failrly green when it comes to automator.
    I am trying to write an Automator program:
    Not sure where to post this
    trying to write an Automator program to find files and alter their names
    I have a source folder with correct named master files in it.
    eg. A0001_1234.mpeg
    time created 14:02:03
    date 07/07/2012
    Another folder where there will be copies of the master files in a different format with different names but created at the same time as a file in the source directory.
    they are created with a seperate device but they are
    time created 14:02:03
    date 07/07/2012
    I need it to then take the name from the source fies and apply the correct name to the matching file based on the time it was created.
    I can't seem to find actions in automator that reference time crated.
    Is this something I will be able to Do in automator?
    Any help would be great

    It's impossible to do this without any script in Automator.
    Use this AppleScript script :
    set source to choose folder with prompt "Select the source folder"
    set anotherfolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose the another folder"
    tell application "Finder"
        repeat with tfile in (get files of source)
            set cDate to creation date of tfile
            set findFiles to (files of anotherfolder whose creation date is cDate)
            if findFiles is not {} then
                set tName to name of tfile
                set name of item 1 of findFiles to tName
            end if
        end repeat
    end tell

  • Trying to pass xml data to a web service

    I'm working on an Apex application that is required to pass data to a web service for loading into another (non Oracle) system. The web service expects two stings as input, the first string is simply an ID, the second string is an xml document. I generate an xml 'string' using PL/SQL in an on-submit process prior to invoking the web service. If I pass regular text for the second parameter, the web service returns an error message which is stored in the response collection and displayed on the page as expected. When I pass the the xml data, I get a no data found error and the response collection is empty. I have tried this in our development environment on Apex 3.1.2 (database version 10.2). I also tried this on our Apex 4.0.2 sandbox (with the same Oracle 10.2 database). I have found that once I have nested xml, I get the no data found message, if I pass partial xml data, I get the error response from the web service. Perhaps I am not generating the xml correctly to pass to the web service (this only just occurred to me as I write this)? Or is there an issue passing xml data from Apex to the web service? Any help will be greatly appreciated! here is the code I use to generate the xml string:
      cursor build_data  is
        select u_catt_request_buid,u_catt_request_name,u_catt_cassette_buid,u_catt_cassette_name
          ,u_project_name,u_sub_project,replace(u_nominator,'ERROR ','') u_nominator
          ,replace(replace(u_going_to_vqc,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_going_to_vqc
          ,nvl(u_my_priority,'Medium') u_my_priority
          ,replace(replace(u_immediate_trafo,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_immediate_trafo
          ,replace(replace(u_new_bps_cmpnt,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_new_bps_cmpnt
          ,u_compnt_name,u_new_cmpt_desc,initcap(u_target_crop) u_target_crop,u_corn_line
          ,replace(replace(u_field,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_field
        from temp_constructs_lims
        order by constructid,description;
      v_xml_info         varchar2(350);
      v_xml_header       varchar2(1000);
      v_xml_data         clob;
      v_xml_footer       varchar2(50);
      v_create_date      varchar2(10);
      v_scientist_name   v_users.full_name%type;
      v_scientist_email  v_users.email_address%type;
      v_primas_code      construct.fkprimas%type;
      v_nominator_name   v_nominators.full_name%type;
      v_file_length      number;
      -- initialize variables
      v_create_date := to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD');
      v_xml_data := null;
      -- get name and email address
        select full_name,email_address
        into v_scientist_name,v_scientist_email
        from v_users
        where ldap_account = :F140_USER_ID; 
      exception when no_data_found then
        v_scientist_name := '';
        v_scientist_email := '';
