White screen appears when using AS3 wrapper file with Captivate 7

We had no problems with this in the past but now a white screen appears instead of the captivate running. The file is used when we use Captivate, streaming video, or HTML assessment. It triggers a complete signal to our LMS at the end. Is there anything that we are missing? The file is:
package  {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    import flash.net.URLLoader;
    import flash.system.Security;
    import BrightcovePlayer;
    import flash.media.SoundMixer;
    import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
    import caurina.transitions.properties.ColorShortcuts;
    import pipwerks.SCORM;
    import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
    public class MainWrapper extends MovieClip {
        public var loadedSwf:URLRequest;
        public var contentLoader:Loader = new Loader  ;
        public var contentContainer:Sprite;
        public var xmlLoader:URLLoader;
        public var videoList:XML;
        public var currentLoadedSection:Number;
        public var nextEnabled:Boolean = false;
        public var currentModule:Number = 0;
        public var currentContent:Number = 0;
        public var currentContentType:String;
        public var advanceBehavior:String;
        public var prevBehavior:String;
        public var previousPage:String;
        public var moveAdv:Boolean;
        public var timesAdvanced:Number = 1;
        public var numPages:Number = 1;
        public var furthestPage:Number = 0;
        public var scorm:SCORM;
        public var lmsConnected:Boolean;
        public var lessonStatus:String;
        public var success:Boolean;
        public var suspend_str:String;
        public var suspend_data:String;
        public var arrayToParse:Array;
        public var videoChoice:Number = 0;
        public var vidChoice:Number = 0; // Picks up button selections from loaded swf...default is 0 if only one ID supplied
        public var vidID:Array = new Array(); // Recieves XML supplied video IDs
        public var MC:MovieClip;
        public var swfURLChoice:Number = 0; // Picks up button selections from loaded swf...default is 0 if only one ID supplied
        public var swfURL:Array = new Array(); // Recieves XML supplied swf URLs
        public function MainWrapper() {
            // constructor code
        public function init(e:Event):void {
            contentContainer = new Sprite  ;
            exit_btn.visible = false;
            main_HUD.home_btn.visible = false;
            textPanel_mc.mask = panelMask_mc;
            BrightcovePlayer.initialize(this,onBrightcoveVideoComplete,onBrightcoveInitComplete,onBri ghtcoveVideoPlay);
        public function loadXML():void {
            xmlLoader = new URLLoader  ;
            xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("playlist.xml"));
        public function showXML(e:Event):void {
            trace("Line 95: Loaded XML");
            XML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
            videoList = new XML(e.target.data);
            numPages = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent.length();
            trace("Line 100: numPages="+numPages);
        public function mainMenuVisibility(setVis:Boolean):void {
            main_HUD.visible = textPanel_mc.visible = setVis;
        private function onBrightcoveVideoComplete() {
            trace("Line 107: video has stopped");
        private function onBrightcoveVideoPlay() {
            trace("Line 111: player is playing");
            loadMsg_mc.visible = false;
        private function onBrightcoveInitComplete() {
            trace("Line 118: init is complete");
        public function loadContent():void {
            if (currentContent > furthestPage) {
                furthestPage = currentContent;
                trace("Line 125: The furthest page so far: "+furthestPage);
            saveCoursePos() //SCORM Bookmark
            var loadedContentType:String = String(videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent]. @ type);
            currentContentType = loadedContentType;
            switch (loadedContentType) {
                case "cap" :
                    trace("Line 133: loading a Captivate swf");
                    advanceBehavior = "next";
                    prevBehavior = "prev";
                    loadMsg_mc.visible = true;
                    swfURL = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].pathToContent.split(",");
                    loadedSwf = new URLRequest(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]));
                case "swf" :
                    trace("Line 146: loading an interactive swf");
                    advanceBehavior = "next";
                    prevBehavior = "prev";
                    loadMsg_mc.visible = true;
                    swfURL = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].pathToContent.split(",");
                    loadedSwf = new URLRequest(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]));
                    trace("XXXXXXXXXXXXX "+(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]))+" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
                case "quiz" :
                    trace("Line 158: loading a quiz");
                    advanceBehavior = "next";
                    prevBehavior = "prev";
                      loadMsg_mc.visible = true;
