White lines generated in a txt File when using variable substitution

I have a problem with a File generated by XI, my File Adapter is using variable substitution with reference to a field of my message type. I use content conversion as well and the generated file has a white line in top of file.
How could I avoid this and make the white lines disappear? I was trying a lot of things but I don’t really know how to solve this issue, the following is the data type used:
FILE_NAME is the field I use for variable substitution and COMPANY is declare as 0..unbounded.
Thanks a lot in advanced,

Hi Jai,
I have declare the following Content Conversion parameters:
Recordset Structure: COMPANY
FILE_NAME.fieldFixedLengths     0
FILE_NAME.fixedLengthTooShortHandling     cut
COMPANY.fieldFixedLengths     10,80,10,2,50,30,5,5,2,50,50
COMPANY.addHeaderLine     0
COMPANY.endSeparator     'nl'
But it does not work, I have the same white line in the beginning of the file. Do you have any other suggestion??
I couldnt find the blog written by Sravya either, could you post the link?
Thanks a lot,

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  • Blank Lines at end of file when using Variable Substitution in File Adapter

    Hi all,
    I'm using variable substitution in a File Adapter, it's refers an element of message, like:
    filename    payload:MESSAGE_INTERFACE,1,FILENAME,1
    The variable substitution is working right, but it's append a BLANK LINE at end of file.
    Anyone knows how to solve this problem ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Regis,
    I suppose you're using content conversion?
    if so try adding
    <b>endSeparator</b> = '0'
    to your last element
    this will delete the default line break at the end
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions">XI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</a>

  • White lines generateds in a File Adapter when using variable substitution.

    Hi all,
    I have been a problem in File generated by XI, my File Adapter is using variable substitution with reference to a field of my message type. Because it, the files generated has white lines in top of file.
    What can I do to not apears these lines ?

    Try to give a more detailed description of your problem otherwise I don't know who's gonna answer...