        v_scientist_name := 'Test, Christine';
        v_scientist_email := '[email protected]';
      -- set up xml file 
      if :OWNER like '%DEV%' then
        v_xml_info := '
          <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <exchange xmlns:xsi=""
        v_xml_info := '
          <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <exchange xmlns:xsi=""
      end if;
      -- populate xml header records
      v_xml_header := '<header xmlns="">
      <entities xmlns="">
      for rec in build_data loop
          -- get primas code for current construct
          select fkprimas
          into v_primas_code
          from construct
          where constructid = rec.constructid;
        exception when no_data_found then
          v_primas_code := null;
          -- get nominator name for current construct
          select full_name
          into v_nominator_name
          from v_nominators
          where nominator_id = rec.u_nominator;
          when no_data_found then
            v_nominator_name := null;
          when invalid_number then
            v_nominator_name := catt_pkg.full_name_from_user_id(p_user_id => rec.u_nominator);
            v_nominator_name := 'Test, Christine';
        v_xml_data := v_xml_data||'
      end loop;
      -- complete xml data   
      v_xml_footer := '
      -- complete submission data
      :P36_XML_SUBMISSION := null;   
      :P36_XML_SUBMISSION := v_xml_info||v_xml_header||v_xml_data||v_xml_footer;
    end;Here is an example of :P36_XML_SUBMISSION:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <exchange xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="deService" xsi:schemaLocation="deService"> <header xmlns=""> <stdXmlVer>2.0</stdXmlVer> <sendingUnit>10</sendingUnit> <sendingPerson>Test, Christine</sendingPerson> <notification>[email protected]</notification> <creationDate>2011-12-20</creationDate> </header> <entities xmlns=""> <Construct> <requestBUID>150000123</requestBUID> <requestName>AA0000123</requestName> <cassetteBUID>160000123</cassetteBUID> <cassetteName>AB000123</cassetteName> <scientist>Test, Christine</scientist> <projectNumber>T000123</projectNumber> <subProject>Discovery Plus</subProject> <comments>AA0000123 From CATT on 20-DEC-11 </comments> <nominator>Test, Christine</nominator> <goingToVqc>true</goingToVqc> <primaryTrait>promoter::intron::transit:gene::terminator</primaryTrait> <sourceMatPrvd>seed - stuff</sourceMatPrvd> <prokaryoticResistance></prokaryoticResistance> <vectorType>Plant Vector</vectorType> <priority>Medium</priority> <immediateTrafo>true</immediateTrafo> <newComponent></newComponent> <componentName>gene</componentName> <newComponentDescription>unknown function; sequence has some similarity to others</newComponentDescription> <targetCrop>Crop</targetCrop> <Line>Inbred</Line> <plantSelection>smidge ver2</plantSelection> <numOfIndEvents>6</numOfIndEvents> <numOfPlantsPerEvent>1</numOfPlantsPerEvent> <molecularQualityEvents>NA</molecularQualityEvents> <toField>true</toField> <potentialPhenotype></potentialPhenotype> </Construct> </entities> </exchange>My application page is accessed by an action from another page. The user reviews the data in a sql report region. When the use clicks on the Upload (SUBMIT) button, the xml string is generated first and then the web service is invoked. I have tried passing a simple string as the second parameter ("dummydata") and partial data in the xml string ("<sendingPerson>Test, Christine</sendingPerson>") the web service returns this error in both cases:
    Error[Validate Data]: (XML) = Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.. Cannot validate the XML! Data Exchange not accepted!Once I pass the entire xml string above, I get an Oracle-01403: no data found error. I have opened the web service in IE and pasted my xml input string and received a valid, verified result, so I am sure that the generated xml is correct. I have spoken with the web service developer; there are no log entries created by the web service when I submit the full xml string, so I suspect the failure is in the Apex application.
    I should add that once I have nested tags in the xml, I get the Oracle no data found error ("<header xmlns=""> <stdXmlVer>2.0</stdXmlVer> <sendingUnit>10</sendingUnit> </header>"). I f I do not have nested tags in the xml ("<notification>[email protected]</notification> <creationDate>2011-12-20</creationDate>"), I get the web service response (error).
    Edited by: ChristineD on Dec 20, 2011 9:54 AM