                    swfURL = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].pathToContent.split(",");
                    loadedSwf = new URLRequest(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]));
                case "bcVid" :
                    advanceBehavior = "next";
                    trace("Line 172: loading a Brightcove video");
                    //vidFrame_mc.visible = true;
                    //videoBG.visible = true;
                    //setChildIndex(vidFrame_mc,numChildren - 1);
                    vidID = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].videoID.split(",");
                    BrightcovePlayer.instance.alpha = 0;
                default :
                    trace("Line 183: unrecognized type. check the node's 'type' attribute");
        public function contentFadeOut():void {
            if (currentContentType == "bcVidBranch" || currentContentType == "bcVid") {
                trace("Line 190: fading BC vid");
            } else {
                trace("Line 193: fading something else");
        public function movePanel(moveDir:String):void {
            switch (moveDir) {
                case "up" :
                    if (textPanel_mc.y != 145) {
                case "down" :
                    if (textPanel_mc.y != 645) {
                default :
                    trace("Line 211: WAT. That is not a valid direction");
           public function getSWFChoice(e:Event):void {
               MC = MovieClip(contentLoader.content);
               swfURLChoice = MC.swfURLChoice;
               contentLoader.content.removeEventListener( "getSWFChoice" , getSWFChoice );
               trace("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY swfURLChoice="+swfURLChoice+" YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY");
           public function getVidChoice(e:Event):void {
               MC = MovieClip(contentLoader.content);
               videoChoice = MC.vidChoice;
               contentLoader.content.removeEventListener( "getVidChoice" , getVidChoice );
           public function playOn() {
               moveAdv = true;
        public function loadComplete(e:Event):void {
            loadMsg_mc.visible = false;
            Tweener.addTween(main_HUD.progBar_mc.progFill_mc,{scaleX:(currentContent) / int(numPages - 1),time:.4,transition:"easeOutSin"});
            if (currentContent == 0){
                main_HUD.pgNum_txt.text = "Welcome";
            } else{
                main_HUD.pgNum_txt.text = "Page " + currentContent + " of " + int(numPages - 1);
            switch (currentContentType) {
                case "cap" :
                case "swf" :
                case "quiz" :
                    var loadedContent = MovieClip(contentLoader.content);
                    var xmlQuizContent = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].question;
                    var numQuestions = int(xmlQuizContent.length());
                    var questionArray:Array = new Array  ;
                    var choiceArray:Array = new Array  ;
                    var correctChoiceArray:Array = new Array  ;
                    var responsesArray:Array = new Array  ;
                    var passedImageArray:Array = new Array();
                    for (var i = 0; i < numQuestions; i++) {
                        var tempString:String = "";
                        for (var j = 0; j < xmlQuizContent[i].answerChoice.length(); j++) {
                            tempString +=  xmlQuizContent[i].answerChoice[j] + "%";
                        tempString = "";
                        correctChoiceArray.push(xmlQuizContent[i]. @ correctChoice);
                        passedImageArray.push(xmlQuizContent[i]. @ dispImage);
                    loadedContent.populateQuiz(questionArray,choiceArray,correctChoiceArray,responsesArray,pa ssedImageArray);
                default :
        public function endContentHandler(e:Event):void {
            //here, we will enable navigation again
            trace("Line 295: END OF CONTENT");
            loadMsg_mc.visible = false;
            nextEnabled = true;
            if (currentContent == int(numPages - 1)) {
        public function checkFurthestPage(evalNum:Number):void {
            if (isNaN(furthestPage[currentLoadedSection])) { trace("Line 312: furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] is NaN"); }
            if (evalNum > furthestPage[currentLoadedSection]) {
                trace("Line313: currentLoadedSection is a Number");
                furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] = evalNum;
                trace("Line315: furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] = "+furthestPage[currentLoadedSection]);
        public function endPageNav():void {
            trace("Line 321: On page " + currentContent + " of " + int(numPages - 1));
            setChildIndex(main_HUD,numChildren - 1);
            if (currentContent < int(numPages - 1)) {
                main_HUD.next_btn.visible = true;
            } else {
                exit_btn.visible = true;
        public function hideNavControls():void {
            main_HUD.next_btn.visible = false;
            main_HUD.prev_btn.visible = false;
            exit_btn.visible = false;
        public function loadNext(me:MouseEvent):void {
            moveAdv = true;
        public function quizNext(e:Event):void {
            moveAdv = true;
        public function loadPrev(me:MouseEvent):void {
            trace("Line 350: loading prev");
