1080i dvcpro footage mixed with SD after fx footage

i have 1080i dvcpro footage which i am editing in final cut pro 4.5.
i will be combining this footage with after fx renders.
delivery will be SD 720x576 anamorphic.
At the moment i was going to edit in HD then just export a SD version for delivery. Would it just be better for me to re-render everything at SD, because i want to be able to use the after fx renders and i don't wanna render at HD if it's gonna be SD.

Normally working with HD footage at HD resolution, then downconverting at the end is fine. But you you suggested would be the wise choice with this perdicament. Because up-converting all the AE footage, then downconverting it will really make it look bad. Convert all your HD footage to SD (uncompressed 8-bit, or an uncompressed setting that matched your capture card, like blackmagic 8-bit with a Decklink card) then cut in your AE footage.

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    You might what to say what data you have mixed and where.

  • Importing HD to mix with SD footage.

    I just got an HDV camera today (Sony FX1) and I have a wedding to film this weekend, so I'm kind of learning as much as I can right now both about filming with this camera and editing in FCP. (I've used FCP for a couple of years, but this is my first experience with HD.)
    I'm currently using Final Cut Pro HD 4.5.
    I plan to shoot the wedding with the FX1 as my front (main) camera and film in HDV. I am going to use a Canon GL2 as a second camera.
    When downconverting to SD for editing, it looks as though the video from the FX1 will have black bars at the top and bottom - something I don't mind, but my customer may have questions about.
    1) Will it be odd to mix footage from the FX1 that has been downconverted to DV with standard DV footage from the Canon GL2? Is there a way to import the footage (anamorphic, or whatever) so that there are no bars? Or, what is the correct setting for importing into FCP? Again, the bars don't bother me and if they have to be there, I can tell the customer that in the future I'll deliver it to them in HD.
    2) When I do edit for HD, will it look odd when switching between the FX1 and GL2? I don't mind the GL2 having bars on the side.
    I guess my overall question is: What's the best way to import footage into FCP 4.5 when using HDV, and are the bars going to be there no matter what if I deliver the final video in standard DV? Again, the bars don't bother me, I'm just worried about how the customer will view this.
    - John

    I deal with similar issues with legacy 4x3 Beta SP mixed with HD quite a bit. I'm speculating, as I have not had to mix HDV and DV yet, but this is how I would try to deal with it were I in your shoes.
    You can put both in a time line, but it will be painful to edit this way. One or the other will need to be rendered, and the actions you take with the footage will cause you to have to render again. And again. And again. No Joy.
    I would look for a down convert with edge crop from the camera. This will chop off the edges of your HDV frame. As mentioned above, this might have a different name, but the key is to get footage that is of the same format (DV) and aspect ration (4x3) as your GL footage. Edit in DV.
    You could import it 16x9 (black bars on top and bottom as you say) DV, blow it up so the black bars go away, and then slide it back and forth in the canvas with the motion controls in order to adjust the framing. Indeed you might have to do this if you did not shoot with 4x3 safety in mind. This is called "pan and scan" and it is how movies shot wide screen were squeezed onto our 4x3 TVs. If you have to do this your HDV footage will look quite poor. Down conversion and then scaling up is not good JuJu.
    But, if you can't find a way to play the hdv footage out DV 4x3 center cut, or crop or whatever your camera calls it, you might be forced into this scenario.
    You might try capturing the HDV the footage natively in a separate project. Drop this on a DV sequence. It will appear as a 16x9 image (black bars on the top and bottom.) Double click to load in the viewer and click the motion tab. The scale parameter will be at less than 100 percent. Scale it up until the black bars go away and your percentage is a round even number. Then export as self contained Quicktime movie. Name it HDV to 4x3DV. Reimport this into the DV project with your GL footage where you plan to edit.
    This avoids the scaling issue and does the down convert in FCP. I suspect this will look better than the alternative, but I have not tried it.
    Hope this helps.

