While creating Projects Using the API, get two errors: 'Customer name must be passed' and 'class category is invalid'

While trying to Create Projects using the API, I'm getting two types of errors -
The first is : 'API failed in one stage 1 Customer Name is a mandatory Quick Entry field. Value must be passed'
The second is : '
'API failed in one stage 1 Project: '<Project_Number>'
The class category is invalid.'
Both the messages are produced by our custom program. .. however I am not able to understand why the underlying errors occur.
The first error ( Customer Name is a mandatory quick entry field), is caused by Projects that are to be created from Project templates where it is configured with Quick Entry Customer Name required. We are passing Customer Site number ( Party Bill to site number and Party Ship to side number). The site numbers being passed are also set as 'Primary'. Yet they are failing.
For the second Error ( The Class Category is invalid), I rechecked multiple times, the Class categories for the Projects I am trying to create, with the Config in R12 and they are fine. Can't understand the reason for these two issues. Has anyone encountered such an issue ? If so how was it resolved?

HI All
I resolved both the issues. In case there are others facing similar issues, following was the cause and resolution of my errors
1. Error 1: Customer Name is a Mandatory Quick Entry field. Value must be passed.
The cause was that the data loaded into our custom staging table was not in the right fields. This was because the data file values and the CTL were not in sync.
Corrected the data file to be in Sync with the structure defined in the CTL and  this loaded it successfully
2. Error 2: The class category is invalid.
The cause of this error was that  in the  Projects Template (used to create the project from), the Quick Entry setup had a Class Category set as required and I was not passing a value ( a class code value) for that Class Category.
Hope this helps somebody else

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  • Error while creating Project using API - PA_PROJECT_PUB.CREATE_PROJECT

