1 iPod, 2 iTunes.....

I have iTunes at home and at work. I pluged my iPod into my 2nd computer and my iPod was 'wiped clean'. Why?
Is it possible to USE 2 iTunes with 1 iPod?

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    Hello out there, I have a problem with my fifth generation 30 GB iPod video. It has worked like a dream until yesterday. I plugged my iPod into my computer (HP laptop running Windows Vista) and it showed up in iTunes as usual. I dragged three albums onto my iPod and it did the usual routine of updating. When it was done I clicked the eject symbol in the iTunes menu and waited for the battery to show on the iPod screen before disconnecting. I turned on the iPod to listen to these new tunes and now my iPod appears to be blank. Under artists, albums, songs, etc there are no longer any options.
    Okay, I have the day off from work so I figure I'll just sync it back up and put all 30 gigs back on. I plug the iPod in, iTunes opens automatically, and then freezes. After unplugging the iPod itunes resumes working. I try this several more times, restart the computer, restart the iPod, etc and it keeps doing the same thing.
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    Unfortunately poddox won't work for me either. Upon attempting to use it to remove all the data on my ipod my computer crashed and restarted. This is strange because although itunes freezes when the ipod is plugged in, it still appears as a removable disk in windows.
    I returned to the apple website and downloaded and older, seperate ipod updater software from 2006. I installed the software and it restarted my computer. When I ran the ipod updater I received a message informing me that this software was no longer supported and that if i wanted to update my ipod's software or restore it I should just do it through itunes v.7 or later. The program then quits, and I have no choice.
    I'm about ready to pull my hair out here. What can I do? It seems like a real catch 22 in that I need to restore my ipod for itunes to recognize it but i can't restore it because itunes doesn't recognize it. From what I gather there is no way to restore it without using itunes, is this accurate? What can I do to either delete all the data on my pod and reload it, or make it appear again in my ipod's menu/interface? Any help you guys can give is greatly appreciated, I will be monitoring the responses to this thread in case anyone should need more information from me. Thanks again.

    right, figured it out. had to put it in disk mode, then reconnect, then it was recognized, then i restored and put everything back onto it. hope this helps anyone else who has a similar problem

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    What is the exact error message you are receiving?

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    These links should help:
    Natalie Beresford, "Multiple iPods/iTunes Installations", 04:04am Nov 26, 2004
    How to use multiple iPods with one computer
    How to share music between different accounts on a single computer

  • When I plug in iPod - iTunes crashes?

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    Hello. The message was:
    "The application iTunes has unexpectedly quit. The system and other applications have not been affected."
    I haven't gotten around to trying the link out yet becuase I'm still scannning it for my deleted files. Thank you for any other additional help regarding my ipod/itunes issue.

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    rubicon53 wrote:
    I just bought a new laptop and my ipod nano will not stay connected to my computer.
    I cannot transfer any of my songs to my new laptop
    How to use your iPod to move your music to a new computer

  • Ipod + itunes = blue screen of death & reboot - HELP PLEASE!

    I'll try to make a long story as short as possible here.
    i've had a 40G ipod for over a year and a half now. back in the beginning things were working fine. with the size i hadn't done any syncing for a long long time. however, the ipod crapped out so i got a replacement from the apple store.
    after registering the new ipod i was having trouble syncing. it would upload a few hundred songs and then freeze or cause a reboot. i uninstalled the ipod software as well, installed the latest itunes software - over the previous version, installed the latest ipod updater software and restored the ipod.
    again, i was able to sync for brief periods in 3 different tries - amassing a whole six hundred and something songs. after each try itunes said syncing was complete (but not even close - had just over 2000 mp3s looking to sync up). unbelievably things got worse. now, if the ipod is docked and itunes is running - regardless of which is done first - my pc will get the blue screen of death and reboot itself.
    also, without itunes and the ipod docked, it shows up as an i: drive, but when i try to browse it though my computer, it locks up the machine and shows nothing.
    any help out there is GREATLY appreciated!
    here are my specs:
    - ipod 40 Gig, with click wheel and four buttons below the screen with
    dock & firewire cable
    - pc running windows xp pro
    - firewire card with 3 ports
    - ipod & itunes software located on 120G c: drive
    - mp3 collection located on secondary 160G d: drive
    - 3/4 gig of ram
    p.s. i have mcafee running and i've tried everything with it on as well as off. doesn't seem to make a difference.
    also, i have checked a TON of posts on apple.com as well as other discussion groups and couldn't find an answer.