  • Replacing a subclip with an After Effects Composition doesn't work properly

    I have a Premiere Project with DV PAL footage. I have gone through my footage and identified all sorts of subclips in my project, and arranged them into bins.  For a few, on the sequence timeline, I want to replace them with After Effects Compositions so I can add some effects.
    If I right-click on a designated subclip (or part of a subclip), and choose "Replace with After Effects Composition", After Effects starts up and I end up with an After Effects project containing 3 items:
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    - and then the full original video file also called "My Subclip" (and I mean the full original video file that the subclip points to).  This is full length.
    The linked Composition is therefore viewed as being blank in After Effects, and is returned as such in Premiere Pro.
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    - another composition called "My SourceVideo" (duration: length of full original video, starting at beginning of original video footage, not at start of subclip),
    - and then the full original video file also called "My SourceVideo" (and I mean the full original video file that the selected clip points to).  This is full length.
    In this case the linked Composition is therefore viewed as being the selected clip in After Effects, and is returned as such in Premiere Pro.
    So subclips don't work as I would expect them. I have also tried with a few different video formats. Can anyone else reproduce this behaviour, or even better, find a way to make it work?
    I am running Windows Vista x64 Ultimate, 8GB ram, CS4
    Message was edited by: bobbymacadobe - added system info

    I had the same issue. Created multiple subclips from various parts of a master, mixed subclips on the timeline (all from the same master clip) and when I replace it with an AE comp is send it over with 1 subclip only (eg I had clips for showroom and warehouse, it only send showroom) so any refences to the clips it didn't send were blank!
    So I had to replace all the clips with the master clip (I would like to know if there is a quick way to revert subclips back to master, had to do it manually and it was a pain) and now it is working fine. This doesn't mean subclips don't work; if all the clips are derived from the same subclip it worked for me.

  • SD 4:3 mixed with HD 16:9

    I have some old footage that I want to utilize in a current video. The original footage was shot on a Canon GL-2 at it's highest resolution (whatever that was) and at a aspect ratio of 4:3. I have the tapes of course but but other than the obvious I do not know such things as field dominance, frame rates etc. The old footage will be mixed with Canon XHA1 shot at 1440 x 1080i and footage from a Canon 5D Mk2 at 1920 x1080.
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    5. How would you handle these circumstances if it was your project?
    Thanks for all the input

    A DVD is standard def so there will be no advantage to working in a HD timeline. Also, upscaling DV to HD dimensions will look poor. Better to downscale the HD into a DV Anamorphic timeline.
    Your 4:3 material will pillarbox (black stripes at the sides). To compensate that, you could:
    •Blow it up and reframe to cover the screen, which will not look good.
    •Make a feature of it -put a frame around it, place it on a complimentary background of your choice or add other design elements such as split screen etc.

  • Problem with Java after System Upgrade to 10.5.7

    I am facing problem with Java after having run Software upgrades.
    Here is the whole story. I recently moved to iMac 10.5.6 from PowerPc 10.4. On this new machine I was having problem running a 3rd party application, which requires JVM. As this application worked well on Tiger, I decided to upgrade JVM on my iMAC using Software Upgrade(was I insane!!). As I like my systems to be updated (as with linux on my personal machine) I clicked "install all". As a result I have the following upgrades run on my machine:
    2009-05-20 13:12:01 +0200: Installed "Mac OS X Update Combined" (10.5.7)
    2009-05-20 13:12:10 +0200: Installed "Remote Desktop Client Update" (3.2.2)
    2009-05-20 13:12:26 +0200: Installed "Java For Mac OS X 10.5 Update 2" (1.0)
    2009-05-20 13:58:36 +0200: Installed "Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 3" (1.0)
    2009-05-20 13:58:44 +0200: Installed "AirPort Utility Software Update 2009-001" (5.4.1)
    2009-05-20 13:59:07 +0200: Installed "QuickTime" (7.6)
    2009-05-20 13:59:22 +0200: Installed "iPhoto Update" (7.1.5)
    2009-05-20 13:59:28 +0200: Installed "iLife Support" (9.0.2)
    2009-05-20 13:59:38 +0200: Installed "iDVD Update" (7.0.3)
    2009-05-20 13:59:58 +0200: Installed "iTunes" (8.1.1)
    But now, simply running $ java on the prompt hangs, i.e. it takes no action.
    $ which java
    $ ls -ltr /usr/bin/java
    May 20 15:09 /usr/bin/java -> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/java
    $java (no response)
    Here is the output of $ top
    703 java 98.8% 0:38.54 3 110 72 480K 184K 1964K 40M
    Any clues?