    I am working on Projects conversion and currently trying to create a project using the API.
    I have recetified all the errors it was giving and struck at 1 error. please find the error message below.
    "You have submitted invalid parameters to this process, preventing its successful completion. Please contact your system administrator."
    It gives me this error and I was not able to know the cause for this error. Please let me know how to bypass this error and go ahead with projects conversion???
    Attached below is my package:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE xxbwp.xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_pkg AUTHID CURRENT_USER
         PROCEDURE xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_proc(errbuf           OUT      VARCHAR2
                             ,retcode           OUT      VARCHAR2);
    END xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_pkg;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY xxbwp.xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_pkg
         PROCEDURE xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_proc(errbuf           OUT      VARCHAR2
                             ,retcode           OUT      VARCHAR2)
    v_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_index_out NUMBER;
         v_msg_count               NUMBER;
         v_msg_data               VARCHAR2(2000);
         v_return_status               VARCHAR2(1);
         v_api_version_number          NUMBER          :=     1.0;
         v_commit               VARCHAR2(1)     :=     apps.fnd_api.g_false;
         v_init_msg_list               VARCHAR2(1)     :=      apps.fnd_api.g_false;
         v_workflow_started          VARCHAR2(1)      :=      'Y';
         v_pm_product_code          VARCHAR2(30)      :=      NULL;
         v_op_validate_flag          VARCHAR2(1)      :=      'Y';
         v_project_in               apps.pa_project_pub.project_in_rec_type;
         v_project_out               apps.pa_project_pub.project_out_rec_type;
         v_customers_in               apps.pa_project_pub.customer_tbl_type;
         v_key_members               apps.pa_project_pub.project_role_tbl_type;
         v_class_categories          apps.pa_project_pub.class_category_tbl_type;
         v_tasks_in               apps.pa_project_pub.task_in_tbl_type;
         v_tasks_in_rec apps.pa_project_pub.task_in_rec_type;
    v_tasks_out               apps.pa_project_pub.task_out_tbl_type;
         v_org_roles               apps.pa_project_pub.project_role_tbl_type;
         v_structure_in               apps.pa_project_pub.structure_in_rec_type;
         v_ext_attr_tbl_in          apps.pa_project_pub.pa_ext_attr_table_type;
         v_deliverables_in          apps.pa_project_pub.deliverable_in_tbl_type;
         v_deliverable_actions_in     apps.pa_project_pub.action_in_tbl_type;
    -- Variables declaration related to project_in_rec_type
    l_pm_project_reference VARCHAR2(25);
    l_pa_project_id NUMBER;
    l_pa_project_number VARCHAR2(25);
    l_segment1 VARCHAR2(25);
    l_project_name VARCHAR2(30);
    l_description VARCHAR2(250);
    l_long_name VARCHAR2(240);
    l_department_mapping VARCHAR2(50);
    l_department_mapping_c VARCHAR2(50);
    l_department_mapping_e VARCHAR2(50);
    l_created_from_project_id NUMBER;
    l_carrying_out_organization_id NUMBER;
    l_proj_start_date DATE;
    l_completion_date DATE;
    l_temp_project_type VARCHAR2(30);
    l_company_id VARCHAR2(10);
    l_company_id_c VARCHAR2(10);
    l_company_id_e VARCHAR2(10);
    l_proj_type VARCHAR2(30);
    l_cnt NUMBER := 0;
    l_task_cnt NUMBER := 0;
    l_responsibility_id NUMBER;
    l_application_id NUMBER;
    l_user_id NUMBER;
    l_global_info_msg_count NUMBER;
    l_global_info_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    l_global_info_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
    SELECT *
    FROM xxbwp.xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_tbl
    WHERE proj_type = 'STORAGE';
    FOR C1_REC in C1
    SELECT APPS.pa_projects_s.nextval
    INTO l_pa_project_id
    SELECT description
                   INTO     l_proj_type
                   FROM apps.fnd_lookup_values
                   WHERE lookup_type = 'BWP_PROJECT_TYPES_LKP'
                   AND     lookup_code = C1_REC.proj_type
                   AND     1 = 1;
    SELECT project_id, project_type, carrying_out_organization_id
    INTO l_created_from_project_id, l_temp_project_type, l_carrying_out_organization_id
    FROM apps.pa_projects_all
    WHERE project_type = l_proj_type
    AND template_flag = 'Y';
    SELECT rt.responsibility_id, rt.application_id
    INTO l_responsibility_id, l_application_id
    FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_tl rt
    WHERE rt.responsibility_name = 'BWP PA Projects Superuser';
    SELECT u.user_id
    INTO l_user_id
    FROM APPS.fnd_user u
    WHERE u.user_name = 'CHUNDURK';
    -- Set the environment
    (p_api_version_number => 1.0
    ,p_responsibility_id => l_responsibility_id
    ,p_user_id => l_user_id
    ,p_resp_appl_id => l_application_id
    ,p_msg_count => l_global_info_msg_count
    ,p_msg_data => l_global_info_msg_data
    ,p_return_status => l_global_info_return_status);
    --Assign values to project_in_rec_type
    v_project_in.pm_project_reference := C1_REC.PROJ_NUM;
    v_project_in.pa_project_id := l_pa_project_id;
    v_project_in.pa_project_number := C1_REC.PROJ_NUM;
    v_project_in.project_name := C1_REC.PROJ_NAME;
    v_project_in.description := NULL;
    v_project_in.long_name := C1_REC.PROJ_LONG_NAME;
    v_project_in.created_from_project_id := l_created_from_project_id;
    v_project_in.carrying_out_organization_id := l_carrying_out_organization_id;
    v_project_in.start_date := C1_REC.trans_start_date;
    v_project_in.completion_date := C1_REC.trans_end_date;
    v_project_in.scheduled_start_date := C1_REC.trans_start_date;
    v_project_in.scheduled_finish_date := C1_REC.trans_end_date;
    v_project_in.project_status_code := 'APPROVED';
    FOR x IN (SELECT person_id, project_role_type, start_date_active, end_date_active
    FROM apps.pa_project_players
    WHERE project_id = 262)
    APPS.fnd_file.put_line(APPS.FND_FILE.LOG,'PERSON ID '||x.person_id);
    APPS.fnd_file.put_line(APPS.FND_FILE.LOG,'PROJECT ROLE TYPE '||x.project_role_type);
    l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
    v_key_members(l_cnt).person_id := x.person_id;
    v_key_members(l_cnt).project_role_type := x.project_role_type;
    v_key_members(l_cnt).start_date := x.start_date_active;
    v_key_members(l_cnt).end_date := x.end_date_active;
    -- Retrieving and assigning tasks from template to a project
    FOR x IN (SELECT task_id, parent_task_id, task_name, long_task_name, task_number, description,
    billable_flag, cint_eligible_flag, chargeable_flag
    FROM apps.pa_tasks t
    WHERE t.project_id = l_created_from_project_id
    START WITH parent_task_id IS NULL CONNECT BY PRIOR task_id = parent_task_id)
    l_task_cnt := l_task_cnt + 1;
    v_tasks_in_rec.pm_task_reference := x.task_id;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_name := x.task_name;
    v_tasks_in_rec.long_task_name := x.long_task_name;
    v_tasks_in_rec.pa_task_number := x.task_number;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_description := x.description;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_start_date := C1_REC.trans_start_date;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_completion_date := C1_REC.trans_end_date;
    v_tasks_in_rec.scheduled_start_date := C1_REC.trans_start_date;
    v_tasks_in_rec.scheduled_finish_date := C1_REC.trans_end_date;
    v_tasks_in_rec.pm_parent_task_reference := x.parent_task_id;
    v_tasks_in_rec.billable_flag := x.billable_flag;
    v_tasks_in_rec.cint_eligible_flag := x.cint_eligible_flag;
    v_tasks_in_rec.chargeable_flag := x.chargeable_flag;
    v_tasks_in_rec.tasks_dff := 'Y';
    v_tasks_in_rec.attribute1 := l_pa_project_id;
    v_tasks_in(l_task_cnt) := v_tasks_in_rec;
    v_class_categories(0).class_category := 'Reimbursable';
    v_class_categories(0).class_code := 'No';
    (p_api_version_number => v_api_version_number
    ,p_commit => v_commit
    ,p_init_msg_list => v_init_msg_list
    ,p_msg_count => v_msg_count
    ,p_msg_data => v_msg_data
    ,p_return_status => v_return_status
    ,p_workflow_started => v_workflow_started
    ,p_pm_product_code => v_pm_product_code
    ,p_op_validate_flag => v_op_validate_flag
    ,p_project_in => v_project_in
    ,p_project_out => v_project_out
    ,p_customers_in => v_customers_in
    ,p_key_members => v_key_members
    ,p_class_categories => v_class_categories
    ,p_tasks_in => v_tasks_in
    ,p_tasks_out => v_tasks_out
    ,p_org_roles => v_org_roles
    ,p_structure_in => v_structure_in
    ,p_ext_attr_tbl_in => v_ext_attr_tbl_in
    ,p_deliverables_in => v_deliverables_in
    ,p_deliverable_actions_in => v_deliverable_actions_in
    APPS.fnd_file.put_line(APPS.FND_FILE.LOG,v_return_status||' '||v_msg_count);
    IF v_msg_count > 0 THEN
    FOR i in 1 .. v_msg_count
    (p_encoded => 'F'
    ,p_msg_count => v_msg_count
    ,p_msg_index => i
    ,p_msg_data => v_msg_data
    ,p_data => v_data
    ,p_msg_index_out => v_index_out);
    END IF;
    end xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_proc;
    end xxbwp_pa_proj_conv_pkg;
    show errors;
    Edited by: user644005 on Sep 11, 2009 11:02 AM

    Hi Kesava,
    I notice that in the package you used the application user_name=CHUNDUK calls the API pa_project_pub.create_project.
    I wonder if you used chunduk as database user to execute the package Or you used APPS to execute the package?
    The APi document states that it is a requirement to create a db username as the same name with the application username.
    I have been running the problem to execute API 's delete project and try to figure what could be my problem.