    hi Douglas!
    first promise me that you'll back up your data. having your PC shut down in non-standard ways (for
    b any
    reason) increases your risk of file corruption and putting scruffy spots on your hard drive.
    Now some basic first aid. download some fresh definitions and do some vigorous virus and spyware scans. run your favorite hard-disk checking utility. do a disk cleanup.
    now let's follow up on the blue screen of death. Perversely, i've started to become pleased when people report BSODs under these circumstances. we can wring a lot of information from a BSOD error message. there's also usually something concrete to go on in the error logs.
    (1) what BSOD error number and message are you getting? here's a reference:
    (2) squeeze your error logs for all they're worth. right-click on "My Computer", select manage. click on your event viewer. click on your application and system logs, and look for errors and warnings happening at roughly the same time as your crashes.
    click on the relevant warnings to see if you can find any commonalities in the errors/warnings. follow up the Help and Support links to see if you can find any suggested "User action" or relevant MS KB documents. (sometimes these things are there, sometimes they aren't.)
    good luck! keep us posted.
    love, b

  • 2 error messages from ipod/itunes. Will not sync anything. HELP!

    I have no idea what to do, please help me.

    You get this problem when the option 'Sync Music - Selected playlists' is being used to sync your iPod and then the playlist it has been updating from is deleted. Most people use this setting when the iPod is smaller than the iTunes library. If your library is larger than the capacity of your iPod, iTunes by default makes a new playlist called something along the lines of "Owner's iPod". If you for any reason delete it, you will not be able to sync your iPod.
    Open iTunes and create a playlist to update your iPod from, call it -iPod to make it the first playlist in Sources. You can make it a smart playlist that picks the songs for you or just a normal one and drag whatever content you want to have into the playlist. If you are making a smart playlist limit it to just less than the size of your iPod (for example 3700MB for a 4G iPod Nano. Now connect your iPod and when it appears in the Source list click on the iPod icon to bring up the preference tabs in the main pane. Go to the Music tab and choose Sync Music and the Selected playlists radio button. Choose the playlist you just made from the selection and click Apply. You can also sync from any existing playlists by choosing the same setting, you just need to make sure that the size of the playlists don't exceed the capacity of your iPod:
    iTunes: Creating playlists of your favorite songs
    How to create a Smart Playlist with iTunes
    To make a random playlist go to File>New Smart Playlist.
    Uncheck "Match the following rule"
    Check "Limit to" put "3700" in the number box, choose "MB" from the first list box, choose "Random" from the next list box. Check "Live Updating"
    When you want to change the selection in the smart playlist just delete everything in it and it will add a new selection. When you want to change the normal playlist just delete out what you don't want and drag in a new selection.

  • I had to reinstall itunes and now when I plug in my ipod itunes does not automatically come up so I can log in, how do I fix this?

    I had to reinstall itunes and now when I plug in my ipod itunes does not automatically open to my library or where I can access the itunes store.  What do I do now?

    Open iTunes and connect your iPod. Select your iPod in iTunes from the Source list. (I'm assuming this still works, although you didn't indicate if it did or didn't.) Make sure the box is checked to Open iTunes when this device is connected. You should be all set!

  • I updated my iPod/iTunes software and now I can't get it to shuffle songs in a playlist; it either shuffles albums in a playlist or songs on the whole iPod

    I updated my iPod/iTunes software and now I can't get it to shuffle songs in a playlist; it either shuffles albums in a playlist or songs on the whole iPod, neither of which is what I want to do.  How do I get it to shuffle songs in just one playlist?