    Hi man,
    In the wake of this java problem I resorted to keep working on my old machine, and today in my spare time I tried to fix this new machine.
    So I execute $java on prompt, and then try to check the files it has opened, using lsof -p pid
    I see it referring to
    isn't this usually the JAVA_HOME
    However, executing $/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home/bin/java
    $ pwd
    $ ./java -version
    java version "1.6.0_07"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_07-b06-153)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0_07-b06-57, mixed mode)
    So, I changed the links as follows
    borgraf:Versions raveesh$ l
    total 72
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 Mar 6 2008 1.3.1
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 May 21 19:42 1.4.1 -> 1.4
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 21 19:42 1.6.0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 May 21 19:44 OldCurrentJDK -> 1.5
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 21 19:44 1.4 -> 1.4.2
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 21 19:44 1.3 -> 1.3.1
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 21 19:44 1.5 -> 1.5.0
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 21 19:44 1.4.2
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 21 19:44 1.5.0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 21 19:44 1.6 -> 1.6.0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1 May 21 19:44 OldCurrent -> A
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 21 19:44 A
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 Jun 4 17:14 CurrentJDK -> 1.6
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 Jun 4 17:21 Current -> 1.6
    Linking my Current and CurrentJDK to 1.6 and it works!
    However, shall that be the reason!
    what is in your /Versions/Current/
    I got the following
    $ ls /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current
    CodeResources Frameworks JavaVM
    Commands Headers Resources
    There is no /Home in here, which is usually the case for /1.5 or /1.6
    Anyways, things seems to work for the moment. Lets see if I get problem with using Java.

  • Aspect Ratio issue when replacing a clip in Premiere CS6 with an After Effects CS6 Composition

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    So to reitterate:
    When I replace a clip in Premiere with an AE comp, AE opens in 4:3.
    I can change the AE comp to 16:9, but when I save and go back to Premiere, it has smushed the AE comp down to 4:3.
    What can I do to stop this?

    If you right click on the clip in the Project panel, then select Modify / Interpret Footage you will see a Pixel Aspect Ratio.
    What does it say?
    If it says 0.9091 then change it to 1.2121
    If it says something else, come back and let me know. I will then have a different answer for you.
    Also, what is the frame size of the video.

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    When I try to watch a video, the video gets all blurry and mixes with the other pages I'm using, and it doesn't stop throughout the video..what should I do?

    Hello Gemese,
    After reviewing your post, I have located an article that can help in this situation. It contains a number of troubleshooting steps and helpful advice concerning audio issues:
    iPhone: No sound or distorted sound from speaker
    Thank you for contributing to Apple Support Communities.

  • Hvx200 1080i 24p Footage not Properly Reverse Telecining

    So I've got a bunch of footage that we shot using the 1080i 24p setting on the hvx200 which yielded 24-in-60 footage, which normally isn't a problem and the other 2 cameras we were shooting (an hv20 and hg10, both in 24p mode) produce the same kind of files. after batching everything out to compressor to remove the telecine, and convert to 1920x1080 prores, i just discovered that all the HVX footage is true 24p, but didn't remove the pulldown correctly, and most every frame is now interlaced.
    I'm trying to figure out if it's a compressor issue, a dvchdpro issue, or a computer/install issue. I've had some QT plug-ins that break the reverse telecine function, but considering the hv20 and hg10 footage converted just fine i don't think it's that.
    also, after trying to convert to directly to prores and run through cinema tools to do a manual RT, i don't get the option to RT. and lastly using JES Deinterlacer when i set it up and submit i get a "cadence not found" error. it's also is reading the file as progressive when i first put it in JES.
    I've also tried running the RT through final cut directly as some of those old pany cams have RT flags and FCP can handle the RT process internally.
    Any thoughts anyone? has anyone ever run 1080i 24p footage through compressor and achieved a true 24p framerate, or do i have an isolated instance here?

    so after sleeping on the problem, i took the footage and ran compressed it out to prores422, this time making sure to select a frame rate of 29.97 AND checking the "interlaced" button on the codec page. after batching the footage to make it true 60i, i then ran it through compressor again to remove the pulldown, and everything worked as it should. I think the problem arose from the footage reporting itself as DVCHD PRO 30P instead of 60i, and compressor wasn't seeing any fields and therefor not seeing any cadence

  • Can Sony's HVR-M10U deck's playback of HDV 1080i 60i footage be captured?

    Does anyone know definitively if Sony's HVR-M10U playback of HDV 1080i 60i footage can be captured in FCP?