            moveAdv = false;
        public function doLoadNext():void {
            switch (advanceBehavior) {
                case "next" :
                case "noAdvance" :
                default :
                    for (var i in videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent) {
                        if (advanceBehavior == videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[i].contentTitle) {
                            currentContent = i;
            trace("Line 372: loading next");
            if (contentContainer.numChildren > 0) {
        public function doLoadPrev():void {
            switch (prevBehavior) {
                case "prev" :
                    if (currentContent < 0) {
                        currentModule = 0;
                        currentContent = 1;
                        timesAdvanced = 2;
                        numPages = 2;
                default :
                    for (var i in videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent) {
                        if (prevBehavior == videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[i].contentTitle) {
                            currentContent = i;
            trace("Line 400: loading prev");
            if (contentContainer.numChildren > 0) {
        public function addContent():void {
        public function loadProgress(pe:ProgressEvent):void {
            var percentageLoaded:int = (pe.bytesLoaded / pe.bytesTotal) * 100;
            trace("Line 415: Loading..." + pe.bytesLoaded + " out of " + pe.bytesTotal);
            loadMsg_mc.loadText_txt.text = String(percentageLoaded) + "%";
        public function updateNav(contentTypeCondition):void {
            trace("Line 420: Checking nav. On Page " + currentContent);
            if (currentContent == 0) {
                main_HUD.prev_btn.visible = false;
        public function checkForBeginning():void {
            trace("Line 427: Check for beginning");
            if (currentContent != 0) {
                trace("Line 429: Is not beginning");
                main_HUD.prev_btn.visible = true;
            } else {
            if (currentContent < furthestPage) {
                main_HUD.next_btn.visible = true;
        public function textPanelListener():void {
            if (videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].panelText != "_noText") {
                trace("Line 443: should move up");
                textPanel_mc.panelText_mc.gotoAndStop(videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[curre ntContent].panelText);
            } else {
        public function addNavListeners():void {
            main_HUD.prev_btn.mouseChildren = false;
            main_HUD.next_btn.mouseChildren = false;
        public function beginGlow(me:MouseEvent):void
            switch (me.target.name)
                case "next_btn" :
                    if (nextEnabled == true)
                default :
        public function fadeGlow(me:MouseEvent):void {
        public function determineSkip():void {
            if (contentLoader.numChildren) {
                var thisContent:MovieClip = MovieClip(contentLoader.getChildAt(0));
            trace(currentLoadedSection+ "Current content: "+thisContent.currentFrame);
            trace("Line 486 - Furthest page is "+furthestPage[currentLoadedSection]+" and the current page is "+thisContent.currentFrame);
            if (furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] >= thisContent.currentFrame) {
                trace("can skip this page");
                nextEnabled = true;
            } else {
                nextEnabled = false;
                trace("can't skip");
        public function navHandler(me:MouseEvent):void {
                switch (me.target.name) {
                    case "next_btn" :
                        if (nextEnabled == true) {
                            nextEnabled = false;
                        } else {
                            trace("can't proceed yet");
                    case "prev_btn" :
                        exit_btn.visible = false;
                    case "exit_btn" :
        public function exitCourse(me:MouseEvent):void {
        public function initializeTracking():void {
            scorm = new SCORM  ;
            lmsConnected = scorm.connect();
            if (lmsConnected) {
                lessonStatus = scorm.get("cmi.core.lesson_status");
                if (lessonStatus == "completed" || lessonStatus == "passed") {
                } else {
                    success = scorm.set("cmi.core.lesson_status","incomplete");
                    suspend_data = scorm.get("cmi.suspend_data");
                    if (suspend_data.length > 0) {
                        arrayToParse = suspend_data.split(",");
                        currentContent = parseInt(arrayToParse[0],10);
                        furthestPage = parseInt(arrayToParse[1],10);
            } else {
                //connectionStatus_txt.text = "Could not connect to LMS.";
        public function saveCoursePos():void {
            trace("Line 554: Saving position at " + currentContent);
            var suspend_str:String = String(currentContent)+","+String(furthestPage);
        public function setCourseToComplete():void {
            trace("Line 561: Saving complteted course");
            success = scorm.set("cmi.core.lesson_status", "completed");
               lmsConnected = false;
        public function navToTop():void {