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    when creating invoice using the API AR_INVOICE_AP_PUB.Create_Single_invoice Am Getting the below Error:
    Transaction type is invalid with current transaction date
    invalid transaction type
    either an inventory item description must be provided
    Kindly help me here

    Hi Team,
    I  tried creating the invoice and I got the above errors, however, when updated the batch source ID I am now getting this following error only, i am just left with the following Error only
    Either an inventory item or description must be provided.
    Please help me on this.

  • While creating Purchase order the system is showing error: vendor 200001145

    Hi experts,
    while creating Purchase order the system is showing error: vendor 200001145 on line 00010 for ctype ZB12 not defined as head office vendor.
    Plz  give solution for this.

    Please check vendor schema maintained in the vendor master,. through this condition type arepicking from system
    Aboue condition type not mainatained inthe caluation schame ,which you assigend to vendorand purchasing organization
    Edited by: channadodawad on Dec 3, 2009 9:22 AM

  • Error while creating IViews using collaboration API

    I have created one Dynpage portal component, in that i would like to utilize collaboration API.
    I am keep on getting errors like "<b>The compilation unit directly references the missing type ...."</b>"
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.page.DynPage;
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.page.PageException;
    import com.sapportals.portal.htmlb.page.PageProcessorComponent;
    import com.sap.ip.collaboration.room.api.IRooms;
    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntime;
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.*;
    import com.sapportals.htmlb.enum.*;
    public class Sample extends PageProcessorComponent {
      public DynPage getPage() {
        return new SampleDynPage();
      public static class SampleDynPage extends DynPage
         IRooms roomsAPI = (IRooms)PortalRuntime.getRuntimeResources().getService(IRooms.PORTAL_SERVICE_ID);
    Initialization code executed once per user.
    I have included the following jar files:
    and also i have included com.sap.netweaver.coll.shared in portal.xml as servicesreference
    Experts can you please help in the above problem
    I am sure u will get reward points.
    Thanks in Advance

    You have to add the following jars apart from the jars you have mentioned
    1. kmc.util.core_api.jar
    2. umapi.jar
    To find jar files
    Download and install the JAR Finder. how to is mentioned in this <a href="https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/2951">Weblog</a>. see what jar is required by copying the com.sap.ip.BaseException  from the error "compilation unit references................." and put the "BaseException" in the jar finder and search. from the given options select the correct jar "com.sap.ip.BaseException" right click and add to the project. You can add all the jars required by this method.
        <property name="SharingReference" value="com.sap.portal.htmlb"/>
        <property name="ServicesReference" value="com.sap.netweaver.coll.shared"/>
    use the BaseException etc the errors you get in NWDS to search for the jar. paste the BaseException and search in jarfinder.
    Message was edited by: Kirupanand Venkatapathi
    Message was edited by: Kirupanand Venkatapathi

  • Create a customer code using the First letter of a customer name and the last 4 digits of a phone number

    I am trying to create a form where one the customer has input their name and phone number it should grab the first letter of the customer's name and then the last 4 digits of the phone number.
    I am not very good at coding, and have VERY VERY limited background in coding. I understand a little (the basics pretty much).
    I am thinking i am not using the right expression to get what i want. Below is the statement I have write. This is just to find the first letter of the name, have an idea on how to get the phone number but i was trying the use the "left" and "right" functions but they wouldn't work. More specifically the left.
    form1.#subform[0].CustCode::initialize - (JavaScript, client)
    str = CustName;
    var a = str.substr(0, 1);
    any help would be greatly appreciated.
    If more information is needed, please don't hesitate to ask.

    If you switch your language to FormCalc you can use the Left and Right functions, e.g.
    Concat(Left(Name,1) , Right(Phone,4))

  • While Creating Course Using "ota_activity_version_api.create_activity_version" Getting Error

    Dear all,
    I created a script which calling "ota_activity_version_api.create_activity_version".
    Its raising a Error
      "ORA-20001: FLEX-SSV EXCEPTION: N, MSG, validate_desccols() exception: ORA-20005: DVLB.get_default_context() failed. SQLERRM: ORA-01403: no data found
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_FLEX_DESCVAL", line 939
    ORA-01403: no data found"
    v_category_usage_id NUMBER;
    v_object_version_number NUMBER;
    v_err_msg VARCHAR2 (9000);
    v_activity_version_id NUMBER;
    v_version_name varchar2(200);
    fnd_global.apps_initialize (24038,25743,810);
    v_version_name := 'Test13course';
    ota_activity_version_api.create_activity_version(p_effective_date => to_date('30-APR-2014','DD-MM-YYYY'),
                                                                                    p_activity_id => 3001,
                                                                                    p_developer_organization_id => 81,
                                                                                    p_version_name => v_version_name,
                                                                                    p_start_date =>to_date('30-APR-2014','DD-MM-YYYY'),
                                                                                    p_business_group_id => 81,
                                                                                    p_activity_version_id => v_activity_version_id,
                                                                                    p_object_version_number => v_object_version_number
    when no_data_found then
    when others then
    v_err_msg := SQLERRM||SQLCODE;
    dbms_output.put_line('Failed    '||v_err_msg);                                                                               
    Plz any one help. I have client demo on this two days later..
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Nivethetha,
                   What's the value that 3001 that you are passing to activity ID??

