1024 grayscale

Hi everyone,
I just started doing my phd. I will train people in a visual task. Therefore, I need to draw stimuli with low contrast to stimulate the participants. As my standard 24-Bit RGB stimuli aren't satisfying, my second supervisor told me to use 1024 grayscale. As I'm a absolutel newbie to that stuff, I tried different editing software. I can only change between 8- and 16 Bit grayscale respectively 24/48 Bit RGB or CMYK. However, as soon as I try to change the contrast (i.e. by the use of the histrogram) , I only have 256 grayscale values.
Is there anyone out there who can tell me how that works? I'm already going mad
I hope I post this in the right forum. If not, please tell me where I should post it.
Thanks a lot.

Histograms are built in screen space and respect the resolution of the actual displayed pixels in relation to things like zoom and the resulting image tiles. Additionally, things like color profiles etc. figure in. I'm sure Chris Cox can explain this in endless detail, but if you explain a bit less PhD-ish and in layman's terms what you are actually trying to achieve, then I'm sure someone can give you some advise. The way I figure it, you are too much bent on the "grayscale" metaphor without recognizing that on your screen it's merely a simulation still expressed in RGB. Additionally, if you need to attain specific values, you are using the wrong tools. A Gradient Map adjustment would e.g. be much more appropriate to determine exact discrete values or you would work in one of the indexed color modes and adjust each swatch.

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    Please guide me ..

    ElNono wrote:
    You can't do RGB565 on a CGImageRef/CGContextRef. The only 5bpp modes supported are 1555 ARGB or 5551 RGBA. If you just need to display the image, use OpenGL. One of the supported texture formats is RGB565. If you need to save the image then you're going to have to pre-convert it to RGB888.
    hi ElNono , i have test the RGB888 data now , the image can show , but another problem is the image just like serveral picture over lap together , also is blurred , my code is here:
    const size_t width = 1024;
    const size_t height = 768;
    const size_t bitsPerComponent = 8;
    const size_t bitsPerPixel = 32;
    const size_t bytesPerRow = (bitsPerPixel * width)/8;
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    CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
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    CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate((void*)[imageData bytes], width, height, bitsPerComponent, bytesPerRow, colorSpace, bitmapInfo);
    CGImageRef imageRef = CGBitmapContextCreateImage (context);
    UIImage*rawImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef];

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    I am sorry, but to get your issue more exposure I would suggest posting it in the commercial forums since this is a commercial printer. You can do this at http://h30499.www3.hp.com/hpeb/
    I have provided the HP LaserJet Pro 500 color MFP M570 Support page. 
    I hope this helps.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

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    Hi,What operating system you are using? What application you are printing from?

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          for (int i = 0; i < imageWidth; i++)
                for (int j=0; j <imageHeight; j++)
                    grayRGB[i][j] = (rgb[i][j] & 0xff000000) | (eqGray[i][j]<<16) | (eqGray[i][j]<<8) | (eqGray[i][j]);
                    img.setRGB(i, j, grayRGB[i][j]);
                }and then used this code to resize the image:
            BufferedImage resized = new BufferedImage(20,20,1);
            Graphics2D g = resized.createGraphics();
            g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 20, 20, null);
            g.dispose();my class gets the RGB values on instantiation as follows:
            //get RGB pixel values for image loaded
            for (int i = 0; i < imageWidth; i++)
                for (int j=0; j <imageHeight; j++)
                    rgb[i][j]= inputImage.getRGB(i,j);
                    //perform bitwise shift rgb information values to obtain appropriate values for each colour pixel
                    r[i][j]=  (rgb[i][j] >> 16) &0xff;
                    g[i][j]=  (rgb[i][j] >> 8) &0xff;
                    b[i][j]=  (rgb[i][j]) &0xff;
                }Is there a way to get the grayscale values directly from an image that is already converted to grayscale without having to perform the grayscale conversion method again, perhaps using a similar bitwise shift?

    answering this myself for those lost souls like i was a while ago:
    the answer is very simple when you get to know it :) : use a signed type for your image. this can be achieved by using the Format Operator (javax.media.jai.operator.FormatDescriptor). an example as follows :
            BufferedImage bufferedImage= someimage...
            ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
            RenderedImage formattedImage =
                    JAI.create("format", pb, null);
    // you may use as well TYPE_DOUBLE or TYPE_FLOATimage could be of any type such as PlanarImage, BufferedImage, RenderedImage etc..
    then all you need to do is read your pixel values by using an iterator such as RectIter or RandomIter to access pixel values etc..