You'll have to do two things.. Elaborate on exactly what you mean by a white screen appears. What is turning white? Are you generating a SWF from captivate of a screen capture session, then trying to load that SWF with a wrapper and when you do so it turns white? (In that scenario, if Captivate was looking for external assets it can't find, that'd be why). Please include more details on that.
Second, code of this size pasted into the forum really doesn't help. You'll need to do the work to isolate exactly what part of the code you're seeing this white box appear. Run it in a debugger line by line until you witnesss it turn white and only share that small portion of code. And if you do choose to share a ton of code, please use a site like pastebin.com which will retain formatting and color coding, making it much easier to read, and then share that pastebin link.

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    Since your profile says you are using a Mac you would be more likely to get an answer to this question by posting in the QT for MacOS group.
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    But the short answer is that you do not have the video decompressor for that particular movie. Open the movie again and then open the MovieInfo window (Command-I). You should then see the compressors listed that were used in making the movie. Post the names in the Mac group and someone will possibly be able to point you to a web site that has the decompressor. It would also help if you list the movie format (avi, mov, etc) of the file.

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    Smithy1783 wrote:
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    i don't know which particular problem you are talking about (possible the white screen issue), but i would assume your TV is not an apple product? an HDMI handshake is usually what causes the white screen issue, and apple have no control over how a TV manufacturer implements their own unique way for HDMI handling.
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    You should never, EVER let a conputer hard drive get completely full, EVER!
    With Macs and OS X, you shouldn't let the hard drive get below 15 GBs or less of free data space.
    If it does, it's time for some hard drive housecleaning.
    Follow some of my tips for cleaning out, deleting and archiving data from your Mac's internal hard drive.
    Have you emptied your iMac's Trash icon in the Dock?
    If you use iPhoto, iPhoto has its own trash that needs to be emptied, also.
    If you store images in other locations other than iPhoto, then you will have to weed through these to determine what to archive and what to delete.
    If you use Apple Mail app, Apple Mail also has its own trash area that needs to be emptied, too!
    Delete any old or no longer needed emails and/or archive to disc, flash drives or external hard drive, older emails you want to save.
    Look through your other Mailboxes and other Mail categories to see If there is other mail you can archive and/or delete.
    Other things you can do to gain space.
    Once you have around 15 GBs regained, do a search, download and install OmniDisk Sweeper.
    This app will help you locate files that you can move/archive and/or delete from your system.
    Look through your Documents folder and delete any type of old useless type files like "Read Me" type files.
    Again, archive to disc, flash drives, ext. hard drives or delete any old documents you no longer use or immediately need.
    Look in your Applications folder, if you have applications you haven't used in a long time, if the app doesn't have a dedicated uninstaller, then you can simply drag it into the OS X Trash icon. IF the application has an uninstaller app, then use it to completely delete the app from your Mac.
    Download an app called OnyX for your version of OS X.
    When you install and launch it, let it do its initial automatic tests, then go to the cleaning and maintenance tabs and run the maintenance tabs that let OnyX clean out all web browser cache files, web browser histories, system cache files, delete old error log files.
    Typically, iTunes and iPhoto libraries are the biggest users of HD space.
    move these files/data off of your internal drive to the external hard drive and deleted off of the internal hard drive.
    If you have any other large folders of personal data or projects, these should be archived or moved, also, to the optical discs, flash drives or external hard drive and then either archived to disc and/or deleted off your internal hard drive.
    Good Luck!