  • Error while creating project through import.wdl

    We are having issues creating project using the import.wdl.
    We are able to create content administration and merchandising projects though.
    We are getting the following error while creating a programatic import project through import.wdl
    [12/8/13 23:26:27:259 CST] 00000021 SystemErr     R atg.workflow.WorkflowException: The inner project was not created. Check that your project workflow has been initialized by the workflow engine.
    [12/8/13 23:26:27:260 CST] 00000021 SystemErr     R  at atg.epub.project.ProcessHomeMethods.initializeProcess(ProcessHomeMethods.java:450)
    [12/8/13 23:26:27:260 CST] 00000021 SystemErr     R  at atg.epub.project._ProcessHome_Impl.initializeProcess(_ProcessHome_Impl.java:53)
    [12/8/13 23:26:27:260 CST] 00000021 SystemErr     R  at atg.epub.project._ProcessHome_ReposImpl.initializeProcess(_ProcessHome_ReposImpl.java:3)
    [12/8/13 23:26:27:260 CST] 00000021 SystemErr     R  at atg.epub.servlet.CreateProcessFormHandler.handleCreateProcess(CreateProcessFormHandler.java:380)
    We have checked all the workflow manager settings. The workflowProcessManager.xml is properly pointing to the system name and drp port.
    We had delete entries from
    upon enabling the logdebugs of WorkFlowProcesManager, we are seeing the following debugs.
    [12/8/13 23:31:08:101 CST] 00000020 SystemOut     O /atg/epub/workflow/process/WorkflowProcessManager received message on port IndividualEvents message: ObjectMessage()
    [12/8/13 23:31:08:101 CST] 00000020 SystemOut     O /atg/epub/workflow/process/WorkflowProcessManager [message]: received an individual event message StartWorkflowMessage[messageId=96000003subjectId=prc272003,subjectType=process,processName=/Commerce/import.wdl,segmentName=main,user=user : admin null] of type atg.workflow.StartWorkflow
    [12/8/13 23:31:08:101 CST] 00000020 SystemOut     O /atg/epub/workflow/process/WorkflowProcessManager [message]: created individual execution context ProcessExecutionContextImpl[individual,subject=process:prc272003,messageType=atg.workflow.StartWorkflow,message=StartWorkflowMessage[messageId=96000003subjectId=prc272003,subjectType=process,processName=/Commerce/import.wdl,segmentName=main,user=user : admin null],sessionId=Tw-Yr5CQqqkADS3q8MadASz,parentSessionId=Tw-Yr5CQqqkADS3q8MadASz,request=atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest@1009990707,response=atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse@3c9e3c9e]
    [12/8/13 23:31:08:103 CST] 00000020 SystemOut     O /atg/epub/workflow/process/WorkflowProcessManager [message]: 0 individual instances found for subject process:prc272003
    [12/8/13 23:31:08:103 CST] 00000020 SystemOut     O /atg/epub/workflow/process/WorkflowProcessManager [message]: going through process segments registered for type atg.workflow.StartWorkflow for subject process:prc272003

    If you have a support contract with Orcale you can find out hoe to fix this error by checking out Knowledge Article 1038072.1 How to troubleshoot "atg.workflow.WorkflowException: The inner project was not created. Check that your project workflow has been initialized by the workflow engine."
    The article says you should:
    delete from epub_wf_server_id
    delete from epub_coll_workflow
    delete from epub_workflow_info
    restart server and retest
    2. If problem exists check that you have configured the Workflow Process Editor Server correctly.
    The problem is that probably the workflow has not been not been initialized correctly by the Workflow Editor Server.

  • Pa_Project_Pub.create_project, The class category is invalid.

    The class category is invalid.
    while creating project using API Pa_Project_Pub.create_project.
    If anyone knows what the problem is, please reply.
    This seems more of a project template problem, as the same API works allright in other instances, could anyone tell me how to go about fixing this.

    The class category is invalid.
    while creating project using API Pa_Project_Pub.create_project.
    If anyone knows what the problem is, please reply.
    This seems more of a project template problem, as the same API works allright in other instances, could anyone tell me how to go about fixing this.

  • Getting Error while creating Project through API:PA_PROJECT_PUB.CREATE_PROJ

    Hi Gurus,
    I'm getting an error while creating a New project.
    My code looks like this:
    (p_api_version_number => l_object_version_number --IN Parameter
    ,p_commit => l_commit --IN Parameter
    ,p_init_msg_list => l_init_msg_list --IN Parameter
    ,p_msg_count => l_msg_count --OUT Parameter
    ,p_msg_data => l_msg_data --OUT Parameter
    ,p_return_status => l_return_status --OUT Parameter
    ,p_workflow_started => l_workflow_started --OUT Parameter
    ,p_pm_product_code => g_pm_product_code --IN Parameter
    ,p_op_validate_flag => l_op_validate_flag --IN Parameter
    ,p_project_in => g_project_in --IN Parameter
    ,p_project_out => g_project_out --OUT Parameter
    ,p_tasks_in => g_task_in --IN Parameter
    ,p_tasks_out => g_task_out --OUT Parameter
    The out put params are: p_msg_count => 1
    p_return_status => E
    p_workflow_started => N
    g_project_out.pa_project_id => 170000000000000000000
    g_project_out.pa_project_number => ^
    g_task_out_rec.pa_task_id => 170000000000000000000
    End process record p_proj_insert => 1
    Resetting the task count variable
    when I checked the API code I found this:
    PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PROJECt_ID := null; --bug 2471668 ( not in the project context )
    (p_api_version_number => p_api_version_number,
    p_responsibility_id => l_resp_id,
    p_function_name => 'PA_PM_CREATE_PROJECT',
    p_msg_count => l_msg_count,
    p_msg_data => l_msg_data,
    p_return_status => l_return_status,
    p_function_allowed => l_function_allowed
    . I think I am getting the error because of this.
    Now, question.
    Do I need to run the Create Project from a specific Responsibility?
    because when I ran the underlined query, I fpound the final status as 'N'.
    I'm a HR guy and PA is a new world for me. Any help will be appreciated.