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    Danny Fasen wrote:
    I think most of us would process this report using pl/sql:
    - read the file until you've read the column headers
    - read the account info and insert the data in the table until you have read the last account info line
    - read the file until you've read a new set of column headers (page 2)
    - read the account info and insert the data in the table until you have read the last account info line (page 2)
    - etc. until you reach the total block idenfitied by Count On-line ...
    - read the totals and compare them with the data inserted in the tableOr maybe like this...
    First create an external table to read the report as whole lines...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  CREATE TABLE ext_report (
      2    line VARCHAR2(200)
      3          )
      5    TYPE oracle_loader
      9      BADFILE 'bad_report.bad'
    10      DISCARDFILE 'dis_report.dis'
    11      LOGFILE 'log_report.log'
    15        (
    16         line
    17        )
    18      )
    19      LOCATION ('report.txt')
    20    )
    21  PARALLEL
    SQL> /
    Table created.
    SQL> select * from ext_report;
    x report page1
    CDC:00220 / Sat Aug-08-2009 xxxxp for 02/08/09 - 08/08/09 Effective Date 11/08/09 Wed Sep-30-2009 08:25:43
    Bill to
    Retailer Retailer Name                  Name on Bank Account           Bank ABA   Bank Acct            On-line Amount  Instant Amount  Total Amount
    ======== ============================== ============================== ========== ==================== =============== =============== ===============
    0100103  BANK Terminal                  raji                           123456789  123456789            -29,999.98    9 0.00         99 -29,999.98
    0100105  Independent 1                  Savings                        123456789  100000002            -1,905.00     9 0.00         99 -1,905.00
    0100106  Independent 2                  system                         123456789  100000003            -800.00       9 -15.00       99 -815.00
    weekly_eft_repo 1.0 Page: 2
    CDC:00220 / Sat Aug-08-2009 Weekly EFT Sweep for 02/08/09 - 08/08/09 Effective Date 11/08/09 Wed Sep-30-2009 08:25:43
    Bill to
    Retailer Retailer Name Name on Bank Account Bank ABA Bank Acct On-line Amount Instant Amount Total Amount
    ======== ============================== ============================== ========== ==================== =============== =============== ===============
    Count On-line Amount Instant Amount Total Amount
    ============== ====================== ====================== ======================
    Debits 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Credits 3 -32,704.98 -15.00 -32,719.98
    Totals 3 -32,704.98 -15.00 -32,719.98
    Total Tape Records / Blocks / Hash : 3 1 37037034
    End of Report
    23 rows selected.Then we can check we can just pull out the lines of data we're interested in from that...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create view vw_report as
      2* select line from ext_report where regexp_like(line, '^[0-9]')
    SQL> /
    View created.
    SQL> select * from vw_report;
    0100103  BANK Terminal                  raji                           123456789  123456789            -29,999.98    9 0.00         99 -29,999.98
    0100105  Independent 1                  Savings                        123456789  100000002            -1,905.00     9 0.00         99 -1,905.00
    0100106  Independent 2                  system                         123456789  100000003            -800.00       9 -15.00       99 -815.00And then we adapt that view to extract the data from those lines as actual columns...
    SQL> col retailer format a10
    SQL> col retailer_name format a20
    SQL> col name_on_bank_account format a20
    SQL> col online_amount format 999,990.00
    SQL> col instant_amount format 999,990.00
    SQL> col total_amount format 999,990.00
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create or replace view vw_report as
      2  select regexp_substr(line, '[^ ]+', 1, 1) as retailer
      3        ,trim(regexp_replace(regexp_substr(line, '[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:] ]*[[:alpha:]]', 1, 1), '(.*) +[^ ]+$', '\1')) as retailer_name
      4        ,trim(regexp_replace(regexp_substr(line, '[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:] ]*[[:alpha:]]', 1, 1), '.* ([^ ]+)$', '\1')) as name_on_bank_account
      5        ,to_number(regexp_substr(regexp_replace(line,'.*[[:alpha:]]([^[:alpha:]]+)','\1'), '[^ ]+', 1, 1)) as bank_aba
      6        ,to_number(regexp_substr(regexp_replace(line,'.*[[:alpha:]]([^[:alpha:]]+)','\1'), '[^ ]+', 1, 2)) as bank_account
      7        ,to_number(regexp_substr(regexp_replace(line,'.*[[:alpha:]]([^[:alpha:]]+)','\1'), '[^ ]+', 1, 3),'999,999.00') as online_amount
      8        ,to_number(regexp_substr(regexp_replace(line,'.*[[:alpha:]]([^[:alpha:]]+)','\1'), '[^ ]+', 1, 5),'999,999.00') as instant_amount
      9        ,to_number(regexp_substr(regexp_replace(line,'.*[[:alpha:]]([^[:alpha:]]+)','\1'), '[^ ]+', 1, 7),'999,999.00') as total_amount
    10* from (select line from ext_report where regexp_like(line, '^[0-9]'))
    SQL> /
    View created.
    SQL> select * from vw_report;
    0100103    BANK Terminal        raji                  123456789    123456789    -29,999.98           0.00   -29,999.98
    0100105    Independent 1        Savings               123456789    100000002     -1,905.00           0.00    -1,905.00
    0100106    Independent 2        system                123456789    100000003       -800.00         -15.00      -815.00
    SQL>I couldn't quite figure out the "9" and the "99" data that was on those lines so I assume it should just be ignored. I also formatted the report data to fixed columns width in my external text file as I'd assume that's how the data would be generated, not that that would make much difference when extracting the values with regular expressions as I've done.
    So... something like that anyway. ;)