    After a lot of research & trail/error I have successfully captured 1080i 60i footage into FCP 5 using Sony's HVR-M10U deck.
    For anyone that's interested here are the links that helped me along:

  • Unable to perform multi audio tracks mixing with Audio Mixer

    How do you get a simple multi track mix with the Premier Pro 1.5 Audio Mixer?
    I got 2 audio clips, each sitting at the start of its own separate track (Audio 1 and Audio 2). I just want to mix them into the Master track.  Simple enough.
    So I go to the Audio Mixer. Position the CTI at the start of the tracks and hit the red RECORD button. The red spot starts blinking. Then I hit the START/STOP button expecting the tracks to start mixing into the Master track. Instead, I get this error message
         "PLAYER ERROR: You cannot record without enabling at least one track for recording."  
    I get the same problem if I try the mix onto a submix track.
    What am I missing? I combed through the Premiere Pro User Guide and J. Rosenberg's Premiere Pro Studio Techniques but to no avail.
    Thanks for any help.

    Jacques, I havn't seen 1.5 for a while, so I need to stress that what I'm about to say is more of an educated guess linked to a rough memory.
    Each audio track in the mixer has a small chip (tickbox in 1.5??) that you click in order to enable that track for recording. In CS3 it's a little microphone.
    Having said that, I DON'T think that's going to give you what you want, as the intention of the recording functionality in PP is to record audio FROM AN EXTERNAL SOURCE (like a microphone) straight to an audio track, say, when doing a Voice Over for some video.
    You can't "mix down" to the master, as the master is not a track per se. It's just a "final" level control. The master will always be the sum of the active tracks, and THAT'S what will be rendered in the final output.
    You can still "live mix" your audio with the faders, it's just that those movements get recorded as keyframes on each of the tracks you modify (including, BTW, the Master).
    The advantage to this workflow is that every fader move you make is infinitley editable... a small error when riding the faders can easily be fixed by dragging keyframes.

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    It does the same with or without the docking station.
    Anyone else bumped into this problem yet? 
    Has someone found any fixes for this?

    Hi and welcome the forum!
    Try uninstalling all USB hub devices from the device manager and reinstalling them again, particularly the keyboard's.
    v2.26 is supposed to fix the issue according to lenovo:- http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=MIGR-63024
    Hope it helps.
    Maliha (I don't work for lenovo)
    ThinkPads:- T400[Win 7], T60[Win 7], IBM 240[Win XP]
    IdeaPad: U350
    Apple:- Macbook Air [Snow Leopard]
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    Oh my gosh I had the EXACT same problem, and for ages I couldn't figure out how to fix it until today. Here's what I did:
    First I went onto my computer, opened itunes, and un-installed tumblr, vine and kik. These were the apps I was having problems with (it said I had them on my phone but, like you, they didn't show).
    Then I went to the itunes store, searched for each one, and it said I could update them so I did (just FYI: for tumblr a window popped up saying "please click ok to confirm you are 17 years or older", so I did that also)
    When I went back to my phone and tried installing them again (still on my computer), it worked!
    I hope this helps, because it was incredibly frustrating. Good luck!

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    When I try to log onto Icloud in Windows 7 64-bit using my Apple ID it says my Apple ID is valid but not an Icloud account.  I can't go anywhere with Icloud after that.

    Welcome to the Apple community.
    These types of messages often indicate a problem with the devices serial number, have you had your phone repaired at any stage or did you buy it second-hand.