    You need to find any responsibility and userid that lets you create a project using the screen.
    And then in your code, you need to set your context to that resp/userid.
    Hope this helps
    Sandeep Gandhi

  • I got Class category is invalid error. while i am trying to create project by using pa_project_pub API trough backend

    Hi Everyone,
    Can you please help me.. how can i solve this problem.
    please find out the following code which was i written..
      -- Variables needed to create task hierachy
      level1               NUMBER;
      level2               NUMBER;
      level3               NUMBER;
      a                    NUMBER;
      m                    NUMBER;
      parent_level1         VARCHAR2(30);
      parent_level2         VARCHAR2(30);
      parent_level3         VARCHAR2(30);
      number_of_tasks1      NUMBER;        -- number of tasks/levels
      number_of_tasks2      NUMBER;
      number_of_tasks3      NUMBER;
      number_of_tasks4      NUMBER;
      -- Variables needed for API standard parameters
      l_api_version_number  NUMBER := 1.0;
      l_commit                VARCHAR2(1) := 'F';
      l_return_status       VARCHAR2(1);
      l_init_msg_list       VARCHAR2(1) := 'F';
      l_msg_count           NUMBER;
      l_msg_index_out       NUMBER;
      l_msg_data            VARCHAR2(2000);
      l_data                VARCHAR2(2000);
      l_workflow_started    VARCHAR2(1) := 'Y';
      l_pm_product_code     VARCHAR2(10);
    -- Predefined Composit data types
      l_project_in          PA_PROJECT_PUB.PROJECT_IN_REC_TYPE;
      l_project_out         PA_PROJECT_PUB.PROJECT_OUT_REC_TYPE;
      l_key_members         PA_PROJECT_PUB.PROJECT_ROLE_TBL_TYPE;
      l_class_categories    PA_PROJECT_PUB.CLASS_CATEGORY_TBL_TYPE;
      l_tasks_in_rec        PA_PROJECT_PUB.TASK_IN_REC_TYPE;
      l_tasks_in            PA_PROJECT_PUB.TASK_IN_TBL_TYPE;
      l_tasks_out_rec       PA_PROJECT_PUB.TASK_OUT_REC_TYPE;
      l_tasks_out           PA_PROJECT_PUB.TASK_OUT_TBL_TYPE;
      l_cust_rec            PA_PROJECT_PUB.CUSTOMER_IN_REC_TYPE;
      l_cust_tbl            PA_PROJECT_PUB.CUSTOMER_TBL_TYPE;
      l_person_id           NUMBER;
      l_project_role_type   VARCHAR2(20);
      l_responsibility_id    NUMBER;
      l_user_id        NUMBER;
      v_ind            NUMBER;
      API_ERROR                EXCEPTION;
      select user_id, responsibility_id
      into  l_user_id, l_responsibility_id
      from pa_user_resp_v
      where user_name = 'SATISH'                    -- substitute valid username
      and responsibility_name = '*PAC Projects Administrator';    -- substitute responsibility name
    dbms_output.put_line( 'initilaization');
        p_api_version_number    => 1.0,
        p_responsibility_id     => l_responsibility_id,
        p_user_id               => l_user_id, 
        p_msg_count             => l_msg_count,
        p_msg_data              => l_msg_data,
        p_return_status         => l_return_status);
      dbms_output.put_line( 'Assigning values');
      l_pm_product_code := 'GMS';         -- can be user defined
      l_project_in.created_from_project_id := 11759;--'1746';--'11759';  -- Project id from template
      l_project_in.project_name := 'TEST_VS_14052014';
      l_project_in.pm_project_reference := 'TEST_VS_14052014';
      l_project_in.description := 'CREATION OF PROJECT(VS)';
      l_project_in.project_status_code := 'APPROVED';
      l_project_in.carrying_out_organization_id := 652;--3274;    -- can default from template
      l_project_in.start_date := '01-JAN-2007'; -- can override default from template
      l_project_in.completion_date := '31-JAN-2010';       -- can override default from template
      l_project_in.actual_start_date := '01-JAN-2010';
      l_project_in.actual_finish_date := '31-JAN-2010';
      l_project_in.early_start_date := '01-JAN-2010';
      l_project_in.early_finish_date :='31-JAN-2010';
      l_project_in.late_start_date := '01-JAN-2010';
      l_project_in.late_finish_date :='31-JAN-2010';
    -- l_proj_in.process_mode := 'ONLINE';
    -- l_project_in.customer_id := 1001;
    -- can be defaulted from the Template, but not from a Project
      m := 1;
      l_person_id := 34;            -- need to get from Apps
      l_project_role_type := 'PROJECT MANAGER';
      l_key_members(m).person_id := 53;
      l_key_members(m).project_role_type := 'PROJECT MANAGER';
    -- l_class_categories(1).class_category := 'Engineering';
      --l_class_categories(1).class_code := 'Programs';
      --l_class_categories(2).class_category := 'Planned';
      --l_class_categories(2).class_code := 'Active';
      l_class_categories(3).class_category := 'Rank';
      l_class_categories(3).class_code := 'CUST';
      v_ind := 0;
      l_cust_rec.customer_id                    := 1001;
      l_cust_rec.project_relationship_code      := 'CLIENT'; --cus.project_relationship_code;
      l_cust_rec.Bill_To_Customer_id            := NULL; --cus.x_bill_customer_id;    
      l_cust_rec.contact_id                     := NULL;                   --  pa_interface_utils_pub.g_pa_miss_num;
      l_cust_rec.project_contact_type_code      := NULL;  --  pa_interface_utils_pub.g_pa_miss_char;
      l_cust_rec.customer_bill_split            := NULL; --nvl(cus.customer_bill_split, pa_interface_utils_pub.g_pa_miss_num);
      l_cust_rec.allow_inv_user_rate_type_flag  := NULL; --nvl(cus.allow_inv_user_rate_type_flag, pa_interface_utils_pub.g_pa_miss_char);
      l_cust_rec.inv_rate_date                  := NULL; --nvl(cus.inv_rate_date, pa_interface_utils_pub.g_pa_miss_date);