    Ok, I think I'm getting closer to thinking this all the way through. When I have used clobs in the past, I've always used the DBMS_CLOB package. I use this to create a temp clob and then make the above calls. I had to go find an example in my own code to remember all of this. So, here is another suggestion... feel free to disregard all the previous code snippets..
      cursor build_data  is
        select u_catt_request_buid,u_catt_request_name,u_catt_cassette_buid,u_catt_cassette_name
          ,u_project_name,u_sub_project,replace(u_nominator,'ERROR ','') u_nominator
          ,replace(replace(u_going_to_vqc,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_going_to_vqc
          ,nvl(u_my_priority,'Medium') u_my_priority
          ,replace(replace(u_immediate_trafo,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_immediate_trafo
          ,replace(replace(u_new_bps_cmpnt,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_new_bps_cmpnt
          ,u_compnt_name,u_new_cmpt_desc,initcap(u_target_crop) u_target_crop,u_corn_line
          ,replace(replace(u_field,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_field
        from temp_constructs_lims
        order by constructid,description;
      v_xml_info         varchar2(350);
      v_xml_header       varchar2(1000);
      v_xml_data         clob;
      v_xml_footer       varchar2(50);
      v_create_date      varchar2(10);
      v_scientist_name   v_users.full_name%type;
      v_scientist_email  v_users.email_address%type;
      v_primas_code      construct.fkprimas%type;
      v_nominator_name   v_nominators.full_name%type;
      v_file_length      number;
      v_xml_body    varchar2(32767); --added by AustinJ
      v_page_item    varchar2(32767);  --added by AustinJ
      -- initialize variables
      v_create_date := to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD');
      --v_xml_data := null;   --commented out by AustinJ
      dbms_lob.createtemporary( v_xml_data, FALSE, dbms_lob.session );  --added by AustinJ v_xml_data, dbms_lob.lob_readwrite );  --added by AustinJ
      -- get name and email address
        select full_name,email_address
        into v_scientist_name,v_scientist_email
        from v_users
        where ldap_account = :F140_USER_ID; 
      exception when no_data_found then
        v_scientist_name := '';
        v_scientist_email := '';
        v_scientist_name := 'Test, Christine';
        v_scientist_email := '[email protected]';
      -- set up xml file 
      if :OWNER like '%DEV%' then
        v_xml_info := '
          <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <exchange xmlns:xsi=""
        v_xml_info := '
          <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <exchange xmlns:xsi=""
      end if;
      -- populate xml header records
      v_xml_header := '<header xmlns="">
      <entities xmlns="">
      for rec in build_data loop
          -- get primas code for current construct
          select fkprimas
          into v_primas_code
          from construct
          where constructid = rec.constructid;
        exception when no_data_found then
          v_primas_code := null;
          -- get nominator name for current construct
          select full_name
          into v_nominator_name
          from v_nominators
          where nominator_id = rec.u_nominator;
          when no_data_found then
            v_nominator_name := null;
          when invalid_number then
            v_nominator_name := catt_pkg.full_name_from_user_id(p_user_id => rec.u_nominator);
            v_nominator_name := 'Test, Christine';
        v_xml_body := '
        ';    --modified by AustinJ
        dbms_lob.writeappend( v_xml_data, length(v_xml_body), v_xml_body);   --added by AustinJ
      end loop;
      -- complete xml data   
      v_xml_footer := '
      -- complete submission data
      v_page_item := null;   
      v_page_item := v_xml_info||v_xml_header||wwv_flow.do_substitutions(wwv_flow_utilities.clob_to_varchar2(v_xml_data))||v_xml_footer;   --added by AustinJ
      :P36_XML_SUBMISSION := trim(v_page_item);   --added by AustinJ
        dbms_lob.close( v_xml_data);  --added by AustinJ
        if v_xml_data is not null then   
            dbms_lob.freetemporary(v_xml_data);   --added by AustinJ
        end if;  --added by AustinJ
    end;This code will use the Database to construct your clob and then convert it back to a varchar2 for output to your webservice. This makes more sense to me now and hopefully you can follow what the process is doing.
    You don't technically need the two varchar2(36767) variables. I used two for naming convention clarity sake. You could use just one multipurpose variable instead.
    If you have any questions, just ask. I'll help if I can.
    Edited by: AustinJ on Dec 20, 2011 12:17 PM
    Fixed spelling mistakes.