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!-- Server Error Page --><XBCML version="2" supportBits="42" xmlns:SAP="SAP"><Localization dateFormat="MM/dd/yyyy" decimalSeparator="." groupingSeparator="," locale="en_US"/><Client name="" version="" supportBits="6A"/><Server supportBits="537205" workProtectMode="%WORKPROTECTIONMODE%"><Exception text="An error has occurred: Failed to process the request. [] " callStack="java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No InternalState found for id &quot;110&quot;. List of available states { [0]-CONSISTENT (0); [101]-NEW (101); [102]-MOIFIED_LOCAL (102); [103]-MOIFIED_GLOBAL (103); [104]-REMOVED_LOCAL (104); [105]-REMOVED_GLOBAL (105); [201]-INSERTED (201); [202]-UPDATED (202); [203]-DELETED_LOCAL (203); [204]-VALUE_DELETED_GLOBAL (204); [299]-HARD_DELETED (299); [301]-REJECTED_INSERT (301); [302]-REJECTED_UPDATE (302); [303]-REJECTED_DELETE (303); }
         at com.sap.tc.mobile.cfs.mbosync.InternalSyncState.getByShortValue(InternalSyncState.java:1169)
         at com.sap.tc.mobile.cfs.mbosync.MBOChangeListener.transistNodeWithClientModify(MBOChangeListener.java:205)
         at com.sap.tc.mobile.cfs.mbosync.MBOChangeListener.beforeUpdate(MBOChangeListener.java:651)
         at com.sap.tc.mobile.cfs.pers.cache.DefaultPersistenceManager.validateUpdate(DefaultPersistenceManager.java:1523)
         at com.sap.tc.mobile.cfs.pers.impl.spi.cache.AbstractPersistable.mdDoModify(AbstractPersistable.java:197)
         at com.sap.models.SORDER_HEADER.setVKORG(SORDER_HEADER.java:346)
         at com.sap.app.customercomp.wdp.IPublicCustomerComp$IQueryResultElement.wdSetObject(IPublicCustomerComp.java:2021)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.context.MappedNodeElement.wdSetObject(MappedNodeElement.java:74)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.context.NodeElement.wdSetObject(NodeElement.java:649)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.context.AttributePointer.setObject(AttributePointer.java:421)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.data.PendingUserInput.transportPendingUserInput(PendingUserInput.java:676)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.data.PendingUserInput.transport(PendingUserInput.java:364)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.data.DataContainer.transportPendingUserInput(DataContainer.java:318)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.cal.ClientComponent.transport(ClientComponent.java:579)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.phases.TransportIntoContextPhase.execute(TransportIntoContextPhase.java:54)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.window.WindowPhaseModel.processRequestPartly(WindowPhaseModel.java:161)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.window.WindowPhaseModel.doProcessRequest(WindowPhaseModel.java:109)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.window.WindowPhaseModel.processRequest(WindowPhaseModel.java:96)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.window.WebDynproWindow.processRequest(WebDynproWindow.java:469)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.cal.AbstractClient.executeTasks(AbstractClient.java:52)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.scxml.client.SmartClient.executeTasks(SmartClient.java:612)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.cal.ClientApplication.doExecute(ClientApplication.java:1431)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.cal.ClientApplication.doProcessing(ClientApplication.java:1251)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.serverimpl.core.sessionctx.AbstractExecutionContextDispatcher.delegateToApplicationDoProcessing(AbstractExecutionContextDispatcher.java:158)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.serverimpl.defaultimpl.sessionctx.ExecutionContextDispatcher.dispatchToApplicationDoProcessing(ExecutionContextDispatcher.java:88)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.serverimpl.core.sessionctx.AbstractExecutionContextDispatcher.dispatch(AbstractExecutionContextDispatcher.java:81)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.ApplicationSession.dispatch(ApplicationSession.java:507)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.ApplicationSession.dispatch(ApplicationSession.java:527)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.ApplicationSession.doApplicationProcessingStandalone(ApplicationSession.java:458)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.ApplicationSession.doProcessing(ApplicationSession.java:249)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.ClientSession.doApplicationProcessing(ClientSession.java:699)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.ClientSession.doProcessing(ClientSession.java:231)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.RequestManager.doProcessing(RequestManager.java:231)
         at com.sap.tc.mobile.mwd.runtime.fwk.dispatcher.http.WebDynproRequestHandler.handleRequest0(WebDynproRequestHandler.java:157)
         at com.sap.tc.mobile.mwd.runtime.fwk.dispatcher.http.WebDynproRequestHandler.handleRequest(WebDynproRequestHandler.java:110)
         at com.sap.tc.mobile.mwd.runtime.fwk.dispatcher.http.AbstractRequestHandler.handleRequest(AbstractRequestHandler.java:306)
         at com.sap.tc.mobile.mwd.runtime.fwk.dispatcher.http.SimpleHttpServer.handleRequest0(SimpleHttpServer.java:247)
         at com.sap.tc.mobile.mwd.runtime.fwk.dispatcher.http.SimpleHttpServer.handleRequest(SimpleHttpServer.java:215)
         at com.sap.tc.mobile.mwd.runtime.fwk.dispatcher.http.SimpleHttpServer.run(SimpleHttpServer.java:164)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    The applicationhas been built according to the mobile application development steps for Mobile application for laptops through NWDS.As i m new to it please help me to solve the issue .