      l_cust_rec.inv_rate_type                  := NULL; --nvl(cus.inv_rate_type, pa_interface_utils_pub.g_pa_miss_char);
      l_cust_rec.inv_currency_code              := NULL; --nvl(cus.inv_currency_code, pa_interface_utils_pub.g_pa_miss_char);
      l_cust_rec.inv_exchange_rate              := NULL; --nvl(cus.inv_exchange_rate, pa_interface_utils_pub.g_pa_miss_num);
      l_cust_rec.bill_another_project_flag      := 'Y'; --nvl(cus.bill_another_project_flag, pa_interface_utils_pub.g_pa_miss_char);
      l_cust_rec.RECEIVER_TASK_ID               := 35078;
      v_ind  :=  v_ind  +  1;
      l_cust_tbl   (v_ind)  :=  l_cust_rec;
    --  l_class_categories(1).class_category := 'Product'; --value from template
    --  l_class_categories(1).class_code := 'Product 1';
      --Set the number of tasks for every level (there are 4 levels)
      number_of_tasks1 := 1;
      number_of_tasks2 := 2;
      number_of_tasks3 := 0;
      number_of_tasks4 := 0;
    -- This is just a set of looping structures to create the tasks and sub-tasks
    -- If it is difficult to understand, then feel free to create them individually.
      a := 0;
      for level1 in 1..number_of_tasks1 loop
        a := a + 1;
        l_tasks_in_rec.pm_task_reference := level1 || '.' || '0';
        l_tasks_in_rec.task_name := 'Top Level ' || level1 || '.' || '0';
        l_tasks_in_rec.pm_parent_task_reference := '';
        l_tasks_in_rec.task_start_date := '01-JAN-2010';
        l_tasks_in_rec.task_completion_date := '31-JAN-2010';
        l_tasks_in_rec.actual_start_date := '01-JAN-2010';
        l_tasks_in_rec.actual_finish_date :='31-JAN-2010';
        l_tasks_in_rec.early_start_date := '01-JAN-2010';
        l_tasks_in_rec.early_finish_date :='31-JAN-2010';
        l_tasks_in_rec.late_start_date := '01-JAN-2010';
        l_tasks_in_rec.late_finish_date :='31-JAN-2010';
        l_tasks_in_rec.receive_project_invoice_flag := 'Y';
        l_tasks_in(a) := l_tasks_in_rec;
        parent_level1 := level1 || '.' || '0';
        for level2 in 1..number_of_tasks2 loop
          a := a + 1;
          l_tasks_in_rec.pm_task_reference := level1 || '.' || level2;
          l_tasks_in_rec.task_name := '2 Level ' || level1 || '.' || level2;
          l_tasks_in_rec.pm_parent_task_reference := parent_level1;
          l_tasks_in(a) := l_tasks_in_rec;
          parent_level2 := level1 || '.' || level2;
        end loop;
      end loop;
        p_commit            => l_commit,
        p_init_msg_list     => l_init_msg_list,
        p_msg_count         => l_msg_count,
        p_msg_data          => l_msg_data,
        p_return_status     => l_return_status,
        p_workflow_started  => l_workflow_started,
        p_pm_product_code   => l_pm_product_code,
        p_project_in        => l_project_in,
        p_project_out       => l_project_out,
        p_key_members       => l_key_members,
        p_class_categories  => l_class_categories,
        p_tasks_in          => l_tasks_in,
        p_tasks_out         => l_tasks_out,
        p_customers_in      => l_cust_tbl);
    -- Check for errors
      if l_return_status != 'S'
        raise API_ERROR;
      end if;
      dbms_output.put_line('New Project Id: ' || l_project_out.pa_project_id);
      dbms_output.put_line('New Project Number: ' || l_project_out.pa_project_number);
    -- Get the error message that were returned if it did not complete sucessfully
      When API_ERROR then
        if l_msg_count >= 1
          for i in 1..l_msg_count loop
            p_msg_data      => l_msg_data,
            p_encoded       => 'F',
            p_data          => l_data,
            p_msg_count     => l_msg_count,
            p_msg_index     => l_msg_count,    -- Added in 11i.PA.I
            p_msg_index_out => l_msg_index_out);
            dbms_output.put_line('error message: ' || l_data);
          end loop;
        end if;
      When OTHERS then
        if l_msg_count >= 1
          for i in 1..l_msg_count loop
            p_msg_count     => l_msg_count,
            p_encoded    => 'F',
            p_msg_data     => l_msg_data,
            p_data         => l_data,
            p_msg_index     => l_msg_count,    -- Added in 11i.PA.I
            p_msg_index_out => l_msg_index_out);
            dbms_output.put_line('error message: ' || l_data);
          end loop;
        end if;
    Assigning values
    debug message -->: Start..
    debug message -->: 1
    debug message -->: 2
    debug message -->: 3
    debug message -->: 4
    debug message -->: 5
    debug message -->: 6
    debug message -->: 7
    debug message -->: 8
    debug message -->: 9
    debug message -->: 10
    debug message -->: 11
    debug message -->: 12
    debug message -->: 13
    debug message -->: 14
    debug message -->: 15
    debug message -->: 16
    debug message -->: 17
    debug message -->: 18
    debug message -->: 19
    debug message -->: 20
    debug message -->: 21
    debug message -->: 22
    debug message -->: 23
    debug message -->: 25
    debug message -->: 26
    debug message -->: 26-I
    debug message -->: 26-II
    debug message -->: 26-I
    debug message -->: 26-II
    debug message -->: 26-I
    debug message -->: 26-II
    debug message -->: 26-I
    debug message -->: 26-II
    debug message -->: 26-Vi
    debug message -->: 26-I
    debug message -->: 26-II
    debug message -->: 26-VII
    debug message -->: 27
    debug message -->: 28
    debug message -->: 30
    error message: Project: 'TEST_VS_14052014'
    The class category is invalid.