  • PLS-00201 error when trying to pass an OUT parameter

    Please help me to resolve the below error:
    I am trying to pass an OUT parameter in a package.
    I have declared it in package specs as
    ProcABC(p_val IN varchar2, p_val2 IN varchar2, p_val3 OUT varchar2)
    In package body
    I have created the procedure as
    Create or Replace procedure ProcABC(p_val IN varchar2, p_val2 IN varchar2, p_val3 OUT varchar2) AS
    v_LogDir varchar2(40);
    v_message varchar2(200);
    SELECT directory_path into v_LogDir FROM ALL_DIRECTORIES WHERE directory_name = 'ABC';
    v_message := v_LogDir ;
    some sql statements..
    p_val3 := v_message;
    Return p_val3;
    End procABC;
    SQL> exec pkg_A.procABC('Stage2', NULL, p_val3);
    Package compiles successfully but while execution it returns error as:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 74:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'p_val3 ' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Please advise.

    Hi Suresh,
    Thanks for the information and help. I was able to run the package with this usage.
    Now, the issue is
    I need to return a v long string by the OUT parameter so I defined the datatype of OUT parameter as CLOB.
    But, when I declare local variable to run the package with this OUT paramater I get the error :
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    When I pass a shorter string it works.
    Kindly advise me how to resolve this issue while using CLOB as datatype of OUT parameter.

  • ORA-00932 when trying to pass ARRAY from Java SP to PL/SQL

    Hi all
    I am trying to pass ARRAYs back and forth between PL/SQL and Java stored procedures. But I keep getting:
    ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected a return value that is an instance of a user defined Java class convertible to an Oracle type got an object that could not be converted
    Here's my PL/SQL:
    create or replace type CONTENTP.sentences_array as VARRAY(1000) of CLOB
    -- I've also tried .. as TABLE of CLOB and varray/table of VARCHAR2
    proc_clob CLOB;
    SELECT document_body
    into proc_clob
    from documents
    where document_id = 618784;
    arr := processdocument.sentencesplit (proc_clob);
    PROCESSDOCUMENT package definition:
    FUNCTION sentenceSplit(Param1 CLOB)
    LANGUAGE java
    NAME 'com.contentp.documents.ProcessDocument.sentenceSplit(oracle.sql.CLOB) return oracle.sql.ARRAY';
    FUNCTION removeHTML(Param1 CLOB)
    return CLOB
    LANGUAGE java
    NAME 'com.contentp.documents.ProcessDocument.removeHTML(oracle.sql.CLOB) return oracle.sql.CLOB';
    Java sentenceSplit code:
    public static oracle.sql.ARRAY sentenceSplit ( CLOB text) throws IOException, SQLException
    Connection conn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection();
    String[] arrSentences = sent.getsentences ( CLOBtoString (text) );
    ArrayDescriptor arrayDesc =
    ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor ("SENTENCES_ARRAY", conn);
    ARRAY ARRSentences = new ARRAY (arrayDesc, conn, arrSentences);
    return ARRSentences;
    I have confirmed that the String[] arrSentences contains a valid string array. So the problem seems to be the creation and passing of ARRSentences.
    I have looked at pages and pages of documents and example code, and can't see anything wrong with my declaration of ARRSentences. I'm at a loss to explain what's wrong.
    Thanks in advance - any help is much appreciated!

    I am trying to do something similar but seems like getting stuck at registerOutParameter for this.
    Type definition:
    type APL_CCAM9.VARCHARARRAY as table of VARCHAR2(100)
    Java Stored Function code:
    public static ARRAY fetchData (ARRAY originAreaCds, ARRAY serviceCds, ARRAY vvpcs) {
    Connection connection = null;
         ARRAY array = null;
         try {
         connection = new OracleDriver ().defaultConnection();
    ArrayDescriptor adString = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("VARCHARARRAY", connection);
    String[] result = new String [2];
    result[0] = "Foo";
    result[1] = "Foo1";
    array = new ARRAY (adString, connection, result);
    connection.commit ();
    return array;
    } catch (SQLException sqlexp) {
    try {
    } catch (SQLException exp) {
    return array;
    Oracle Stored Function:
    Java Code calling Oracle Stored Procedure:
    ocs = (OracleCallableStatement) oraconn.prepareCall(queryBuf.toString());
                   ArrayDescriptor adString = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("VARCHARARRAY", oraconn);
                   String[] originAreaCds = sTDynAllocationVO.getGeogAreaCds();
                   ARRAY areaCdArray = new ARRAY (adString, oraconn, originAreaCds);
                   ocs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.ARRAY);
                   ocs.setArray (2, areaCdArray);
                   String[] serviceCds = sTDynAllocationVO.getServiceCds();
                   ARRAY serviceCdsArray = new ARRAY (adString, oraconn, serviceCds );
                   ocs.setArray (3, serviceCdsArray);
                   String[] vvpcs = sTDynAllocationVO.getVesselVoyagePortCdCallNbrs();
                   ARRAY vvpcsArray = new ARRAY (adString, oraconn, vvpcs);
                   ocs.setArray (4, vvpcsArray);
    ARRAY results = ocs.getARRAY(1);
    Error I get:
    Parameter Type Conflict: sqlType=2003
    Thanks for help in advance.