  • Applying an adjustment layer / or adjustment TO a layer in a grayscale image is NOT happening!

    I'm a long time user of Photoshop, but must admit to being stumped here. I have a very high resolution scanned image from a B&W antique engraving, and I'm trying to "open up" some of the lines to bring out the details in the engraved image while keeping the image as close to the "line art" B&W of the original as possible.
    I have the image now "cleaned up," having taken out the yellow color casts, etc., and have a grayscale 8-Bit image in the Photoshop file.
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    Here's the thing, though: 
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    Well, I took the layered TIFF file you gave to me and opened it in Photoshop, reviewed the adjustment layer in there and its effect -- thanks: you get what I was trying to do -- and then saved it out as a flat TIFF image, and when I reopened it, voila!  it looked like the adjustment had indeed been applied.  So this IS a real head-scratcher indeed.
    I've now tried going back to my source file and doing the same thing.  One thing that I notice is that when I do the Save As of the TIFF with the adjustment layer in it (OR the PSD file, for that matter), when I go to Save YOUR file, the Layer Compression Options are grayed out, but when I go to Save MY file, the Layer Compression Options are active.  I've tried now saving both with RLE layer compression AND As a Copy ("discard layers and save a copy"), and neither works.
    I noticed, too, that your file had the layer below the adjustment layer still as a "Background," instead of a named layer, so I went back and applied an adjustment layer to a copy of my TIFF file, leaving the image in its layer as a Background layer, and still this did not work.
    The only other difference I saw between your TIFF file and mine, is that mine contained transparency, as I've silhouetted away a portion of the image to isolate the central image of the scanned engraving. But even when transparency is not a factor (i.e. I go back and start with a flattened, nontransparent image layer of my TIFF file with a single Background Layer, and I apply the adjustment layer to that, I get the compression options grayed out on Save, and STILL the saved TIFF image I get out of it has "reverted" to the unadjusted appearance.

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    Hope you can help me.
    Tank you.

    The arraytocolorimage expects U32 because expects a RGB color, try this instead of the "toU32"
    Rodrigo Cuenca

  • InDesign crushes every time I try to import grayscale tiff files

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    I can't figure out if it's a InDesign problem or a Photoshop one.
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    Photoline opens this file just fine. Shows a single channel and grayscale.
    But the original does choke ID. I suspect it is the compression used by the scanner and that is usually configurable.
    The above link is to the file. I simply resaved it from Photoline and ID likes it now.

  • How to use a grayscale color model in converting a colored image

    how to convert a colored image into grayscale using :
    ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY);
    int bits[] = new int[] {8};
    ColorModel cm = new ComponentColorModel(cs, bits, false, false,
    please only this method , i don't need the "bandcombine" method cause i need to know that i have exact 256 grayscale colors, thanx in advance.

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    In comparison, when I print a Google Map on my dad's HP printer (also using FireFox browser), the color map prints perfectly in grayscale, so I can see all of the street lines.

    The Firefox 3.5.x branch has reached end-of-life and is no longer maintained.<br />
    You will no longer receive security updates.<br />
    You can update Firefox via "Help > Check for Updates" or download and install the latest Firefox 3.6.x.<br />
    Firefox 4 and later require at least OS X 10.5 and an Intel Mac.
    * http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/4.0/system-requirements/
    If you have problems with updating or with the permissions then easiest is to download the full version and trash the currently installed version to do a clean install of the new version.
    Download a new copy of the Firefox program and save the DMG file to the desktop
    * Firefox 3.6.x: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-older.html
    * Trash the current Firefox application to do a clean (re-)install
    * Install the new version that you have downloaded
    Your profile data is stored elsewhere in the [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-_Firefox Firefox Profile Folder], so you won't lose your bookmarks and other personal data.