    Please see if (PA_PROJECT_PUB.create_project Errors - The Class Category Is Invalid (Doc ID 1323904.1)) helps.

  • Getting error while creating subsite using custom template in sharepoint2013

    I am getting the following error while creating subsite using custom template in sharpoint2013. even publish features are enabled.
    Please suggest me on this.
    Thanks in advance.

    You need to enable the PerformancePoint Service Site Collection Features(PPSMonDatasourceCtype)
    on the target site collection. go to site action > site settings> site collections features > and enable it and now try again.
    Similar case: http://imughal.wordpress.com/2012/09/20/dependency-feature-ppsmondatasourcectype-id-05891451-f0c4-4d4e-81b1-0dabd840bad4-for-feature-bicenterdataconnections-id-3d8210e9-1e89-4f12-98ef-643995339ed4-is-not-activated-at-this-scop/
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog: http://wscheema.com/blog

  • NO-DATA_FOUND while using the API hr_employee_api.create_employee.

    Hi All,
    I am using the API "hr_employee_api.create_employee", to create an employee.
    My call is as follows :
    -- p_validate in boolean default false
    p_hire_date =>sysdate
    ,p_business_group_id =>0
    ,p_last_name =>'Keerthi'
    ,p_sex =>'M'
    ,p_person_type_id =>6 --from the 'table PER_PERSON_TYPES'
    ,p_per_comments =>'Test Employee Creation'
    --,p_date_employee_data_verified in date default null
    ,p_date_of_birth =>TO_DATE('07-NOV-1981','DD-MON-YYYY')
    ,p_email_address =>'[email protected]'
    ,p_employee_number =>l_emplyee_number
    -- ,p_expense_check_send_to_addres in varchar2 default null
    ,p_first_name =>'Vijay'
    ,p_known_as =>'Vijay Keerthi'
    ,p_marital_status =>'S'
    -- ,p_middle_names in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_nationality =>'US'
    -- ,p_national_identifier in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_previous_last_name in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_registered_disabled_flag in varchar2 default null
    ,p_title =>'MR.'
    -- ,p_vendor_id in number default null
    ,p_work_telephone =>'3033284497'
    -- ,p_attribute_category in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute1 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute2 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute3 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute4 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute5 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute6 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute7 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute8 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute9 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute10 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute11 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute12 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute13 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute14 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute15 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute16 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute17 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute18 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute19 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute20 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute21 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute22 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute23 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute24 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute25 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute26 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute27 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute28 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute29 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_attribute30 in varchar2 default null
    ,p_per_information_category =>'US'
    -- p_per_information_category - Obsolete parameter, do not use
    -- ,p_per_information1 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information2 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information3 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information4 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information5 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information6 in varchar2 default null
    ,p_per_information7 =>'INCL'
    -- ,p_per_information8 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information9 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information10 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information11 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information12 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information13 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information14 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information15 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information16 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information17 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information18 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information19 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information20 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information21 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information22 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information23 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information24 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information25 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information26 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information27 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information28 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information29 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_per_information30 in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_date_of_death in date default null
    -- ,p_background_check_status in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_background_date_check in date default null
    -- ,p_blood_type in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_correspondence_language in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_fast_path_employee in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_fte_capacity in number default null
    -- ,p_honors in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_internal_location in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_last_medical_test_by in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_last_medical_test_date in date default null
    -- ,p_mailstop in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_office_number in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_on_military_service in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_pre_name_adjunct in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_rehire_recommendation in varchar2 default null -- Bug3210500
    -- ,p_projected_start_date in date default null
    -- ,p_resume_exists in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_resume_last_updated in date default null
    -- ,p_second_passport_exists in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_student_status in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_work_schedule in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_suffix in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_benefit_group_id in number default null
    -- ,p_receipt_of_death_cert_date in date default null
    -- ,p_coord_ben_med_pln_no in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_coord_ben_no_cvg_flag in varchar2 default 'N'
    -- ,p_coord_ben_med_ext_er in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_coord_ben_med_pl_name in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_coord_ben_med_insr_crr_name in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_coord_ben_med_insr_crr_ident in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_coord_ben_med_cvg_strt_dt in date default null
    -- ,p_coord_ben_med_cvg_end_dt in date default null
    -- ,p_uses_tobacco_flag in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_dpdnt_adoption_date in date default null
    -- ,p_dpdnt_vlntry_svce_flag in varchar2 default 'N'
    -- ,p_original_date_of_hire in date default null
    -- ,p_adjusted_svc_date in date default null
    ,p_town_of_birth =>'Denver'
    ,p_region_of_birth =>'Asia'
    ,p_country_of_birth =>'US'
    -- ,p_global_person_id in varchar2 default null
    -- ,p_party_id in number default null
    ,p_person_id =>l_person_id
    ,p_assignment_id =>l_assignment_id
    ,p_per_object_version_number =>l_per_object_version_number
    ,p_asg_object_version_number =>l_asg_object_version_number
    ,p_per_effective_start_date =>l_per_effective_start_date
    ,p_per_effective_end_date =>l_per_effective_end_date
    ,p_full_name =>l_full_name
    ,p_per_comment_id =>l_per_comment_id
    ,p_assignment_sequence =>l_assignment_sequence
    ,p_assignment_number =>l_assignment_number
    ,p_name_combination_warning =>l_name_combination_warning
    ,p_assign_payroll_warning =>l_assign_payroll_warning
    ,p_orig_hire_warning =>l_orig_hire_warning
    This gives me an Error No_DATA_FOUND. I went an debugged through the code, where in I found that
    the following cursor query (in the API: "hr_assignment.update_assgn_context_value") is returning no values.
    cursor csr_ass_data is
    select ass_attribute_category
    from per_all_assignments_f
    where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    and person_id = p_person_id
    and assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    and effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date
    and primary_flag = 'Y';
    Also, I found out that an assignment_id is coming back after the call to the API "hr_assignment_internal.create_default_emp_asg" from within the API "hr_employee_api.create_employee".
    Now, my question, why is the above cursor query giving me a no-data-found.
    Is there any setup that I am missing like setting DFF or enabling a profile option etc.,
    Please let me know.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Gaurav,
    Thanks for the reply. But I caught the issue.
    The issue is with the parameter "p_hire_date =>sysdate" and the code in the API hr_employee_api.create_employee.
    What it does is, it captures the date that we pass "p_hire_date" into a local variable "l_hire_date" as follows:
    l_hire_Date := TRIM(p_hire_date) and then passes the l_hire_date to the API "hr_assignment_internal.create_default_emp_asg". The API works fine and also returns us an assignment ID. Everything is fine till now.
    The problem begins with the call to the API "hr_assignment.update_assgn_context_value", where in the p_hire_date is passed, instead of the l_hire_date and hence the NO_DATA_FOUND comes up.
    What Happens ?
    1.The date that I passed has the time component in it.
    2.The assignment gets created with a date that has no time component (due to TRIM).
    3The query has a where condition on the date with the time component.
    Hence, it returns no rows.
    Solution: Pass the p_hire_Date as trunc(sysdate) than simply sysdate.

