10.5.2 caused battery meter problem

before 10.5.2, the battery meter is working fine. After 10.5.2, when the battery meters shows 20 min left, it suddenly changes to about 1 hour. then 20 min later the macbook will suddenly shut down without any warning. This has happened twice since yesterday.

Maybe try "resetting" the battery by letting it run ALL THE WAY DOWN until the system goes to sleep, and then plugging it in and letting it charge fully.
This is good battery practice for all Macs of all OS versions, to do once a month or so.

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    I'm not interested in ascribing blame either but waiting for Apple to fix something that isn't broken will only divert attention from seeking the problem's underlying cause. Assuming the AirPort Utility app on your Mac remains unaltered, it's exactly the same one everyone else is using. Should there be any doubt about that, reinstalling OS X will obviate any concern.
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    The following authentication dialog will appear:
    Authenticate with your Admin password, then click the Continue button in the following:
    The network analysis and diagnostic tests will take several minutes to complete:
    When it completes, if your wireless network is functioning properly the following will result:
    If something is amiss, supposedly the results will be different and you will be presented with helpful information.
    Assuming your connection is "working as expected" select Continue to summary and click Continue:
    Ignore the pre-populated text field, which is provided as a place for you to type in additional information should Apple ask for it in the course of obtaining technical assistance from them. Apple has no way of knowing where your router is located in your home, and certainly doesn't know if you even have an upstairs bedroom closet.
    Click Continue.
    The next step will also take a few minutes:
    When it finishes, you will be presented with a summary that may or may not be useful to you. Let me know if it is.
    The WirelessDiagnostics-xxx.tar.gz file deposited on your Desktop can be dragged to the Trash, or you may wish expand it and examine its contents. It's up to you.

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    Ok I think I have an answer. This happened to me twice and both times, it resolved the same way.
    CAUSE: Both times, this happened when I let the battery run down too much. I was playing a game or listening to music and ignored the low battery warnings thinking I could push it and eventually the iphone shut down. No problem, I thought. I can just plug it in and keep on going. But when I plug it in, the iphone won't charge ... like it normally does. I get the red battery meter and the plug and lightning symbol as previously described. The phone won't turn on. I tried resetting it several time - hard resets as well - with no response. Always to the screen with the red battery.
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    After that time period - I did a hard reset and the phone booted up with the white apple symbol and I started recharging again - this time it took.
    I did this TWICE so I think it will work in the future.
    THEORY: I am not a computer person (I'm a gynecologist in real life) but I will try to explain this behavior as best as possible. I think when the battery runs down too low it shuts down. But it shuts down EVERYTHING! Even the software that charges up the battery - which is a bug that Apple needs to fix - but everything shuts down. So this may sound stupid but it seems that when it is shut down to this degree the phone does not know how to charge itself. That is why nothing works. The phone remains shut down. It does not reboot. It does not charge up. However, as noted above, the phone does seem to recognize when it is plugged in to a power source or not as indicated by the flashes on the red battery symbol. It flashes if it is not plugged in and it stops flashing when it is plugged.
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    Again, this is an amateur theory but I can't explain this behavior any other way.

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    Battery life on the iPod 5 running IOS 7 is well ... poor for gaming. To fully charge it takes around 4 hours +/-. The battery meter jumping around is normal, the metering system on this  iPod is at best an estimate and will vary up and down depending on how hard your working your iPod. Run games or anything with high res. video the meter jumps down, listen to music from you library or put it to sleep and the meter will go up--  And will drive you "NUTS" if you spend to much time watching it. Your game time seems a bit short, but the more stuff going on, higher graphics, using Wi-Fi etc. will drain your iPod in short order. Most seem to get about 3 - 4 hours of gaming, 4 - 6 hours of video, more if watched on lower resolution. 6 - 9 surfing the web,  something around 18 - 20 hours listening to your library with the screen mostly off and about 36 - 40 hours on standby from a fully charged battery. Don't bother with getting the meter replaced with %. It will not work any better, just make you nuts. As for the theory of drain the battery then fully charge it, Bogus! These things use Li-ion batteries, they don't have memory issues like Ni-CAD batteries. Just watch your 20% warning with the battery, thing of it as a low fuel light on your car, when it comes up charge your iPod. You never want to completely drain a Li-ion battery if you ever do it will never charge again, but they have charge protections to prevent you from doing that. Long story short; If your getting something around the use times listed above, it's normal. Goggle C-net about extending battery life many good things to try. Hope this helps, Good luck.

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    My iPhone is split from front panel on top, and back cover of my is swollen too. I am not able to use my phone and I cannot access my data in the phone. Please suggest what could be the cause of this problem?

