White flash appears when using external images...

I have made this animation which uses 3 external jpgs
as you can see once it has gone round the 3 images there is a flash
of white. I noticed it is actually the very first frame. there is a
delay before loading the pics therefore it flashes (i think).
I have managed to do it with xml ok but i need the mask i
have created as don't want a standard blur transition.
here is a link to my flash files
if anyone can help it would be muchly appreciated

haven't looked at your files but maybe check you timeline
where the "belmont" image is (At the beginning I believe). Could be
a keyframe holding one state different from the rest of the
timeline, or your not starting from the beginning of the

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  • White screen appears when using AS3 wrapper file with Captivate 7

    We had no problems with this in the past but now a white screen appears instead of the captivate running. The file is used when we use Captivate, streaming video, or HTML assessment. It triggers a complete signal to our LMS at the end. Is there anything that we are missing? The file is:
    package  {
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.events.MouseEvent;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
        import flash.net.URLRequest;
        import flash.net.URLLoader;
        import flash.system.Security;
        import BrightcovePlayer;
        import flash.media.SoundMixer;
        import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
        import caurina.transitions.properties.ColorShortcuts;
        import pipwerks.SCORM;
        import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
        public class MainWrapper extends MovieClip {
            public var loadedSwf:URLRequest;
            public var contentLoader:Loader = new Loader  ;
            public var contentContainer:Sprite;
            public var xmlLoader:URLLoader;
            public var videoList:XML;
            public var currentLoadedSection:Number;
            public var nextEnabled:Boolean = false;
            public var currentModule:Number = 0;
            public var currentContent:Number = 0;
            public var currentContentType:String;
            public var advanceBehavior:String;
            public var prevBehavior:String;
            public var previousPage:String;
            public var moveAdv:Boolean;
            public var timesAdvanced:Number = 1;
            public var numPages:Number = 1;
            public var furthestPage:Number = 0;
            public var scorm:SCORM;
            public var lmsConnected:Boolean;
            public var lessonStatus:String;
            public var success:Boolean;
            public var suspend_str:String;
            public var suspend_data:String;
            public var arrayToParse:Array;
            public var videoChoice:Number = 0;
            public var vidChoice:Number = 0; // Picks up button selections from loaded swf...default is 0 if only one ID supplied
            public var vidID:Array = new Array(); // Recieves XML supplied video IDs
            public var MC:MovieClip;
            public var swfURLChoice:Number = 0; // Picks up button selections from loaded swf...default is 0 if only one ID supplied
            public var swfURL:Array = new Array(); // Recieves XML supplied swf URLs
            public function MainWrapper() {
                // constructor code
            public function init(e:Event):void {
                contentContainer = new Sprite  ;
                exit_btn.visible = false;
                main_HUD.home_btn.visible = false;
                textPanel_mc.mask = panelMask_mc;
                BrightcovePlayer.initialize(this,onBrightcoveVideoComplete,onBrightcoveInitComplete,onBri ghtcoveVideoPlay);
            public function loadXML():void {
                xmlLoader = new URLLoader  ;
                xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("playlist.xml"));
            public function showXML(e:Event):void {
                trace("Line 95: Loaded XML");
                XML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
                videoList = new XML(e.target.data);
                numPages = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent.length();
                trace("Line 100: numPages="+numPages);
            public function mainMenuVisibility(setVis:Boolean):void {
                main_HUD.visible = textPanel_mc.visible = setVis;
            private function onBrightcoveVideoComplete() {
                trace("Line 107: video has stopped");
            private function onBrightcoveVideoPlay() {
                trace("Line 111: player is playing");
                loadMsg_mc.visible = false;
            private function onBrightcoveInitComplete() {
                trace("Line 118: init is complete");
            public function loadContent():void {
                if (currentContent > furthestPage) {
                    furthestPage = currentContent;
                    trace("Line 125: The furthest page so far: "+furthestPage);
                saveCoursePos() //SCORM Bookmark
                var loadedContentType:String = String(videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent]. @ type);
                currentContentType = loadedContentType;
                switch (loadedContentType) {
                    case "cap" :
                        trace("Line 133: loading a Captivate swf");
                        advanceBehavior = "next";
                        prevBehavior = "prev";
                        loadMsg_mc.visible = true;
                        swfURL = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].pathToContent.split(",");
                        loadedSwf = new URLRequest(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]));
                    case "swf" :
                        trace("Line 146: loading an interactive swf");
                        advanceBehavior = "next";
                        prevBehavior = "prev";
                        loadMsg_mc.visible = true;
                        swfURL = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].pathToContent.split(",");