  • Problem with Java after Software Update to 10.5.7

    I am facing problem with Java after having run Software upgrades.
    Here is the whole story. I recently moved to iMac 10.5.6 from PowerPc 10.4. On this new machine I was having problem running a 3rd party application, which requires JVM. As this application worked well on Tiger, I decided to upgrade JVM on my iMAC using Software Upgrade(was I insane!!). As I like my systems to be updated (as with linux on my personal machine) I clicked "install all". As a result I have the following upgrades run on my machine:
    2009-05-20 13:12:01 +0200: Installed "Mac OS X Update Combined" (10.5.7)
    2009-05-20 13:12:10 +0200: Installed "Remote Desktop Client Update" (3.2.2)
    2009-05-20 13:12:26 +0200: Installed "Java For Mac OS X 10.5 Update 2" (1.0)
    2009-05-20 13:58:36 +0200: Installed "Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 3" (1.0)
    2009-05-20 13:58:44 +0200: Installed "AirPort Utility Software Update 2009-001" (5.4.1)
    2009-05-20 13:59:07 +0200: Installed "QuickTime" (7.6)
    2009-05-20 13:59:22 +0200: Installed "iPhoto Update" (7.1.5)
    2009-05-20 13:59:28 +0200: Installed "iLife Support" (9.0.2)
    2009-05-20 13:59:38 +0200: Installed "iDVD Update" (7.0.3)
    2009-05-20 13:59:58 +0200: Installed "iTunes" (8.1.1)
    But now, simply running $java on the prompt hangs, i.e. it takes no action.
    $ which java
    $ ls -ltr /usr/bin/java
    May 20 15:09 /usr/bin/java -> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/java
    $java (no response)
    Here is the output of $ top
    703 java 98.8% 0:38.54 3 110 72 480K 184K 1964K 40M
    Any clues?
    Details of JavaVM on my machine
    $ pwd
    $ ls -ltr
    total 56
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 Dec 2 2007 1.3.1
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 Aug 31 2008 1.4.1 -> 1.4
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 Aug 31 2008 1.4.2
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 Aug 31 2008 1.5.0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.3 -> 1.3.1
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.4 -> 1.4.2
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.5 -> 1.5.0
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 20 13:12 1.6.0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.6 -> 1.6.0
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 20 13:12 A
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1 May 20 14:57 Current -> A
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 May 20 14:59 CurrentJDK -> 1.5
    Any suggestions? Is there a cleaner approach to uninstall Java on Mac then a simpl "move to thrash"!

    I am facing problem with Java after having run Software upgrades.
    Here is the whole story. I recently moved to iMac 10.5.6 from PowerPc 10.4. On this new machine I was having problem running a 3rd party application, which requires JVM. As this application worked well on Tiger, I decided to upgrade JVM on my iMAC using Software Upgrade(was I insane!!). As I like my systems to be updated (as with linux on my personal machine) I clicked "install all". As a result I have the following upgrades run on my machine:
    2009-05-20 13:12:01 +0200: Installed "Mac OS X Update Combined" (10.5.7)
    2009-05-20 13:12:10 +0200: Installed "Remote Desktop Client Update" (3.2.2)
    2009-05-20 13:12:26 +0200: Installed "Java For Mac OS X 10.5 Update 2" (1.0)
    2009-05-20 13:58:36 +0200: Installed "Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 3" (1.0)
    2009-05-20 13:58:44 +0200: Installed "AirPort Utility Software Update 2009-001" (5.4.1)
    2009-05-20 13:59:07 +0200: Installed "QuickTime" (7.6)
    2009-05-20 13:59:22 +0200: Installed "iPhoto Update" (7.1.5)
    2009-05-20 13:59:28 +0200: Installed "iLife Support" (9.0.2)
    2009-05-20 13:59:38 +0200: Installed "iDVD Update" (7.0.3)
    2009-05-20 13:59:58 +0200: Installed "iTunes" (8.1.1)
    But now, simply running $java on the prompt hangs, i.e. it takes no action.
    $ which java
    $ ls -ltr /usr/bin/java
    May 20 15:09 /usr/bin/java -> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/java
    $java (no response)
    Here is the output of $ top
    703 java 98.8% 0:38.54 3 110 72 480K 184K 1964K 40M
    Any clues?
    Details of JavaVM on my machine
    $ pwd
    $ ls -ltr
    total 56
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 Dec 2 2007 1.3.1
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 Aug 31 2008 1.4.1 -> 1.4
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 Aug 31 2008 1.4.2
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 Aug 31 2008 1.5.0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.3 -> 1.3.1
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.4 -> 1.4.2
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.5 -> 1.5.0
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 20 13:12 1.6.0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.6 -> 1.6.0
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 20 13:12 A
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1 May 20 14:57 Current -> A
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 May 20 14:59 CurrentJDK -> 1.5
    Any suggestions? Is there a cleaner approach to uninstall Java on Mac then a simpl "move to thrash"!

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    Hi all, I am running an applet using the new java plugin. I like it, and I had to use it because I create an applet tag (using deployjava.js) witch is based on a jnlp file with many extensions. My applet access TWAIN using the morena toolkit. This to

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    I need to track some of my old questions and i realize the forum only displays five threads any help? Thankx

  • Can't open the driver written by LabView5 with LabView 8.6

    http://www.oinst-software.com/OIRI/docs/LV5drv/lv5drv.htm  I would like to use these drivers for oxford instruments with LabView 8.6. (I have the latest version of LabView, only.)  But these drivers are written by LabView 5. So, I cannot open the dri