  • Error occured when trying to pass object from Jsp to Applet

    I am trying to pass a serialized object(ie, object class implements that is not a problem) from a Jsp to an Applet.
    My jsp(Jsp_RMI.jsp) page is:-
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    <%@ page import="com.itlinfosys.syslab.mfasys.scm.*" %>
    <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
    <applet code="com/itlinfosys/syslab/mfasys/scm/Applet_RMI" width=200 height=100>
    <%! ObjectOutputStream outputToApplet=null;
    PrintWriter out=null;
    BufferedReader inTest=null;
    %> <% Student student=new Student();
    Vector students=new Vector();
    outputToApplet=new ObjectOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());
    %> <html> <head> <title>My Page</title> </head> <body> </body> </html>
    My Applet is:-
    package com.itlinfosys.syslab.mfasys.scm;
    import java.applet.*;
    import com.itlinfosys.syslab.mfasys.scm.Student;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Applet_RMI extends Applet{
    Vector aStudent=null;
    ObjectInputStream inputFromServlet=null;
    String location="<URL>";
    public void init(){
    public void getConnection(String location) {
    URL testJsp=new URL(location);
    URLConnection jspConnection=testJsp.openConnection();
    jspConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    inputFromServlet=new ObjectInputStream(jspConnection.getInputStream());
    }catch(MalformedURLException e){ System.out.println(e);
    catch(IOException e){
    catch(ClassNotFoundException e){ System.out.println(e);
    I am using netscape-4.73 on weblogic server. On server when I try to view Jsp page it gives Exception.
    When I am trying to call this Jsp from IE-5 on my client machine, I am getting error:-" InputStream does not contain a serialized" Pl help me out.

    You should probably change your implementation to use a servlet rather than JSP. There may be extra stuff being put in by the JSP. Besides, servlets run faster. Here is some code that may help.
    From the Servlet:
      public void doPost(
          HttpServletRequest               httpServletRequest,
          HttpServletResponse              httpServletResponse )
          throws ServletException, IOException {
        ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(httpServletRequest.getInputStream()));
        requestObject = in.readObject() ;
        ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(httpServletResponse.getOutputStream()));
      } //end doPost()And from the Applet:
      public Object doServletCall(
          Object                           sendObject ) {
        try {
          HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection)servlet.openConnection() ;
          ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(con.getOutputStream()));
          ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(con.getInputStream()));
          Object returnObject = in.readObject() ;
          return returnObject ;
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        } //end try
        return null ;
      } //end doServletCall()Of course you can remove the ZIP and send object if you don't need them

  • Pass String Array to DLL

     I m trying to pass a String Array to a DLL, but I can't found the type for the  "Char *heihei[ ]"
    Here I attached the screenshot here. Hopefully some expert here can help me to solve out this thing. Thanks a lot in advance.
    DLL input:
    int __stdcall RunDLLUI (char * pszMainPath, char * pszFileName, int * nArrayErrorRow, char * pszArrayErrorCol[], int nNumOfErrors, int nOffsetError);          
    Please refer to the pictures attached. Thanks again for your time.
    code.JPG ‏29 KB
    front.JPG ‏40 KB
    DataType.JPG ‏49 KB

    You should post your LabVIEW question to the LabVIEW board.

