Update table column with same auto-increment value, via T-SQL stored procedure

Good Evening to every one,
I have a table 'Contracts' as we can see in the picture below (I exported my data on An Excel Spreadsheet). Table's primary key is 'ID' column.
I am trying to create a stored procedure (i.e. updContractNum), through which I am going to update the 'Contract_Num' column, in every row where the values on Property_Code, Customer, Cust_Category and Amnt ARE EQUAL, as we can see in the schema above.
The value of Contract_Num is a combination of varchar and auto_increment (integer). For example, the next value on 'Contract number' column will be 'CN0005' for the combination of 11032-14503-02-1450,00
I' m trying to use CURSORS for this update but I am new in using cursors and I am stuck in whole process. I atttach my code below:
--declare the variables
DECLARE @CONTRACT_NUM VARCHAR(10); -- Contract Number. The value that will be updated on the table.
DECLARE @CONTRACT INTEGER; -- Contract number, the auto increment section on contract number
DECLARE @CONTR_ROW VARCHAR(200); -- Contract row. The row elements that will be using on cursor
DECLARE CONTRACT_CURSOR CURSOR FOR -- Get the necessary fields from table
OPEN CONTRACT_CURSOR -- open a cursor
WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 -- execute the update, for every row of the tabl
--update Contract_Num, using the format coding : contract_number = 'CN' + 0001
Thank you in advance!

You dont need cursor
You can simply use an update statement like this
SET Contract_Num = 'CN' + RIGHT('00000' + CAST(Rnk AS varchar(5)),5)
SELECT Contract_Num,
DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY Property_Code,Customer,Cust_category,Amnt) AS Rnk
FROM table
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    Hi VC,
    I just tried putting the string directly instead of the variable. Its still not giving me the expected results.
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    You should add the auto increment column to the DataTable before you pouplate it with the other data:
    //1. Create a datatable
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    //2. add the autoincrement column:
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    .......................................... like this
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    1 STM0000120150121
    2 STM0000220150121
    3 STM0000320150121
    4 STM0000420150121
    5 STM0000520150121
    6 STM0000620150121
    7 STM0000720150121
    8 STM0000820150121
    9 STM0000920150121
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    1 STM0000120150121
    2 STM0000220150121
    3 STM0000320150121
    4 STM0000420150121
    5 STM0000520150121
    6 STM0000620150121
    7 STM0000720150121
    8 STM0000820150121
    9 STM0000920150121
    10 STM0001020150121
    11    STM0001120150121
    12    STM0001220150121 
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    TYPE tc_ref_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
    v_tc_ref_cursor tc_ref_cursor;
    TYPE nt_column_name IS TABLE OF all_tab_cols.column_name%TYPE;
    v_nt_column_name nt_column_name;
    v_table_name all_tables.table_name%TYPE;
    v_set_str VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_where_str VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_sql_stmt VARCHAR2(4000);
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    OPEN v_tc_ref_cursor FOR
    SELECT a.table_name
    FROM all_tables a
    WHERE a.owner = UPPER(p_owner)
    AND a.table_name = UPPER(p_table_name)
    ORDER BY a.table_name;
    OPEN v_tc_ref_cursor FOR
    SELECT a.table_name
    FROM all_tables a
    WHERE a.owner = UPPER(p_owner)
    ORDER BY a.table_name;
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Processing Owner : '||UPPER(p_owner)||'....');
    FETCH v_tc_ref_cursor INTO v_table_name;
    EXIT WHEN v_tc_ref_cursor%NOTFOUND;
    SELECT b.column_name
    BULK COLLECT INTO v_nt_column_name
    FROM all_tab_cols b
    WHERE b.owner = UPPER(p_owner)
    AND b.table_name = UPPER(v_table_name)
    AND b.nullable = 'Y'
    ORDER BY b.column_id;
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    FOR i IN v_nt_column_name.FIRST .. v_nt_column_name.LAST
    v_set_str := v_set_str||v_nt_column_name(i)||' := NULL, ';
    v_where_str := v_where_str||v_nt_column_name(i)||' = '||'''N/A'''||' OR ';
    v_set_str := RTRIM(TRIM(v_set_str),',');
    v_where_str := RTRIM(TRIM(v_where_str),'OR');
    v_sql_stmt := 'UPDATE '||v_table_name||' SET '||v_set_str||' WHERE '||v_where_str;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql_stmt;
    -- EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE '||v_table_name||' SET '||v_set_str||' WHERE '||v_where_str;
    -- EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE :1 SET :2 WHERE :3' USING v_table_name, v_set_str, v_where_str;
    v_set_str := NULL;
    v_where_str := NULL;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Finished Updating '||v_table_name||'....');
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Process Over....');
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    Kindly let me have your solutions.
    Thanks in advance,