                        loadedSwf = new URLRequest(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]));
                        trace("XXXXXXXXXXXXX "+(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]))+" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
                    case "quiz" :
                        trace("Line 158: loading a quiz");
                        advanceBehavior = "next";
                        prevBehavior = "prev";
                          loadMsg_mc.visible = true;
                        swfURL = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].pathToContent.split(",");
                        loadedSwf = new URLRequest(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]));
                    case "bcVid" :
                        advanceBehavior = "next";
                        trace("Line 172: loading a Brightcove video");
                        //vidFrame_mc.visible = true;
                        //videoBG.visible = true;
                        //setChildIndex(vidFrame_mc,numChildren - 1);
                        vidID = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].videoID.split(",");
                        BrightcovePlayer.instance.alpha = 0;
                    default :
                        trace("Line 183: unrecognized type. check the node's 'type' attribute");
            public function contentFadeOut():void {
                if (currentContentType == "bcVidBranch" || currentContentType == "bcVid") {
                    trace("Line 190: fading BC vid");
                } else {
                    trace("Line 193: fading something else");
            public function movePanel(moveDir:String):void {
                switch (moveDir) {
                    case "up" :
                        if (textPanel_mc.y != 145) {
                    case "down" :
                        if (textPanel_mc.y != 645) {
                    default :
                        trace("Line 211: WAT. That is not a valid direction");
               public function getSWFChoice(e:Event):void {
                   MC = MovieClip(contentLoader.content);
                   swfURLChoice = MC.swfURLChoice;
                   contentLoader.content.removeEventListener( "getSWFChoice" , getSWFChoice );
                   trace("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY swfURLChoice="+swfURLChoice+" YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY");
               public function getVidChoice(e:Event):void {
                   MC = MovieClip(contentLoader.content);
                   videoChoice = MC.vidChoice;
                   contentLoader.content.removeEventListener( "getVidChoice" , getVidChoice );
               public function playOn() {
                   moveAdv = true;
            public function loadComplete(e:Event):void {
                loadMsg_mc.visible = false;
                Tweener.addTween(main_HUD.progBar_mc.progFill_mc,{scaleX:(currentContent) / int(numPages - 1),time:.4,transition:"easeOutSin"});
                if (currentContent == 0){
                    main_HUD.pgNum_txt.text = "Welcome";
                } else{
                    main_HUD.pgNum_txt.text = "Page " + currentContent + " of " + int(numPages - 1);
                switch (currentContentType) {
                    case "cap" :
                    case "swf" :
                    case "quiz" :
                        var loadedContent = MovieClip(contentLoader.content);
                        var xmlQuizContent = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].question;
                        var numQuestions = int(xmlQuizContent.length());
                        var questionArray:Array = new Array  ;
                        var choiceArray:Array = new Array  ;
                        var correctChoiceArray:Array = new Array  ;
                        var responsesArray:Array = new Array  ;
                        var passedImageArray:Array = new Array();
                        for (var i = 0; i < numQuestions; i++) {
                            var tempString:String = "";
                            for (var j = 0; j < xmlQuizContent[i].answerChoice.length(); j++) {
                                tempString +=  xmlQuizContent[i].answerChoice[j] + "%";
                            tempString = "";
                            correctChoiceArray.push(xmlQuizContent[i]. @ correctChoice);
                            passedImageArray.push(xmlQuizContent[i]. @ dispImage);
                        loadedContent.populateQuiz(questionArray,choiceArray,correctChoiceArray,responsesArray,pa ssedImageArray);
                    default :
            public function endContentHandler(e:Event):void {
                //here, we will enable navigation again
                trace("Line 295: END OF CONTENT");
                loadMsg_mc.visible = false;
                nextEnabled = true;
                if (currentContent == int(numPages - 1)) {
            public function checkFurthestPage(evalNum:Number):void {
                if (isNaN(furthestPage[currentLoadedSection])) { trace("Line 312: furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] is NaN"); }
                if (evalNum > furthestPage[currentLoadedSection]) {
                    trace("Line313: currentLoadedSection is a Number");
                    furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] = evalNum;
                    trace("Line315: furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] = "+furthestPage[currentLoadedSection]);
            public function endPageNav():void {
                trace("Line 321: On page " + currentContent + " of " + int(numPages - 1));
                setChildIndex(main_HUD,numChildren - 1);
                if (currentContent < int(numPages - 1)) {
                    main_HUD.next_btn.visible = true;
                } else {
                    exit_btn.visible = true;
            public function hideNavControls():void {
                main_HUD.next_btn.visible = false;
                main_HUD.prev_btn.visible = false;
                exit_btn.visible = false;