    Thotheolh wrote:
    I was thinking that the String format of the key retrieved in the getKey() of treating it literally as a byte[].It does not work like that.
    Example is that you retrieve the String key = "B@12rty]"; The only way you would get this is if you had taken the toString() method on an array of bytes. The toString() method of an array does not give one a String representation of the content of the array - it just gives you a pseudo reference to the array which is of little practical use.
    How do you convert the String into byte[] byte as exactly "B@12rty]" so that when you do a do a System.out.println(byte); it would return "B@12rty]" rather than other things.See my comment above.
    In simple terms , treating the String as a byte[] by literally taking the String is the byte[] without converting it into something else so to save the trouble.Strings contain characters. Bytes are not characters so Strings should not be used as containers for bytes.

  • Error-Receiver File Adapter using Variable substitution when file is empty

    XI Experts,
    We are on PI 7.0, SP14.
    We are using variable subtitution to get the filename from source message. This works fine as long as we have data in the payload for filename element. But we have a scenario where we don't have to create file when certain condition does not exists in source message so in the message payload filename element will not exists in such condition and file will be empty and we should not create file.
    Parameter in the communication channel for Handling empty message is "Ignore".
    Does anyone knows how to handle this scneario. We don't want to default any file name in the message mapping if source file name element does not exists.
    We are following getting error in the Adapter engine.
    MP: Exception caught with cause com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Error during variable substitution: com.sap.aii.adapter.file.varsubst.VariableDataSourceException: The following variable was not found in the message payload: file: com.sap.aii.adapter.file.configuration.DynamicConfigurationException: Error during variable substitution: com.sap.aii.adapter.file.varsubst.VariableDataSourceException: The following variable was not found in the message payload: file

    You can implement this by writing the module to throw an exception or whatever method you want to execute.
    If you don't want to receive an error message then module is suitable for you.
    Gaurav Jain

  • FTPs connection error:When using Variable substitution for Directory path

    I am transferring data from BI to xml file via PI: Here a Client proxy from BI sends the data to PI and the PI FTPs the XML file to a remote location. For FTP I am using FTPs SSL connection.
    It was working fine untill I used Variable susbstitution to determine Directory path dynamically. I am using this because different xml files are intended to goto the different locations.
    I did the variable substitution like this:
    Target Message Structure:
    ---> Target Directory: %var1%
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    And in the variable substitution I am doing it this way
    And the error I am getting is:
    Attempt to process file failed with Error when getting an FTP connection from connection pool: com.sap.aii.af.service.util.concurrent.ResourcePoolException: Unable to create new pooled resource: iaik.security.ssl.SSLException: Peer sent alert: Alert Fatal: handshake failure
    MP: Exception caught with cause com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Error when getting an FTP connection from connection pool: com.sap.aii.af.service.util.concurrent.ResourcePoolException: Unable to create new pooled resource: iaik.security.ssl.SSLException: Peer sent alert: Alert Fatal: handshake failure
    Exception caught by adapter framework: Error when getting an FTP connection from connection pool: com.sap.aii.af.service.util.concurrent.ResourcePoolException: Unable to create new pooled resource: iaik.security.ssl.SSLException: Peer sent alert: Alert Fatal: handshake failure
    Delivery of the message to the application using connection File_http://sap.com/xi/XI/System failed, due to: com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Error when getting an FTP connection from connection pool: com.sap.aii.af.service.util.concurrent.ResourcePoolException: Unable to create new pooled resource: iaik.security.ssl.SSLException: Peer sent alert: Alert Fatal: handshake failure.
    Does anybody have some Idea of this ??