    This approach can be dangerous. You are currently trying to update all columns in the tables to null if any of the columns are 'N/A'. Your query does not exclude external tables which may not be updatable. Your other query does not exclude data types that can not include 'N/A' such as number. You might want to move your commit outside the loop as you may end up committing partial updates.
    You might try to capture the SQL that you are generating;
    create table t(col2 varchar2(4000));Then in your package;
    insert into t values(v_sql_stmt);
    -- EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql_stmt;

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    calculating the left cell padding and right cell padding in points and setting them to variables {left_pad,right_pad} respectively
    move left column by left_pad to the right
    move right column by right_pad to the left
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    tell application "Microsoft Word"
        --595 points is width of A4 paper
        -- Set page margin in points to variables
        set {l_margin, r_margin, t_margin, b_margin} to {(get left margin of page setup of active document), get (right margin of page setup of active document), get (top margin of page setup of active document), get (bottom margin of page setup of active document)}
        get {l_margin, r_margin, t_margin, b_margin}
        -- Set specific Paragraph margins
        -- NOTE: If you select a table thinking you wish to drag just the left margin to the right, or the right margin to the left, this code does not accomplish this because each cell has its own paragraph formatting. This code will set the margin for every single cell, because each cell has its own margins! (separate from padding).
        set para_sel to paragraph format of selection
        set paragraph format left indent of para_sel to (centimeters to points centimeters 0.5)
        -- Aligning left and right columns of table with the margins
        -- NOTE: There is a command to set left row indent, but not right row indent (very stupid of Microsoft)
    end tell

    I have worked up something that seems to work (although I cannot promise it is the best way). Hope it helps anyone else who has this need.
    tell application "Microsoft Word"
    set findRange to find object of selection
    clear formatting findRange -- clear any previous formatting used in a find operation
    set forward of findRange to true -- find forward
    set style of findRange to "List Bullet" -- the style to look for
    tell findRange
    set gotIt to execute find find text "" -- do the search w/o matching any text
    end tell
    if gotIt is true then -- if a match was found
    copy object selection -- copy it to the clipboard
    set mySelection to (the clipboard) -- then put clipboard into a variable
    set myOffset to ¬
    (get selection information selection information type ¬
    (horizontal position relative to page)) -- now put selection info into a variable
    display dialog mySelection & return & (myOffset as text) -- then display it
    end if
    end tell

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    For example i can insert, for each ldap entry, an id that is different from the previous one.

    Can i use an auto increment value in ldap entry?
    For example i can insert, for each ldap entry, an id
    that is different from the previous one.
    ThanksI don't think that there is a "built-in" way to do this, but I have seen several methods for doing this. One way is to use a primary/unique key from another system (i.e. an employee number from an HR database), another way is to create a GUID for each object prior to creating it in the Directory. You can muck around in the schema to set a attribute globally unique, if you want to avoid doing the lookup for an existing entry when you create a new one.

  • Issue using SQL stored procedure to insert/update

    With help I finally managed to execute the stored procedure to insert/ update the sql database with the below stored procedure
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspInsertorUpdate]
    @dp char(32),
    @dv char(32),
    @e_num char(12),
    @mail varchar(50),
    @emerg char(32),
    @opt1 char(16),
    @stat char(20),
    @e_id char(35),
    @e_tit varchar(64),
    @e_date datetime
    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [dbo].[sampleemployee] WHERE e_id= @e_id)
    UPDATE [dbo].[sampleemployee]
    SET dp = @dp,
    dv = @dv,
    e_num = @e_num,
    mail = @mail,
    emerg = @emerg,
    opt1 = @opt1,
    stat = @stat,
    e_tit = @e_tit,
    e_date = @e_date
    WHERE e_id = @e_id
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[sampleemployee]( dp, dv, e_num, mail, emerg, opt1, stat, e_id, e_tit, e_date)
    VALUES ( @dp, @dv, @e_num, @mail, @emerg, @opt1, @stat, @e_id, @e_tit, @e_date );
    But the issue here is it just insert only one row and update that row only, even if there are some no.of rows need to be inserted . Not sure why

    Hi Sid_siv,
    To pass a table value to stored procedure, you can refer to the sample query below.
    create type FileDetailsType as table
    FileName varchar(50),
    CreatedDate varchar(50),
    Size decimal(18,0)
    create procedure InsertFileDetails
    @FileDetails FileDetailsType readonly
    insert into
    FileDetails (FileName, CreatedDate, Size)
    select FileName, CreatedDate, Size
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Unable to use the values returned by a PL/SQL stored procedure in a XSQL page