            public function loadNext(me:MouseEvent):void {
                moveAdv = true;
            public function quizNext(e:Event):void {
                moveAdv = true;
            public function loadPrev(me:MouseEvent):void {
                trace("Line 350: loading prev");
                moveAdv = false;
            public function doLoadNext():void {
                switch (advanceBehavior) {
                    case "next" :
                    case "noAdvance" :
                    default :
                        for (var i in videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent) {
                            if (advanceBehavior == videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[i].contentTitle) {
                                currentContent = i;
                trace("Line 372: loading next");
                if (contentContainer.numChildren > 0) {
            public function doLoadPrev():void {
                switch (prevBehavior) {
                    case "prev" :
                        if (currentContent < 0) {
                            currentModule = 0;
                            currentContent = 1;
                            timesAdvanced = 2;
                            numPages = 2;
                    default :
                        for (var i in videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent) {
                            if (prevBehavior == videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[i].contentTitle) {
                                currentContent = i;
                trace("Line 400: loading prev");
                if (contentContainer.numChildren > 0) {
            public function addContent():void {
            public function loadProgress(pe:ProgressEvent):void {
                var percentageLoaded:int = (pe.bytesLoaded / pe.bytesTotal) * 100;
                trace("Line 415: Loading..." + pe.bytesLoaded + " out of " + pe.bytesTotal);
                loadMsg_mc.loadText_txt.text = String(percentageLoaded) + "%";
            public function updateNav(contentTypeCondition):void {
                trace("Line 420: Checking nav. On Page " + currentContent);
                if (currentContent == 0) {
                    main_HUD.prev_btn.visible = false;
            public function checkForBeginning():void {
                trace("Line 427: Check for beginning");
                if (currentContent != 0) {
                    trace("Line 429: Is not beginning");
                    main_HUD.prev_btn.visible = true;
                } else {
                if (currentContent < furthestPage) {
                    main_HUD.next_btn.visible = true;
            public function textPanelListener():void {
                if (videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].panelText != "_noText") {
                    trace("Line 443: should move up");
                    textPanel_mc.panelText_mc.gotoAndStop(videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[curre ntContent].panelText);
                } else {
            public function addNavListeners():void {
                main_HUD.prev_btn.mouseChildren = false;
                main_HUD.next_btn.mouseChildren = false;
            public function beginGlow(me:MouseEvent):void
                switch (me.target.name)
                    case "next_btn" :
                        if (nextEnabled == true)
                    default :
            public function fadeGlow(me:MouseEvent):void {
            public function determineSkip():void {
                if (contentLoader.numChildren) {
                    var thisContent:MovieClip = MovieClip(contentLoader.getChildAt(0));
                trace(currentLoadedSection+ "Current content: "+thisContent.currentFrame);
                trace("Line 486 - Furthest page is "+furthestPage[currentLoadedSection]+" and the current page is "+thisContent.currentFrame);
                if (furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] >= thisContent.currentFrame) {
                    trace("can skip this page");
                    nextEnabled = true;
                } else {
                    nextEnabled = false;
                    trace("can't skip");
            public function navHandler(me:MouseEvent):void {
                    switch (me.target.name) {
                        case "next_btn" :
                            if (nextEnabled == true) {
                                nextEnabled = false;
                            } else {
                                trace("can't proceed yet");
                        case "prev_btn" :
                            exit_btn.visible = false;
                        case "exit_btn" :
            public function exitCourse(me:MouseEvent):void {
            public function initializeTracking():void {
                scorm = new SCORM  ;
                lmsConnected = scorm.connect();
                if (lmsConnected) {
                    lessonStatus = scorm.get("cmi.core.lesson_status");
                    if (lessonStatus == "completed" || lessonStatus == "passed") {
                    } else {
                        success = scorm.set("cmi.core.lesson_status","incomplete");
                        suspend_data = scorm.get("cmi.suspend_data");
                        if (suspend_data.length > 0) {
                            arrayToParse = suspend_data.split(",");
                            currentContent = parseInt(arrayToParse[0],10);
                            furthestPage = parseInt(arrayToParse[1],10);
                } else {
                    //connectionStatus_txt.text = "Could not connect to LMS.";
            public function saveCoursePos():void {
                trace("Line 554: Saving position at " + currentContent);
                var suspend_str:String = String(currentContent)+","+String(furthestPage);
            public function setCourseToComplete():void {
                trace("Line 561: Saving complteted course");
                success = scorm.set("cmi.core.lesson_status", "completed");
                   lmsConnected = false;
            public function navToTop():void {

