(1 x iPod) + (2 x Macs)

I have one iPod and two Macs - an iMac and an iBook. I have two slightly different iTunes libraries on each computer. The iMac is new, and will be used as my primary computer and will have the most up-to-date iTunes library collection. The iBook is my secondary machine, but I still want to have an identical iTunes library on each computer.
My question is, what is the best way to sync the two iTunes libraries?
Both machines are frequently networked, and I know that it is easy just to drag the files over from one computer to another when they are networked, replacing the old folders with the newer ones from the desktop machine. Is there a better, more efficient way? My fear is accidently overwriting a newer iTunes collection, as I often import CDs whilst I am on the road with my iBook.

You need to authorize your new iMac for to play the music you have purchased on iTunes. I think you can authorize up to five computers using one Apple ID/iTunes account.
Then, just copy your files from the iBook over to your iMac and they should play.
Don't bother trying to copy from the iPod, though. There is some form of copyright protection, although there are freeware/shareware utilities that allow you to copy from your iPod from to your computer. All they really do is make your music files visible when your iPod is connected to your computer.
There are many ways of transfering files from one computer to another, so it is a case of what suits you, and what is available to you, whether you have your computers networked, or whether you prefer to copy the files to CD from your iBook, then load onto your iMac.
But you need to authorize your iMac to play your purchased files with the same Apple ID as your iBook. That's all, really.
BTW, I have networked my machines using ethernet and transferred the files manually. It's faster than airport, as I have several gigabytes to transfer over.

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    If the music is commercially purchased, passing it on to your friend is considered music piracy. In other words, theft.
    Besides, Chris CA already gave you the answer to this question.
    Message was edited by: Diane Wordsmith

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    Hello mhdives,
    See this article for how to manually copy music from your iPod to your Mac.

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    There are several different ways to use multiple iPods with one computer, have a look at this help page for suggestions: How to use multiple iPods with one computer

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    You can redownload most iTunes purchases again via iCloud.  See this article for more details.
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    I'm guessing your external HD is formatted as NTFS?  You can add the capability for your Mac to read/write to NTFS formatted drives using additional software. Here is are a few possibilities.

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    There are few ways to do it in order to work for your case.
    1. Since your library is currently on a Mac computer, you can know format your iPod with a window pc, which will erase your iPod completely. Just connect your iPod with a computer and do a Restore.
    2. After 1, then connect you iPod with your Mac and do a sync -> copy the music files back to your PC
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    Hello chlanli
    You would need to use one Apple ID for purchases in order to get them across all of your devices and computer. If you want you can use one Apple ID for purchases and the other one to sync personal data. The article below will explain further.
    Using your Apple ID for Apple services
    -Norm G.

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    Go to iTunes>Preferences>Playback. Tick "Sound Check."
    iTunes: About Sound Check

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    Got problems with your Apple iDevice-like iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Try Troubleshooting 101
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    PC FORMATTED iPod read by MAC & PC? MAC formatted iPod read only by MAC? Is this how the formatting issue works?
    Yes, that is how it works.
    Since I'm a mac person, I want to buy the gift, load some music on, and ship it off to the lucky recipient....but if they have a PC , will it be recongnized once it's plugged in?
    Okay, unless you restore your iPod while you're on the Mac, I believe it will still be formatted for a PC.
    (You will not need to restore the iPod for transferring music to it on a Mac unless you want to upgrade the iPod's firmware on a Mac computer, then it will have to be Mac-formatted).
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    Does that make sense?
    EDIT: Zevoneer has already answered your question, so you can ignore all of my post if you wish.

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    1) authorize iTunes on the new machine for your iTunes store account(s)
    2) connect your device and right-click or control-click it in the iTunes Source list, then choose transfer purchases from the shortcut menu that appears.
    3) sync the device
    iTunes will wipe the iPod but, since you transferred your purchases in the previous step, your content will be in your library and you can re-populate the iPod with it.
    above covers purchases from the iTunes store. for everything else, check out this post by Zevoneer.

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    Thanks :P

    Your old pod can only sync with music that is physically in your itunes library and on your hard drive. Therefore there is simple way to resolve is to download your music to your hard drive.

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    sorry get a bit confusion,
    make sure you download and install the latest version of iTunes 7.02 here
    then connect your iPod with your Mac, open the iTunes, click Restore



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    No. Time Machine has been specifically written not to back up to an iPod.

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