    I've been messing around with XML and XSQL in particular. I was trying to write a xsql page to display a report with account totals...I have the following .xsql which calls a PL/SQL stored procedure :
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsql:query connection="pfcdm" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    <xsql:set-session-param name="zasset_total" value="100">
    <xsql:dml connection="pfcdm">
    select 'Asset total is {@zasset_total}' as "ASSET_TOTAL" from dual
    My procedure sp_vw_id returns the values that it should. But, I am not sure how to declare variables within a page, and to output the return values. There is very scanty documentation on the usage of <xsql:dml> or <xsql:ref-cursor-function>.
    Any response would be greatly appreciated.

    Here is the example from the Oracle9i (complete rewrite) of the XSQL Chapter in our Oracle documentation.
    I using <xsql:dml> to call a stored procedure which has one OUT parameter, but I was not able to see any results. The executed code results in the following statement:
    <xsql-status action="xsql:dml" rows="0"/>
    You cannot set parameter values by binding them in the position of OUT variables in this release using <xsql:dml>. Only IN parameters are supported for binding. You can create a wrapper procedure that constructs XML elements using the HTP package and then your XSQL page can invoke the wrapper procedure using <xsql:include-owa> instead.
    For an example, suppose you had the following procedure:
    arg2 NUMBER,
    sumval OUT NUMBER,
    prodval OUT NUMBER) IS
    sumval := arg1 + arg2;
    prodval := arg1 * arg2;
    END;You could write the following procedure to "wrap" it, taking all of the IN arguments that the procedure above expects, and then "encoding" the OUT values as a little XML datagram that you print to the OWA page buffer:
    sumval NUMBER;
    prodval NUMBER;
    xml VARCHAR2(2000);
    -- Call the procedure with OUT values
    -- Then produce XML that encodes the OUT values
    xml := '<addmult>'&#0124; &#0124;
    '<sum>'&#0124; &#0124;sumval&#0124; &#0124;'</sum>'&#0124; &#0124;
    '<product>'&#0124; &#0124;prodval&#0124; &#0124;'</product>'&#0124; &#0124;
    -- Print the XML result to the OWA page buffer for return
    END;This way, you can build an XSQL page like this that calls the wrapper procedure:
    <page connection="demo" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    <xsql:include-owa bind-params="arg1 arg2">
    BEGIN addmultwrapper(?,?); END;
    </page>This allows a request like:
    to return an XML datagram that reflects the OUT values like this:
    <page> <addmult><sum>75</sum><product>1350</product></addmult>

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    filter the data correctly.  From here I want to produce an external list which I can then query from a c# SharePoint app.  If I leave the filters in the ECT null then the list is of course empty or if enter a default values the results are limited
    for the app to query so are no good.
    I want to dynamically pass values to the ECT when querying from the app, is this not possible.  Should I just be returning everything in an external list and then letting the query in the app filter the data, this seems inefficient?
    Is this the best way to do this or should I be doing this differently?
    Please can someone point me in the right direction.

    Hi Pandra801,
    When you create a the external content type, please try to add a filter based on your select statement.
    Or, try to create a stored procedure based on your select statement, then create ECT using the SQL stored procedure.
    A step by step guide in designing BCS entities by using a SQL stored procedure
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Has anyone experienced passing a Parameter (MultiValue) to a Stored Procedure? I am aware that Crystal Passes the Param as an Array. How would you go about handling this within a Stored Procedure???

    Hi Daniel
    Try as below:
    1. Create a Crystal report, and add a multi-value parameter.
    2. Since the multi-value parameter is treated as an array, create a formula that uses the JOIN function. Create a formula as below:
    //Formula: @JoinFormula
    Join ({?Multi-value parameter array},";")
    In the formula above, a semi-colon (";") is the delimiter.
    3. Within the main report, create a subreport based on the stored procedure, and include the parameter to be populated with the multi-value list.
    4. Link the Join formula in the main report to the stored procedure parameter in the subreport.
    Doing so passes a multi-value parameter to the stored procedure.
    Hope this helps!!!!

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    cursor c1 is
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    This generated error:
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    I try to use public synonym for scott.emp, but the same error is appear.
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    You haven't rights to select scott.emp but there is no messages that 'You have not rights to select xxxx'. When you haven't rights for an objects it does not exists for you.

Maybe you are looking for

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