    You'll have to do two things.. Elaborate on exactly what you mean by a white screen appears. What is turning white? Are you generating a SWF from captivate of a screen capture session, then trying to load that SWF with a wrapper and when you do so it turns white? (In that scenario, if Captivate was looking for external assets it can't find, that'd be why). Please include more details on that.
    Second, code of this size pasted into the forum really doesn't help. You'll need to do the work to isolate exactly what part of the code you're seeing this white box appear. Run it in a debugger line by line until you witnesss it turn white and only share that small portion of code. And if you do choose to share a ton of code, please use a site like pastebin.com which will retain formatting and color coding, making it much easier to read, and then share that pastebin link.

  • Camera icon does not appear when use Google Image Search

    I am working on a much older macbook pro (2006) running OS 10.6.8 and Safari 5.1.10.
    Just the other day I reinstalled Safari, as some things appeared to not be working properly. However, there was nothing wrong with Google. SInce then, when I try to search by Google Image, the camera icon does not appear in the search bar. I have tried reinstalling Safari twice, but nothing changes. I have checked in Firefox and it shows up as expected.
    I have cleared the cache, deleted cookies, and cleared browser history. None of these steps have produced any changes.
    Also, I seem to have reverted to some earlier version of Google, since the search tools now appear on the top left, as show below.
    Can you please assist me in sorting this out so that Safari and Google perform as expected.
    Thank you very much.

    I posted that work around on the google forums and it actually came from the Apple forums from users 'Society Girl' and refined by 'spiza' from this thread.
    Google Reverted to Old Layout
    I called a friend at a tech magazine and he *cough* unofficially* cough* said via contacts it was a very deliberate move by Google... nothing to do with their upgrades or a hack coincidentally not working as a by product with old browsers.
    oh boy...
    'Google flushes out users of old browsers by serving up CLUNKY, AGED version of search'
    'Ad giant: Yeah, we did that deliberately'
    In a separate thread, as spotted by a Reg reader who brought this sorry affair to our attention, user MadFranko008 was able to show that even modern browsers - including the current version of Chrome - were apparently spitting out glitches on Apple Mac computers.
    Google then appeared to have resolved the search "bug" spotted in Chrome.
    and on the BBC website...
    Google 'discourages' users of old browsers
    Google has started showing old versions of its search page to people using out-of-date versions of some web browsers.
    The problem was most pronounced among those using variants of Safari 5.1 and Opera 12.
    A Google message posted to the forum said the change was made to "encourage" people to upgrade their browser
    Google and Apple are not the best of friends...
    I expect this will run a little longer 

  • Images on Facebook do not appear when using different web browsers

    Images on Facebook do not appear when using Safari on my Macbook Pro (I've tried Google Chrome too with the same result).  This makes me think it's a setting within OS Mavericks that I'm missing.  I have not seen this issue on any other computers.  This only occurs on my, and others' profile pictures on my profile page and on the news feed, not photos that are posted in albums or on walls.  and yes, i have images enabled in Safari.
    In safari the images don't appear, and in their place is a small blue "?" square >>.
    In Chrome it appears as a broken image link >>
    Has anyone encountered this?  Is there a fix?  It is very annoying.

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, or by corruption of certain system caches. 
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. Note: If FileVault is enabled on some models, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and  Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin. Test while in safe mode. Same problem? After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

  • Strange white light appearing when password input required on locked apps!

    Strange white light appearing when password input required on specific apps... Locked apps.
    It is a thick white line) appearing momentarily on upper left side of my screen.
    This only appears briefly as specific apps are opening up .....only on apps where a password is required,(locked apps) like password managers, Apple App Store, etc.
    (this is a little troubling… And I'm wondering about the security of my phone now)
    I'm using iPhone 5s with latest iOS 7.1 This only started after the latest iOS update!
    Although this line appears very briefly, I was able to get some screenshots examples (see links)
    Apple has no idea what this is… They're only suggestion was to wipe the phone clean and reinstall from the last backup! If that doesn't work, they would replace the phone.
    Before I have to do this, I'm wondering if this could be a phone app doing this, or the iOS or something easily explained/ remedied?
    Any ideas?