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    I was testing with www.bild.de.
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    So the question is, if we are able to disable this behaviour via about:config?
    2. the content referenced by www.bild.de seems to be loaded sequentially and with a delay
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    So I checked the delay between executions of the pac-file and found an overall delay of 40 seconds. I expect that the delay between the calls to the pac-file is caused by the retrieval of contents from the remote host.
    So why are the requests executed sequentially?
    Hint: Due to the times necessary for executing the pac-file and downloading the contents from the remote host, I would expect the logs generated by my alerts to be mixed (especially if myIpAddress took 1 Second). But the log is cleanly ordered by URL. (see attachment)

    Hi guigs2,
    thanks for your response. As we only use myIpAddress once within our pac-File and only rely on dnsDomainIs(), ==-Comparisons and shExpMatch() and the sum of all pac-Executions was about 4 seconds compared to 40 seconds overall load time, I do not think that dns resolving is our issue.
    I checked the seetings of the configuration you mentioned above. It is set to "false", so the client would try the resolve the dns names. Our admin told, that we do not use socks-Proxies, only http-Proxies.
    Regarding sequential load of the contents included on www.bild.de from other web sites, I attached a screenthot.
    Please note the red highlights. These show the start time in milliseconds of the pac-execution. I added this as a kind of id which represents a unique identifier together with the URL if the log items are mixed. But they are not, instead they are cleanly ordered by URL (for all 360 pac-file calls).
    Moreover in the picture you can see the delay between the end of the last pac-file execution and the next one (blue timestamp in millisonds compared to the red timestamp of the next row saying "entered proxy.pac"). The delay sum up exactly to the 40 seconds the FF took to load the page completely.
    Alone the fragment shown represents a delay of 630ms between the pac-file executions. If the contents would be loaded in parallel, there should be no such delay.

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    here is a link to my flash files
    if anyone can help it would be muchly appreciated

    haven't looked at your files but maybe check you timeline
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    If anyone found any solution for this,please pass that to

    Hi Flashuser10-
    There was a mid-Nov update, but for the "AIR" feature (1.5),
    for the Acrobat feature that dls with Reader 9. It's supposed to
    help in the link between Acrobat-on-AIR and Flashplayer. You can
    read it at
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    may/maynot apply to you. This shouldn't have bonked FP10.
    There was an update to v10 the first part of Oct, which
    brought it up to v10.0.12.36
    Of course, a buncha MS updates, including 2 for WMP11.
    So the file used to work OK with FP10.0.12.36? Can you verify
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    Got the newest? Reply back and with more info (OS,browser,
    link, etc.) and we'll give it a shot.

  • Quiz problems, white screen appears, quiz freezes, cannot get consistent responses when adding click-through assessment questions to the quiz.

    Why would I get a white screen after answering a quiz click-through?

    You'll have to do two things.. Elaborate on exactly what you mean by a white screen appears. What is turning white? Are you generating a SWF from captivate of a screen capture session, then trying to load that SWF with a wrapper and when you do so it turns white? (In that scenario, if Captivate was looking for external assets it can't find, that'd be why). Please include more details on that.
    Second, code of this size pasted into the forum really doesn't help. You'll need to do the work to isolate exactly what part of the code you're seeing this white box appear. Run it in a debugger line by line until you witnesss it turn white and only share that small portion of code. And if you do choose to share a ton of code, please use a site like pastebin.com which will retain formatting and color coding, making it much easier to read, and then share that pastebin link.

  • Hi can anyone help with a mac that had magnet put on it. I turned it on and then off but a white screen appears with a file with a question mark on it?

    Hi can anyone help with a mac that had magnet put on it. I turned it on and then off but a white screen appears with a file with a question mark on it?

    File icon with ? mark on it means it can't read from the hard drive. The hard drive is now wiped or bad. If just wiped then you will need to reinstall your operating system, OS X. If bad you will need to replace the drive.
    Start with booting the computer from the OS X install DVD that came with your system. If the Mac came with Lion Pre-Installed then you use the Lion internet recovery system to reinstall (Hold down Command+r keys or Command+Option+r keys to boot the computer from over the internet to the Lion recovery HD system).
    Good Luck.

  • My macair won't turn on. when I try to turn it on, the white screen appears. But instead of the apple logo, there is a flashing folder that has a question mark on it. how do i fix this?

    my macair won't turn on. when I try to turn it on, the white screen appears. But instead of the apple logo, there is a flashing folder that has a question mark on it. how do i fix this?