  • '.class' expected Error when trying to pass an Array

    In the below method I am trying to return an array. The compiler gives me one error: '.class' expected. I am not sure if I am writing the 'return' statement correctly and not really sure of another way to code it. Below is a portion of the code and I can post all of it if need be but the other methods seem to be fine.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class LibraryUserAccount
    Scanner input=new Scanner(;
    private final int MAX_BOOKS_ALLOWED;
    private int checkedOutBookCounter;
    private long accountNumber;
    private String socialSecurityNumber, name, address;
    private final long isbnNumbers[];
    public LibraryUserAccount(long accountNumber, int maxBooksAllowed)
         this.accountNumber = 0;
         MAX_BOOKS_ALLOWED = maxBooksAllowed;
    //returns the array isbnNumbers[]
    public long getCheckedOutBooksISBNNumbers()
         return isbnNumbers[];
    The error displayed as: '.class' expected
         return isbnNumbers[];
    1 error
    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Rewriting the method as:
    public long[] getCheckedOutBooksISBNNumbers()
    return isbnNumbers;
    ... has fixed that particular compiler error. Thanks jverd. I appreciate the help.
    On a separate note I am having trouble with initializing the array. What I am trying to do is initialize an array of a size equal to a value passed to the class. Example being:
    private final int MAX_BOOKS_ALLOWED;
    private long accountNumber;
    private final long[] isbnNumbers;
    //constructor method
    public LibraryUserAccount(long accountNumber, int maxBooksAllowed)
    this.accountNumber = 0;
    MAX_BOOKS_ALLOWED = maxBooksAllowed;
    long[] isbnNumbers = new long[MAX_BOOKS_ALLOWED];
    My goal is to set the size of isbnNumbers[] to the value of MAX_BOOKS_ALLOWED. I've tried a couple of different ways to initialize the array (the latest listed above) but the compiler doesn't like what I have done. Thanks again.

  • Problem when passing string array in sessions showing null value

    i am trying to pass a string array but it is showing me the null value
    i think the the problem is seem to be in session.settAttribute("subject['"+i+"']",subject) in 2.login_action.jsp
    or in String sub1=(String) session.getAttribute("subject[0]"); in 3.user_home.jsp
    i have following three pages
    <form method="post" action="login_action.jsp">
    Username<input type="text" name="username"></input>
    Password<input type="password" name="password"></input>
    <input type="submit" value="login"></input>
    <%@ page contentType="text/html"%>
    <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
    String user,pwd;
    String subject[]=new String[10];
    int i,totalsubject;
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:ods","scott","tiger");
    PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("select password from users where username='"+user+"'");
    ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
    PreparedStatement ps2 = con.prepareStatement("select subject_id from allot_teachers where staff_id='"+user+"'");
                        ResultSet rs2 = ps2.executeQuery();          
    // if i display here the subjects in out.println(subject[i]) it is working fine
    // but in next redirected page it is showing null
    out.println("error invalid username or password");
    out.println("error invalid username or password");
    catch(Exception e)
    3. user_home.jsp
    <%@ page contentType="text/html"%>
    <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
    String user,pwd,cat,cat1;
    String username=(String) session.getAttribute("username");
    //just tried for first two subjects
    String sub1=(String) session.getAttribute("subject[0]");
    String sub2=(String) session.getAttribute("subject[1]");
    //here it is printing null
    //here it is printing null
    <form method="post" action="logout.jsp">
    <input type="submit" value="Logout"></input>
    Cheers & Regards

    The name in getAttributre doesnt match the name in setAttribute.
    Note "subject[0]" is a string containing 10 chars, "subject" is a string containing 7 chars.
    Here is your code:
    String sub1=(String) session.getAttribute("subject[0]");

  • Attempting to construct LDAP query with getobject fails when passing string

    I have a very simple question. I am trying to pass a constructed LDAP string to getobject and it fails, but works otherwise.
    ldapStr = chr(34) & "LDAP://" & "CN=Security Group" & ",OU=Security Groups,OU=SomeOU,DC=subdomain,DC=domain,DC=com" & chr(34)
    Set objGroup1 = GetObject("LDAP://CN=Security Group,OU=Security Groups,OU=SomeOU,DC=subdomain,DC=domain,DC=com")
    Set objGroup2 = GetObject(ldapstr)
    "objGroup1.GetInfo" works, while objGroup2.GetInfo fails with "(null): Invalid Syntax". I have tried escaping using a backslash (\) before the commas and forward slashes but same thing. I was hoping someone might be able to
    explain why getObject is not allowing me to pass this string when connecting via LDAP.
    Thanks for your help.