    Anyone have any thoughts on this? Searches and experiments
    still not yielded an answer...

  • Error 1074396120 appears when using IMQA copy

    error 1074396120 appears when using IMQA copy,when i used in vision its working but when i tried to execute in labview its showing error image not found and not valid image. pls help me regarding this .

    Have a look
    Thanks and Regards
    Himanshu Goyal | LabVIEW Engineer- Power System Automation
    Values that steer us ahead: Passion | Innovation | Ambition | Diligence | Teamwork
    It Only gets BETTER!!!

  • When using external speakers, they won't unmute

    I am using a U530 Touch with Realtek HD Audio driver version and Windows 10 build 10240. When using external speakers, everything works fine, except when I mute speakers they will not unmute without unplugging the 3.5 mm speaker jack and plugging it back in to the unit. Using the laptop's internal speakers does not produce the same proplem (mute/unmute works fine). I have looked at every setting and find nothing, nor have I seen this problem reported in the forums. HELP!!!

    Rattle Snake wrote:
    Firstly how do I know if this is a 1st or 2nd generation shuffle? Bought in May at Palo Alto Store but there doesn't seem to be anything on the packaging to tell me.
    1st Gen shuffle was white, plastic, and shaped like a chewing gum package.
    2nd Gen shuffle is aluminum, with a spring clip on the back and comes in silve and assorted colors...
    When the shuffle is connected to the external speakers(bought at the same
    time) it only plays about 5 songs and then stops.
    Does it play through the earphones after this happens? Does it still have power or is the battery depleted after it stops playing?
    What Brand & model are the speakers?

  • My files, photos, email files, software programs, and all information did NOT transfer over to Mavericks (from Mt. Lion).  How do I get all my stuff to appear when using Mavericks?

    Will someone please help me?
    My files, photos, email files, software programs, calendar info, and all information did NOT transfer over to Mavericks (from Mt Lion).  How do I get all my stuff to appear when using Mavericks?
    My email did transfer over.
    Thank you.

    First click on the Apple > Logout and Log back in or restart the unit see if that solves it.  If it doesn't do you have a backup of your system prior to upgrade?  Check Disk Utility and see how much space is being used to make sure the drive wasn't somehow erased.

  • Where is the "done" button in Flash CS4 when using Flash Builder 4's new flash component or container?

    The documentation for Flash Builder 4 beta says that after opening flash from flash builder, I should click a "done" button in flash and flash should close and what I created in flash should be included as a component or container in Flash Builder.  Using the Flash Builder 4 beta on Windows, when I click on the "create in flash" button on the properties panel for either the new flash component or container, Flash CS4 opens, I create something in Flash and no "done" button is present.  Nor is anything present in the menus resembling a "done" option.  Where is it?

    Hi Jeffrey:
    Still no done button.  Now under commands in Flash I can convert symbols to flex components and containers and these show up in the Flash library.
    Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 09:58:10 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Where is the "done" button in Flash CS4 when using Flash Builder 4's new flash component or container?
    You may need to install FlexComponentKit.mxp to your Flash CS4 beforehand.
    Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 17:04:36 -0600
    From: mailto:[email protected]
    To: mailto:[email protected]
    Subject: Flex Where is the "done" button in Flash CS4 when using Flash Builder 4's new flash component or container?
    I apparently didn't get one.  I've looked under various workspace configurations.  Another thing that seems odd is that when Flash opens I get the opening panel that allows me to select the type of file and version of AS I want to use.  I select new file with AS3.  Any ideas on why the "done" button wouldn't be present and if the opening panel is what I should expect on opening Flash after clicking the "create in Flash" button?

  • ORA-15072 when using external redenacy?

    Hello -
    I am getting ORA-15072 (command required at least one failure groups) when using external redundancy. I am using asmlib on Linux, and I have a feeling that it it a multipathing issue. Here are the output from some of my commands:
    [root@ctolinuxpoc01 init.d]# ./oracleasm listdisks
    SQL> select name, path, state from v$asm_disk;
    Why would I be getting ORA-15072 with external redundancy (using asmlib)?
    Thanks in andvance!

    The header status is showing as "unknown"... Could this be part of the issue?

  • Flash crashing when using Command + Option + S for Scale and Rotate?