  • How to convert from Grayscale to single color channel

    I hope that someone here might be able to help. I am writing an application which loads in color channels separately, to be merged by the application The images are multi-page TIFF files. The trouble that I am running into is that the application loads the images into grayscale, so when I merge the channels, they are merged as grayscale, not as the correct colors.
    I use the following on each color channel to load them in:
    public static BufferedImage[] loadTiff(File multiPageFile, int colour) {
        BufferedImage[] img = null;
        ArrayList<BufferedImage> tmp = new ArrayList<BufferedImage>();
        try {
            SeekableStream stream = new FileSeekableStream(multiPageFile);
            String[] names = ImageCodec.getDecoderNames(stream);
            ImageDecoder dec = ImageCodec.createImageDecoder(names[0], stream, null);
            int numPages = dec.getNumPages();
            for (int i=0; i<numPages; i++) {
             try {
                    RenderedImage im = dec.decodeAsRenderedImage(i);
                    BufferedImage bi = PlanarImage.wrapRenderedImage(im).getAsBufferedImage();
              //In case not all pages are valid images, we use ArrayList as it is dynamic
                }catch (RuntimeException re) {
              //Once the exception is caught, we can decode the layer here for whatever means.   
        }catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
            System.err.println("File not found.");
        }catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("General Exception caught");
        //Convert to an array to be returned.
        img = new BufferedImage[tmp.size()];
        for (int i=0; i<img.length; i++) {
            img[i] = tmp.get(i);
        return img;
    }So a BufferedImage array is returned (one element in the array for each page in the multi-page file). Before I return the BufferedImage array, though, it would be good to convert it to the correct color. I know which channel is currently being loaded. Does anyone have any tips on how to shift from a grayscale intensity to a single color intensity? I have tried a number of things regarding byte shifting, but I am really none the wiser.
    I have tried, for example, reading the int color value:
    int color = bi.getRGB(w,h);The trouble is that this number is not in the region 0..255, so I don't know how I can use it. If I shift the number:
    color = color>>16I get a number smaller than 255 (although it seems to be negative), but I don't know whether I can use this value for a single color channel, i.e. if the current color is red, saying:
    Color redC = new Color(color, 0, 0);
    bi.setRGB(w,h,redC); //Slow and inefficient. There must be a better way.When I try doing that, I end up with nothing drawn or visible.
    Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: doughnuts64 on Jun 12, 2008 6:27 AM

    Thanks for the response. It has been helpful in getting my problem sorted. I was not creating a new BufferedImage - I was just using the one that had been loaded in, and as such had not realised that the type was not TYPE_INT_RGB. As soon as I instantiated a new BufferedImage of the same dimensions and colour TYPE_INT_RGB as you suggested, it worked! So thanks for that.
    Whilst that does work, it does slow the application incredibly as it has so much data to cycle through. Ideally, I would be able to load the image in directly as the colour channel in question, rather than loading in as grayscale. This way, the application would only require the amount of time needed to load in the images, not to process them on a pixel-by-pixel basis (typical images are made up of over 16,000,000 pixels for each colour channel, and we typically load two files in at once - both for separate colour channels, so over 32,000,000 pixels to process).
    As I am loading in multi-page tiff files, I am having to use the JAI (Java Advanced Imaging) toolkit. I use the following code to load in my multi-page tiff into a BufferedImage array, where each element of the array represents one of the 'pages' in the multi-page tiff file:
    SeekableStream stream = new FileSeekableStream(multiPageFile);
    String[] names = ImageCodec.getDecoderNames(stream);
    ImageDecoder dec = ImageCodec.createImageDecoder(names[0], stream, null);
    int numPages = dec.getNumPages();
    BufferedImage[] finalImage = new BufferedImage[numPages];
    for (int i=0; i<numPages; i++) {
         RenderedImage im = dec.decodeAsRenderedImage(i);
         finalImage[i] = PlanarImage.wrapRenderedImage(im).getAsBufferedImage();
         //...colour changing code currently here - loops through finalImage array, and on every pixel of every layer
    ...To be able to automatically convert the colour channel without having to loop on every pixel (and thus save an incredible amount of loading time) would be helpful.