    Or this:
    strGroup="Security Group"
    ldapStr= "LDAP://CN=" & strGroup & ",OU=Security Groups,OU=SomeOU,DC=subdomain,DC=domain,DC=com"
    Just cat the strings.  Don't add extra quotes.

  • Passing String Which Has Single Quote Row/Value to a Function Returns Double Quoate

    Hi, I'm getting weird thing in resultset. When I pass String which has single quote value in it to a split function , it returns rows with double quote. 
    For example  following string:
    'N gage, Wash 'n Curl,Murray's, Don't-B-Bald
    ''N gage, Wash ''n Curl,Murray''s, Don''t-B-Bald
    Here is the split function:
    CREATE Function [dbo].[fnSplit] (
    @List varchar(8000), 
    @Delimiter char(1)
    Returns @Temp1 Table (
    ItemId int Identity(1, 1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , 
    Item varchar(8000) NULL 
    Declare @item varchar(4000), 
    @iPos int 
    Set @Delimiter = ISNULL(@Delimiter, ';' ) 
    Set @List = RTrim(LTrim(@List)) 
    -- check for final delimiter 
    If Right( @List, 1 ) <> @Delimiter -- append final delimiter 
    Select @List = @List + @Delimiter -- get position of first element 
    Select @iPos = Charindex( @Delimiter, @List, 1 ) 
    While @iPos > 0 
    -- get item 
    Select @item = LTrim( RTrim( Substring( @List, 1, @iPos -1 ) ) ) 
    If @@ERROR <> 0 Break -- remove item form list 
    Select @List = Substring( @List, @iPos + 1, Len(@List) - @iPos + 1 ) 
    If @@ERROR <> 0 Break -- insert item 
    Insert @Temp1 Values( @item ) If @@ERROR <> 0 Break 
    -- get position pf next item 
    Select @iPos = Charindex( @Delimiter, @List, 1 ) 
    If @@ERROR <> 0 Break 
    FYI: I'm getting @List value from a table and passing it as a string to split function.
    Any help would be appreciated!

    fixed the issue by using Replace function like
    Big Thanks Patrick Hurst!!!!! :)
    Though I came to another issue which I posted here:

  • Problem with prepared statement where cluase when passing string value.Help

    I am updating a table using the following code. I am using string parameter in where clause. if I use Long parameter in where clause with ps.setLong , this code is working. Is there any special way to pass string value? Am I doing anything wrong?
    updateMPSQL.append("UPDATE MP_Table SET ");
         updateMPSQL.append("MPRqmt = ?,End_Dt = ? ");
              updateMPSQL.append("where POS = ? ");
              con     = getConnection(false) ;
              ps      = con.prepareStatement(updateMPSQL.toString());
    result = ps.execute();
              System.out.println("Result : " + result);
    Please help me.
    Thanks in advance.

    doesn't Pos look like a number rather than a string variable?
    if I use Long
    parameter in where clause with ps.setLong , this code
    is working.
    updateMPSQL.append("where POS = ? ");

  • I am trying to pass the value of a field from the seeded page /oracle/apps/

    I am trying to pass the value of a field from the seeded page /oracle/apps/asn/opportunity/webui/OpptyDetPG. The value I want is in the VO oracle.apps.asn.opportunity.server.OpportunityDetailsVO and the field PartyName.
    I have created a button on the page whose destination URL is
    It opens the correct page, but in the URL it shows this
    You can see that &CustName is not getting the proper value. Do I need to do something different?

    You cannot call the form with OA.jsp . This is applicable only for OAF based pages registered as a function.
    For calling a Form, use the below example:
    You have to change the application responsibility key and form function name .
    Sudhakar Mani

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