    Flash crashing when using Command + Option + S for Scale and Rotate?
    It's happening to me when I use those hotkeys
    Please let me know if it's happening to you too.
    I don't know the cause but I need a fix.
    I'm using Adobe FLASH cs6 for Mac
    My computer:
    Mac mini
    Mid 2011
    Software  OS X 10.8.1 (12B19)

    With all due respect to your totally coindescending reply, this is a bug in Flash. Happens every 4-5 times I use that menu item. Been happening for months, but  we just installed a Brand new iMac (1/13). Quadcore 3.4 16G RAM and 1TB Fusion drive. Fresh install of CS6. Not running any other 3rd Party Software. Problem STILL happens in new Flash docs with small, simple vector Graphics.
    So instead of blaming the users computers, how about you guys just fix the effin' problem? Thanks.

  • Apple Logo Screen (turn on screen) suddenly appear when using

    Apple Logo Screen (turn on screen) suddenly appear when using my iPad Mini Retina, but every thing goes back to normal after. It happens like few times since I bought my iPad since December. My OS is ISO7.0.4

    The iPad basically re-booted.
    Eveytime it re-boot, take note of what app you are running. You need to find out what is causing the re-boot.

  • Using External Images

    HELP! I have a large presentation the used a lot of images
    and need to externalize them using load image in the time line,
    however, i dont want to use buttons to do so. How can use this
    feature so that the images come in seamlessly without using buttons
    to retrieve the external files?
    In addition, how can I do this with external movies as well?
    With out using buttons to bring in external movies in the

    Just by using the loadMovie() method in your ActionScipt, it
    will be executed when that frame is reached in the timeline during
    playback without the need of the user clicking a button. Here's the
    LiveDocs link for working with loadMovie():
    Hope that helps!

  • How do you turn off Flash audio when using captivate Nav bar?

    Hi Guys and Girls
    I have an imported flash file that plays an audio track,
    I have no problem turning the audio off, when the user uses
    the button within the flash file to go to the next slide in the
    captivate movie...
    _root.rdcmndNextSlide = 1;
    BUT if the user decides to use the navigation bar within the
    captivate movie it all goes pair shape.. The flash audio continues
    to play into the next slide. Anyone have a know how to solve this
    How do you tell flash to stop playing the audio when using
    the captivate navigation bar?
    (The flash file is a flip book and the audio NEEDS to stay
    within the flash file)

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This totally solved my issue. I had a Captivate 4 movie using an embeded animation that had audio. It would play the audio again when the next slide appeared. I have to use Captivate 4, because my audience still uses Flash 7 (yikes). However, if you have Captivate 5 and are having this problem there is a widget that solves this issue: http://blogs.adobe.com/captivate/2010/11/animations-%E2%80%93-audio-sync-issue.html#commen t-3872

  • Black page background flashes grey when zooming on images

    When I'm previewing my book on iPad I see that when I zoom in on an image (single image gallery widget) the page background which is black flashes grey momentarily. This happens on ipad but not when I preview on the mac.
    Seems like the page wants to revert to the default white background everytime I click an image widget. Any way to set a book wide black background color? I currently create the page background colour by placing a black rectangle object in the background.
    Thanks anyone for any tips!

    It seems there's a default setting when zooming on images that fades the background from white to black (I guess Apple is presuming all pages are white)? Anyone who have pages with colour background notice this?

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  • How Do I Move Images Closer or Overlap Them?

    I have three yellow star shapes (png-24) and I want them closer together. Specifically, I want to move the lower one up higher. The two top shapes are in a table. The lower one is just inserted onto the page. Here's the website: http://www.dittydaddy

  • ABAP Programming in BW - advice sought

    Hello everyone, my knowledge in ETL, Reporting etc. Now I would even like to broaden my skills in ABAP programming in BW since I already have little exposure to ABAP. I need some advice on this. I want to be specific & make myself clear here. <b>I do

  • Changes to .fla don't show up in Flash Builder run

    All, So, I've been developing applications in the Flash Pro IDE, and I've decided to try and use Flash Builder 4's advanced coding tools to make things a bit speedier and to help in profiling and debugging. The applications I'm looking at creating ge

  • Utility of Manage Substitution in UWL.

    Hi, What is the utility of the Manage Sustitution option in the UWL iview, why is this used? I am getting a message. " Substitution rule is not defined in the system"  for a system when i click the Manage Subsitution. Any clue, please advise.

  • Force in labview the variables of a PLC

    Hi, I want to make a simulation in labview. I have a PLC connected to labview through OPC. I have a lamp and a switch in the front panel in labview and I want to click the switch to force the input in the PLC and the PLC, due to the program that it h