    I guess the problem is not with Variable Substitution..
    Error when getting an FTP connection from connection pool:
    So its a connection problem..
    Also check the option Disable Security check and try again...
    Try to check again if the interface is executing properly without Variable substitution and let us know..
    Edited by: hlbabu123 on Jan 7, 2011 2:46 PM

  • Reciever File Adapter - Temp File Name Scheme using Variable Substitution

    How can I create a temporary file that uses variable substitution? 
    We are having a problem with files merging when we write files using the "Use Temporary File" setting on the FIle Adapter.  So two independent files are merging into a single file.  We are not using the "Append" setting.
    We would like to use a Temp File Name Scheme that would append the message id onto the temporary file name. 
    Using variable substitution we created a msgid variable.  When added to the temporary file name using %msgid% the temporary file name is created with %msgid% in the name instead of the actual message id.  We put the variable into the "File Name Scheme" as well and the end completed file used the message id in the name.
    Any Ideas?

    HI Matthew,
    Why are you adding the message id into the temporary file??
    I understand that you want the output of the filename to contain message id .. and hence you are using variable substitution for the same.
    Temporary file name will anyways get overwritten by the actual file name (here the actual filename will be using variable substituion).
    So i suggest to achieve your scenario you can add any name in the temporary file and maintain the desired filename you require as output in the variable subsititution.
    Temporary File Name option actually acts as a lock - unlock mechanism from PI side while the file is getting written to the file server so that while PI is writting the file no third party application batch program picks it up.
    I hope this helps.

  • Unable to upload txt file when creating new message

    Hi Expert,
    We installed SolMan 7.1, but we are not able to upload txt file when
    create a new message, detailed steps as below:
    1. Click on “New
      Message” under “Common Tasks” in the left side
    2. Click on
      “Attachment” under “Create Message”
    3. Click on “Add”
      under “Attachment”
    4. Select file and
      click on “OK”
    5. But as the result, it says “No attachments. Select Add to
      upload a new attachment.”
    Could you please help advise the reason and solution?

    Hi Vikram,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have tried again and found that, it seems if the file size is 0, it can't be uploaed; if the size if bigger than 0, then it can be uploaded.
    So I close this discussion now. Thank you!

  • How to get string (specified by line and column) from txt file with labview

    Hi everyone
    How to get string (specified by line and column) from txt file with labview
    Go to Solution.

    As far as I know, a text file has no columns.  Please be more specific.  Do you mean something like the 5th word on line 4, where words are separated by a space, and lines are separated by a newline character?  You could the Read from Spreadsheet String function and set the delimiter to a space.  This will produce a 2D array of strings.  Then use index array and give the line number and column number.
    - tbob
    Inventor of the WORM Global

  • Why do I get white lines surrounding PSD or Tiff transparencies when exported as a PDF for print ?

    Why do I get white lines surrounding PSD or Tiff transparencies when exported as a PDF for print - Indesign Version 9.2?
    I recently upgraded creative suite - now I am having issues with white lines surrounding any tiffs or PSDs when exporting for print.
    I initially thought it was an acrobat viewer problem, but it seems to be effecting print. Please let me know if anyone knows the answer to this problem. thanks!

    Thanks Bob, to date I have simply used the High Quality Print default, which is actually Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3) - I have never had issues before - until now when I upgraded my software..

  • Is there a capability to save/export the time capsule settings file when using the iphone/ipad airport utility. the "file" button does not exist on the latest airport utility app.

    is there a capability to save/export the new airport 2TB time capsule settings file when using the iphone/ipad airport utility. set-up wasn't a problem but the "file" button does not exist on the latest airport utility app v6.3 to save the configuration file.

    the "file" button does not exist on the latest airport utility app v6.3 to save the configuration file.
    Sounds like you are a bit confused with version numbers.
    Latest AirPort Utility version for the iPhone / iPad is 1.3.3.  There is no option or capability to export/import settings on the iOS version(s) of AirPort Utility.....although you could take a series of screen shots and save them for future reference.
    AirPort Utility 6.3.x is found on a Mac.....not on iPhone / iPad. Export and Import options are found under the File menu in 6.3.x.