    Try this.
    Erase and Reinstall OS X
    Note: This will delete all data on the disk. Back up important files before continuing.
    Erasing and then reinstalling OS X can give you a fresh start, making your computer exactly as it was whenever you received it from Apple. This can solve various problems such as corrupt system files.
    Shut down the computer by going to Apple () > Shut Down…
    Select Shut Down or allow the computer to shut down automatically.
    Plug in the MagSafe power adapter into a power source and then connect it to your Mac if you have not already done so.
    Press the Power Button to turn on the computer.
    Press and hold both the R and Command (⌘) keys on the keyboard until the Recovery partition loads.
    Select Disk Utility and then choose Continue.
    Select your startup disk (Macintosh HD by default) from the left.
    Select the Erase tab.
    Choose the Format pop-up menu and choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled), enter a name for your disk, and then click Erase.
    After the disk is erased, choose Disk Utility > Quit Disk Utility.
    Select Reinstall OS X and then choose Continue.
    Follow the instructions.
    I hope I solved your question.

  • My files, photos, email files, software programs, and all information did NOT transfer over to Mavericks (from Mt. Lion).  How do I get all my stuff to appear when using Mavericks?

    Will someone please help me?
    My files, photos, email files, software programs, calendar info, and all information did NOT transfer over to Mavericks (from Mt Lion).  How do I get all my stuff to appear when using Mavericks?
    My email did transfer over.
    Thank you.

    First click on the Apple > Logout and Log back in or restart the unit see if that solves it.  If it doesn't do you have a backup of your system prior to upgrade?  Check Disk Utility and see how much space is being used to make sure the drive wasn't somehow erased.

  • A white screen appears on my phone when I enter gallery ,settings....

    A white screen appears on my phone when I enter gallery ,settings....

    Hi your phone may need the software re-installing
    this link will show you whay needs to be done.
    if you do need to re-install your software start here, this will take you to where your can download the software to your PC or Laptop,  Please read the Crackberry instruction as they will help, if you can't do it. take it back to the shop as you have a 12 month warranty, aslong as you've not had the phone 12 months, they have to send it off to blackberry

  • When I was editing a picture that I reposted on instagram, I hit the edit button and then a white screen appears and randomly shuts down. I have also noticed that my iPod has been crashing about every single 30 minutes!

    When I was editing a picture that I reposted on instagram, I hit the edit button and then a white screen appears and randomly shuts down. I have also noticed that my iPod has been crashing about every single 30 minutes! Please help!

    The iPod crashing when editing a photo is a known bug in iOS 5.1.1.
    For the other problem.
    Try the following:
    - A reset. Nothing is lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod.
    If you still have the problem that indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order

  • Green Screen appears when trying to boot into windows7 64bit using bootcamp

    I sometimes get a GREEN SCREEN appearing when i try to boot into windows7 64bit using bootcamp. The computer freezes on this green screen and i have to power down the computer and restart it sometimes twice before it will load windows. Any suggestions on how to correct this problem???
    Computer specs: 15" macbook pro, i7 processor, 4GB RAM, 512MB nividia GT330M graphics,
    Bootcamp version 3.0.2, Windows7 64bit ultimate installed on a 100GB partition.

    Thanks for responding. I'm actually trying to set up the Mac mii as my VMware ESXi 5 server (per Paraguin software guide, see http://paraguin.com/2012/01/10/the-mac-mini-vmware-esxi-5-server-part-2-installa tion/
    Nobody following their procedures and posting on their site has had any (reported) video issues, but that was my guess, that somehow video drivers are not being loaded.
    BTW, did you mean "hold the option key" at bootup cause my mac keyboard doesn't have an alt key?
    Thanks. Still looking for other options.

  • Hello, I have a MacBook Air, when I was watching a movie it started to freeze, so I turned off. But when I turn it on just the white screen appears nothing else. I looked on other websites, but the methods didn't help.

    Hello, I have a MacBook Air, when I was watching a movie it started to freeze, so I turned off. But when I turn it on just the white screen appears nothing else. I looked on other websites, but the methods didn't help.

    Try a Safe Mode boot ...
    Startup your Mac in Safe Mode
    A Safe Mode boot takes much longer than a normal boot so be patient.
    Once you are in Safe Mode, click Restart from the Apple () menu.

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