  • How to convert a 2D array of pixels in to a grayscale planar image

    Im having following problems, I hope someone may help me.
    1.     I want to convert a 2D array of pixels (Grayscale values) into a Grayscale PlannerImage. I tried the following code I found on net.
    The steps to do this are:
    -Construct a DataBuffer from your data array.
    -Construct a SampleModel describing the data layout.
    -Construct a Raster from the DataBuffer and SampleModel. You can use methods from the RasterFactory class to do this.
    -Construct a ColorModel which describes your data. The factory method PlanarImage.createColorModel(sampleModel) will take care of this for some common cases.
    -Construct a TiledImage with the SampleModel and ColorModel.
    -Populate the TiledImage with your data by using the TiledImage.setData() method to copy your raster into the TiledImage.
    Only the last step involves any actual processing. The rest is just object creation.
    public static RenderedImage createRenderedImage(float[][] theData, int width, int height, int numBands) {
    int len = width * height * numBands;
    Point origin = new Point(0,0);
    // create a float sample model
    SampleModel sampleModel =
    // create a compatible ColorModel
    ColorModel colourModel = PlanarImage.createColorModel(sampleModel);
    // create a TiledImage using the float SampleModel
    TiledImage tiledImage = new TiledImage(origin,sampleModel,width,height);
    // create a DataBuffer from the float[][] array
    DataBufferFloat dataBuffer = new DataBufferFloat(theData, len);
    // create a Raster
    Raster raster = RasterFactory.createWritableRaster(sampleModel,dataBuffer,origin);
    // set the TiledImage data to that of the Raster
    RenderedImageAdapter img = new RenderedImageAdapter((RenderedImage)tiledImage);
    return img;
    I passed it 2D array of pixels with 3 bands, and it gave an exception >>Array index out of bounds at this line >>tiledImage.setData(raster). Then I tried it with a 1D array of length height*width with a single band. So Now it gives me a monochromatic RenderedImage. How can I make it a grayscale PlanarImage.

    jyang, thank you very much for your response. I believe I found a different solution all together, by converting each 16-bit intensity value into an 8-bit intensity value via an intensity ratio (ie: divide each intensity by the maximum and multiply by 256). The attachment shows the new program.
    mod_image.vi ‏2004 KB

  • Is there a way to select every other page in a multi page pdf and convert it to grayscale?

    I'm going to ask this question in a few sub-forums, so if you think you've seen it, you might have.
    Where I work I use a program that can print to pdf. We use it to produce mailings, usually postcards, that are addressed.
    I often end up with a 500 page document that will print on 250 sheets of cover stock, which will get cut into 1,000 postcard, all pre-addressed and sorted by zip code.
    Usually, the address side is all black and the front is color. The printers we use can print a black click on the address side and a color click on the other, IF the pdf is set up that way. Otherwise, both sides will be counted as color clicks.
    I know I can select pages individually in a pdf and convert them to grayscale and those pages will be counted by the printer as black clicks, which are cheaper than color clicks.
    The problem is, I have not figured out how to convert all the odd numbered pages to grayscale at once. As a result, I usually end up printing the color side simplex, then putting the job back in the tray and printing the black side. Of course, that only works if only one side is personalized, sometimes both sides are.
    Is there a way to select every other page in a pdf and convert it to grayscale?