  • Creating LabVIEW module adapter TestStand Steps using the API without loading module prototype???

    Is it possible to programatically create a TestStand step (using the API), that calls a LabVIEW module, without loading the prototype of the module to get a reference to the Module Parameters.
    I want to specify a VI Pathname, but I dont want to use that pathname to load the prototype.  I want to programatically specify the name, type, representation etc. of each of the controls and indicators.
    My reason for attempting this is that I only want the VIs called by the steps to exist on the target hardware not on the numerous development machines running my application.
    Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

    Hi Steve,
    Unfortunatly it is not possible to do what you want within Test Stand but I am not sure why it is necessary, I think I am understanding your application incorrectly.  The only time you will need to load the prototype is if you are creating the step but if you are creating the step you will need the VI that the step calls so that VI will need to be present on the system.  If you are not calling the step then you shouldn't need to load the VI prototype.  If this is how you program funtions it may be a problem with your architecture but if not please could you correct my misunderstanding so that I can go about finding a suitable solution.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments UK & Ireland

  • Creating a mapping using the API

    Hi Brian, I am curious about this use case - what's the reason you are looking to do it using the API? You can create several objects using the API and the most typical use case we have observed is where mapping developers create a pattern or what we call as a "template" - which is a mapping with various properties parameterized. For example you can create a mapping with the filter parameterized, or define a very generic mapping with source, target and the field map between those all parameterized. Once you do that, you can create a "task" for this mapping (known as Mapping Configuration Task) - that can be done using our UI or using our REST API. If you choose the latter, you can pass on parameter values as part of the API request. Suggest you to take a look at our new Developer Portal, and specifically at the sections Templates and REST API there. Feel free to post any further questions here. If you sign up to the developer program there, you will get much more direct help.https://community.informatica.com/community/technology_partner_network Amol

    I was wondering about creating a mapping using the API. It clearly states in the Dev guide that this is possible, but when I perform a get mapping request, I don't see all the information given for a certain object.  For example, I don't see an expression in the mapping object (although one exists when I view the object in Cloud).   Has anyone else done this? Is it easy to create objects via the API?  Thanks!

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    I'm hoping to use Audition in a research project to study patterns in music.  I just downloaded it last night and I'm using the trial period to evaluate if it will meet my needs.  I am running the program on a Mac. As stated above, I'm hoping to use

  • Add field dynamically in ABAP Query Report.

    Hi All, Can we add fields dynamically in the ABAP Query Report? There is a field in my report which should occupy the line only if it has value. But if we drag-drop the filed in the report it automatically occupy the line though it doesn't have value