    The shuffle setting in the main menu will shuffle through the entire library as you have found out.
    You need to go to settings>shuffle this will toggle through off/song/album. Once you have set this it will stay the same until you change the setting.
    Now when you start playing a song in a playlist the iPod will shuffle through that playlist (or if you select your song through artist then it will shuffle through all the songs for that artist etc)

  • My iPod iTunes thing is be a pain in the you know what and won't let download anything cause my account verified thing keeps popping up and I put my security code in but it won't work and I have my iTunes redeem card and it wo t let me use it.please help

    My iPod iTunes thing is be a pain in the you know what and won't let download anything cause my account verified thing keeps popping up and I put my security code in but it won't work and I have my iTunes redeem card and it wo t let me use it.please help

    Maybe heresince yu proviced little informatin about what security code yu are talking about.
    iTunes Store: My credit card's security code or zip code does not match my bank's records
    Contact iTunes:
    Apple - Support - iTunes - Contact Us

  • ITunes won't synch 80 songs at 128 kbps despite having 5.5 GB of space on iPod. iTunes or iPod error?

    My 4th gen 30 GB iPod has 5.5 GB of space on it (this is what iTunes says before I hit sync). I want to add about 80 songs to be automatically downconverted to 128 kbps. When I try to update iPod, iTunes indicates iPod is overcapacity by over 19 GB and won't add new songs. Something is not right with either iTunes or iPod. Is anyone else having the same problem?
    All I have is music on the iPod. No apps, no games, no movies, just music.
    I just subscribed to iTunes Match. Could this be the reason why this is happening? Is anyone else having the same problem?

    I'm having similar problems. Up until 4 May 2009 when I installed Windows 7 RC1 on it, I had one XP SP3 PC which was running iTunes properly and syncing and autofilling my iPod shuffle. The laptop described below no longer let me run or re-install itunes on it since I upgraded it to XP SP3. When I switched to Windows 7 RC1 on the XP desktop that was running iTunes properly, I was able to re-authorize that PC for iTunes 8.1 (64 bit) but after that, could not sync nor autofill, nor restore the ipod, but I could buy songs and play all my songs under Windows 7 RC1. Yesterday (Friday 15 May 2009) I got a new HP Compaq 6735s 2 GB RAM 160 MB HD, Vista Home Basic laptop and today installed a fresh download of iTunes 8.1 on it. Now that laptop won't let me even authorize iTunes on it. Any time I do anything in iTunes that involves contacting the web, it comes back with unknown error -3212 unable to contact server. This comes up when I try to authorize, and when I try to play some of my purchased songs on the laptop -- it demands that I authorize the laptop then tells me I can't (error -3212). Also when I try to restore the ipod, I get the same -3212 error trying to get to the update server. I turned off both the windows firewall and stopped the McAfee firewall but that didn't help. I renamed the Hosts file also without result. There doesn't appear to be a tech support email address or trouble reporting web form that can be used to report this and the search and troubleshooting FAQs on the itunes website seem to be pretty useless in resolving this. The phone numbers are either sales related or they want $59 an incident to give me a call back. Seems like Apple is drifting into the Yahoo and Google approach to tech support -- basically, "discuss your problems among yourselves, suckers, we're too busy raking in the cash to bother with your problems."

  • When i try to add music from itunes to my ipod itune tells me the music on my ipod came from a differnt libray and  wants to erase my whole ipod. i just loaded my ipod two days ago. i don't want to replace everything every time i want to add to songs

    When i try to add music from itunes to my ipod, Itune tells me the music on my ipod came from a differnt libray and  wants to erase my whole ipod. i just loaded my ipod two days ago. i don't want to replace everything every time i want to add two to songs. My MacBook Pro is the only autherized computer.

    To prevent a sync when plugging in the iPod/iPhone - hold down the 'option' and the 'command' keys when plugging in the iPod/iPhone - key the keys down until the iPod/iPhone is listed under the Devices list in iTunes - this will prevent a sync from taking place and you will be able to change your settings.

  • OS 10.4.6 crashes with ipod+itunes....and also without.