    The Acrobat SDK has sample code that shows how to convert the colors for one page (the first page of a document). This sample can easily be adjusted to process every other page. You can then use an Action that executes this JavaScript to process the document. Do you know how to create an Action? If so, you can use this script (as I said, adapted from the sample in the SDK) to convert all odd pages (1, 3, 5, ...):
    // Get a color convert action
    var toGray = this.getColorConvertAction();
    // Set up the action for a conversion to RGB
    toGray.matchAttributesAny = -1;
    toGray.matchSpaceTypeAny = ~toGray.constants.spaceFlags.AlternateSpace;
    toGray.matchIntent = toGray.constants.renderingIntents.Any;
    toGray.convertProfile = "Gray Gamma 1.8";
    toGray.convertIntent = toGray.constants.renderingIntents.Document;
    toGray.embed = true;
    toGray.preserveBlack = false;
    toGray.useBlackPointCompensation = true;
    toGray.action = toGray.constants.actions.Convert;
    // Convert every other page
    for (var i=0; i<this.numPages; i++) {
      console.println("Processing page " + i);
      if (i % 2 == 0) {  // change to "if (i % 2 != 0) {" for all even numbers
      console.println("in page " + i);
      console.println(this.colorConvertPage(i, [toGray], []));
    As I've indicated in the code, you can change this to all even numbers by changing the == to !=

  • Is there a way to select every other page in a pdf and convert it to grayscale?

    I'm going to ask this question in a few sub-forums, so if you think you've seen it, you might have. Someone suggested it might be done with Javascript. I know nothing about Javascript.
    Where I work I use a program that can print to pdf. We use it to produce mailings, usually postcards, that are addressed.
    I often end up with a 500 page document that will print on 250 sheets of cover stock, which will get cut into 1,000 postcard, all pre-addressed and sorted by zip code.
    Usually, the address side is all black and the front is color. The printers we use can print a black click on the address side and a color click on the other, IF the pdf is set up that way. Otherwise, both sides will be counted as color clicks.
    I know I can select pages individually in a pdf and convert them to grayscale and those pages will be counted by the printer as black clicks, which are cheaper than color clicks.
    The problem is, I have not figured out how to convert all the odd numbered pages to grayscale at once. As a result, I usually end up printing the color side simplex, then putting the job back in the tray and printing the black side. Of course, that only works if only one side is personalized, sometimes both sides are.
    Is there a way to select every other page in a pdf and convert it to grayscale?

    The Acrobat SDK has sample code that shows how to convert the colors for one page (the first page of a document). This sample can easily be adjusted to process every other page. You can then use an Action that executes this JavaScript to process the document. Do you know how to create an Action? If so, you can use this script (as I said, adapted from the sample in the SDK) to convert all odd pages (1, 3, 5, ...):
    // Get a color convert action
    var toGray = this.getColorConvertAction();
    // Set up the action for a conversion to RGB
    toGray.matchAttributesAny = -1;
    toGray.matchSpaceTypeAny = ~toGray.constants.spaceFlags.AlternateSpace;
    toGray.matchIntent = toGray.constants.renderingIntents.Any;
    toGray.convertProfile = "Gray Gamma 1.8";
    toGray.convertIntent = toGray.constants.renderingIntents.Document;
    toGray.embed = true;
    toGray.preserveBlack = false;
    toGray.useBlackPointCompensation = true;
    toGray.action = toGray.constants.actions.Convert;
    // Convert every other page
    for (var i=0; i<this.numPages; i++) {
      console.println("Processing page " + i);
      if (i % 2 == 0) {  // change to "if (i % 2 != 0) {" for all even numbers
      console.println("in page " + i);
      console.println(this.colorConvertPage(i, [toGray], []));
    As I've indicated in the code, you can change this to all even numbers by changing the == to !=

  • Stuck in grayscale, can't access image mode rgb

    For some reason photoshop decided I didn't want to work in color on a certain image anymore, and isn't allowing me to access the usual fix for undoing grayscale. I've been pulling my hair out trying to recover this image and can't find a solution online. I can acess image>mode>etc on any other image/document but not on the one i need, even if i make a copy of it. I also can't seem to be able to simply copy/paste the entire thing, as it only seems to paste a blank image. How the hell do I get my color back, this is pissing me off royal.

    Do you have Windows? If so, you should know Windows makes backup shadow copies.
    Shadow Explorer opens up a File navigator. You select the date and time before this happened, navigate to where you kept the file on your C drive, right-click and select Export to get it back.
    Shadow Explorer is free. ShadowExplorer.com - About

Maybe you are looking for