  • Adobe Premiere CC 2014.2: losing rendered files when using warp stabilizer

    I am constantly losing rendered files when using the warp stabilizer. So far I have tried about every hint I could find on the web such as cleaning the cache, rebuilding the rendered files, creating additional sequences etc etc.
    Honestly I am getting tired of using a product that isnt cheap in the first place to rent and where a bug like this apparently persists over several product versions without being fully fixed (I have had this problem throughout 2014 but according to forum postings others seem to have problems with much earlier versions as well).
    I would be really grateful if somebofy has any suggestion how this can be addressed.
    I am also happy to help testing fixes - if there are any fixes available.
    Thanks a lot and Happy New Year!

    Hi Catherine,
    Welcome to the Adobe forums.
    Please try the steps mentioned below and check if it works for you.
    1. Launch Premiere Pro and create a Project, go to File menu>Project Settings>Renderer and change the Renderer to Software only mode, delete previews if you get a prompt and then try to import the clip.
    2. If step 1 fails or the Renderer is already on Software only mode, go to Start Menu and search for Device Manager, go into Display Adapters and Right click on the Graphics card to select Update driver software option, on the next screen choose "Browse my computer for driver software", then choose "Let me Pick from a list..." option and from the list select "Standard VGA Graphics adapters. You might need to change the screen resolution of your screen and once done restart the machine again.
    Launch Premiere Pro and import the clip to check.

  • Firefox 33 doesn't display a pdf file when using the response object

    Firefox 33.0.2 does not display pdf files when using the code below from an asp.net program, which works for previous versions of Firefox, and also works with IE. I'm using the built-in pdf viewer. All of my plugins are disabled.
    Dim strPDF As String
    strPDF = Session("filname") 'pdf filename
    Response.Buffer = True
    Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
    Response.CacheControl = "Private"
    Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache")
    Response.AddHeader("Expires", "0")
    Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate")
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + strPDF)
    Session("filname") = ""

    Thanks cor-el. You pointed me in the right direction. It appears to me that a reported Firefox 33 bug with the handling of compression (Transfer-Encoding: chunked) is the culprit (https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1026743). I was able to find a work-around by specifying the file size and buffering. Below is my code, with some code from http://www.codeproject.com/Questions/440054/How-to-Open-any-file-in-new-browser-tab-using-ASP.
    Dim strPDF As String
    strPDF = Session("filname") 'pdf filename
    Dim User As New WebClient()
    Dim FileBuffer As [Byte]() = User.DownloadData(strPDF)
    If Not (FileBuffer Is Nothing) Then
    Response.CacheControl = "Private"
    Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache")
    Response.AddHeader("Expires", "0")
    Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate")
    Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
    Response.AddHeader("content-length", FileBuffer.Length.ToString())
    End If
    Session("filname") = ""

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    Hi, I'm new to java and been trying to send weekly newsletters to subscribers, however the news letters have images that need to be attached to the emails, but i am unsure how to do this. As the moment i have a to files. writeemail.jsp this will have

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    hi there, i am an iphone 4s user... the phone im using is from the US. My uncle bought it from ebay. when he first sent the phone the icloud was not deleted, but i found a way on how i could change it so i could utilize the icloud features. At first

  • GPS not picking up signal

    I have been having a problem with the google maps and google navigation since monday 10/01/12.  On google maps my location is off anywhere from 40 ft to 1.5 miles.  I have contacted both verizon customer support and what I could get from google and h

  • How work WCS AP Templates

    Hello together I want to make a change on a set of accesspoints which are in a specific building. I know I have the AP Templates function in my WCS 7.0. What I don't understand, let's assume I want to change the priority of the controllers (primary,