    My computer was running fine untill I got an ipod+itunes.
    When I have the ipod(video) hooked up via USB and i try and play music off of the ipod through the powerbook it will eventually just stop. It seems to be random if it happens on the 1st song or on the 15th...it will just stop playing and give me a beachball mouse pointer when i put the mouse over itunes.
    If i try and Force Quit the app it does go off the screen, but the little black arrow stays on under the icon in the launcher bar.
    If I try and shutdown, it doesn't work. It almost gets to the end of the shutdown process, but the background color stays up, and the finder bar at the top stays up, without icons or text, and it just hangs.
    I have to hold down the power button to shut the computer off and then restart it.
    After this started happening i started to get more weiredness....I usually close my screen when i walk away from it at work. When I come back I open the screen and it gives me the password propt. Sometime it will also hang here, giving me the beachball pointer, and the mouse will not move, and the computer will not accept any commands. Again, reboot with holding down the power switch.
    Lastly it also just sometimes stops responding when its jsut been sitting for a bit....Except somtimes text appears over the desktop, something to the affect of "darwin login" and a bunch of numbers and such.
    So i took it into the Genius Bar. And the guy pulled up a terminal window and did top -u
    The updates were very slow to update. And that was all the help he provided.
    I came home and uninstalled iTunes completely, and top -u started to update at a normal pace.
    I then reinstalled iTunes and the update is sill at a normal pace.
    So I went to reinstall the OS, and i can't find my CD. I think i left it in the box when I threw it out.
    I'm looking for suggestions on what steps I can take to get this situation remedied.
    thanks in advance guys/gals.

    Why do you want to play music off your iPod when connected to the computer when you can do so with iTunes?
    Keeping the install package that ships with a new Mac purchase in a safe place is always a good idea for a number of reasons. Running Disk First Aid repair on the hard drive and for re-installing an individual application or the entire OS if needed. If you cannot find the install package, you should contact AppleCare about getting a replacement.
    As I'm sure you know (and although it appears you've had no other choice), a hard or improper computer shut down is not good for a hard drive under any platform.
    As a first step, I suggest Resolving Disk, Permission, and Cache Corruption for system troubleshooting procedures and when doing so, follow all steps/instructions in the order provided.
    Since you cannot find the install package that shipped with this Mac when new, you'll need to use fsck instead in place of running Disk First Aid repair.
    Check this link for instructions to run fsck.

  • Connecting my new ipod to my old ipods itunes

    i have just bought a new ipod nano, how can i connect it to my old ipods itunes making sure that all my songs wont be deleted? i recently tried to move my itunes from my PC to my laptop and all my songs disappeared!!! how can i make sure this doesnt happen again? i was not happy last time!! what did i do wrong?

    If you are adding a second iPod for your own use, just connect your new iPod to your computer and follow the on screen instructions to register and name it. It will connect to iTunes and prompt you to automatically sync your songs and videos onto the fresh installation. Press Done and the iPod will appear in iTunes and start to sync. If you want to update manually or using selected playlists uncheck the box beside the sync automatically instruction and press Done, it will default to manual mode and you can choose whatever setting you like. You can leave it at manual update or choose to sync music - selected playlists.
    By the way, I presume that your profile is wrong and that you are not really using Windows Me, neither iTunes or the Nano will work with this operating system.

  • TS1702 my ipod & itunes are fully up-to-date with 4.2.1 for ipod and the itunes 11.0.1 and every app (ex facebook & ice cream jump says i need 4.3 version but when i click all updates say its all up to date. I have tryed restoring it 4 times to factory as

    my ipod & itunes are fully up-to-date with 4.2.1 for ipod and the itunes 11.0.1 and every app (ex facebook & ice cream jump says i need 4.3 version but when i click all updates say its all up to date. I have tryed restoring it 4 times to factory as well. Please help I have set-up over 10 ipods and differents generations and have never had this issue like this, I even have all ratings ristriction unchecked and payment info in itunes so i need help please

    but i could download on others ipods in same gen, facebook and ice cream tower, everything i look up and try install always says that for apps so your saying that i can not ever download any apps to this ipod ever againÉ

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