    It sounds like the battery might have gone bad, and is swelling and causing the symptoms you describe.  Do not attempt to use the phone, but take it to Apple for evaluation.

  • How can I recalibrate or reconfigure my Treo Pro's battery meter ?

    Hello ! I've got a problem with my Treo Pro and I'd like to get more information about the solution.
    I've bought a new extended battery (2400mAh). It works very well, but my phone's battery meter doesn't give me correct datas about charging level of the extended battery. I've heard about the same problem on other forums from other people who use extended batteries. Independent on the manufacturers, they have the same problem with their Treo Pros. Please, help me. We have to use extended batteries, because the Palm's original battery (I think it is a 1500mAh) isn't fit to anything (my 1 month old phone works with its original new battery for a 3 days). My phone works very well with the extended battery for about 6 days. During this period in the first 3 days the battery meter runs from 100% to 0%, remain on 0% in the next 3-4 days until it depleptes and it annoy me with its messages (please charge the battery avoid losing datas and so on).
    So I'm searching for any registry hack, recalibrate phisical methods, idea or any other way to reconfigure the battery bar. Please, help me or give me more information about the developer's e-mail or developer's forum.I'd like to solve this problem.
    Thank you for your help.
    Post relates to: Treo Pro T850U (Unlocked)

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  • Why is the battery meter so annoyin?

    Ok heres the thin, i got my 5g black 30gig ipod two weeks ago...everythin was fine, until after the first full charge i noticed after about an hour of music the battery meter was down to 3/4 of a charge and kept goin down dramatically, after reading some of the disscussions i did the update and charged it untill it said full, so then after about 4 1/2 hours its in the red, so obviously it still goes down quite fast, to calibrate it at the moment by runnin it till dead, so has anybody else had this problem, and what happened to you....another thing what is the best way to charge it...through an ac adapter or computer.

    ok...using my ipod normally (between .5 and 1 hour a day right now) the battery lasted about 8 hours....so it ran for 3.5 hours in the red...this is really dissapointing although it says that it will run 8-12 hours, but also realizing that was the first time doin a charge discharge cycle to try and calibrate it but after charging it the meter is doin the exact same thing...after fully chargin it, the second i start playin music the meter goes down...now the backlight timer is 2 seconds, the eq is off, and the library is on shuffle...and i only change songs once in a while...so why am i only gettin 8 hours?

  • Battery meter reads only 0-1%, or 99%.

    OK, well this a little hard to explain but I'll try my best:
    Basically, one day a couple weeks ago I took my PowerBook to school and had it in class and basically drained the battery completely to 0%, managing to still continue working about 30-35 minutes after reading 0%. OK, so it powers itself off and goes to sleep. Understandable. I put it away and charged it back up at home later that night.
    The problem now is that the battery meter up at top no longer gives me accurate readings on the battery. When the battery has been charging for about as long as it usually would take for it to say 100%, it stays at like 2%. Sometimes, it'll just jump right from 1 all the way to 99%. Ok, like right now it said 2% but now went to 1% even though the AC adapter is still connected and the light has remained on. I have not seen the percentage say anything between 3 and 98% ever since the day I used it in class. It will go from 0-2%, then occasionally to 99% and back to 2, 1, 0. To make this problem seem even a little more strange, before this problem started showing, the computer would rarely start itself up again in the morning without being plugged into the wall first. Essentially, it would become "cold" overnight, and I'd have to plug it in first to the wall to start up. NOW, this thing always wakes up from sleep in the morning or basically whenever no matter how little battery life I think it has.
    I got my computer in Jan/2004 and it still has the original battery. Needless to say, I was already getting some pretty short battery life. I'm not sure what the proper procedure on batteries in these things are, if I should have replaced it by now with a new one?
    (FYI, the meter has now been stuck back at 2% for about the last 10 minutes.)

    Try resetting the PMU…
    … and then subsequently calibrating your battery…

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    Firmware 2.1 has definitely messed up the meter!
    inaccurate reading on the battery meter , someone else has to be experiencing this same problem.
    let me know if someone else has this same problem !

    try draining out the battery first and then recharge it, see if that shows an accurate. I had that happen to me on the 2.02 update. The battery meter was inaccurate. Like when i reached 20% it was actually at 50% when i plug it in to charge. So i did sent them a feedback about it. So I'm hoping that the 2.1 fixes this issue. So far my battery is showing at 100%.
    Usually for me at the end of the day after a full charge in the morning, the battery meter would go down 1 bar. So i'll have to wait and see.

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